[m-dev.] Opium-M [4/5]

Erwan Jahier Erwan.Jahier at irisa.fr
Tue Oct 26 23:47:14 AEST 1999

Index: extras/opium_m/source/listing.m
RCS file: listing.m
diff -N listing.m
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ listing.m	Tue Oct 26 23:26:40 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1999 IRISA/INRIA.
+% Auteur : Erwan Jahier <jahier at irisa.fr>
+%   This module defines the program listing which takes a mercury module 
+%   and a predicate name, a function name or a type name and outputs the 
+%   corresponding source code or hlds code in the file listing_output. 
+%   It is intended to be used within the Mercury debuggers.
+%   Usage: listing <module_name> <pred_name>[.hlds_dump.*] [<arity>]
+%   If arity is not typed in, listing will display all the predicates
+%   pred_name/n. If the ".hlds_dump.*" extension is typed in, it will
+%   display the hlds code of the file <pred_name>.hlds_dump.*.
+:- module listing.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module string, int, list, term, term_io, varset, std_util, require.
+:- type pair_of_lines 
+	--->	pair_of_lines(int, int).
+:- type type_of_file
+	--->	hlds	% if it is a hlds file.
+	;	source.	% if is is a source Mercury file.
+main --> 
+	io__command_line_arguments(Args),
+	( 
+		{ Args = [ModuleNameStr, ProcNameStr, ProcArStr] },
+		{ string__to_int(ProcArStr, ProcAr) },
+		{ string__right(ModuleNameStr, 19, EndName) }
+	->
+		( 
+			{ EndName = ".hlds_dump.99-final" } 
+		->
+			open_file_and_start(ModuleNameStr, 
+				ProcNameStr, yes(ProcAr), hlds)
+		;
+			{ string__append(ModuleNameStr, ".m", FileName) },
+			open_file_and_start(FileName, 
+				ProcNameStr, yes(ProcAr), source )
+		)
+	;
+		{ Args = [ModuleNameStr, ProcNameStr] },
+		{ string__right(ModuleNameStr, 19, EndName) }
+	->
+		( 
+			{ EndName = ".hlds_dump.99-final"} 
+		->
+			open_file_and_start(ModuleNameStr, 
+				ProcNameStr, no, hlds)
+		;
+			{ string__append(ModuleNameStr, ".m", FileName) },
+			open_file_and_start(FileName, 
+				ProcNameStr, no, source)
+		)
+	;
+		io__write_string(" Usage: listing <module_name>[.hlds_dump.*] "),
+		io__write_string("<pred_name> [<arity>]"),
+		nl
+        ).
+:- pred open_file_and_start(string, string, maybe(int), type_of_file,
+	io__state, io__state).
+:- mode open_file_and_start(in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+	% First we read the file and collect a list of pair_of_lines(Begin, End)
+	% where Begin (resp End) is the line number of the beginning (resp the 
+	% end) of a part of the file where the requested predicate is defined.
+	% Then we re-read the file and print those lines.
+open_file_and_start(ModuleNameStr, ProcNameStr, ProcAr, FileType) -->
+	( { FileType = hlds } ->
+	% hlds files may contain the character "$" which provokes a syntax
+	% error. So we remove all the occurrences of $ before collecting the 
+	% interesting lines.
+		{ append(ModuleNameStr, "copy", ModuleNameStr2) },
+		remove_bad_characters(ModuleNameStr, ModuleNameStr2)
+	;
+		{ ModuleNameStr2 = ModuleNameStr }
+	),
+	io__see(ModuleNameStr2, Result1),
+	( 
+		{ Result1 = error(CodedMessage1) },
+		{ io__error_message(CodedMessage1, Message1) },
+		io__write(Message1)
+	; 
+		{ Result1 = ok},
+		collect_interesting_lines(ProcNameStr, ProcAr, FileType,
+			List_pair_of_lines),
+		nl,
+		io__seen,
+		( { FileType = hlds } ->
+			{ append("rm -f ", ModuleNameStr2, Command) },
+			io__call_system(Command, _)
+		;
+			{ true }
+		),
+		io__see(ModuleNameStr, Result2),
+		io__tell("listing_output", Result3),
+		( 
+			{ Result2 = error(CodedMessage2) },
+			{ Result3 = ok },
+			{ io__error_message(CodedMessage2, Message2) },
+			io__write(Message2)
+		; 
+			{ Result2 = ok },
+			{ Result3 = error(CodedMessage3) },
+			{ io__error_message(CodedMessage3, Message3) },
+			io__write(Message3)
+		; 
+			{ Result2 = error(CodedMessage2) },
+			{ Result3 = error(CodedMessage3) },
+			{ io__error_message(CodedMessage3, Message3) },
+			{ io__error_message(CodedMessage2, Message2) },
+			io__write(Message2),
+			io__write(Message3)
+		; 
+			{ Result2 = ok },
+			{ Result3 = ok },
+			display_source_code(List_pair_of_lines, 1),
+			nl,
+			io__seen,
+			io__told
+		)
+	).
+:- pred remove_bad_characters(string, string, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode remove_bad_characters(in, in, di, uo) is det.
+remove_bad_characters(ModuleNameStr, ModuleNameStr2) -->
+	{ append_list(["cat ", ModuleNameStr, "| sed s/\\$//g > ", 
+		ModuleNameStr2], Call) },
+	io__call_system(Call, _Result).
+:- pred collect_interesting_lines(string, maybe(int), type_of_file, 
+	list(pair_of_lines), io__state, io__state).
+:- mode collect_interesting_lines(in, in, in, out, di, uo) is det.
+collect_interesting_lines(ProcNameStr, ProcAr, FileType, ListOut) -->
+	term_io__read_term(Result),
+	get_line_number(LN),
+	( 
+		{ Result = eof },
+		{ ListOut = [] }
+	;
+		{ Result = error(String, _) },
+		io__write(String),
+		{ ListOut = [] }
+	;
+		{ Result = term(_Varset, Term) },
+		( 
+			{ is_a_function_declaration(Term, ProcAr, 
+				LineNumberStart, ProcTerm) },
+			{ ProcTerm = ProcNameStr }
+		->
+			{ List1 = [pair_of_lines(LineNumberStart, LN)] }
+		;
+			{ is_a_predicate_and_mode_declaration(Term, ProcAr, 
+				LineNumberStart, ProcTerm) },
+			{ ProcTerm = ProcNameStr }
+		->
+			{ List1 = [pair_of_lines(LineNumberStart, LN)] }
+		;
+			{ is_a_function_and_mode_declaration(Term, ProcAr, 
+				LineNumberStart, ProcTerm) },
+			{ ProcTerm = ProcNameStr }
+		->
+			{ List1 = [pair_of_lines(LineNumberStart, LN)] }
+		;
+			{ is_a_predicate_declaration(Term, ProcAr, 
+				LineNumberStart, ProcTerm) },
+			{ ProcTerm = ProcNameStr }
+		->
+			{ List1 = [pair_of_lines(LineNumberStart, LN)] }
+		;
+			{ is_a_predicate_mode_declaration(Term, ProcAr, 
+				LineNumberStart, ProcTerm) },
+			{ ProcTerm = ProcNameStr }
+		->
+			{ List1 = [pair_of_lines(LineNumberStart, LN)] }
+		;
+			{ is_a_function_mode_declaration(Term, ProcAr, 
+				LineNumberStart, ProcTerm) },
+			{ ProcTerm = ProcNameStr }
+		->
+			{ List1 = [pair_of_lines(LineNumberStart, LN)] }
+		;
+			{ is_a_pragma_c_code_declaration(Term, ProcAr, 
+				LineNumberStart, ProcTerm) },
+			{ ProcTerm = ProcNameStr }
+		->
+			{ List1 = [pair_of_lines(LineNumberStart, LN)] }
+		;
+			{ is_a_type_declaration(Term, ProcAr, LineNumberStart, 
+				ProcTerm) },
+			{ ProcTerm = ProcNameStr }
+		->
+			{ List1 = [pair_of_lines(LineNumberStart, LN)] }
+		;
+			{ is_a_predicate(Term, ProcAr, FileType, LineNumberStart, 
+				Functor) },
+			{  Functor = ProcNameStr }
+		->
+			{ List1 = [pair_of_lines(LineNumberStart, LN)] }
+		;
+			{ is_a_function(Term, ProcAr, FileType, LineNumberStart, 
+				Functor) },
+			{  Functor = ProcNameStr }
+		->
+			{ List1 = [pair_of_lines(LineNumberStart, LN)] }
+		;
+			{ List1 = [] }
+		),
+		collect_interesting_lines(ProcNameStr, ProcAr, FileType, List2),
+		{ append(List1, List2, ListOut) }
+	).
+:- pred is_a_predicate_declaration(term, maybe(int), int, string).
+:- mode is_a_predicate_declaration(in, in, out, out) is semidet.
+	% :- pred test(term, string).
+is_a_predicate_declaration(Term, ProcAr, LineNumber, ProcTerm) :-
+	Term = term__functor(term__atom(":-"), [T1 | _], 
+		context(_, LineNumber)),
+	T1 = term__functor(term__atom("pred"), [T2 | _], _),
+	T2 = term__functor(term__atom(ProcTerm), ListArg, _),
+	( 
+		ProcAr = yes(Arity),
+		list__length(ListArg, L),
+		L = Arity
+	;
+		ProcAr = no
+	).
+:- pred is_a_predicate_mode_declaration(term, maybe(int), int, string).
+:- mode is_a_predicate_mode_declaration(in, in, out, out) is semidet.
+	% :- mode test(in, out) is det.
+is_a_predicate_mode_declaration(Term, ProcAr, LineNumber, ProcTerm) :-
+	Term = term__functor(term__atom(":-"), [T1 | _],  
+		context(_, LineNumber)),
+	T1 = term__functor(term__atom("mode"), [T2 | _], _),
+	T2 = term__functor(term__atom("is") , [T3 | _], _),
+	T3 = term__functor(term__atom(ProcTerm) , ListArg, _),
+	( 
+		ProcAr = yes(Arity),
+		list__length(ListArg, L),
+		L = Arity
+	;
+		ProcAr = no
+	).
+:- pred is_a_function_declaration(term, maybe(int), int, string).
+:- mode is_a_function_declaration(in, in, out, out) is semidet.
+	% :- func test(string) = int.
+is_a_function_declaration(Term, ProcAr, LineNumber, ProcTerm) :-
+	Term = term__functor(term__atom(":-"), [T1 | _], 
+		context(_, LineNumber)),
+	T1 = term__functor(term__atom("func"), [T2 | _], _),
+	T2 = term__functor(term__atom("="), [T3 | _], _),
+	T3 = term__functor(term__atom(ProcTerm),ListArg , _),
+	( 
+		ProcAr = yes(Arity),
+		list__length(ListArg, L),
+		L = Arity
+	;
+		ProcAr = no
+	).
+:- pred is_a_function_mode_declaration(term, maybe(int), int, string).
+:- mode is_a_function_mode_declaration(in, in, out, out) is semidet.
+	% :- mode test(out) = in det .
+is_a_function_mode_declaration(Term, ProcAr, LineNumber, ProcTerm) :-
+	Term = term__functor(term__atom(":-"), [T1 | _], 
+		context(_, LineNumber)),
+	T1 = term__functor(term__atom("mode"), [T2 | _], _),
+	T2 = term__functor(term__atom("is"), [T3 | _], _),
+	T3 = term__functor(term__atom("="), [T4 | _], _),
+	T4 = term__functor(term__atom(ProcTerm) , ListArg, _),
+	( 
+		ProcAr = yes(Arity),
+		list__length(ListArg, L),
+		L = Arity
+	;
+		ProcAr = no
+	).
+:- pred is_a_predicate_and_mode_declaration(term, maybe(int), int, string).
+:- mode is_a_predicate_and_mode_declaration(in, in, out, out) is semidet.
+is_a_predicate_and_mode_declaration(Term, ProcAr, LineNumber, ProcTerm) :-
+	%:- pred test(term::in, string::out) is det.
+	Term = term__functor(term__atom(":-"), [T1 | _], 
+		context(_, LineNumber)),
+	T1 = term__functor(term__atom("pred"), [T2 | _], _),
+	T2 = term__functor(term__atom("is"), [T3 | _], _),
+	T3 = term__functor(term__atom(ProcTerm), ListArg, _),
+	( 
+		ProcAr = yes(Arity),
+		list__length(ListArg, L),
+		L = Arity
+	;
+		ProcAr = no
+	).
+:- pred is_a_function_and_mode_declaration(term, maybe(int), int, string).
+:- mode is_a_function_and_mode_declaration(in, in, out, out) is semidet.
+	% :- func test(string::in) = int::out is det.
+is_a_function_and_mode_declaration(Term, ProcAr, LineNumber, ProcTerm) :-
+	Term = term__functor(term__atom(":-"), [T1 | _], 
+		context(_, LineNumber)),
+	T1 = term__functor(term__atom("::"), [T2 | _], _),
+	T2 = term__functor(term__atom("func"), [T3 | _], _),
+	T3 = term__functor(term__atom("=") , [T4 | _], _),
+	T4 = term__functor(term__atom(ProcTerm), ListArg, _),
+	( 
+		ProcAr = yes(Arity),
+		list__length(ListArg, L),
+		L = Arity
+	;
+		ProcAr = no
+	).
