[m-dev.] for review: Aditi updates [2]

Simon Taylor stayl at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Wed Apr 12 18:25:51 AEST 2000

Index: compiler/modecheck_call.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/modecheck_call.m,v
retrieving revision 1.35
diff -u -u -r1.35 modecheck_call.m
--- compiler/modecheck_call.m	2000/01/13 06:16:32	1.35
+++ compiler/modecheck_call.m	2000/03/17 03:11:43
@@ -120,10 +120,10 @@
 		Args0, Modes, Det, Args, ExtraGoals) -->
 	{ aditi_builtin_determinism(AditiBuiltin, Det) },
-	% `aditi_insert' goals have type_info arguments for each
-	% of the arguments of the tuple to insert added to the
-	% start of the argument list by polymorphism.m.
-	( { AditiBuiltin = aditi_insert(_) } ->
+	% `aditi_insert' and `aditi_delete' goals have type_info
+	% arguments for each of the arguments of the tuple to
+	% insert added to the start of the argument list by polymorphism.m.
+	( { AditiBuiltin = aditi_tuple_insert_delete(_, _) } ->
 		{ CallId = _ - _/Arity },
 		{ ArgOffset = -Arity }
@@ -140,10 +140,8 @@
 aditi_builtin_determinism(aditi_call(_, _, _, _), _) :-
 	"modecheck_call__aditi_builtin_determinism: unexpected Aditi call"). 
-aditi_builtin_determinism(aditi_insert(_), det).
-aditi_builtin_determinism(aditi_delete(_, _), det).
-aditi_builtin_determinism(aditi_bulk_operation(_, _), det).
-aditi_builtin_determinism(aditi_modify(_, _), det).
+aditi_builtin_determinism(aditi_tuple_insert_delete(_, _), det).
+aditi_builtin_determinism(aditi_insert_delete_modify(_, _, _), det).
 :- pred modecheck_arg_list(int, list(mode), extra_goals,
 		list(prog_var), list(prog_var), mode_info, mode_info).
Index: compiler/opt_debug.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/opt_debug.m,v
retrieving revision 1.101
diff -u -u -r1.101 opt_debug.m
--- compiler/opt_debug.m	2000/04/02 08:09:22	1.101
+++ compiler/opt_debug.m	2000/04/03 04:58:58
@@ -847,7 +847,7 @@
 opt_debug__dump_code_addr(do_aditi_delete, "do_aditi_delete").
 opt_debug__dump_code_addr(do_aditi_bulk_insert, "do_aditi_bulk_insert").
 opt_debug__dump_code_addr(do_aditi_bulk_delete, "do_aditi_bulk_delete").
-opt_debug__dump_code_addr(do_aditi_modify, "do_aditi_modify").
+opt_debug__dump_code_addr(do_aditi_bulk_modify, "do_aditi_bulk_modify").
 opt_debug__dump_code_addr(do_not_reached, "do_not_reached").
 opt_debug__dump_code_addrs([], "").
Index: compiler/opt_util.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/opt_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.106
diff -u -u -r1.106 opt_util.m
--- compiler/opt_util.m	2000/03/20 05:26:35	1.106
+++ compiler/opt_util.m	2000/03/23 02:40:49
@@ -1411,7 +1411,7 @@
 opt_util__livevals_addr(do_aditi_delete, yes).
 opt_util__livevals_addr(do_aditi_bulk_insert, yes).
 opt_util__livevals_addr(do_aditi_bulk_delete, yes).
-opt_util__livevals_addr(do_aditi_modify, yes).
+opt_util__livevals_addr(do_aditi_bulk_modify, yes).
 opt_util__livevals_addr(do_not_reached, no).
 opt_util__count_temps_instr_list([], R, R, F, F).
@@ -2067,7 +2067,8 @@
 opt_util__replace_labels_code_addr(do_aditi_bulk_delete, _,
-opt_util__replace_labels_code_addr(do_aditi_modify, _, do_aditi_modify).
+opt_util__replace_labels_code_addr(do_aditi_bulk_modify, _,
+		do_aditi_bulk_modify).
 opt_util__replace_labels_code_addr(do_not_reached, _, do_not_reached).
 :- pred opt_util__replace_labels_label_list(list(label)::in,
Index: compiler/pd_util.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/pd_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -u -r1.7 pd_util.m
--- compiler/pd_util.m	1999/10/15 03:45:01	1.7
+++ compiler/pd_util.m	2000/03/17 03:49:57
@@ -1009,13 +1009,11 @@
 	% The other fields are all implied by the pred_proc_id.
 match_aditi_builtin(aditi_call(PredProcId, _, _, _),
 		aditi_call(PredProcId, _, _, _)).
-match_aditi_builtin(aditi_insert(PredId), aditi_insert(PredId)).
+match_aditi_builtin(aditi_tuple_insert_delete(InsertDelete, PredId),
+		aditi_tuple_insert_delete(InsertDelete, PredId)).
 	% The syntax used does not change the result of the call.
-match_aditi_builtin(aditi_delete(PredId, _), aditi_delete(PredId, _)).
-match_aditi_builtin(aditi_bulk_operation(Op, PredId),
-		aditi_bulk_operation(Op, PredId)).
-	% The syntax used does not change the result of the call.
-match_aditi_builtin(aditi_modify(PredId, _), aditi_modify(PredId, _)).
+match_aditi_builtin(aditi_insert_delete_modify(Op, PredId, _),
+		aditi_insert_delete_modify(Op, PredId, _)).
Index: compiler/polymorphism.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/polymorphism.m,v
retrieving revision 1.184
diff -u -u -r1.184 polymorphism.m
--- compiler/polymorphism.m	2000/04/10 07:19:10	1.184
+++ compiler/polymorphism.m	2000/04/11 07:16:06
@@ -869,10 +869,13 @@
 	{ GoalExpr0 = generic_call(GenericCall, Args0, Modes0, Det) },
-	% For aditi_insert calls, we need to add type-infos for
-	% the tuple to insert.
+	% For `aditi_insert' and `aditi_delete' calls, we need to add
+	% type-infos for the tuple to insert.
-	( { GenericCall = aditi_builtin(aditi_insert(_), _) } ->
+	(
+		{ GenericCall = aditi_builtin(
+				aditi_tuple_insert_delete(_, _), _) }
+	->
 		% Aditi base relations must be monomorphic. 
 		{ term__context_init(Context) },
Index: compiler/post_typecheck.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/post_typecheck.m,v
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -u -u -r1.18 post_typecheck.m
--- compiler/post_typecheck.m	2000/01/13 06:16:45	1.18
+++ compiler/post_typecheck.m	2000/04/11 05:20:21
@@ -189,9 +189,6 @@
 		list__filter(type_is_aditi_state, ArgTypes, AditiStateTypes),
 		( AditiStateTypes = [], ReportErrs = yes ->
 			report_no_aditi_state(PredInfo, IOState2, IOState)
-		; AditiStateTypes = [_, _ | _] ->
-			report_multiple_aditi_states(PredInfo,
-				IOState2, IOState)
 			IOState = IOState2
@@ -370,8 +367,8 @@
 		_, _, _, _) -->
 	% These are only added by magic.m.
 	{ error("post_typecheck__finish_aditi_builtin: aditi_call") }.
-post_typecheck__finish_aditi_builtin(ModuleInfo, CallerPredInfo,
-		Args, Context, aditi_insert(PredId0), Builtin,
+post_typecheck__finish_aditi_builtin(ModuleInfo, CallerPredInfo, Args, Context,
+		aditi_tuple_insert_delete(InsertDelete, PredId0), Builtin,
 		PredOrFunc - SymName0/Arity, InsertCallId,
 		Modes, IO0, IO) :-
 	% make_hlds.m checks the arity, so this is guaranteed to succeed.
@@ -382,7 +379,7 @@
 	post_typecheck__resolve_pred_overloading(PredId0, OtherArgs,
 		CallerPredInfo, ModuleInfo, SymName0, SymName, PredId),
-	Builtin = aditi_insert(PredId),
+	Builtin = aditi_tuple_insert_delete(InsertDelete, PredId),
 	InsertCallId = PredOrFunc - SymName/Arity,
 	module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, RelationPredInfo),
@@ -394,93 +391,106 @@
 	% The other arguments all have mode `in'.
 	pred_info_arg_types(RelationPredInfo, ArgTypes),
-	aditi_builtin_modes(InMode, (aditi_top_down),
-		ArgTypes, InsertArgModes),
+	unused_mode(AditiStateMode),
+	aditi_builtin_modes(InMode, AditiStateMode, ArgTypes, InsertArgModes),
 	list__append(InsertArgModes, [aditi_di_mode, aditi_uo_mode], Modes).
 post_typecheck__finish_aditi_builtin(ModuleInfo, CallerPredInfo, Args, Context,
-		aditi_delete(PredId0, Syntax), aditi_delete(PredId, Syntax),
-		PredOrFunc - SymName0/Arity, PredOrFunc - SymName/Arity,
-		Modes, IO0, IO) :-
-	AdjustArgTypes = (pred(X::in, X::out) is det),
+		Builtin0, Builtin, PredOrFunc - SymName0/Arity,
+		UpdateCallId, Modes, IO0, IO) :-
+	Builtin0 = aditi_insert_delete_modify(InsertDelMod, PredId0, Syntax),
+	UnchangedArgTypes = (pred(X::in, X::out) is det),
+	(
+		InsertDelMod = bulk_insert,
+		AdjustArgTypes = UnchangedArgTypes
+	;
+		InsertDelMod = delete(_),
+		AdjustArgTypes = UnchangedArgTypes
+	;
+		InsertDelMod = modify(_),
+		% The argument types of the closure passed to `aditi_modify'
+		% contain two copies of the arguments of the base relation -
+		% one set input and one set output.
