[m-dev.] cleanup of type_ctor_infos, relative diff 2

Zoltan Somogyi zs at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Wed Mar 8 14:33:14 AEDT 2000

This is a diff relative to "relative diff 1"; it handles the renaming and
repartitioning of base_type_info.m and base_type_layout.m into
type_ctor_info.m and pseudo_type_info.m. It is really boring;
the code did not change, only its location and a few module prefixes.

This is the diff I intend to commit.


diff -rubB --exclude CVS --exclude configure --exclude errs --exclude make_all.log --exclude Mmake.params --exclude Mmake.common --exclude mercury_conf.h --exclude mercury_conf.h --exclude .#* --exclude REDUNDANT_FILES ws15/Log ws15.rename/Log
--- ws15/Log	Wed Mar  8 14:13:41 2000
+++ ws15.rename/Log	Wed Mar  8 13:51:05 2000
@@ -72,25 +72,27 @@
 	Rename some predicates to better reflect their purpose.
-        Complete rewrite for the new data structure; significantly smaller
-	than before.
-	Now invoked from base_type_info for the types for which layout info
-	is pertinent, whereas in the old design it was invoked from
-	mercury_compile on all types, even types not defined in Mercury.
-        Significant rewrite for the new data structure.
-	Invoke base_type_layout.m as necessary, since the structures it creates
-	are parts of the type_ctor_infos.
+	These files are obsoleted by this change. They remain in CVS, but
+	are no longer used. All of base_type_info.m has been moved into
+	type_ctor_info.m, and so have the parts of base_type_layout.m
+	that create the functors and layout structures inside type_ctor_infos;
+	the remaining part of base_type_layout.m is now in pseudo_type_info.m.
+	New file containing the code to create pseudo_type_infos from
+	base_type_layout.m, slightly updated for the new compiler structure.
+        New module: almost total rewrite of the base_type_info.m and the
+	relevant part of base_type_layout.m for the new data structure.
 	Do not invoke base_typeclass_info.m, since the structures it creates
 	are not parts of the type_ctor_infos.
 	Comment out obsolete unfinished code. It should be replaced by
-	calls to base_type_info, once base_type_info's dependence on LLDS
+	calls to type_ctor_info, once type_ctor_info's dependence on LLDS
 	has been eliminated.
@@ -108,8 +110,9 @@
-	Do not invoke base_type_layouts directly; let base_type_infos do it
-	for the types for which it is appropriate.
+	Do not invoke the predicates that used to be in base_type_layouts
+	directly; let type_ctor_info do it for the types for which it is
+	appropriate.
 	Do invoke base_typeclass_info directly.
diff -rubB --exclude CVS --exclude configure --exclude errs --exclude make_all.log --exclude Mmake.params --exclude Mmake.common --exclude mercury_conf.h --exclude mercury_conf.h --exclude .#* --exclude REDUNDANT_FILES ws15/compiler/base_type_info.m ws15.rename/compiler/base_type_info.m
--- ws15/compiler/base_type_info.m	Tue Feb 29 14:07:43 2000
+++ ws15.rename/compiler/base_type_info.m	Tue Mar  7 18:55:20 2000
@@ -4,220 +4,6 @@
 % Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
-% File: base_type_info.m.
-% Author: zs.
+% This file is no longer used. Its contents have migrated to type_ctor_info.m.
-% This module is responsible for the generation of the static type_ctor_info
-% structures of the types defined by the current module.
-% Since it is possible for the type_ctor_info of a type local to the module
-% not to be referred to anywhere in the module (and therefore, not to be
-% referred to anywhere in the program), this module works in two stages.
-% In the first stage, it inserts type_ctor_gen_info structures describing the
-% type_ctor_infos of all the locally-defined types into the HLDS; some of
-% these type_ctor_gen_infos are later eliminated by dead_proc_elim.m. The
-% second stage then generates low-level descriptions of type_ctor_infos
-% for LLDS (or later MLDS) from the surviving type_ctor_gen_infos.
-% See runtime/mercury_type_info.h for a description of the data structures
-% we build in this module.
-% WARNING: if you change this module, you will probably need to also
-% change ml_base_type_info.m, which does the same thing for the MLDS
-% back-end.
-:- module base_type_info.
-:- interface.
-:- import_module hlds_module, llds.
-:- import_module list.
-:- pred base_type_info__generate_hlds(module_info::in, module_info::out)
-	is det.
-:- pred base_type_info__generate_llds(module_info::in, module_info::out,
-	list(comp_gen_c_data)::out) is det.
-:- implementation.
-:- import_module rtti, base_type_layout.
-:- import_module prog_data, prog_util, prog_out.
-:- import_module hlds_data, hlds_pred, hlds_out.
-:- import_module code_util, special_pred, type_util, globals, options.
-:- import_module bool, string, map, std_util, require.
-base_type_info__generate_hlds(ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) :-
-	module_info_name(ModuleInfo0, ModuleName),
-	module_info_types(ModuleInfo0, TypeTable),
-	map__keys(TypeTable, TypeIds),
-	base_type_info__gen_type_ctor_gen_infos(TypeIds, TypeTable, ModuleName,
-		ModuleInfo0, TypeCtorGenInfos),
-	module_info_set_type_ctor_gen_infos(ModuleInfo0, TypeCtorGenInfos,
-		ModuleInfo).
-	% Given a list of the ids of all the types in the type table,
-	% find the types defined in this module, and return a type_ctor_gen_info
-	% for each.
-:- pred base_type_info__gen_type_ctor_gen_infos(list(type_id)::in,
-	type_table::in, module_name::in, module_info::in,
-	list(type_ctor_gen_info)::out) is det.
-base_type_info__gen_type_ctor_gen_infos([], _, _, _, []).
-base_type_info__gen_type_ctor_gen_infos([TypeId | TypeIds], TypeTable,
-		ModuleName, ModuleInfo, TypeCtorGenInfos) :-
-	base_type_info__gen_type_ctor_gen_infos(TypeIds, TypeTable, ModuleName,
-		ModuleInfo, TypeCtorGenInfos1),
-	TypeId = SymName - TypeArity,
-	(
-		SymName = qualified(TypeModuleName, TypeName),
-		( 
-			TypeModuleName = ModuleName,
-			map__lookup(TypeTable, TypeId, TypeDefn),
-			hlds_data__get_type_defn_body(TypeDefn, TypeBody),
-			TypeBody \= abstract_type,
-			\+ type_id_has_hand_defined_rtti(TypeId)
-		->
-			base_type_info__gen_type_ctor_gen_info(TypeId,
-				TypeName, TypeArity, TypeDefn,
-				ModuleName, ModuleInfo, TypeCtorGenInfo),
-			TypeCtorGenInfos = [TypeCtorGenInfo | TypeCtorGenInfos1]
-		;
-			TypeCtorGenInfos = TypeCtorGenInfos1
-		)
-	;
-		SymName = unqualified(TypeName),
-		string__append_list(["unqualified type ", TypeName,
-			"found in type_ctor_info"], Msg),
-		error(Msg)
-	).
-:- pred base_type_info__gen_type_ctor_gen_info(type_id::in, string::in,
-	int::in, hlds_type_defn::in, module_name::in, module_info::in,
-	type_ctor_gen_info::out) is det.
-base_type_info__gen_type_ctor_gen_info(TypeId, TypeName, TypeArity, TypeDefn,
-		ModuleName, ModuleInfo, TypeCtorGenInfo) :-
-	hlds_data__get_type_defn_status(TypeDefn, Status),
-	module_info_get_special_pred_map(ModuleInfo, SpecMap),
-	map__lookup(SpecMap, unify - TypeId, UnifyPredId),
-	special_pred_mode_num(unify, UnifyProcInt),
-	proc_id_to_int(UnifyProcId, UnifyProcInt),
-	MaybeUnify = yes(proc(UnifyPredId, UnifyProcId)),
-	map__lookup(SpecMap, index - TypeId, IndexPredId),
-	special_pred_mode_num(index, IndexProcInt),
-	proc_id_to_int(IndexProcId, IndexProcInt),
-	MaybeIndex = yes(proc(IndexPredId, IndexProcId)),
-	map__lookup(SpecMap, compare - TypeId, ComparePredId),
-	special_pred_mode_num(compare, CompareProcInt),
-	proc_id_to_int(CompareProcId, CompareProcInt),
-	MaybeCompare = yes(proc(ComparePredId, CompareProcId)),
-	TypeCtorGenInfo = type_ctor_gen_info(TypeId, ModuleName,
-		TypeName, TypeArity, Status, TypeDefn,
-		MaybeUnify, MaybeIndex, MaybeCompare,
-		no, no, no).
-base_type_info__generate_llds(ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo, Tables) :-
-	module_info_type_ctor_gen_infos(ModuleInfo0, TypeCtorGenInfos),
-	base_type_info__construct_type_ctor_infos(TypeCtorGenInfos,
-		ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo, [], Dynamic0, [], Static0),
-	list__map(llds__wrap_rtti_data, Dynamic0, Dynamic),
-	list__map(llds__wrap_rtti_data, Static0, Static),
-	list__append(Dynamic, Static, Tables).
-:- pred base_type_info__construct_type_ctor_infos(
-	list(type_ctor_gen_info)::in, module_info::in, module_info::out,
-	list(rtti_data)::in, list(rtti_data)::out,
-	list(rtti_data)::in, list(rtti_data)::out) is det.
-base_type_info__construct_type_ctor_infos([], ModuleInfo, ModuleInfo,
-		Dynamic, Dynamic, Static, Static).
-		[TypeCtorGenInfo | TypeCtorGenInfos], ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo,
-		Dynamic0, Dynamic, Static0, Static) :-
-	base_type_info__construct_type_ctor_info(TypeCtorGenInfo,
-		ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo1, TypeCtorCModule, TypeCtorTables),
-	Dynamic1 = [TypeCtorCModule | Dynamic0],
-	list__append(TypeCtorTables, Static0, Static1),
-	base_type_info__construct_type_ctor_infos(TypeCtorGenInfos,
-		ModuleInfo1, ModuleInfo, Dynamic1, Dynamic, Static1, Static).
-:- pred base_type_info__construct_type_ctor_info(type_ctor_gen_info::in,
-	module_info::in, module_info::out,
-	rtti_data::out, list(rtti_data)::out) is det.
-		ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo, TypeCtorData, TypeCtorTables) :-
-	TypeCtorGenInfo = type_ctor_gen_info(_TypeId, ModuleName, TypeName,
-		TypeArity, _Status, HldsDefn,
-		MaybeUnify, MaybeIndex, MaybeCompare,
-		MaybeSolver, MaybeInit, MaybePretty),
-	base_type_info__make_pred_addr(MaybeUnify,   ModuleInfo, Unify),
-	base_type_info__make_pred_addr(MaybeIndex,   ModuleInfo, Index),
-	base_type_info__make_pred_addr(MaybeCompare, ModuleInfo, Compare),
-	base_type_info__make_pred_addr(MaybeSolver,  ModuleInfo, Solver),
-	base_type_info__make_pred_addr(MaybeInit,    ModuleInfo, Init),
-	base_type_info__make_pred_addr(MaybePretty,  ModuleInfo, Pretty),
-	module_info_globals(ModuleInfo0, Globals),
-	globals__lookup_bool_option(Globals, type_layout, TypeLayoutOption),
-	( TypeLayoutOption = yes ->
-		base_type_layout__gen_layout_info(ModuleName,
-			TypeName, TypeArity, HldsDefn, ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo,
-			TypeCtorRep, NumFunctors, MaybeFunctors, MaybeLayout,
-			NumPtags, TypeCtorTables)
-	;
-			% This is for measuring code size only; if this path
-			% is ever taken, the resulting executable will not
-			% work.
-		TypeCtorRep = unknown,
-		NumPtags = -1,
-		NumFunctors = -1,
-		MaybeFunctors = no_functors,
-		MaybeLayout = no_layout,
-		TypeCtorTables = [],
-		ModuleInfo = ModuleInfo0
-	),
-	Version = type_ctor_info_rtti_version,
-	RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(ModuleName, TypeName, TypeArity),
-	TypeCtorData = type_ctor_info(RttiTypeId, Unify, Index, Compare,
-		TypeCtorRep, Solver, Init, Version, NumPtags, NumFunctors,
-		MaybeFunctors, MaybeLayout, no, Pretty).
-:- pred base_type_info__make_pred_addr(maybe(pred_proc_id)::in,
-	module_info::in, maybe(code_addr)::out) is det.
-base_type_info__make_pred_addr(no, _ModuleInfo, no).
-base_type_info__make_pred_addr(yes(PredProcId), ModuleInfo, yes(PredAddr)) :-
-	PredProcId = proc(PredId, ProcId),
-	code_util__make_entry_label(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, no, PredAddr).
-	% The version of the RTTI data structures -- useful for bootstrapping.
-	% If you write runtime code that checks this version number and
-	% can at least handle the previous version of the data
-	% structure, it makes it easier to bootstrap changes to the data
-	% structures used for RTTI.
-	%
-	% This number should be kept in sync with MR_RTTI_VERSION in
-	% runtime/mercury_type_info.h.  This means you need to update
-	% the handwritten type_ctor_info structures and the code in the
-	% runtime that uses RTTI to conform to whatever changes the new
-	% version introduces.
-:- func type_ctor_info_rtti_version = int.
-type_ctor_info_rtti_version = 4.
diff -rubB --exclude CVS --exclude configure --exclude errs --exclude make_all.log --exclude Mmake.params --exclude Mmake.common --exclude mercury_conf.h --exclude mercury_conf.h --exclude .#* --exclude REDUNDANT_FILES ws15/compiler/base_type_layout.m ws15.rename/compiler/base_type_layout.m
