[m-dev.] for review: cleanup of type_ctor_infos, part 2

Zoltan Somogyi zs at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Fri Feb 25 16:10:13 AEDT 2000

Index: compiler/opt_debug.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/opt_debug.m,v
retrieving revision 1.98
diff -u -b -r1.98 opt_debug.m
--- compiler/opt_debug.m	2000/01/14 01:10:35	1.98
+++ compiler/opt_debug.m	2000/02/21 10:34:44
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 :- interface.
 :- import_module vn_type, vn_table, livemap.
-:- import_module llds, builtin_ops, atsort.
+:- import_module llds, rtti, builtin_ops, atsort.
 :- import_module io, bool, list, assoc_list, std_util.
@@ -136,9 +136,18 @@
 :- pred opt_debug__dump_const(rval_const, string).
 :- mode opt_debug__dump_const(in, out) is det.
+:- pred opt_debug__dump_data_addr(data_addr, string).
+:- mode opt_debug__dump_data_addr(in, out) is det.
 :- pred opt_debug__dump_data_name(data_name, string).
 :- mode opt_debug__dump_data_name(in, out) is det.
+:- pred opt_debug__dump_rtti_type_id(rtti_type_id, string).
+:- mode opt_debug__dump_rtti_type_id(in, out) is det.
+:- pred opt_debug__dump_rtti_name(rtti_name, string).
+:- mode opt_debug__dump_rtti_name(in, out) is det.
 :- pred opt_debug__dump_unop(unary_op, string).
 :- mode opt_debug__dump_unop(in, out) is det.
@@ -700,19 +709,28 @@
 opt_debug__dump_const(code_addr_const(CodeAddr), Str) :-
 	opt_debug__dump_code_addr(CodeAddr, C_str),
 	string__append_list(["code_addr_const(", C_str, ")"], Str).
-opt_debug__dump_const(data_addr_const(data_addr(BaseName, VarName)), Str) :-
-	opt_debug__dump_data_name(VarName, N_str),
-	prog_out__sym_name_to_string(BaseName, BaseName_str),
+opt_debug__dump_const(data_addr_const(DataAddr), Str) :-
+	opt_debug__dump_data_addr(DataAddr, DataAddr_str),
-		["data_addr_const(", BaseName_str, ", ", N_str, ")"], Str).
+		["data_addr_const(", DataAddr_str, ")"], Str).
 opt_debug__dump_const(label_entry(Label), Str) :-
 	opt_debug__dump_label(Label, LabelStr),
 	string__append_list(["label_entry(", LabelStr, ")"], Str).
+opt_debug__dump_data_addr(data_addr(ModuleName, DataName), Str) :-
+	prog_out__sym_name_to_string(ModuleName, ModuleName_str),
+	opt_debug__dump_data_name(DataName, DataName_str),
+	string__append_list(
+		["data_addr(", ModuleName_str, ", ", DataName_str, ")"], Str).
+opt_debug__dump_data_addr(rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, DataName), Str) :-
+	opt_debug__dump_rtti_type_id(RttiTypeId, RttiTypeId_str),
+	opt_debug__dump_rtti_name(DataName, DataName_str),
+	string__append_list(
+		["rtti_addr(", RttiTypeId_str, ", ", DataName_str, ")"], Str).
 opt_debug__dump_data_name(common(N), Str) :-
 	string__int_to_string(N, N_str),
 	string__append("common", N_str, Str).
-opt_debug__dump_data_name(type_ctor(BaseData, TypeName, TypeArity), Str) :-
-	llds_out__make_type_ctor_name(BaseData, TypeName, TypeArity, Str).
 opt_debug__dump_data_name(base_typeclass_info(ClassId, InstanceNum), Str) :-
 	llds_out__make_base_typeclass_info_name(ClassId, InstanceNum, Str).
 opt_debug__dump_data_name(module_layout, "module_layout").
@@ -725,6 +743,49 @@
 opt_debug__dump_data_name(tabling_pointer(ProcLabel), Str) :-
 	opt_debug__dump_proclabel(ProcLabel, ProcLabelStr),
 	string__append_list(["tabling_pointer(", ProcLabelStr, ")"], Str).
+opt_debug__dump_rtti_type_id(rtti_type_id(ModuleName, TypeName, Arity), Str) :-
+	llds_out__sym_name_mangle(ModuleName, ModuleName_str),
+	llds_out__name_mangle(TypeName, TypeName_str),
+	string__int_to_string(Arity, Arity_str),
+	string__append_list(["rtti_type_id(", ModuleName_str, ", ",
+		TypeName_str, Arity_str, ")"], Str).
+opt_debug__dump_rtti_name(exist_locns(Ordinal), Str) :-
+	string__int_to_string(Ordinal, Ordinal_str),
+	string__append("exist_locns_", Ordinal_str, Str).
+opt_debug__dump_rtti_name(exist_info(Ordinal), Str) :-
+	string__int_to_string(Ordinal, Ordinal_str),
+	string__append("exist_info_", Ordinal_str, Str).
+opt_debug__dump_rtti_name(field_names(Ordinal), Str) :-
+	string__int_to_string(Ordinal, Ordinal_str),
+	string__append("field_names_", Ordinal_str, Str).
+opt_debug__dump_rtti_name(enum_functor_desc(Ordinal), Str) :-
+	string__int_to_string(Ordinal, Ordinal_str),
+	string__append("enum_functor_desc_", Ordinal_str, Str).
+opt_debug__dump_rtti_name(notag_functor_desc, Str) :-
+	Str = "notag_functor_desc_".
+opt_debug__dump_rtti_name(du_functor_desc(Ordinal), Str) :-
+	string__int_to_string(Ordinal, Ordinal_str),
+	string__append("du_functor_desc_", Ordinal_str, Str).
+opt_debug__dump_rtti_name(enum_name_ordered_table, Str) :-
+	Str = "enum_name_ordered_table".
+opt_debug__dump_rtti_name(enum_value_ordered_table, Str) :-
+	Str = "enum_value_ordered_table".
+opt_debug__dump_rtti_name(du_name_ordered_table, Str) :-
+	Str = "du_name_ordered_table".
+opt_debug__dump_rtti_name(du_stag_ordered_table(Ptag), Str) :-
+	string__int_to_string(Ptag, Ptag_str),
+	string__append("du_stag_ordered_table_", Ptag_str, Str).
+opt_debug__dump_rtti_name(du_ptag_layout(Ptag), Str) :-
+	string__int_to_string(Ptag, Ptag_str),
+	string__append("du_ptag_layout_", Ptag_str, Str).
+opt_debug__dump_rtti_name(du_ptag_ordered_table, Str) :-
+	Str = "du_ptag_ordered_table".
+opt_debug__dump_rtti_name(type_ctor_info, Str) :-
+	Str = "type_ctor_info".
+opt_debug__dump_rtti_name(type_hashcons_pointer, Str) :-
+	Str = "type_hashcons_pointer".
 opt_debug__dump_unop(mktag, "mktag").
 opt_debug__dump_unop(tag, "tag").
Index: compiler/rtti.m
RCS file: rtti.m
diff -N rtti.m
--- /dev/null	Thu Sep  2 15:00:04 1999
+++ rtti.m	Tue Feb 22 14:12:39 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
+% Copyright (C) 2000 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% Definitions of data structures for representing run-time type information
+% within the compiler.
+% Eventually, this module will be independent of whether we are compiling
+% to LLDS or MLDS. For the time being, it depends on LLDS.
+% Author: zs.
+:- module rtti.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module llds, prog_data.
+:- import_module bool, list, std_util.
+:- type sectag_locn
+	--->	sectag_none
+	;	sectag_local
+	;	sectag_remote.
+:- type equality_axioms
+	--->	standard
+	;	user_defined.
+	% The compiler is concerned with the type constructor representations
+	% of only the types it generates RTTI information for; it need not and
+	% does not know about the type_ctor_reps of types which have
+	% hand-defined RTTI.
