[m-dev.] For review: pprint.m - last chance to comment...

Ralph Becket rbeck at microsoft.com
Wed May 3 01:13:16 AEST 2000

I'll check this in unless there are any objections...


Estimated hours taken: 10

	Added a new pretty-printer module to the standard library.  The
	pretty printer is an almost direct transliteration of the one
	described by Wadler in his paper "A Prettier Printer".  It is
	pretty much equivalent in power to Hughes' classic design, but
	superior in design in a number of respects (for one thing, it's
	much simpler).  Fairly extensive documentation can be found in
	the leader comment of the module itself and in its interface

	Added pprint to import set.

% pprint.m
% Ralph Becket <rbeck at microsoft.com>
% Wed Mar 22 17:44:32  2000
% vi: ts=4 sw=4 et tw=0 wm=0
% This file is hereby contributed to the University of
% Melbourne Mercury Project to be released under whatever
% licence the current project management deems fit.
% -----
% This is pretty much a direct transliteration of Philip
% Wadler's Haskell pretty printer described in "A Prettier
% Printer", available at
% http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/who/wadler/topics/recent.html
% Wadler's approach has three main advantages:
% 1. the layout algebra is small and quite intuitive (more
%    so than Hughes');
% 2. the pretty printer is optimal in the sense that it will
%    never generate output that over-runs the specified width
%    unless that is unavoidable; and
% 3. the pretty printer is bounded in that it never needs to
%    look more than k characters ahead to make a formatting
%    decision (although see the XXX comment below).
% I have made three small changes:
% (a) rather than having group/1 as a non-primitive function
% (for allowing line-breaks to be converted into spaces at
% the pretty printer's discretion) over docs, I have
% extended the doc type to include a `GROUP' constructor and
% altered flatten/1 and be/3 appropriately.  Because `UNION'
% only arises as a consequence of processing a 'GROUP' it
% turns out to be simpler to do away with `UNION' altogether
% and convert clauses that process `UNION' terms to
% processing `GROUP's.
% (b) The second change is that flattened `line' breaks
% become empty strings rather than spaces.
% (c) The third change is the introduction of the `LABEL'
% constructor, which acts much like `NEST', except that
% indentation is defined using a string rather than a number
% of spaces.  This is useful for, e.g., multi-line compiler
% errors and warnings that should be prefixed with the
% offending source file and line number.
% I have also added several obvious general purpose
% formatting functions.
% -----
% There are two stages in pretty printing an object of some
% type T:
% 1. convert the object to a pprint__doc using the
%    constructor functions described below or by simply
%    calling pprint__to_doc/[1,2];
% 2. call pprint__write/[4,5] or pprint__to_string/2
%    passing the display width and the doc.
% --------
% Below are some docs followed by the ways they might be
% displayed by the pretty printer given various line widths.
% 1. text("Hello ") `<>` line `<>` text("world")
%   Hello
%   world
% 2. group(text("Hello ") `<>` line `<>` text("world"))
%   Hello world
%   Hello
%   world
% 3. group(text("Hello ") `<>` nest(2, line `<>` text("world")))
%   Hello world
%   Hello
%      world
% 4. group(
%   text("Goodbye ") `<>`
%   nest(3, line `<>` text("cruel ") `<>` line `<>` text("world")
% )
%   Goodbye cruel world
%   Goodbye
%      cruel
%      world
% 5. group(
%   text("Goodbye ") `<>`
%   nest(3, line `<>`
%     group(text("cruel ") `<>` line `<>` text("world"))
%   )
% )
%   Goodbye cruel world
%   Goodbye
%      cruel world
%   Goodbye
%      cruel
%      world
% 6. label("Look! ",
%   line `<>`
%   group(
%     text("Goodbye ") `<>`
%     nest(3, line `<>`
%       group(text("cruel ") `<>` line `<>` text("world"))
%     )
%   )
% )
%   Look! Goodbye cruel world
%   Look! Goodbye
%   Look!    cruel world
%   Look! Goodbye
%   Look!    cruel
%   Look!    world

:- module pprint.

:- interface.

:- import_module int, string, list, io.

    % Clients must translate data structures into docs for
    % the pretty printer to display.
:- type doc.

    % The empty document corresponding to the null string.
:- func nil                 = doc.

    % The document consisting of a single string.
:- func text(string)        = doc.

    % The composition of two docs with no intervening space.
:- func doc `<>` doc        = doc.