--- ws15/compiler/base_type_layout.m	Tue Feb 29 14:56:22 2000
+++ ws15.rename/compiler/base_type_layout.m	Tue Mar  7 18:55:42 2000
@@ -4,765 +4,7 @@
 % Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
-% This module generates the compiler's internal representation of the
-% RTTI data structures that describe the representation of each type.
-% These structures form the type_ctor_rep, type_num_functors, type_functors
-% and type_layout fields of a type_ctor_info. This RTTI information is
-% used for several purposes: examples include deep copy, tabling, and functor,
-% arg and their cousins.
+% This file is no longer used. Its contents have migrated to
+% pseudo_type_info.m % and type_ctor_info.m.
-% The representation we build is designed to be independent of whether
-% the compiler is generating LLDS or MLDS. However, at the moment, we
-% still generate some LLDS rvals to represent typeinfos and pseudotypeinfos.
-% These `create' rvals are expected to be removed by llds_common.m to
-% create static structures.
-% The documentation of the data structures built in this module is in
-% runtime/mercury_type_info.h; that file also contains a list of all
-% the files that depend on these data structures.
-% Authors: trd, zs.
-:- module base_type_layout.
-:- interface.
-:- import_module rtti, hlds_module, hlds_data, llds, prog_data.
-:- import_module list.
-	% base_type_layout__construct_typed_pseudo_type_info(Type,
-	% 	NumUnivQTvars, ExistQVars, Rval, LldsType, LabelNum0, LabelNum)
-	%
-	% Given a Mercury type (`Type'), this predicate returns an rval
-	% (`Rval') giving the pseudo type info for that type, plus the
-	% llds_type (`LldsType') of that rval.
-	%
-	% NumUnivQTvars is either the number of universally quantified type
-	% variables of the enclosing type (so that all universally quantified
-	% variables in the type have numbers in the range [1..NumUnivQTvars],
-	% or is the special value -1, meaning that all variables in the type
-	% are universally quantified. ExistQVars is the list of existentially
-	% quantified type variables of the constructor in question.
-	%
-	% The int arguments (`LabelNum0' and `LabelNum') are label numbers for
-	% generating `create' rvals with.
-:- pred base_type_layout__construct_typed_pseudo_type_info((type)::in,
-	int::in, existq_tvars::in,
-	rval::out, llds_type::out, int::in, int::out) is det.
-	% Generate RTTI layout information for the named type.
-:- pred base_type_layout__gen_layout_info(module_name::in,
-	string::in, int::in, hlds_type_defn::in,
-	module_info::in, module_info::out, type_ctor_rep::out, int::out,
-	type_ctor_functors_info::out, type_ctor_layout_info::out,
-	int::out, list(rtti_data)::out) is det.
-:- implementation.
-:- import_module hlds_data, hlds_pred, hlds_out, builtin_ops, type_util.
-:- import_module make_tags, code_util, globals, options, prog_util.
-:- import_module assoc_list, bool, string, int, map, std_util, require.
-:- import_module term.
-:- pred base_type_layout__construct_pseudo_type_info((type)::in,
-	int::in, existq_tvars::in, rval::out, int::in, int::out) is det.
-base_type_layout__construct_pseudo_type_info(Type, NumUnivQTvars,
-		ExistQTvars, Pseudo, CNum0, CNum) :-
-	base_type_layout__construct_typed_pseudo_type_info(Type, NumUnivQTvars,
-		ExistQTvars, Pseudo, _LldsType, CNum0, CNum).
-base_type_layout__construct_typed_pseudo_type_info(Type, NumUnivQTvars,
-		ExistQTvars, Pseudo, LldsType, CNum0, CNum) :-
-	(
-		type_to_type_id(Type, TypeId, TypeArgs0)
-	->
-		(
-			% The argument to typeclass_info types is not
-			% a type - it encodes the class constraint.
-			mercury_private_builtin_module(PrivateBuiltin),
-			TypeId = qualified(PrivateBuiltin, TName) - _,
-			( TName = "typeclass_info"
-			; TName = "base_typeclass_info"
-			)
-		->
-			TypeArgs = []
-		;
-			TypeArgs = TypeArgs0
-		),
-		(
-			% For higher order types: they all refer to the
-			% defined pred_0 type_ctor_info, have an extra
-			% argument for their real arity, and then type
-			% arguments according to their types.
-			% polymorphism.m has a detailed explanation.
-			% XXX polymorphism.m does not have a
-			% detailed explanation.
-			type_is_higher_order(Type, _PredFunc,
-				_EvalMethod, _TypeArgs)
-		->
-			TypeModule = unqualified(""),
-			TypeName = "pred",
-			Arity = 0,
-			TypeId = _QualTypeName - RealArity,
-			RealArityArg = [yes(const(int_const(RealArity)))]
-		;
-			TypeId = QualTypeName - Arity,
-			unqualify_name(QualTypeName, TypeName),
-			sym_name_get_module_name(QualTypeName, unqualified(""),
-					TypeModule),
-			RealArityArg = []
-		),
-		RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(TypeModule, TypeName, Arity),
-		DataAddr = rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, type_ctor_info),
-		Pseudo0 = yes(const(data_addr_const(DataAddr))),
-		LldsType = data_ptr,
-		CNum1 = CNum0 + 1,
-			% generate args, but remove one level of create()s.
-		list__map_foldl((pred(T::in, P::out, C0::in, C::out) is det :-
-			base_type_layout__construct_pseudo_type_info(
-				T, NumUnivQTvars, ExistQTvars, P, C0, C)
-		), TypeArgs, PseudoArgs0, CNum1, CNum),
-		list__map(base_type_layout__remove_create,
-			PseudoArgs0, PseudoArgs1),
-		list__append(RealArityArg, PseudoArgs1, PseudoArgs),
-		Reuse = no,
-		Pseudo = create(0, [Pseudo0 | PseudoArgs], uniform(no),
-			must_be_static, CNum1, "type_layout", Reuse)
-	;
-		type_util__var(Type, Var)
-	->
-			% In the case of a type variable, we need to assign a
-			% variable number *for this constructor*, i.e. taking
-			% only the existentially quantified variables of
-			% this constructor (and not those of other functors in
-			% the same type) into account.
-			% XXX term__var_to_int doesn't guarantee anything
-			% about the ints returned (other than that they be
-			% distinct for different variables), but here we are
-			% relying more, specifically, on the integers being
-			% allocated densely (i.e. the first N vars get integers
-			% 1 to N).
-		term__var_to_int(Var, VarInt0),
-		(
-			( VarInt0 =< NumUnivQTvars
-			; NumUnivQTvars < 0
-			)
-		->
-				% This is a universally quantified variable.
-			VarInt = VarInt0
-		;
-				% It is existentially quantified.
-			(
-				list__nth_member_search(ExistQTvars,
-					Var, ExistNum0)
-			->
-				VarInt = ExistNum0 +
-				base_type_layout__pseudo_typeinfo_exist_var_base
-			;
-				error("base_type_layout: var not in list")
-			)
-		),
-		require(VarInt =< base_type_layout__pseudo_typeinfo_max_var,
-			"type_ctor_layout: type variable representation exceeds limit"),
-		Pseudo = const(int_const(VarInt)),
-		LldsType = integer,
-		CNum = CNum0
-	;
-		error("type_ctor_layout: type neither var nor non-var")
-	).
-	% Remove a create() from an rval, if present.
-:- pred base_type_layout__remove_create(rval::in, maybe(rval)::out) is det.
-base_type_layout__remove_create(Rval0, MaybeRval) :-
-	( Rval0 = create(_, [PTI], _, _, _, _, _) ->
-		MaybeRval = PTI
-	;
-		MaybeRval = yes(Rval0)
-	).
-	% This number corresponds to MR_PSEUDOTYPEINFO_MAX_VAR in
-	% runtime/mercury_type_info.h, and must be kept in sync with it.
-	% The documentation is located there as well.
-:- func base_type_layout__pseudo_typeinfo_max_var = int.
-base_type_layout__pseudo_typeinfo_max_var = 1024.
-	% This number corresponds to MR_PSEUDOTYPEINFO_EXIST_VAR_BASE in
-	% runtime/mercury_type_info.h, and must be kept in sync with it.
-	% The documentation is located there as well.
-:- func base_type_layout__pseudo_typeinfo_exist_var_base = int.
-base_type_layout__pseudo_typeinfo_exist_var_base = 512.
-base_type_layout__gen_layout_info(ModuleName, TypeName, TypeArity, HldsDefn,
-		ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo, TypeCtorRep, NumFunctors,
-		FunctorsInfo, LayoutInfo, NumPtags, TypeTables) :-
-	hlds_data__get_type_defn_body(HldsDefn, TypeBody),
-	module_info_get_cell_count(ModuleInfo0, CellNumber0),
-	(
-		TypeBody = uu_type(_Alts),
-		error("type_ctor_layout: sorry, undiscriminated union unimplemented\n")
-	;
-		TypeBody = abstract_type,
-		TypeCtorRep = unknown,
-		NumFunctors = -1,
-		FunctorsInfo = no_functors,
-		LayoutInfo = no_layout,
-		TypeTables = [],
-		CellNumber = CellNumber0,
-		NumPtags = -1
-	;
-		TypeBody = eqv_type(Type),
-		( term__is_ground(Type) ->
-			TypeCtorRep = equiv(equiv_type_is_ground)
-		;
-			TypeCtorRep = equiv(equiv_type_is_not_ground)
-		),
-		NumFunctors = -1,
-		UnivTvars = TypeArity,
-			% There can be no existentially typed args to an
-			% equivalence.
-		ExistTvars = [],
-		base_type_layout__construct_pseudo_type_info(Type,
-			UnivTvars, ExistTvars, Rval, CellNumber0, CellNumber),
-		FunctorsInfo = no_functors,
-		LayoutInfo = equiv_layout(Rval),
-		TypeTables = [],
-		NumPtags = -1
-	;
-		TypeBody = du_type(Ctors, ConsTagMap, Enum, EqualityPred),
-		(
-			EqualityPred = yes(_),
-			EqualityAxioms = user_defined
-		;
-			EqualityPred = no,
-			EqualityAxioms = standard
-		),
-		list__length(Ctors, NumFunctors),
-		RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(ModuleName, TypeName, TypeArity),
-		(
-			Enum = yes,
-			TypeCtorRep = enum(EqualityAxioms),
-			base_type_layout__make_enum_tables(Ctors, ConsTagMap,
-				RttiTypeId, TypeTables,
-				FunctorsInfo, LayoutInfo),
-			CellNumber = CellNumber0,
-			NumPtags = -1
-		;
-			Enum = no,
-			( type_is_no_tag_type(Ctors, Name, ArgType) ->
-				( term__is_ground(ArgType) ->
-					Inst = equiv_type_is_ground
-				;
-					Inst = equiv_type_is_not_ground
-				),
-				TypeCtorRep = notag(EqualityAxioms, Inst),
-				base_type_layout__make_notag_tables(Name,
-					ArgType, RttiTypeId,
-					CellNumber0, CellNumber,
-					TypeTables, FunctorsInfo, LayoutInfo),
-				NumPtags = -1
-			;
-				module_info_globals(ModuleInfo0, Globals),
-				globals__lookup_int_option(Globals,
-					num_tag_bits, NumTagBits),
-				int__pow(2, NumTagBits, NumTags),
-				MaxPtag = NumTags - 1,
-				TypeCtorRep = du(EqualityAxioms),
-				base_type_layout__make_du_tables(Ctors,
-					ConsTagMap, MaxPtag, RttiTypeId,
-					ModuleInfo0, CellNumber0, CellNumber,
-					TypeTables, NumPtags,
-					FunctorsInfo, LayoutInfo)
-			)
-		)
-	),
-	module_info_set_cell_count(ModuleInfo0, CellNumber, ModuleInfo).
-% Make the functor and notag tables for a notag type.
-:- pred base_type_layout__make_notag_tables(sym_name::in, (type)::in,
-	rtti_type_id::in, int::in, int::out, list(rtti_data)::out,
-	type_ctor_functors_info::out, type_ctor_layout_info::out) is det.
-base_type_layout__make_notag_tables(SymName, ArgType, RttiTypeId,
-		CellNumber0, CellNumber,
-		TypeTables, FunctorsInfo, LayoutInfo) :-
-	unqualify_name(SymName, FunctorName),
-	RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(_, _, UnivTvars),
-		% There can be no existentially typed args to the functor
-		% in a notag type.
-	ExistTvars = [],
-	base_type_layout__construct_pseudo_type_info(ArgType,
-		UnivTvars, ExistTvars, Rval, CellNumber0, CellNumber),
-	FunctorDesc = notag_functor_desc(RttiTypeId, FunctorName, Rval),
-	FunctorRttiName = notag_functor_desc,
-	FunctorsInfo = notag_functors(FunctorRttiName),
-	LayoutInfo = notag_layout(FunctorRttiName),
-	TypeTables = [FunctorDesc].
-:- type name_sort_info == assoc_list(pair(string, int), rtti_name).
-% Make the functor and notag tables for an enum type.
-:- pred base_type_layout__make_enum_tables(list(constructor)::in,
-	cons_tag_values::in, rtti_type_id::in, list(rtti_data)::out,
-	type_ctor_functors_info::out, type_ctor_layout_info::out) is det.
-base_type_layout__make_enum_tables(Ctors, ConsTagMap, RttiTypeId,
-		TypeTables, FunctorInfo, LayoutInfo) :-
-	base_type_layout__make_enum_functor_tables(Ctors, 0, ConsTagMap,
-		RttiTypeId, FunctorDescs, OrdinalOrderRttiNames, SortInfo0),
-	list__sort(SortInfo0, SortInfo),
-	assoc_list__values(SortInfo, NameOrderedRttiNames),
-	NameOrderedTable = enum_name_ordered_table(RttiTypeId,
-		NameOrderedRttiNames),
-	NameOrderedTableRttiName = enum_name_ordered_table,
-	FunctorInfo = enum_functors(NameOrderedTableRttiName),
-	ValueOrderedTable = enum_value_ordered_table(RttiTypeId,
