[m-dev.] for review: if-then-else and acc introduction

Peter Ross petdr at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Tue Jun 27 01:09:12 AEST 2000


For Simon to review.


Estimated hours taken: 4

Introduce accumulators into predicates which have if-then-elses and

    Introduce accumulators into predicates which have if-then-elses and
    Add the --introduce-accumulators option at -O3.

    The tests no longer require that unused arg elimination needs to be
    turned off.
    Add the two new tests.

    Add a test case, which makes sure that functions can have
    accumulators introduced.

    Add a test case for if-then-elses.

    Modify the runtests script so that we cut out line number
    information from the predicate names.  This should mean that the
    INTRODUCED file should change less often.

    Add the two new tests results, and cut the line numbers out of all
    the old results.

Index: update/compiler/accumulator.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/accumulator.m,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -r1.10 accumulator.m
--- update/compiler/accumulator.m	2000/04/12 09:48:15	1.10
+++ update/compiler/accumulator.m	2000/06/26 14:36:01
@@ -338,9 +338,10 @@
 	standardize(Goal0, Goal),
-	identify_goal_type(PredId, ProcId, Goal, TopLevel, Base, Rec),
+	identify_goal_type(PredId, ProcId, Goal, InitialInstMap,
+			TopLevel, Base, BaseInstMap, Rec, RecInstMap),
-	C = initialize_goal_store(Rec, Base, InitialInstMap),
+	C = initialize_goal_store(Rec, RecInstMap, Base, BaseInstMap),
 	identify_recursive_calls(PredId, ProcId, C, RecCallIds),
@@ -444,9 +445,11 @@
 	% transformation doesn't depend on what is in the base case.
 :- pred identify_goal_type(pred_id::in, proc_id::in, hlds_goal::in,
-		top_level::out, hlds_goals::out, hlds_goals::out) is semidet.
+		instmap::in, top_level::out, hlds_goals::out, instmap::out,
+		hlds_goals::out, instmap::out) is semidet.
-identify_goal_type(PredId, ProcId, Goal, Type, Base, Rec) :-
+identify_goal_type(PredId, ProcId, Goal, InitialInstMap,
+		Type, Base, BaseInstMap, Rec, RecInstMap) :-
 		Goal = switch(_Var, _CanFail, Cases, _StoreMap) - _GoalInfo,
 		Cases = [case(_IdA, GoalA), case(_IdB, GoalB)],
@@ -467,6 +470,64 @@
 			Rec = GoalBList
+		),
+		BaseInstMap = InitialInstMap,
+		RecInstMap = InitialInstMap
+	;
+		Goal = disj(Goals, _StoreMap) - _GoalInfo,
+		Goals = [GoalA, GoalB],
+		goal_to_conj_list(GoalA, GoalAList),
+		goal_to_conj_list(GoalB, GoalBList)
+	->
+		(
+			is_recursive_case(GoalAList, proc(PredId, ProcId))
+		->
+			Type = disj_rec_base,
+			Base = GoalBList,
+			Rec = GoalAList
+		;
+			is_recursive_case(GoalBList, proc(PredId, ProcId))
+		->
+			Type = disj_base_rec,
+			Base = GoalAList,
+			Rec = GoalBList
+		;
+			fail
+		),
+		BaseInstMap = InitialInstMap,
+		RecInstMap = InitialInstMap
+	;
+		Goal = if_then_else(_Vars, If, Then, Else, _StoreMap) -
+				_GoalInfo,
+		If = _IfGoal - IfGoalInfo,
+		goal_info_get_instmap_delta(IfGoalInfo, IfInstMapDelta),
+		goal_to_conj_list(Then, GoalAList),
+		goal_to_conj_list(Else, GoalBList)
+	->
+		(
+			is_recursive_case(GoalAList, proc(PredId, ProcId))
+		->
+			Type = ite_rec_base,
+			Base = GoalBList,
+			Rec = GoalAList,
+			BaseInstMap = InitialInstMap,
+			instmap__apply_instmap_delta(InitialInstMap,
+					IfInstMapDelta, RecInstMap)
+		;
+			is_recursive_case(GoalBList, proc(PredId, ProcId))
+		->
+			Type = ite_base_rec,
+			Base = GoalAList,
+			Rec = GoalBList,
+			RecInstMap = InitialInstMap,
+			instmap__apply_instmap_delta(InitialInstMap,
+					IfInstMapDelta, BaseInstMap)
+		;
+			fail
@@ -501,14 +562,15 @@
 	% Initialise the goal_store, which will hold the C_{a,b} goals.