    % The new-line document.  In a group doc (see below) the
    % pretty printer may choose to instead `flatten' all
    % line docs into nil docs in order to fit a doc on a
    % single line.
:- func line                = doc.

    % Any `line' docs in the body that are not flattened out
    % by the pretty printer are followed by the given number
    % of spaces (nested `nest's add up).
:- func nest(int, doc)      = doc.

    % Identical to a nest doc except that indentation is
    % extended with a string label rather than some number
    % of spaces.
:- func label(string, doc)  = doc.

    % A group doc may be flattened out in the sense
    % described for line, above, at the discretion of the
    % pretty printer.  A group doc, therefore, defines a
    % choice point for the pretty printer.
:- func group(doc)          = doc.

    % This function can be used to convert strings, chars,
    % ints and floats to their text doc equivalents.
:- func poly(string__poly_type) = doc.

    % Shorthand for doc `<>` line `<>` doc.
:- func doc `</>` doc       = doc.

    % Various bracketing functions.
:- func bracketed(string, string, doc)  = doc.
:- func parentheses(doc)                = doc.
:- func brackets(doc)                   = doc.
:- func braces(doc)                     = doc.

    % separated(PP, Sep, [X1,...,Xn]) =
    %   PP(X1) `<>` Sep `<>` ... Sep `<>` PP(Xn)
:- func separated(func(T) = doc, doc, list(T)) = doc.

    % Handy punctuation docs and versions with following
    % spaces and/or line breaks.
:- func comma               = doc.
:- func semic               = doc.
:- func space               = doc.
:- func comma_space         = doc.
:- func semic_space         = doc.
:- func comma_line          = doc.
:- func semic_line          = doc.
:- func space_line          = doc.
:- func comma_space_line    = doc.
:- func semic_space_line    = doc.

    % Example: if one wanted to pretty print a Mercury list
    % then one might write
    %   brackets(nest(2, separated(MyPP, comma_space_line, MyList)))
    % where `MyPP' would be a function from MyList members
    % to docs.

    % Performs word wrapping at the end of line, taking
    % whitespace sequences as delimiters separating words.
:- func word_wrapped(string) = doc.

    % Convert arbitrary terms to docs.  This requires
    % std_util__functor/3 to work on all components of the
    % object being converted.  The second version places a
    % maximum depth on terms which are otherwise truncated;
    % when the depth limit is reached, all arguments of a
    % functor are replaced by `(...)'.
    % This may throw an exception or cause a runtime abort
    % if the term in question has user-defined equality.
:- func to_doc(T)           = doc.
:- func to_doc(int, T)      = doc.

    % Convert docs to pretty printed strings.  The int
    % argument specifies a line width in characters.
:- func to_string(int, doc) = string.

    % Write docs out in pretty printed format.  The int
    % argument specifies a page width in characters.
:- pred write(int, doc, io__state, io__state).
:- mode write(in, in, di, uo) is det.

:- pred write(io__output_stream, int, doc, io__state, io__state).
:- mode write(in, in, in, di, uo) is det.


:- implementation.

:- import_module std_util, char.

:- type doc
    --->    'NIL'
    ;       'SEQ'(doc, doc)
    ;       'NEST'(int, doc)
    ;       'LABEL'(string, doc)
    ;       'TEXT'(string)
    ;       'LINE'
    ;       'GROUP'(doc).

:- type simple_doc
    --->    nil
    ;       string `text` simple_doc
    ;       string `line` simple_doc.


nil                     = 'NIL'.
X `<>` Y                = 'SEQ'(X, Y).
nest(I, X)              = 'NEST'(I, X).
label(L, X)             = 'LABEL'(L, X).
text(S)                 = 'TEXT'(S).
line                    = 'LINE'.
group(X)                = 'GROUP'(X).

poly(s(S))              = text(string__format("%s", [s(S)])).
poly(c(C))              = text(string__format("%c", [c(C)])).
poly(i(I))              = text(string__format("%d", [i(I)])).
poly(f(F))              = text(string__format("%f", [f(F)])).


to_string(W, X) = S :-
    pretty(pred(H::in, T::in, [H | T]::out) is det, W, X, [], Ss),
    S = string__append_list(list__reverse(Ss)).

write(W, X)             --> pretty(io__write_string, W, X).

write(Stream, W, X)     --> pretty(io__write_string(Stream), W, X).


:- pred pretty(pred(string, T, T), int, doc, T, T).
:- mode pretty(pred(in, in, out) is det, in, in, in, out) is det.
:- mode pretty(pred(in, di, uo) is det, in, in, di, uo) is det.

pretty(P, W, X)         --> layout(P, best(W, 0, X)).