+:- type type_ctor_rep
+	--->	enum(equality_axioms)
+	;	du(equality_axioms)
+	;	notag(equality_axioms)
+	;	equiv
+	;	unknown.
+:- type type_ctor_layout_info
+	--->	enum_layout(
+			rtti_name
+		)
+	;	notag_layout(
+			rtti_name
+		)
+	;	du_layout(
+			rtti_name
+		)
+	;	equiv_layout(
+			rval
+		)
+	;	no_layout.
+:- type type_ctor_functors_info
+	--->	enum_functors(
+			rtti_name
+		)
+	;	notag_functors(
+			rtti_name
+		)
+	;	du_functors(
+			rtti_name
+		)
+	;	no_functors.
+:- type exist_typeinfo_locn
+	--->	plain_typeinfo(
+			int			% The typeinfo is stored
+						% directly in the cell, at this
+						% offset.
+		)
+	;	typeinfo_in_tci(
+			int,			% The typeinfo is stored
+						% indirectly in the typeclass
+						% info stored at this offset
+						% in the cell.
+			int			% To find the typeinfo inside
+						% the typeclass info structure,
+						% give this integer to the
+						% MR_typeclass_info_type_info
+						% macro.
+		).
+:- type rtti_type_id
+	--->	rtti_type_id(
+			module_name,		% module name
+			string,			% type ctor's name
+			arity			% type ctor's arity
+		).
+	% Global data generated by the compiler. Usually readonly,
+	% with one exception: data containing code addresses must
+	% be initialized.
+:- type rtti_data
+	--->	exist_locns(
+			rtti_type_id,		% identifies the type
+			int,			% identifies functor in type
+			% The remaining argument of this function symbol
+			% corresponds to an array of MR_ExistTypeInfoLocns.
+			list(exist_typeinfo_locn)
+		)
+	;	exist_info(
+			rtti_type_id,		% identifies the type
+			int,			% identifies functor in type
+			% The remaining arguments of this function symbol
+			% correspond to the MR_DuExistInfo C type.
+			int,			% number of plain typeinfos
+			int,			% number of typeinfos in tcis
+			int,			% number of tcis
+			rtti_name		% table of typeinfo locations
+		)
+	;	field_names(
+			rtti_type_id,		% identifies the type
+			int,			% identifies functor in type
+			list(maybe(string))	% gives the field names
+		)
+	;	enum_functor_desc(
+			rtti_type_id,		% identifies the type
+			% The remaining arguments of this function symbol
+			% correspond one-to-one to the fields of
+			% MR_EnumFunctorDesc.
+			string,			% functor name
+			int			% ordinal number of functor
+						% (also its value)
+		)
+	;	notag_functor_desc(
+			rtti_type_id,		% identifies the type
+			% The remaining arguments of this function symbol
+			% correspond one-to-one to the fields of
+			% MR_NotagFunctorDesc.
+			string,			% functor name
+			rval			% pseudo typeinfo of argument
+		)
+	;	du_functor_desc(
+			rtti_type_id,		% identifies the type
+			% The remaining arguments of this function symbol
+			% correspond one-to-one to the fields of
+			% MR_DuFunctorDesc.
+			string,			% functor name
+			int,			% functor primary tag
+			int,			% functor secondary tag
+			sectag_locn,
+			int,			% ordinal number of functor
+						% in type definition
+			arity,			% the functor's arity
+			rval,			% a vector of length arity
+						% containing the pseudo
+						% typeinfos of the arguments
+			maybe(rtti_name),	% possibly a vector of length
+						% arity containing the names
+						% of the arguments, if any
+			maybe(rtti_name)	% information about the
+						% existentially quantified
+						% type variables, if any
+		)
+	;	enum_name_ordered_table(
+			rtti_type_id,		% identifies the type
+			% The remaining argument of this function symbol
+			% corresponds to the functors_enum alternative of
+			% the MR_TypeFunctors C type.
+			list(rtti_name)
+		)	
+	;	enum_value_ordered_table(
+			rtti_type_id,		% identifies the type
+			% The remaining argument of this function symbol
+			% corresponds to the MR_EnumTypeLayout C type.
+			list(rtti_name)
+		)	
+	;	du_name_ordered_table(
+			rtti_type_id,		% identifies the type
+			% The remaining argument of this function symbol
+			% corresponds to the functors_du alternative of
+			% the MR_TypeFunctors C type.
+			list(rtti_name)
+		)	
+	;	du_stag_ordered_table(
+			rtti_type_id,		% identifies the type
+			int,			% primary tag value
+			% The remaining argument of this function symbol
+			% corresponds to the MR_sectag_alternatives field
+			% of the MR_DuPtagTypeLayout C type.
+			list(rtti_name)
+		)	
+	;	du_ptag_layout(
+			rtti_type_id,		% identifies the type
+			int,			% primary tag value
+			% The rest of the arguments of this function symbol
+			% correspond one-to-one to the fields of the
+			% MR_DuPtagTypeLayout C type.
+			int,			% number of function symbols
+						% sharing this primary tag
+			sectag_locn,
+			rtti_name		% a vector of size num_sharers;
+						% element N points to the
+						% functor descriptor for the
+						% functor with secondary tag S;
+						% if sectag_locn is none, S=0
+		)
+	;	du_ptag_ordered_table(
+			rtti_type_id,		% identifies the type
+			% The remaining argument of this function symbol
+			% corresponds to the elements of the MR_DuTypeLayout
+			% C type. A `no' represents a NULL pointer.
+			list(maybe(rtti_name))
+		)	
+	;	type_ctor_info(
+			% The arguments of this function symbol correspond
+			% one-to-one to the fields of the MR_TypeCtorInfo
+			% C type.
+			rtti_type_id,		% identifies the type
+			maybe(code_addr),	% unify
+			maybe(code_addr),	% index
+			maybe(code_addr),	% compare
+			type_ctor_rep,
+			maybe(code_addr),	% solver
+			maybe(code_addr),	% init
+			int,			% RTTI version number
+			int,			% number of functors in type
+			type_ctor_functors_info,% the functor layout
+			type_ctor_layout_info,	% the layout table
+			maybe(rtti_name),	% the type's hash cons table
+			maybe(code_addr)	% prettyprinter
+		).
+:- type rtti_name
+	--->	exist_locns(int)		% functor ordinal
+	;	exist_info(int)			% functor ordinal
+	;	field_names(int)		% functor ordinal
+	;	enum_functor_desc(int)		% functor ordinal
+	;	notag_functor_desc
+	;	du_functor_desc(int)		% functor ordinal
+	;	enum_name_ordered_table
+	;	enum_value_ordered_table
+	;	du_name_ordered_table
+	;	du_stag_ordered_table(int)	% primary tag
+	;	du_ptag_layout(int)		% primary tag
+	;	du_ptag_ordered_table
+	;	type_ctor_info
+	;	type_hashcons_pointer.
+	% Create a C variable name for a record of the locations of the
+	% typeinfos for a functor's existentially typed arguments.
+:- pred rtti__make_exist_locns_name(rtti_type_id::in, int::in,
+	string::out) is det.
+	% Create a C variable name for a summary record of a functor's
+	% existentially typed arguments.
+:- pred rtti__make_exist_info_name(rtti_type_id::in, int::in,
+	string::out) is det.
+	% Create a C variable name for the array listing the names
+	% of the fields of a function symbol.
+:- pred rtti__make_field_names_name(rtti_type_id::in, int::in,
+	string::out) is det.
+	% Create a C variable name for an enum functor descriptor.
+:- pred rtti__make_enum_functor_desc_name(rtti_type_id::in, int::in,
+	string::out) is det.
+	% Create a C variable name for a notag functor descriptor.
+:- pred rtti__make_notag_functor_desc_name(rtti_type_id::in,
+	string::out) is det.