-:- func initialize_goal_store(hlds_goals, hlds_goals, instmap) = goal_store.
+:- func initialize_goal_store(hlds_goals, instmap,
+		hlds_goals, instmap) = goal_store.
-initialize_goal_store(Rec, Base, InitialInstMap) = C :-
+initialize_goal_store(Rec, RecInstMap, Base, BaseInstMap) = C :-
-	list__foldl(store(rec), Rec, store_info(1, InitialInstMap, C0), 
+	list__foldl(store(rec), Rec, store_info(1, RecInstMap, C0), 
 			store_info(_, _, C1)),
 	list__foldl(store(base), Base,
-			store_info(1, InitialInstMap, C1), 
+			store_info(1, BaseInstMap, C1), 
 			store_info(_, _, C)).
@@ -1522,7 +1584,12 @@
 	Substs = substs(AccVarSubst, _RecCallSubst, _AssocCallSubst,
 	list__map(map__lookup(AccVarSubst), Accs0, Accs),
-	HeadVars = HeadVars0 `append` Accs,
+		% We place the extra accumulator variables at the start,
+		% because placing them at the end breaks the convention
+		% that the last variable of a function is the output
+		% variable.
+	HeadVars = Accs `append` HeadVars0,
 		% XXX we don't want to use the inst of the var as it can
 		% be more specific than it should be. ie int_const(1)
@@ -1532,7 +1599,7 @@
 	Inst = ground(shared, no),
 	inst_lists_to_mode_list([Inst], [Inst], Mode),
 	list__duplicate(list__length(Accs), list__det_head(Mode), AccModes),
-	HeadModes = HeadModes0 `append` AccModes,
+	HeadModes = AccModes `append` HeadModes0,
 	list__map(map__lookup(VarTypes), Accs, AccTypes),
@@ -1570,7 +1637,7 @@
 	term__context_line(Context, Line),
 	Counter = 0,
-	list__append(Types0, NewTypes, Types),
+	Types = NewTypes `append` Types0,
 	make_pred_name_with_context(ModuleName, "AccFrom", PredOrFunc, Name,
 		Line, Counter, SymName),
@@ -1623,7 +1690,7 @@
 create_acc_call(OrigCall, Accs, AccPredId, AccProcId, AccName) = Call :-
 	OrigCall = call(_PredId, _ProcId, Args, Builtin, Context, _Name) - GI,
-	Call = call(AccPredId, AccProcId, Args `append` Accs,
+	Call = call(AccPredId, AccProcId, Accs `append` Args,
 			Builtin, Context, AccName) - GI.
Index: update/compiler/options.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/options.m,v
retrieving revision 1.281
diff -u -r1.281 options.m
--- update/compiler/options.m	2000/05/24 05:18:08	1.281
+++ update/compiler/options.m	2000/06/26 14:36:10
@@ -1346,6 +1346,7 @@
 	optimize_higher_order	-	bool(yes),
 	deforestation		-	bool(yes),
 	constant_propagation	-	bool(yes),
+	introduce_accumulators	-	bool(yes),
 	optimize_repeat		-	int(4)
Index: tests/general/accumulator/INTRODUCED
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/general/accumulator/INTRODUCED,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 INTRODUCED
--- tests/general/accumulator/INTRODUCED	2000/04/12 09:45:30	1.2
+++ tests/general/accumulator/INTRODUCED	2000/06/26 14:36:22
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
-	% mode  0 `base:AccFrom__pred__p__23__0/4' (det):
-	% mode  0 `call_in_base:AccFrom__pred__l__23__0/4' (det):
-	% mode  0 `chain:AccFrom__pred__pa__39__0/4' (det):
-	% mode  0 `construct:AccFrom__pred__p2__46__0/5' (det):
-	% mode  0 `dcg:AccFrom__pred__p__38__0/7' (det):
-	% mode  0 `disj:AccFrom__pred__p__47__0/3' (multi):
-	% mode  0 `identity:AccFrom__pred__r__25__0/4' (det):
-	% mode  0 `inter:AccFrom__pred__rl__26__0/6' (det):
-	% mode  0 `swap:AccFrom__pred__rev__24__0/4' (det):
+	% mode  0 `base:AccFrom__pred__p/4' (det):
+	% mode  0 `call_in_base:AccFrom__pred__l/4' (det):
+	% mode  0 `chain:AccFrom__pred__pa/4' (det):
+	% mode  0 `construct:AccFrom__pred__p2/5' (det):
+	% mode  0 `dcg:AccFrom__pred__p/7' (det):
+	% mode  0 `disj:AccFrom__pred__p/3' (multi):
+	% mode  0 `func:AccFrom__func__sumlist/2' (det):
+	% mode  0 `identity:AccFrom__pred__r/4' (det):