+		AdjustArgTypes =
+		    (pred(Types0::in, Types::out) is det :-
+			list__length(Types0, Length),
+			HalfLength is Length // 2,
+			( list__split_list(HalfLength, Types0, Types1, _) ->
+				Types = Types1
+			;
+				error(
+			"post_typecheck__finish_aditi_builtin: aditi_modify")
+			)
+		    )
+	),
 	resolve_aditi_builtin_overloading(ModuleInfo, CallerPredInfo, Args,
 		AdjustArgTypes, PredId0, PredId, SymName0, SymName),
+	Builtin = aditi_insert_delete_modify(InsertDelMod, PredId, Syntax),
-	Builtin = aditi_delete(PredId, Syntax),
-	DeleteCallId = PredOrFunc - SymName/Arity,
+	UpdateCallId = PredOrFunc - SymName/Arity,
 	module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, RelationPredInfo),
 	check_base_relation(Context, RelationPredInfo,
-		Builtin, DeleteCallId, IO0, IO),
+		Builtin, UpdateCallId, IO0, IO),
 	pred_info_arg_types(RelationPredInfo, ArgTypes),
-	in_mode(InMode),
-	aditi_builtin_modes(InMode, (aditi_top_down),
-		ArgTypes, DeleteArgModes),
-	Inst = ground(shared, yes(pred_inst_info(PredOrFunc,
-		DeleteArgModes, semidet))),
-	Modes = [(Inst -> Inst), aditi_di_mode, aditi_uo_mode].
-post_typecheck__finish_aditi_builtin(ModuleInfo, CallerPredInfo, Args, Context,
-		aditi_bulk_operation(Op, PredId0), Builtin,
-		PredOrFunc - SymName0/Arity, BulkOpCallId, Modes, IO0, IO) :-
-	AdjustArgTypes = (pred(X::in, X::out) is det),
-	resolve_aditi_builtin_overloading(ModuleInfo, CallerPredInfo, Args,
-		AdjustArgTypes, PredId0, PredId, SymName0, SymName),
-	Builtin = aditi_bulk_operation(Op, PredId),
-	BulkOpCallId = PredOrFunc - SymName/Arity,
+	post_typecheck__insert_delete_modify_closure_info(InsertDelMod,
+		PredOrFunc, ArgTypes, ClosurePredOrFunc,
+		ClosureArgModes, ClosureDetism),
-	module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, RelationPredInfo),
-	check_base_relation(Context, RelationPredInfo,
-		Builtin, BulkOpCallId, IO0, IO),
-	pred_info_arg_types(RelationPredInfo, ArgTypes),
-	out_mode(OutMode),
-	aditi_builtin_modes(OutMode, (aditi_bottom_up), ArgTypes, OpArgModes),
-	Inst = ground(shared, yes(pred_inst_info(PredOrFunc,
-		OpArgModes, nondet))),
+	Inst = ground(shared, yes(pred_inst_info(ClosurePredOrFunc,
+		ClosureArgModes, ClosureDetism))),
 	Modes = [(Inst -> Inst), aditi_di_mode, aditi_uo_mode].
-post_typecheck__finish_aditi_builtin(ModuleInfo, CallerPredInfo, Args, Context,
-		aditi_modify(PredId0, Syntax), Builtin,
-		PredOrFunc - SymName0/Arity, ModifyCallId, Modes, IO0, IO) :-
-	% The argument types of the closure passed to `aditi_modify'
-	% contain two copies of the arguments of the base relation -
-	% one set input and one set output.
-	AdjustArgTypes =
-	    (pred(Types0::in, Types::out) is det :-
-		list__length(Types0, Length),
-		HalfLength is Length // 2,
-		( list__split_list(HalfLength, Types0, Types1, _) ->
-			Types = Types1
-		;
-			error(
-			"post_typecheck__finish_aditi_builtin: aditi_modify")
-		)
-	    ),
-	resolve_aditi_builtin_overloading(ModuleInfo, CallerPredInfo, Args,
-		AdjustArgTypes, PredId0, PredId, SymName0, SymName),
+:- pred post_typecheck__insert_delete_modify_closure_info(
+		aditi_insert_delete_modify, pred_or_func, list(type),
+		pred_or_func, list(mode), determinism).
+:- mode post_typecheck__insert_delete_modify_closure_info(in, in, in,
+		out, out, out) is det.
-	Builtin = aditi_modify(PredId, Syntax),
-	ModifyCallId = PredOrFunc - SymName/Arity,
+post_typecheck__insert_delete_modify_closure_info(bulk_insert, PredOrFunc,
+		ArgTypes, PredOrFunc, ClosureArgModes, nondet) :-
+	out_mode(OutMode),
+	AditiStateMode = aditi_ui_mode,
+	aditi_builtin_modes(OutMode, AditiStateMode,
+		ArgTypes, ClosureArgModes).
+		PredOrFunc, ArgTypes, PredOrFunc, ClosureArgModes, nondet) :-
+	(
+		BulkOrFilter = bulk,
+		out_mode(ArgMode)
+	;
+		BulkOrFilter = filter,
+		in_mode(ArgMode)
+	),
+	AditiStateMode = aditi_ui_mode,
+	aditi_builtin_modes(ArgMode, AditiStateMode,
+		ArgTypes, ClosureArgModes).
+		_PredOrFunc, ArgTypes, LambdaPredOrFunc,
+		ClosureArgModes, nondet) :-
+	LambdaPredOrFunc = predicate,
+	out_mode(OutMode),
+	in_mode(InMode),
+	unused_mode(UnusedMode),
+	(
+		BulkOrFilter = bulk,
+		DeleteArgMode = OutMode,
+		DeleteAditiStateMode = aditi_ui_mode
+	;
+		BulkOrFilter = filter,
+		DeleteArgMode = InMode,
+		DeleteAditiStateMode = UnusedMode
+	),
-	module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, RelationPredInfo),
-	check_base_relation(Context, RelationPredInfo,
-		Builtin, ModifyCallId, IO0, IO),
+	aditi_builtin_modes(DeleteArgMode, DeleteAditiStateMode,
+			ArgTypes, DeleteArgModes),
-	% Set up the modes of the closure passed to the call to `aditi_modify'.
-	pred_info_arg_types(RelationPredInfo, ArgTypes),
-	in_mode(InMode),
-	out_mode(OutMode),
-	aditi_builtin_modes(InMode, (aditi_top_down), ArgTypes, InputArgModes),
-	aditi_builtin_modes(OutMode, (aditi_top_down),
-		ArgTypes, OutputArgModes),
-	list__append(InputArgModes, OutputArgModes, ModifyArgModes),
-	Inst = ground(shared,
-		yes(pred_inst_info(predicate, ModifyArgModes, semidet))),
-	Modes = [(Inst -> Inst), aditi_di_mode, aditi_uo_mode].
+	InsertArgMode = OutMode,
+	InsertAditiStateMode = UnusedMode,
+	aditi_builtin_modes(InsertArgMode, InsertAditiStateMode,
+		ArgTypes, InsertArgModes),
+	list__append(DeleteArgModes, InsertArgModes, ClosureArgModes).
 	% Use the type of the closure passed to an `aditi_delete',
 	% `aditi_bulk_insert', `aditi_bulk_delete' or `aditi_modify'
@@ -502,8 +512,9 @@
 			pred_info_clauses_info(CallerPredInfo, ClausesInfo),
 			clauses_info_vartypes(ClausesInfo, VarTypes),
 			map__lookup(VarTypes, HOArg, HOArgType),
-			type_is_higher_order(HOArgType, predicate,
-				(aditi_top_down), ArgTypes0)
+			type_is_higher_order(HOArgType,
+				_, EvalMethod, ArgTypes0),
+			EvalMethod \= normal
 			call(AdjustArgTypes, ArgTypes0, ArgTypes),
@@ -521,30 +532,18 @@
 	% to an Aditi update.
 	% The `Mode' passed is the mode of all arguments apart
 	% from the `aditi__state'.
-:- pred aditi_builtin_modes((mode), lambda_eval_method,
-		list(type), list(mode)).
+:- pred aditi_builtin_modes((mode), (mode), list(type), list(mode)).
 :- mode aditi_builtin_modes(in, in, in, out) is det.
 aditi_builtin_modes(_, _, [], []).