-		OrdinalOrderRttiNames),
-	ValueOrderedTableRttiName = enum_value_ordered_table,
-	LayoutInfo = enum_layout(ValueOrderedTableRttiName),
-	TypeTables = [NameOrderedTable, ValueOrderedTable | FunctorDescs].
-% Create an enum_functor_desc structure for each functor in an enum type.
-% The functors are given to us in ordinal order (since that's how the HLDS
-% stored them), and that is how we return the list of rtti names of the
-% enum_functor_desc structures; that way, it is directly usable in the type
-% layout structure. We also return a structure that allows our caller to
-% sort this list on functor name, which is how the type functors structure
-% is constructed.
-:- pred base_type_layout__make_enum_functor_tables(list(constructor)::in,
-	int::in, cons_tag_values::in, rtti_type_id::in,
-	list(rtti_data)::out, list(rtti_name)::out,
-	name_sort_info::out) is det.
-base_type_layout__make_enum_functor_tables([], _, _, _, [], [], []).
-base_type_layout__make_enum_functor_tables([Functor | Functors], NextOrdinal0,
-		ConsTagMap, RttiTypeId,
-		FunctorDescs, RttiNames, SortInfo) :-
-	Functor = ctor(ExistTvars, Constraints, SymName, FunctorArgs),
-	require(unify(ExistTvars, []),
-		"existential arguments in functor in enum"),
-	require(unify(Constraints, []),
-		"class constraints on functor in enum"),
-	list__length(FunctorArgs, Arity),
-	require(unify(Arity, 0),
-		"functor in enum has nonzero arity"),
-	make_cons_id_from_qualified_sym_name(SymName, FunctorArgs, ConsId),
-	map__lookup(ConsTagMap, ConsId, ConsTag),
-	require(unify(ConsTag, int_constant(NextOrdinal0)),
-		"mismatch on constant assigned to functor in enum"),
-	unqualify_name(SymName, FunctorName),
-	FunctorDesc = enum_functor_desc(RttiTypeId, FunctorName, NextOrdinal0),
-	RttiName = enum_functor_desc(NextOrdinal0),
-	FunctorSortInfo = (FunctorName - 0) - RttiName,
-	base_type_layout__make_enum_functor_tables(Functors, NextOrdinal0 + 1,
-		ConsTagMap, RttiTypeId, FunctorDescs1, RttiNames1, SortInfo1),
-	FunctorDescs = [FunctorDesc | FunctorDescs1],
-	RttiNames = [RttiName | RttiNames1],
-	SortInfo = [FunctorSortInfo | SortInfo1].
-:- type tag_map == map(int, pair(sectag_locn, map(int, rtti_name))).
-:- type tag_list == assoc_list(int, pair(sectag_locn, map(int, rtti_name))).
-% Make the functor and notag tables for a du type.
-:- pred base_type_layout__make_du_tables(list(constructor)::in,
-	cons_tag_values::in, int::in, rtti_type_id::in, module_info::in,
-	int::in, int::out, list(rtti_data)::out, int::out,
-	type_ctor_functors_info::out, type_ctor_layout_info::out) is det.
-base_type_layout__make_du_tables(Ctors, ConsTagMap, MaxPtag, RttiTypeId,
-		ModuleInfo, CellNumber0, CellNumber,
-		TypeTables, NumPtags, FunctorInfo, LayoutInfo) :-
-	map__init(TagMap0),
-	base_type_layout__make_du_functor_tables(Ctors, 0, ConsTagMap,
-		RttiTypeId, ModuleInfo, CellNumber0, CellNumber,
-		FunctorDescs, SortInfo0, TagMap0, TagMap),
-	list__sort(SortInfo0, SortInfo),
-	assoc_list__values(SortInfo, NameOrderedRttiNames),
-	NameOrderedTable = du_name_ordered_table(RttiTypeId,
-		NameOrderedRttiNames),
-	NameOrderedTableRttiName = du_name_ordered_table,
-	FunctorInfo = du_functors(NameOrderedTableRttiName),
-	base_type_layout__make_du_ptag_ordered_table(TagMap, MaxPtag,
-		RttiTypeId, ValueOrderedTableRttiName, ValueOrderedTables,
-		NumPtags),
-	LayoutInfo = du_layout(ValueOrderedTableRttiName),
-	list__append([NameOrderedTable | FunctorDescs], ValueOrderedTables,
-		TypeTables).
-% Create an enum_functor_desc structure for each functor in a du type.
-% Besides returning a list of the rtti names of their du_functor_desc
-% structures, we return two other items of information. The SortInfo
-% enables our caller to sort these rtti names on functor name and then arity,
-% which is how the type functors structure is constructed. The TagMap
-% groups the rttis into groups depending on their primary tags; this is
-% how the type layout structure is constructed.
-:- pred base_type_layout__make_du_functor_tables(list(constructor)::in,
-	int::in, cons_tag_values::in, rtti_type_id::in, module_info::in,
-	int::in, int::out, list(rtti_data)::out, name_sort_info::out,
-	tag_map::in, tag_map::out) is det.
-base_type_layout__make_du_functor_tables([], _, _, _, _,
-		CellNumber, CellNumber, [], [], TagMap, TagMap).
-base_type_layout__make_du_functor_tables([Functor | Functors], Ordinal,
-		ConsTagMap, RttiTypeId, ModuleInfo, CellNumber0, CellNumber,
-		Tables, SortInfo, TagMap0, TagMap) :-
-	Functor = ctor(ExistTvars, Constraints, SymName, FunctorArgs),
-	list__length(FunctorArgs, Arity),
-	unqualify_name(SymName, FunctorName),
-	RttiName = du_functor_desc(Ordinal),
-	make_cons_id_from_qualified_sym_name(SymName, FunctorArgs, ConsId),
-	map__lookup(ConsTagMap, ConsId, ConsTag),
-	( ConsTag = unshared_tag(ConsPtag) ->
-		Locn = sectag_none,
-		Ptag = ConsPtag,
-		Stag = 0,
-		base_type_layout__update_tag_info(Ptag, Stag, Locn, RttiName,
-			TagMap0, TagMap1)
-	; ConsTag = shared_local_tag(ConsPtag, ConsStag) ->
-		Locn = sectag_local,
-		Ptag = ConsPtag,
-		Stag = ConsStag,
-		base_type_layout__update_tag_info(Ptag, Stag, Locn, RttiName,
-			TagMap0, TagMap1)
-	; ConsTag = shared_remote_tag(ConsPtag, ConsStag) ->
-		Locn = sectag_remote,
-		Ptag = ConsPtag,
-		Stag = ConsStag,
-		base_type_layout__update_tag_info(Ptag, Stag, Locn, RttiName,
-			TagMap0, TagMap1)
-	;
-		error("unexpected cons_tag for du function symbol")
-	),
-	base_type_layout__generate_arg_info_tables(ModuleInfo,
-		RttiTypeId, Ordinal, FunctorArgs, ExistTvars,
-		CellNumber0, CellNumber1, MaybeArgNames,
-		ArgPseudoTypeInfoVector, FieldTables, ContainsVarBitVector),
-	( ExistTvars = [] ->
-		MaybeExistInfo = no,
-		ExistTables = []
-	;
-		module_info_classes(ModuleInfo, ClassTable),
-		base_type_layout__generate_type_info_locns(ExistTvars,
-			Constraints, ClassTable, RttiTypeId, Ordinal,
-			ExistInfo, ExistTables),
-		MaybeExistInfo = yes(ExistInfo)
-	),
-	list__append(FieldTables, ExistTables, SubTables),
-	FunctorDesc = du_functor_desc(RttiTypeId, FunctorName, Ptag, Stag,
-		Locn, Ordinal, Arity, ContainsVarBitVector,
-		ArgPseudoTypeInfoVector, MaybeArgNames, MaybeExistInfo),
-	FunctorSortInfo = (FunctorName - Arity) - RttiName,
-	base_type_layout__make_du_functor_tables(Functors, Ordinal + 1,
-		ConsTagMap, RttiTypeId, ModuleInfo, CellNumber1, CellNumber,
-		Tables1, SortInfo1, TagMap1, TagMap),
-	list__append([FunctorDesc | SubTables], Tables1, Tables),
-	SortInfo = [FunctorSortInfo | SortInfo1].
-% Generate the tables that describe the arguments of a functor. 
-:- pred base_type_layout__generate_arg_info_tables(module_info::in,
-	rtti_type_id::in, int::in, list(constructor_arg)::in, existq_tvars::in,
-	int::in, int::out, maybe(rtti_name)::out, rval::out,
-	list(rtti_data)::out, int::out) is det.
-		ModuleInfo, RttiTypeId, Ordinal,
-		Args, ExistTvars, CellNumber0, CellNumber,
-		MaybeFieldNamesRttiName, Vector, Tables,
-		ContainsVarBitVector) :-
-	RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(_TypeModule, _TypeName, TypeArity),
-	base_type_layout__generate_arg_infos(Args, TypeArity, ExistTvars,
-		ModuleInfo, CellNumber0, CellNumber1,
-		MaybeArgNames, LldsTypes, MaybePseudoTypeInfos,
-		0, 0, ContainsVarBitVector),
-	list__filter((lambda([MaybeName::in] is semidet, MaybeName = yes(_))),
-		MaybeArgNames, FieldNames),
-	(
-		FieldNames = [],
-		MaybeFieldNamesRttiName = no,
-		Tables = []
-	;
-		FieldNames = [_|_],
-		FieldNameTable = field_names(RttiTypeId, Ordinal,
-			MaybeArgNames),
-		FieldNamesRttiName = field_names(Ordinal),
-		MaybeFieldNamesRttiName = yes(FieldNamesRttiName),
-		Tables = [FieldNameTable]
-	),
-	base_type_layout__get_next_cell_number(CellNumber1, CN, CellNumber),
-	Reuse = no,
-	Vector = create(0, MaybePseudoTypeInfos, initial(LldsTypes, none),
-		must_be_static, CN, "arg_types", Reuse).
-% For each argument of a functor, return three items of information:
-% its name (if any), a pseudotypeinfo describing its type (and the llds_type
-% that describes the pseudotypeinfo), and an indication whether the type
-% contains variables or not. The last item is encoded as an integer
-% which contains a 1 bit in the position given by 1 << N if argument N's type
-% contains variables (assuming that arguments are numbered starting from zero).
-% The number of bits in the integer is given by contains_var_bit_vector_size;
-% arguments beyond this limit do not contribute to this bit vector.
-:- pred base_type_layout__generate_arg_infos(list(constructor_arg)::in,
-	int::in, existq_tvars::in, module_info::in, int::in, int::out,
-	list(maybe(string))::out, initial_arg_types::out,
-	list(maybe(rval))::out, int::in, int::in, int::out) is det.
-base_type_layout__generate_arg_infos([], _, _, _,
-		CellNumber, CellNumber, [], [], [],
-		_, ContainsVarBitVector, ContainsVarBitVector).
-base_type_layout__generate_arg_infos([MaybeArgSymName - ArgType | Args],
-		NumUnivTvars, ExistTvars, ModuleInfo, CellNumber0, CellNumber,
-		[MaybeArgName | MaybeArgNames],
-		[1 - yes(LldsType) | LldsTypes],
-		[yes(PseudoTypeInfo) | MaybePseudoTypeInfos],
-		ArgNum, ContainsVarBitVector0, ContainsVarBitVector) :-
-	(
-		MaybeArgSymName = yes(SymName),
-		unqualify_name(SymName, ArgName),
-		MaybeArgName = yes(ArgName)
-	;
-		MaybeArgSymName = no,
-		MaybeArgName = no
-	),
-	base_type_layout__construct_typed_pseudo_type_info(ArgType,
-		NumUnivTvars, ExistTvars, PseudoTypeInfo, LldsType,
-		CellNumber0, CellNumber1),
-	(
-		( term__is_ground(ArgType)
-		; ArgNum >= contains_var_bit_vector_size
-		)
-	->
-		ContainsVarBitVector1 = ContainsVarBitVector0
-	;
-		ContainsVarBitVector1 = ContainsVarBitVector0 + (1 << ArgNum)
-	),
-	base_type_layout__generate_arg_infos(Args, NumUnivTvars,
-		ExistTvars, ModuleInfo, CellNumber1, CellNumber,
-		MaybeArgNames, LldsTypes, MaybePseudoTypeInfos,
-		ArgNum + 1, ContainsVarBitVector1, ContainsVarBitVector).
-% This function gives the size of the MR_du_functor_arg_type_contains_var
-% field of the C type MR_DuFunctorDesc in bits.
-:- func base_type_layout__contains_var_bit_vector_size = int.
-base_type_layout__contains_var_bit_vector_size = 16.
-% Construct the RTTI structures that record information about the locations
-% of the typeinfos describing the types of the existentially typed arguments
-% of a functor.
-:- pred base_type_layout__generate_type_info_locns(list(tvar)::in,
-	list(class_constraint)::in, class_table::in, rtti_type_id::in, int::in,
-	rtti_name::out, list(rtti_data)::out) is det.
-base_type_layout__generate_type_info_locns(ExistTvars, Constraints, ClassTable,
-		RttiTypeId, Ordinal, exist_info(Ordinal),
-		[ExistInfo, ExistLocns]) :-
-	list__map((pred(C::in, Ts::out) is det :- C = constraint(_, Ts)),
-		Constraints, ConstrainedTvars0),
-	list__condense(ConstrainedTvars0, ConstrainedTvars1),
-	term__vars_list(ConstrainedTvars1, ConstrainedTvars2),
-	list__delete_elems(ExistTvars, ConstrainedTvars2, UnconstrainedTvars),
-		% We do this to maintain the ordering of the type variables.
-	list__delete_elems(ExistTvars, UnconstrainedTvars, ConstrainedTvars),
-	map__init(LocnMap0),
-	list__foldl2((pred(T::in, N0::in, N::out, Lm0::in, Lm::out) is det :-
-			Locn = plain_typeinfo(N0),
-			map__det_insert(Lm0, T, Locn, Lm),
-			N = N0 + 1
-		), UnconstrainedTvars, 0, TIsPlain, LocnMap0, LocnMap1),
-	list__length(ExistTvars, AllTIs),
-	TIsInTCIs = AllTIs - TIsPlain,
-	list__foldl(
-		find_type_info_index(Constraints, ClassTable, TIsPlain),
-		ConstrainedTvars, LocnMap1, LocnMap),
-	list__length(Constraints, TCIs),
-	ExistInfo = exist_info(RttiTypeId, Ordinal,
-		TIsPlain, TIsInTCIs, TCIs, exist_locns(Ordinal)),
-	list__map((pred(Tvar::in, Locn::out) is det :-
-		map__lookup(LocnMap, Tvar, Locn)),
-		ExistTvars, Locns),
-	ExistLocns = exist_locns(RttiTypeId, Ordinal, Locns).
-:- pred find_type_info_index(list(class_constraint)::in, class_table::in,
-	int::in, tvar::in, map(tvar, exist_typeinfo_locn)::in,
-	map(tvar, exist_typeinfo_locn)::out) is det.
-find_type_info_index(Constraints, ClassTable, StartSlot, Tvar,
-		LocnMap0, LocnMap) :-
