[m-dev.] Opium-M [2/5]

Erwan Jahier Erwan.Jahier at irisa.fr
Tue Oct 26 23:46:27 AEST 1999

Index: extras/opium_m/source/current_slots_M.op
RCS file: current_slots_M.op
diff -N current_slots_M.op
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ current_slots_M.op	Tue Oct 26 23:26:31 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,686 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1999 IRISA/INRIA.
+% Author : Erwan Jahier <jahier at irisa.fr>
+% This file implements all the predicates that deal with non-argument 
+% attributes retrieval.
+% The same declaration has been done in forward_move.op
+:- op(900, xfy, and).
+	name		: current,
+	arg_list	: [AttributesConjunctOrList],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_list_or_conj_of_attributes_current],
+	abbrev		: curr,
+	interface	: button,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: current_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Gets or checks the values of the event attributes specified in \
+AttributesConjunctOrList. AttributesConjunctOrList is a conjunction or a list \
+of terms of the form attribute = Value. \n\
+If Value is a free variable, it is unified with the current value of the \
+attribute. \
+If Value is a ground term, the current value of the attribute is retrieved and \
+checked against Value.\n\
+The different attributes for current/1 are :  \n\
+ \n\
+chrono: \n\
+    chronological event number of the event, \n\
+call: \n\
+    call event number of the event, \n\
+depth: \n\
+    depth in the proof three (number of ancestors - 1) of the event, \n\
+port: \n\
+    type of the event, \n\
+proc_type: \n\
+    tells if the current procedure is a predicate or a function, \n\
+decl_module: \n\
+    module name where the procedure is declared, \n\
+def_module: \n\
+    module name where the procedure is defined, \n\
+name: \n\
+    procedure name, \n\
+arity: \n\
+    procedure arity, \n\
+mode_number: \n\
+    procedure mode number, \n\
+proc: \n\
+    procedure ([proc_type->][decl_module:](name[/arity][-mode_number]) where \
+only the attribute name is mandatory), \n\
+det: \n\
+    procedure determinism, \n\
+goal_path: \n\
+    goal path of the call of the procedure, \n\
+args: \n\
+    list of procedure arguments (*), \n\
+arg_names: \n\
+    list of procedure argument names, \n\
+arg_types: \n\
+    list of procedure argument types, \n\
+vars: \n\
+    list of the currently live variables, \n\
+var_names_and_types: \n\
+    list of the currently live variable names and types, \n\
+local_vars: \n\
+    list of the currently non-argument local live variables. \n\
+stack: \n\
+    list of the stack element. \n\
+For example, \
+current(chrono = Chrono and name = Name)  (or current([chrono = Chrono, \
+name = Name])) will unify Chrono with the chronological \
+event number and Name with the procedure name of the current event. \
+current(depth = 3) will succeed iff the depth of the current event is 3. \
+current(args = [Arg1, -, -]) will unify Arg1 with the first argument of the \
+current procedure if is live. \n\
+ \n\
+(*) non lived arguments are unified with '-' and if you do not want to retrieve \
+all the arguments (because one of them is very big for example), \
+you can use the atom '-': for example, current(arg = [X, -, -]) will only \
+retrieve \
+the first argument. Note that current(arg = [X, _, _] will have the same \
+behaviour, but arguments will be retrieved through the socket."
+	).
+current_Op(ListOrConj) :-
+	getval(state_of_opium, running),
+	(
+		is_list(ListOrConj),
+		current_list(ListOrConj),
+		!
+	;
+		conj_to_list(ListOrConj, List),
+		current_list(List)
+	),
+	!.
+current_list([H|T]) :-
+	% We retrieve attributes one by one which is quite ineffective only if we 
+	% have a lot of attributes to retrieve. In that case, it is better to 
+	% use current_attributes/13.
+	current_one(H),
+	current_list(T),
+	!.
+	name		: current_attributes,
+	arg_list	: [Chrono, Call, Depth, Port, PredOrFunc, DeclModule, 
+				DefModule, Name, Arity, ModeNumber, Det, 
+				GoalPath /* , LineNumber */],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_integer_or_var, is_integer_or_var,
+				is_integer_or_var, is_port_or_var, 
+				is_atom_or_var, is_atom_or_var, 
+				is_atom_or_var, is_atom_or_var,
+				is_integer_or_var, is_integer_or_var,
+				is_det_marker_or_var, is_goal_path_or_var 
+				/* , is_integer_or_var */],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	implementation	: current_attributes_Op,
+	message		:
+"current_attributes/12 retrieves all the event attributes except the argument \
+	).
+% :- pred current_attributes(atom, ..., atom).
+% :- mode current_attributes(?, ..., ?) is nondet.
+	% Determinism is coded by an integer so we need to wrap the
+	% the call of current_attributes with determinism conversion.
+current_attributes_Op(Chrono, Call, Depth, Port, PredOrFunc, DeclModule, 
+		DefModule, Name, Arity, ModeNumber, Det, GoalPath /* , 
+		LineNumber */) :-
+	send_message_to_socket(current_slots),
+	read_message_from_socket(Response),
+	(
+		Response = current_slots_comp(RetrievedChrono, RetrievedCall, 
+				RetrievedDepth, RetrievedPort,
+				RetrievedTypeNameStr, RetrievedTypeModuleStr,
+				RetrievedDefModuleStr, RetrievedNameStr, 
+				RetrievedArity, RetrievedModeNumber, 
+				RetrievedDeterminism, RetrievedGoalPath
+				/*, RetrievedLineNumber */ )
+	->
+		write("The current event is compiler generated event, "),
+		write("they are not handled yet in Opium-M.\n"),
+		fail
+		% XXX 
+		% Anyway, this should never arrive here as long as we 
+		% do not send any forward_move_comp requests.
+	;
+		Response = current_slots_user(RetrievedChrono, RetrievedCall, 
+				RetrievedDepth, RetrievedPort,
+				RetrievedPredOrFunc, RetrievedDeclModuleStr,
+				RetrievedDefModuleStr, RetrievedNameStr, 
+				RetrievedArity, RetrievedModeNumber, 
+				RetrievedDeterminism, RetrievedGoalPath
+				/*, RetrievedLineNumber */ )
+	->
+		% for 'decl_module', 'def_module' and 'name' attributes, 
+		% Mercury sends string whereas we prefer to manipulate 
+		% Prolog atoms; so we convert them.
+		atom_string(RetrievedDeclModule, 
+			RetrievedDeclModuleStr),
+		atom_string(RetrievedDefModule, RetrievedDefModuleStr),
+		atom_string(RetrievedName, RetrievedNameStr),
+		% for 'det' attributes, Mercury process sends an integer that
+		% codes the determinism. 
+		( not(Det == '-') ->
+			convert_integer_determinism_exact(
+				RetrievedDeterminism, UncodedDet)
+		;
+			% No use to pay the cost of the conversion if it
+			% needed
+			true
+		),
+		% for 'port' attribute, the name the Mercury process sends is 
+		% not the ones we use at the Opium-M side.
+		( not(Port == '-') ->
+			convert_mercury_port_opium_port_exact(
+				RetrievedPort, OpiumPort)
+		;
+			true
+		),
+		% for 'goal_path' attribute, Mercury sends a string whereas 
+		% we want a list.
+		( not(GoalPath == '-') ->
+			convert_goal_path_string_to_list(RetrievedGoalPath, 
+			GoalPathList)
+		;
+			true
+		),
+		% For each argument of current_attributes, if it is
+		%	* '-', we do nothing.
+		%	* a variable, it is unified with the retrieved value.
+		%	* an instantiated term, we check if the retrieved value 
+		%	  is the same.
+		unify_attribute(RetrievedChrono, Chrono),
+		unify_attribute(RetrievedCall, Call),
+		unify_attribute(RetrievedDepth, Depth),
+		unify_attribute(OpiumPort, Port),
+		unify_attribute(RetrievedPredOrFunc, PredOrFunc),
+		unify_attribute(RetrievedDeclModule, DeclModule),
+		unify_attribute(RetrievedDefModule, DefModule),
+		unify_attribute(RetrievedName, Name),
+		unify_attribute(RetrievedArity, Arity),
+		unify_attribute(RetrievedModeNumber, ModeNumber),
+		unify_attribute(UncodedDet, Det),
+		unify_attribute(GoalPathList, GoalPath)
+		/*, unify_attribute(RetrievedLineNumber, LineNumber) */
+	;
+	%	I should uncomment that when [EOT] is fix.
+	%	Response = eot
+	%->
+	%	write(stderr, "eot: you can't retrieve any attributes"),
+	%	fail
+	%;
+		Response = error(ErrorMessage)
+	->
+		write(stderr, "Error in current_attributes/11 (current_slots.op)\n"),
+		write(stderr, "   An error occured in the Mercury process: "),
+		write(stderr, ErrorMessage),
+		opium_abort
+	 ;
+		write(stderr, "Error in current_attributes/11 (current_slots.op)\n"),
+		write(stderr, "The Mercury process sends: "),
+		write(Response),
+		write(stderr, "\n"),
+		opium_abort
+	).
+% :- pred unify_attribute(atom, atom).
+% :- mode unify_attribute(in, out) is det.
+% :- mode unify_attribute(in, in) is semidet.
+	% If Attribute is free, binds it with RetrievedAttribute.
+	% If Attribute is '-', just succeeds.
+	% If Attribute is bound and different from '-', check if Attribute and 
+	% RetrievedAttribute unifies.
+unify_attribute(RetrievedAttribute, Attribute) :-
+	( 
+		free(Attribute),
+		Attribute = RetrievedAttribute,
+		!
+	; 
+		Attribute = '-',
+		!
+	;
+		Attribute = RetrievedAttribute
+	).
+%:- pred convert_goal_path_string_to_list(string, list(T)).
+%:- mode convert_goal_path_string_to_list(in, out) is det.
+convert_goal_path_string_to_list("", []) :- !.
+convert_goal_path_string_to_list(String, [X|Xs]) :-
+	find_next_point_dot(String, N),
+	N1 is N - 1,
+	substring(String, 1, N1, Str),
+	append_strings(Str, ";", S1),
+	append_strings(S1, NewString, String),
+	atom_string(X, Str),
+	convert_goal_path_string_to_list(NewString, Xs).
+% find the position of the first point dot in the string String.
+find_next_point_dot(String, Position) :-
+	generate(Position),
+	substring(String, Position, 1, ";"),
+	!.
+generate(N) :-
+	generate(1, N).
+generate(N, M) :-
+	(
+		M = N
+	;
+		T is N + 1,
+		generate(T, M)
+	).
+current_one(Attribute = X) :-
+	is_alias_for(stack, Attribute),
+	stack1(X),
+	!.
+current_one(Attribute = X) :-
+	is_alias_for(args, Attribute),
+	current_arg(X),
+	!.
+current_one(Attribute = X) :-
+	is_alias_for(arg_names, Attribute),
+	current_arg_names(X),
+	!.
+current_one(Attribute = X) :-
+	is_alias_for(arg_types, Attribute),
+	current_arg_types(X),
+	!.
+current_one(Attribute = Z) :-
+	is_alias_for(vars, Attribute),
+	current_vars(X, Y),
+	append(X, Y, Z),
+	!.
+current_one(Attribute = LVN) :-
+	is_alias_for(var_names_and_types, Attribute),
+	current_live_var_names_and_types(LVN),
+	!.
+current_one(Attribute = OtherVar) :-
+	is_alias_for(local_vars, Attribute),
+	current_vars(_, OtherVar),
+	!.
+current_one(Attribute = Chrono) :-
+	is_alias_for(chrono, Attribute),
+	current_attributes(Chrono, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, - /*, - */),
+	!.
+current_one(Attribute = Call) :-
+	is_alias_for(call, Attribute),
+	current_attributes(-, Call, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, - /*, - */),
+	!.
+current_one(Attribute = Depth) :-
+	is_alias_for(depth, Attribute),
+	current_attributes(-, -, Depth, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, - /*, - */),
+	!.
+current_one(Attribute = Port) :-
+	is_alias_for(port, Attribute),
+	current_attributes(-, -, -, Port, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, - /*, - */),
+	!.
+current_one(Attribute = PredOrFunc) :-
+	is_alias_for(proc_type, Attribute),
+	current_attributes(-, -, -, -, PredOrFunc, -, -, -, -, -, -, - 
+		/*, - */),
+	!.
