[m-dev.] for review: constrain interface assertions to using interface symbols
Peter Ross
petdr at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Thu Nov 11 18:33:47 AEDT 1999
On 11-Nov-1999, Fergus Henderson <fjh at cs.mu.OZ.AU> wrote:
> On 11-Nov-1999, Peter Ross <petdr at cs.mu.OZ.AU> wrote:
> > Assertion declarations in the interface must not contain any symbols from
> > modules imported only in the implementation. This constraint requires
> > that each imported symbol be annotated with whether it is imported from
> > the interface or implementation.
> >
> > compiler/prog_data.m:
> > Update the pseudo declaration `:- imported' to include which section
> > (either implementation or interface) the items following it where
> > imported from.
> s/where/were/
> > compiler/module_qual.m:
> > Any unqualified symbol in an assertion might come from *any*
> > of the imported modules, so turn off the warning about modules which
> > are imported in the interface but not used,
> I suggest you make it clear in the log message exactly when
> you are disabling the warning:
> - if an unqualified symbol appears in an assertion?
> - if the interface contains an assertion?
> - all the time?
How about
Any unqualified symbol in an assertion might come from *any*
of the imported modules, so turn off the warning about modules which
are imported in the interface but not used, if an unqualified symbol
appears in the assertion.
> > compiler/accumulator.m:
> > Use where a symbol is imported from when deciding whether an
> > assertion in the interface is valid.
> Did you mean `assertion.m' rather than `accumulator.m' here?
> I don't see why accumulator.m should have to change as a result
> of this change.
Woops, yes.
> > Index: hlds_pred.m
> > ===================================================================
> > RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/hlds_pred.m,v
> > retrieving revision 1.66
> > diff -u -r1.66 hlds_pred.m
> > --- hlds_pred.m 1999/10/15 03:44:49 1.66
> > +++ hlds_pred.m 1999/10/27 04:48:20
> > @@ -974,8 +975,8 @@
> > pred_info_mark_as_external(PredInfo0, PredInfo) :-
> > PredInfo0 = predicate(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, _, K, L, M, N, O, P,
> > Q, R, S, T, U, V),
> > - PredInfo = predicate(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, imported, K, L, M,
> > - N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V).
> > + PredInfo = predicate(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, imported(interface),
> > + K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V).
> Hmm, is that correct?
> Shouldn't you check whether the old status was
> `local' or `exported'? If it was `local', then
> the new status should be `imported(implementation)',
> not `imported(interface)'.
How about
Index: hlds_pred.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/hlds_pred.m,v
retrieving revision 1.66
diff -u -r1.66 hlds_pred.m
--- hlds_pred.m 1999/10/15 03:44:49 1.66
+++ hlds_pred.m 1999/11/11 04:21:43
@@ -972,10 +973,20 @@
pred_info_mark_as_external(PredInfo0, PredInfo) :-
- PredInfo0 = predicate(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, _, K, L, M, N, O, P,
- Q, R, S, T, U, V),
- PredInfo = predicate(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, imported, K, L, M,
- N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V).
+ PredInfo0 = predicate(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, ImportStatus,
+ K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V),
+ status_is_exported(ImportStatus, Exported),
+ (
+ Exported = yes,
+ PredInfo = predicate(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I,
+ imported(interface), K, L, M, N, O,
+ P, Q, R, S, T, U, V)
+ ;
+ Exported = no,
+ PredInfo = predicate(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I,
+ imported(implementation), K, L, M, N, O,
+ P, Q, R, S, T, U, V)
+ ).
pred_info_set_import_status(PredInfo0, Status, PredInfo) :-
PredInfo0 = predicate(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, _, K, L, M, N, O, P,
> I suggest you add the following test case to tests/invalid
Please see my other message for my additions to the test directory.
> > +collect_mq_info_2(assertion(_, _), Info0, Info) :-
> > + % Any unqualified symbol in the assertion might come from *any*
> > + % of the imported modules.
> > + % There's no way for us to tell which ones.