+	% Create a C variable name for a du functor descriptor.
+:- pred rtti__make_du_functor_desc_name(rtti_type_id::in, int::in,
+	string::out) is det.
+	% Create a C variable name for a list of enum functor descriptors
+	% ordered on name.
+:- pred rtti__make_enum_name_ordered_table_name(rtti_type_id::in,
+	string::out) is det.
+	% Create C variable a name for a list of enum functor descriptors
+	% ordered on value.
+:- pred rtti__make_enum_value_ordered_table_name(rtti_type_id::in,
+	string::out) is det.
+	% Create a C variable name for a list of du functor descriptors
+	% ordered on name.
+:- pred rtti__make_du_name_ordered_table_name(rtti_type_id::in,
+	string::out) is det.
+	% Create C variable a name for a list of du functor descriptors
+	% sharing a primary tag ordered on value.
+:- pred rtti__make_du_stag_ordered_table_name(rtti_type_id::in,
+	int::in, string::out) is det.
+	% Create C variable a name for a list of du_ptag_layouts.
+:- pred rtti__make_du_ptag_ordered_table_name(rtti_type_id::in,
+	string::out) is det.
+	% Create a C variable name for a du_ptag_layout
+:- pred rtti__make_du_ptag_layout_name(rtti_type_id::in, int::in,
+	string::out) is det.
+	% Create a C variable name for a type_ctor_info
+:- pred rtti__make_type_ctor_info_name(rtti_type_id::in,
+	string::out) is det.
+	% Create a C variable name for a hashcons pointer
+:- pred rtti__make_type_hashcons_pointer_name(rtti_type_id::in,
+	string::out) is det.
+:- pred rtti_addr_to_string(rtti_type_id::in, rtti_name::in, string::out)
+	is det.
+:- pred rtti__sectag_locn_to_string(sectag_locn::in, string::out) is det.
+:- pred rtti__type_ctor_rep_to_string(type_ctor_rep::in, string::out) is det.
+:- pred rtti__name_would_include_code_address(rtti_name::in, bool::out) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module llds_out.
+:- import_module string.
+rtti__make_exist_locns_name(RttiTypeId, Ordinal, Str) :-
+	RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(ModuleName0, TypeName0, TypeArity),
+	llds_out__sym_name_mangle(ModuleName0, ModuleName),
+	llds_out__name_mangle(TypeName0, TypeName),
+	string__int_to_string(TypeArity, A_str),
+	string__int_to_string(Ordinal, O_str),
+        string__append_list([ModuleName, "__exist_locns_", TypeName,
+		"_", A_str, "_", O_str], Str).
+rtti__make_exist_info_name(RttiTypeId, Ordinal, Str) :-
+	RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(ModuleName0, TypeName0, TypeArity),
+	llds_out__sym_name_mangle(ModuleName0, ModuleName),
+	llds_out__name_mangle(TypeName0, TypeName),
+	string__int_to_string(TypeArity, A_str),
+	string__int_to_string(Ordinal, O_str),
+        string__append_list([ModuleName, "__exist_info_", TypeName,
+		"_", A_str, "_", O_str], Str).
+rtti__make_field_names_name(RttiTypeId, Ordinal, Str) :-
+	RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(ModuleName0, TypeName0, TypeArity),
+	llds_out__sym_name_mangle(ModuleName0, ModuleName),
+	llds_out__name_mangle(TypeName0, TypeName),
+	string__int_to_string(TypeArity, A_str),
+	string__int_to_string(Ordinal, O_str),
+        string__append_list([ModuleName, "__field_names_", TypeName,
+		"_", A_str, "_", O_str], Str).
+rtti__make_enum_functor_desc_name(RttiTypeId, Ordinal, Str) :-
+	RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(ModuleName0, TypeName0, TypeArity),
+	llds_out__sym_name_mangle(ModuleName0, ModuleName),
+	llds_out__name_mangle(TypeName0, TypeName),
+	string__int_to_string(TypeArity, A_str),
+	string__int_to_string(Ordinal, O_str),
+        string__append_list([ModuleName, "__enum_functor_desc_", TypeName,
+		"_", A_str, "_", O_str], Str).
+rtti__make_notag_functor_desc_name(RttiTypeId, Str) :-
+	RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(ModuleName0, TypeName0, TypeArity),
+	llds_out__sym_name_mangle(ModuleName0, ModuleName),
+	llds_out__name_mangle(TypeName0, TypeName),
+	string__int_to_string(TypeArity, A_str),
+        string__append_list([ModuleName, "__notag_functor_desc_", TypeName,
+		"_", A_str], Str).
+rtti__make_du_functor_desc_name(RttiTypeId, Ordinal, Str) :-
+	RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(ModuleName0, TypeName0, TypeArity),
+	llds_out__sym_name_mangle(ModuleName0, ModuleName),
+	llds_out__name_mangle(TypeName0, TypeName),
+	string__int_to_string(TypeArity, A_str),
+	string__int_to_string(Ordinal, O_str),
+        string__append_list([ModuleName, "__du_functor_desc_", TypeName,
+		"_", A_str, "_", O_str], Str).
+rtti__make_enum_name_ordered_table_name(RttiTypeId, Str) :-
+	RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(ModuleName0, TypeName0, TypeArity),
+	llds_out__sym_name_mangle(ModuleName0, ModuleName),
+	llds_out__name_mangle(TypeName0, TypeName),
+	string__int_to_string(TypeArity, A_str),
+        string__append_list([ModuleName, "__enum_name_ordered_", TypeName,
+		"_", A_str], Str).
+rtti__make_enum_value_ordered_table_name(RttiTypeId, Str) :-
+	RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(ModuleName0, TypeName0, TypeArity),
+	llds_out__sym_name_mangle(ModuleName0, ModuleName),
+	llds_out__name_mangle(TypeName0, TypeName),
+	string__int_to_string(TypeArity, A_str),
+        string__append_list([ModuleName, "__enum_value_ordered_", TypeName,
+		"_", A_str], Str).
+rtti__make_du_name_ordered_table_name(RttiTypeId, Str) :-
+	RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(ModuleName0, TypeName0, TypeArity),
+	llds_out__sym_name_mangle(ModuleName0, ModuleName),
+	llds_out__name_mangle(TypeName0, TypeName),
+	string__int_to_string(TypeArity, A_str),
+        string__append_list([ModuleName, "__du_name_ordered_", TypeName,
+		"_", A_str], Str).
+rtti__make_du_stag_ordered_table_name(RttiTypeId, Ptag, Str) :-
+	RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(ModuleName0, TypeName0, TypeArity),
+	llds_out__sym_name_mangle(ModuleName0, ModuleName),
+	llds_out__name_mangle(TypeName0, TypeName),
+	string__int_to_string(TypeArity, A_str),
+	string__int_to_string(Ptag, P_str),
+        string__append_list([ModuleName, "__du_stag_ordered_", TypeName,
+		"_", A_str, "_", P_str], Str).
+rtti__make_du_ptag_ordered_table_name(RttiTypeId, Str) :-
+	RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(ModuleName0, TypeName0, TypeArity),
+	llds_out__sym_name_mangle(ModuleName0, ModuleName),
+	llds_out__name_mangle(TypeName0, TypeName),
+	string__int_to_string(TypeArity, A_str),
+        string__append_list([ModuleName, "__du_ptag_ordered_", TypeName,
+		"_", A_str], Str).
+rtti__make_du_ptag_layout_name(RttiTypeId, Ptag, Str) :-
+	RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(ModuleName0, TypeName0, TypeArity),
+	llds_out__sym_name_mangle(ModuleName0, ModuleName),
+	llds_out__name_mangle(TypeName0, TypeName),
+	string__int_to_string(TypeArity, A_str),
+	string__int_to_string(Ptag, P_str),
+        string__append_list([ModuleName, "__du_ptag_layout_", TypeName,
+		"_", A_str, "_", P_str], Str).