-aditi_builtin_modes(Mode, EvalMethod, [ArgType | ArgTypes],
+aditi_builtin_modes(Mode, AditiStateMode, [ArgType | ArgTypes],
 		[ArgMode | ArgModes]) :-
 	( type_is_aditi_state(ArgType) ->
-		( EvalMethod = (aditi_top_down) ->
-			% The top-down Aditi closures are not allowed
-			% to call database predicates, so their aditi__state
-			% arguments must have mode `unused'.
-			% The `aditi__state's are passed even though
-			% they are not used so that the argument
-			% list of the closure matches the argument list
-			% of the relation being updated.
-			unused_mode(ArgMode)
-		;
-			ArgMode = aditi_ui_mode
-		)
+		ArgMode = AditiStateMode
 		ArgMode = Mode
-	aditi_builtin_modes(Mode, EvalMethod, ArgTypes, ArgModes).
+	aditi_builtin_modes(Mode, AditiStateMode, ArgTypes, ArgModes).
 	% Report an error if a predicate modified by an Aditi builtin
 	% is not a base relation.
@@ -735,24 +734,6 @@
 		qualified(Module, Name), Arity),
 	io__write_string("  without an `aditi:state' argument.\n").
-:- pred report_multiple_aditi_states(pred_info, io__state, io__state).
-:- mode report_multiple_aditi_states(in, di, uo) is det.
-report_multiple_aditi_states(PredInfo) -->
-	io__set_exit_status(1),
-	{ pred_info_context(PredInfo, Context) },
-	prog_out__write_context(Context),
-	{ pred_info_module(PredInfo, Module) },
-	{ pred_info_name(PredInfo, Name) },
-	{ pred_info_arity(PredInfo, Arity) },
-	{ pred_info_get_is_pred_or_func(PredInfo, PredOrFunc) },
-	io__write_string("Error: `:- pragma aditi' declaration for "),
-	hlds_out__write_simple_call_id(PredOrFunc,
-		qualified(Module, Name), Arity),
-	io__nl,
-	prog_out__write_context(Context),
-	io__write_string("  with multiple `aditi:state' arguments.\n").
Index: compiler/purity.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/purity.m,v
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -u -u -r1.23 purity.m
--- compiler/purity.m	2000/03/27 05:07:49	1.23
+++ compiler/purity.m	2000/03/31 00:46:07
@@ -536,8 +536,9 @@
 			pred_info_clauses_info(PredInfo, ClausesInfo),
 			clauses_info_vartypes(ClausesInfo, VarTypes),
 			map__apply_to_list(Vars, VarTypes, LambdaVarTypes),
-			fix_aditi_state_modes(StateMode, LambdaVarTypes,
-				Modes0, Modes)
+			SeenState = no,
+			fix_aditi_state_modes(SeenState, StateMode,
+				LambdaVarTypes, Modes0, Modes)
 		{ GoalExpr = unify(Var, RHS, Mode, Unification, UnifyContext) }
@@ -655,22 +656,36 @@
 	% Make sure lambda expressions introduced by the compiler
 	% have the correct mode for their `aditi__state' arguments.
-:- pred fix_aditi_state_modes((mode), list(type), list(mode), list(mode)).
-:- mode fix_aditi_state_modes(in, in, in, out) is det.
+:- pred fix_aditi_state_modes(bool, (mode), list(type),
+		list(mode), list(mode)).
+:- mode fix_aditi_state_modes(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
-fix_aditi_state_modes(_, [], [], []).
-fix_aditi_state_modes(_, [_|_], [], []) :-
+fix_aditi_state_modes(_, _, [], [], []).
+fix_aditi_state_modes(_, _, [_|_], [], []) :-
-fix_aditi_state_modes(_, [], [_|_], []) :-
+fix_aditi_state_modes(_, _, [], [_|_], []) :-
-fix_aditi_state_modes(AditiStateMode, [Type | Types],
+fix_aditi_state_modes(SeenState0, AditiStateMode, [Type | Types],
 		[ArgMode0 | Modes0], [ArgMode | Modes]) :-
 	( type_is_aditi_state(Type) ->
-		ArgMode = AditiStateMode
+		(
+			SeenState0 = yes,
+			% The only Aditi builtin which takes a closure
+			% with two `aditi__state' arguments is
+			% `aditi_bulk_modify'.
+			% The second `aditi__state' argument has mode
+			% unused.
+			unused_mode(ArgMode)
+		;
+			SeenState0 = no,
+			ArgMode = AditiStateMode
+		),
+		SeenState = yes
-		ArgMode = ArgMode0
+		ArgMode = ArgMode0,
+		SeenState = SeenState0
-	fix_aditi_state_modes(AditiStateMode, Types, Modes0, Modes).
+	fix_aditi_state_modes(SeenState, AditiStateMode, Types, Modes0, Modes).
 %				Print error messages
Index: compiler/rl.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/rl.m,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -u -r1.11 rl.m
--- compiler/rl.m	2000/03/13 05:24:37	1.11
+++ compiler/rl.m	2000/04/10 09:08:44
@@ -593,6 +593,30 @@
 :- pred rl__get_entry_proc_name(module_info::in, pred_proc_id::in,
 		rl_proc_name::out) is det.
+	% rl__get_modify_proc_name(ModuleInfo, BaseRelationPredId, ProcName).
+	%
+	% Get the name of the RL procedure used to apply a modification
+	% to a base relation.
+:- pred rl__get_modify_proc_name(module_info::in,
+		pred_id::in, rl_proc_name::out) is det.
+	% rl__get_delete_proc_name(ModuleInfo, BaseRelationPredId, ProcName).
+	%
+	% Get the name of the RL procedure used to apply a deletion
+	% to a base relation.
+:- pred rl__get_delete_proc_name(module_info::in,
+		pred_id::in, rl_proc_name::out) is det.
+	% rl__get_c_interface_proc_name(ModuleInfo, PredProcId, ProcName).
+	%
+	% Get the name of the RL procedure used to call an Aditi
+	% procedure from ordinary Mercury code.
+:- pred rl__get_c_interface_proc_name(module_info::in, pred_proc_id::in,
+		string::out) is det.
+:- pred rl__get_c_interface_rl_proc_name(module_info::in, pred_proc_id::in,
+		rl_proc_name::out) is det.
 	% Work out the name for a permanent relation.
 :- pred rl__permanent_relation_name(module_info::in,
 		pred_id::in, string::out) is det.
@@ -640,7 +664,7 @@
 :- implementation.
 :- import_module code_util, code_aux, globals, llds_out, options, prog_out.
-:- import_module prog_util, type_util.
+:- import_module prog_util, type_util, llds.
 :- import_module bool, int, require, string.
 rl__default_temporary_state(ModuleInfo, TmpState) :-
@@ -1022,15 +1046,72 @@
-rl__get_entry_proc_name(ModuleInfo, proc(PredId, ProcId), ProcName) :-
-	code_util__make_proc_label(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, Label),
-	llds_out__get_proc_label(Label, no, ProcLabel),
+rl__get_entry_proc_name(ModuleInfo, PredProcId, ProcName) :-
+	PredProcId = proc(PredId, _),
 	module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo),
-	pred_info_module(PredInfo, PredModule0),
+	pred_info_name(PredInfo, PredName),
+	pred_info_arity(PredInfo, Arity),
+	rl__get_entry_proc_name(ModuleInfo, PredProcId,
+		PredInfo, PredName, Arity, ProcName).
+:- pred rl__get_entry_proc_name(module_info::in, pred_proc_id::in,
+	pred_info::in, string::in, arity::in, rl_proc_name::out) is det.
+rl__get_entry_proc_name(ModuleInfo, PredProcId, PredInfo, PredName, Arity,
+		ProcName) :-
+	PredProcId = proc(_, ProcId),
+	module_info_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName),
+	pred_info_import_status(PredInfo, ImportStatus),
+	pred_info_get_is_pred_or_func(PredInfo, PredOrFunc),
+	pred_info_module(PredInfo, PredModule),
 	pred_info_get_aditi_owner(PredInfo, Owner),
-	prog_out__sym_name_to_string(PredModule0, PredModule),
-	ProcName = rl_proc_name(Owner, PredModule, ProcLabel, 2).
+	code_util__make_user_proc_label(ModuleName, ImportStatus,
+		PredOrFunc, PredModule, PredName, Arity, ProcId, ProcLabel),
+	llds_out__get_proc_label(ProcLabel, no, ProcLabelStr),
+	prog_out__sym_name_to_string(PredModule, PredModuleStr),
+	ProcName = rl_proc_name(Owner, PredModuleStr, ProcLabelStr, 2).
+rl__get_modify_proc_name(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcName) :-
+	rl__get_update_proc_name(ModuleInfo, PredId,
+		"Aditi_Modify_Proc_For_", ProcName).
+rl__get_delete_proc_name(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcName) :-
+	rl__get_update_proc_name(ModuleInfo, PredId,
+		"Aditi_Delete_Proc_For_", ProcName).
+:- pred rl__get_update_proc_name(module_info::in,
+		pred_id::in, string::in, rl_proc_name::out) is det.