+current_one(Attribute = DeclModule) :-
+	is_alias_for(decl_module, Attribute),
+	current_attributes(-, -, -, -, -, DeclModule, -, -, -, -, -, - 
+		/*, - */),
+	!.
+current_one(Attribute = DefModule) :-
+	is_alias_for(def_module, Attribute),
+	current_attributes(-, -, -, -, -, -, DefModule, -, -, -, -, - /*, - */),
+	!.
+current_one(Attribute = Name) :-
+	is_alias_for(name, Attribute),
+	current_attributes(-, -, -, -, -, -, -, Name, -, -, -, - /*, - */),
+	!.
+current_one(Attribute = Arity) :-
+	is_alias_for(arity, Attribute),
+	current_attributes(-, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, Arity, -, -, - /*, - */),
+	!.
+current_one(Attribute = ModeNumber) :-
+	is_alias_for(mode_number, Attribute),
+	current_attributes(-, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, ModeNumber, -, - 
+		/*, - */),
+	!.
+current_one(Attribute = Proc) :-
+	is_alias_for(proc, Attribute),
+	(
+		free(Proc),
+		current_attributes(-,-,-,-, PT, M, -, N, A, MN,-,- /*,-*/),
+		Proc =  (PT->(M:(N/A-MN))),
+		!
+	;
+		Proc = N,
+		is_atom_or_var(N),
+		current_attributes(-,-,-,-, -, -, -, N, -, -,-,- /*,-*/),!
+	;
+		Proc = (PT->N),
+		is_atom_or_var(N),
+		is_atom_or_var(PT),
+		current_attributes(-,-,-,-, PT, -, -, N, -, -,-,- /*,-*/),
+		!
+	;
+		Proc = M:N,
+		current_attributes(-,-,-,-, -, M, -, N, -, -,-,- /*,-*/),
+		!
+	;
+		Proc = N/A,
+		current_attributes(-,-,-,-, -, -, -, N, A,-,-,- /*,-*/),
+		!
+	;
+		Proc = N-MN,
+		is_atom_or_var(N),
+		is_atom_or_var(MN),
+		current_attributes(-,-,-,-, -, -, -, N,-, MN,-,- /*,-*/),
+		!
+	;
+		Proc = (N/A-MN),
+		is_atom_or_var(N),
+		is_atom_or_var(A),
+		is_atom_or_var(MN),
+		current_attributes(-,-,-,-, -, -, -, N, A, MN,-,- /*,-*/),
+		!
+	;
+		Proc = M:(N-MN),
+		current_attributes(-,-,-,-, -, M, -, N, -, MN,-,- /*,-*/),
+		!
+	;
+		Proc = M:(N/A),
+		current_attributes(-,-,-,-, -, M, -, N, A, -,-,- /*,-*/),
+		!
+	;
+		Proc = (PT->(N-MN)),
+		current_attributes(-,-,-,-, PT, -, -, N, -, MN,-,- /*,-*/),
+		!
+	;
+		Proc = (PT->(N/A)),
+		current_attributes(-,-,-,-, PT, -, -, N, A, -,-,- /*,-*/),
+		!
+	;
+		Proc = (PT->M:N),
+		current_attributes(-,-,-,-, PT, M, -, N, -, -,-,- /*,-*/),
+		!
+	;
+		Proc = M:(N/A-MN),
+		current_attributes(-,-,-,-, -, M, -, N, A, MN,-,- /*,-*/),
+		!
+	;
+		Proc = (PT->(N/A-MN)),
+		current_attributes(-,-,-,-, PT, -, -, N, A, MN,-,- /*,-*/),
+		!
+	;
+		Proc = (PT->M:(N-MN)),
+		current_attributes(-,-,-,-, PT, M, -, N, -, MN,-,- /*,-*/),
+		!
+	;
+		Proc = (PT->M:(N/A)),
+		current_attributes(-,-,-,-, PT, M, -, N, A, -,-,- /*,-*/),
+		!
+	;
+		Proc = (PT->M:(N/A-MN)),
+		current_attributes(-,-,-,-, PT, M, -, N, A, MN,-,- /*,-*/)
+	).
+current_one(Attribute = Determinism) :-
+	is_alias_for(det, Attribute),
+	current_attributes(-, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, Determinism, - 
+		/*, - */),
+	!.
+current_one(Attribute = GoalPath) :-
+	is_alias_for(goal_path, Attribute),
+	current_attributes(-, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, GoalPath /*, - */),
+	!.
+% current_one(line_number = LineNumber) :-
+%	is_alias_for(, Attribute),
+% 	current_attributes(-, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, LineNumber),
+%	!.
+	name		: is_list_or_conj_of_attributes_current,
+	implementation	: is_list_or_conj_of_attributes_current_Op,
+	message		: 
+"Type which succeeds for list or conjunctions of terms of the form: \
+\"AttributeAlias = Term\", where  AttributeAlias is an alias of a Mercury \
+event attribute and Term is a variable or a possible \
+value for the corresponding attribute.\n\
+current(name = Name and decl_module = module1), current([port = call, name = \
+	).
+is_list_or_conj_of_attributes_current_Op(ListOrConj) :-
+	(
+		is_list(ListOrConj),
+		is_list_of_attributes(ListOrConj),
+		!
+	;
+		is_conj_of_attributes(ListOrConj)
+	).
+is_list_of_attributes([H | T]) :-
+	H = (Alias = Term),
+	is_alias_for(Attribute, Alias),
+	is_a_current_attribute(Attribute, Term),
+	is_list_of_attributes(T).
+is_conj_of_attributes(Alias = Term) :-
+	is_alias_for(Attribute, Alias),
+	is_a_current_attribute(Attribute, Term).
+is_conj_of_attributes(Alias = Term and Tail) :-
+	is_alias_for(Attribute, Alias),
+	is_a_current_attribute(Attribute, Term),
+	is_conj_of_attributes(Tail).
+is_a_current_attribute(Attribute, Term) :-
+	(
+		member(Attribute, [chrono, call, depth, arity, mode_number]),
+		is_integer_or_var(Term),
+		!
+	;
+		member(Attribute, [decl_module, def_module, name, proc_type]),
+		is_atom_or_var(Term),
+		!
+	;
+		Attribute = proc,
+		is_proc_or_var(Term),
+		!
+	;
+		Attribute = goal_path,
+		is_goal_path_or_var(Term),
+		!
+	;
+		Attribute = port,
+		is_port_or_var(Term),
+		!
+	;
+		member(Attribute, [args, arg_names, arg_types]),
+		is_list_or_var(Term),
+		!
+	;
+		Attribute = det,
+		is_det_marker_or_var(Term),
+		!
+	;
+		member(Attribute, [vars, var_names_and_types, local_vars]),
+		is_term(Term),
+		!
+	;
+		Attribute = stack,
+		is_list_or_var(Term)
+	).
+% opium_command(
+% 	name		: stack,
+% 	arg_list	: [List],
+% 	arg_type_list	: [is_list_or_var],
+% 	abbrev		: _,
+% 	interface	: button,
+% 	command_type	: opium,
+% 	implementation	: stack_Op,
+% 	parameters	: [],
+% 	message		:
+% "Retrieves the ancestors stack of the call specified by the current \
+% event. This command will report an error message if there is no stack trace \
+% information available about any ancestor. \
+% "
+% 	).
+stack1(Stack) :-
+	stack_ll_Op(Stackll),
+	stack_hl(Stackll, [], [], Stack).
+stack_hl([], _, Stack, Stack).
+stack_hl([level(N)|Tail], Level, Stack0, Stack) :-
+	append([[level(N)|Level]], Stack0, Stack1),
+	stack_hl(Tail, [],  Stack1, Stack).
+stack_hl([X|Tail], Level, Stack0, Stack) :-
+	stack_hl(Tail, [X|Level], Stack0, Stack).
+stack_ll_Op(StackList) :-
+	getval(state_of_opium, running),
+	send_message_to_socket(stack),
+	read_message_until_end_stack([], StackList),
+ 	read_message_from_socket(Message), 
+	( 
+		Message = ok,
+		!
+	; 
+		Message = error(ErrorMessage),
+		printf(trace, "\nUnable to retrieve all the ancestors; %w.\n", 
+			ErrorMessage)
+	),
+	!.
+stack_ll_Op(_) :-
+	write("You can't get any stack ; no program is running.\n"),
+	fail.
+read_message_until_end_stack(ListIn, ListOut) :-
+	read_message_from_socket(Message),
+	( Message = end_stack ->
+		ListOut = ListIn
+	;
+		List = [Message|ListIn],
+		read_message_until_end_stack(List, ListOut)
+	).
+	name		: stack,
+	arg_list	: [],
+	arg_type_list	: [],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: button,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: stack_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Displays the ancestors stack."
+	).
+stack_Op :-
+	stack_ll_Op(StackList),
+	reverse(StackList, StackListRev),
+	display_stack(StackListRev).
+	name		:  nondet_stack,
+	arg_list	: [],
+	arg_type_list	: [],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	implementation	: nondet_stack_Op,
+	message		:
+"Prints the contents of the fixed attributes of the frames on the nondet \
+stack. This command is intended to be of use only to developers \
+of the Mercury implementation."
+	).
+nondet_stack_Op :-
+	getval(state_of_opium, running),
+	send_message_to_socket(nondet_stack),
+	read_message_from_socket(ok),
+	!.
+nondet_stack_Op :-
+	write("You can't get the nondet stack ; no program is running.\n"),
+	fail.
+	name		:  stack_regs,
+	arg_list	: [],
+	arg_type_list	: [],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	implementation	: stack_regs_Op,
+	message		:
+"Prints the contents of the virtual machine registers that point to the det \
+and nondet stacks. This command is intended to be of use only to developers \
+of the Mercury implementation."
+	).
+stack_regs_Op :-
+	getval(state_of_opium, running),
+	send_message_to_socket(stack_regs),
+	read_message_from_socket(Message),
+	Message = stack_regs(SP, CURFR, MAXFR),
+	printf(trace, "\nsp = %p, curfr = %p, maxfr = %p\n", 
+	!.
+stack_regs_Op :-
+	write("You can't get the registers stack ; no program is running.\n"),
+	fail.
Index: extras/opium_m/source/display_M.op
RCS file: display_M.op
diff -N display_M.op
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ display_M.op	Tue Oct 26 23:26:34 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,1589 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1999 IRISA/INRIA.
+% Author : Erwan Jahier <jahier at irisa.fr>
+	name		: display_M,
+	files		: [display_M],
+	scenarios	: [],
+	message		:
+ "Scenario which contains everything related to the display of trace \
+events.  In particular the attributes to be displayed can be specified, as \
+well as the way lists and terms are displayed. Arguments of predicates \
+can be skipped. Many procedures allow you to customize the display.\
+	).
+	name		: print_event,
+	arg_list	: [],
+	arg_type_list	: [],
+	abbrev		: p,
+	interface	: button,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: print_event_Op,
+	parameters	: [indent_display, attribute_display, arg_undisplay, 
+				list_display, term_display],
+	message		:
+"Prints the current trace event according to the value of the \
+display parameters. The name of the printed attributes can be get with the \
+command print_displayed_attributes/0.\
+	).
+% :- pred print_event is det.
+print_event_Op :-
+    ( getval(state_of_opium, running) ->
+	attribute_display(ChronoFlag, CallFlag, PortFlag, DepthFlag, DeterFlag,
+				PredOrFuncFlag, DeclModuleFlag, DefModuleFlag, 
+				NameFlag, ArityFlag, ModeNumFlag, ArgFlag, 
+				ListVarFlag, TypeFlag, GoalPathFlag),
+	current_attributes(Chrono, Call, Depth, Port, PredOrFunc, DeclModule, 
+		DefModule, Name, Arity, ModeNum, Deter, GoalPath),
+	indent_display(IndentFlag, IndentValue, IndentDepth),
+	print_line_attribute(chrono, Chrono, ChronoFlag),
+	write_indent(IndentFlag, IndentValue, IndentDepth, Depth),
+	print_line_attribute(call, Call, CallFlag),
+	print_line_attribute(depth, Depth, DepthFlag),
+	print_line_attribute(port, Port, PortFlag),
+	print_line_attribute(deter, Deter, DeterFlag),
+	print_line_attribute(proc_type, PredOrFunc, PredOrFuncFlag),
+	print_line_attribute(def_module, DefModule, DefModuleFlag),
+	print_line_attribute(decl_module, DeclModule, DeclModuleFlag),
+	print_line_attribute(name, Name, NameFlag),
+	( 
+		(ArgFlag = 'on' ; ListVarFlag = 'on' ; TypeFlag = 'on')
+	->
+		% This is to turn around the fact that Mireille redefine of 
+		% precedence of 400 for the operator`:', which prevents 
+		% variables of the form: `e-g:foo' to unify with `Arg:Type'.