+:- pred is_a_pragma_c_code_declaration(term, maybe(int), int, string).
+:- mode is_a_pragma_c_code_declaration(in, in, out, out) is semidet.
+	% :- pragma c_code(test(S1::in, S2::in, S3::in), [...]
+is_a_pragma_c_code_declaration(Term, ProcAr, LineNumber, ProcTerm) :-
+	Term = term__functor(term__atom(":-"), [T1 | _], 
+		context(_, LineNumber)),
+	T1 = term__functor(term__atom("pragma"), [T2 | _], _),
+	T2 = term__functor(term__atom("c_code"), [T3 | _], _),
+	T3 = term__functor(term__atom(ProcTerm) , ListArg, _),
+	( 
+		ProcAr = yes(Arity),
+		list__length(ListArg, L),
+		L = Arity
+	;
+		ProcAr = no
+	).
+:- pred is_a_type_declaration(term, maybe(int), int, string).
+:- mode is_a_type_declaration(in, in, out, out) is semidet.
+	% :- type maybe(T) ---> no ; yes(T)
+is_a_type_declaration(Term, ProcAr, LineNumber, ProcTerm) :-
+	Term = term__functor(term__atom(":-"), [T1 | _], 
+		context(_, LineNumber)),
+	T1 = term__functor(term__atom("type"), [T2 | _], _),
+	T2 = term__functor(term__atom("--->"), [T3, _], _),
+	T3 = term__functor(term__atom(ProcTerm) , ListArg, _),
+	( 
+		ProcAr = yes(Arity),
+		list__length(ListArg, L),
+		L = Arity
+	;
+		ProcAr = no
+	).
+:- pred is_a_predicate(term, maybe(int), type_of_file, int, string).
+:- mode is_a_predicate(in, in, in, out, out) is semidet.
+is_a_predicate(Term, ProcAr, hlds, LineNumber, Functor) :-
+	Term = functor(atom(":-"), L1, context(_, LineNumber)),
+	L1 = [functor(atom(":"), [_, T1 | _], _) | _],
+	T1 = functor(atom(String2), ListArg, _),
+	Functor = String2,
+	Functor \= "=",
+	( 
+		ProcAr = yes(Arity),
+		list__length(ListArg, Arity)
+	;
+		ProcAr = no
+	).
+is_a_predicate(Term, ProcAr, source, LineNumber, Functor) :-
+	Term = functor(atom(String1), T1, context(_, LineNumber1)),
+	( 
+		( String1 = ":-" 
+		; String1 = "-->") 
+	->
+		% The term is a clause with a body.
+		T1 = [Head | _],
+		Head = functor(atom(String2), ListArg, 
+			context(_, LineNumber)),
+		( 
+			ProcAr = yes(Arity),
+			list__length(ListArg, L),
+			( String1 = ":-" ->
+				L = Arity
+			;
+				% String1 = "-->"
+				LL is L + 2,
+				LL = Arity
+			)
+		;
+			ProcAr = no
+		),
+		% We need to check if the term Term is not a declaration:
+		% (From language reference manual, "Declarations" section)
+		not( list__member(String2, [
+				"type", "pred", "func", "inst", "mode", 
+				"typeclass", "typeclass", "instance", "pragma", 
+				"module", "interface", "implementation", 
+				"import_module", "use_module", "include_module",
+				"end_module"] )),
+		Functor = String2,
+		Functor \= "="	% It is the case if the proc correspond 
+				% to a function.
+	;
+		% The term is a clause without body.
+		Functor = String1,
+		LineNumber = LineNumber1,
+		Functor \= "=",	% It is the case if the proc correspond 
+				% to a function.
+		( 
+			ProcAr = yes(Arity),
+			list__length(T1, L),
+			L = Arity
+		;
+			ProcAr = no
+		)
+	).
+:- pred is_a_function(term, maybe(int), type_of_file, int, string).
+:- mode is_a_function(in, in, in, out, out) is semidet.
+is_a_function(Term, ProcAr, hlds, LineNumber, Functor) :-
+	Term = functor(atom(":-"), L1, context(_, LineNumber)),
+	L1 = [functor(atom("="), 
+		[functor(atom(":"),[_, T1 | _], _) | _], _) | _],
+	T1 = functor(atom(String2), ListArg, _),
+	Functor = String2,
+	Functor \= "=",
+	( 
+		ProcAr = yes(Arity),
+		list__length(ListArg, Arity - 1)
+	;
+		ProcAr = no
+	).
+is_a_function(Term, ProcAr, source, LineNumber, Functor) :-
+	Term = functor(atom(String1), T1, _),
+	( 
+		( String1 = ":-" 
+		; String1 = "-->") 
+	->
+		% The term is a clause with a body.
+		T1 = [Head | _],
+		Head = functor(atom("="), T2, _),
+		T2 = [Head2 | _],
+		Head2 = functor(atom(String2), ListArg, context(_, LineNumber)),
+		( 
+			ProcAr = yes(Arity),
+			list__length(ListArg, L),
+			( String1 = ":-" ->
+				LL is L + 1,
+				LL = Arity
+			;
+				% String1 = "-->"
+				LL is L + 3,
+				LL = Arity
+			)
+		;
+			ProcAr = no
+		),
+		% We need to check if the term Term is not a declaration:
+		% (From language reference manual, "Declarations" section)
+		not( list__member(String2, [
+				"type", "pred", "func", "inst", "mode", 
+				"typeclass", "typeclass", "instance", "pragma", 
+				"module", "interface", "implementation", 
+				"import_module", "use_module", "include_module",
+				"end_module"] )),
+		% List taken from the language reference manual, 
+		% "Declarations" section.
+		Functor = String2
+	;
+		% The term is a clause without body.
+		T1 = [Head | _],
+		Head = functor(atom(String2), _, context(_, LineNumber)),
+		Functor = String2,
+		( 
+			ProcAr = yes(Arity),
+			list__length(T1, L),
+			L = Arity
+		;
+			ProcAr = no
+		)
+	).
+:- pred display_source_code(list(pair_of_lines), int, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode display_source_code(in, in, di, uo) is det.
+display_source_code([], _, Io, Io).
+display_source_code([pair_of_lines(L1, L2) | Tail], CurrentLine) -->
+	{ N is L1 - CurrentLine },
+	skip_n_lines(N),
+	{ M is L2 - L1 + 1 },
+	read_and_print_n_lines(M),	
+	display_source_code(Tail, L2 + 1).
+:- pred skip_n_lines(int, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode skip_n_lines(in, di, uo) is det.
+skip_n_lines(N) -->
+	(
+		{ N = 0 }
+	->
+		[]
+	;
+		io__read_line_as_string(Result),
+		(
+			{ Result = ok(_) },
+			skip_n_lines(N - 1)
+		;
+			% Should never occur
+			{ Result = eof },
+			write_string("error in listing.m: end of file "),
+			write_string("should not be reached"), nl
+		;
+			% Should never occur
+			{ Result = error(CodedMessage) },
+			{ io__error_message(CodedMessage, Message) },
+			write(Message)
+		)
+	).
+:- pred read_and_print_n_lines(int, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode read_and_print_n_lines(in, di, uo) is det.
+read_and_print_n_lines(N) -->
+	(
+		{ N = 0 }
+	->
+		[]
+	;
+		io__read_line_as_string(Result),
+		(
+			{ Result = ok(LineStr) },
+			write_string(LineStr),
+			read_and_print_n_lines(N - 1)
+		;
+			% Should never occur
+			{ Result = eof },
+			write_string("error in listing.m: end of file"),
+			write_string("should not be reached"), nl
+		;
+			% Should never occur
+			{ Result = error(CodedMessage) },
+			{ io__error_message(CodedMessage, Message) },
+			write(Message)
+		)
+	).
+:- end_module listing.
Index: extras/opium_m/source/load_Opium-M.pl
RCS file: load_Opium-M.pl
diff -N load_Opium-M.pl
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ load_Opium-M.pl	Tue Oct 26 23:26:40 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1999 IRISA/INRIA.
+% Author : Erwan Jahier <jahier at irisa.fr>
+% This is the first file to be loaded when Opium-M is run.
+% It is called from the Opium-M script.
+% re-definition of opium_answer/2
+% defined in ~/sepia/workdir/sepia/pl/boot_bips.pl
+opium_answer(_, yes).
+opium_answer(_, no) :-
+        write(toplevel_output, 'no.\n').
+opium_answer(_, no_answer) :-
+        write(toplevel_output, 'no (more) solution.\n').
+opium_answer(_, last_yes).
+opium_answer(_, last_answer) :-
+        write(toplevel_output, '\n').
+opium_answer(_, more_answers) :-
+        write(toplevel_output, '     More? (;) '),
+        flush(toplevel_output),
+        tyi(toplevel_input, C),
+	( C == 59 ->
+		write(toplevel_output, '\n'),
+	        flush(toplevel_output),
+		fail
+	;
+		write(toplevel_output, '\n'),
+		flush(toplevel_output)
+	).
+:- set_error_handler(156, opium_answer/2).
+% Load Opium-M.
+:- getenv('MERCURY_OPIUM_DIR', Dir),
+	append_strings(Dir, "/source/load_scenario-M.pl", MakeFile),
+	compile(MakeFile).
+% Initialise the Opium-M session
+:- init_opium_session.
+:- set_flag(toplevel_module, 'Opium-M').
Index: extras/opium_m/source/load_Opium-M_without_banner.pl
RCS file: load_Opium-M_without_banner.pl
diff -N load_Opium-M_without_banner.pl
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ load_Opium-M_without_banner.pl	Tue Oct 26 23:26:40 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+:- compile("./load_Opium-M.pl").
+% Remove the Eclipse banner (for non-regression test)
+opium_banner(_, _Sepiabanner) :-
+        write(toplevel_output, ""),
+        flush(toplevel_output).
+:- set_error_handler(164, opium_banner/2).
Index: extras/opium_m/source/load_scenario-M.pl
RCS file: load_scenario-M.pl
diff -N load_scenario-M.pl
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ load_scenario-M.pl	Tue Oct 26 23:26:40 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1999 IRISA/INRIA.
+% Authors : Erwan Jahier <jahier at irisa.fr>, 
+%           Mireille Ducassé <ducasse at irisa.fr>
+% This file loads the Opium-M files. It is loaded from the load_Opium-M.pl.
+:- module('Opium-M').
+**	Caution : the order of compilation is relevant!
+**	At least for the scenario handler.