+rl__get_update_proc_name(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcNamePrefix, ProcName) :-
+	hlds_pred__initial_proc_id(ProcId),
+	rl__get_entry_proc_name(ModuleInfo, proc(PredId, ProcId), ProcName0),
+	ProcName0 = rl_proc_name(Owner, Module, Name0, Arity),
+	string__append(ProcNamePrefix, Name0, Name),
+	ProcName = rl_proc_name(Owner, Module, Name, Arity).
+rl__get_c_interface_proc_name(ModuleInfo, PredProcId, PredName) :-
+	PredProcId = proc(PredId, ProcId),
+	module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo),
+	pred_info_name(PredInfo, PredName0),
+	proc_id_to_int(ProcId, ProcInt),
+	string__int_to_string(ProcInt, ProcStr),
+	string__append_list(["Aditi_C_Interface_Proc_For_Mode_", ProcStr,
+		"_Of_", PredName0], PredName).
+rl__get_c_interface_rl_proc_name(ModuleInfo, PredProcId, ProcName) :-
+	rl__get_c_interface_proc_name(ModuleInfo, PredProcId, PredName),
+	PredProcId = proc(PredId, _),
+	module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo),
+	pred_info_arg_types(PredInfo, ArgTypes),
+	list__filter(type_is_aditi_state, ArgTypes, AditiStates),
+	list__length(AditiStates, NumAditiStates),
+	list__length(ArgTypes, OrigArity),
+	% The plus one is for the input closure argument.
+	InterfaceArity = OrigArity - NumAditiStates + 1,
+	rl__get_entry_proc_name(ModuleInfo, PredProcId, PredInfo,
+		PredName, InterfaceArity, ProcName).
 rl__permanent_relation_name(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcName) :-
 	rl__get_permanent_relation_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, Owner,
 		Module, _, _, Name, _),
Index: compiler/rl_exprn.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/rl_exprn.m,v
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -u -u -r1.14 rl_exprn.m
--- compiler/rl_exprn.m	2000/03/15 08:30:54	1.14
+++ compiler/rl_exprn.m	2000/04/10 08:00:29
@@ -71,15 +71,13 @@
 	sort_spec::in, list(type)::in, sort_spec::in, list(type)::in,
 	list(bytecode)::out) is det.
-	% rl_exprn__generate_key_range(ModuleInfo, KeyRange, ExprnCode,
-	% 	NumParams, LowerBoundSchema, UpperBoundSchema,
-	%	MaxTermDepth, ExprnVarTypes).
+	% rl_exprn__generate_equijoin_exprn(ModuleInfo, Attrs,
+	% 	Schema, Code)
-	% Generate an expression to produce the upper and lower
-	% bounds for a B-tree access.
-:- pred rl_exprn__generate_key_range(module_info::in, key_range::in,
-	list(bytecode)::out, int::out, list(type)::out, list(type)::out,
-	int::out, list(type)::out) is det.
+	% Generate an expression to compare the join attributes in
+	% an equi-join.
+:- pred rl_exprn__generate_equijoin_exprn(module_info::in, list(int)::in,
+	list(type)::in, list(bytecode)::out) is det.
 	% rl_exprn__generate_hash_function(ModuleInfo, HashAttrs,
 	%	InputSchema, ExprnCode).
@@ -89,6 +87,22 @@
 :- pred rl_exprn__generate_hash_function(module_info::in, list(int)::in,
 	list(type)::in, list(bytecode)::out) is det.
+	% rl_exprn__generate_key_range(ModuleInfo, KeyRange, ExprnCode,
+	% 	NumParams, LowerBoundSchema, UpperBoundSchema,
+	%	MaxTermDepth, ExprnVarTypes).
+	%
+	% Generate an expression to produce the upper and lower
+	% bounds for a B-tree access.
+:- pred rl_exprn__generate_key_range(module_info::in, key_range::in,
+	list(bytecode)::out, int::out, list(type)::out, list(type)::out,
+	int::out, list(type)::out) is det.
+	% Generate an expression to produce either the tuple
+	% to insert or the tuple to delete for a modification
+	% query.
+:- pred rl_exprn__generate_modify_project_exprn(module_info::in,
+	tuple_num::in, list(type)::in, list(bytecode)::out) is det.
 	% rl_exprn__generate(ModuleInfo, Goal, ExprnCode, NumParams,
 	%	ExprnMode, ExprnVarTypes).
@@ -205,6 +219,41 @@
 	Code = tree(Code0, CompareAttr).
+rl_exprn__generate_equijoin_exprn(_, Attrs0, Schema, Code) :-
+	list__map(rl_exprn__adjust_arg_number, Attrs0, Attrs),
+	rl_exprn__generate_equijoin_instrs(Attrs, Schema,
+		empty, TestCode),
+	ExprnCode =
+		tree(node([rl_PROC_expr_frag(2)]),
+		tree(TestCode,
+		node([rl_PROC_expr_end])
+	)),
+	tree__flatten(ExprnCode, Instrs0),
+	list__condense(Instrs0, Code).
+:- pred rl_exprn__generate_equijoin_instrs(list(int)::in, list(type)::in,
+		byte_tree::in, byte_tree::out) is det.
+rl_exprn__generate_equijoin_instrs([], _, Code, Code).
+rl_exprn__generate_equijoin_instrs([Attr | Attrs], Schema, Code0, Code) :-
+	list__index0_det(Schema, Attr, AttrType),
+	rl_exprn__type_to_aditi_type(AttrType, AType),
+	rl_exprn__test_bytecode(AType, TestBytecode),
+	rl_exprn__get_input_field_code(one, AType, Attr, FieldCode1),
+	rl_exprn__get_input_field_code(two, AType, Attr, FieldCode2),
+	Code1 =
+		tree(Code0,
+		node([
+			FieldCode1,
+			FieldCode2,
+			TestBytecode,
+			rl_EXP_fail_if_false
+		])
+	),
+	rl_exprn__generate_equijoin_instrs(Attrs, Schema, Code1, Code).
 rl_exprn__generate_hash_function(_ModuleInfo, Attrs0, Schema, Code) :-
@@ -480,6 +529,43 @@
+rl_exprn__generate_modify_project_exprn(_ModuleInfo, TupleNum, Types, Codes) :-
+	list__length(Types, NumAttrs),
+	rl_exprn__generate_modify_project_exprn_2(Types,
+		NumAttrs, TupleNum, 0, empty, ProjectCode),
+	CodeTree =
+		tree(node([rl_PROC_expr_frag(3)]),
+		tree(ProjectCode,
+		node([rl_PROC_expr_end])
+	)),
+	tree__flatten(CodeTree, CodeList),
+	list__condense(CodeList, Codes).
+:- pred rl_exprn__generate_modify_project_exprn_2(list(type)::in, int::in,
+		tuple_num::in, int::in, byte_tree::in, byte_tree::out) is det.
+rl_exprn__generate_modify_project_exprn_2([], _, _, _, Code, Code).
+rl_exprn__generate_modify_project_exprn_2([Type | Types],
+		NumAttrs, TupleNum, Attr, Code0, Code) :-
+	rl_exprn__type_to_aditi_type(Type, AType),
+	(
+		TupleNum = one,
+		InputAttr = Attr
+	;
+		TupleNum = two,
+		InputAttr = Attr + NumAttrs
+	),
+	rl_exprn__get_input_field_code(one, AType, InputAttr, InputFieldCode),
+	rl_exprn__set_output_field_code(one, AType, Attr, OutputFieldCode),
+	Code1 =
+		tree(Code0,
+		node([InputFieldCode, OutputFieldCode])
+	),
+	rl_exprn__generate_modify_project_exprn_2(Types,
+		NumAttrs, TupleNum, Attr + 1, Code1, Code).
 rl_exprn__generate(ModuleInfo, RLGoal, Code, NumParams, Mode, Decls) :-
 	RLGoal = rl_goal(_, VarSet, VarTypes, InstMap,
 		Inputs, MaybeOutputs, Goals, _), 
@@ -1118,19 +1204,8 @@
 	rl_exprn__generate_push(Var2Loc, Type, PushCode2),
 	{ rl_exprn__type_to_aditi_type(Type, AditiType) },
-	{
-		AditiType = int,
-		EqInstr = rl_EXP_int_eq
-	;
-		AditiType = float,
-		EqInstr = rl_EXP_flt_eq
-	;
-		AditiType = string,
-		EqInstr = rl_EXP_str_eq
-	;
-		AditiType = term(_),
-		EqInstr = rl_EXP_term_eq
-	},
+	{ rl_exprn__test_bytecode(AditiType, EqInstr) },
 	{ Code = 
@@ -1139,6 +1214,13 @@
 	))))) }.
+:- pred rl_exprn__test_bytecode(aditi_type::in, bytecode::out) is det.
+rl_exprn__test_bytecode(int, rl_EXP_int_eq).
+rl_exprn__test_bytecode(float, rl_EXP_flt_eq).
+rl_exprn__test_bytecode(string, rl_EXP_str_eq).