> > + % So we conservatively assume that it uses all of them.
> > + % XXX a better solution would be to only make this assumption if
> > + % the assertion contains an unqualified symbol, however since
> > + % the structure isn't in superhomogenous form yet processing the
> > + % goal is complicated.
> > + set__init(UnusedInterfaceModules),
> > + mq_info_set_unused_interface_modules(Info0, UnusedInterfaceModules,
> > + Info).
> Well, not _that_ complicated; you do have to traverse the `goal' type
> (requiring one ~30-line predicate), but once you get to a `call'
> or `unify', it's fairly easy:
> Go on, it should only take you another 5-15 minutes to finish that off ;-)
I can't believe I succumbed to peer group pressure :)
Index: module_qual.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/module_qual.m,v
retrieving revision 1.51
diff -u -r1.51 module_qual.m
--- module_qual.m 1999/10/04 04:04:43 1.51
+++ module_qual.m 1999/11/11 07:10:48
@@ -198,7 +198,32 @@
collect_mq_info_2(pred_mode(_,_,_,_,_), Info, Info).
collect_mq_info_2(func_mode(_,_,_,_,_,_), Info, Info).
collect_mq_info_2(pragma(_), Info, Info).
-collect_mq_info_2(assertion(_, _), Info, Info).
+collect_mq_info_2(assertion(Goal, _ProgVarSet), Info0, Info) :-
+ process_assert(Goal, SymNames, Success),
+ (
+ Success = yes,
+ list__foldl((pred(SymName::in, I0::in, I::out) is det :-
+ (
+ SymName = qualified(ModuleName, _)
+ ->
+ mq_info_set_module_used(I0,
+ ModuleName, I)
+ ;
+ error("collect_mq_info_2: SymName not qualified.")
+ )
+ ),
+ SymNames, Info0, Info)
+ ;
+ % Any unqualified symbol in the assertion might
+ % come from *any* of the imported modules.
+ % There's no way for us to tell which ones. So
+ % we conservatively assume that it uses all of
+ % them.
+ Success = no,
+ set__init(UnusedInterfaceModules),
+ mq_info_set_unused_interface_modules(Info0,
+ UnusedInterfaceModules, Info)
+ ).
collect_mq_info_2(nothing, Info, Info).
collect_mq_info_2(typeclass(_, Name, Vars, _, _), Info0, Info) :-
add_typeclass_defn(Name, Vars, Info0, Info).
@@ -321,6 +346,125 @@
+ % process_assert(G, SNs, B)
+ %
+ % Scan the goal, G, building the list of qualified symbols, SNs.
+ % If there exists a single unqualifed symbol in G, the bool, B,
+ % will be set to no.
+:- pred process_assert(goal::in, list(sym_name)::out, bool::out) is det.
+ % AAA Some more stuff to do accumulator introduction on, it
+ % would be better to rewrite using maybes and then to declare
+ % the maybe_and predicate to be associative.
+ % NB. accumulator introduction doesn't work on this case yet.
+process_assert((GA , GB) - _, Symbols, Success) :-
+ process_assert(GA, SymbolsA, SuccessA),
+ process_assert(GB, SymbolsB, SuccessB),
+ list__append(SymbolsA, SymbolsB, Symbols),
+ bool__and(SuccessA, SuccessB, Success).
+process_assert(true - _, [], yes).
+process_assert((GA & GB) - _, Symbols, Success) :-
+ process_assert(GA, SymbolsA, SuccessA),
+ process_assert(GB, SymbolsB, SuccessB),
+ list__append(SymbolsA, SymbolsB, Symbols),
+ bool__and(SuccessA, SuccessB, Success).
+process_assert((GA ; GB) - _, Symbols, Success) :-
+ process_assert(GA, SymbolsA, SuccessA),
+ process_assert(GB, SymbolsB, SuccessB),
+ list__append(SymbolsA, SymbolsB, Symbols),
+ bool__and(SuccessA, SuccessB, Success).