+	getenv('MERCURY_OPIUM_DIR', OpiumDir),
+	append_strings(OpiumDir, "/source/opiumfiles/", OpiumfilesStr),
+	append_strings(OpiumDir, "/source/", SourceStr),
+	% compile the *.op files
+	append_strings(SourceStr, "util.pl", Util),
+	compile(Util, 'Opium-M'),
+	append_strings(OpiumfilesStr, "autoload.load", AutoloadLoad),
+	append_strings(OpiumfilesStr, "scenario.load", ScenarioLoad),
+	append_strings(OpiumfilesStr, "scenario_handler.load", ScenarioHLoad),
+	append_strings(OpiumfilesStr, "parameter.load", ParameterLoad),
+	append_strings(OpiumfilesStr, "translate.load", TranslateLoad),
+	append_strings(OpiumfilesStr, "error.load", ErrorLoad),
+	append_strings(OpiumfilesStr, "types.load", TypesLoad),
+	append_strings(OpiumfilesStr, "make.load", MakeLoad),
+	append_strings(OpiumfilesStr, "help.load", HelpLoad), 
+	append_strings(OpiumfilesStr, "opium_kernel_M.load", OpiumLoad),
+	append_strings(OpiumfilesStr, "coprocess_M.load", CoprocessLoad),
+	append_strings(OpiumfilesStr, "exec_control_M.load", ExecLoad),
+	append_strings(OpiumfilesStr, "current_arg_M.load", Current_argLoad),
+	append_strings(OpiumfilesStr, "current_slots_M.load", Current_slotsLoad),
+	append_strings(OpiumfilesStr, "event_attributes_M.load", EventLoad),
+	append_strings(OpiumfilesStr, "forward_move_M.load", ForwardLoad),
+	append_strings(OpiumfilesStr, "display_M.load", DisplayLoad),
+	append_strings(OpiumfilesStr, "browse.load", BrowseLoad),
+	append_strings(OpiumfilesStr, "interactive_queries.load", IQLoad),
+	append_strings(OpiumfilesStr, "source_M.load", SourceLoad),
+	append_strings(OpiumfilesStr, "step_by_step_M.load", StepLoad),
+	append_strings(SourceStr, "autoload.op", AutoloadOp), 
+	append_strings(SourceStr, "interface.op", InterfaceOp),
+	append_strings(SourceStr, "error.op", ErrorOp), 
+	append_strings(SourceStr, "help.op", HelpOp), 
+	append_strings(SourceStr, "make.op", Makeop), 
+	append_strings(SourceStr, "scenario.op", ScenarioOp), 
+	append_strings(SourceStr, "scenario_handler.op", ScenarioHOp), 
+	append_strings(SourceStr, "types.op", TypesOp), 
+	append_strings(SourceStr, "translate.op", TranslateOp), 
+	append_strings(SourceStr, "parameter.op", ParameterOp), 
+	append_strings(SourceStr, "opium_kernel_M.op", OpiumOp),
+	append_strings(SourceStr, "coprocess_M.op", CoprocessOp),
+	append_strings(SourceStr, "exec_control_M.op", ExecOp),
+	append_strings(SourceStr, "current_arg_M.op", Current_argOp),
+	append_strings(SourceStr, "current_slots_M.op", Current_slotsOp),
+	append_strings(SourceStr, "event_attributes_M.op", EventOp),
+	append_strings(SourceStr, "forward_move_M.op", ForwardOp),
+	append_strings(SourceStr, "browse.op", BrowseOp),
+	append_strings(SourceStr, "interactive_queries.op", IQOp),
+	append_strings(SourceStr, "display_M.op", DisplayOp),
+	append_strings(SourceStr, "source_M.op", SourceOp),
+	append_strings(SourceStr, "step_by_step_M.op", StepOp),
+	compile([ScenarioHOp, ErrorOp, Makeop, ParameterOp, ScenarioOp, 
+		AutoloadOp, TranslateOp, TypesOp]),
+	assert(current_options([active, _, global])),
+	setval(already_global, no),	%% XXX [md] pas completement satisfaisant
+	compile([ScenarioHLoad, ErrorLoad, MakeLoad, ParameterLoad, ScenarioLoad, 
+		AutoloadLoad, TranslateLoad, TypesLoad]),
+	initialize_parameters(single, scenario_handler, 'Opium-M'),
+	initialize_parameters(multiple, scenario_handler, 'Opium-M'),
+	compile(InterfaceOp),
+	compile([HelpOp, HelpLoad]),
+	initialize_parameters(single, help, 'Opium-M'),
+	initialize_parameters(multiple, help, 'Opium-M'),
+	compile([OpiumOp, ForwardOp, Current_slotsOp, Current_argOp, 
+		EventOp, ExecOp, CoprocessOp, BrowseOp, IQOp]),
+	compile([OpiumLoad, ForwardLoad, Current_slotsLoad, Current_argLoad, 
+		EventLoad, ExecLoad, CoprocessLoad, BrowseLoad, IQLoad]),	
+	initialize_parameters(single, 'opium_kernel_M', 'Opium-M'),
+	initialize_parameters(multiple, 'opium_kernel_M', 'Opium-M'),
+	compile([DisplayOp, DisplayLoad]),
+	initialize_parameters(single, 'display_M' , 'Opium-M'),
+	initialize_parameters(multiple, 'display_M', 'Opium-M'),
+	compile([StepOp, StepLoad]),
+	initialize_parameters(single, 'step_by_step_M', 'Opium-M'),
+	initialize_parameters(multiple, 'step_by_step_M', 'Opium-M'),
+	compile([SourceOp, SourceLoad]),
+	initialize_parameters(single, 'source_M', 'Opium-M'),
+	initialize_parameters(multiple, 'source_M', 'Opium-M'),
+	setval(already_global, yes).	%% XXX [md] pas completement  satisfaisant
Index: extras/opium_m/source/make.op
RCS file: make.op
diff -N make.op
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ make.op	Tue Oct 26 23:26:41 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,803 @@
+ * 	$Header: make.op,v 1.65 93/03/30 19:09:56 mireille Exp $
+ *	1990 Copyright ECRC GmbH
+ */
+ *  commands used to "make" Opium scenarios
+ *  (part of scenario scenario)
+ */
+:- (is_predicate(current_options/1) -> 	
+	/* make.op is loaded 2nd time */
+	true
+   ;  	
+	(dynamic current_options/1), 
+	(export  current_options/1)
+   ).
+ *	MAKE/1
+ */
+	name		: make,
+	arg_list	: [Scenario],
+	arg_type_list	: [atom],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: button,
+	command_type	: tool,
+	implementation	: make_scenario_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+ "Command which loads a single scenario as active, traceable, and \n\
+local into the current module. The declaration of a scenario must be \n\
+done in a file named <scenario>.op. Only those files of the scenario \n\
+are loaded which are not up-to-date. The scenario source files must be \n\
+in the current directory. The object files will be put in a directory \n\
+called \"opiumfiles\"."
+	).
+ *	MAKE/2
+ */
+	name		: make,
+	arg_list	: [Scenario, Module],
+	arg_type_list	: [atom, atom],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: button,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: make_scenario_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+ "Command which loads a single scenario as active, traceable, and \n\
+local into the given module. The declaration of a scenario must be \n\
+done in a file named <scenario>.op. Only those files of the scenario \n\
+are loaded which are not up-to-date. The scenario source files must be \n\
+in the current directory. The object files will be put in a directory \n\
+called \"opiumfiles\"."
+	).
+make_scenario_Op(Scenario, Mod) :-
+	make_scenario_Op(Scenario, Mod, [active, traceable, local]).
+ *	MAKE/3
+ */
+	name		: make,
+	arg_list	: [Scenario, Module, OptionList],
+	arg_type_list	: [atom, atom, is_option_list],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: button,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: make_scenario_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+ "Command which loads a single scenario into a given module. The \n\
+options are active/inactive, traceable/untraceable, and global/local; \n\
+they have to be given in this order.  The declaration of a scenario \n\
+must be done in a file named <scenario>.op. Only those files of the \n\
+scenario are loaded which are not up-to-date. The scenario source \n\
+files must be in the current directory. The object files will be put \n\
+in a directory called \"opiumfiles\"."
+	).
+make_scenario_Op(Scenario, Mod, OptionList) :-
+	is_absolute_pathname(Scenario),
+	!,
+	atom_string(Scenario, ScenarioS),
+	get_dir_and_file(ScenarioS, SrcDirS, ScenarioNameS),
+	atom_string(SrcDir, SrcDirS),
+	getcwd(WDS),
+	append_strings(WDS, "opiumfiles/", ObjDirS),
+	atom_string(ObjDir, ObjDirS),
+	make_scenario_Op(SName, Mod, OptionList, SrcDir, ObjDir).
+make_scenario_Op(S, Mod, OptionList) :-
+	getenv('MERCURY_OPIUM_DIR', OpiumDir),
+	append_strings(OpiumDir, "/source/", ODS),
+	append_strings(ODS, "/opiumfiles/", ObjDirS),
+	atom_string(OD, ODS),
+	atom_string(ObjDir, ObjDirS),
+	make_scenario_Op(S, Mod, OptionList, OD, ObjDir).
+ *  is_absolute_pathname/1
+ *  (still the same implementation as in MU-Prolog, could
+ *   be implemented better in Sepia)
+ */
+is_absolute_pathname(P) :-
+	atom(P),
+	name(P, L),
+	L = [47 | _].	% 47 = '/'
+get_dir_and_file(PathName, Dir, File) :-
+	lastpos("/", PathName, P),
+	string_length(PathName, PL),
+	DL is P,
+	substring(PathName, 1, DL, Dir),
+	FL is PL - DL,
+	FP is P + 1,
+	substring(PathName, FP, FL, File).
+lastpos(Sub, String, Pos) :-
+	lastpos(Sub, String, 0, Pos).
+lastpos(Sub, String, AccPos, LastPos) :-
+	substring(String, Sub, Pos),
+	!,
+	string_length(String, L),
+	NewL is L - Pos,
+	P is Pos + 1,
+	NewPos is AccPos + Pos,
+	substring(String, P, NewL, NewString), 
+	lastpos(Sub, NewString, NewPos, LastPos).
+lastpos(Sub, String, Pos, Pos).
+ */
+	name		: is_option_list,
+	implementation	: is_option_list_Op,
+	message		: 
+"Type which succeeds for a list of options for a scenario: \n\
+[active/inactive, traceable/untraceable, global/local]."
+	).
+is_option_list_Op([A, T, G]) :-
+	atom(A),
+	member(A, [active, inactive]),
+	atom(T),
+	member(T, [traceable, untraceable]),
+	atom(G),
+	member(G, [global, local]).
+ */
+	name		: is_absolute_dir,
+	implementation	: is_absolute_dir_Op,
+	message		:
+"Type which succeeds for an atom starting with \"/\" and ending with \"/\"."
+	).
+is_absolute_dir_Op(D) :-
+	atom(D),
+	name(D, L),
+	L = [47 | _],	% 47 = '/'
+	last_element(L, 47).
+last_element([X], X) :-
+	!.
+last_element([X|Xs], Z) :-
+	last_element(Xs, Z).
+ *	MAKE/5
+ */
+	name		: make,
+	arg_list	: [Scenario, Module, OptionList, SrcDir, ObjDir],
+	arg_type_list	: [atom, atom, is_option_list, is_absolute_dir, 
+						is_absolute_dir],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: menu,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: make_scenario_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		: 
+ "Command which loads a single scenario into a given module. The  \n\
+source files are taken from SrcDir, the object files are taken from, \n\
+resp. written to, ObjDir. The options are active/inactive, \n\
+traceable/untraceable, and global/local; they have to be given in this \n\
+order.  Only those files of the scenario are loaded which are not \n\
+	).
+make_scenario_Op(Scenario, Mod, [_, _, global], SrcDir, ObjDir) :-
+	opium_scenario_in_module((name:Scenario, _,_, options:[_,_,global], _,_), Mod1),
+	Mod \== Mod1,
+	!,
+	printf(error, "scenario %w is already global in module %w\n", [Scenario, Mod1]).
+make_scenario_Op(Scenario, Mod, [A, T, GloLoc], SrcDir, ObjDir) :-	
+	printf(output, "\nmaking scenario %w (%w)\n", [Scenario, GloLoc]),
+	set_dbgcomp_flag(T),
+	file_suffixe_flag(SrcSuff, _, _),
+	concat_atom([SrcDir, Scenario, SrcSuff], BaseFile),
+	provide_opium_module(Mod),
+	set_error_handler(95, gloloc_error_handler/3),
+	get_scenario_declaration(Scenario, BaseFile, Mod, FileList, NeededS),
+	make_scenario_int(Scenario, Mod, [A, T, GloLoc], FileList, NeededS, SrcDir, ObjDir),
+	reset_error_handler(95),
+	set_dbgcomp_flag(traceable),
+	!.
+make_scenario_Op(Scenario, Mod, OptionList, SrcDir, ObjDir) :-
+	reset_error_handler(95),
+	set_dbgcomp_flag(traceable),
+	printf(error, "scenario %w could not be made\n", [Scenario]).
+ *  first check whether scenario is declared in base file,
+ *  then continue to make scenario
+ */
+get_scenario_declaration(Scenario, BaseFile, Module, FL, N) :-
+	open(BaseFile, read, S),
+	repeat,
+		read(S, X),
+		(	X = end_of_file,
+			!,
+			printf(error, "scenario %w should be declared in file %w\n", [Scenario, BaseFile]),
+			close(S),
+			fail
+		;
+			X = opium_scenario(name:Scenario, files:FL, scenarios:N, M),
+			!,
+			call(compile_term(opium_scenario(name:Scenario, files:FL, scenarios:N, M)), Module),
+			close(S)
+		).					
+make_scenario_int(Scenario, Mod, [inactive, T, GL], FileList, NeededS, SrcDir, ObjDir) :-
+	!,
+	provide_directory(ObjDir),
+	call(assert(autoload_scenario(Scenario, [inactive, T, GL], SrcDir, ObjDir)), Mod),
+	update_time(Scenario, Mod, FileList, [inactive, T, GL], SrcDir, Time),
+	assert(current_options([inactive, T, GL])),
+ 	update(Scenario, Mod, [inactive, T, GL], FileList, Time, SrcDir, ObjDir),
+	retract_all(current_options(_)),
+	set_update_time_and_options(Scenario, Mod, [inactive, T, GL], ObjDir).
+make_scenario_int(Scenario, Mod, [A, T, GL], FileList, NeededS, SrcDir, ObjDir) :-
+	provide_directory(ObjDir),
+	update_time(Scenario, Mod, FileList, [A,T, GL], SrcDir, Time),
+	assert(current_options([A, T, GL])),
+ 	update(Scenario, Mod, [A, T, GL], FileList, Time, SrcDir, ObjDir),
+	retract_all(current_options(_)),
+% [R1] Not available for Opium-M.
+%	make_interface_list(Scenario, GL, Mod),	% for windowing user-interface
+	(opium_level(0) ->
+		/* we are booting Opium, so c parameters cannot be set */
+		initialize_parameters(single, Scenario, Mod),
+		initialize_parameters(multiple, Scenario, Mod)
+	;
+		set_default_parameters_in_module(Scenario, Mod)
+	),
+	set_update_time_and_options(Scenario, Mod, [A, T, GL], ObjDir),
+	make_needed_scenarios(NeededS, Mod).
+update_time(Scenario, Mod, FileList, OptionList, SrcDir, Time) :-
+	absolute_pathnames(SrcDir, FileList, AbsFileList),
+	opium_scenario_in_module((
+			name		: Scenario, 
+			files		: AbsFileList, 
+			scenarios	: S, 
+			options		: OptionList, 
+			updated		: Time, 
+				M), Mod),
+	/* scenario with same options and same files already present */
+	!.
+update_time(Scenario, Mod, FileList, OptionList, SrcDir, 0).
+set_update_time_and_options(S, Mod, OptL, ObjDir) :-
+	call(retract(opium_scenario(name:S, F, N, options:_, updated:_, M)), Mod),
+	!,
+	current_time(T, ObjDir),	
+	call(assert(opium_scenario(name:S, F, N, options:OptL, updated:T, M)), Mod).