+rl_exprn__test_bytecode(term(_), rl_EXP_term_eq).
 :- pred rl_exprn__functor_test(prog_var::in, cons_id::in, byte_tree::in, 
 	byte_tree::out, rl_exprn_info::in, rl_exprn_info::out) is det.
Index: compiler/rl_out.pp
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/rl_out.pp,v
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -u -u -r1.12 rl_out.pp
--- compiler/rl_out.pp	2000/03/13 05:24:39	1.12
+++ compiler/rl_out.pp	2000/04/11 11:39:27
@@ -150,6 +150,12 @@
 			map__lookup(Relations, Arg, ArgInfo),
 			ArgInfo = relation_info(_, ArgSchema, _, _)
 		), Args, ArgSchemas),
+	rl_out__get_proc_schema(ModuleInfo, ArgSchemas, SchemaString).
+:- pred rl_out__get_proc_schema(module_info::in, list(list(type))::in,
+		string::out) is det.
+rl_out__get_proc_schema(ModuleInfo, ArgSchemas, SchemaString) :-
 	rl__schemas_to_strings(ModuleInfo, ArgSchemas,
 		TypeDecls, ArgSchemaStrings),
@@ -163,7 +169,7 @@
 				ArgSchemaString, ") "],
 		), ArgSchemaStrings, ArgSchemaDeclList, 1, _),
-	rl_out__get_proc_schema_2(1, Args, "", SchemaString0),
+	rl_out__get_proc_schema_2(1, ArgSchemaDeclList, "", SchemaString0),
 	list__condense([[TypeDecls | ArgSchemaDeclList], ["("],
 		[SchemaString0, ")"]], SchemaStrings),
 	string__append_list(SchemaStrings, SchemaString).
@@ -202,23 +208,27 @@
 	{ list__foldl(rl_out__generate_proc_bytecode, Procs, 
 		RLInfo0, RLInfo1) },
+	{ module_info_predids(ModuleInfo, PredIds) },
+	{ list__foldl(rl_out__generate_update_procs, PredIds,
+		RLInfo1, RLInfo2) },
 	globals__io_lookup_string_option(aditi_user, Owner),
 	{ rl_out_info_assign_const(string(Owner), OwnerIndex,
-		RLInfo1, RLInfo2) },
+		RLInfo2, RLInfo3) },
 	{ prog_out__sym_name_to_string(ModuleName0, ModuleName) },
 	module_name_to_file_name(ModuleName0, ".m", no, SourceFileName),
 	module_name_to_file_name(ModuleName0, ".int", no, IntFileName),
 	{ rl_out_info_assign_const(string(ModuleName), ModuleIndex, 
-		RLInfo2, RLInfo3) },
-	{ rl_out_info_assign_const(string(IntFileName), IntIndex, 
 		RLInfo3, RLInfo4) },
+	{ rl_out_info_assign_const(string(IntFileName), IntIndex, 
+		RLInfo4, RLInfo5) },
 	{ rl_out_info_assign_const(string(SourceFileName), 
-		SourceIndex, RLInfo4, RLInfo5) },
-	{ rl_out_info_get_procs(RLProcs, RLInfo5, RLInfo6) },
-	{ rl_out_info_get_consts(Consts, RLInfo6, RLInfo7) },
+		SourceIndex, RLInfo5, RLInfo6) },
+	{ rl_out_info_get_procs(RLProcs, RLInfo6, RLInfo7) },
+	{ rl_out_info_get_consts(Consts, RLInfo7, RLInfo8) },
 	{ rl_out_info_get_permanent_relations(PermRelsSet, 
-		RLInfo7, RLInfo8) },
-	{ rl_out_info_get_relation_variables(RelVars, RLInfo8, _) },
+		RLInfo8, RLInfo9) },
+	{ rl_out_info_get_relation_variables(RelVars, RLInfo9, _) },
 	{ map__to_assoc_list(Consts, ConstsAL) },
 	{ assoc_list__reverse_members(ConstsAL, ConstsLA0) },
@@ -331,6 +341,267 @@
+	% For each base relation defined in this module, generate
+	% a procedure to be used by aditi_bulk_modify to update
+	% the relation.
+	%
+	% In the procedure below, UpdateRel is the relation returned
+	% by the closure passed to aditi_bulk_modify. Each tuple returned
+	% by that closure contains two sets of arguments -- the tuple
+	% to delete, and the tuple to insert.
+	%
+	% DummyOutput is not actually used -- it is there just so
+	% that the procedure matches the usual convention for calling
+	% Aditi procedures from Mercury.
+	%
+	% ModifyProcFor__p_3(UpdateRel, DummyOutput)
+	% {
+	%	delete(p/3, project(UpdateRel, FirstTuple);
+	%	insert(p/3, project(UpdateRel, SecondTuple),
+	%	init(DummyOutput).
+	% }
+:- pred rl_out__generate_update_procs(pred_id::in, rl_out_info::in,
+		rl_out_info::out) is det.
+rl_out__generate_update_procs(PredId) -->
+	rl_out_info_get_module_info(ModuleInfo),
+	{ module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo) },
+	{ module_info_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName) },
+	{ pred_info_module(PredInfo, PredModule) },
+	(
+		{ ModuleName = PredModule },
+		{ hlds_pred__pred_info_is_base_relation(PredInfo) }
+	->
+		rl_out__generate_update_proc(delete, PredId, PredInfo),
+		rl_out__generate_update_proc(modify, PredId, PredInfo)
+	;
+		[]
+	).
+:- type delete_or_modify
+	--->	delete
+	;	modify
+	.
+:- pred rl_out__generate_update_proc(delete_or_modify::in, pred_id::in,
+		pred_info::in, rl_out_info::in, rl_out_info::out) is det.
+rl_out__generate_update_proc(DeleteOrModify, PredId, PredInfo) -->
+	{ map__init(Relations) },
+	rl_out_info_init_proc(Relations),
+	{ pred_info_arg_types(PredInfo, ArgTypes) },
+	{ pred_info_get_indexes(PredInfo, Indexes) },
+	rl_out__schema_to_string(ArgTypes, PermSchemaOffset),
+	rl_out_info_add_relation_variable(PermSchemaOffset,
+		PermanentAddr),
+	rl_out__collect_permanent_relation(PredId,
+		PermanentAddr, OpenPermanentCode, UnsetPermanentCode),
+	{ 
+		DeleteOrModify = delete,
+		InputRelTypes = ArgTypes
+	;
+		DeleteOrModify = modify,
+		list__append(ArgTypes, ArgTypes, InputRelTypes)
+	},
+	rl_out__schema_to_string(InputRelTypes, InputRelSchemaOffset),
+	rl_out_info_add_relation_variable(InputRelSchemaOffset,
+		InputRelAddr),
+	rl_out__schema_to_string([], NullSchemaOffset),
+	rl_out_info_add_relation_variable(NullSchemaOffset,
+		DummyOutputAddr),
+	rl_out_info_get_module_info(ModuleInfo),
+	{ LockSpec = 0 }, % default lock spec
+	(
+		{ DeleteOrModify = delete },
+		{ rl__get_delete_proc_name(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcName) },
+		{ DeleteInputStream =
+			node([
+				rl_PROC_stream,
+				rl_PROC_var(InputRelAddr, LockSpec),
+				rl_PROC_stream_end
+			]) },
+		{ InsertCode = empty }
+	;
+		{ DeleteOrModify = modify },
+		{ rl__get_modify_proc_name(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcName) },
+		rl_out__generate_modify_project_exprn(ArgTypes,
+			PermSchemaOffset, one, DeleteProjectExpr),
+		rl_out__generate_modify_project_exprn(ArgTypes,
+			PermSchemaOffset, two, InsertProjectExpr),
+		%
+		% Project the input relation onto
+		% the first half of its attributes,
+		% deleting the result from the base
+		% relation.
+		% 
+		{ DeleteInputStream =
+			node([
+				rl_PROC_stream,
+				rl_PROC_project_tee,
+				rl_PROC_stream,
+				rl_PROC_var(InputRelAddr, LockSpec),
+				rl_PROC_stream_end,
+				rl_PROC_expr(DeleteProjectExpr),
+				rl_PROC_var_list_nil,
+				rl_PROC_expr_list_nil,
+				rl_PROC_stream_end
+		]) },
+		{ InsertCode =
+			node([
+				%
+				% Project the input relation onto
+				% the second half of its attributes,
+				% inserting the result into the base
+				% relation.
+				% 
+				rl_PROC_materialise(1),
+				rl_PROC_stream,
+				rl_PROC_project_tee,
+				rl_PROC_stream,
+				rl_PROC_var(InputRelAddr, LockSpec),
+				rl_PROC_stream_end,
+				rl_PROC_expr(InsertProjectExpr),
+				rl_PROC_var_list_nil,
+				rl_PROC_expr_list_nil,
+				rl_PROC_stream_end,
+				rl_PROC_var_list_cons(PermanentAddr, LockSpec),
+				rl_PROC_var_list_nil
+			]) }
+	),
+	rl_out__generate_delete_code(PermanentAddr, Indexes, ArgTypes,
+		PermSchemaOffset, DeleteInputStream, DeleteCode),
+	{ Codes = tree(
+		%
+		% Open the permanent relation.