-	first_matching_type_class_info(Constraints, Tvar,
-		FirstConstraint, StartSlot, Slot, TypeInfoIndex),
-	FirstConstraint = constraint(ClassName, Args),
-	list__length(Args, ClassArity),
-	map__lookup(ClassTable, class_id(ClassName, ClassArity), ClassDefn),
-	ClassDefn = hlds_class_defn(_, SuperClasses, _, _, _, _, _),
-	list__length(SuperClasses, NumSuperClasses),
-	RealTypeInfoIndex = TypeInfoIndex + NumSuperClasses,
-	Locn = typeinfo_in_tci(Slot, RealTypeInfoIndex),
-	map__det_insert(LocnMap0, Tvar, Locn, LocnMap).
-:- pred first_matching_type_class_info(list(class_constraint)::in, tvar::in,
-	class_constraint::out, int::in, int::out, int::out) is det.
-first_matching_type_class_info([], _, _, _, _, _) :-
-	error("base_type_layout: constrained type info not found").
-first_matching_type_class_info([C|Cs], Tvar, MatchingConstraint, N0, N,
-		TypeInfoIndex) :-
-	C = constraint(_, Ts),
-	term__vars_list(Ts, TVs),
-	( list__nth_member_search(TVs, Tvar, Index) ->
-		N = N0,
-		MatchingConstraint = C,
-		TypeInfoIndex = Index
-	;
-		first_matching_type_class_info(Cs, Tvar, MatchingConstraint,
-			N0 + 1, N, TypeInfoIndex)
-	).
-:- pred base_type_layout__update_tag_info(int::in, int::in, sectag_locn::in,
-	rtti_name::in, tag_map::in,  tag_map::out) is det.
-base_type_layout__update_tag_info(Ptag, Stag, Locn, RttiName, TagMap0, TagMap)
-		:-
-	( map__search(TagMap0, Ptag, OldLocn - OldSharerMap) ->
-		( Locn = sectag_none ->
-			error("unshared ptag shared after all")
-		; OldLocn = Locn ->
-			true
-		;
-			error("disagreement on sectag location for ptag")
-		),
-		map__det_insert(OldSharerMap, Stag, RttiName, NewSharerMap),
-		map__det_update(TagMap0, Ptag, Locn - NewSharerMap, TagMap)
-	;
-		map__init(NewSharerMap0),
-		map__det_insert(NewSharerMap0, Stag, RttiName, NewSharerMap),
-		map__det_insert(TagMap0, Ptag, Locn - NewSharerMap, TagMap)
-	).
-:- pred base_type_layout__make_du_ptag_ordered_table(tag_map::in, int::in,
-	rtti_type_id::in, rtti_name::out, list(rtti_data)::out, int::out)
-	is det.
-base_type_layout__make_du_ptag_ordered_table(TagMap, MaxPtagValue,
-		RttiTypeId, PtagOrderedRttiName, Tables, NumPtags) :-
-	map__to_assoc_list(TagMap, TagList),
-	base_type_layout__make_du_ptag_layouts(TagList, 0, MaxPtagValue,
-		RttiTypeId, PtagLayouts, SubTables, NumPtags),
-	PtagOrderedTable = du_ptag_ordered_table(RttiTypeId, PtagLayouts),
-	PtagOrderedRttiName = du_ptag_ordered_table,
-	Tables = [PtagOrderedTable | SubTables].
-:- pred base_type_layout__make_du_ptag_layouts(tag_list::in, int::in, int::in,
-	rtti_type_id::in, list(du_ptag_layout)::out, list(rtti_data)::out,
-	int::out) is det.
-base_type_layout__make_du_ptag_layouts(TagList0, CurPtag, MaxPtag,
-		RttiTypeId, PtagLayouts, Tables, NumPtags) :-
-	(
-		TagList0 = [],
-		PtagLayouts = [],
-		Tables = [],
-		NumPtags = CurPtag
-	;
-		TagList0 = [Ptag - (Locn - StagMap) | TagList],
-		require(unify(CurPtag, Ptag),
-			"missing ptag value in make_du_ptag_layout"),
-		require(CurPtag =< MaxPtag,
-			"ptag value exceeds maximum"),
-		map__to_assoc_list(StagMap, StagList),
-		list__length(StagList, StagListLength),
-		base_type_layout__make_du_stag_table(0, StagListLength - 1,
-			StagList, StagRttiNames),
-		StagOrderedTable = du_stag_ordered_table(RttiTypeId,
-			Ptag, StagRttiNames),
-		StagOrderedAddr = du_stag_ordered_table(Ptag),
-		PtagLayout = du_ptag_layout(StagListLength, Locn,
-			StagOrderedAddr),
-		base_type_layout__make_du_ptag_layouts(TagList,
-			CurPtag + 1, MaxPtag, RttiTypeId,
-			PtagLayouts1, Tables1, NumPtags),
-		PtagLayouts = [PtagLayout | PtagLayouts1],
-		Tables = [StagOrderedTable | Tables1]
-	).
-:- pred base_type_layout__make_du_stag_table(int::in, int::in,
-	assoc_list(int, rtti_name)::in, list(rtti_name)::out) is det.
-base_type_layout__make_du_stag_table(CurStag, MaxStag, TagList0,
-		StagRttiNames) :-
-	( CurStag =< MaxStag ->
-		(
-			TagList0 = [],
-			error("short stag list in make_du_stag_table")
-		;
-			TagList0 = [Stag - RttiName | TagList],
-			require(unify(CurStag, Stag),
-				"missing stag value in make_du_stag_table")
-		),
-		base_type_layout__make_du_stag_table(CurStag + 1, MaxStag,
-			TagList, StagRttiNames1),
-		StagRttiNames = [RttiName | StagRttiNames1]
-	;
-		require(unify(TagList0, []),
-			"leftover stag values in make_du_stag_table"),
-		StagRttiNames = []
-	).
-:- pred base_type_layout__get_next_cell_number(int::in, int::out, int::out)
-	is det.
-base_type_layout__get_next_cell_number(CellNumber0, Next, CellNumber) :-
-	CellNumber = CellNumber0 + 1,
-	Next = CellNumber.
diff -rubB --exclude CVS --exclude configure --exclude errs --exclude make_all.log --exclude Mmake.params --exclude Mmake.common --exclude mercury_conf.h --exclude mercury_conf.h --exclude .#* --exclude REDUNDANT_FILES ws15/compiler/mercury_compile.m ws15.rename/compiler/mercury_compile.m
--- ws15/compiler/mercury_compile.m	Tue Feb 22 13:45:53 2000
+++ ws15.rename/compiler/mercury_compile.m	Tue Mar  7 18:38:15 2000
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 :- import_module unused_args, lco, saved_vars, liveness.
 :- import_module follow_code, live_vars, arg_info, store_alloc, goal_path.
 :- import_module code_gen, optimize, export.
-:- import_module base_type_info, base_typeclass_info.
+:- import_module type_ctor_info, base_typeclass_info.
 :- import_module rl_gen, rl_opt, rl_out.
 :- import_module llds_common, transform_llds, llds_out.
 :- import_module continuation_info, stack_layout.
@@ -1610,7 +1610,7 @@
 			"% Generating type_ctor_info structures..."),
-		{ base_type_info__generate_hlds(HLDS0, HLDS) },
+		{ type_ctor_info__generate_hlds(HLDS0, HLDS) },
 		maybe_write_string(Verbose, " done.\n"),
@@ -2035,7 +2035,7 @@
 	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(verbose, Verbose),
 	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(statistics, Stats),
 	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(common_data, CommonData),
-	{ base_type_info__generate_llds(HLDS0, HLDS1, TypeCtorTables) },
+	{ type_ctor_info__generate_llds(HLDS0, HLDS1, TypeCtorTables) },
 	{ base_typeclass_info__generate_llds(HLDS1, TypeClassInfos) },
 	{ stack_layout__generate_llds(HLDS1, HLDS, GlobalData,
 		PossiblyDynamicLayouts, StaticLayouts, LayoutLabels) },
diff -rubB --exclude CVS --exclude configure --exclude errs --exclude make_all.log --exclude Mmake.params --exclude Mmake.common --exclude mercury_conf.h --exclude mercury_conf.h --exclude .#* --exclude REDUNDANT_FILES ws15/compiler/ml_base_type_info.m ws15.rename/compiler/ml_base_type_info.m
--- ws15/compiler/ml_base_type_info.m	Mon Feb 21 20:32:01 2000
+++ ws15.rename/compiler/ml_base_type_info.m	Tue Mar  7 18:41:51 2000
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 % type information, including a description of the type_ctor_info structures.
 % WARNING: if you change this file, you will probably also need to
-% modify base_type_info.m, which does the same thing for the LLDS back-end.
+% modify type_ctor_info.m, which does the same thing for the LLDS back-end.
 % Author: fjh.
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 :- mode ml_base_type_info__generate_mlds(in, out) is det.
 :- implementation.
-:- import_module base_type_info, ml_code_util.
+:- import_module type_ctor_info, ml_code_util.
 :- import_module base_typeclass_info.
 :- import_module prog_data, prog_util, prog_out.
diff -rubB --exclude CVS --exclude configure --exclude errs --exclude make_all.log --exclude Mmake.params --exclude Mmake.common --exclude mercury_conf.h --exclude mercury_conf.h --exclude .#* --exclude REDUNDANT_FILES ws15/compiler/notes/compiler_design.html ws15.rename/compiler/notes/compiler_design.html
--- ws15/compiler/notes/compiler_design.html	Thu Mar  2 16:10:00 2000
+++ ws15.rename/compiler/notes/compiler_design.html	Wed Mar  8 13:55:37 2000
@@ -847,15 +847,12 @@
 <h4> 6a. Output C code </h4>
-<li> base_type_info.m generates the base_type_info structures that list the
-  unification, index and compare predicates associated with each declared
-  type constructor. These are added to the LLDS.
-<li> base_type_layout.m generates the base_type_layout structures that give
-  information on how to interpret values of a given type. It also
-  creates base_type_functors structures that give information on 
-  the functors of a given type. The base_type_layout and base_type_functors
-  structures of each declared type constructor are added to the LLDS.
+<li> type_ctor_info.m generates the type_ctor_gen_info structures that list
+  items of information (including unification, index and compare predicates)
+  associated with each declared type constructor that go into the static
+  type_ctor_info data structure. If the type_ctor_gen_info structure is not
+  eliminated as inaccessible, this module adds the corresponding type_ctor_info
+  structure to the LLDS.
 <li> base_typeclass_info.m generates the base_typeclass_info structures that 
   list the methods of a class for each instance declaration. These are added to
@@ -864,6 +861,10 @@
 <li> stack_layout.m generates the stack_layout structures for
   accurate garbage collection. Tables are created from the data
   collected in continuation_info.m.
+<li> Type_ctor_info structures and stack_layout structures both contain
+  pseudo_type_infos, which are type_infos with holes for type variables;
+  these are generated by pseudo_type_info.m.
 <li> llds_common.m extracts static terms from the main body of the LLDS, and
   puts them at the front. If a static term originally appeared several times,
diff -rubB --exclude CVS --exclude configure --exclude errs --exclude make_all.log --exclude Mmake.params --exclude Mmake.common --exclude mercury_conf.h --exclude mercury_conf.h --exclude .#* --exclude REDUNDANT_FILES ws15/compiler/stack_layout.m ws15.rename/compiler/stack_layout.m
--- ws15/compiler/stack_layout.m	Tue Feb 29 14:02:33 2000
+++ ws15.rename/compiler/stack_layout.m	Tue Mar  7 18:42:34 2000
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@
 :- implementation.
 :- import_module globals, options, llds_out, trace.
-:- import_module hlds_data, hlds_pred, base_type_layout, prog_data, prog_out.
+:- import_module hlds_data, hlds_pred, pseudo_type_info, prog_data, prog_out.
 :- import_module rtti, (inst), code_util.
 :- import_module assoc_list, bool, string, int, require.
 :- import_module map, term, set.
@@ -1297,7 +1297,7 @@
 	ExistQTvars = [],
 	NumUnivQTvars = -1,
-	base_type_layout__construct_typed_pseudo_type_info(Type, 
+	pseudo_type_info__construct_typed_pseudo_type_info(Type, 
 		NumUnivQTvars, ExistQTvars, ArgRval, ArgRvalType, CNum0, CNum).
@@ -1363,7 +1363,7 @@
 		% variable number directly from the procedure's tvar set.
 	{ ExistQTvars = [] },
 	{ NumUnivQTvars = -1 },
-	{ base_type_layout__construct_typed_pseudo_type_info(Type,
+	{ pseudo_type_info__construct_typed_pseudo_type_info(Type,
 		NumUnivQTvars, ExistQTvars,
 		Rval, LldsType, CNum0, CNum) },
diff -rubB --exclude CVS --exclude configure --exclude errs --exclude make_all.log --exclude Mmake.params --exclude Mmake.common --exclude mercury_conf.h --exclude mercury_conf.h --exclude .#* --exclude REDUNDANT_FILES ws15/runtime/mercury_type_info.h ws15.rename/runtime/mercury_type_info.h
--- ws15/runtime/mercury_type_info.h	Tue Feb 29 17:11:13 2000
+++ ws15.rename/runtime/mercury_type_info.h	Wed Mar  8 13:37:01 2000
@@ -14,13 +14,12 @@
 **	may also require changes in:
 **		compiler/polymorphism.m
+**		compiler/pseudo_type_info.m
 **		compiler/higher_order.m
-**		compiler/base_type_layout.m
 **	Changes to the structures of type_ctor_infos may require changes in:
-**		compiler/base_type_info.m
-**		compiler/base_type_layout.m
+**		compiler/type_ctor_info.m
 **		compiler/rtti.m
 **		compiler/rtti_out.m
 **			(for updating the compiler-generated RTTI
@@ -37,7 +36,7 @@
 **	Both kinds of changes will of course also require changes to the code
 **	that traverses type_infos and type_ctor_infos:
-**		runtime/mercury_deep_copy*.[ch]
+**		runtime/mercury_deep_copy_body.h
 **		runtime/mercury_tabling.c
 **		runtime/mercury_type_info.c
 **		library/std_util.m