+		current_op(Precedence, Assoc, ':'),
+		op(600, xfy, ':'),
+		% We only retrieve live variable if they are needed
+		( current_vars(ListArg, ListVar) ->
+			write_arg_attribute(DeclModule:Name/Arity-ModeNum, 
+				ListArg, ArgFlag, TypeFlag)
+		;
+			% sometimes, current_vars fails...,
+			write_trace("(*** Software Error in current_vars/2)")
+		),
+		op(Precedence, Assoc, ':')
+	;
+		write_trace("()")
+	),
+	print_line_attribute(arity, Arity, ArityFlag),
+	print_line_attribute(mode_number, ModeNum, ModeNumFlag),
+	print_line_attribute(goal_path, GoalPath, GoalPathFlag),
+% 	print_line_number(Port, LineNumber, LineNumberFlag),
+	print_line_attribute(listvar, ListVar, ListVarFlag),
+	write_trace('\n')
+    ;
+	write("You can't print any trace line; No program is running.\n")
+    ),!.
+print_event_Op :-
+	write("Sofware error in scenario display.op: print_event/0 failed.\n").
+%:- pred print_line_attribute(atom, atom ,atom).
+%:- mode print_line_attribute(in, in, in) is det.
+print_line_attribute(_AttributeName, _AttributeValue, off).
+print_line_attribute(AttributeName, AttributeValue, on) :-
+	write_attribute(AttributeName, AttributeValue).
+	name		: print_displayed_attributes,
+	arg_list	: [],
+	arg_type_list	: [],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: hidden,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: print_displayed_attributes_Op,
+	parameters	: [indent_display, attribute_display, arg_undisplay, 
+				list_display, term_display],
+	message		:
+"Prints the names of the attributes displayed by print_event/0.\
+	).
+% :- pred print_displayed_attributes_Op is det.
+print_displayed_attributes_Op :-
+	attribute_display(ChronoFlag, CallFlag, PortFlag, DepthFlag, DeterFlag,
+				PredOrFuncFlag, DeclModuleFlag, DefModuleFlag, 
+				NameFlag, ArityFlag, ModeNumFlag, ArgFlag, 
+				ListVarFlag, TypeFlag, GoalPathFlag),
+	indent_display(IndentFlag, IndentValue, IndentDepth),
+	(ChronoFlag = on -> write_trace("chrono: ") ; true),
+	write_indent(IndentFlag, IndentValue, IndentDepth, 1),
+	print_line_attribute(call, call, CallFlag),
+	print_line_attribute(depth, depth, DepthFlag),
+	print_line_attribute(port, port, PortFlag),
+	print_line_attribute(deter, deter, DeterFlag),
+	print_line_attribute(proc_type, PredOrFunc, PredOrFuncFlag),
+	print_line_attribute(def_module, Defmodule, DefModuleFlag),
+	print_line_attribute(decl_module, Declmodule, DeclModuleFlag),
+	print_line_attribute(name, name, NameFlag),
+	(
+		ArgFlag = on 
+	-> 
+		write_trace("(arg)")
+	;
+		write_trace(" ")
+	),
+	print_line_attribute(arity, 	arity,	ArityFlag),
+	print_line_attribute(mode_number, mode_number, ModeNumFlag),
+	print_line_attribute(goal_path, goal_path, GoalPathFlag),
+% 	print_line_number(Port, LineNumber, LineNumberFlag),
+	write_trace('\n'),
+	print_line_attribute(listvar, listvar, ListVarFlag),
+	!.	
+	name		: print_full_event,
+	arg_list	: [],
+	arg_type_list	: [],
+	abbrev		: pf,
+	interface	: hidden,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: print_full_event_Op,
+	parameters	: [indent_display, arg_undisplay, 
+				list_display, term_display],
+	message		:
+"Prints the current trace event with all the attributes on.\
+	).
+% :- pred print_full_event is det.
+print_full_event_Op :-
+	get_parameter(attribute_display, L),
+	set_parameter(attribute_display,  
+		[on, on, on, on, on, on, on, on, on, on, on, on, on, on, on]),
+	print_event_Op,
+	set_parameter(attribute_display, L).
+	name		: print_full_displayed_attributes,
+	arg_list	: [],
+	arg_type_list	: [],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: hidden,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: print_full_displayed_attributes_Op,
+	parameters	: [indent_display, attribute_display, arg_undisplay, 
+				list_display, term_display],
+	message		:
+"Prints the names of the attributes printed by print_full_event/0."
+	).
+% :- pred print_full_displayed_attributes_Op is det.
+print_full_displayed_attributes_Op :-
+	indent_display(IndentFlag, IndentValue, IndentDepth),
+	write_trace("chrono: "),
+	write_indent(IndentFlag, IndentValue, IndentDepth, 1),
+	print_line_attribute(call, call, on),
+	print_line_attribute(depth, depth, on),
+	print_line_attribute(port, port, on),
+	print_line_attribute(deter, deter, on),
+	print_line_attribute(proc_type, proc_type, on),
+	print_line_attribute(def_module, def_module, on),
+	print_line_attribute(decl_module, decl_module, on),
+	print_line_attribute(name, name, on),
+	write_trace("(arg)"),
+	print_line_attribute(arity, arity, on),
+	print_line_attribute(mode_number, mode_number, on),
+	print_line_attribute(goal_path, goal_path, on),
+% 	print_line_number(Port, LineNumber, on),
+	write_trace('\n'),
+	!.	
+	name		: indent,
+	arg_list	: [OnOff],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_member([on, off])],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: button,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: indent_Op,
+	parameters	: [indent_display],
+	message		:
+ "Sets relative indentation on/off. If a tracing process is \
+on, it sets the depth at which the indentation has to start to the \
+current depth. Otherwise the starting depth is 1.\
+	).
+%:- pred indent(on_off).
+%:- mode indent(in) is det.
+indent_Op(OnOff) :-
+	current(depth = Depth),
+	indent_display(_, Value, _),
+	set_parameter(indent_display, [OnOff, Value, Depth]).
+indent_Op(OnOff) :-
+	indent_display(_, Value, _),
+	set_parameter(indent_display, [OnOff, Value, 1]).
+	name		: absolute_indent,
+	arg_list	: [Depth],
+	arg_type_list	: [integer],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: button,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: absolute_indent_Op,
+	parameters	: [indent_display],
+	message		:
+"Sets the indentation on and sets the depth at which the \
+indentation has to start to Depth.\
+	).
+%:- pred absolute_indent_Op(integer).
+%:- mode absolute_indent_Op(in) is det.
+absolute_indent_Op(N) :-
+	indent_display(_, Value, _),
+	set_parameter(indent_display, [on, Value, N]).
+	name		: write_indent,
+	arg_list	: [IndentFlag, IndentValue, IndentDepth, CurrDepth],
+	implementation	: write_indent_Op,
+	parameters	: [indent_display],
+	message		:
+ "Procedure which displays an indentation -- if indentation is on -- \
+according to the current depth and the indentation starting depth. If \
+IndentFlag is on, it prints N times IndentValue, where N is  \
+CurrDepth - IndentDepth if this is positive, 1 otherwise.\
+	).
+%:- pred write_indent_Op(atom, atom, atom, atom).
+%:- mode write_indent_Op(in, in, in, in) is det.
+write_indent_Op(off, _V, _IndentDepth, _CurrDepth).
+write_indent_Op(on, V, IndentDepth, CurrDepth) :- 
+	Diff is CurrDepth - IndentDepth,
+	Diff >= 0, 
+	!,
+	write_indentation(Diff, V).
+write_indent_Op(on, _V, _IndentDepth, _CurrDepth) :- 
+	!.
+%:- pred write_indentation(integer, string).
+%:- mode write_indentation(in, in) is det.
+write_indentation(N, V) :-
+	indent_display_limit(Limit),
+	N > Limit,
+	!,
+	write_spaces(Limit, V).
+write_indentation(N, V) :-
+	write_spaces(N, V).
+%:- pred write_spaces(integer, string).
+%:- mode write_spaces(in, in) is det.
+write_spaces(0, _V) :- !.
+write_spaces(M, V) :-
+	write_trace(V),
+	M1 is M-1,
+	write_spaces(M1, V).
+	name		: write_attribute,
+	arg_list	: [AttributeName, AttributeValue],
+	implementation	: write_attribute_Op,
+	parameters	: [attribute_display],
+	message		:
+ "Procedure which displays an attribute of the trace line. AttributeName is \
+a member of the following list: [chrono, call, depth, port, proc_type, \
+decl_module, def_module, arity, mode_number, args, deter, goal_path, \
+non_arg_var]. \
+To customize the way arguments are displayed, you should rather modify \
+	).
+%:- pred write_attribute_Op(atom, atom).
+%:- mode write_attribute_Op(in, in) is det.
+write_attribute_Op(chrono, V) :-
+	printf(trace, "%3d: ", V).
+write_attribute_Op(call, V) :-
+	write_trace(V),
+	write_trace(' ').
+write_attribute_Op(depth, V) :-
+	write_trace('['),
+	write_trace(V),
+	write_trace('] ').
+write_attribute_Op(port, V) :-
+   	write_trace(V),
+	write_trace(' ').
+write_attribute_Op(proc_type, V) :-
+	write_trace('('),
+	write_trace(V),
+	write_trace(') ').
+write_attribute_Op(decl_module, V) :-
+	write_trace(V),
+	write_trace(': ').
+write_attribute_Op(def_module, V) :-
+	write_trace('{'),
+	write_trace(V),
+	write_trace('} ').
+write_attribute_Op(name, V) :-
+	write_trace(V).
+write_attribute_Op(arity, V) :-
+	write_trace('/'),
+	write_trace(V).
+write_attribute_Op(mode_number, V) :-
+	write_trace('-'),
+	write_trace(V).
+write_attribute_Op(deter, V) :-
+	write_trace(V),
+	write_trace(' ').
+write_attribute_Op(goal_path, V) :-
+	write_trace(' '),
+	write_trace(V),
+	write_trace(' ').
+write_attribute_Op(type_arg, Type) :-
+	write_trace(" {"),
+	replace_dotdot_by_underscore_in_term(Type, Type2),
+	write_trace(Type2),
+	write_trace("}").
+write_attribute_Op(listvar, List) :-
+	( List = [] ->
+		true
+	;
+		write_trace("\nNon-argument live variables:\n"),
+		print_list_var(List)
+	).
+% :- pred replace_dotdot_by_underscore_in_term(term, string).
+% :- mode replace_dotdot_by_underscore_in_term(in, out) is det.
+replace_dotdot_by_underscore_in_term(Term, NewTerm) :-
+	% if Term = list : list (io : result)
+	% then Newterm = list__list (io__result)
+	( 
+		% ex: Term = int
+		atom(Term),
+		atom_string(Term, NewTerm), 
+		!
+	;
+		% ex: Term = list : list(int)
+		Term =  Module : SubTerm,
+		atom_string(Module, ModuleStr),
+		replace_dotdot_by_underscore_in_term(SubTerm, NewSubTerm),
+		concat_string([ModuleStr, "__", NewSubTerm], NewTerm),
+		!
+	;
+		% ex: Term = list(io : result)
+		Term =.. [Functor | ListArg],
+		atom_string(Functor, FunctorStr),
+		replace_dotdot_by_underscore_in_list(ListArg, NewListArgStr),
+		concat_string([FunctorStr, "(", NewListArgStr, ")"], 
+			NewTerm),
+		!
+	;
+		write_trace("Problem in printing the type")
+	). 
+%:- pred replace_dotdot_by_underscore_in_list(list(term), string).
+%:- mode replace_dotdot_by_underscore_in_list(in, out) is det.
+replace_dotdot_by_underscore_in_list([Arg], String) :-
+	replace_dotdot_by_underscore_in_term(Arg, String).