+		%
+		node([OpenPermanentCode]),
+		%
+		% Do the deletion.
+		% 
+		tree(DeleteCode,
+		%
+		% Do the insertion for an `aditi_bulk_modify' goal.
+		%
+		tree(InsertCode,	
+		node([
+			%
+			% Clean up.
+			%
+			UnsetPermanentCode,
+			rl_PROC_unsetrel(InputRelAddr),
+			%
+			% Create the dummy output variable.
+			%
+			rl_PROC_createtemprel(DummyOutputAddr,
+				NullSchemaOffset),
+			rl_PROC_ret
+		])
+	))) },
+	{ tree__flatten(Codes, CodeList) },
+	{ list__condense(CodeList, Code) },
+	{ ArgSchemas = [InputRelTypes, []] },
+	{ rl_out__get_proc_schema(ModuleInfo, ArgSchemas, ProcSchemaString) },
+	rl_out_info_assign_const(string(ProcSchemaString),
+		ProcSchemaConst),
+	{ Args = [InputRelAddr, DummyOutputAddr] },
+	rl_out__package_proc(ProcName, Args, Code, ProcSchemaConst).
+:- pred rl_out__generate_delete_code(int::in, list(index_spec)::in,
+		list(type)::in, int::in, byte_tree::in, byte_tree::out,
+		rl_out_info::in, rl_out_info::out) is det.
+rl_out__generate_delete_code(PermanentAddr, _Indexes, ArgTypes, SchemaOffset,
+		DeleteInputStream, DeleteCode) -->
+	(
+		{ ArgTypes = [] },
+		{ CondCode = 
+			tree(node([rl_PROC_empty]),
+			DeleteInputStream
+		) },
+		{ ThenCode = empty },
+		% We use clear here because otherwise the relation manager
+		% may complain about deleting a tuple from an empty relation.
+		{ ElseCode = node([rl_PROC_clear(PermanentAddr)]) },
+		rl_out__generate_ite(CondCode, ThenCode, ElseCode, DeleteCode)
+	;
+		{ ArgTypes = [_ | _] },
+		%
+		% The tuples to delete must come from the relation to
+		% delete from -- Aditi does the deletion by tuple-id,
+		% not tuple contents. To get the correct tuples, we must
+		% do a sem-join of the tuples to delete against the relation
+		% to delete from.
+		%
+		% Note that the indexed semi-join won't work because it returns
+		% tuples from the non-indexed relation, which are no good for
+		% deleting from the indexed relation.
+		%
+		% XXX For a permanent relation with a unique B-tree index
+		% on all attributes, we may be able to use a sort-merge
+		% semi-join to collect the tuples to delete.
+		%
+		{ list__length(ArgTypes, Arity) },
+		{ list__foldl2(
+			(pred(_::in, L0::in, L::out, N0::in, N::out) is det :-
+				L = [N0 | L0],
+				N = N0 - 1
+			),
+			ArgTypes, [], Attrs, Arity, _) },
+		rl_out__do_generate_hash_exprn(ArgTypes, SchemaOffset,
+			Attrs, HashExprn),
+		rl_out__do_generate_equijoin_exprn(ArgTypes, Attrs, JoinCond),
+		{ LockSpec = 0 }, % default lock spec
+		{ DeleteCode =
+			tree(node([
+				rl_PROC_delete(PermanentAddr),
+				rl_PROC_stream,
+				rl_PROC_semijoin_hj,
+				rl_PROC_stream,
+				rl_PROC_var(PermanentAddr, LockSpec),
+				rl_PROC_stream_end
+			]),
+			tree(DeleteInputStream,
+			node([
+				% Both relations can use the same
+				% hash expression.
+				rl_PROC_expr(HashExprn),
+				rl_PROC_expr(HashExprn),
+				rl_PROC_expr(JoinCond),
+				rl_PROC_stream_end
+			])
+		)) }
+	).
 :- pred rl_out__generate_proc_bytecode(rl_proc::in, 
 		rl_out_info::in, rl_out_info::out) is det.
@@ -338,10 +609,8 @@
 	{ Proc = rl_proc(Name, Inputs, Outputs, MemoedRels,
 			Relations, RLInstrs, _) },
-	{ Name = rl_proc_name(Owner, Module, ProcName, _) },
 	{ list__append(Inputs, Outputs, Args) },
-	rl_out_info_init_proc(Relations, Args),
+	rl_out_info_init_proc(Relations),
 	rl_out__generate_instr_list(RLInstrs, RLInstrCodeTree0),
 	{ set__to_sorted_list(MemoedRels, MemoedList) },
@@ -353,6 +622,7 @@
 		% If one memoed relation is dropped, all must be 
 		% dropped for correctness. We could possibly be a
 		% little smarter about this.
+		{ Name = rl_proc_name(Owner, _, _, _) },
 		rl_out__collect_memoed_relations(Owner, Name, MemoedList, 0,
 			CollectCode, NameCode),
 		rl_out__get_rel_var_list(MemoedList, RelVarCodes),
@@ -361,10 +631,8 @@
 	{ map__to_assoc_list(Addrs, AddrsAL) },
-	rl_out__collect_permanent_relations(AddrsAL, [], PermRelCodes),
-	rl_out_info_get_proc_expressions(Exprns),
-	{ list__length(Exprns, NumExprns) },
+	rl_out__collect_permanent_relations(AddrsAL, [],
+		PermRelCodes, [], PermUnsetCodes),
 	rl_out__resolve_proc_addresses(RLInstrCodeTree0, RLInstrCodeTree1),
@@ -374,22 +642,37 @@
+		tree(node(PermUnsetCodes),
-	))))) },
+	)))))) },
 	{ tree__flatten(RLInstrCodeTree, CodeLists) },
 	{ list__condense(CodeLists, Codes) },
+	list__map_foldl(rl_out_info_get_relation_addr, Args, ArgLocs),
+	rl_out__generate_proc_schema(Args, ProcSchemaConst),
+	rl_out__package_proc(Name, ArgLocs, Codes, ProcSchemaConst).
+:- pred rl_out__package_proc(rl_proc_name::in, list(int)::in,
+		list(bytecode)::in, int::in,
+		rl_out_info::in, rl_out_info::out) is det.
+rl_out__package_proc(Name, ArgLocs, Codes, ProcSchemaConst) -->
+	{ Name = rl_proc_name(Owner, Module, ProcName, _) },
+	rl_out_info_get_proc_expressions(Exprns),
+	{ list__length(Exprns, NumExprns) },
 	rl_out_info_assign_const(string(Owner), OwnerConst),
 	rl_out_info_assign_const(string(Module), ModuleConst),
 	rl_out_info_assign_const(string(ProcName), NameConst),
 	{ rl_out__instr_code_size(node(Codes), CodeLength) },
-	{ list__length(Args, NumArgs) },
-	list__map_foldl(rl_out_info_get_relation_addr, Args, ArgLocs),
-	rl_out__generate_proc_schema(Args, SchemaConst),
+	{ list__length(ArgLocs, NumArgs) },
-	{ RLProc = procedure(OwnerConst, ModuleConst, NameConst, SchemaConst,
-			NumArgs, ArgLocs, NumExprns, Exprns,
+	{ RLProc = procedure(OwnerConst, ModuleConst, NameConst,
+			ProcSchemaConst, NumArgs, ArgLocs, NumExprns, Exprns,
 			CodeLength, Codes) },
@@ -460,46 +743,57 @@
 	% Put pointers to all the permanent relations
 	% used by the procedure into variables.
 :- pred rl_out__collect_permanent_relations(assoc_list(relation_id, int)::in,
-		list(bytecode)::in, list(bytecode)::out,
-		rl_out_info::in, rl_out_info::out) is det.
+		list(bytecode)::in, list(bytecode)::out, list(bytecode)::in,
+		list(bytecode)::out, rl_out_info::in, rl_out_info::out) is det.
-rl_out__collect_permanent_relations([], Codes, Codes) --> [].