% Copyright (C) 1996-2000 The University of Melbourne.
% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
% This module generates representations for pseudo-type-infos.
% The documentation of the structures of pseudo-type-infos is in
% runtime/mercury_type_info.h; that file also contains a list of all
% the files that depend on such data structures.
% Authors: trd, zs.

:- module pseudo_type_info.

:- interface.

:- import_module llds, prog_data.

	% pseudo_type_info__construct_typed_pseudo_type_info(Type,
	% 	NumUnivQTvars, ExistQVars, Rval, LldsType, LabelNum0, LabelNum)
	% Given a Mercury type (`Type'), this predicate returns an rval
	% (`Rval') giving the pseudo type info for that type, plus the
	% llds_type (`LldsType') of that rval.
	% NumUnivQTvars is either the number of universally quantified type
	% variables of the enclosing type (so that all universally quantified
	% variables in the type have numbers in the range [1..NumUnivQTvars],
	% or is the special value -1, meaning that all variables in the type
	% are universally quantified. ExistQVars is the list of existentially
	% quantified type variables of the constructor in question.
	% The int arguments (`LabelNum0' and `LabelNum') are label numbers for
	% generating `create' rvals with.

:- pred pseudo_type_info__construct_typed_pseudo_type_info((type)::in,
	int::in, existq_tvars::in, rval::out, llds_type::out,
	int::in, int::out) is det.

	% This is the same as the previous predicate, but does not return
	% the LLDS type.

:- pred pseudo_type_info__construct_pseudo_type_info((type)::in,
	int::in, existq_tvars::in, rval::out, int::in, int::out) is det.

:- implementation.

:- import_module hlds_data, hlds_pred, hlds_out, builtin_ops, type_util.
:- import_module rtti, make_tags, code_util, globals, options, prog_util.
:- import_module list, assoc_list, bool, string, int, map, std_util, require.
:- import_module term.


pseudo_type_info__construct_pseudo_type_info(Type, NumUnivQTvars,
		ExistQTvars, Pseudo, CNum0, CNum) :-
	pseudo_type_info__construct_typed_pseudo_type_info(Type, NumUnivQTvars,
		ExistQTvars, Pseudo, _LldsType, CNum0, CNum).

pseudo_type_info__construct_typed_pseudo_type_info(Type, NumUnivQTvars,
		ExistQTvars, Pseudo, LldsType, CNum0, CNum) :-
		type_to_type_id(Type, TypeId, TypeArgs0)
			% The argument to typeclass_info types is not
			% a type - it encodes the class constraint.
			TypeId = qualified(PrivateBuiltin, TName) - _,
			( TName = "typeclass_info"
			; TName = "base_typeclass_info"
			TypeArgs = []
			TypeArgs = TypeArgs0
			% For higher order types: they all refer to the
			% defined pred_0 type_ctor_info, have an extra
			% argument for their real arity, and then type
			% arguments according to their types.
			% polymorphism.m has a detailed explanation.
			% XXX polymorphism.m does not have a
			% detailed explanation.
			type_is_higher_order(Type, _PredFunc,
				_EvalMethod, _TypeArgs)
			TypeModule = unqualified(""),
			TypeName = "pred",
			Arity = 0,
			TypeId = _QualTypeName - RealArity,
			RealArityArg = [yes(const(int_const(RealArity)))]
			TypeId = QualTypeName - Arity,
			unqualify_name(QualTypeName, TypeName),
			sym_name_get_module_name(QualTypeName, unqualified(""),
			RealArityArg = []
		RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(TypeModule, TypeName, Arity),
		DataAddr = rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, type_ctor_info),
		Pseudo0 = yes(const(data_addr_const(DataAddr))),
		LldsType = data_ptr,
		CNum1 = CNum0 + 1,

			% generate args, but remove one level of create()s.
		list__map_foldl((pred(T::in, P::out, C0::in, C::out) is det :-
				T, NumUnivQTvars, ExistQTvars, P, C0, C)
		), TypeArgs, PseudoArgs0, CNum1, CNum),
			PseudoArgs0, PseudoArgs1),

		list__append(RealArityArg, PseudoArgs1, PseudoArgs),

		Reuse = no,
		Pseudo = create(0, [Pseudo0 | PseudoArgs], uniform(no),
			must_be_static, CNum1, "type_layout", Reuse)
		type_util__var(Type, Var)
			% In the case of a type variable, we need to assign a
			% variable number *for this constructor*, i.e. taking
			% only the existentially quantified variables of
			% this constructor (and not those of other functors in
			% the same type) into account.