+replace_dotdot_by_underscore_in_list([Arg | Tail], String) :-
+	replace_dotdot_by_underscore_in_term(Arg, NewArgStr),
+	replace_dotdot_by_underscore_in_list(Tail, TailStr),
+	concat_string([NewArgStr, " ,", TailStr], String).
+%:- pred print_list_var(list(T)).
+%:- mode print_list_var(in) is det.
+print_list_var([live_var(VarName, Value, Type) | Xs]) :-
+	printf(trace,"\t%w = %w {%w}\n", [VarName, Value, Type]),
+	print_list_var(Xs).
+	name		: write_arg_attribute,
+	arg_list	: [Procedure, ListArg, ArgFlag, TypeFlag],
+	implementation	: write_arg_attribute_Op,
+	parameters	: [attribute_display],
+	message		:
+ "Procedure which displays the arguments of the trace event when the \
+current procedure is Module:Name/Arity-ModeNum. If only the nth argument \
+of a procedure needs a special treatment, you should customize write_arg/1.\
+	).
+%:- pred write_arg_attribute_Op(atom, atom, atom, atom).
+%:- mode write_arg_attribute_Op(in, in, in, in) is det.
+write_arg_attribute_Op(_:_/Arity-_, _, _, _) :- 
+	Arity == 0,
+	!.
+write_arg_attribute_Op(Proc, ListArg, ArgFlag, TypeFlag) :-
+	write_trace('('),
+	write_arguments(1, Proc, ListArg, ArgFlag, TypeFlag),
+	write_trace(')').
+%:- pred write_arguments(integer, procedure, list(argument), flag, flag).
+%:- mode write_arguments(in, in, in, in, in) is det.
+write_arguments(_,_,_, off, off).
+write_arguments(N, Proc, ListArg, ArgFlag, TypeFlag) :-
+	( retrieve_live_arg(ListArg, N, Arg, Type) ->
+		true
+	;
+		% This argument is not currently live.
+		% X Should we display the source arguments here ?
+		Arg = '-'
+	),
+	( 
+		arguments_display(normal),
+		ArgFlag = on,
+		% write arguments in the normal way
+		write_nth_arg(Arg, N, Proc)
+	;
+		ArgFlag = on,
+		% write arguments in a simple way
+		writeq_trace(Arg)
+	;
+		% ArgFlag = off
+		true
+	),
+	( not(free(Type)) ->
+		print_line_attribute(type_arg, Type, TypeFlag)
+	;
+		true
+	),
+	NN is N + 1,
+	write_tail(NN, Proc, ListArg, ArgFlag, TypeFlag).
+%:- pred write_tail(integer, procedure, list(argument), flag, flag).
+%:- mode write_tail(in, in, in, in, in) is det.
+write_tail(N, DeclModule:Name/Arity-ModeNum, ListArg, ArgFlag, TypeFlag) :-
+	( (N =< Arity) ->
+		write_comma,
+		write_arguments(N, DeclModule:Name/Arity-ModeNum, ListArg, 
+			ArgFlag, TypeFlag)
+	;
+		true
+	).
+%:- pred retrieve_live_arg(list(live_var), int, atom, atom).
+%:- mode retrieve_live_arg(in, in, out, out) is semidet.
+	% Take a list of live arguments and an integer N and returns the Nth 
+	% argument and its type if it is live (i.e. if it is in the list).
+retrieve_live_arg([live_var(VarName, Instance, Type)|_], N, Instance, Type) :- 
+	headvar_to_integer(VarName, N).
+retrieve_live_arg([_ | Tail], N, Instance, Type) :-
+	retrieve_live_arg(Tail, N, Instance, Type).
+	name		: write_nth_arg,
+	arg_list	: [Arg, N, Procedure],
+	%arg_list	: [Arg, N, DeclModule:Name/Arity-ModeNum],
+	implementation	: write_nth_arg_Op,
+	parameters	: [arguments_display, arg_undisplay, term_display, 
+				list_display],
+	message		:
+"Procedure which displays the Nth argument of procedure Procedure in \
+	).
+%:- pred write_nth_arg(argument, integer, procedure).
+%:- mode write_nth_arg(in, in, in) is det.
+write_nth_arg_Op(Arg, N, DeclModule:Name/Arity-ModeNum) :-
+	(
+		( arg_undisplay(DeclModule:Name/Arity-ModeNum, N)
+		; arg_undisplay(Name/Arity-ModeNum, N)
+		; arg_undisplay(Name/Arity, N)
+		)
+	->
+		/* arg not to be displayed */
+		write_ersatz
+	;
+		write_arg(Arg)
+	).
+	name		: write_arg,
+	arg_list	: [Arg],
+	implementation	: write_arg_Op,
+	parameters	: [term_display, list_display],
+	message		:
+"Procedure which prints an argument.\
+	).
+%:- pred write_arg(argument).
+%:- mode write_arg(in) is det.
+write_arg(A) :- 
+	write_arg_Op(A).
+write_arg_Op(A) :-
+	var(A),
+	!,
+	write_trace(A).
+write_arg_Op(A) :-
+	atomic(A),
+	!,
+	writeq_trace(A).
+write_arg_Op(-I) :-
+	integer(I),
+	!,
+	write_trace('-'),
+	write_trace(I).
+write_arg_Op([H | T]) :-
+	!,
+	write_list([H|T]).
+write_arg_Op(A) :-
+	write_term(A).
+	name		: write_term,
+	arg_list	: [Term],
+	implementation	: write_term_Op,
+	parameters	: [term_display],
+	message		:
+"Procedure which displays a structured term, taking into account the \
+term_display parameter.\
+	).
+%  Variable last_op tells whether the last operator has been a  
+%  comma or any other operator. This is taken into account by 
+%  write_term_.../4 to ensure that (a,b,c) is printed in this way
+%  instead of (a, (b, c)).
+:- setval(last_op, any).
+%:- pred write_term(term).
+%:- mode write_term(in) is det.
+write_term_Op(T) :-
+	term_display(DType, DN),
+	write_term(T, DType, DN),
+	setval(last_op, any).
+write_term(Term, _DType, _DN) :-
+	Term =.. [{} | [Arg]],
+	!,
+	write_trace('{'),
+	write_arg(Arg),
+	write_trace('}').
+write_term(Term, DType, DN) :-
+	functor(Term, Op, Arity),
+	optype(Op, OpType),
+	write_term(Term, Arity, OpType, DType, DN),
+	!.
+write_term(Term, DType, DN) :-
+	functor(Term, _Op, Arity),
+	write_term(Term, Arity, prefix, DType, DN).
+write_term(Term, Arity, OpType, normal, DN) :-
+	write_term_normal(Term, Arity, OpType, DN).
+write_term(Term, Arity, OpType, nest, DN) :-
+	write_term_nest(Term, Arity, OpType, DN).
+write_term(Term, Arity, OpType, truncate, DN) :-
+	write_term_truncate(Term, Arity, OpType, DN).
+/* print structured terms in normal way */
+%:- pred write_term_normal(term, integer, ?, ).
+%:- mode write_term_normal() is det.
+write_term_normal(Term, Arity, prefix, _) :-
+	!,
+	setval(last_op, any),
+	Term =.. [Op | As],
+	write_trace(Op),
+	write_trace('('),
+	write_args_normal_int(1, Arity, As),
+	write_trace(')').
+write_term_normal(Term, 2, infix, _) :-
+	Term =.. [Op | As],
+	Op = ',',
+	getval(last_op, any),
+	!,
+	setval(last_op, comma),
+	write_trace('('),
+	write_args_normal_int(1, 1, As),
+	write_trace(Op),
+	write_trace(' '),
+	write_args_normal_int(2, 2, As),
+	write_trace(')').
+write_term_normal(Term, 2, infix, _) :-
+	Term =.. [Op | As],
+	Op = ',',
+	!,
+	write_args_normal_int(1, 1, As),
+	write_trace(Op),
+	write_trace(' '),
+	write_args_normal_int(2, 2, As).
+write_term_normal(Term, 2, infix, _) :-
+	!,
+	setval(last_op, any),
+	Term =.. [Op | As],
+	write_args_normal_int(1, 1, As),
+	write_trace(' '),
+	write_trace(Op),
+	write_trace(' '),
+	write_args_normal_int(2, 2, As).
+write_term_normal(Term, Arity, postfix, _) :-
+	setval(last_op, any),
+	Term =.. [Op | As],
+	write_trace('('),
+	write_args_normal_int(1, Arity, As),
+	write_trace(')'),
+	write_trace(Op).
+% XXX ???: fourth argument of write_term_normal is always '_'.
+% Mireille wrote that code, I should ask her what she means doing so.
+write_args_normal_int(1, To, Args) :-
+	!,
+	write_n_args_normal(To, Args).
+write_args_normal_int(From, To, [_As | Args]) :-
+	NF is From - 1,
+	NT is To - 1,
+	write_args_normal_int(NF, NT, Args).
+write_n_args_normal(1, [Arg|_]) :-
+	!,
+	write_arg_normal(Arg).
+write_n_args_normal(N, [Arg|As]) :-
+	write_arg_normal(Arg),
+	write_trace(', '),
+	N0 is N - 1,
+	write_n_args_normal(N0, As).
+write_arg_normal(A) :-
+	var(A),
+	!,
+	write_trace(A).
+write_arg_normal(A) :-
+	atomic(A),
+	!,
+	writeq_trace(A).
+write_arg_normal(-I) :-
+	integer(I),
+	!,
+	write_trace('-'),
+	write_trace(I).
+write_arg_normal([H | T]) :-
+	!,
+	write_list([H|T]).
+write_arg_normal(A) :-
+	write_term(A).
+/* print structured terms with limitation to nesting */
+write_term_nest(_, _, _, 0) :-
+	!,
+	setval(last_op, any),
+	write_ersatz.
+write_term_nest(Term, Arity, prefix, L) :-
+	!,
+	setval(last_op, any),
+	Term =.. [Op | As],
+	write_trace(Op),
+	write_trace('('),
+	write_args_nest_int(1, Arity, As, L),
+	write_trace(')').
+write_term_nest(Term, 2, infix, L) :-
+	Term =.. [Op | As],
+	Op = ',',
+	getval(last_op, any),
+	!,
+	setval(last_op, comma),
+	write_trace('('),
+	write_args_nest_int(1, 1, As, L),
+	write_trace(Op),
+	write_trace(' '),
+	write_args_nest_int(2, 2, As, L),
+	write_trace(')').
+write_term_nest(Term, 2, infix, L) :-
+	Term =.. [Op | As],
+	Op = ',',
+	!,
+	write_args_nest_int(1, 1, As, L),
+	write_trace(Op),
+	write_trace(' '),
+	write_args_nest_int(2, 2, As, L).
+write_term_nest(Term, 2, infix, L) :-
+	!,
+	setval(last_op, any),
+	Term =.. [Op | As],
+	write_args_nest_int(1, 1, As, L),
+	write_trace(' '),
+	write_trace(Op),
+	write_trace(' '),
+	write_args_nest_int(2, 2, As, L).
+write_term_nest(Term, Arity, postfix, L) :-
+	!,
+	setval(last_op, any),
+	Term =.. [Op | As],
+	write_trace('('),
+	write_args_nest_int(1, Arity, As, L),
+	write_trace(')'),
+	write_trace(Op).
+write_args_nest_int(1, To, Args, L) :-
+	!,
+	write_n_args_nest(To, Args, L).
+write_args_nest_int(From, To, [_As | Args], L) :-
+	NF is From - 1,
+	NT is To - 1,
+	write_args_nest_int(NF, NT, Args, L).
+write_n_args_nest(1, [Arg|_], L) :-
+	!,
+	write_arg_nest(Arg, L).
+write_n_args_nest(N, [Arg|As], L) :-
+	write_arg_nest(Arg, L),
+	write_trace(', '),
+	N0 is N - 1,
+	write_n_args_nest(N0, As, L).
+write_arg_nest(A, _) :-
+	var(A),
+	!,
+	write_trace(A).
+write_arg_nest(A, _) :-
+	atomic(A),
+	!,
+	writeq_trace(A).
+write_arg_nest(-I, _) :-
+	integer(I),
+	!,
+	write_trace('-'),
+	write_trace(I).
+write_arg_nest([H | T], _N) :-
+	!,
+	%N0 is N - 1,
+	write_list([H|T]).
+write_arg_nest(A, N) :-
+	N0 is N - 1,
+	write_term(A, nest, N0).