+rtti__make_type_ctor_info_name(RttiTypeId, Str) :-
+	RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(ModuleName0, TypeName0, TypeArity),
+	llds_out__sym_name_mangle(ModuleName0, ModuleName),
+	llds_out__name_mangle(TypeName0, TypeName),
+	string__int_to_string(TypeArity, A_str),
+        string__append_list([ModuleName, "__type_ctor_info_", TypeName,
+		"_", A_str], Str).
+rtti__make_type_hashcons_pointer_name(RttiTypeId, Str) :-
+	RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(ModuleName0, TypeName0, TypeArity),
+	llds_out__sym_name_mangle(ModuleName0, ModuleName),
+	llds_out__name_mangle(TypeName0, TypeName),
+	string__int_to_string(TypeArity, A_str),
+        string__append_list([ModuleName, "__hashcons_ptr_", TypeName,
+		"_", A_str], Str).
+rtti_addr_to_string(RttiTypeId, RttiName, Str) :-
+	(
+		RttiName = exist_locns(Ordinal),
+		rtti__make_exist_locns_name(RttiTypeId, Ordinal, Str)
+	;
+		RttiName = exist_info(Ordinal),
+		rtti__make_exist_info_name(RttiTypeId, Ordinal, Str)
+	;
+		RttiName = field_names(Ordinal),
+		rtti__make_field_names_name(RttiTypeId, Ordinal, Str)
+	;
+		RttiName = enum_functor_desc(Ordinal),
+		rtti__make_enum_functor_desc_name(RttiTypeId, Ordinal, Str)
+	;
+		RttiName = notag_functor_desc,
+		rtti__make_notag_functor_desc_name(RttiTypeId, Str)
+	;
+		RttiName = du_functor_desc(Ordinal),
+		rtti__make_du_functor_desc_name(RttiTypeId, Ordinal, Str)
+	;
+		RttiName = enum_name_ordered_table,
+		rtti__make_enum_name_ordered_table_name(RttiTypeId, Str)
+	;
+		RttiName = enum_value_ordered_table,
+		rtti__make_enum_value_ordered_table_name(RttiTypeId, Str)
+	;
+		RttiName = du_name_ordered_table,
+		rtti__make_du_name_ordered_table_name(RttiTypeId, Str)
+	;
+		RttiName = du_stag_ordered_table(Ptag),
+		rtti__make_du_stag_ordered_table_name(RttiTypeId, Ptag,
+			Str)
+	;
+		RttiName = du_ptag_layout(Ptag),
+		rtti__make_du_ptag_layout_name(RttiTypeId, Ptag, Str)
+	;
+		RttiName = du_ptag_ordered_table,
+		rtti__make_du_ptag_ordered_table_name(RttiTypeId, Str)
+	;
+		RttiName = type_ctor_info,
+		rtti__make_type_ctor_info_name(RttiTypeId, Str)
+	;
+		RttiName = type_hashcons_pointer,
+		rtti__make_type_hashcons_pointer_name(RttiTypeId, Str)
+	).
+rtti__sectag_locn_to_string(sectag_none,   "MR_SECTAG_NONE").
+rtti__sectag_locn_to_string(sectag_local,  "MR_SECTAG_LOCAL").
+rtti__sectag_locn_to_string(sectag_remote, "MR_SECTAG_REMOTE").
+rtti__name_would_include_code_address(exist_locns(_),            no).
+rtti__name_would_include_code_address(exist_info(_),             no).
+rtti__name_would_include_code_address(field_names(_),            no).
+rtti__name_would_include_code_address(enum_functor_desc(_),      no).
+rtti__name_would_include_code_address(notag_functor_desc,        no).
+rtti__name_would_include_code_address(du_functor_desc(_),        no).
+rtti__name_would_include_code_address(enum_name_ordered_table,   no).
+rtti__name_would_include_code_address(enum_value_ordered_table,  no).
+rtti__name_would_include_code_address(du_name_ordered_table,     no).
+rtti__name_would_include_code_address(du_stag_ordered_table(_),  no).
+rtti__name_would_include_code_address(du_ptag_layout(_),         no).
+rtti__name_would_include_code_address(du_ptag_ordered_table,     no).
+rtti__name_would_include_code_address(type_ctor_info,            yes).
+rtti__name_would_include_code_address(type_hashcons_pointer,     no).
Index: compiler/rtti_out.m
RCS file: rtti_out.m
diff -N rtti_out.m
--- /dev/null	Thu Sep  2 15:00:04 1999
+++ rtti_out.m	Wed Feb 23 10:11:56 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
+% Copyright (C) 2000 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% Definitions of data structures for representing run-time type information
+% within the compiler, and code to output them.
+% Eventually, this module will be independent of whether we are compiling
+% to LLDS or MLDS. For the time being, it depends on LLDS.
+% Author: zs.
+:- module rtti_out.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module rtti, llds_util.
+:- import_module bool, io.
+:- pred output_rtti_data_decl(rtti_data::in, decl_set::in, decl_set::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- pred output_rtti_data_defn(rtti_data::in, decl_set::in, decl_set::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- pred rtti_out__init_rtti_data_if_nec(rtti_data::in,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- pred output_rtti_addr(rtti_type_id::in, rtti_name::in,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- pred output_rtti_addr_scope_type_name(rtti_type_id::in, rtti_name::in,
+	bool::in, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- pred rtti_data_to_name(rtti_data::in, rtti_type_id::out, rtti_name::out)
+	is det.
+:- pred rtti_name_linkage(rtti_name::in, linkage::out) is det.
+:- pred rtti_name_c_type(rtti_name::in, string::out, string::out) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module llds, llds_out, prog_out, options, globals.
+:- import_module string, list, require, std_util.
+output_rtti_data_defn(exist_locns(RttiTypeId, Ordinal, Locns),
+		DeclSet0, DeclSet) -->
+	output_generic_rtti_data_defn_start(RttiTypeId, exist_locns(Ordinal),
+		DeclSet0, DeclSet),
+	io__write_string(" = {\n"),
+	output_exist_locns(Locns),
+	io__write_string("};\n").
+output_rtti_data_defn(exist_info(RttiTypeId, Ordinal, Plain, InTci, Tci,
+		Locns), DeclSet0, DeclSet) -->
+	output_rtti_addr_decls(RttiTypeId, Locns, "", "", 0, _,
+		DeclSet0, DeclSet1),
+	output_generic_rtti_data_defn_start(RttiTypeId, exist_info(Ordinal),
+		DeclSet1, DeclSet),
+	io__write_string(" = {\n\t"),
+	io__write_int(Plain),
+	io__write_string(",\n\t"),
+	io__write_int(InTci),
+	io__write_string(",\n\t"),
+	io__write_int(Tci),
+	io__write_string(",\n\t"),
+	output_rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, Locns),
+	io__write_string("\n};\n").
+output_rtti_data_defn(field_names(RttiTypeId, Ordinal, MaybeNames),
+		DeclSet0, DeclSet) -->
+	output_generic_rtti_data_defn_start(RttiTypeId, field_names(Ordinal),
+		DeclSet0, DeclSet),
+	io__write_string(" = {\n"),
+	output_maybe_strings(MaybeNames),
+	io__write_string("};\n").
+output_rtti_data_defn(enum_functor_desc(RttiTypeId, FunctorName, Ordinal),
+		DeclSet0, DeclSet) -->
+	output_generic_rtti_data_defn_start(RttiTypeId,
+		enum_functor_desc(Ordinal), DeclSet0, DeclSet),
+	io__write_string(" = {\n\t"""),
+	io__write_string(FunctorName),
+	io__write_string(""",\n\t"),
+	io__write_int(Ordinal),
+	io__write_string("\n};\n").