+/*  to overcome the problem that system time on client and file server 
+ *  are usually not the same
+ */
+current_time(T, ObjDir) :-
+	concat_atom([ObjDir, '.opium'], F),
+	open(F, write, X),
+	write(X, opium),	% to modify the file
+	close(X),
+	modify_time(F, T).
+ *  make_needed_scenarios
+ *  make other scenarios which are required to run the actual one
+ */
+make_needed_scenarios([], Mod) :-
+	!.
+make_needed_scenarios([NeededS | NS], Mod) :-
+	make_needed_scenarios_i(NeededS, Mod),
+	make_needed_scenarios(NS, Mod).
+make_needed_scenarios_i(NeededScenario, Mod) :-
+	call(opium_scenario(name:NeededScenario, F, N, O, U, M), Mod),
+	!.
+make_needed_scenarios_i(NeededScenario, Mod) :-
+	opium_scenario_in_module((name:NeededScenario, _,_, options:[active,_,global], _,_), Mod1),
+	Mod \== Mod1,
+	/* scenario already globally present in another module */
+	!.
+make_needed_scenarios_i(NeededScenario, Mod) :-
+	printf(output, "scenario %w needed but not present\n", [NeededScenario]),
+	make(NeededScenario, Mod).
+ *  update all the files related to the scenario
+ */
+update(Scenario, Mod, OptL, [], UpdateT, SrcDir, ObjDir).
+update(Scenario, Mod, OptL, [File|Fs], UpdateT, SrcDir, ObjDir) :-
+	update_file(Scenario, Mod, OptL, File, UpdateT, SrcDir, ObjDir),
+	update(Scenario, Mod, OptL, Fs, UpdateT, SrcDir, ObjDir).
+update_file(Scenario, Mod, OptL, File, UpdateTime, SrcDir, ObjDir) :-
+	file_suffixe_flag(SrcSuff, LoadSuff, AutoLoadSuff),
+	concat_atom([SrcDir, File, SrcSuff], SrcF), 
+	concat_atom([ObjDir, File, LoadSuff], LoadF),
+	concat_atom([ObjDir, File, AutoLoadSuff], AutoLoadF),
+	update_i(Scenario, Mod, OptL, UpdateTime, SrcF, LoadF, AutoLoadF, SrcDir).
+update_i(Scenario, Mod, OptionList, UpdateTime, SrcF, LoadF, AutoLoadF, SrcDir) :-
+	modify_time(SrcF, ModifTime),
+	modify_time(LoadF, TranslateTime),
+	ModifTime >= TranslateTime,
+	!,
+	translate_file(Scenario, SrcF, LoadF, AutoLoadF, SrcDir, Mod),
+	load_file_if_needed(Scenario, Mod, OptionList, SrcF, LoadF, AutoLoadF, TranslateTime).
+update_i(Scenario, Mod, OptionList, UpdateTime, SrcF, LoadF, AutoLoadF, SrcDir) :-
+	modify_time(LoadF, TranslateTime),
+	% R1 XXX Bug here: UpdateTime in not instanciated. 
+	% To turn around that bug, I have simply commented it out, which is ok
+	% since removing that test can only cause files to be loaded
+	% whereas it was not neccessary. It would certainly be necessary
+	% to look at it more carefully to fix that bug in a proper way.
+	% The best way to fix that kind of bugs is certainly to rewrite 
+	% everything in Mercury ;-)
+%	 TranslateTime >= UpdateTime,
+	!,
+	load_file_if_needed(Scenario, Mod, OptionList, SrcF, LoadF, AutoLoadF, TranslateTime).
+update_i(Scenario, Mod, OptionList, UpdateTime, SrcF, LoadF, AutoLoadF, ScrDir) :-
+	printf(output, "%w is up-to-date\n", [SrcF]).
+ *  load_file_if_needed/7
+ *  If the scenario shall be made "inactive", the autoload file is compiled.
+ *  Otherwise it is checked whether the load file has to be compiled.
+ */
+load_file_if_needed(Scenario, Mod, [inactive, _, _], SrcF, LoadF, AutoLoadF, TranslateTime) :-
+	!,
+	compile(AutoLoadF, Mod),
+	update_file_name(Scenario, Mod, SrcF).
+load_file_if_needed(Scenario, Mod, [active, Traceable, GloLoc], SrcF, LoadF, AutoLoadF, TranslateTime) :-
+	file_to_be_loaded(Scenario, Mod, SrcF, LoadF, Traceable, GloLoc, TranslateTime),
+	!,
+	call(current_options(O), 'Opium-M'),
+	printf(output, "loading %w\n", [SrcF]),
+	compile(SrcF, Mod),
+	compile(LoadF, Mod),
+	update_file_name(Scenario, Mod, SrcF),
+	printf(output, "%w is loaded\n", [SrcF]).
+load_file_if_needed(Scenario, Mod, OptionL, SrcF, LoadF, AutoLoadF, TranslateTime).
+ *  file_to_be_loaded/7
+ *  The file does not have to be loaded if the most recent version
+ *  is already loaded in another scenario in the same module.
+ */
+file_to_be_loaded(Scenario, Mod, SrcFile, LoadF, Traceable, GloLoc, TTime) :-
+	call(opium_scenario(name:S, files:Files, N, O, updated:UpdateTime, M), Mod),
+	S \== Scenario,
+	O = options : [active, Traceable, GloLoc],
+	member(SrcFile, Files),
+	% XXX make/5 crashes because this is uninstanciated.
+	% Removing it seems to make things work. It is ok to do 
+	% that since the only problem it can cause is that the message 
+	% "%w is up-to-date\n" migth be printed when it is not the case...
+%	 UpdateTime > TTime,
+	!,
+	printf(output, "%w is up-to-date\n", [SrcFile]),
+	fail.
+file_to_be_loaded(Scenario, Mod, SrcFile, LoadF, Traceable, GloLoc, TTime) :-
+	opium_scenario_in_module((name:S, files:Files, N, O, updated:UpdateTime, M), Mod1),
+	Mod \== Mod1,
+	O =  options : [active, Traceable, global],
+	member(SrcFile, Files),
+	!,
+	/* load file again, but take care that opium_objects are
+	 * already declared global in another module */
+	setval(already_global, yes).
+file_to_be_loaded(Scenario, Mod, SrcFile, LoadF, Traceable, GloLoc, TTime) :-
+	setval(already_global, no).
+ *  update_file_name/3
+ *  In the scenario, the files contained in the filelist have to
+ *  be the names of the files actually loaded.
+ */
+update_file_name(Scenario, Mod, SrcF) :-
+	call(retract(opium_scenario(name:Scenario, files:FileL, N, O, U, M)), Mod),
+	!,
+	update_filelist(FileL, SrcF, NewFileL),
+	call(assert(opium_scenario(name:Scenario, files:NewFileL, N, O, U, M)), Mod).
+update_filelist([], _, []).
+update_filelist([OldF|OldFs], SrcF, [SrcF|OldFs]) :-
+	atom_string(OldF, OldFS),
+	get_dir_and_file(OldFS, _, FileName),
+	atom_string(SrcF, SrcFS),
+	get_dir_and_file(SrcFS, _, FileName),
+	!.
+update_filelist([OldF|OldFs], SrcF, [OldF|NewFs]) :-
+	update_filelist(OldFs, SrcF, NewFs).
+ *  make scenario traceable/untraceable
+ */
+set_dbgcomp_flag(traceable) :-
+	set_flag(debug_compile, on),
+	set_flag(variable_names, on).
+set_dbgcomp_flag(untraceable) :-
+	set_flag(debug_compile, off),
+	set_flag(variable_names, on).
+ *  suffixes of Opium files
+ */
+file_suffixe_flag('.op', '.load', '.autoload').
+ *  provide_directory(+Dir)
+ */
+provide_directory(Dir) :-
+	/* ending '/' has to be removed first */
+	atom_string(Dir, DirS),
+	string_length(DirS, L),
+	L0 is L - 1,
+	substring(DirS, 1, L0, PathS),
+	atom_string(Path, PathS),
+	provide_dir(Path).
+provide_dir(Dir) :-
+	exists(Dir),
+	!.
+provide_dir(Dir) :-
+	concat_atom([mkdir, '  ', Dir], SystemCmd),
+	sh(SystemCmd).
+ *  absolute_pathnames(+SrcDir, +FileList, -AbsFileList)
+ *  change the names of the files related to a scenario
+ *  to their absolute pathnames
+ */
+absolute_pathnames(ScrDir, [], []) :-
+	!.
+absolute_pathnames(SrcDir, [File | Fs], [AbsFile | AbsFs]) :-
+	concat_atom([SrcDir, File, '.op'], AbsFile),
+	absolute_pathnames(SrcDir, Fs, AbsFs).
+ *  The following is a hook which allows to redefine some global
+ *  system predicates (spy/1, nospy/1, traceable/1, listing/1, etc): 
+ *  instead of being global, they are exported, and then they have
+ *  to be imported by every opium module
+ */
+gloloc_error_handler(95, global Pred, _) :-
+	redefined_system_pred(Pred),
+	!,
+	export Pred.
+gloloc_error_handler(95, Goal, Module) :-
+	error(default(95), Goal, Module).
+ */
+	name		: modify_time,
+	arg_list	: [File, Time],
+	implementation	: modify_time_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Procedure which returns the Time when File has been modified. If the file \n\
+does not exist, it returns 0."
+	).
+modify_time_Op(File, Time) :-
+	get_file_info(File, mtime, Time),
+	!.
+modify_time_Op(File, 0).
+/*  -------------------------
+ *   load opium declarations
+ *  -------------------------
+ */		
+:- global load_decl/1.
+:- tool(load_decl/1, load_decl_body/2).
+load_decl_body(Clause, Module) :-
+	add_gloloc_directive(Clause, Module),
+	add_declaration(Clause, Module),
+	!.
+load_decl_body(Clause, Module).
+add_gloloc_directive(Clause, Module) :-
+	call(current_options([_,_,GloLoc]), 'Opium-M'),
+	add_gloloc_directive(Clause, Module, GloLoc).
+add_gloloc_directive(_, _, global) :-
+	getval(already_global, yes),
+	!,
+	fail.
+add_gloloc_directive(opium_command(name:Name, arg_list:ArgList, _, abbrev:Abbrev, _,_,_,_,_,_), Module, GloLoc) :-
+	length(ArgList, Arity),
+	declare_pred(Name/Arity, Module, GloLoc),
+	(var(Abbrev) -> 
+		true
+	;
+		declare_pred(Abbrev/Arity, Module, GloLoc)
+	).
+add_gloloc_directive(opium_primitive(name:Name, arg_list:ArgList, _, abbrev:Abbrev ,_,_,_), Module, GloLoc) :-
+	length(ArgList, Arity),
+	declare_pred(Name/Arity, Module, GloLoc),
+	(var(Abbrev) -> 
+		true
+	;
+		declare_pred(Abbrev/Arity, Module, GloLoc)
+	).	
+add_gloloc_directive(opium_procedure(name:Name, arg_list:ArgList, _,_,_,_), Module, GloLoc) :-
+	length(ArgList, Arity),
+	declare_pred(Name/Arity, Module, GloLoc).
+add_gloloc_directive(opium_parameter(name:Name, arg_list:ArgList, _,_,_,_,_,_), Module, GloLoc).
+add_gloloc_directive(opium_type(name:Name, _,_,_), Module, GloLoc) :-
+	declare_pred(Name/1, Module, GloLoc).
+add_gloloc_directive(opium_demo(name:Name,_,_,_,_), Module, GloLoc) :-
+	declare_pred(Name/0, Module, GloLoc).
+add_gloloc_directive(opium_scenario(_,_,_,_,_,_), _, _).
+declare_pred(Name/Arity, Module, global) :-
+	!,
+	call(global Name/Arity, Module).
+declare_pred(Name/Arity, Module, local) :-
+	call(get_flag(Name/Arity, visibility, local), Module),
+	!.
+declare_pred(Name/Arity, Module, local) :-
+	call(local Name/Arity, Module).
+add_declaration(Clause, Module) :-
+	equivalent_clause_exists(Clause, Clause1, Module),
+	call(retract(Clause1), Module),
+	call(assert(Clause), Module),
+	!.
+add_declaration(Clause, Module) :-
+	call(assert(Clause), Module).
+ *  equivalent_clause_exists(NewClause, ExistingClause) :- ExistingClause,
+ *  with the following parameters equal:
+ *  	scenarios: name 
+ *  	commands, procedures, primitives, parameters: name, arity, scenario
+ *	types: name, scenario
+ *	demos: name, scenario
+ */
+	opium_scenario(Name, _, _, _, _, _),
+	opium_scenario(Name, Files, Scenarios, OptionList, Updated, Message),
+	Module
+) :-
+	call(opium_scenario(Name, Files, Scenarios, OptionList, Updated, Message), Module).