+/* print structured terms in a truncated way */
+write_term_truncate(_, _, _, 0) :-
+	!,
+	setval(last_op, any),
+	write_ersatz.
+write_term_truncate(Term, Arity, prefix, L) :-
+	!,
+	setval(last_op, any),
+	Term =.. [Op | As],
+	write_trace(Op),
+	write_trace('('),
+	write_args_truncate_int(1, Arity, As, L),
+	write_trace(')').
+write_term_truncate(Term, 2, infix, L) :-
+	Term =.. [Op | As],
+	Op = ',',
+	getval(last_op, any),
+	!,
+	setval(last_op, comma),
+	write_trace('('),
+	write_args_truncate_int(1, 1, As, L),
+	write_trace(Op),
+	write_trace(' '),
+	write_args_truncate_int(2, 2, As, L),
+	write_trace(')').
+write_term_truncate(Term, 2, infix, L) :-
+	Term =.. [Op | As],
+	Op = ',',
+	!,
+	write_args_truncate_int(1, 1, As, L),
+	write_trace(Op),
+	write_trace(' '),
+	write_args_truncate_int(2, 2, As, L).
+write_term_truncate(Term, 2, infix, L) :-
+	!,
+	setval(last_op, any),
+	Term =.. [Op | As],
+	write_args_truncate_int(1, 1, As, L),
+	write_trace(' '),
+	write_trace(Op),
+	write_trace(' '),
+	write_args_truncate_int(2, 2, As, L).
+write_term_truncate(Term, Arity, postfix, L) :-
+	setval(last_op, any),
+	Term =.. [Op | As],
+	write_trace('('),
+	write_args_truncate_int(1, Arity, As, L),
+	write_trace(')'),
+	write_trace(Op).
+write_args_truncate_int(1, To, Args, L) :-
+	!,
+	write_n_args_truncate(To, Args, L).
+write_args_truncate_int(From, To, [_As | Args], L) :-
+	NF is From - 1,
+	NT is To - 1,
+	NL is L - 1,
+	write_args_truncate_int(NF, NT, Args, NL).
+write_n_args_truncate(N, _Args, L) :-
+	N > L,
+	!,
+	write_ersatz.
+write_n_args_truncate(_N, [Arg|_], L) :-
+	!,
+	write_arg_truncate(Arg, L).
+write_n_args_truncate(N, [Arg|As], L) :-
+	write_arg_truncate(Arg, L),
+	write_trace(', '),
+	N0 is N - 1,
+	write_n_args_truncate(N0, As, L).
+write_arg_truncate(A, _) :-
+	var(A),
+	!,
+	write_trace(A).
+write_arg_truncate(A, _) :-
+	atomic(A),
+	!,
+	writeq_trace(A).
+write_arg_truncate(-I, _) :-
+	integer(I),
+	!,
+	write_trace('-'),
+	write_trace(I).
+write_arg_truncate([H | T], _L) :-
+	!,
+	write_list([H|T]).
+write_arg_truncate(A, L) :-
+	write_term(A, truncate, L).
+	name		: write_list,
+	arg_list	: [List],
+	implementation	: write_list_Op,
+	parameters	: [list_display],
+	message		:
+"Procedure which displays a list, taking into account the list_display \
+	).
+%:- pred write_list_Op(list(T)).
+%:- mode write_list_Op(in) is det.
+write_list_Op(L) :-
+	list_display(Type,  N),
+	write_list_l(L, Type, N).
+write_list_l(L, normal, _) :-
+	write_normal_list_l(L).
+write_list_l(L, nest, N) :-
+	write_nest_list_l(L, 1, N).
+write_list_l(L, truncate, N) :-
+	write_truncate_list_l(L, N).
+/* display lists in the normal way */
+write_normal_list_l(L) :-
+	write_trace('['),
+	write_normal_elements_l(L),
+	write_trace(']').
+write_normal_elements_l([H|T]) :-
+	write_normal_elements_i(H),
+	write_normal_tail(T),
+	!.
+write_normal_elements_l(X) :-
+	/* if list structure isn't proper */
+	writeq_trace(X).
+write_normal_elements_i(V) :-
+	var(V),
+	!,
+	write_trace(V).
+write_normal_elements_i(A) :-
+	atomic(A),
+	!,
+	writeq_trace(A).
+write_normal_elements_i(-I) :-
+	integer(I),
+	!,
+	write_trace('-'),
+	write_trace(I).
+write_normal_elements_i([H | T]) :-
+	!,
+	write_normal_list_l([H | T]).
+write_normal_elements_i(A) :-
+	write_term(A).
+write_normal_tail(T) :-
+	/* otherwise cyclic structures can be created */
+	var(T),
+	!,
+	write_trace('|'),
+	write_trace(T).
+write_normal_tail(T) :-
+ 	T == [],
+	!.
+write_normal_tail([TH | TT]) :-
+	/* tail is a proper list */	
+	!,
+	write_comma,
+	write_normal_elements_l([TH | TT]).
+write_normal_tail(T) :-
+	write_trace('|'),
+	write_trace(T).
+/* display of lists with limit to nesting */
+write_nest_list_l(L, N, Nest) :-
+	write_trace('['),
+	write_nest_list_els(L, N, Nest),
+	write_trace(']').
+write_nest_list_els(_L, N, Nest) :-
+	N > Nest,
+	!,
+	write_ersatz.
+write_nest_list_els(L, N, Nest) :-
+	write_nest_elements_l(L, N, Nest).
+write_nest_elements_l([H|T], N, Nest) :-
+	write_nest_elements_i(H, N, Nest),
+	write_nest_tail(T, N, Nest),
+	!.
+write_nest_elements_l(X, _N, _Nest) :-
+	/* if list structure isn't proper */
+	writeq_trace(X).
+write_nest_elements_i(V, _, _) :-
+	var(V),
+	!,
+	write_trace(V).
+write_nest_elements_i(A, _, _) :-
+	atomic(A),
+	!,
+	writeq_trace(A).
+write_nest_elements_i(-I, _, _) :-
+	integer(I),
+	!,
+	write_trace('-'),
+	write_trace(I).
+write_nest_elements_i([H | T], N, Nest) :-	
+	!,
+	N1 is N + 1,
+	write_nest_list_l([H | T], N1, Nest).
+write_nest_elements_i(A, _, _) :-
+	write_term(A).
+write_nest_tail(T, _, _) :-
+	/* otherwise cyclic structures can be created */
+	var(T),
+	!,
+	write_trace('|'),
+	write_trace(T).
+write_nest_tail(T, _N, _Nest) :-
+	T == [],
+	!.
+write_nest_tail([TH | TT], N, Nest) :-
+	/* tail is a proper list */	
+	!,
+	write_comma,
+	write_nest_elements_l([TH | TT], N, Nest).
+write_nest_tail(T, _N, _Nest) :-
+	write_trace('|'),
+	write_trace(T).
+/* truncated display of lists ie. only the Nth first elements */
+write_truncate_list_l(L, Trunc) :-
+	write_trace('['),
+	write_truncate_elements_l(L, 0, Trunc),
+	write_trace(']').
+write_truncate_elements_l([_H|_T], N, Trunc) :-
+ 	N >= Trunc,
+	!,
+	write_ersatz.
+write_truncate_elements_l([H|T], N, Trunc) :-
+	write_truncate_elements_i(H, Trunc),
+	write_truncate_tail(T, N, Trunc).
+write_truncate_elements_l(X, _N, _Trunc) :-
+	% if list structure isn't proper
+	writeq_trace(X).
+write_truncate_elements_i(V, _) :-
+	var(V),
+	!,
+	write_trace(V).
+write_truncate_elements_i(A, _) :-
+	atomic(A),
+	!,
+	writeq_trace(A).
+write_truncate_elements_i(-I, _) :-
+	integer(I),
+	!,
+	write_trace('-'),
+	write_trace(I).
+write_truncate_elements_i([H|T], Trunc) :-
+	!,					
+	write_truncate_list_l([H|T], Trunc).
+write_truncate_elements_i(A, _) :-
+	write_term(A).
+write_truncate_tail(T, _, _) :-
+	/* otherwise cyclic structures can be created */
+	var(T),
+	!,
+	write_trace('|'),
+	write_trace(T).
+write_truncate_tail(T, _N, _Trunc) :-
+	T==[],
+	!.
+write_truncate_tail([TH | TT], N, Trunc) :-
+	/* tail is a proper list */	
+	!,
+	write_comma,
+	N1 is N+1,
+	write_truncate_elements_l([TH | TT], N1, Trunc).
+write_truncate_tail(T, _N, _Trunc) :-
+	write_trace('|'),
+	write_trace(T).
+	name		: write_ersatz,
+	arg_list	: [],
+	implementation	: write_ersatz_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Procedure which writes \"...\" as a replacement for the hidden parts of the \
+	).
+%:- pred write_ersatz is det.
+write_ersatz_Op :-
+	write_trace('...').
+	name		: write_comma,
+	arg_list	: [],
+	implementation	: write_comma_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Procedure which writes \", \".\
+	).
+write_comma_Op :- 
+	write_trace(', ').
+	name		: write_trace,
+	arg_list	: [X],
+	implementation	: write_trace_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+'Prints its argument on the trace window.\
+	).
+%:- pred write_trace(atom).
+%:- mode write_trace(in) is det.
+write_trace_Op(X) :-
+	write(trace, X),
+	flush(trace).
+%:- pred writeq_trace(atom).
+%:- mode writeq_trace(in) is det.
+writeq_trace(X) :-
+	printf(trace, "%Qw", [X]).
+	name		: attribute_display,
+	arg_list	: [Chrono, Call, Port, Depth, Deter, PredOrFunc, 
+				DeclModule, DefModule, Name, Arity, 
+				ModeNumber, ListArg, ListNonArgVar, Type, 
+				GoalPath /*, LineNumber */ ],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_member([on,off]), is_member([on,off]),
+				is_member([on,off]), is_member([on,off]),
+				is_member([on,off]), is_member([on,off]),
+				is_member([on,off]), is_member([on,off]),
+				is_member([on,off]), is_member([on,off]), 
+				is_member([on,off]), is_member([on,off]), 
+				is_member([on,off]), is_member([on,off]),
+				is_member([on,off]) /*,is_member([on,off])*/ ],
+	parameter_type	: single,
+	default		: [on, on, on, on, off, off, off, off, on, off, off, 
+				on, off, off, on /* , on */ ],
+	commands	: [print_event],
+	message		: 
+"Parameter which contains the flags for the selective display of attributes. \
+If the value of one argument is \"on\" then the corresponding attribute is \
+	).
+	name		: arguments_display,
+	arg_list	: [Type],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_member([normal, simple])],
+	parameter_type	: single,
+	default		: [normal],
+	commands	: [write_arg],
+	message		: 
+"Parameter which tells how arguments shall be displayed. If Type is \
+\"simple\", \
+then arguments are displayed without taking the list_display and term_display \
+parameters into account.\
+	).
+	name		: list_display,
+	arg_list	: [Type, Range],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_member([normal, nest, truncate]), integer],
+	parameter_type	: single,
+	default		: [normal, 0],
+	commands	: [select_list_display, write_list],
+	message		: 
+"Parameter which tells how lists shall be displayed. If Type is \"normal\", \
+lists are displayed in the standard Prolog way. If Type is \"nest\", \
+the nested lists are displayed only till level Range (included). If Type is \
+\"truncate\", only the first Range elements of the lists are displayed.\
+	name		: term_display,
+	arg_list	: [Type, Range],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_member([normal, nest, truncate]), integer],
+	parameter_type	: single,
+	default		: [normal, 0],
+	commands	: [write_term],
+	message		: 
+"Parameter which tells how structured terms shall be displayed. If Type is \
+\"normal\", terms are displayed in the standard Prolog way. If Type is \
+\"nest\", \
+the nested terms are displayed only till level Range (included). If Type is \
+\"truncate\", only the first Range elements of the term are displayed.\
+	).
+	name		: indent_display,
+	arg_list	: [OnOff, IndentationValue, Depth],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_member([on, off]), atomic, integer],
+	parameter_type	: single,
+	default		: [on, ' ', 1],
+	commands	: [print_event, write_indent],
+	message		: 
+"Paramater which tells whether indentation is \"on\" or \"off\", what has \
+to be \
+printed as indentation value, and at which depth the indentation has to be \
+	).