			% XXX term__var_to_int doesn't guarantee anything
			% about the ints returned (other than that they be
			% distinct for different variables), but here we are
			% relying more, specifically, on the integers being
			% allocated densely (i.e. the first N vars get integers
			% 1 to N).
		term__var_to_int(Var, VarInt0),
			( VarInt0 =< NumUnivQTvars
			; NumUnivQTvars < 0
				% This is a universally quantified variable.
			VarInt = VarInt0
				% It is existentially quantified.
					Var, ExistNum0)
				VarInt = ExistNum0 +
				error("base_type_layout: var not in list")
		require(VarInt =< pseudo_type_info__pseudo_typeinfo_max_var,
			"type_ctor_layout: type variable representation exceeds limit"),
		Pseudo = const(int_const(VarInt)),
		LldsType = integer,
		CNum = CNum0
		error("type_ctor_layout: type neither var nor non-var")

	% Remove a create() from an rval, if present.

:- pred pseudo_type_info__remove_create(rval::in, maybe(rval)::out) is det.

pseudo_type_info__remove_create(Rval0, MaybeRval) :-
	( Rval0 = create(_, [PTI], _, _, _, _, _) ->
		MaybeRval = PTI
		MaybeRval = yes(Rval0)


	% This number corresponds to MR_PSEUDOTYPEINFO_MAX_VAR in
	% runtime/mercury_type_info.h, and must be kept in sync with it.
	% The documentation is located there as well.

:- func pseudo_type_info__pseudo_typeinfo_max_var = int.

pseudo_type_info__pseudo_typeinfo_max_var = 1024.

	% This number corresponds to MR_PSEUDOTYPEINFO_EXIST_VAR_BASE in
	% runtime/mercury_type_info.h, and must be kept in sync with it.
	% The documentation is located there as well.
:- func pseudo_type_info__pseudo_typeinfo_exist_var_base = int.

pseudo_type_info__pseudo_typeinfo_exist_var_base = 512.

% Copyright (C) 1996-2000 The University of Melbourne.
% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
% File: type_ctor_info.m.
% Authors: zs, trd.
% This module is responsible for the generation of the static type_ctor_info
% structures of the types defined by the current module. This includes the
% RTTI data structures that describe the representation of each type.
% These structures form the type_ctor_rep, type_num_functors, type_functors
% and type_layout fields of a type_ctor_info. This RTTI information is
% used for several purposes: examples include deep copy, tabling, and functor,
% arg and their cousins.
% Since it is possible for the type_ctor_info of a type local to the module
% not to be referred to anywhere in the module (and therefore, not to be
% referred to anywhere in the program), this module works in two stages.
% In the first stage, it inserts type_ctor_gen_info structures describing the
% type_ctor_infos of all the locally-defined types into the HLDS; some of
% these type_ctor_gen_infos are later eliminated by dead_proc_elim.m. The
% second stage then generates low-level descriptions of type_ctor_infos
% for LLDS (or later MLDS) from the surviving type_ctor_gen_infos.
% The representation we build is designed to be independent of whether
% the compiler is generating LLDS or MLDS. However, at the moment, we
% still generate some LLDS rvals to represent typeinfos and pseudotypeinfos.
% These `create' rvals are expected to be removed by llds_common.m to
% create static structures.
% The documentation of the data structures built in this module is in
% runtime/mercury_type_info.h; that file also contains a list of all
% the files that depend on these data structures.
% WARNING: if you change this module, you will probably need to also
% change ml_base_type_info.m, which does the same thing for the MLDS
% back-end.

:- module type_ctor_info.

:- interface.

:- import_module hlds_module, llds.
:- import_module list.

:- pred type_ctor_info__generate_hlds(module_info::in, module_info::out)
	is det.

:- pred type_ctor_info__generate_llds(module_info::in, module_info::out,
	list(comp_gen_c_data)::out) is det.

:- implementation.

:- import_module rtti, pseudo_type_info.
:- import_module hlds_data, hlds_pred, hlds_out.
:- import_module make_tags, prog_data, prog_util, prog_out.
:- import_module code_util, special_pred, type_util, globals, options.
:- import_module builtin_ops.

:- import_module bool, string, int, map, std_util, assoc_list, require.
:- import_module term.


type_ctor_info__generate_hlds(ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) :-
	module_info_name(ModuleInfo0, ModuleName),
	module_info_types(ModuleInfo0, TypeTable),
	map__keys(TypeTable, TypeIds),
	type_ctor_info__gen_type_ctor_gen_infos(TypeIds, TypeTable, ModuleName,
		ModuleInfo0, TypeCtorGenInfos),
	module_info_set_type_ctor_gen_infos(ModuleInfo0, TypeCtorGenInfos,

	% Given a list of the ids of all the types in the type table,
	% find the types defined in this module, and return a type_ctor_gen_info
	% for each.

:- pred type_ctor_info__gen_type_ctor_gen_infos(list(type_id)::in,
	type_table::in, module_name::in, module_info::in,
	list(type_ctor_gen_info)::out) is det.

type_ctor_info__gen_type_ctor_gen_infos([], _, _, _, []).
type_ctor_info__gen_type_ctor_gen_infos([TypeId | TypeIds], TypeTable,
		ModuleName, ModuleInfo, TypeCtorGenInfos) :-
	type_ctor_info__gen_type_ctor_gen_infos(TypeIds, TypeTable, ModuleName,
		ModuleInfo, TypeCtorGenInfos1),
	TypeId = SymName - TypeArity,
		SymName = qualified(TypeModuleName, TypeName),
			TypeModuleName = ModuleName,
			map__lookup(TypeTable, TypeId, TypeDefn),
			hlds_data__get_type_defn_body(TypeDefn, TypeBody),
			TypeBody \= abstract_type,
			\+ type_id_has_hand_defined_rtti(TypeId)
				TypeName, TypeArity, TypeDefn,
				ModuleName, ModuleInfo, TypeCtorGenInfo),
			TypeCtorGenInfos = [TypeCtorGenInfo | TypeCtorGenInfos1]
			TypeCtorGenInfos = TypeCtorGenInfos1
		SymName = unqualified(TypeName),
		string__append_list(["unqualified type ", TypeName,
			"found in type_ctor_info"], Msg),

:- pred type_ctor_info__gen_type_ctor_gen_info(type_id::in, string::in,
	int::in, hlds_type_defn::in, module_name::in, module_info::in,
	type_ctor_gen_info::out) is det.

type_ctor_info__gen_type_ctor_gen_info(TypeId, TypeName, TypeArity, TypeDefn,
		ModuleName, ModuleInfo, TypeCtorGenInfo) :-
	hlds_data__get_type_defn_status(TypeDefn, Status),
	module_info_get_special_pred_map(ModuleInfo, SpecMap),

	map__lookup(SpecMap, unify - TypeId, UnifyPredId),
	special_pred_mode_num(unify, UnifyProcInt),
	proc_id_to_int(UnifyProcId, UnifyProcInt),
	MaybeUnify = yes(proc(UnifyPredId, UnifyProcId)),

	map__lookup(SpecMap, index - TypeId, IndexPredId),
	special_pred_mode_num(index, IndexProcInt),
	proc_id_to_int(IndexProcId, IndexProcInt),
	MaybeIndex = yes(proc(IndexPredId, IndexProcId)),

	map__lookup(SpecMap, compare - TypeId, ComparePredId),
	special_pred_mode_num(compare, CompareProcInt),
	proc_id_to_int(CompareProcId, CompareProcInt),
	MaybeCompare = yes(proc(ComparePredId, CompareProcId)),

	TypeCtorGenInfo = type_ctor_gen_info(TypeId, ModuleName,
		TypeName, TypeArity, Status, TypeDefn,
		MaybeUnify, MaybeIndex, MaybeCompare,
		no, no, no).


type_ctor_info__generate_llds(ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo, Tables) :-
	module_info_type_ctor_gen_infos(ModuleInfo0, TypeCtorGenInfos),
		ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo, [], Dynamic0, [], Static0),
	list__map(llds__wrap_rtti_data, Dynamic0, Dynamic),
	list__map(llds__wrap_rtti_data, Static0, Static),
	list__append(Dynamic, Static, Tables).

:- pred type_ctor_info__construct_type_ctor_infos(
	list(type_ctor_gen_info)::in, module_info::in, module_info::out,
	list(rtti_data)::in, list(rtti_data)::out,
	list(rtti_data)::in, list(rtti_data)::out) is det.

type_ctor_info__construct_type_ctor_infos([], ModuleInfo, ModuleInfo,
		Dynamic, Dynamic, Static, Static).
		[TypeCtorGenInfo | TypeCtorGenInfos], ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo,
		Dynamic0, Dynamic, Static0, Static) :-
		ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo1, TypeCtorCModule, TypeCtorTables),
	Dynamic1 = [TypeCtorCModule | Dynamic0],
	list__append(TypeCtorTables, Static0, Static1),
		ModuleInfo1, ModuleInfo, Dynamic1, Dynamic, Static1, Static).

:- pred type_ctor_info__construct_type_ctor_info(type_ctor_gen_info::in,
	module_info::in, module_info::out,
	rtti_data::out, list(rtti_data)::out) is det.

		ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo, TypeCtorData, TypeCtorTables) :-
	TypeCtorGenInfo = type_ctor_gen_info(_TypeId, ModuleName, TypeName,
		TypeArity, _Status, HldsDefn,
		MaybeUnify, MaybeIndex, MaybeCompare,
		MaybeSolver, MaybeInit, MaybePretty),
	type_ctor_info__make_pred_addr(MaybeUnify,   ModuleInfo, Unify),
	type_ctor_info__make_pred_addr(MaybeIndex,   ModuleInfo, Index),
	type_ctor_info__make_pred_addr(MaybeCompare, ModuleInfo, Compare),
	type_ctor_info__make_pred_addr(MaybeSolver,  ModuleInfo, Solver),
	type_ctor_info__make_pred_addr(MaybeInit,    ModuleInfo, Init),
	type_ctor_info__make_pred_addr(MaybePretty,  ModuleInfo, Pretty),

	module_info_globals(ModuleInfo0, Globals),
	globals__lookup_bool_option(Globals, type_layout, TypeLayoutOption),
	( TypeLayoutOption = yes ->
			TypeName, TypeArity, HldsDefn, ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo,
			TypeCtorRep, NumFunctors, MaybeFunctors, MaybeLayout,
			NumPtags, TypeCtorTables)
			% This is for measuring code size only; if this path
			% is ever taken, the resulting executable will not
			% work.
		TypeCtorRep = unknown,
		NumPtags = -1,
		NumFunctors = -1,
		MaybeFunctors = no_functors,
		MaybeLayout = no_layout,
		TypeCtorTables = [],
		ModuleInfo = ModuleInfo0
	Version = type_ctor_info_rtti_version,
	RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(ModuleName, TypeName, TypeArity),
	TypeCtorData = type_ctor_info(RttiTypeId, Unify, Index, Compare,
		TypeCtorRep, Solver, Init, Version, NumPtags, NumFunctors,
		MaybeFunctors, MaybeLayout, no, Pretty).

:- pred type_ctor_info__make_pred_addr(maybe(pred_proc_id)::in,
	module_info::in, maybe(code_addr)::out) is det.

type_ctor_info__make_pred_addr(no, _ModuleInfo, no).
type_ctor_info__make_pred_addr(yes(PredProcId), ModuleInfo, yes(PredAddr)) :-
	PredProcId = proc(PredId, ProcId),
	code_util__make_entry_label(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, no, PredAddr).


	% The version of the RTTI data structures -- useful for bootstrapping.
	% If you write runtime code that checks this version number and
	% can at least handle the previous version of the data
	% structure, it makes it easier to bootstrap changes to the data
	% structures used for RTTI.
	% This number should be kept in sync with MR_RTTI_VERSION in
	% runtime/mercury_type_info.h.  This means you need to update
	% the handwritten type_ctor_info structures and the code in the
	% runtime that uses RTTI to conform to whatever changes the new
	% version introduces.

:- func type_ctor_info_rtti_version = int.

type_ctor_info_rtti_version = 4.


	% Generate RTTI layout information for the named type.