+output_rtti_data_defn(notag_functor_desc(RttiTypeId, FunctorName, ArgType),
+		DeclSet0, DeclSet) -->
+	output_rval_decls(ArgType, "", "", 0, _, DeclSet0, DeclSet1),
+	output_generic_rtti_data_defn_start(RttiTypeId, notag_functor_desc,
+		DeclSet1, DeclSet),
+	io__write_string(" = {\n\t"""),
+	io__write_string(FunctorName),
+	io__write_string(""",\n\t (MR_PseudoTypeInfo) "),
+	output_rval(ArgType),
+	io__write_string("\n};\n").
+output_rtti_data_defn(du_functor_desc(RttiTypeId, FunctorName, Ptag, Stag,
+		Locn, Ordinal, Arity, ArgTypes, MaybeNames, MaybeExist),
+		DeclSet0, DeclSet) -->
+	output_rval_decls(ArgTypes, "", "", 0, _, DeclSet0, DeclSet1),
+	(
+		{ MaybeNames = yes(NamesInfo1) },
+		output_rtti_addr_decls(RttiTypeId, NamesInfo1, "", "",
+			0, _, DeclSet1, DeclSet2)
+	;
+		{ MaybeNames = no },
+		{ DeclSet2 = DeclSet1 }
+	),
+	(
+		{ MaybeExist = yes(ExistInfo1) },
+		output_rtti_addr_decls(RttiTypeId, ExistInfo1, "", "",
+			0, _, DeclSet2, DeclSet3)
+	;
+		{ MaybeExist = no },
+		{ DeclSet3 = DeclSet2 }
+	),
+	output_generic_rtti_data_defn_start(RttiTypeId,
+		du_functor_desc(Ordinal), DeclSet3, DeclSet),
+	io__write_string(" = {\n\t"""),
+	io__write_string(FunctorName),
+	io__write_string(""",\n\t"),
+	io__write_int(Ptag),
+	io__write_string(",\n\t"),
+	io__write_int(Stag),
+	io__write_string(",\n\t"),
+	{ rtti__sectag_locn_to_string(Locn, LocnStr) },
+	io__write_string(LocnStr),
+	io__write_string(",\n\t"),
+	io__write_int(Ordinal),
+	io__write_string(",\n\t"),
+	io__write_int(Arity),
+	io__write_string(",\n\t(MR_PseudoTypeInfo *) "),
+	output_rval(ArgTypes),
+	io__write_string(",\n\t"),
+	(
+		{ MaybeNames = yes(NamesInfo2) },
+		output_rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, NamesInfo2)
+	;
+		{ MaybeNames = no },
+		io__write_string("NULL")
+	),
+	io__write_string(",\n\t"),
+	(
+		{ MaybeExist = yes(ExistInfo2) },
+		io__write_string("&"),
+		output_rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, ExistInfo2)
+	;
+		{ MaybeExist = no },
+		io__write_string("NULL")
+	),
+	io__write_string("\n};\n").
+output_rtti_data_defn(enum_name_ordered_table(RttiTypeId, Functors),
+		DeclSet0, DeclSet) -->
+	output_rtti_addrs_decls(RttiTypeId, Functors, "", "", 0, _,
+		DeclSet0, DeclSet1),
+	output_generic_rtti_data_defn_start(RttiTypeId,
+		enum_name_ordered_table, DeclSet1, DeclSet),
+	io__write_string(" = {\n"),
+	output_rtti_addrs(RttiTypeId, Functors),
+	io__write_string("};\n").
+output_rtti_data_defn(enum_value_ordered_table(RttiTypeId, Functors),
+		DeclSet0, DeclSet) -->
+	output_rtti_addrs_decls(RttiTypeId, Functors, "", "", 0, _,
+		DeclSet0, DeclSet1),
+	output_generic_rtti_data_defn_start(RttiTypeId,
+		enum_value_ordered_table, DeclSet1, DeclSet),
+	io__write_string(" = {\n"),
+	output_rtti_addrs(RttiTypeId, Functors),
+	io__write_string("};\n").
+output_rtti_data_defn(du_name_ordered_table(RttiTypeId, Functors),
+		DeclSet0, DeclSet) -->
+	output_rtti_addrs_decls(RttiTypeId, Functors, "", "", 0, _,
+		DeclSet0, DeclSet1),
+	output_generic_rtti_data_defn_start(RttiTypeId,
+		du_name_ordered_table, DeclSet1, DeclSet),
+	io__write_string(" = {\n"),
+	output_rtti_addrs(RttiTypeId, Functors),
+	io__write_string("};\n").
+output_rtti_data_defn(du_stag_ordered_table(RttiTypeId, Ptag, Sharers),
+		DeclSet0, DeclSet) -->
+	output_rtti_addrs_decls(RttiTypeId, Sharers, "", "", 0, _,
+		DeclSet0, DeclSet1),
+	output_generic_rtti_data_defn_start(RttiTypeId,
+		du_stag_ordered_table(Ptag), DeclSet1, DeclSet),
+	io__write_string(" = {\n"),
+	output_rtti_addrs(RttiTypeId, Sharers),
+	io__write_string("\n};\n").
+output_rtti_data_defn(du_ptag_layout(RttiTypeId, Ptag, NumSharers, Locn,
+		Descriptors), DeclSet0, DeclSet) -->
+	output_rtti_addr_decls(RttiTypeId, Descriptors, "", "", 0, _,
+		DeclSet0, DeclSet1),
+	output_generic_rtti_data_defn_start(RttiTypeId,
+		du_ptag_layout(Ptag), DeclSet1, DeclSet),
+	io__write_string(" = {\n\t"),
+	io__write_int(NumSharers),
+	io__write_string(",\n\t"),
+	{ rtti__sectag_locn_to_string(Locn, LocnStr) },
+	io__write_string(LocnStr),
+	io__write_string(",\n\t(MR_DuFunctorDesc **) "),
+	output_rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, Descriptors),
+	io__write_string("\n};\n").
+output_rtti_data_defn(du_ptag_ordered_table(RttiTypeId, PtagLayouts),
+		DeclSet0, DeclSet) -->
+	output_maybe_rtti_addrs_decls(RttiTypeId, PtagLayouts, "", "",
+		0, _, DeclSet0, DeclSet1),
+	output_generic_rtti_data_defn_start(RttiTypeId,
+		du_ptag_ordered_table, DeclSet1, DeclSet),
+	io__write_string(" = {\n"),
+	output_maybe_rtti_addrs(RttiTypeId, PtagLayouts),
+	io__write_string("\n};\n").