+	name		: indent_display_limit,
+	arg_list	: [IndentLimit],
+	arg_type_list	: [integer],
+	parameter_type	: single,
+	default		: [30],
+	commands	: [write_indent],
+	message		: 
+"Parameter which tells up to which depth the trace events shall be indented.\
+	).
+	name		: arg_undisplay,
+	arg_list	: [Name, ArgNo],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_proc, integer],
+	parameter_type	: multiple,
+	default		: nodefault,
+	commands	: [write_arg],
+	message		: 
+"Parameter which tells which arguments of which predicates have to be NOT \
+displayed. There must be one \"arg_undisplay\" clause for each argument which \
+shall not be displayed.\
+	).
+ *  optype/2
+ */
+optype(Op, OpType) :-
+	/* standard Sepia operators */
+	current_op(_P, A, Op),
+	get_optype(A, OpType).
+get_optype(yfx, infix)   :- !.
+get_optype(xfy, infix)   :- !.
+get_optype(xfx, infix)   :- !.
+get_optype(xf,  postfix) :- !.
+get_optype(yf,  postfix) :- !.
+get_optype(fx,  prefix)  :- !.
+get_optype(fy,  prefix)  :- !.
+% I copied that stuff from eclipse/opium/interface.op to avoid warnings.
+	name		: read_input,
+	arg_list	: [Input],
+	implementation	: read_input_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Procedure which reads an input from within the current input stream \
+of Opium-M.\
+	).
+/*  read in both cases from the input stream 
+ */
+read_input_Op(X) :-
+	read(input, X).
+	name		: toggle,
+	arg_list	: [AttributeName],
+	arg_type_list	: [atom],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: hidden,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: toggle_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Toggles attribute display of print_event command. \n\
+For example, if attribute decl_module is off, you can type \
+\"toggle(decl_module)\" to switch it on. You can list all the attributes \
+you can toggle thanks to list_attribute_aliases/0 command.\
+	).
+toggle_Op(Keyword) :-
+	get_parameter(attribute_display, ListDisplay), !,
+	update_list_display(Keyword, ListDisplay, NewListDisplay),
+	set_parameter(attribute_display, NewListDisplay).
+update_list_display(Keyword, ListDisplay, NewListDisplay) :-
+	(
+		is_alias_for(chrono, Keyword),
+		ListDisplay = [S, O2,O3,O4,O5,O6,O7,O8,O9,O10,O11,O12,O13,
+			O14,O15],
+		( S = off ->
+			NewS = on
+		;
+			NewS = off
+		),
+		NewListDisplay = [NewS, O2,O3,O4,O5,O6,O7,O8,O9,O10,O11,
+			O12,O13,O14,O15],
+		!
+	;
+		is_alias_for(call, Keyword),
+		ListDisplay = [O1, S,O3,O4,O5,O6,O7,O8,O9,O10,O11,
+			O12,O13,O14,O15],
+		( S = off ->
+			NewS = on
+		;
+			NewS = off
+		),
+		NewListDisplay = [O1, NewS,O3,O4,O5,O6,O7,O8,O9,O10,O11,
+			O12,O13,O14,O15],
+		!
+	;
+		is_alias_for(port, Keyword),
+		ListDisplay = [O1,O2, S,O4,O5,O6,O7,O8,O9,O10,O11,
+			O12,O13,O14,O15],
+		( S = off ->
+			NewS = on
+		;
+			NewS = off
+		),
+		NewListDisplay = [O1,O2, NewS,O4,O5,O6,O7,O8,O9,O10,O11,
+			O12,O13, O14,O15],
+		!
+	;
+		is_alias_for(depth, Keyword),
+		ListDisplay = [O1,O2,O3, S,O5,O6,O7,O8,O9,O10,O11,
+			O12,O13,O14,O15],
+		( S = off ->
+			NewS = on
+		;
+			NewS = off
+		),
+		NewListDisplay = [O1,O2,O3, NewS,O5,O6,O7,O8,O9,O10,O11,
+			O12,O13,O14,O15],
+		!
+	;
+		is_alias_for(det, Keyword),
+		ListDisplay = [O1,O2,O3,O4,S,O6,O7,O8,O9,O10,O11,
+			O12,O13,O14,O15],
+		( S = off ->
+			NewS = on
+		;
+			NewS = off
+		),
+		NewListDisplay = [O1,O2,O3,O4,NewS,O6,O7,O8,O9,O10,O11,
+			O12,O13,O14,O15],
+		!
+	;
+		is_alias_for(proc_type, Keyword),
+		ListDisplay = [O1,O2,O3,O4,O5,S,O7,O8,O9,O10,O11,
+			O12,O13,O14,O15],
+		( S = off ->
+			NewS = on
+		;
+			NewS = off
+		),
+		NewListDisplay = [O1,O2,O3,O4,O5,NewS,O7,O8,O9,O10,O11,
+			O12,O13,O14,O15],
+		!
+	;
+		is_alias_for(decl_module, Keyword),
+		ListDisplay = [O1,O2,O3,O4,O5,O6,S,O8,O9,O10,O11,
+			O12,O13,O14,O15],
+		( S = off ->
+			NewS = on
+		;
+			NewS = off
+		),
+		NewListDisplay = [O1,O2,O3,O4,O5,O6,NewS,O8,O9,O10,O11,
+			O12,O13,O14,O15],
+		!
+	;
+		is_alias_for(def_module, Keyword),
+		ListDisplay = [O1,O2,O3,O4,O5,O6,O7,S,O9,O10,O11,
+			O12,O13,O14,O15],
+		( S = off ->
+			NewS = on
+		;
+			NewS = off
+		),
+		NewListDisplay = [O1,O2,O3,O4,O5,O6,O7,NewS,O9,O10,O11,
+			O12,O13,O14,O15],
+		!
+	;
+		is_alias_for(name, Keyword),
+		ListDisplay = [O1,O2,O3,O,O5,O6,O7,O8,S,O10,O11,O12,
+			O13,O14,O15],
+		( S = off ->
+			NewS = on
+		;
+			NewS = off
+		),
+		NewListDisplay = [O1,O2,O3,O,O5,O6,O7,O8,NewS,O10,O11,
+			O12,O13,O14,O15],
+		!
+	;
+		is_alias_for(arity, Keyword),
+		ListDisplay = [O1,O2,O3,O,O5,O6,O7,O8,O9,S,O11,O12,O13,O14,O15],
+		( S = off ->
+			NewS = on
+		;
+			NewS = off
+		),
+		NewListDisplay = [O1,O2,O3,O,O5,O6,O7,O8,O9,NewS,O11,
+			O12,O13,O14,O15],
+		!
+	;
+		is_alias_for(mode_number, Keyword),
+		ListDisplay = [O1,O2,O3,O4,O5,O6,O7,O8,O9,O10,S,O12,O13,O14,O15],
+		( S = off ->
+			NewS = on
+		;
+			NewS = off
+		),
+		NewListDisplay = [O1,O2,O3,O4,O5,O6,O7,O8,O9,O10,NewS,
+			O12,O13,O14,O15],
+		!
+	;
+		is_alias_for(args, Keyword),
+		ListDisplay = [O1,O2,O3,O4,O5,O6,O7,O8,O9,O10,O11,S,
+			O13,O14,O15],
+		( S = off ->
+			NewS = on
+		;
+			NewS = off
+		),
+		NewListDisplay = [O1,O2,O3,O4,O5,O6,O7,O8,O9,O10,
+			O11,NewS,O13,O14,O15],
+		!
+	;
+		is_alias_for(local_vars, Keyword),
+		ListDisplay = [O1,O2,O3,O4,O5,O6,O7,O8,O9,O10,O11,
+			O12,S,O14,O15],
+		( S = off ->
+			NewS = on
+		;
+			NewS = off
+		),
+		NewListDisplay = [O1,O2,O3,O4,O5,O6,O7,O8,O9,O10,O11,
+			O12,NewS,O14,O15],
+		!
+	;
+		is_alias_for(arg_types, Keyword),
+		ListDisplay = [O1,O2,O3,O4,O5,O6,O7,O8,O9,O10,O11,O12,
+			O13,S,O15],
+		( S = off ->
+			NewS = on
+		;
+			NewS = off
+		),
+		NewListDisplay = [O1,O2,O3,O4,O5,O6,O7,O8,O9,O10,O11,
+			O12,O13,NewS,O15],
+		!
+	;
+		is_alias_for(goal_path, Keyword),
+		ListDisplay = [O1,O2,O3,O4,O5,O6,O7,O8,O9,O10,O11,O12,
+			O13,O14,S],
+		( S = off ->
+			NewS = on
+		; 
+			NewS = off
+		),
+		NewListDisplay = [O1,O2,O3,O4,O5,O6,O7,O8,O9,O10,O11,
+			O12,O13,O14,NewS] 
+	).
+	name		: display_stack,
+	arg_list	: [Stack],
+	implementation	: display_stack_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Procedure that displays the ancestors stack."
+	).
+display_stack_Op([level(Level) | Tail]) :-
+	printf(trace, "\nLevel %w: ", Level),
+	display_stack_Op(Tail).
+display_stack_Op([detail(Chrono, Call, Depth) | Tail]) :-
+	printf(trace, "(chrono=%w, call=%w, depth=%w) ", [Chrono, Call, Depth]),
+	display_stack_Op(Tail).
+display_stack_Op([pred | Tail]) :-
+	printf(trace, "pred ", []),
+	display_stack_Op(Tail).
+display_stack_Op([func | Tail]) :-
+	printf(trace, "func ", []),
+	display_stack_Op(Tail).
+display_stack_Op([proc(Proc) | Tail]) :-
+	printf(trace, "%w ", Proc),
+	display_stack_Op(Tail).
+display_stack_Op([proc(M1,M2,N,A,MN) | Tail]) :-
+	printf(trace, "%w for w:%w/%w-%w ", [M1,M2,N,A,MN]),
+	display_stack_Op(Tail).
+display_stack_Op([proc(M,N,A,MN) | Tail]) :-
+	printf(trace, "%w:%w/%w-%w ", [M,N,A,MN]),
+	display_stack_Op(Tail).
+display_stack_Op([det(Det) | Tail]) :-
+	printf(trace, "(%w) ", Det),
+	display_stack_Op(Tail).
+display_stack_Op([def_module(Module) | Tail]) :-
+	printf(trace, "{definition module=%w} ", Module),
+	display_stack_Op(Tail).
+display_stack_Op([]) :-
+	printf(trace, "\n", []),
+	flush(trace).
+	name		: display_list_var_names,
+	arg_list	: [ListVarNames],
+	implementation	: display_list_var_names_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Display the names of the currently live variables given by \
+	).
+display_list_var_names_Op([ live_var_names_and_types(Name, Type) | Tail]) :-
+	printf(user, "       %w {%w}\n", [Name, Type]),
+	display_list_var_names_Op(Tail).
Index: extras/opium_m/source/error.op
RCS file: error.op
diff -N error.op
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ error.op	Tue Oct 26 23:26:34 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ *	$Header: error.op,v 1.17 91/02/22 18:12:52 mireille Exp $
+ *	1990 Copyright ECRC GmbH
+ */
+ *	ERROR Recovery system
+ *	The basic idea is that, whenever it is possible, instead of
+ *	outputting an error message and failing, the user is prompted until
+ *	the error is corrected.
+ *	(part of scenario scenario_handler)
+ */
+ *  check_arg_type/4 cannot be declared as an Opium object:
+ *  - it cannot be a command with type "tool" because this would call
+ *    itself recursively,
+ *  - it cannot be a primitive/procedure, as then we do not get the
+ *    proper connection between tool name and tool body.
+ *  It is always traceable because you want to see it if you debug a new
+ *  command. It is skipped/unskipped depending on whether the scenario_handler
+ *  scenario is made untraceable/traceable.
+ */
+:- tool(check_arg_type/4, check_arg_type/5).
+:- global check_arg_type/4.
+:- call_explicit(traceable check_arg_type/4, sepia_kernel).
+:- ((call(is_predicate(current_options/1), 'Opium-M'),
+     call(current_options([active, traceable, _]), 'Opium-M')) ->
+		call_explicit(unskipped check_arg_type/4, sepia_kernel)
+   	;
+		call_explicit(skipped check_arg_type/4, sepia_kernel)
+   ).