+	opium_command(	name		: Name,
+			arg_list	: ArgList1,
+			arg_type_list	: _,
+			abbrev		: _, 
+			interface	: _, 
+			command_type	: _,
+			scenario	: Scenario,
+			implementation	: _,
+			parameters	: _,
+			message		: _),
+	opium_command(  name		: Name,
+			arg_list	: ArgList2,
+			arg_type_list	: ArgType,
+			abbrev		: Abbrev,
+			interface	: Interface, 
+			command_type	: CommandType,
+			scenario	: Scenario,
+			implementation	: Implementation,
+			parameters	: Parameter,
+			message		: Message),
+	Module
+) :-
+	call(opium_command(	name		: Name,
+				arg_list	: ArgList2,
+				arg_type_list	: ArgType,
+				abbrev		: Abbrev,
+				interface	: Interface, 
+				command_type	: CommandType,
+				scenario	: Scenario,
+				implementation	: Implementation, 
+				parameters	: Parameter,
+				message		: Message), Module),
+	length(ArgList1, L),
+	length(ArgList2, L),
+	!.
+	opium_primitive(name		: Name,
+			arg_list	: ArgList1,
+			arg_type_list	: _,
+			abbrev		: _,
+			scenario	: Scenario,
+			implementation	: _,
+			message		: _),
+	opium_primitive(name		: Name,
+			arg_list	: ArgList2,
+			arg_type_list	: ArgType,
+			abbrev		: _,
+			scenario	: Scenario,
+			implementation	: Implementation,
+			message		: Message),
+	Module
+) :-
+	call(opium_primitive(	name		: Name,
+				arg_list	: ArgList2,
+				arg_type_list	: ArgType,
+				abbrev		: _,
+				scenario	: Scenario,
+				implementation	: Implementation, 
+				message		: Message), Module),
+	length(ArgList1, L),
+	length(ArgList2, L),
+	!.
+	opium_procedure(name		: Name,
+			arg_list	: ArgList1,
+			scenario	: Scenario,
+			implementation	: _,
+			parameters	: _,
+			message		: _),
+	opium_procedure(name		: Name,
+			arg_list	: ArgList2,
+			scenario	: Scenario,
+			implementation	: Procedure,
+			parameters	: ParameterList,
+			message		: Message),
+	Module
+) :-
+	call(opium_procedure(	name		: Name,	
+				arg_list	: ArgList2,
+				scenario	: Scenario,
+				implementation	: Procedure,
+				parameters	: ParameterList,
+				message		: Message), Module),
+	length(ArgList1, L),
+	length(ArgList2, L),
+	!.
+	opium_parameter(name		: Name, 
+			arg_list	: ArgList1, 
+			arg_type_list 	: _, 
+			scenario	: Scenario, 
+			parameter_type	: _,
+			default		: _, 
+			commands	: _, 
+			message		: _),
+	opium_parameter(name		: Name, 
+			arg_list	: ArgList2, 
+			arg_type_list 	: ArgType, 
+			scenario	: Scenario, 
+			parameter_type	: ParameterType,
+			default		: DefaultArg, 
+			commands	: CommandList, 
+			message		: Message),
+	Module
+) :-
+	call(opium_parameter(	name		: Name, 
+				arg_list	: ArgList2, 
+				arg_type_list 	: ArgType, 
+				scenario	: Scenario,
+				parameter_type	: ParameterType, 
+				default		: DefaultArg, 
+				commands	: CommandList, 
+				message		: Message), Module),
+	length(ArgList1, L),
+	length(ArgList2, L),
+	!.
+	opium_type(	name		: Name, 
+			scenario	: Scenario, 
+			implementation	: _,
+			message		: _),
+	opium_type(	name		: Name, 
+			scenario	: Scenario, 
+			implementation	: Procedure,
+			message		: Message),
+	Module
+) :-
+	call(opium_type(name		: Name, 
+			scenario	: Scenario, 
+			implementation	: Procedure,
+			message		: Message), Module).
+	opium_demo(	name		: Name, 
+			demo_goal	: _,
+			condition	: _,
+			scenario	: Scenario, 
+			message		: _),
+	opium_demo(	name		: Name,
+			demo_goal	: Goal,
+			condition	: Condition,
+			scenario	: Scenario, 
+			message		: Message),
+	Module
+) :-
+	call(opium_demo(name		: Name, 
+			demo_goal	: Goal,
+			condition	: Condition,
+			scenario	: Scenario, 
+			message		: Message), Module).
+ *  module handling
+ */
+provide_opium_module(sepia_kernel) :-
+	/* sepia_kernel cannot be an opium module */
+	!,
+	fail.
+provide_opium_module(kegi) :-
+	/* kegi cannot be an opium module */
+	!,
+	fail.
+provide_opium_module(Mod) :-
+	is_opium_module(Mod),
+	!.
+% [R1] Removed because update_opium_module_menu is not available in Opium-M
+% provide_opium_module(Mod) :-
+% 	update_opium_module_menu(Mod),		% for wui interface
+% 	printf(output, "creating opium module %w\n", [Mod]),
+% 	(current_module(Mod) ->
+% 		true
+% 	;
+% 		create_module(Mod)
+% 	),
+% 	get_opium_file("opium_module", File),
+% 	compile(File, Mod).
+ *  initialize_parameters(Type, Scenario, Mod) 
+ *  sets default values for parameters of Type is Scenario in Mod
+ *  (needed because parameters of type 'C' cannot be set at boot time)
+ */
+initialize_parameters(Type, Scenario, Mod) :-
+	opium_parameter_in_module((
+		name		: Parameter,
+		arg_list	: ArgList,
+		arg_type_list	: _,
+		scenario	: Scenario,
+		parameter_type	: Type,
+		default		: DefaultVal,
+		commands	: _,
+		message		: _), Mod),
+	set_default_value(Type, Parameter, ArgList, DefaultVal, Mod),
+	fail.
+initialize_parameters(Type, Scenario, Mod).
Index: extras/opium_m/source/make_scenario-M.pl
RCS file: make_scenario-M.pl
diff -N make_scenario-M.pl
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ make_scenario-M.pl	Tue Oct 26 23:26:41 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1999 IRISA/INRIA.
+% Authors : Erwan Jahier <jahier at irisa.fr>, 
+%           Mireille Ducassé <ducasse at irisa.fr>
+% This file builds the Opium-M files. It is loaded from the INSTALL-OPIUM-M
+% script.
+:- module('Opium-M').
+	getenv('MERCURY_OPIUM_DIR', OpiumDir),
+	append_strings(OpiumDir, "/source/", SourceStr),
+	atom_string(Source, SourceStr),
+	append_strings(SourceStr, "util.pl", Util),
+	compile(Util, 'Opium-M'),
+	append_strings(OpiumDir, "/source/error.op", Error),
+	append_strings(OpiumDir, "/source/scenario_handler.op", 
+		Scenario_handler),
+	append_strings(OpiumDir, "/source/make.op", Make),
+	append_strings(OpiumDir, "/source/scenario.op", Scenario),
+	append_strings(OpiumDir, "/source/translate.op", Translate),
+	append_strings(OpiumDir, "/source/types.op", Types),
+	append_strings(OpiumDir, "/source/parameter.op", Parameter),
+	append_strings(OpiumDir, "/source/autoload.op", Autoload),
+	append_strings(OpiumDir, "/source/interface.op", Interface),
+	compile(Scenario_handler, 'Opium-M'),
+	compile(Error, 'Opium-M'),
+	compile(Make, 'Opium-M'),
+	compile(Parameter, 'Opium-M'),
+	compile(Scenario, 'Opium-M'),
+	compile(Autoload, 'Opium-M'),
+	compile(Translate, 'Opium-M'),
+	compile(Types, 'Opium-M'),
+	compile(Interface, 'Opium-M'),
+	build_obj_dir(OD),
+	make(scenario_handler, 'Opium-M', [active, traceable, global], Source, OD),
+	make('opium_kernel_M', 'Opium-M', [active, traceable, global], Source, OD),
+	make('source_M', 'Opium-M', [active, traceable, global], Source, OD),
+	make('display_M', 'Opium-M', [active, traceable, global], Source, OD),
+	make('step_by_step_M', 'Opium-M', [active, traceable, global], Source, OD),
+	make(help, 'Opium-M', [active, traceable, global], Source, OD),
+	halt.
Index: extras/opium_m/source/opium_kernel_M.op
RCS file: opium_kernel_M.op
diff -N opium_kernel_M.op
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ opium_kernel_M.op	Tue Oct 26 23:26:41 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1999 IRISA/INRIA.
+% Author : Erwan Jahier <jahier at irisa.fr>
+	name		: opium_kernel_M,
+	files		: [	opium_kernel_M,
+				forward_move_M,
+				current_slots_M,
+				current_arg_M,
+				event_attributes_M,
+				exec_control_M,
+				coprocess_M,
+				interactive_queries,
+				browse],
+	scenarios	: [],
+	message		:
+"Scenario opium_kernel_M contains all the basic mechanisms of Opium-M \
+which are needed to debug Mercury programs. \n\
+	).
Index: extras/opium_m/source/opium_module.sd
RCS file: opium_module.sd
diff -N opium_module.sd
Binary files /dev/null and opium_module.sd differ
Index: extras/opium_m/source/parameter.op
RCS file: parameter.op
diff -N parameter.op
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ parameter.op	Tue Oct 26 23:26:42 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
+ *	$Header: parameter.op,v 1.23 91/03/22 10:19:47 mireille Exp $
+ *	1990 Copyright ECRC GmbH
+ */
+ */
+	name		: get_parameter,
+	arg_list	: [Parameter, ValueList],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_opium_parameter, is_list_or_var],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: menu,
+	command_type	: tool,
+	implementation	: get_parameter_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Command which gets the value of the parameter visible in the current module."
+	).
+get_parameter_Op(Parameter, ValueList, Module) :-
+	opium_parameter_in_module((name:Parameter, _,_,_,_,_,_,_), Module),
+	!,		
+	get_parameter_in_module(Parameter, ValueList, Module).
+get_parameter_Op(Parameter, ValueList, Module) :-
+	opium_parameter_in_module((name:Parameter,_,_, scenario:Scenario, _,_,_,_), Mod),
+	opium_scenario_in_module((name:Scenario,_,_, options:[_,_,global],_,_), Mod),
+	get_parameter_in_module(Parameter, ValueList, Mod).
+ */
+	name		: get_parameter_in_module,
+	arg_list	: [Parameter, ValueList, Module],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_opium_parameter, is_list_or_var, is_opium_module],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: menu,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: get_parameter_in_module_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Command which gets the value of the parameter in a given module."
+	).
+get_parameter_in_module_Op(Parameter, VarList, Module) :-
+	opium_parameter_in_module((name:Parameter, arg_list:ArgList, _,_, parameter_type:ParType, _,_,_), Module),
+	get_parameter_value(ParType, Parameter, ArgList, VarList, Module).
+% XXX  remote_once is not available in Opium-M
+% get_parameter_value(c, Parameter, _, [Value], _) :-
+% 	!,	
+% 	remote_once(getval(Parameter, Value), sepia_kernel).
+get_parameter_value(ParType, Parameter, ArgList, VarList, Module) :-
+	length(ArgList, L),
+	length(VarList, L),
+	Val =.. [Parameter | VarList],
+	call(Val, Module).
+ */
+	name		: set_parameter,
+	arg_list	: [Parameter, ValueList],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_opium_parameter, is_list],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: menu,
+	command_type	: tool,
+	implementation	: set_parameter_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Command which sets the value of the parameter visible in the current module. \n\
+It automatically prompts the user for the values using the types given \n\
+in the declaration of the parameter."
+	).
+set_parameter_Op(Parameter, ValueList, Module) :-
+	opium_parameter_in_module((name:Parameter, _,_,_,_,_,_,_), Module),
+	!,		
+	set_parameter_in_module(Parameter, ValueList, Module).
+set_parameter_Op(Parameter, ValueList, Module) :-
+	opium_parameter_in_module((name:Parameter,_,_, scenario:Scenario, _,_,_,_), Mod),
+	opium_scenario_in_module((name:Scenario,_,_, options:[_, _, global],_,_), Mod),
+	set_parameter_in_module(Parameter, ValueList, Mod).
+ */
+	name		: set_parameter_in_module,
+	arg_list	: [Parameter, ValueList, Module],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_opium_parameter, is_list, is_opium_module],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: menu,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: set_parameter_in_module_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Command which sets the value of the parameter in a given module. It \n\
+automatically prompts the user for the values using the types given \n\
+in the declaration of the parameter."
+	).
+set_parameter_in_module_Op(Parameter, ValueList, Module) :-
+	opium_parameter_in_module((
+			name: 		Parameter, 
+			arg_list: 	ArgList, 
+			arg_type_list: 	ArgType, 
+			scenario: 	_,
+			parameter_type:	ParType,
+			default: 	DefaultArg, 
+			commands: 	_,
+			message: 	_), Module),
+	check_arg_type(ValueList, ArgList, ArgType, NewValueList, Module),	
+	set_parameter_value(ParType, Parameter, ArgList, NewValueList, Module).
+% XXX  remote_once is not available in Opium-M
+% set_parameter_value(c, Parameter, _, [NewVal], _) :-
+% 	remote_once(setval(Parameter, NewVal), sepia_kernel).
+set_parameter_value(single, Parameter, ArgList, NewValueList, Module) :-
+	length(ArgList, L),
+	length(VarList, L),
+	G =.. [Parameter | VarList],
+	call(retract_all(G), Module),
+	NewVal =.. [Parameter | NewValueList],
+	call(assert(NewVal), Module).