+output_rtti_data_defn(type_ctor_info(RttiTypeId, Unify, Index, Compare,
+		CtorRep, Solver, Init, Version, NumFunctors,
+		FunctorsInfo, LayoutInfo, MaybeHashCons,
+		Prettyprinter), DeclSet0, DeclSet) -->
+	output_generic_rtti_data_defn_start(RttiTypeId,
+		type_ctor_info, DeclSet0, DeclSet),
+	io__write_string(" = {\n\t"),
+	{ RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(Module, Type, TypeArity) },
+	io__write_int(TypeArity),
+	io__write_string(",\n\t"),
+	output_maybe_code_addr(Unify),
+	io__write_string(",\n\t"),
+	output_maybe_code_addr(Index),
+	io__write_string(",\n\t"),
+	output_maybe_code_addr(Compare),
+	io__write_string(",\n\t"),
+	{ rtti__type_ctor_rep_to_string(CtorRep, CtorRepStr) },
+	io__write_string(CtorRepStr),
+	io__write_string(",\n\t"),
+	output_maybe_code_addr(Solver),
+	io__write_string(",\n\t"),
+	output_maybe_code_addr(Init),
+	io__write_string(",\n\t"""),
+	{ prog_out__sym_name_to_string(Module, ModuleName) },
+	io__write_string(ModuleName),
+	io__write_string(""",\n\t"""),
+	io__write_string(Type),
+	io__write_string(""",\n\t"),
+	io__write_int(Version),
+	io__write_string(",\n\t"),
+	io__write_int(NumFunctors),
+	io__write_string(",\n\t"),
+	(
+		{ FunctorsInfo = enum_functors(EnumFunctorsInfo) },
+		io__write_string("{ (Integer) "),
+		output_rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, EnumFunctorsInfo),
+		io__write_string(" }")
+	;
+		{ FunctorsInfo = notag_functors(NotagFunctorsInfo) },
+		io__write_string("{ (Integer) &"),
+		output_rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, NotagFunctorsInfo),
+		io__write_string(" }")
+	;
+		{ FunctorsInfo = du_functors(DuFunctorsInfo) },
+		io__write_string("{ (Integer) "),
+		output_rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, DuFunctorsInfo),
+		io__write_string(" }")
+	;
+		{ FunctorsInfo = no_functors },
+		io__write_string("{ 0 }")
+	),
+	io__write_string(",\n\t"),
+	(
+		{ LayoutInfo = enum_layout(EnumLayoutInfo) },
+		io__write_string("{ (Integer) "),
+		output_rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, EnumLayoutInfo),
+		io__write_string(" }")
+	;
+		{ LayoutInfo = notag_layout(NotagLayoutInfo) },
+		io__write_string("{ (Integer) &"),
+		output_rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, NotagLayoutInfo),
+		io__write_string(" }")
+	;
+		{ LayoutInfo = du_layout(DuLayoutInfo) },
+		io__write_string("{ (Integer) "),
+		output_rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, DuLayoutInfo),
+		io__write_string(" }")
+	;
+		{ LayoutInfo = equiv_layout(EquivRval) },
+		io__write_string("{ (Integer) "),
+		output_rval(EquivRval),
+		io__write_string(" }")
+	;
+		{ LayoutInfo = no_layout },
+		io__write_string("{ 0 }")
+	),
+	io__write_string(",\n\t"),
+	(
+		{ MaybeHashCons = yes(HashConsDataAddr) },
+		io__write_string("&"),
+		output_rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, HashConsDataAddr)
+	;
+		{ MaybeHashCons = no },
+		io__write_string("NULL")
+	),
+	io__write_string(",\n\t"),
+	output_maybe_code_addr(Prettyprinter),
+	io__write_string("\n};\n").
+output_rtti_data_decl(RttiData, DeclSet0, DeclSet) -->
+	{ rtti_data_to_name(RttiData, RttiTypeId, RttiName) },
+	output_generic_rtti_data_decl(RttiTypeId, RttiName,
+		DeclSet0, DeclSet).
+rtti_data_to_name(exist_locns(RttiTypeId, Ordinal, _),
+	RttiTypeId, exist_locns(Ordinal)).
+rtti_data_to_name(exist_info(RttiTypeId, Ordinal, _, _, _, _),
+	RttiTypeId, exist_info(Ordinal)).
+rtti_data_to_name(field_names(RttiTypeId, Ordinal, _),
+	RttiTypeId, field_names(Ordinal)).
+rtti_data_to_name(enum_functor_desc(RttiTypeId, _, Ordinal),
+	RttiTypeId, enum_functor_desc(Ordinal)).
+rtti_data_to_name(notag_functor_desc(RttiTypeId, _, _),
+	RttiTypeId, notag_functor_desc).
+rtti_data_to_name(du_functor_desc(RttiTypeId, _, _, _, _, Ordinal, _, _, _, _),
+	RttiTypeId, du_functor_desc(Ordinal)).
+rtti_data_to_name(enum_name_ordered_table(RttiTypeId, _),
+	RttiTypeId, enum_name_ordered_table).
+rtti_data_to_name(enum_value_ordered_table(RttiTypeId, _),
+	RttiTypeId, enum_value_ordered_table).
+rtti_data_to_name(du_name_ordered_table(RttiTypeId, _),
+	RttiTypeId, du_name_ordered_table).
+rtti_data_to_name(du_stag_ordered_table(RttiTypeId, Ptag, _),
+	RttiTypeId, du_stag_ordered_table(Ptag)).
+rtti_data_to_name(du_ptag_layout(RttiTypeId, Ptag, _, _, _),
+	RttiTypeId, du_ptag_layout(Ptag)).
+rtti_data_to_name(du_ptag_ordered_table(RttiTypeId, _),
+	RttiTypeId, du_ptag_ordered_table).
+rtti_data_to_name(type_ctor_info(RttiTypeId, _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_),
+	RttiTypeId, type_ctor_info).
+:- pred output_generic_rtti_data_decl(rtti_type_id::in, rtti_name::in,
+	decl_set::in, decl_set::out, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+output_generic_rtti_data_decl(RttiTypeId, RttiName, DeclSet0, DeclSet) -->
+	output_rtti_addr_scope_type_name(RttiTypeId, RttiName, no),
+	io__write_string(";\n"),
+	{ DataAddr = rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, RttiName) },
+	{ decl_set_insert(DeclSet0, data_addr(DataAddr), DeclSet) }.
+:- pred output_generic_rtti_data_defn_start(rtti_type_id::in, rtti_name::in,
+	decl_set::in, decl_set::out, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+output_generic_rtti_data_defn_start(RttiTypeId, RttiName, DeclSet0, DeclSet) -->
+	io__write_string("\n"),
+	output_rtti_addr_scope_type_name(RttiTypeId, RttiName, yes),
+	{ DataAddr = rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, RttiName) },
+	{ decl_set_insert(DeclSet0, data_addr(DataAddr), DeclSet) }.
+output_rtti_addr_scope_type_name(RttiTypeId, RttiName, BeingDefined) -->
+	{ rtti_name_linkage(RttiName, Linkage) },
+	globals__io_get_globals(Globals),
+	{ c_data_linkage_string(Globals, Linkage, BeingDefined, LinkageStr) },
+	io__write_string(LinkageStr),
+	{ rtti_name_would_include_code_addr(RttiName, InclCodeAddr) },
+	{ c_data_const_string(Globals, InclCodeAddr, ConstStr) },
+	io__write_string(ConstStr),
+	{ rtti_name_c_type(RttiName, CType, Suffix) },
+	io__write_string(CType),
+	io__write_string(" "),
+	output_rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, RttiName),
+	io__write_string(Suffix).
+rtti_out__init_rtti_data_if_nec(Data) -->
+	(
+		{ Data = type_ctor_info(RttiTypeId, _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_) }
+	->
+		io__write_string("\t\tMR_INIT_TYPE_CTOR_INFO(\n\t\t"),
+		output_rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, type_ctor_info),
+		io__write_string(",\n\t\t\t"),
+		{ RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(ModuleName, TypeName, Arity) },
+		{ llds_out__sym_name_mangle(ModuleName, ModuleNameString) },
+		{ string__append(ModuleNameString, "__", UnderscoresModule) },
+		( 
+			{ string__append(UnderscoresModule, _, TypeName) } 
+		->
+			[]
+		;
+			io__write_string(UnderscoresModule)
+		),
+		{ llds_out__name_mangle(TypeName, MangledTypeName) },
+		io__write_string(MangledTypeName),
+		io__write_string("_"),
+		io__write_int(Arity),
+		io__write_string("_0);\n")
+	;
+		[]
+	).
+:- pred output_maybe_rtti_addrs_decls(rtti_type_id::in,
+	list(maybe(rtti_name))::in, string::in, string::in, int::in, int::out,
+	decl_set::in, decl_set::out, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+output_maybe_rtti_addrs_decls(_, [], _, _, N, N, DeclSet, DeclSet) --> [].