+process_assert(fail - _, [], yes).
+process_assert(some(_, G) - _, Symbols, Success) :-
+ process_assert(G, Symbols, Success).
+process_assert(all(_, G) - _, Symbols, Success) :-
+ process_assert(G, Symbols, Success).
+process_assert(implies(GA, GB) - _, Symbols, Success) :-
+ process_assert(GA, SymbolsA, SuccessA),
+ process_assert(GB, SymbolsB, SuccessB),
+ list__append(SymbolsA, SymbolsB, Symbols),
+ bool__and(SuccessA, SuccessB, Success).
+process_assert(equivalent(GA, GB) - _, Symbols, Success) :-
+ process_assert(GA, SymbolsA, SuccessA),
+ process_assert(GB, SymbolsB, SuccessB),
+ list__append(SymbolsA, SymbolsB, Symbols),
+ bool__and(SuccessA, SuccessB, Success).
+process_assert(not(G) - _, Symbols, Success) :-
+ process_assert(G, Symbols, Success).
+process_assert(if_then(_, GA, GB) - _, Symbols, Success) :-
+ process_assert(GA, SymbolsA, SuccessA),
+ process_assert(GB, SymbolsB, SuccessB),
+ list__append(SymbolsA, SymbolsB, Symbols),
+ bool__and(SuccessA, SuccessB, Success).
+process_assert(if_then_else(_, GA, GB, GC) - _, Symbols, Success) :-
+ process_assert(GA, SymbolsA, SuccessA),
+ process_assert(GB, SymbolsB, SuccessB),
+ process_assert(GC, SymbolsC, SuccessC),
+ list__append(SymbolsA, SymbolsB, Symbols0),
+ list__append(Symbols0, SymbolsC, Symbols),
+ bool__and(SuccessA, SuccessB, Success0),
+ bool__and(Success0, SuccessC, Success).
+process_assert(call(SymName, Args0, _) - _, Symbols, Success) :-
+ (
+ SymName = qualified(_, _)
+ ->
+ list__map(term__coerce, Args0, Args),
+ (
+ term_qualified_symbols_list(Args, Symbols0)
+ ->
+ Symbols = [SymName | Symbols0],
+ Success = yes
+ ;
+ Symbols = [],
+ Success = no
+ )
+ ;
+ Symbols = [],
+ Success = no
+ ).
+process_assert(unify(LHS0, RHS0) - _, Symbols, Success) :-
+ term__coerce(LHS0, LHS),
+ term__coerce(RHS0, RHS),
+ (
+ term_qualified_symbols(LHS, SymbolsL),
+ term_qualified_symbols(RHS, SymbolsR)
+ ->
+ list__append(SymbolsL, SymbolsR, Symbols),
+ Success = yes
+ ;
+ Symbols = [],
+ Success = no
+ ).
+ % term_qualified_symbols(T, S)
+ %
+ % Given a term, T, return the list of all the sym_names, S, in
+ % the term. The predicate fails if any sub-term of T is
+ % unqualified.
+:- pred term_qualified_symbols(term::in, list(sym_name)::out) is semidet.
+term_qualified_symbols(Term, Symbols) :-
+ (
+ sym_name_and_args(Term, SymName, Args)
+ ->
+ SymName = qualified(_, _),
+ term_qualified_symbols_list(Args, Symbols0),
+ Symbols = [SymName | Symbols0]
+ ;
+ Symbols = []
+ ).
+:- pred term_qualified_symbols_list(list(term)::in,
+ list(sym_name)::out) is semidet.
+ % Yeah one more place where accumulators will be introduced!
+term_qualified_symbols_list([], []).
+term_qualified_symbols_list([Term | Terms], Symbols) :-
+ term_qualified_symbols(Term, TermSymbols),
+ term_qualified_symbols_list(Terms, Symbols0),
+ list__append(Symbols0, TermSymbols, Symbols).
% Iterate over the item list module qualifying all declarations.