+set_parameter_value(multiple, Parameter, ArgList, NewValueList, Module) :-
+	NewVal =.. [Parameter | NewValueList],
+	call(assert(NewVal), Module).
+ *
+ *	interactive (will ask for value)
+ */
+	name		: set_parameter,
+	arg_list	: [Parameter],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_opium_parameter],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: hidden,
+	command_type	: tool,
+	implementation	: set_parameter_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Interactive command which helps to set the value of the parameter which \n\
+is visible in the current module. It automatically checks the type of the \n\
+values according to the type given in the declaration of the parameter."
+	).
+set_parameter_Op(Parameter, Module) :-
+	set_parameter_Op(Parameter, [], Module).
+ *
+ *	interactive (will ask for value)
+ */
+	name		: set_parameter_in_module,
+	arg_list	: [Parameter, Module],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_opium_parameter, is_opium_module],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: hidden,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: set_parameter_in_module_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Interactive command which helps to set the value of the parameter in a \n\
+given module. It automatically checks the type of the values according to \n\
+the type given in the declaration of the parameter." 
+	).
+set_parameter_in_module_Op(Parameter, Module) :-
+	set_parameter_in_module_Op(Parameter, Module, []).
+ */
+	name		: unset_parameter,
+	arg_list	: [Parameter, ValueList],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_opium_parameter, is_list],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: menu,
+	command_type	: tool,
+	implementation	: unset_parameter_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+'Command which unsets a value of a parameter which may have multiple values. \n\
+For a parameter of type "single" or "c" you can use set_parameter.'
+	).
+unset_parameter_Op(Parameter, ValueList, Module) :-
+	opium_parameter_in_module((name:Parameter, _,_,_,_,_,_,_), Module),
+	!,		
+	unset_parameter_in_module(Parameter, ValueList, Module).
+unset_parameter_Op(Parameter, ValueList, Module) :-
+	opium_parameter_in_module((name:Parameter,_,_, scenario:Scenario, _,_,_,_), Mod),
+	opium_scenario_in_module((name:Scenario,_,_, options:[_, _, global],_,_), Mod),
+	unset_parameter_in_module(Parameter, ValueList, Mod).
+ */
+	name		: unset_parameter_in_module,
+	arg_list	: [Parameter, ValueList, Module],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_opium_parameter, is_list, is_opium_module],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: menu,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: unset_parameter_in_module_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+'Command which unsets the value of a parameter which may have multiple \n\
+values, in a given module. For a parameter of type "single" or "c" you \n\
+can use set_parameter_in_module.'
+	).
+unset_parameter_in_module_Op(Parameter, ValueList, Module) :-
+	opium_parameter_in_module((
+			name: 		Parameter, 
+			arg_list: 	ArgList, 
+			arg_type_list: 	ArgType, 
+			scenario: 	_,
+			parameter_type:	multiple,
+			default: 	DefaultArg, 
+			commands: 	_,
+			message: 	_), Module),
+	G =.. [Parameter | ValueList],
+	call(retract_all(G), Module).
+ */
+	name		: set_default_parameters,
+	arg_list	: [],
+	arg_type_list	: [],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: menu,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: set_default_parameters_Op,
+	parameters	: [default_parameter],
+	message		:
+"Command which sets or resets all the parameters of all the scenarios to \n\
+their default values."
+	).
+set_default_parameters_Op :-
+	opium_scenario_in_module((name:S, _, _, _, _, _), Mod),
+	set_default_parameters_in_module(S, Mod),
+	fail.
+ */
+	name		: set_default_parameters,
+	arg_list	: [Scenario],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_opium_scenario],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: menu,
+	command_type	: tool,
+	implementation	: set_default_parameters_Op,
+	parameters	: [default_parameter],
+	message		:
+"Command which sets or resets the parameters of a scenario visible in the \n\
+current module to their default values."
+	).
+set_default_parameters_Op(Scenario, Module) :-
+	opium_scenario_in_module((name:Scenario,_,_,_,_,_), Module),
+	!,
+	set_default_parameters_in_module(Scenario, Module).
+set_default_parameters_Op(Scenario, Module) :-
+	opium_scenario_in_module((name:Scenario,_,_, options:[_,_,global],_,_), Mod),
+	!,
+	set_default_parameters_in_module(Scenario, Mod).
+ */
+	name		: set_default_parameters_in_module,
+	arg_list	: [Scenario, Module],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_opium_scenario, is_opium_module],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: menu,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: set_default_parameters_in_module_Op,
+	parameters	: [default_parameter],
+	message		:
+"Command which sets or resets the parameters of a scenario to their default \n\
+values in a given module."
+	).
+set_default_parameters_in_module_Op(Scenario, Module) :-
+	opium_parameter_in_module((
+			name: 		Parameter, 
+			arg_list: 	ArgList, 
+			arg_type_list:	ArgType, 
+	   		scenario: 	Scenario, 
+			parameter_type:	ParType,
+			default: 	DefaultVal,
+			commands:	CommandList, 
+			message: 	Message), Module),
+	set_default_value(ParType, Parameter, ArgList, DefaultVal, Module),
+	fail.
+set_default_parameters_in_module_Op(Scenario, Module).
+% XXX  remote_once is not available in Opium-M
+% set_default_value(c, Parameter, _, [DefaultVal], _) :-
+% 	/* there is always a default value for c parameters */
+% 	remote_once(setval(Parameter, DefaultVal), sepia_kernel).
+set_default_value(_, Parameter, ArgList, nodefault, Module) :-
+	!,
+	length(ArgList, L),
+	length(VarList, L),
+	G =.. [Parameter | VarList],
+	call(retract_all(G), Module).
+set_default_value(_, Parameter, ArgList, DefaultVal, Module) :-
+	length(ArgList, L),
+	length(VarList, L),
+	G1 =.. [Parameter | VarList],
+	call(retract_all(G1), Module),
+	G2 =.. [Parameter | DefaultVal],
+	call(assert(G2), Module).
+ *	SET-DEFAULT( Par )
+ */
+	name		: set_default,
+	arg_list	: [Parameter],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_opium_parameter],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: menu,
+	command_type	: tool,
+	implementation	: set_default_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Command which sets or resets the default value of Parameter visible in \n\
+the current module."
+	).
+set_default_Op(Parameter, Module) :-
+	opium_parameter_in_module((name:Parameter, _,_,_,_,_,_,_), Module),
+	!,		
+	set_default_in_module(Parameter, Module).
+set_default_Op(Parameter, Module) :-
+	opium_parameter_in_module((name:Parameter, _,_, scenario:Scenario, _,_,_,_), Mod),
+	opium_scenario_in_module((name:Scenario, _,_, options:[_,_,global], _,_), Mod),
+	set_default_in_module(Parameter, Mod).
+ */
+	name		: set_default_in_module,
+	arg_list	: [Parameter, Module],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_opium_parameter, is_opium_module],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: menu,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: set_default_in_module_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Command which sets or resets the default value of Parameter in a given module."
+	).
+set_default_in_module_Op(Parameter, Module) :-
+	opium_parameter_in_module((
+			name: 		Parameter, 
+			arg_list: 	ArgList, 
+			arg_type_list: 	ArgType, 
+	   		scenario: 	_, 
+			parameter_type:	ParType,
+			default: 	DefaultVal,
+			commands:	_, 
+			message: 	_), Module),
+	set_default_value(ParType, Parameter, ArgList, DefaultVal, Module).
+ *	SHOW-PARAMETERS( Scenario )
+ */
+	name		: show_parameters,
+	arg_list	: [Scenario],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_opium_scenario],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: menu,
+	command_type	: tool,
+	implementation	: show_parameters_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Command which shows the values of all the parameters related to a \n\
+scenario visible in the current module."
+	).
+show_parameters_Op(Scenario, Module) :-
+	opium_scenario_in_module((name:Scenario,_,_,_,_,_), Module),
+	!,
+	show_parameters_in_module(Scenario, Module).
+show_parameters_Op(Scenario, Mod) :-
+	opium_scenario_in_module((name:Scenario,_,_, options:[_,_,global],_,_), Mod),
+	!,
+	show_parameters_in_module(Scenario, Mod).
+ */
+	name		: show_parameters_in_module,
+	arg_list	: [Scenario, Module],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_opium_scenario, is_opium_module],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: menu,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: show_parameters_in_module_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Command which shows the values of all the parameters related to Scenario \n\
+in a given module."
+	).
+show_parameters_in_module_Op(Scenario, Module) :-
+	opium_parameter_in_module((
+			name: 		Parameter, 
+			arg_list: 	ArgList, 
+			arg_type_list: 	_, 
+			scenario: 	Scenario, 
+			parameter_type:	ParType,
+			default: 	_, 
+			commands: 	_, 
+			message: 	_), Module),
+	list_parameter(ParType, Parameter, ArgList, Module),
+	fail.
+show_parameters_in_module_Op(Scenario, Module).
+% XXX  remote_once is not available in Opium-M
+% list_parameter(c, Parameter, _, _) :-
+% 	!,
+% 	remote_once(getval(Parameter, Val), sepia_kernel),
+% 	G =.. [Parameter | [Val]],
+% 	opium_printf(help, "    %w\n", [G]).
+list_parameter(single, Parameter, ArgList, Module) :-
+	!,
+	length(ArgList, L),
+	length(VarList, L),
+	Goal =.. [Parameter | VarList],
+	call(Goal, Module),
+	opium_printf(help, "    %w\n", [Goal]).
+list_parameter(multiple, Parameter, ArgList, Module) :-
+	length(ArgList, L),
+	length(VarList, L),
+	Goal =.. [Parameter | VarList],
+	call(Goal, Module),
+	opium_printf(help, "    %w\n", [Goal]),
+	fail.
+list_parameter(multiple, Parameter, ArgList, Module).
+ */
+	name		: show_parameters,
+	arg_list	: [],
+	arg_type_list	: [],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: menu,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: show_parameters_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Command which shows the values of all the parameters of all scenarios."
+	).
+show_parameters_Op :-
+	opium_nl(help),
+	opium_scenario_in_module((name:S,_,_,_,_,_), Mod),
+	parameter_exists(S, Mod),
+	opium_printf(help, "Parameters of scenario %w in module %w :\n", [S, Mod]),
+	show_parameters_in_module(S, Mod),
+	opium_nl(help),
+	fail.
+parameter_exists(Scenario, Module) :-
+	opium_parameter_in_module((
+			name: 		Parameter, 
+			arg_list: 	ArgList, 
+			arg_type_list: 	_, 
+			scenario: 	Scenario, 
+			parameter_type: ParType, 
+			default: 	_, 
+			commands: 	_, 
+			message: 	_), Module),
+	check_parameter_exists(ParType, Parameter, ArgList, Module),
+	!.
+check_parameter_exists(c, Parameter, ArgList, Module) :- 
+	!.
+check_parameter_exists(ParType, Parameter, ArgList, Module) :-
+	length(ArgList, L),
+	length(VarList, L),
+	Clause =.. [Parameter | VarList],
+	call(Clause, Module),
+	!.
+ */
+	name		: get_parameter_info,
+	arg_list	: [Parameter, Scenario, Module, ArgList, ArgType, 
+						Default, CurrentValues],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_opium_parameter, is_opium_scenario, 
+				is_opium_module, var, var, var, var],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	implementation	: get_parameter_info_Op,
+	message		:
+"Primitive which gives information about parameter Name related to Scenario in \n\
+a given module. CurrentValues is instantiated to the list of all current values."
+	).
+get_parameter_info_Op(Name,Scenario, Module, ArgList, ArgType, Default, 
+							CurrentValues) :-
+	opium_parameter_in_module((
+			name  		: Name,  
+			arg_list 	: ArgList, 
+			arg_type_list 	: ArgType,
+ 			scenario 	: Scenario,  
+			parameter_type	: ParType,
+			default 	: Default,
+			commands 	: _, 
+			message  	: _ ), Module),
+	get_current_values(ParType, Name, Module, ArgList, CurrentValues).
+% XXX  remote_once is not available in Opium-M
+% get_current_values(c, Name, Module, ArgList, [Val]) :-
+% 	remote_once(getval(Name, Val), sepia_kernel),
+% 	!.
+get_current_values(single, Name, Module, ArgList, ValList) :-
+	length(ArgList, L),
+	length(ValList, L),
+	Pred =.. [Name | ValList],	
+	call(Pred, Module),
+	!.
+get_current_values(multiple, Name, Module, ArgList, CurrentValues) :-
+	length(ArgList, L),
+	length(VarList, L),
+	Pred =.. [Name | VarList],	
+	setof(VarList, call(Pred, Module), CurrentValues),
+	!.
+get_current_values(ParType, Name, Module, ArgList, []).
Index: extras/opium_m/source/scenario.op
RCS file: scenario.op
diff -N scenario.op
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ scenario.op	Tue Oct 26 23:26:42 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+ *	$Header: scenario.op,v 1.27 91/03/22 10:19:53 mireille Exp $
+ *	1990 Copyright ECRC GmbH
+ */
+:- dynamic init_scenario/1.
+ */
+	name		: initialization,
+	arg_list	: [Goals],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_term],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: hidden,
+	command_type	: tool,
+	implementation	: initialization_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"When called as a compiled goal in a scenario file, initialization/1 \n\
+asserts a clause which ensures that the goals given as argument of \n\
+initialization/1 will be called whenever a new trace is started.\n\
+NOTE: it has to be ensured that these goals refer to either global \n\
+or exported predicates!"