+	% mode  0 `inter:AccFrom__pred__rl/6' (det):
+	% mode  0 `ite:AccFrom__func__factorial/2' (det):
+	% mode  0 `ite:AccFrom__pred__sort_of_factorial/3' (det):
+	% mode  0 `swap:AccFrom__pred__rev/4' (det):
Index: tests/general/accumulator/Mmakefile
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/general/accumulator/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -r1.11 Mmakefile
--- tests/general/accumulator/Mmakefile	2000/04/12 09:45:31	1.11
+++ tests/general/accumulator/Mmakefile	2000/06/26 14:36:22
@@ -24,10 +24,12 @@
 		deconstruct	\
 		dcg		\
 		disj		\
+		func		\
 		highorder	\
 		heuristic	\
 		identity	\
 		inter		\
+		ite		\
 		nonrec		\
 		out_to_in	\
 		qsort		\
@@ -39,7 +41,7 @@
 	# Optimizations to turn off/on.
-OPT_FLAGS = --no-optimize-unused-args --trace-optimized
+OPT_FLAGS = --trace-optimized
 	# Ensure that the accumulator introduction flags are passed
 	# after EXTRA_MCFLAGS, so that we can override things set in
Index: tests/general/accumulator/func.exp
RCS file: func.exp
diff -N func.exp
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ func.exp	Tue Jun 27 00:36:22 2000
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+sumlist: 18
Index: tests/general/accumulator/func.m
RCS file: func.m
diff -N func.m
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ func.m	Tue Jun 27 00:36:22 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+	% Test that accumulators are introduced into functions.
+:- module (func).
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module list, int.
+main -->
+	io__write_string("sumlist: "),
+	{ Sum = sumlist([5,6,7]) },
+	io__write(Sum),
+	io__nl.
+:- func sumlist(list(int)) = int.
+sumlist([]) = 0.
+sumlist([H|T]) = H + sumlist(T).
Index: tests/general/accumulator/ite.exp
RCS file: ite.exp
diff -N ite.exp
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ ite.exp	Tue Jun 27 00:36:22 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+factorial: 5040
+sort_of_factorial: 48
Index: tests/general/accumulator/ite.m
RCS file: ite.m
diff -N ite.m
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ ite.m	Tue Jun 27 00:36:22 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+	% Tests that if-then-elses are handled correctly.
+:- module ite.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int.
+main -->
+	io__write_string("factorial: "),
+	{ Factorial = factorial(7) },
+	io__write(Factorial),
+	io__nl,
+	io__write_string("sort_of_factorial: "),
+	{ sort_of_factorial(3, Factorial2) },
+	io__write(Factorial2),
+	io__nl.
+:- func factorial(int) = int.
+	= ( Num = 0 -> 1 ; Num * factorial(Num - 1)).
+:- pred sort_of_factorial(int, int).
+	% Here we bind a value in the If goals and use it in the Then
+	% goals, in an attempt to confuse the compiler.
+sort_of_factorial(Num, Fac) :-
+	( 
+		(Num \= 0, X = 2)
+	->
+		sort_of_factorial(Num - 1, Fac0),
+		Fac = X * Num * Fac0
+	;
+		Fac = 1
+	).
Index: tests/general/accumulator/runtests
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/general/accumulator/runtests,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8 runtests
--- tests/general/accumulator/runtests	2000/02/21 01:31:35	1.8
+++ tests/general/accumulator/runtests	2000/06/26 14:36:22
@@ -22,8 +22,9 @@
 cat *.res > .allres
 if test ! -s .allres -a "$checkstatus" = 0
-    grep -h "% mode.*AccFrom" *hlds*acc* | sed -e 's/number//' \
-        | sed -e 's/ of predicate//g' > I.$$
+    grep -h "% mode.*AccFrom" *hlds*acc* | \
+   	 sed -e 's/number//' -e 's/ of predicate//' -e 's/ of function//' \
+	 -e 's,__[0-9]*__[0-9]*/,/,' > I.$$
     diff -u INTRODUCED I.$$ > INTRODUCED.diff
     rm -f I.$$

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