+ */
+	name		: check_arg_type,
+	arg_list	: [ArgValList, ArgNameList, ArgTypeList, NewValList, Module],
+	implementation	: check_arg_type_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Procedure which checks the types of a list of arguments. If the type of an \n\
+argument is not correct the user will be prompted for another value. If ArgVal \n\
+is [] but ArgTypeList is not [] then the procedure will prompt the user for \n\
+proper values. The types have to be visible in Module."
+	).
+check_arg_type_Op(_, [], [], [], Mod) :- 
+	!.
+check_arg_type_Op([Value | Vs], [Name | Ns], [Type | Ts], [NewValue | NewVs], Mod) :-
+	check_arg([Value], Name, Type, NewValue, Mod),
+	check_arg_type_Op(Vs, Ns, Ts, NewVs, Mod).
+check_arg_type_Op([], [Name | Ns], [Type | Ts], [NewValue | NewVs], Mod) :-	
+	% no value given
+	check_arg([], Name, Type, NewValue, Mod),
+	check_arg_type_Op([], Ns, Ts, NewVs, Mod).
+ */
+	name		: check_arg,
+	arg_list	: [ArgValue, ArgName, ArgType, NewValue, Module],
+	implementation	: check_arg_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Procedure which is called to check the type of a single argument. If the \n\
+type of an argument is not correct the user will be prompted for another value \n\
+until the new argument has the proper type. The type has to be visible in \n\
+	).  
+check_arg_Op([], Name, Type, NewValue, Mod) :-
+	!,
+	get_correct_val(Name, Type, NewValue, Mod).
+check_arg_Op([Val], Name, Type, NewVal, Mod) :-
+	type_correct(Val, Type, Mod),
+	NewVal = Val,  	% to keep variable names
+	!.	
+check_arg_Op([Val], Name, Type, NewVal, Mod) :-
+	get_correct_val(Name, Type, NewVal, Mod).
+ *  prompt user for correct value
+ */
+get_correct_val(Name, is_subset(L), NewVal, Mod) :-	
+	!,
+	opium_printf(output, "%w: enter a list containing values among %w or abort ?\n", [Name, L]),
+	read_input(V),
+	check_input(V, Name, is_subset(L), NewVal, Mod).
+get_correct_val(Name, is_member(L), NewVal, Mod) :-		
+	!,
+	opium_printf(output, "%w: enter one value among %w or abort ?\n", [Name, L]),
+	read_input(V),
+	check_input(V, Name, is_member(L), NewVal, Mod).
+get_correct_val(Name, Cond, NewVal, Mod) :-		
+	!,
+	opium_printf(output, "%w: enter one value which satisfies %w(X) or abort ?\n", [Name, Cond]),
+	read_input(V),
+	check_input(V, Name, Cond, NewVal, Mod).
+check_input(V, Name, Type, NewVal, Mod) :-
+	var(V),
+	!,
+	check_arg([V], Name, Type, NewVal, Mod).
+check_input(a, _, _, _, _) :-
+	!,
+	fail.
+check_input(abort, _, _, _, _) :-
+	!,
+	fail.
+check_input(V, Name, Type, NewVal, Mod) :-
+	check_arg([V], Name, Type, NewVal, Mod).
+ *  check whether type of argument is correct
+ */
+type_correct(X, is_subset(L), _) :-
+	!,
+	is_subset(X, L).
+type_correct(X, is_member(L), _) :-
+	!,
+	is_member(X, L).
+type_correct(X, Cond, Module) :-
+	!,
+	Cond =.. [Pred | A],
+	Test =.. [Pred | [X | A]],
+	length([X | A], Arity),
+	type_correct_do(Test, Module).
+type_correct_do(is_opium_module(M), Module) :-
+	is_opium_module(M),
+	!.
+type_correct_do(is_opium_module(M), Module) :-
+	!,
+	provide_opium_module(M).
+type_correct_do(Test, Module) :-
+	call(Test, Module).
+is_subset([], L).
+is_subset([X|T], L) :-
+	is_member(X, L),
+	is_subset(T, L).
+is_member(X, L) :-
+	var(X),
+	!,
+	fail.
+is_member(X, [X|Xs]).
+is_member(X, [Y|Ys]) :-
+	is_member(X, Ys).
Index: extras/opium_m/source/event_attributes_M.op
RCS file: event_attributes_M.op
diff -N event_attributes_M.op
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ event_attributes_M.op	Tue Oct 26 23:26:35 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,684 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1999 IRISA/INRIA.
+% Author : Erwan Jahier <jahier at irisa.fr>
+% This files contains various types declarations concerning the event 
+% attributes. Those types are used both in forward_move.op and 
+% current_slots.op.
+	name		: is_port,
+	implementation	: is_port_Op,
+	message		:
+"Type which succeeds for a Mercury Port. Mercury ports are call (or 'CALL'), \
+exit (or 'EXIT'), fail (or 'FAIL'), redo (or 'REDO'), then (or 'THEN'), \
+else (or 'ELSE'), disj (or 'DISJ'), switch (or 'SWITCH' or 'SWTC'), \
+first (or 'FIRST' or 'FRST'), later (or 'LATER' or 'LATR'), \
+exception (or 'EXCP' or 'EXCEPTION'). \
+is_port_Op(Port) :-
+	is_list_of_ports_Op([Port]).
+	name		: is_port_or_var,
+	implementation	: is_port_or_var_Op,
+	message		:
+"Type which succeeds for a Mercury port or a variable (See is_port/1).\
+is_port_or_var_Op(X) :-
+	var(X), !
+    ;
+	is_port(X).
+	name		: is_list_of_ports,
+	implementation	: is_list_of_ports_Op,
+	message		:
+"Type which succeeds for a sublist of ['CALL', 'EXIT', 'REDO', 'FAIL', 'THEN',\
+call, exit, fail, redo, cond, then, else, disj, switch, first, later, exception, \
+neg_enter, neg_success, neg_failure].\
+is_list_of_ports_Op(List) :-
+	list_of_mercury_ports(ListMercPorts),
+	is_sublist(List, ListMercPorts).
+is_sublist([], _).
+is_sublist([Term | Tail], L2) :-
+	member(Term, L2),
+	is_sublist(Tail, L2).
+	'CALL', 'EXIT', 'FAIL', 'REDO', 'THEN', 'ELSE', 'DISJ', 'SWITCH', 
+	call, exit, fail, redo, cond, then, else, disj, switch, first, later, 
+	exception, neg_enter, neg_success, neg_failure]).
+	name		: is_port_attribute,
+	implementation	: is_port_attribute_Op,
+	message		:
+"Type which succeeds for a port, a negated port (not('CALL')), a list of \
+ports, '-' or a variable.\
+is_port_attribute_Op(Attribute) :-
+	Attribute == '-'
+    ;
+	free(Attribute), !
+    ;
+	is_port(Attribute)
+    ;
+	Attribute = not(AttributeNeg),
+	is_port(AttributeNeg)
+    ;
+	Attribute = \+(AttributeNeg),
+	is_port(AttributeNeg)
+    ;
+	is_list_of_ports(Attribute)
+    .
+	name		: is_goal_path,
+	implementation	: is_goal_path_Op,
+	message		: 
+"Type which succeeds for list of atoms of the form '?','e', 't', '~', 'q', \
+'ci', 'si', 'di' where i is an integer > 0."
+	).
+is_goal_path_Op([X|Xs]) :-
+	is_valid_path(X),
+	is_goal_path_Op(Xs).
+is_valid_path(X) :-
+	atom_string(X, Xstr),
+	append_strings("d", IntStr, Xstr), 
+	atom_string(Int, IntStr),
+	integer_atom(_, Int).
+is_valid_path(X) :-
+	atom_string(X, Xstr),
+	append_strings("c", IntStr, Xstr), 
+	atom_string(Int, IntStr),
+	integer_atom(_, Int).
+is_valid_path(X) :-
+	atom_string(X, Xstr),
+	append_strings("s", IntStr, Xstr), 
+	atom_string(Int, IntStr),
+	integer_atom(_, Int).
+	name		: is_goal_path_or_var,
+	implementation	: is_goal_path_or_var_Op,
+	message		:
+"Type which succeeds for a Mercury goal path or a variable (See is_goal_path/1).\
+is_goal_path_or_var_Op(X) :-
+	var(X), !
+    ;
+	is_goal_path(X).
+% Should we need a Opium declaration for this one ?
+% :- pred is_list_of_paths(attribute).
+% :- mode is_list_of_paths(in) is semidet.
+is_list_of_goal_paths([X|Xs]) :-
+	is_goal_path(X),
+	is_list_of_goal_paths(Xs).
+	name		: is_goal_path_attribute,
+	implementation	: is_goal_path_attribute_Op,
+	message		:
+"Type which succeeds for a goal path, a negated goal path, a list of \
+goal path, '-' or a variable.\
+is_goal_path_attribute_Op(Attribute) :-
+	Attribute == '-'
+    ;
+	free(Attribute), !
+    ;
+	is_goal_path(Attribute)
+    ;
+	Attribute = not(AttributeNeg),
+	is_goal_path(AttributeNeg)
+    ;
+	Attribute = \+(AttributeNeg),
+	is_goal_path(AttributeNeg)
+    ;
+	is_list_of_goal_paths(Attribute)
+    .
+	name		: is_atom_attribute,
+	implementation	: is_atom_attribute_Op,
+	message		:
+"Type which succeeds for an atom, a negated atoms, a list of atom, a variable \
+or '-'. It is intended to check proc_name def_module and \
+decl_module attributes.\
+is_atom_attribute_Op(Attribute) :-
+	Attribute == '-'
+    ;
+	free(Attribute), !
+    ;
+	atom(Attribute), !
+    ;
+	Attribute = not(AttributeNeg),
+	atom(AttributeNeg), !
+    ;
+	Attribute = \+(AttributeNeg),
+	atom(AttributeNeg), !
+    ;
+	is_list_of_atoms(Attribute)
+    .
+	name		: is_proc_type,
+	implementation	: is_proc_type_Op,
+	message		:
+"Type which succeeds for the atoms predicate and function. \
+is_proc_type_Op(X) :-
+	member(X, [predicate, function]).
+	name		: is_proc_type_attribute,
+	implementation	: is_proc_type_attribute_Op,
+	message		:
+"Type which succeeds for pred or func, not(pred) or not(func), \
+a list of atoms pred or func, '-' or a variable.\
+is_proc_type_attribute_Op(Attribute) :-
+	Attribute == '-'
+    ;
+	free(Attribute), !
+    ;
+	member(Attribute, [predicate, function]), !
+    ;
+	Attribute = not(AttributeNeg),
+	member(AttributeNeg, [predicate, function]), !
+    ;
+	Attribute = \+(AttributeNeg),
+	member(Attribute, [predicate, function]), !
+    ;
+	subtract(Attribute, [predicate, function], [])
+    .
+	name		: is_det_marker,
+	implementation	: is_det_marker_Op,
+	message		:
+"Type which succeeds for a Mercury determinism marker. Mercury determinism are \
+det (or 'DET'), semidet (or 'SEMI'), nondet (or 'NON'), multidet (or 'MUL'), \
+cc_nondet (or 'CCNON'), cc_multidet (or 'CCMUL'), failure (or 'FAIL') and \
+erroneous (or 'ERR'). \
+is_det_marker_Op(Det) :-
+	is_list_of_dets_Op([Det]).
+	name		: is_det_marker_or_var,
+	implementation	: is_det_marker_or_var_Op,
+	message		:
+"Type which succeeds for a Mercury determinism markers or a variable.\
+is_det_marker_or_var_Op(X) :-
+	var(X), !
+    ;
+	is_det_marker(X).
+	name		: is_list_of_dets,
+	implementation	: is_list_of_dets_Op,
+	message		:
+"Type which succeeds for a sublist of [det, semidet, nondet, multidet,\
+ cc_nondet, cc_multidet, failure, erroneous, 'DET', 'SEMI', 'NON', 'MUL', \
+'ERR', 'FAIL', 'CCNON', 'CCMUL'] \
+(the determinism marker in capital letters are the one use in mdb, the \
+internal Mercury debugger).\
+is_list_of_dets_Op(List) :-
+	list_of_mercury_dets(ListMercDets),
+	is_sublist(List, ListMercDets).