+	).
+:- dynamic init_scenario/0.
+initialization_Op((Goal, Gs), Module) :-
+	!,
+	assert_goal(Goal, Module),
+	initialization_Op(Gs, Module).
+initialization_Op(Goal, Module) :-
+	assert_goal(Goal, Module).
+assert_goal(Goal, Module) :-
+	assert_unique((init_scenario :- call(Goal, Module))).
+assert_unique((H :- B)) :-
+	clause(H, B),
+	!.
+assert_unique((H :- B)) :-
+	assert((H :- B)),
+	!.
+assert_unique(H) :-
+	clause(H, true),
+	!.
+assert_unique(H) :-
+	assert(H).
+ */
+	name		: is_opium_module,
+	implementation	: is_opium_module_Op,
+	message		: 
+"Type which succeeds for the name of a module which contains an opium \n\
+scenario, or a module which has been initialized interactively by calling \n\
+an Opium command or primitive."
+	).
+is_opium_module_Op(X) :-
+	var(X),
+	!,
+	fail.
+is_opium_module_Op(M) :-
+	current_module(M),
+	not is_locked(M),
+	call(is_predicate(opium_module/0), M).
+ */
+	name		: opium_module,
+	arg_list	: [M],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_opium_module_or_var],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	implementation	: opium_module_Op,
+	message		:
+"Primitive which succeeds if its argument is an opium module. It can also \n\
+be used to generate all the opium modules on backtracking."
+	).
+	/* to get 'Opium-M' as first module always (manual) */
+opium_module_Op(M) :-
+	current_module(M),
+	M \== 'Opium-M',
+	not is_locked(M),
+	call(is_predicate(opium_module/0), M).
+ */
+	name		: is_opium_module_or_var,
+	implementation	: is_opium_module_or_var_Op,
+	message		: 
+"Type which succeeds if the argument is an opium module or a variable."
+	).
+is_opium_module_or_var_Op(X) :-
+	var(X),
+	!.
+is_opium_module_or_var_Op(X) :-
+	is_opium_module(X).
+ *  SET_DEFAULT (Type, Name, Scenario, Module)
+ */
+	name		: set_default,
+	arg_list	: [ObjectType, Pred, Scenario, Module],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_customizable_type_or_var, is_pred_or_var, 
+			   is_opium_scenario_or_var, is_opium_module_or_var],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: menu,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: set_default_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+ "Commands which sets the object Pred (e.g. next/1) of type ObjectType \n\
+(e.g. command) in Scenario and Module to its default value. If used with \n\
+variables it will set to default the matching objects on backtracking. \n\
+For parameters use set_default/1."
+	).
+set_default_Op(ObjectType, Name/Arity, Scenario, Module) :-
+	build_object(ObjectType, Name/Arity, default, Scenario, Module).
+ *  REBUILD_OBJECT(ObjectType, ObjectName, Implementation, Scenario, Module)
+ */
+	name		: rebuild_object,
+	arg_list	: [ObjectType, Pred, Implementation, Scenario, Module],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_customizable_type, is_pred, atom,
+			   is_opium_scenario_or_var, is_opium_module_or_var],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: menu,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: rebuild_object_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+ "Commands which links Pred (e.g. next/1) of ObjectType (e.g. command) in \n\
+Scenario and Module to the given Implementation.  Pred must be the \n\
+name of an existing object with same arity. Implementation must be the \n\
+name of a predicate (e.g. mynext). This predicate must have the same \n\
+arity as the object to rebuild (except for tools commands where the \n\
+implementation must be of arity +1). The existence of such a predicate \n\
+is not checked by Opium."
+	).
+rebuild_object_Op(ObjectType, Name/Arity, Impl, Scenario, Module) :-
+	build_object(ObjectType, Name/Arity, Impl, Scenario, Module).
+ * build_object/5 (ObjectType, Name/Arity, NewImpl, Scenario, Module)
+ */
+build_object(command, Name/Arity, NewImpl, Scenario, Module) :-
+	opium_command_in_module((
+		name		: Name,
+		arg_list	: ArgList,
+		arg_type_list	: ArgTypeList,
+		abbrev		: _Abbrev,
+		interface	: _Interface,
+		command_type	: ComType,
+		scenario	: Scenario,
+		implementation	: DefaultImpl,
+		parameters	: _Pars,
+		message		: _M
+		), Module),
+	length(ArgList, Arity),
+	( NewImpl == default -> Impl = DefaultImpl ; Impl = NewImpl),
+	build_pred_command(BuiltPred, ComType, Name, ArgList, ArgTypeList, Impl),
+	recompile_object(BuiltPred, Module).
+build_object(primitive, Name/Arity, NewImpl, Scenario, Module) :-
+	opium_primitive_in_module((
+		name		: Name,
+		arg_list	: ArgList,
+		arg_type_list	: _ArgTypeList,
+		abbrev		: _Abbrev,
+		scenario	: Scenario,
+		implementation	: DefaultImpl,
+		message		: _M
+		), Module),
+	length(ArgList, Arity),
+	( NewImpl == default -> Impl = DefaultImpl ; Impl = NewImpl),
+	build_pred_primitive(BuiltPred, Name, ArgList, Impl),
+	recompile_object(BuiltPred, Module).
+build_object(procedure, Name/Arity, NewImpl, Scenario, Module) :-
+	opium_procedure_in_module((
+		name		: Name,
+		arg_list	: ArgList,
+		scenario	: Scenario,
+		implementation	: DefaultImpl,
+		parameters	: _Pars,
+		message		: _M
+		), Module),
+	length(ArgList, Arity),
+	( NewImpl == default -> Impl = DefaultImpl ; Impl = NewImpl),
+	build_pred_procedure(BuiltPred, Name, ArgList, Impl),
+	recompile_object(BuiltPred, Module).
+build_object(type, Name/1, NewImpl, Scenario, Module) :-
+	opium_type_in_module((
+		name		: Name,
+		scenario	: Scenario,
+		implementation	: DefaultImpl,
+		message		: _M
+		), Module),
+	( NewImpl == default -> Impl = DefaultImpl ; Impl = NewImpl),
+	build_pred_type(BuiltPred, Name, Impl),
+	recompile_object(BuiltPred, Module).
+recompile_object(BuiltPred, Module) :-
+	call(compile_term(BuiltPred), Module).
+ *  build_pred_command/5 (BuiltPred, CmdType, Name, ArgList, TypeList, Impl)
+ *  Computes the clauses (to be compiled) which links name and implementation 
+ *  according to the type of the command. 
+ */
+build_pred_command(BuiltPred, opium, Name, [], [], Impl) :-
+	!,
+	BuiltPred = (Name :- Impl).
+build_pred_command(BuiltPred, opium, Name, ArgList, TypeList, Impl) :-
+	!,
+	Cmd1 =.. [Name | ArgList],
+	name_variables(ArgList, ArgNameList),
+	BuiltPred = (Cmd1 :- 
+			check_arg_type(ArgList, ArgNameList, TypeList, NewList),
+			Cmd2 =.. [Impl | NewList],
+			Cmd2).
+build_pred_command(BuiltPred, trace, Name, [], [], Impl) :-
+	!,
+	concat_atom([Name, '_np'], Name_np),
+	BuiltPred = 
+		([(Name :- Name_np, print_event), 
+		  (Name_np :- Impl)]).
+build_pred_command(BuiltPred, trace, Name, ArgList, TypeList, Impl) :-
+	Cmd1 =.. [Name | ArgList],
+	concat_atom([Name, '_np'], Name_np),
+	Cmd_np =.. [Name_np | ArgList],
+	ImplGoal =.. [Impl | ArgList],
+	name_variables(ArgList, ArgNameList),
+	BuiltPred =
+		([(Cmd1 :- 
+			check_arg_type(ArgList, ArgNameList, TypeList, NewList),
+			Cmd2 =.. [Name_np | NewList],
+			Cmd2,
+			print_event),
+		  (Cmd_np :- ImplGoal)]).
+build_pred_command(BuiltPred, tool, Name, [], [], Impl) :-
+	!,
+	concat_atoms(Name, '_body', BodyName),
+	BodyCmd1 =.. [BodyName | [ActModule]],
+	BodyCmd2 =.. [Impl | [ActModule]],
+	BuiltPred = (BodyCmd1 :- BodyCmd2).
+build_pred_command(BuiltPred, tool, Name, ArgList, TypeList, Impl) :-
+	append(ArgList, [ActModule], BodyArgList),
+	name_variables(BodyArgList, BodyArgNameList),
+	append(TypeList, [is_opium_module], BodyTypeList),
+	concat_atoms(Name, '_body', BodyName),
+	BodyCmd1 =.. [BodyName | BodyArgList],
+	BuiltPred =
+		(BodyCmd1 :- 
+			check_arg_type(BodyArgList, BodyArgNameList, BodyTypeList, NewList),
+			BodyCmd2 =.. [Impl | NewList],
+			BodyCmd2).
+ *  build_pred_primitive/4
+ */
+build_pred_primitive(BuiltPred, Name, ArgList, Impl) :-
+	Cmd1 =.. [Name | ArgList],
+	Cmd2 =.. [Impl | ArgList],
+	BuiltPred =(Cmd1 :- Cmd2).
+ *  build_pred_procedure/4
+ */
+build_pred_procedure(BuiltPred, Name, ArgList, Impl):-
+	Cmd1 =.. [Name | ArgList],
+	Cmd2 =.. [Impl | ArgList],
+	BuiltPred = (Cmd1 :- Cmd2).
+ *  build_pred_type/3
+ */
+build_pred_type(BuiltPred, Name, Impl) :-
+	Cmd1 =.. [Name | [X]],
+	Cmd2 =.. [Impl | [X]],
+	BuiltPred = (Cmd1 :- Cmd2).
+ *  IMPLEMENTATION_LINK(?ObjectType, ?Pred, ?ObjectImpl, ?Module)
+ */
+	name		: implementation_link,
+	arg_list	: [ObjectType, Pred, DefaultImpl, Module],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_customizable_type_or_var, is_pred_or_var, is_atom_or_var, 
+			   is_opium_module_or_var],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	implementation	: implementation_link_Op,
+	message		:
+ "Primitive which retrieves the link between Pred, an Opium objects \n\
+(e.g. next/0) of ObjectType and its default implementation visible in \n\
+Module. This is useful when you want to customize an object and you \n\
+want to re-use the default implementation.  Only commands, primitives, \n\
+procedures and types can be customized. For parameters see \n\
+	).
+implementation_link_Op(command, ObjectName/Arity, ObjectImpl, Module) :-
+	opium_command_in_module((
+		name		: ObjectName,
+		arg_list	: ArgList,
+		arg_type_list	: _,
+		abbrev		: _,
+		interface	: _,
+		command_type	: _,
+		scenario	: _,
+		implementation	: ObjectImpl,
+		parameters	: _,
+		message		: _
+		), Module),
+	length(ArgList, Arity).
+implementation_link_Op(primitive, ObjectName/Arity, ObjectImpl, Module) :-
+	opium_primitive_in_module((
+		name		: ObjectName,
+		arg_list	: ArgList,
+		arg_type_list	: _,
+		abbrev		: _,
+		scenario	: _,
+		implementation	: ObjectImpl,
+		message		: _
+		), Module),
+	length(ArgList, Arity).
+implementation_link_Op(procedure, ObjectName/Arity, ObjectImpl, Module) :-
+	opium_procedure_in_module((
+		name		: ObjectName,
+		arg_list	: ArgList,
+		scenario	: _,
+		implementation	: ObjectImpl,
+		parameters	: _,
+		message		: _
+		), Module),
+	length(ArgList, Arity).
+implementation_link_Op(type, ObjectName, ObjectImpl, Module) :-
+	opium_type_in_module((
+		name		: ObjectName,
+		scenario	: _,
+		implementation	: ObjectImpl,
+		message		: _
+		), Module).
+ */
+	name		: is_customizable_type_or_var,
+	implementation	: is_customizable_type_or_var_Op,
+	message		: 
+ "Type which succeeds for a type of Opium object which is customizable, \n\
+or a variable.  Customizable types are command, primitive, procedure, \n\
+	).
+is_customizable_type_or_var_Op(X) :-
+	var(X),
+	!.
+is_customizable_type_or_var_Op(X) :-
+	is_customizable_type(X).
+ */
+	name		: is_customizable_type,
+	implementation	: is_customizable_type_Op,
+	message		: 
+ "Type which succeeds for a type of Opium object which is customizable.\n\
+Customizable types are command, primitive, procedure, type."
+	).
+is_customizable_type_Op(X) :-
+	var(X),
+	!,
+	fail.
Index: extras/opium_m/source/scenario_handler.op
RCS file: scenario_handler.op
diff -N scenario_handler.op
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ scenario_handler.op	Tue Oct 26 23:26:43 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+ *	$Header: scenario_handler.op,v 1.4 93/07/30 17:49:10 mireille Exp $
+ *	1990 Copyright ECRC GmbH
+ */
+:- tool(get_parameter/2).
+:- tool(set_parameter/2).
+	name		: scenario_handler,
+	files		: [	scenario_handler,
+				make,
+				parameter,
+				scenario, 
+				autoload, 
+				error,
+				translate,
+				types],
+	scenarios	: [],
+	message		:
+ "The scenario handler manages all the Opium objects: scenarios, \n\
+commands, parameters, primitives, types and demos. It also handles an \n\
+error recovery mechanism and the autoload of inactive scenarios." 