+rl_out__collect_permanent_relations([], Codes, Codes,
+		UnsetCodes, UnsetCodes) --> [].
 rl_out__collect_permanent_relations([RelationId - Addr | Rels],
-		Codes0, Codes) -->
+		Codes0, Codes, UnsetCodes0, UnsetCodes) -->
 	{ map__lookup(Relations, RelationId, RelInfo) },
 	{ RelInfo = relation_info(RelType, _Schema, _Index, _) },
 		{ RelType = permanent(proc(PredId, _)) }
-		rl_out_info_get_module_info(ModuleInfo),
-		{ rl__get_permanent_relation_info(ModuleInfo, PredId,
-			Owner, PredModule, _, _, RelName, SchemaString) },
-		rl_out_info_assign_const(string(Owner), OwnerConst), 
-		rl_out_info_assign_const(string(PredModule), PredModuleConst),
-		rl_out_info_assign_const(string(SchemaString), SchemaOffset),
-		rl_out_info_assign_const(string(RelName), RelNameConst),
-		rl_out_info_get_permanent_relations(PermRels0),
-		{ set__insert(PermRels0, 
-			relation(OwnerConst, PredModuleConst, 
-				RelNameConst, SchemaOffset), 
-			PermRels) },
-		rl_out_info_set_permanent_relations(PermRels),
-		{ string__format("%s/%s/%s", 
-			[s(Owner), s(PredModule), s(RelName)], Name) },
-		rl_out_info_assign_const(string(Name), RelNameOffset),
-		{ SetCode = rl_PROC_openpermrel(Addr, RelNameOffset, 
-				SchemaOffset) },
+		rl_out__collect_permanent_relation(PredId, Addr,
+			SetCode, UnsetCode),
+		{ UnsetCodes1 = [UnsetCode | UnsetCodes0] },
 		{ Codes1 = [SetCode | Codes0] }
+		{ UnsetCodes1 = UnsetCodes0 },
 		{ Codes1 = Codes0 }
-	rl_out__collect_permanent_relations(Rels, Codes1, Codes).
+	rl_out__collect_permanent_relations(Rels, Codes1, Codes,
+		UnsetCodes1, UnsetCodes).
+:- pred rl_out__collect_permanent_relation(pred_id::in, int::in,
+		bytecode::out, bytecode::out,
+		rl_out_info::in, rl_out_info::out) is det.
+rl_out__collect_permanent_relation(PredId, Addr, SetCode, UnsetCode) -->
+	rl_out_info_get_module_info(ModuleInfo),
+	{ rl__get_permanent_relation_info(ModuleInfo, PredId,
+		Owner, PredModule, _, _, RelName, SchemaString) },
+	rl_out_info_assign_const(string(Owner), OwnerConst), 
+	rl_out_info_assign_const(string(PredModule), PredModuleConst),
+	rl_out_info_assign_const(string(SchemaString), SchemaOffset),
+	rl_out_info_assign_const(string(RelName), RelNameConst),
+	rl_out_info_get_permanent_relations(PermRels0),
+	{ set__insert(PermRels0, 
+		relation(OwnerConst, PredModuleConst, 
+			RelNameConst, SchemaOffset), 
+		PermRels) },
+	rl_out_info_set_permanent_relations(PermRels),
+	{ string__format("%s/%s/%s", 
+		[s(Owner), s(PredModule), s(RelName)], Name) },
+	rl_out_info_assign_const(string(Name), RelNameOffset),
+	{ SetCode = rl_PROC_openpermrel(Addr, RelNameOffset, SchemaOffset) },
+	{ UnsetCode = rl_PROC_unsetrel(Addr) }.
 :- pred rl_out__get_rel_var_list(list(relation_id)::in, byte_tree::out,
@@ -1980,9 +2274,18 @@
 		rl_out_info::in, rl_out_info::out) is det.
 rl_out__generate_hash_exprn(Input, Attrs, ExprnNum) -->
-	rl_out_info_get_hash_exprns(HashExprns0),
 	rl_out_info_get_relation_schema(Input, InputSchema),
 	rl_out__schema_to_string(InputSchema, InputSchemaOffset),
+	rl_out__do_generate_hash_exprn(InputSchema,
+		InputSchemaOffset, Attrs, ExprnNum).
+:- pred rl_out__do_generate_hash_exprn(list(type)::in, int::in,
+		list(int)::in, int::out,
+		rl_out_info::in, rl_out_info::out) is det.
+rl_out__do_generate_hash_exprn(InputSchema, InputSchemaOffset,
+		Attrs, ExprnNum) -->
+	rl_out_info_get_hash_exprns(HashExprns0),
 	( { map__search(HashExprns0, Attrs - InputSchemaOffset, ExprnNum0) } ->
 		{ ExprnNum = ExprnNum0 }
@@ -2003,6 +2306,50 @@
+	% This is only used by the code to generate the modification
+	% and deletion procedures for base relations, so avoiding
+	% generating multiple copies of one of these is pointless --
+	% only one will ever be generated for each procedure.
+:- pred rl_out__do_generate_equijoin_exprn(list(type)::in, list(int)::in,
+		int::out, rl_out_info::in, rl_out_info::out) is det.
+rl_out__do_generate_equijoin_exprn(InputSchema, Attrs, ExprnNum) -->
+	rl_out_info_get_module_info(ModuleInfo),
+	{ rl_exprn__generate_equijoin_exprn(ModuleInfo,
+		Attrs, InputSchema, ExprnCode) },
+	% Nothing is built on the stack, so this will be enough.
+	{ StackSize = 10 },
+	{ NumParams = 2 },
+	{ Decls = [] },
+	rl_out__schema_to_string([], EmptySchemaOffset),
+	rl_out__package_exprn(ExprnCode, NumParams, test,
+		EmptySchemaOffset, EmptySchemaOffset, StackSize,
+		Decls, ExprnNum).
+	% This is only used by the code to generate the modification
+	% procedures for base relations, so avoiding generating multiple
+	% copies of one of these is pointless -- only one will ever be
+	% generated for each procedure.
+:- pred rl_out__generate_modify_project_exprn(list(type)::in, int::in,
+		tuple_num::in, int::out,
+		rl_out_info::in, rl_out_info::out) is det.
+rl_out__generate_modify_project_exprn(Schema, SchemaOffset,
+		TupleNum, ExprnNum) -->
+	rl_out_info_get_module_info(ModuleInfo),
+	{ rl_exprn__generate_modify_project_exprn(ModuleInfo,
+		TupleNum, Schema, Code) },
+	% Nothing is built on the stack, so this will be enough.
+	{ StackSize = 10 },
+	{ NumParams = 1 },
+	{ ExprnMode = generate },
+	{ Decls = [] },
+	rl_out__schema_to_string([], EmptySchemaOffset),
+	rl_out__package_exprn(Code, NumParams, ExprnMode, SchemaOffset,
+		EmptySchemaOffset, StackSize, Decls, ExprnNum).
 :- pred rl_out__package_exprn(list(bytecode)::in, int::in, exprn_mode::in,
 		int::in, int::in, int::in, list(type)::in, int::out,
 		rl_out_info::in, rl_out_info::out) is det.
@@ -2123,9 +2470,9 @@
 			FirstExprn, TmpVars).
 :- pred rl_out_info_init_proc(map(relation_id, relation_info)::in,
-	list(relation_id)::in, rl_out_info::in, rl_out_info::out) is det.
+	rl_out_info::in, rl_out_info::out) is det.
-rl_out_info_init_proc(Relations, _Args) -->
+rl_out_info_init_proc(Relations) -->
 	^ relations := Relations,
 	{ map__init(Labels) },
Index: compiler/typecheck.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/typecheck.m,v
retrieving revision 1.273
diff -u -u -r1.273 typecheck.m
--- compiler/typecheck.m	2000/03/14 11:21:29	1.273
+++ compiler/typecheck.m	2000/04/11 05:13:00
@@ -1153,56 +1153,59 @@
 typecheck_aditi_builtin_2(_, _, aditi_call(_, _, _, _), _) -->
 	% There are only added by magic.m.
 	{ error("typecheck_aditi_builtin: unexpected aditi_call") }.
-typecheck_aditi_builtin_2(CallId, Args, aditi_insert(_),
-		aditi_insert(PredId)) -->
-	% The tuple to insert has the same argument types
-	% as the relation being inserted into.
+typecheck_aditi_builtin_2(CallId, Args,
+		aditi_tuple_insert_delete(InsertDelete, _),
+		aditi_tuple_insert_delete(InsertDelete, PredId)) -->
+	% The tuple to insert or delete has the same argument types
+	% as the relation being inserted into or deleted from.
 	typecheck_call_pred(CallId, Args, PredId).
-typecheck_aditi_builtin_2(CallId, Args, aditi_delete(_, Syntax),
-		aditi_delete(PredId, Syntax)) -->
-	typecheck_aditi_delete_or_bulk_operation_closure(CallId,
-		(aditi_top_down), Args, PredId).
-typecheck_aditi_builtin_2(CallId, Args, aditi_bulk_operation(BulkOp, _), 
-		aditi_bulk_operation(BulkOp, PredId)) -->
-	typecheck_aditi_delete_or_bulk_operation_closure(CallId,
-		(aditi_bottom_up), Args, PredId).
-typecheck_aditi_builtin_2(CallId, Args, aditi_modify(_, Syntax),
-		aditi_modify(PredId, Syntax)) -->
+typecheck_aditi_builtin_2(CallId, Args,
+		aditi_insert_delete_modify(InsertDelMod, _, Syntax),
+		aditi_insert_delete_modify(InsertDelMod, PredId, Syntax)) -->
+	{ aditi_insert_del_mod_eval_method(InsertDelMod, EvalMethod) },
+	{ CallId = PredOrFunc - _ },
+	{ InsertDeleteAdjustArgTypes = 
+	    lambda([RelationArgTypes::in, UpdateArgTypes::out] is det, (
+			construct_higher_order_type(PredOrFunc,
+				EvalMethod, RelationArgTypes, ClosureType),
+			UpdateArgTypes = [ClosureType]
+	    )) },
 	% `aditi_modify' takes a closure which takes two sets of arguments
-	% corresponding to those of the base relation - one set input
-	% and one set output.