+output_maybe_rtti_addrs_decls(RttiTypeId, [MaybeRttiName | RttiNames],
+		FirstIndent, LaterIndent, N0, N, DeclSet0, DeclSet) -->
+	(
+		{ MaybeRttiName = yes(RttiName) },
+		output_data_addr_decls(rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, RttiName),
+			FirstIndent, LaterIndent, N0, N1, DeclSet0, DeclSet1)
+	;
+		{ MaybeRttiName = no },
+		{ N1 = N0 },
+		{ DeclSet1 = DeclSet0 }
+	),
+	output_maybe_rtti_addrs_decls(RttiTypeId, RttiNames,
+		FirstIndent, LaterIndent, N1, N, DeclSet1, DeclSet).
+:- pred output_rtti_addrs_decls(rtti_type_id::in, list(rtti_name)::in,
+	string::in, string::in, int::in, int::out, decl_set::in, decl_set::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+output_rtti_addrs_decls(_, [], _, _, N, N, DeclSet, DeclSet) --> [].
+output_rtti_addrs_decls(RttiTypeId, [RttiName | RttiNames],
+		FirstIndent, LaterIndent, N0, N, DeclSet0, DeclSet) -->
+	output_data_addr_decls(rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, RttiName),
+		FirstIndent, LaterIndent, N0, N1, DeclSet0, DeclSet1),
+	output_rtti_addrs_decls(RttiTypeId, RttiNames,
+		FirstIndent, LaterIndent, N1, N, DeclSet1, DeclSet).
+:- pred output_rtti_addr_decls(rtti_type_id::in, rtti_name::in,
+	string::in, string::in, int::in, int::out, decl_set::in, decl_set::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+output_rtti_addr_decls(RttiTypeId, RttiName, FirstIndent, LaterIndent,
+		N0, N1, DeclSet0, DeclSet1) -->
+	output_data_addr_decls(rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, RttiName),
+		FirstIndent, LaterIndent, N0, N1, DeclSet0, DeclSet1).
+:- pred output_maybe_rtti_addrs(rtti_type_id::in, list(maybe(rtti_name))::in,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+output_maybe_rtti_addrs(_, []) --> [].
+output_maybe_rtti_addrs(RttiTypeId, [MaybeRttiName | MaybeRttiNames]) -->
+	io__write_string("\t"),
+	(
+		{ MaybeRttiName = yes(RttiName) },
+		io__write_string("&"),
+		output_rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, RttiName)
+	;
+		{ MaybeRttiName = no },
+		io__write_string("NULL")
+	),
+	(
+		{ MaybeRttiNames = [] },
+		io__write_string("\n")
+	;
+		{ MaybeRttiNames = [_|_] },
+		io__write_string(",\n"),
+		output_maybe_rtti_addrs(RttiTypeId, MaybeRttiNames)
+	).
+:- pred output_rtti_addrs(rtti_type_id::in, list(rtti_name)::in,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+output_rtti_addrs(_, []) --> [].
+output_rtti_addrs(RttiTypeId, [RttiName | RttiNames]) -->
+	io__write_string("\t&"),
+	output_rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, RttiName),
+	(
+		{ RttiNames = [] },
+		io__write_string("\n")
+	;
+		{ RttiNames = [_|_] },
+		io__write_string(",\n"),
+		output_rtti_addrs(RttiTypeId, RttiNames)
+	).
+output_rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, RttiName) -->
+	io__write_string(mercury_data_prefix),
+	{ rtti_addr_to_string(RttiTypeId, RttiName, Str) },
+	io__write_string(Str).
+:- pred output_maybe_strings(list(maybe(string))::in,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+output_maybe_strings([]) -->
+	{ error("reached empty list of maybe strings") }.
+output_maybe_strings([MaybeName | MaybeNames]) -->
+	io__write_string("\t"),
+	(
+		{ MaybeName = yes(Name) },
+		io__write_string(""""),
+		io__write_string(Name),
+		io__write_string("""")
+	;
+		{ MaybeName = no },
+		io__write_string("NULL")
+	),
+	(
+		{ MaybeNames = [] },
+		io__write_string("\n")
+	;
+		{ MaybeNames = [_|_] },
+		io__write_string(",\n"),
+		output_maybe_strings(MaybeNames)
+	).
+:- pred output_exist_locns(list(exist_typeinfo_locn)::in,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+output_exist_locns([]) -->
+	{ error("reached empty list of exist locns") }.
+output_exist_locns([Locn | Locns]) -->
+	io__write_string("\t"),
+	(
+		{ Locn = plain_typeinfo(SlotInCell) },
+		io__write_string("{ "),
+		io__write_int(SlotInCell),
+		io__write_string(", -1 }")
+	;
+		{ Locn = typeinfo_in_tci(SlotInCell, SlotInTci) },
+		io__write_string("{ "),
+		io__write_int(SlotInCell),
+		io__write_string(", "),
+		io__write_int(SlotInTci),
+		io__write_string(" }")
+	),
+	(
+		{ Locns = [] },
+		io__write_string("\n")
+	;
+		{ Locns = [_|_] },
+		io__write_string(",\n"),
+		output_exist_locns(Locns)
+	).
+:- pred output_maybe_code_addr(maybe(code_addr)::in,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+output_maybe_code_addr(yes(CodeAddr)) -->
+	output_code_addr(CodeAddr).
+output_maybe_code_addr(no) -->
+	io__write_string("NULL").
+:- pred rtti_name_would_include_code_addr(rtti_name::in, bool::out) is det.
+rtti_name_would_include_code_addr(exist_locns(_),            no).
+rtti_name_would_include_code_addr(exist_info(_),             no).
+rtti_name_would_include_code_addr(field_names(_),            no).
+rtti_name_would_include_code_addr(enum_functor_desc(_),      no).
+rtti_name_would_include_code_addr(notag_functor_desc,        no).
+rtti_name_would_include_code_addr(du_functor_desc(_),        no).
+rtti_name_would_include_code_addr(enum_name_ordered_table,   no).
+rtti_name_would_include_code_addr(enum_value_ordered_table,  no).
+rtti_name_would_include_code_addr(du_name_ordered_table,     no).
+rtti_name_would_include_code_addr(du_stag_ordered_table(_),  no).
+rtti_name_would_include_code_addr(du_ptag_layout(_),         no).
+rtti_name_would_include_code_addr(du_ptag_ordered_table,     no).
+rtti_name_would_include_code_addr(type_ctor_info,            yes).
+rtti_name_would_include_code_addr(type_hashcons_pointer,     no).
+rtti_name_linkage(exist_locns(_),            static).
+rtti_name_linkage(exist_info(_),             static).
+rtti_name_linkage(field_names(_),            static).
+rtti_name_linkage(enum_functor_desc(_),      static).
+rtti_name_linkage(notag_functor_desc,        static).
+rtti_name_linkage(du_functor_desc(_),        static).
+rtti_name_linkage(enum_name_ordered_table,   static).
+rtti_name_linkage(enum_value_ordered_table,  static).
+rtti_name_linkage(du_name_ordered_table,     static).
+rtti_name_linkage(du_stag_ordered_table(_),  static).
+rtti_name_linkage(du_ptag_layout(_),         static).
+rtti_name_linkage(du_ptag_ordered_table,     static).
+rtti_name_linkage(type_ctor_info,            extern).
+rtti_name_linkage(type_hashcons_pointer,     static).
+rtti_name_c_type(exist_locns(_),           "MR_DuExistLocn", "[]").
+rtti_name_c_type(exist_info(_),            "MR_DuExistInfo", "").
+rtti_name_c_type(field_names(_),           "ConstString", "[]").
+rtti_name_c_type(enum_functor_desc(_),     "MR_EnumFunctorDesc", "").
+rtti_name_c_type(notag_functor_desc,       "MR_NotagFunctorDesc", "").
+rtti_name_c_type(du_functor_desc(_),       "MR_DuFunctorDesc", "").
+rtti_name_c_type(enum_name_ordered_table,  "MR_EnumFunctorDesc *", "[]").
+rtti_name_c_type(enum_value_ordered_table, "MR_EnumFunctorDesc *", "[]").