+list_of_mercury_dets([det, semidet, nondet, multidet, cc_nondet, 
+	cc_multidet, failure, erroneous, 'DET', 'SEMI', 'NON', 'MUL', 
+	'ERR', 'FAIL', 'CCNON', 'CCMUL']).
+	name		: is_det_marker_attribute,
+	implementation	: is_det_marker_attribute_Op,
+	message		:
+"Type which succeeds for a Mercury determinism marker, a negated  determinism \
+(not(nondet)), a list of determinism markers, '-' or a variable.\
+is_det_marker_attribute_Op(Attribute) :-
+	Attribute == '-'
+    ;
+	free(Attribute), !
+    ;
+	is_det_marker(Attribute), !
+    ;
+	Attribute = not(AttributeNeg),
+	is_det_marker(AttributeNeg), !
+    ;
+	Attribute = \+(AttributeNeg),
+	is_det_marker(AttributeNeg), !
+    ;
+	is_list_of_dets(Attribute)
+    .
+	name		: is_proc,
+	implementation	: is_proc_Op,
+	message		:
+"Type which succeeds for terms of the form \
+[ProcType+][Module:]ProcName[/Arity][-ModeNum] where terms betwenn square \
+bracquets are optional, ProcType has type is_proc_type_attribute/1, \
+Module and  ProcName have type is_atom_attribute/1, Arity and ModeNum have \
+type is_integer_attribute/1.\
+is_proc_Op(Proc) :-
+	(
+		Proc = P,
+		is_atom_attribute(P),
+		!
+	;	
+		Proc = (PT->P),
+		is_proc_type_attribute(PT),
+		is_atom_attribute(P),
+		!
+	;
+		Proc = M:P,
+		is_atom_attribute(M),
+		is_atom_attribute(P),
+		!
+	;
+		Proc = P/A,
+		is_atom_attribute(P),
+		is_integer_attribute(A),
+		!
+	;
+		Proc = P-MN,
+		is_atom_attribute(P),
+		is_integer_attribute(MN),
+		!
+	;
+		Proc = (P/A-MN),
+		is_atom_attribute(P),
+		is_integer_attribute(A),
+		is_integer_attribute(MN),
+		!
+	;
+		Proc = M:(P-MN),
+		is_atom_attribute(M),
+		is_atom_attribute(P),
+		is_integer_attribute(MN),
+		!
+	;
+		Proc = M:(P/A),
+		is_atom_attribute(M),
+		is_atom_attribute(P),
+		is_integer_attribute(A),
+		!
+	;
+		Proc = (PT->(P-MN)),
+		is_proc_type_attribute(PT),
+		is_atom_attribute(P),
+		is_integer_attribute(MN),
+		!
+	;
+		Proc = (PT->(P/A)),
+		is_proc_type_attribute(PT),
+		is_atom_attribute(P),
+		is_integer_attribute(A),
+		!
+	;
+		Proc = (PT->M:P),
+		is_proc_type_attribute(PT),
+		is_atom_attribute(M),
+		is_atom_attribute(P),
+		!
+	;
+		Proc = M:(P/A-MN),
+		is_atom_attribute(M),
+		is_atom_attribute(P),
+		is_integer_attribute(A),
+		is_integer_attribute(MN),
+		!
+	;
+		Proc = (PT->(P/A-MN)),
+		is_proc_type_attribute(PT),
+		is_atom_attribute(P),
+		is_integer_attribute(A),
+		is_integer_attribute(MN),
+		!
+	;
+		Proc = (PT->M:(P-MN)),
+		is_proc_type_attribute(PT),
+		is_atom_attribute(M),
+		is_atom_attribute(P),
+		is_integer_attribute(MN),
+		!
+	;
+		Proc = (PT->M:(P/A)),
+		is_proc_type_attribute(PT),
+		is_atom_attribute(M),
+		is_atom_attribute(P),
+		is_integer_attribute(A),
+		!
+	;
+		Proc = (PT->M:(P/A-MN)),
+		is_proc_type_attribute(PT),
+		is_atom_attribute(M),
+		is_atom_attribute(P),
+		is_integer_attribute(A),
+		is_integer_attribute(MN)
+	).
+is_proc_Op(-) :-
+	!.
+	name		: is_proc_or_var,
+	implementation	: is_proc_or_var_Op,
+	message		:
+"Type which succeeds for a Mercury procedure or a variable.\
+is_proc_or_var_Op(X) :-
+	var(X), !
+    ;
+	is_proc(X).
+	name		: is_arg_attribute,
+	implementation	: is_arg_attribute_Op,
+	message		:
+"For the time being, you can't perform filtering on arguments i.e. you can \
+only have variables or '-' for that attribute.\
+is_arg_attribute_Op(Attribute) :-
+	free(Attribute) ; Attribute == '-'.
+	name		: is_integer_attribute,
+	implementation	: is_integer_attribute_Op,
+	message		:
+"Type which succeeds for an integer, a negated integer (not 6), a list of \
+ integers ([3, 5, 9]), an interval ('3..11'), a variable or '-'.\
+	).
+is_integer_attribute_Op(Attribute) :-
+	Attribute == '-', 
+	!
+    ;
+	free(Attribute), 
+	!
+    ;
+	integer(Attribute), 
+	!
+    ;
+	Attribute = not(AttributeNeg),
+	integer(AttributeNeg), 
+	!
+    ;
+	Attribute = \+(AttributeNeg),
+	integer(AttributeNeg), 
+	!
+    ;
+	is_list_of_integers(Attribute), 
+	!
+    ;
+	Attribute = Bottom .. Up,
+	integer(Bottom),
+	integer(Up),
+	Bottom =< Up
+    .
+%:- pred is_list_of_integers(list(integer)).
+%:- mode is_list_of_integers(in) is semidet.
+is_list_of_integers([X | Xs]) :-
+	integer(X),
+	is_list_of_integers(Xs).
+	name		: is_string_attribute,
+	implementation	: is_string_attribute_Op,
+	message		:
+"Type which succeeds for a string, a negated string (not \"foo\"), a list of \
+ strings, a variable or '-'.\
+is_string_attribute_Op(Attribute) :-
+	Attribute == '-'
+    ;
+	free(Attribute), !
+    ;
+	string(Attribute)
+    ;
+	Attribute = not(AttributeNeg),
+	string(AttributeNeg)
+    ;
+	Attribute = \+(AttributeNeg),
+	string(AttributeNeg)
+    ;
+	is_list_of_strings(Attribute)
+    .
+%:- pred is_list_of_strings(list(string)).
+%:- mode is_list_of_strings(in) is semidet.
+is_list_of_strings([X | Xs]) :-
+	string(X),
+	is_list_of_strings(Xs).
+	name		: list_attribute_aliases,
+	arg_list	: [],
+	arg_type_list	: [],
+	abbrev		: laa,
+	interface	: hidden,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: list_attribute_aliases_op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"List the available aliases for the different Mercury event attributes \
+(fget/1 and current/1).\
+list_attribute_aliases_op :-
+	findall(X, is_alias_for(chrono, X), Lchrono),
+	findall(X, is_alias_for(call, X), Lcall),
+	findall(X, is_alias_for(depth, X), Ldepth),
+	findall(X, is_alias_for(port, X), Lport),
+	findall(X, is_alias_for(proc_type, X), LPredOrFunc),
+	findall(X, is_alias_for(decl_module, X), Ldeclmodule),
+	findall(X, is_alias_for(def_module, X), Ldefmodule),
+	findall(X, is_alias_for(name, X), Lname),
+	findall(X, is_alias_for(arity, X), Larity),
+	findall(X, is_alias_for(mode_number, X), Lmode_number),
+	findall(X, is_alias_for(proc, X), Lproc),
+	findall(X, is_alias_for(det, X), Ldet),
+	findall(X, is_alias_for(goal_path, X), Lgoal_path),
+	findall(X, is_alias_for(args, X), Largs),
+	findall(X, is_alias_for(arg_names, X), LArgsName),
+	findall(X, is_alias_for(arg_types, X), LArgsType),
+	findall(X, is_alias_for(vars, X), LVars),
+	findall(X, is_alias_for(var_names_and_types, X), Lvar_names_and_types),
+	findall(X, is_alias_for(local_vars, X), Lother),
+	findall(X, is_alias_for(stack, X), Lstack),
+	printf("List of attribute aliases for fget/1 and current/1:\n",[]),
+	printf("%19s: %w\n", [chrono, Lchrono]),
+	printf("%19s: %w\n", [call, Lcall]),
+	printf("%19s: %w\n", [depth, Ldepth]),
+	printf("%19s: %w\n", [port, Lport]),
+	printf("%19s: %w\n", [proc_type, LPredOrFunc]),
+	printf("%19s: %w\n", [def_module, Ldefmodule]),
+	printf("%19s: %w\n", [decl_module, Ldeclmodule]),
+	printf("%19s: %w\n", [name, Lname]),
+	printf("%19s: %w\n", [arity, Larity]),
+	printf("%19s: %w\n", [mode_number, Lmode_number]),
+	printf("%19s: %w\n", [proc, Lproc]),
+	printf("%19s: %w\n", [det, Ldet]),
+	printf("%19s: %w\n", [goal_path, Lgoal_path]),
+	printf("\nList of attribute aliases for current/1 only:\n",[]),
+	printf("%19s: %w\n", [args, Largs]),
+	printf("%19s: %w\n", [arg_names, LArgsName]),
+	printf("%19s: %w\n", [arg_types, LArgsType]),
+	printf("%19s: %w\n", [vars, LVars]),
+	printf("%19s: %w\n", [var_names_and_types, Lvar_names_and_types]),
+	printf("%19s: %w\n", [local_vars, Lother]),
+	printf("%19s: %w\n", [stack, Lstack]).
+% opium_primitive(
+% 	name		: is_alias_for,
+% 	arg_list	: [AttributeName, Alias],
+% 	arg_type_list	: [atom, atom],
+% 	implementation	: is_alias_for_Op,
+% 	message		:
+% "Succeeds if Alias is an alias for the attribute AttributeName. The aliases \
+% for all the attributes can be listed with list_attribute_aliases/0 command.
+% "
+%  	).
+% This is used for both fget/1 and current/1 command.
+is_alias_for(chrono, chrono).
+is_alias_for(chrono, c).
+is_alias_for(call, call).
+is_alias_for(call, ca).
+is_alias_for(call, cl).
+is_alias_for(depth, depth).
+is_alias_for(depth, d).
+is_alias_for(port, port).
+is_alias_for(port, p).
+is_alias_for(proc, procedure).
+is_alias_for(proc, proc).
+is_alias_for(name, procedure_name).
+is_alias_for(name, proc_name).
+is_alias_for(name, name).
+is_alias_for(name, n).
+is_alias_for(proc_type, proc_type).
+is_alias_for(proc_type, pred_or_func).
+is_alias_for(proc_type, pof).
+is_alias_for(decl_module, decl_module).
+is_alias_for(decl_module, decl_mod).
+is_alias_for(decl_module, dlm).
+is_alias_for(def_module, def_module).
+is_alias_for(def_module, def_mod).
+is_alias_for(def_module, dfm).
+is_alias_for(arity, arity).
+is_alias_for(arity, ar).
+is_alias_for(mode_number, mode_number).
+is_alias_for(mode_number, mode_num).
+is_alias_for(mode_number, mn).
+is_alias_for(det, determinism).
+is_alias_for(det, deter).
+is_alias_for(det, det).
+is_alias_for(goal_path, goal_path).
+is_alias_for(goal_path, gp).
+% XXX Those one are not hanled in fget yet.
+is_alias_for(args, arguments).
+is_alias_for(args, args).
+is_alias_for(args, arg).
+is_alias_for(args, a).
+is_alias_for(arg_names, arg_names).
+is_alias_for(arg_names, an).
+is_alias_for(arg_types, arg_types).
+is_alias_for(arg_types, types).
+is_alias_for(arg_types, type).
+is_alias_for(arg_types, at).
+is_alias_for(vars, vars).
+is_alias_for(var_names_and_types, var_names_and_types).
+is_alias_for(var_names_and_types, vnt).
+is_alias_for(local_vars, local_vars).
+is_alias_for(local_vars, local_var).
+is_alias_for(local_vars, non_arg_vars).
+is_alias_for(local_vars, other_live_var).
+is_alias_for(local_vars, nav).
+is_alias_for(stack, stack).
+is_alias_for(stack, stk).
+is_alias_for(stack, s).

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