:- pred type_ctor_info__gen_layout_info(module_name::in,
	string::in, int::in, hlds_type_defn::in,
	module_info::in, module_info::out, type_ctor_rep::out, int::out,
	type_ctor_functors_info::out, type_ctor_layout_info::out,
	int::out, list(rtti_data)::out) is det.

type_ctor_info__gen_layout_info(ModuleName, TypeName, TypeArity, HldsDefn,
		ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo, TypeCtorRep, NumFunctors,
		FunctorsInfo, LayoutInfo, NumPtags, TypeTables) :-
	hlds_data__get_type_defn_body(HldsDefn, TypeBody),
	module_info_get_cell_count(ModuleInfo0, CellNumber0),
		TypeBody = uu_type(_Alts),
		error("type_ctor_layout: sorry, undiscriminated union unimplemented\n")
		TypeBody = abstract_type,
		TypeCtorRep = unknown,
		NumFunctors = -1,
		FunctorsInfo = no_functors,
		LayoutInfo = no_layout,
		TypeTables = [],
		CellNumber = CellNumber0,
		NumPtags = -1
		TypeBody = eqv_type(Type),
		( term__is_ground(Type) ->
			TypeCtorRep = equiv(equiv_type_is_ground)
			TypeCtorRep = equiv(equiv_type_is_not_ground)
		NumFunctors = -1,
		UnivTvars = TypeArity,
			% There can be no existentially typed args to an
			% equivalence.
		ExistTvars = [],
			UnivTvars, ExistTvars, Rval, CellNumber0, CellNumber),
		FunctorsInfo = no_functors,
		LayoutInfo = equiv_layout(Rval),
		TypeTables = [],
		NumPtags = -1
		TypeBody = du_type(Ctors, ConsTagMap, Enum, EqualityPred),
			EqualityPred = yes(_),
			EqualityAxioms = user_defined
			EqualityPred = no,
			EqualityAxioms = standard
		list__length(Ctors, NumFunctors),
		RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(ModuleName, TypeName, TypeArity),
			Enum = yes,
			TypeCtorRep = enum(EqualityAxioms),
			type_ctor_info__make_enum_tables(Ctors, ConsTagMap,
				RttiTypeId, TypeTables,
				FunctorsInfo, LayoutInfo),
			CellNumber = CellNumber0,
			NumPtags = -1
			Enum = no,
			( type_is_no_tag_type(Ctors, Name, ArgType) ->
				( term__is_ground(ArgType) ->
					Inst = equiv_type_is_ground
					Inst = equiv_type_is_not_ground
				TypeCtorRep = notag(EqualityAxioms, Inst),
					ArgType, RttiTypeId,
					CellNumber0, CellNumber,
					TypeTables, FunctorsInfo, LayoutInfo),
				NumPtags = -1
				module_info_globals(ModuleInfo0, Globals),
					num_tag_bits, NumTagBits),
				int__pow(2, NumTagBits, NumTags),
				MaxPtag = NumTags - 1,
				TypeCtorRep = du(EqualityAxioms),
					ConsTagMap, MaxPtag, RttiTypeId,
					ModuleInfo0, CellNumber0, CellNumber,
					TypeTables, NumPtags,
					FunctorsInfo, LayoutInfo)
	module_info_set_cell_count(ModuleInfo0, CellNumber, ModuleInfo).


% Make the functor and notag tables for a notag type.

:- pred type_ctor_info__make_notag_tables(sym_name::in, (type)::in,
	rtti_type_id::in, int::in, int::out, list(rtti_data)::out,
	type_ctor_functors_info::out, type_ctor_layout_info::out) is det.

type_ctor_info__make_notag_tables(SymName, ArgType, RttiTypeId,
		CellNumber0, CellNumber,
		TypeTables, FunctorsInfo, LayoutInfo) :-
	unqualify_name(SymName, FunctorName),
	RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(_, _, UnivTvars),
		% There can be no existentially typed args to the functor
		% in a notag type.
	ExistTvars = [],
		UnivTvars, ExistTvars, Rval, CellNumber0, CellNumber),
	FunctorDesc = notag_functor_desc(RttiTypeId, FunctorName, Rval),
	FunctorRttiName = notag_functor_desc,

	FunctorsInfo = notag_functors(FunctorRttiName),
	LayoutInfo = notag_layout(FunctorRttiName),
	TypeTables = [FunctorDesc].


:- type name_sort_info == assoc_list(pair(string, int), rtti_name).

% Make the functor and notag tables for an enum type.

:- pred type_ctor_info__make_enum_tables(list(constructor)::in,
	cons_tag_values::in, rtti_type_id::in, list(rtti_data)::out,
	type_ctor_functors_info::out, type_ctor_layout_info::out) is det.

type_ctor_info__make_enum_tables(Ctors, ConsTagMap, RttiTypeId,
		TypeTables, FunctorInfo, LayoutInfo) :-
	type_ctor_info__make_enum_functor_tables(Ctors, 0, ConsTagMap,
		RttiTypeId, FunctorDescs, OrdinalOrderRttiNames, SortInfo0),
	list__sort(SortInfo0, SortInfo),
	assoc_list__values(SortInfo, NameOrderedRttiNames),

	NameOrderedTable = enum_name_ordered_table(RttiTypeId,
	NameOrderedTableRttiName = enum_name_ordered_table,
	FunctorInfo = enum_functors(NameOrderedTableRttiName),

	ValueOrderedTable = enum_value_ordered_table(RttiTypeId,
	ValueOrderedTableRttiName = enum_value_ordered_table,
	LayoutInfo = enum_layout(ValueOrderedTableRttiName),

	TypeTables = [NameOrderedTable, ValueOrderedTable | FunctorDescs].

% Create an enum_functor_desc structure for each functor in an enum type.
% The functors are given to us in ordinal order (since that's how the HLDS
% stored them), and that is how we return the list of rtti names of the
% enum_functor_desc structures; that way, it is directly usable in the type
% layout structure. We also return a structure that allows our caller to
% sort this list on functor name, which is how the type functors structure
% is constructed.

:- pred type_ctor_info__make_enum_functor_tables(list(constructor)::in,
	int::in, cons_tag_values::in, rtti_type_id::in,
	list(rtti_data)::out, list(rtti_name)::out,
	name_sort_info::out) is det.

type_ctor_info__make_enum_functor_tables([], _, _, _, [], [], []).
type_ctor_info__make_enum_functor_tables([Functor | Functors], NextOrdinal0,
		ConsTagMap, RttiTypeId,
		FunctorDescs, RttiNames, SortInfo) :-
	Functor = ctor(ExistTvars, Constraints, SymName, FunctorArgs),
	require(unify(ExistTvars, []),
		"existential arguments in functor in enum"),
	require(unify(Constraints, []),
		"class constraints on functor in enum"),
	list__length(FunctorArgs, Arity),
	require(unify(Arity, 0),
		"functor in enum has nonzero arity"),
	make_cons_id_from_qualified_sym_name(SymName, FunctorArgs, ConsId),
	map__lookup(ConsTagMap, ConsId, ConsTag),
	require(unify(ConsTag, int_constant(NextOrdinal0)),
		"mismatch on constant assigned to functor in enum"),
	unqualify_name(SymName, FunctorName),
	FunctorDesc = enum_functor_desc(RttiTypeId, FunctorName, NextOrdinal0),
	RttiName = enum_functor_desc(NextOrdinal0),
	FunctorSortInfo = (FunctorName - 0) - RttiName,
	type_ctor_info__make_enum_functor_tables(Functors, NextOrdinal0 + 1,
		ConsTagMap, RttiTypeId, FunctorDescs1, RttiNames1, SortInfo1),
	FunctorDescs = [FunctorDesc | FunctorDescs1],
	RttiNames = [RttiName | RttiNames1],
	SortInfo = [FunctorSortInfo | SortInfo1].


:- type tag_map == map(int, pair(sectag_locn, map(int, rtti_name))).
:- type tag_list == assoc_list(int, pair(sectag_locn, map(int, rtti_name))).

% Make the functor and notag tables for a du type.

:- pred type_ctor_info__make_du_tables(list(constructor)::in,
	cons_tag_values::in, int::in, rtti_type_id::in, module_info::in,
	int::in, int::out, list(rtti_data)::out, int::out,
	type_ctor_functors_info::out, type_ctor_layout_info::out) is det.

type_ctor_info__make_du_tables(Ctors, ConsTagMap, MaxPtag, RttiTypeId,
		ModuleInfo, CellNumber0, CellNumber,
		TypeTables, NumPtags, FunctorInfo, LayoutInfo) :-
	type_ctor_info__make_du_functor_tables(Ctors, 0, ConsTagMap,
		RttiTypeId, ModuleInfo, CellNumber0, CellNumber,
		FunctorDescs, SortInfo0, TagMap0, TagMap),
	list__sort(SortInfo0, SortInfo),
	assoc_list__values(SortInfo, NameOrderedRttiNames),

	NameOrderedTable = du_name_ordered_table(RttiTypeId,
	NameOrderedTableRttiName = du_name_ordered_table,
	FunctorInfo = du_functors(NameOrderedTableRttiName),

	type_ctor_info__make_du_ptag_ordered_table(TagMap, MaxPtag,
		RttiTypeId, ValueOrderedTableRttiName, ValueOrderedTables,
	LayoutInfo = du_layout(ValueOrderedTableRttiName),
	list__append([NameOrderedTable | FunctorDescs], ValueOrderedTables,

% Create an enum_functor_desc structure for each functor in a du type.
% Besides returning a list of the rtti names of their du_functor_desc
% structures, we return two other items of information. The SortInfo
% enables our caller to sort these rtti names on functor name and then arity,
% which is how the type functors structure is constructed. The TagMap
% groups the rttis into groups depending on their primary tags; this is
% how the type layout structure is constructed.

:- pred type_ctor_info__make_du_functor_tables(list(constructor)::in,
	int::in, cons_tag_values::in, rtti_type_id::in, module_info::in,
	int::in, int::out, list(rtti_data)::out, name_sort_info::out,
	tag_map::in, tag_map::out) is det.

type_ctor_info__make_du_functor_tables([], _, _, _, _,
		CellNumber, CellNumber, [], [], TagMap, TagMap).
type_ctor_info__make_du_functor_tables([Functor | Functors], Ordinal,
		ConsTagMap, RttiTypeId, ModuleInfo, CellNumber0, CellNumber,
		Tables, SortInfo, TagMap0, TagMap) :-
	Functor = ctor(ExistTvars, Constraints, SymName, FunctorArgs),
	list__length(FunctorArgs, Arity),
	unqualify_name(SymName, FunctorName),
	RttiName = du_functor_desc(Ordinal),
	make_cons_id_from_qualified_sym_name(SymName, FunctorArgs, ConsId),
	map__lookup(ConsTagMap, ConsId, ConsTag),
	( ConsTag = unshared_tag(ConsPtag) ->
		Locn = sectag_none,
		Ptag = ConsPtag,
		Stag = 0,
		type_ctor_info__update_tag_info(Ptag, Stag, Locn, RttiName,
			TagMap0, TagMap1)
	; ConsTag = shared_local_tag(ConsPtag, ConsStag) ->
		Locn = sectag_local,
		Ptag = ConsPtag,
		Stag = ConsStag,
		type_ctor_info__update_tag_info(Ptag, Stag, Locn, RttiName,
			TagMap0, TagMap1)
	; ConsTag = shared_remote_tag(ConsPtag, ConsStag) ->
		Locn = sectag_remote,
		Ptag = ConsPtag,
		Stag = ConsStag,
		type_ctor_info__update_tag_info(Ptag, Stag, Locn, RttiName,
			TagMap0, TagMap1)
		error("unexpected cons_tag for du function symbol")

		RttiTypeId, Ordinal, FunctorArgs, ExistTvars,
		CellNumber0, CellNumber1, MaybeArgNames,
		ArgPseudoTypeInfoVector, FieldTables, ContainsVarBitVector),
	( ExistTvars = [] ->
		MaybeExistInfo = no,
		ExistTables = []
		module_info_classes(ModuleInfo, ClassTable),
			Constraints, ClassTable, RttiTypeId, Ordinal,
			ExistInfo, ExistTables),
		MaybeExistInfo = yes(ExistInfo)
	list__append(FieldTables, ExistTables, SubTables),
	FunctorDesc = du_functor_desc(RttiTypeId, FunctorName, Ptag, Stag,
		Locn, Ordinal, Arity, ContainsVarBitVector,
		ArgPseudoTypeInfoVector, MaybeArgNames, MaybeExistInfo),
	FunctorSortInfo = (FunctorName - Arity) - RttiName,
	type_ctor_info__make_du_functor_tables(Functors, Ordinal + 1,
		ConsTagMap, RttiTypeId, ModuleInfo, CellNumber1, CellNumber,
		Tables1, SortInfo1, TagMap1, TagMap),
	list__append([FunctorDesc | SubTables], Tables1, Tables),
	SortInfo = [FunctorSortInfo | SortInfo1].