+rtti_name_c_type(du_name_ordered_table,    "MR_DuFunctorDesc *", "[]").
+rtti_name_c_type(du_stag_ordered_table(_), "MR_DuFunctorDesc *", "[]").
+rtti_name_c_type(du_ptag_layout(_),        "MR_DuPtagLayout", "").
+rtti_name_c_type(du_ptag_ordered_table,    "MR_DuPtagLayout *", "[]").
+rtti_name_c_type(type_ctor_info,           "struct MR_TypeCtorInfo_Struct",
+						"").
+rtti_name_c_type(type_hashcons_pointer,    "union MR_TableNode_Union **", "").
Index: compiler/stack_layout.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/stack_layout.m,v
retrieving revision 1.43
diff -u -b -r1.43 stack_layout.m
--- compiler/stack_layout.m	2000/01/14 01:10:43	1.43
+++ compiler/stack_layout.m	2000/02/21 09:32:01
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
 :- import_module globals, options, llds_out, trace.
 :- import_module hlds_data, hlds_pred, base_type_layout, prog_data, prog_out.
-:- import_module (inst), code_util.
+:- import_module rtti, (inst), code_util.
 :- import_module assoc_list, bool, string, int, require.
 :- import_module map, term, set.
@@ -1295,7 +1295,7 @@
 		% variables that are and aren't in scope; we can take the
 		% variable number directly from the procedure's tvar set.
 	ExistQTvars = [],
-	base_type_layout__max_varint(Max),
+	base_type_layout__pseudo_typeinfo_max_var(Max),
 	NumUnivQTvars = Max - 1,
@@ -1318,41 +1318,41 @@
 :- mode stack_layout__represent_live_value_type(in, out, out, in, out) is det.
 stack_layout__represent_live_value_type(succip, Rval, data_ptr) -->
-	{ TypeCtor = type_ctor(info, "succip", 0) },
-	{ AddrConst = data_addr_const(data_addr(unqualified(""), TypeCtor)) },
-	{ Rval = const(AddrConst) }.
+	{ RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(unqualified(""), "succip", 0) },
+	{ DataAddr = rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, type_ctor_info) },
+	{ Rval = const(data_addr_const(DataAddr)) }.
 stack_layout__represent_live_value_type(hp, Rval, data_ptr) -->
-	{ TypeCtor = type_ctor(info, "hp", 0) },
-	{ AddrConst = data_addr_const(data_addr(unqualified(""), TypeCtor)) },
-	{ Rval = const(AddrConst) }.
+	{ RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(unqualified(""), "hp", 0) },
+	{ DataAddr = rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, type_ctor_info) },
+	{ Rval = const(data_addr_const(DataAddr)) }.
 stack_layout__represent_live_value_type(curfr, Rval, data_ptr) -->
-	{ TypeCtor = type_ctor(info, "curfr", 0) },
-	{ AddrConst = data_addr_const(data_addr(unqualified(""), TypeCtor)) },
-	{ Rval = const(AddrConst) }.
+	{ RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(unqualified(""), "curfr", 0) },
+	{ DataAddr = rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, type_ctor_info) },
+	{ Rval = const(data_addr_const(DataAddr)) }.
 stack_layout__represent_live_value_type(maxfr, Rval, data_ptr) -->
-	{ TypeCtor = type_ctor(info, "maxfr", 0) },
-	{ AddrConst = data_addr_const(data_addr(unqualified(""), TypeCtor)) },
-	{ Rval = const(AddrConst) }.
+	{ RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(unqualified(""), "maxfr", 0) },
+	{ DataAddr = rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, type_ctor_info) },
+	{ Rval = const(data_addr_const(DataAddr)) }.
 stack_layout__represent_live_value_type(redofr, Rval, data_ptr) -->
-	{ TypeCtor = type_ctor(info, "redofr", 0) },
-	{ AddrConst = data_addr_const(data_addr(unqualified(""), TypeCtor)) },
-	{ Rval = const(AddrConst) }.
+	{ RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(unqualified(""), "redofr", 0) },
+	{ DataAddr = rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, type_ctor_info) },
+	{ Rval = const(data_addr_const(DataAddr)) }.
 stack_layout__represent_live_value_type(redoip, Rval, data_ptr) -->
-	{ TypeCtor = type_ctor(info, "redoip", 0) },
-	{ AddrConst = data_addr_const(data_addr(unqualified(""), TypeCtor)) },
-	{ Rval = const(AddrConst) }.
+	{ RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(unqualified(""), "redoip", 0) },
+	{ DataAddr = rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, type_ctor_info) },
+	{ Rval = const(data_addr_const(DataAddr)) }.
 stack_layout__represent_live_value_type(trail_ptr, Rval, data_ptr) -->
-	{ TypeCtor = type_ctor(info, "trail_ptr", 0) },
-	{ AddrConst = data_addr_const(data_addr(unqualified(""), TypeCtor)) },
-	{ Rval = const(AddrConst) }.
+	{ RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(unqualified(""), "trail_ptr", 0) },
+	{ DataAddr = rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, type_ctor_info) },
+	{ Rval = const(data_addr_const(DataAddr)) }.
 stack_layout__represent_live_value_type(ticket, Rval, data_ptr) -->
-	{ TypeCtor = type_ctor(info, "ticket", 0) },
-	{ AddrConst = data_addr_const(data_addr(unqualified(""), TypeCtor)) },
-	{ Rval = const(AddrConst) }.
+	{ RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(unqualified(""), "ticket", 0) },
+	{ DataAddr = rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, type_ctor_info) },
+	{ Rval = const(data_addr_const(DataAddr)) }.
 stack_layout__represent_live_value_type(unwanted, Rval, data_ptr) -->
-	{ TypeCtor = type_ctor(info, "succip", 0) },
-	{ AddrConst = data_addr_const(data_addr(unqualified(""), TypeCtor)) },
-	{ Rval = const(AddrConst) }.
+	{ RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(unqualified(""), "unwanted", 0) },
+	{ DataAddr = rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, type_ctor_info) },
+	{ Rval = const(data_addr_const(DataAddr)) }.
 stack_layout__represent_live_value_type(var(_, _, Type, _), Rval, LldsType)
@@ -1363,7 +1363,7 @@
 		% variables that are and aren't in scope; we can take the
 		% variable number directly from the procedure's tvar set.
 	{ ExistQTvars = [] },
-	{ base_type_layout__max_varint(Max) },
+	{ base_type_layout__pseudo_typeinfo_max_var(Max) },
 	{ NumUnivQTvars = Max - 1 },
 	{ base_type_layout__construct_typed_pseudo_type_info(Type,
 		NumUnivQTvars, ExistQTvars,
Index: compiler/unify_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/unify_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.104
diff -u -b -r1.104 unify_gen.m
--- compiler/unify_gen.m	2000/01/14 01:10:46	1.104
+++ compiler/unify_gen.m	2000/02/21 09:32:01
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 :- implementation.
-:- import_module builtin_ops.
+:- import_module rtti, builtin_ops.
 :- import_module hlds_module, hlds_pred, prog_data, prog_out, code_util.
 :- import_module mode_util, type_util, code_aux, hlds_out, tree, arg_info.
 :- import_module globals, options, continuation_info, stack_layout.
@@ -344,8 +344,9 @@
 		{ error("unify_gen: type-info constant has args") }
 	{ Code = empty },
-	code_info__cache_expression(Var, const(data_addr_const(data_addr(
-		ModuleName, type_ctor(info, TypeName, TypeArity))))).
+	{ RttiTypeId = rtti_type_id(ModuleName, TypeName, TypeArity) },
+	{ DataAddr = rtti_addr(RttiTypeId, type_ctor_info) },
+	code_info__cache_expression(Var, const(data_addr_const(DataAddr))).
 		ClassId, Instance), Var, Args, _Modes, _, Code) -->
 	( { Args = [] } ->
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