-	{ AdjustArgTypes = 
+	% corresponding to those of the base relation, one set for
+	% the tuple to delete, and one for the tuple to insert.
+	{ ModifyAdjustArgTypes = 
 	    lambda([RelationArgTypes::in, AditiModifyTypes::out] is det, (
 			list__append(RelationArgTypes, RelationArgTypes,
-			construct_higher_order_pred_type((aditi_top_down),
+			construct_higher_order_pred_type(EvalMethod,
 				ClosureArgTypes, ClosureType),
 			AditiModifyTypes = [ClosureType]
 	    )) },
-	typecheck_aditi_builtin_closure(CallId, Args, AdjustArgTypes, PredId).
-	% Typecheck the closure passed to an `aditi_delete',
-	% `aditi_bulk_insert' or `aditi_bulk_delete' which
-	% determines which tuples are inserted or deleted. 
-	% The argument types of the closure are the same as the
-	% argument types of the base relation being updated.
-:- pred typecheck_aditi_delete_or_bulk_operation_closure(simple_call_id,
-		lambda_eval_method, list(prog_var), pred_id,
-		typecheck_info, typecheck_info).
-:- mode typecheck_aditi_delete_or_bulk_operation_closure(in, in, in, out,
-		typecheck_info_di, typecheck_info_uo) is det.
-		EvalMethod, Args, PredId) -->
-	{ CallId = PredOrFunc - _ },
-	{ AdjustArgTypes = 
-	    lambda([RelationArgTypes::in, UpdateArgTypes::out] is det, (
-			construct_higher_order_type(PredOrFunc,
-				EvalMethod, RelationArgTypes, ClosureType),
-			UpdateArgTypes = [ClosureType]
-	    )) },
+	{
+		InsertDelMod = bulk_insert,
+		AdjustArgTypes = InsertDeleteAdjustArgTypes
+	;
+		InsertDelMod = delete(_),
+		AdjustArgTypes = InsertDeleteAdjustArgTypes
+	;
+		InsertDelMod = modify(_),
+		AdjustArgTypes = ModifyAdjustArgTypes
+	},
 	typecheck_aditi_builtin_closure(CallId, Args, AdjustArgTypes, PredId).
+:- pred aditi_insert_del_mod_eval_method(aditi_insert_delete_modify,
+		lambda_eval_method).
+:- mode aditi_insert_del_mod_eval_method(in, out) is det.
+aditi_insert_del_mod_eval_method(bulk_insert, (aditi_bottom_up)).
+aditi_insert_del_mod_eval_method(delete(filter), (aditi_top_down)).
+aditi_insert_del_mod_eval_method(delete(bulk), (aditi_bottom_up)).
+aditi_insert_del_mod_eval_method(modify(filter), (aditi_top_down)).
+aditi_insert_del_mod_eval_method(modify(bulk), (aditi_bottom_up)).
 	% Check that there is only one argument (other than the `aditi__state'
 	% arguments) passed to an `aditi_delete', `aditi_bulk_insert',
 	% `aditi_bulk_delete' or `aditi_modify', then typecheck that argument.
@@ -1243,10 +1246,9 @@
 aditi_builtin_first_state_arg(aditi_call(_, _, _, _), _) = _ :-
 	error("aditi_builtin_first_state_arg: unexpected_aditi_call").
-aditi_builtin_first_state_arg(aditi_insert(_), _ - _/Arity) = Arity + 1.
-aditi_builtin_first_state_arg(aditi_delete(_, _), _) = 2.
-aditi_builtin_first_state_arg(aditi_bulk_operation(_, _), _) = 2.
-aditi_builtin_first_state_arg(aditi_modify(_, _), _) = 2.
+aditi_builtin_first_state_arg(aditi_tuple_insert_delete(_, _),
+		_ - _/Arity) = Arity + 1.
+aditi_builtin_first_state_arg(aditi_insert_delete_modify(_, _, _), _) = 2.
@@ -5701,11 +5703,12 @@
 language_builtin("some", 2).
 language_builtin("aditi_insert", 3).
 language_builtin("aditi_delete", 3).
-language_builtin("aditi_delete", 4).
+language_builtin("aditi_bulk_insert", 3).
 language_builtin("aditi_bulk_insert", 4).
+language_builtin("aditi_bulk_delete", 3).
 language_builtin("aditi_bulk_delete", 4).
-language_builtin("aditi_modify", 3).
-language_builtin("aditi_modify", 4).
+language_builtin("aditi_bulk_modify", 3).
+language_builtin("aditi_bulk_modify", 4).
 :- pred write_call_context(prog_context, call_id, int, unify_context,
 				io__state, io__state).
Index: compiler/unify_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/unify_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.105
diff -u -u -r1.105 unify_gen.m
--- compiler/unify_gen.m	2000/03/10 13:37:55	1.105
+++ compiler/unify_gen.m	2000/03/31 00:39:02
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
 :- import_module hlds_module, hlds_pred, prog_data, prog_out, code_util.
 :- import_module mode_util, type_util, code_aux, hlds_out, tree, arg_info.
 :- import_module globals, options, continuation_info, stack_layout.
+:- import_module rl.
 :- import_module term, bool, string, int, list, map, require, std_util.
@@ -509,27 +510,42 @@
 		{ Code = empty },
+		code_info__make_entry_label(ModuleInfo,
+			PredId, ProcId, no, CodeAddr),
+		{ code_util__extract_proc_label_from_code_addr(CodeAddr,
+			ProcLabel) },
-			{ EvalMethod = normal }
+			{ EvalMethod = normal },
+			{ AddrConst = const(code_addr_const(CodeAddr)) }
 			{ EvalMethod = (aditi_bottom_up) },
-			% XXX The closure_layout code needs to be changed
-			% to handle these.
-			{ error(
-			"Sorry, not implemented: `aditi_bottom_up' closures") }
+			{ rl__get_c_interface_rl_proc_name(ModuleInfo,
+				proc(PredId, ProcId), RLProcName) },
+			{ rl__proc_name_to_string(RLProcName, RLProcNameStr) },
+			list__map_foldl(code_info__variable_type,
+				Args, InputTypes),
+			{ rl__schema_to_string(ModuleInfo,
+				InputTypes, InputSchemaStr) },
+			{ AditiCallArgs = [
+				yes(const(string_const(RLProcNameStr))),
+				yes(const(string_const(InputSchemaStr)))
+			] },
+			code_info__get_next_cell_number(AditiCallCellNo),
+			{ Reuse = no },
+			{ AddrConst = create(0, AditiCallArgs, uniform(no),
+				must_be_static, AditiCallCellNo,
+				"aditi_call_info", Reuse) }
 			{ EvalMethod = (aditi_top_down) },
-			% XXX The closure_layout code needs to be changed
-			% to handle these.
+			% XXX Need to work out how to encode the procedure
+			% name. The update goals which take aditi_top_down
+			% closures aren't implemented on the Aditi side anyway.
 			{ error(
 			"Sorry, not implemented: `aditi_top_down' closures") }
 		{ continuation_info__generate_closure_layout(
 			ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, ClosureInfo) },
-		code_info__make_entry_label(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, no,
-			CodeAddr),
-		{ code_util__extract_proc_label_from_code_addr(CodeAddr,
-			ProcLabel) },
 		{ stack_layout__construct_closure_layout(ProcLabel,
 			ClosureInfo, ClosureLayoutMaybeRvals,
@@ -545,7 +561,7 @@
 		{ unify_gen__generate_pred_args(Args, ArgInfo, PredArgs) },
 		{ Vector = [
-			yes(const(code_addr_const(CodeAddr))),
+			yes(AddrConst),
 			| PredArgs
 		] },
Index: compiler/unique_modes.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/unique_modes.m,v
retrieving revision 1.60
diff -u -u -r1.60 unique_modes.m
--- compiler/unique_modes.m	1999/11/19 13:22:14	1.60
+++ compiler/unique_modes.m	2000/03/17 04:11:10
@@ -446,11 +446,14 @@
 		GenericCall = class_method(_, _, _, _),
 		ArgOffset = 0
-		% `aditi_insert' goals have type_info arguments for each
-		% of the arguments of the tuple to insert added to the
-		% start of the argument list by polymorphism.m.
+		% `aditi_insert' and `aditi_delete' goals have type_info
+		% arguments for each of the arguments of the tuple to insert
+		% added to the start of the argument list by polymorphism.m.
 		GenericCall = aditi_builtin(Builtin, UpdatedCallId),
-		( Builtin = aditi_insert(_), UpdatedCallId = _ - _/Arity ->
+		(
+			Builtin = aditi_tuple_insert_delete(_, _),
+			UpdatedCallId = _ - _/Arity
+		->
 			ArgOffset = -Arity
 			ArgOffset = 0
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