+	).
+% Useless in Opium-M ???
+% /*
+%  */
+% opium_primitive(
+% 	name		: def_module,
+% 	arg_list	: [Pred, CallModule, DefModule],
+% 	arg_type_list	: [is_pred, is_atom, is_atom_or_var],
+% 	abbrev		: _,
+% 	implementation	: def_module_Op,
+% 	message		:
+% "Primitives which gives or checks the module where Pred visible in CallModule \n\
+% is defined. The primitive fails if Pred is not defined at all."
+% 	).
+% def_module_Op(P/A, CallModule, DefModule) :-
+% 	def_module_ok(P/A, CallModule, DefModule).
+% /*
+%  *  we use a function def_module_c because Sepia's get_flag/3 does 
+%  *  not work if the module is locked 
+%  */
+% def_module_ok(P/A, CallMod, DefMod) :-
+% 	exchange_with_prolog_asynchronously(def_module_pk(P/A, CallMod, D), 
+% 					def_module_pk(P/A, CallMod, DefMod)).
+ */
+	name		: get_opium_filename,
+	arg_list	: [File, FileName],
+	arg_type_list	: [atom, var],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	implementation	: get_opium_filename_Op,
+	message		:
+"Primitive which gives the full file name including suffix of an Opium \n\
+file. If the file does not exist it fails and gives an error message."
+	).
+get_opium_filename_Op(F, File) :-
+	get_flag(prolog_suffix, Suffixes),
+	get_filename(F, Suffixes, File).
+get_filename(F, Suffixes, File) :-
+	(string(F) ->				% first convert to a string
+		FS = F
+	;
+	atom(F) ->
+		atom_string(F, FS)
+	;
+		opium_printf(error, "%w is not a proper file name\n", [F]),
+		fail
+	),
+	(substring(FS, "/", 1) ->		% absolute path name
+		FullS = FS
+	;
+		get_flag(cwd, CWD),
+		concat_strings(CWD, FS, FullS)
+	),
+	(
+		PlFile = FullS
+	;
+		member(Suff, Suffixes),
+		concat_strings(FullS, Suff, PlFile)
+	),
+	exists(PlFile),
+	!,
+	atom_string(File, PlFile).
+get_filename(F, Suffixes, File) :-
+	printf(error, "file %w does not exist\n", [F]),
+	fail.
+% XXX R1 remote_once is not available in Opium-M
+% /*
+%  */
+% opium_primitive(
+% 	name		: get_prolog_filename,
+% 	arg_list	: [File, FileName],
+% 	arg_type_list	: [atom, var],
+% 	abbrev		: _,
+% 	implementation	: get_prolog_filename_Op,
+% 	message		:
+% "Primitive which gives the full file name including suffix of a Prolog \n\
+% file. If the file does not exist it fails and gives an error message."
+% 	).
+% get_prolog_filename_Op(F, File) :-
+% 	remote_once(get_flag(prolog_suffix, Suffixes), sepia_kernel),
+% 	get_filename(F, Suffixes, File).
+ */
+	name		: opium_scenario_in_module,
+	arg_list	: [Scenario, Module],
+	implementation	: opium_scenario_in_module_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Procedure which succeeds if Scenario is declared in Module."
+	).
+opium_scenario_in_module_Op(S, Module)
+	(global_op(400,xfy,:) ; global_op(600,xfy,:),fail),
+	S = (
+		name		: Name,
+		files		: Files,
+		scenarios	: Scenarios,
+		options		: Options,
+		updated		: UTime,
+		message		: M
+		),
+        opium_module(Module),
+	call(opium_scenario(
+			name		: Name,
+			files		: Files,
+			scenarios	: Scenarios,
+			options		: Options,
+			updated		: UTime,
+			message		: M
+			), Module),
+	global_op(600,xfy,:).
+ */
+	name		: opium_command_in_module,
+	arg_list	: [Command, Module],
+	implementation	: opium_command_in_module_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Procedure which succeeds if Command is declared in Module."
+	).
+opium_command_in_module_Op(C, Module)
+	(global_op(400,xfy,:) ; global_op(600,xfy,:),fail),
+	C = (
+		name		: Name,
+		arg_list	: ArgList,
+		arg_type_list	: ArgTypeList,
+		abbrev		: Abbrev,
+		interface	: Interface,
+		command_type	: ComType,
+		scenario	: Scenario,
+		implementation	: Impl,
+		parameters	: Pars,
+		message		: M
+		),
+	opium_module(Module),
+	call(opium_command(
+			name		: Name,
+			arg_list	: ArgList,
+			arg_type_list	: ArgTypeList,
+			abbrev		: Abbrev,
+			interface	: Interface,
+			command_type	: ComType,
+			scenario	: Scenario,
+			implementation	: Impl,
+			parameters	: Pars,
+			message		: M
+			), Module),
+	global_op(600,xfy,:).
+ */
+	name		: opium_primitive_in_module,
+	arg_list	: [Primitive, Module],
+	implementation	: opium_primitive_in_module_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Procedure which succeeds if Primitive is declared in Module."
+	).
+opium_primitive_in_module_Op(P, Module)
+	(global_op(400,xfy,:) ; global_op(600,xfy,:),fail),
+	P = (
+		name		: Name,
+		arg_list	: ArgList,
+		arg_type_list	: ArgTypeList,
+		abbrev		: Abbrev,
+		scenario	: Scenario,
+		implementation	: Impl,
+		message		: M
+		),
+	opium_module(Module),
+	call(opium_primitive(
+			name		: Name,
+			arg_list	: ArgList,
+			arg_type_list	: ArgTypeList,
+			abbrev		: Abbrev,
+			scenario	: Scenario,
+			implementation	: Impl,
+			message		: M
+			), Module),
+	global_op(600,xfy,:).
+ */
+	name		: opium_procedure_in_module,
+	arg_list	: [Procedure, Module],
+	implementation	: opium_procedure_in_module_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Procedure which succeeds if Procedure is declared in Module."
+	).
+opium_procedure_in_module_Op(Proc, Module)
+	(global_op(400,xfy,:) ; global_op(600,xfy,:),fail),
+	Proc = (
+		name		: Name,
+		arg_list	: ArgList,
+		scenario	: Scenario,
+		implementation	: Impl,
+		parameters	: Pars,
+		message		: M
+		),
+	opium_module(Module),
+	call(opium_procedure(
+			name		: Name,
+			arg_list	: ArgList,
+			scenario	: Scenario,
+			implementation	: Impl,
+			parameters	: Pars,
+			message		: M
+			), Module),
+	global_op(600,xfy,:).
+ */
+	name		: opium_parameter_in_module,
+	arg_list	: [Parameter, Module],
+	implementation	: opium_parameter_in_module_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Procedure which succeeds if Parameter is declared in Module."
+	).
+opium_parameter_in_module_Op(P, Module) 
+	(global_op(400,xfy,:) ; global_op(600,xfy,:),fail),
+	P = (
+		name		: Name,
+		arg_list	: ArgList,
+		arg_type_list	: ArgTypeList,
+		scenario	: Scenario,
+		parameter_type	: ParameterType,
+		default		: Default,
+		commands	: Commands,
+		message		: M
+		),
+	opium_module(Module),
+	call(opium_parameter(
+			name		: Name,
+			arg_list	: ArgList,
+			arg_type_list	: ArgTypeList,
+			scenario	: Scenario,
+			parameter_type	: ParameterType,
+			default		: Default,
+			commands	: Commands,
+			message		: M
+			), Module),
+	global_op(600,xfy,:).
+ */
+	name		: opium_type_in_module,
+	arg_list	: [Type, Module],
+	implementation	: opium_type_in_module_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Procedure which succeeds if Type is declared in Module."
+	).
+opium_type_in_module_Op(Type, Module)
+	(global_op(400,xfy,:) ; global_op(600,xfy,:),fail),
+	Type = (
+		name		: Name,
+		scenario	: Scenario,
+		implementation	: Impl,
+		message		: M
+		),
+	opium_module(Module),
+	call(opium_type(
+			name		: Name,
+			scenario	: Scenario,
+			implementation	: Impl,
+			message		: M
+			), Module),
+	global_op(600,xfy,:).
+ */
+	name		: opium_demo_in_module,
+	arg_list	: [Demo, Module],
+	implementation	: opium_demo_in_module_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Procedure which succeeds if Demo is declared in Module."
+	).
+opium_demo_in_module_Op(Demo, Module)
+	(global_op(400,xfy,:) ; global_op(600,xfy,:),fail),
+	Demo = (
+		name		: Name,
+		demo_goal	: Goal,
+		condition	: Condition,
+		scenario	: Scenario,
+		message		: M
+		),
+	opium_module(Module),
+	call(opium_demo(
+			name		: Name,
+			demo_goal	: Goal,
+			condition	: Condition,
+			scenario	: Scenario,
+			message		: M
+			), Module),
+	global_op(600,xfy,:).
+ */
+	name		: is_opium_scenario,
+	implementation	: is_opium_scenario_Op,
+	message		: 
+"Type which succeeds for an active opium scenario."
+	).
+is_opium_scenario_Op(S) :-
+	atom(S),
+	opium_scenario_in_module((name: S, _, _, _, _, _), M).
+ */
+	name		: is_opium_scenario_or_var,
+	implementation	: is_opium_scenario_or_var_Op,
+	message		: 
+"Type which succeeds for an active opium scenario or a variable."
+	).
+is_opium_scenario_or_var_Op(S) :-
+	(var(S) ; is_opium_scenario_Op(S)).
+ */
+	name		: is_opium_parameter,
+	implementation	: is_opium_parameter_Op,
+	message		: 
+"Type which succeeds for a parameter of an opium scenario."
+	).
+is_opium_parameter_Op(Par) :-
+	atom(Par),
+	opium_parameter_in_module((name: Par, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), _).
+ */
+	name		: is_opium_object_or_var,
+	implementation	: is_opium_object_or_var_Op,
+	message		: 
+"Type which succeeds for an object declared in an opium scenario, or a \n\
+variable. An Opium object is a scenario, a command, a primitive, a procedure, \n\
+a parameter, or a type."
+	).
+is_opium_object_or_var_Op(X) :-
+	var(X),
+	!.
+is_opium_object_or_var_Op(X) :-
+	is_opium_scenario(X),
+	!.
+is_opium_object_or_var_Op(X) :-
+	is_opium_command(X),
+	!.
+is_opium_object_or_var_Op(X) :-
+	is_opium_procedure(X),
+	!.
+is_opium_object_or_var_Op(X) :-
+	is_opium_parameter(X),
+	!.
+is_opium_object_or_var_Op(X) :-
+	is_opium_primitive(X),
+	!.
+is_opium_object_or_var_Op(X) :-
+	is_opium_type(X),
+	!.
+is_opium_object_or_var_Op(X) :-
+	is_opium_demo(X),
+	!.
+is_opium_command(Cmd) :-
+	opium_command_in_module((name: Cmd, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), _).
+is_opium_procedure(Proc) :-
+	opium_procedure_in_module((name: Proc, _, _, _, _, _), _).
+is_opium_primitive(Prim) :-
+	opium_primitive_in_module((name: Prim, _, _, _, _, _, _), _).
+is_opium_type(T) :-
+	opium_type_in_module((name: T, _, _, _), _).
+is_opium_demo(T) :-
+	opium_demo_in_module((name: T, _, _, _, _), _).
+ */
+	this is too costly and too fuzzy
+	name		: set_default_state,
+	arg_list	: [],
+	arg_type_list	: [],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: button,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: set_default_state_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Command which sets the Opium state to its default value. It sets the \n\
+parameters to their default values, and resets all the predicate flags."
+	).
+	 % unset_pred_flag has to be done first before
+ 	 %  set_default_parameters erases "flagged_pred"
+	unset_pred_flags,	
+	set_default_parameters,	
+	!.
+ *  decode_port(?PortName, ?PortNumber)
+ *  (used in extension.op)
+ *  The inside and outside backtracking are redirected to a single
+ *  port, because they actually correspond to a single action in
+ *  the compiler.
+ *  If this list is changed please change also the documentation of
+ *  the is_port type. 
+ */
+decode_port(call,   1) :- !.
+decode_port(redo,   2) :- !. 
+decode_port(next,   3) :- !.  % backtracking while still "inside" the box
+decode_port(exit_c, 4) :- !.  % exit leaving choice points
+decode_port(fail,   5) :- !.
+decode_port(exit,   6) :- !.  % deterministic exit
+decode_port(delay,  7) :- !.
+decode_port(resume, 8) :- !.
+decode_port(unify,  9) :- !.
+decode_port(cut,   10) :- !.
+decode_port(leave, 11) :- !.
+decode_port(next,  12) :- !.  % backtracking from "outside" the box
+decode_port(try,   13) :- !.  % a choice point is created
+decode_port_or_portlist(0, 0) :- !.
+decode_port_or_portlist([], []) :- !.
+decode_port_or_portlist([H | T], [HD | TD]) :-
+	!,
+	decode_port(H, HD),
+	decode_port_or_portlist(T, TD).
+decode_port_or_portlist(P, PD) :-
+	decode_port(P, PD).

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