% Stop when the :- imported or :- opt_imported pseudo-declaration
% is reached, since imported declarations should already be
> > :- pred warn_if_duplicate_use_import_decls(module_name, list(module_name),
> > list(module_name), list(module_name), list(module_name),
> > + list(module_name), list(module_name), list(module_name),
> > + list(module_name), io__state, io__state).
> > +:- mode warn_if_duplicate_use_import_decls(in, in, out, in, out, in, out,
> > + in, out, di, uo) is det.
> > +
> > +% This predicate ensures that all every import_module declaration is
> > +% checked against every use_module declaration.
> > +% warn_if_duplicate_use_import_decls/7 is called to generate the actual
> > +% warnings.
> > +
> > +warn_if_duplicate_use_import_decls(ModuleName,
> > + IntImportedModules0, IntImportedModules,
> > + IntUsedModules0, IntUsedModules,
> > + ImpImportedModules0, ImpImportedModules,
> > + ImpUsedModules0, ImpUsedModules) -->
> > +
> > + warn_if_duplicate_use_import_decls(ModuleName,
> > + IntImportedModules0, IntImportedModules1,
> > + IntUsedModules0, IntUsedModules1),
> > + warn_if_duplicate_use_import_decls(ModuleName,
> > + IntImportedModules1, IntImportedModules,
> > + ImpUsedModules0, ImpUsedModules1),
> > +
> > + warn_if_duplicate_use_import_decls(ModuleName,
> > + ImpImportedModules0, ImpImportedModules1,
> > + IntUsedModules1, IntUsedModules),
> > + warn_if_duplicate_use_import_decls(ModuleName,
> > + ImpImportedModules1, ImpImportedModules,
> > + ImpUsedModules1, ImpUsedModules).
> > +
> Actually I think it makes perfect sense to have `:- use_module foo'.
> in the interface and `:- import_module foo.' in the implementation.
> The other three cases don't make sense, but that one does.
> The compiler should not warn about it.
> So I think you should delete that third call to
> `warn_if_duplicate_use_import_decls',
> and modify the documentation for this pred accordingly.
Index: modules.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/modules.m,v
retrieving revision 1.110
diff -u -r1.110 modules.m
--- modules.m 1999/10/21 14:36:31 1.110
+++ modules.m 1999/11/11 05:20:44
@@ -1311,6 +1350,37 @@
:- pred warn_if_duplicate_use_import_decls(module_name, list(module_name),
list(module_name), list(module_name), list(module_name),
+ list(module_name), list(module_name), list(module_name),
+ list(module_name), io__state, io__state).
+:- mode warn_if_duplicate_use_import_decls(in, in, out, in, out, in, out,
+ in, out, di, uo) is det.
+% This predicate ensures that all every import_module declaration is
+% checked against every use_module declaration, except for the case
+% where the interface has `:- use_module foo.' and the implementation
+% `:- import_module foo.'.
+% warn_if_duplicate_use_import_decls/7 is called to generate the actual
+% warnings.
+ IntImportedModules0, IntImportedModules,
+ IntUsedModules0, IntUsedModules,
+ ImpImportedModules0, ImpImportedModules,
+ ImpUsedModules0, ImpUsedModules) -->
+ warn_if_duplicate_use_import_decls(ModuleName,
+ IntImportedModules0, IntImportedModules1,
+ IntUsedModules0, IntUsedModules),
+ warn_if_duplicate_use_import_decls(ModuleName,
+ IntImportedModules1, IntImportedModules,
+ ImpUsedModules0, ImpUsedModules1),
+ warn_if_duplicate_use_import_decls(ModuleName,
+ ImpImportedModules0, ImpImportedModules,
+ ImpUsedModules1, ImpUsedModules).
+:- pred warn_if_duplicate_use_import_decls(module_name, list(module_name),
+ list(module_name), list(module_name), list(module_name),
io__state, io__state).
:- mode warn_if_duplicate_use_import_decls(in, in, out, in, out, di, uo) is det.
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