:- pred layout(pred(string, T, T), simple_doc, T, T).
:- mode layout(pred(in, in, out) is det, in, in, out) is det.
:- mode layout(pred(in, di, uo) is det, in, di, uo) is det.

layout(_, nil)          --> [].
layout(P, S `text` X)   --> P(S), layout(P, X).
layout(P, S `line` X)   --> P("\n"), P(S), layout(P, X).


:- func best(int, int, doc) = simple_doc.

best(W, K, X)           = be(W, K, ["" - X]).


    % XXX We could do with a spot of laziness to avoid exponential
    % run-times in the worst case here.  The problem is that flatten/1
    % need only be evaluated to the point where it can be decided
    % (by better/4 and fits/2) whether a structure is going to fit on
    % the remainder of the line or not.  In practice, eagerness doesn't
    % seem to be a problem.

:- func be(int, int, list(pair(string, doc))) = simple_doc.

be(_, _, [])                      = nil.
be(W, K, [_ - 'NIL'         | Z]) = be(W, K, Z).
be(W, K, [I - 'SEQ'(X, Y)   | Z]) = be(W, K, [I - X, I - Y | Z]).
be(W, K, [I - 'NEST'(J, X)  | Z]) = be(W, K, [extend(I, J) - X | Z]).
be(W, K, [I - 'LABEL'(L, X) | Z]) = be(W, K, [string__append(I, L) - X |
be(W, K, [_ - 'TEXT'(S)     | Z]) = S `text` be(W, (K + string__length(S)),
be(W, _, [I - 'LINE'        | Z]) = I `line` be(W, string__length(I), Z).
be(W, K, [I - 'GROUP'(X)    | Z]) =
    ( if
        K =< W,                         % Really want an ordered
        Flattened = be(W, K, [I - flatten(X) | Z]),
        fits(W - K, Flattened)
        be(W, K, [I - X | Z])


:- func extend(string, int) = string.

extend(I, J) = string__append(I, string__duplicate_char(' ', J)).


:- func flatten(doc) = doc.

flatten('NIL')          = 'NIL'.
flatten('SEQ'(X, Y))    = 'SEQ'(flatten(X), flatten(Y)).
flatten('NEST'(_, X))   = flatten(X).
flatten('LABEL'(_, X))  = flatten(X).
flatten('TEXT'(S))      = 'TEXT'(S).
flatten('LINE')         = 'NIL'.
flatten('GROUP'(X))     = flatten(X).


:- pred fits(int, simple_doc).
:- mode fits(in, in) is semidet.

fits(W, X) :-
    W >= 0,
        X = nil
        X = S `text` Y, fits(W - string__length(S), Y)
        X = _ `line` _


X `</>` Y               = X `<>` line `<>` Y.


bracketed(L, R, D)      = text(L) `<>` D `<>` text(R).
parentheses(D)          = bracketed("(", ")", D).
brackets(D)             = bracketed("[", "]", D).
braces(D)               = bracketed("{", "}", D).


separated(_,  _,   []) = nil.

separated(PP, Sep, [X | Xs]) =
    ( if Xs = [] then
        PP(X) `<>` Sep `<>` separated(PP, Sep, Xs)


comma                   = text(",").
semic                   = text(";").
space                   = text(" ").
comma_space             = text(", ").
semic_space             = text("; ").
comma_line              = comma `<>` line.
semic_line              = semic `<>` line.
space_line              = space `<>` line.
comma_space_line        = text(", ") `<>` line.
semic_space_line        = text("; ") `<>` line.


to_doc(X) = to_doc(int__max_int, X).


    % This may throw an exception or cause a runtime abort if the term
    % in question has user-defined equality.

to_doc(Depth, X) =
    ( if Arity = 0 then
      else if Depth =< 0 then
        text(Name) `<>` text("(...)")
        text(Name) `<>`
                nest(2, line `<>` separated(id, comma_space_line, Args))
    deconstruct(X, Name, Arity, UnivArgs),
    Args = list__map(
        ( func(UnivArg) = to_doc(Depth - 1, univ_value(UnivArg)) ),


word_wrapped(String) =
        ( func(Word, Sequel) =
            group(line `<>` text(Word) `<>` space) `<>` Sequel
        string__words(char__is_whitespace, String),


Ralph Becket      |      MSR Cambridge      |      rbeck at microsoft.com 
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