% Generate the tables that describe the arguments of a functor. 

:- pred type_ctor_info__generate_arg_info_tables(module_info::in,
	rtti_type_id::in, int::in, list(constructor_arg)::in, existq_tvars::in,
	int::in, int::out, maybe(rtti_name)::out, rval::out,
	list(rtti_data)::out, int::out) is det.

		ModuleInfo, RttiTypeId, Ordinal,
		Args, ExistTvars, CellNumber0, CellNumber,
		MaybeFieldNamesRttiName, Vector, Tables,
		ContainsVarBitVector) :-
	RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(_TypeModule, _TypeName, TypeArity),
	type_ctor_info__generate_arg_infos(Args, TypeArity, ExistTvars,
		ModuleInfo, CellNumber0, CellNumber1,
		MaybeArgNames, LldsTypes, MaybePseudoTypeInfos,
		0, 0, ContainsVarBitVector),
	list__filter((lambda([MaybeName::in] is semidet, MaybeName = yes(_))),
		MaybeArgNames, FieldNames),
		FieldNames = [],
		MaybeFieldNamesRttiName = no,
		Tables = []
		FieldNames = [_|_],
		FieldNameTable = field_names(RttiTypeId, Ordinal,
		FieldNamesRttiName = field_names(Ordinal),
		MaybeFieldNamesRttiName = yes(FieldNamesRttiName),
		Tables = [FieldNameTable]
	type_ctor_info__get_next_cell_number(CellNumber1, CN, CellNumber),
	Reuse = no,
	Vector = create(0, MaybePseudoTypeInfos, initial(LldsTypes, none),
		must_be_static, CN, "arg_types", Reuse).

% For each argument of a functor, return three items of information:
% its name (if any), a pseudotypeinfo describing its type (and the llds_type
% that describes the pseudotypeinfo), and an indication whether the type
% contains variables or not. The last item is encoded as an integer
% which contains a 1 bit in the position given by 1 << N if argument N's type
% contains variables (assuming that arguments are numbered starting from zero).
% The number of bits in the integer is given by contains_var_bit_vector_size;
% arguments beyond this limit do not contribute to this bit vector.

:- pred type_ctor_info__generate_arg_infos(list(constructor_arg)::in,
	int::in, existq_tvars::in, module_info::in, int::in, int::out,
	list(maybe(string))::out, initial_arg_types::out,
	list(maybe(rval))::out, int::in, int::in, int::out) is det.

type_ctor_info__generate_arg_infos([], _, _, _,
		CellNumber, CellNumber, [], [], [],
		_, ContainsVarBitVector, ContainsVarBitVector).
type_ctor_info__generate_arg_infos([MaybeArgSymName - ArgType | Args],
		NumUnivTvars, ExistTvars, ModuleInfo, CellNumber0, CellNumber,
		[MaybeArgName | MaybeArgNames],
		[1 - yes(LldsType) | LldsTypes],
		[yes(PseudoTypeInfo) | MaybePseudoTypeInfos],
		ArgNum, ContainsVarBitVector0, ContainsVarBitVector) :-
		MaybeArgSymName = yes(SymName),
		unqualify_name(SymName, ArgName),
		MaybeArgName = yes(ArgName)
		MaybeArgSymName = no,
		MaybeArgName = no
		NumUnivTvars, ExistTvars, PseudoTypeInfo, LldsType,
		CellNumber0, CellNumber1),
		( term__is_ground(ArgType)
		; ArgNum >= contains_var_bit_vector_size
		ContainsVarBitVector1 = ContainsVarBitVector0
		ContainsVarBitVector1 = ContainsVarBitVector0 + (1 << ArgNum)
	type_ctor_info__generate_arg_infos(Args, NumUnivTvars,
		ExistTvars, ModuleInfo, CellNumber1, CellNumber,
		MaybeArgNames, LldsTypes, MaybePseudoTypeInfos,
		ArgNum + 1, ContainsVarBitVector1, ContainsVarBitVector).

% This function gives the size of the MR_du_functor_arg_type_contains_var
% field of the C type MR_DuFunctorDesc in bits.

:- func type_ctor_info__contains_var_bit_vector_size = int.

type_ctor_info__contains_var_bit_vector_size = 16.

% Construct the RTTI structures that record information about the locations
% of the typeinfos describing the types of the existentially typed arguments
% of a functor.

:- pred type_ctor_info__generate_type_info_locns(list(tvar)::in,
	list(class_constraint)::in, class_table::in, rtti_type_id::in, int::in,
	rtti_name::out, list(rtti_data)::out) is det.

type_ctor_info__generate_type_info_locns(ExistTvars, Constraints, ClassTable,
		RttiTypeId, Ordinal, exist_info(Ordinal),
		[ExistInfo, ExistLocns]) :-
	list__map((pred(C::in, Ts::out) is det :- C = constraint(_, Ts)),
		Constraints, ConstrainedTvars0),
	list__condense(ConstrainedTvars0, ConstrainedTvars1),
	term__vars_list(ConstrainedTvars1, ConstrainedTvars2),
	list__delete_elems(ExistTvars, ConstrainedTvars2, UnconstrainedTvars),
		% We do this to maintain the ordering of the type variables.
	list__delete_elems(ExistTvars, UnconstrainedTvars, ConstrainedTvars),
	list__foldl2((pred(T::in, N0::in, N::out, Lm0::in, Lm::out) is det :-
			Locn = plain_typeinfo(N0),
			map__det_insert(Lm0, T, Locn, Lm),
			N = N0 + 1
		), UnconstrainedTvars, 0, TIsPlain, LocnMap0, LocnMap1),
	list__length(ExistTvars, AllTIs),
	TIsInTCIs = AllTIs - TIsPlain,
		find_type_info_index(Constraints, ClassTable, TIsPlain),
		ConstrainedTvars, LocnMap1, LocnMap),
	list__length(Constraints, TCIs),
	ExistInfo = exist_info(RttiTypeId, Ordinal,
		TIsPlain, TIsInTCIs, TCIs, exist_locns(Ordinal)),
	list__map((pred(Tvar::in, Locn::out) is det :-
		map__lookup(LocnMap, Tvar, Locn)),
		ExistTvars, Locns),
	ExistLocns = exist_locns(RttiTypeId, Ordinal, Locns).

:- pred find_type_info_index(list(class_constraint)::in, class_table::in,
	int::in, tvar::in, map(tvar, exist_typeinfo_locn)::in,
	map(tvar, exist_typeinfo_locn)::out) is det.

find_type_info_index(Constraints, ClassTable, StartSlot, Tvar,
		LocnMap0, LocnMap) :-
	first_matching_type_class_info(Constraints, Tvar,
		FirstConstraint, StartSlot, Slot, TypeInfoIndex),
	FirstConstraint = constraint(ClassName, Args),
	list__length(Args, ClassArity),
	map__lookup(ClassTable, class_id(ClassName, ClassArity), ClassDefn),
	ClassDefn = hlds_class_defn(_, SuperClasses, _, _, _, _, _),
	list__length(SuperClasses, NumSuperClasses),
	RealTypeInfoIndex = TypeInfoIndex + NumSuperClasses,
	Locn = typeinfo_in_tci(Slot, RealTypeInfoIndex),
	map__det_insert(LocnMap0, Tvar, Locn, LocnMap).

:- pred first_matching_type_class_info(list(class_constraint)::in, tvar::in,
	class_constraint::out, int::in, int::out, int::out) is det.

first_matching_type_class_info([], _, _, _, _, _) :-
	error("base_type_layout: constrained type info not found").
first_matching_type_class_info([C|Cs], Tvar, MatchingConstraint, N0, N,
		TypeInfoIndex) :-
	C = constraint(_, Ts),
	term__vars_list(Ts, TVs),
	( list__nth_member_search(TVs, Tvar, Index) ->
		N = N0,
		MatchingConstraint = C,
		TypeInfoIndex = Index
		first_matching_type_class_info(Cs, Tvar, MatchingConstraint,
			N0 + 1, N, TypeInfoIndex)


:- pred type_ctor_info__update_tag_info(int::in, int::in, sectag_locn::in,
	rtti_name::in, tag_map::in,  tag_map::out) is det.

type_ctor_info__update_tag_info(Ptag, Stag, Locn, RttiName, TagMap0, TagMap)
	( map__search(TagMap0, Ptag, OldLocn - OldSharerMap) ->
		( Locn = sectag_none ->
			error("unshared ptag shared after all")
		; OldLocn = Locn ->
			error("disagreement on sectag location for ptag")
		map__det_insert(OldSharerMap, Stag, RttiName, NewSharerMap),
		map__det_update(TagMap0, Ptag, Locn - NewSharerMap, TagMap)
		map__det_insert(NewSharerMap0, Stag, RttiName, NewSharerMap),
		map__det_insert(TagMap0, Ptag, Locn - NewSharerMap, TagMap)

:- pred type_ctor_info__make_du_ptag_ordered_table(tag_map::in, int::in,
	rtti_type_id::in, rtti_name::out, list(rtti_data)::out, int::out)
	is det.

type_ctor_info__make_du_ptag_ordered_table(TagMap, MaxPtagValue,
		RttiTypeId, PtagOrderedRttiName, Tables, NumPtags) :-
	map__to_assoc_list(TagMap, TagList),
	type_ctor_info__make_du_ptag_layouts(TagList, 0, MaxPtagValue,
		RttiTypeId, PtagLayouts, SubTables, NumPtags),
	PtagOrderedTable = du_ptag_ordered_table(RttiTypeId, PtagLayouts),
	PtagOrderedRttiName = du_ptag_ordered_table,
	Tables = [PtagOrderedTable | SubTables].

:- pred type_ctor_info__make_du_ptag_layouts(tag_list::in, int::in, int::in,
	rtti_type_id::in, list(du_ptag_layout)::out, list(rtti_data)::out,
	int::out) is det.

type_ctor_info__make_du_ptag_layouts(TagList0, CurPtag, MaxPtag,
		RttiTypeId, PtagLayouts, Tables, NumPtags) :-
		TagList0 = [],
		PtagLayouts = [],
		Tables = [],
		NumPtags = CurPtag
		TagList0 = [Ptag - (Locn - StagMap) | TagList],
		require(unify(CurPtag, Ptag),
			"missing ptag value in make_du_ptag_layout"),
		require(CurPtag =< MaxPtag,
			"ptag value exceeds maximum"),
		map__to_assoc_list(StagMap, StagList),
		list__length(StagList, StagListLength),
		type_ctor_info__make_du_stag_table(0, StagListLength - 1,
			StagList, StagRttiNames),
		StagOrderedTable = du_stag_ordered_table(RttiTypeId,
			Ptag, StagRttiNames),
		StagOrderedAddr = du_stag_ordered_table(Ptag),
		PtagLayout = du_ptag_layout(StagListLength, Locn,
			CurPtag + 1, MaxPtag, RttiTypeId,
			PtagLayouts1, Tables1, NumPtags),
		PtagLayouts = [PtagLayout | PtagLayouts1],
		Tables = [StagOrderedTable | Tables1]

:- pred type_ctor_info__make_du_stag_table(int::in, int::in,
	assoc_list(int, rtti_name)::in, list(rtti_name)::out) is det.

type_ctor_info__make_du_stag_table(CurStag, MaxStag, TagList0,
		StagRttiNames) :-
	( CurStag =< MaxStag ->
			TagList0 = [],
			error("short stag list in make_du_stag_table")
			TagList0 = [Stag - RttiName | TagList],
			require(unify(CurStag, Stag),
				"missing stag value in make_du_stag_table")
		type_ctor_info__make_du_stag_table(CurStag + 1, MaxStag,
			TagList, StagRttiNames1),
		StagRttiNames = [RttiName | StagRttiNames1]
		require(unify(TagList0, []),
			"leftover stag values in make_du_stag_table"),
		StagRttiNames = []


:- pred type_ctor_info__get_next_cell_number(int::in, int::out, int::out)
	is det.

type_ctor_info__get_next_cell_number(CellNumber0, Next, CellNumber) :-
	CellNumber = CellNumber0 + 1,
	Next = CellNumber.

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