[m-dev.] diff: merge trunk_snapshot_19990615175135 into alias branch [1/2]
Peter Ross
petdr at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Wed Jun 16 11:59:34 AEST 1999
Estimated hours taken: 5
Merge in trunk_snapshot_19990615175135 into the alias branch.
Didn't fix use of instmap_delta_restrict. Just commented the code
Updates to get accumulator introduction working on the alias branch.
Pass in the inst_table to instmap_changed_vars.
Pass in the inst_table to goal_util__can_reorder_goals.
Index: compiler/.alias_trunk_sync_tag
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/Attic/.alias_trunk_sync_tag,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -b -r1.1.2.16 .alias_trunk_sync_tag
--- .alias_trunk_sync_tag 1999/06/03 01:38:18
+++ .alias_trunk_sync_tag 1999/06/15 07:53:24
@@ -1 +1 @@
Index: compiler/Mmakefile
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -b -r1.4.2.8 Mmakefile
--- Mmakefile 1999/06/03 01:38:19
+++ Mmakefile 1999/06/15 07:53:17
@@ -48,13 +48,6 @@
*.gc*) echo $(BOEHM_GC_DIR)/libgc.a ;; \
esac \
` -lm
- $(SCRIPTS_DIR)/msc
- $(SCRIPTS_DIR)/mnc
-MNLFLAGS = -u 6000
@@ -90,10 +83,6 @@
# targets
# mercury_compile
-# mercury_compile.nu
-# mercury_compile.nu.debug
-# mercury_compile.sicstus
-# mercury_compile.sicstus.debug
.PHONY: depend
depend: mercury_compile.depend
@@ -103,20 +92,11 @@
mercury_compile.depend: rl_file.m rl_out.m
.PHONY: all
-all: mercury nuprolog sicstus
+all: mercury
.PHONY: mercury
mercury: mercury_compile
-.PHONY: nuprolog
-nuprolog: mercury_compile.nu
-.PHONY: sicstus
-sicstus: mercury_compile.sicstus
-.PHONY: debug
-debug: mercury_compile mercury_compile.sicstus.debug
# Add some additional dependencies, so that Mmake knows to remake the
@@ -130,9 +110,6 @@
# if in .gc(.prof) grade; GNU make does not support dynamic dependencies,
# so just leave it out.
-mercury_compile.sicstus: $(LIBRARY_DIR)/library.sicstus.debug
-mercury_compile.sicstus.debug: $(LIBRARY_DIR)/library.sicstus.debug
mercury_compile_init.c: $(UTIL_DIR)/mkinit
@@ -185,36 +162,17 @@
install: install_mercury
.PHONY: install_all
-install_all: install_mercury install_nuprolog install_sicstus
+install_all: install_mercury
.PHONY: install_mercury
install_mercury: install_compiler
-.PHONY: install_nuprolog
-install_nuprolog: install_compiler_nu
-.PHONY: install_sicstus
-install_sicstus: install_compiler_sicstus
.PHONY: install_dirs
- -[ -d $(INSTALL_NU_ARCH_DIR) ] || mkdir -p $(INSTALL_NU_ARCH_DIR)
- -[ -d $(INSTALL_SP_ARCH_DIR) ] || mkdir -p $(INSTALL_SP_ARCH_DIR)
.PHONY: install_compiler
install_compiler: mercury_compile install_dirs
cp `vpath_find mercury_compile` $(INSTALL_MERC_BIN_DIR)
-.PHONY: install_compiler_nu
-install_compiler_nu: mercury_compile.nu install_dirs
- sed "s^`pwd`^$(INSTALL_NU_ARCH_DIR)^g" `vpath_find mercury_compile.nu` \
- > $(INSTALL_NU_ARCH_DIR)/mercury_compile.nu
- -chmod +x $(INSTALL_NU_ARCH_DIR)/mercury_compile.nu
- cp `vpath_find mercury_compile.nu.save` $(INSTALL_NU_ARCH_DIR)
-.PHONY: install_compiler_sicstus
-install_compiler_sicstus: mercury_compile.sicstus install_dirs
- cp `vpath_find mercury_compile.sicstus` $(INSTALL_SP_ARCH_DIR)
Index: compiler/accumulator.m
RCS file: accumulator.m
diff -N accumulator.m
--- /dev/null Wed Jun 16 11:46:57 1999
+++ accumulator.m Wed Jun 16 03:28:09 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,1753 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1999 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% Module: accumulator
+% Main authors: petdr
+% Attempts to transform a single proc to a tail recursive form by
+% introducing accumlators.
+% The transformation is described more fully in the paper
+% "Making Mercury programs tail recursive", which will be available
+% from the Mercury web site.
+% Basically the transformation is to locate predicates in the following
+% form.
+% p(X,Ys) :-
+% minimal(X),
+% base(Ys).
+% p(X, Ys) :-
+% decompose(X, Xhead, Xrest),
+% process(Xhead, Hs),
+% p(Xrest, Y0s),
+% compose(Hs, Y0s, Ys).
+% and transform them into this form
+% p(X,Ys) :-
+% minimal(X),
+% base(Ys).
+% p(X, Ys) :-
+% decompose(X, Xhead, Xrest),
+% process(Xhead, Hs),
+% p'(Xrest, Ys, Hs).
+% p'(X, Ys, As) :-
+% minimal(X),
+% base(Y0s),
+% compose(As, Y0s, Ys).
+% p'(X, Ys, As) :-
+% decompose(X, Xhead, Xrest),
+% process(Xhead, Hs),
+% compose(As, Hs, A1s),
+% p'(Xrest, Ys, A1s).
+% Any variable that ends with an 's' represents a set of variables.
+% The constraint on the transformation is that the compose goal must
+% obey the following law
+% some [BC] (compose(I, B, C, BC), compose(I, A, BC, ABC))
+% <=> some [AB] (compose(I, A, B, AB), compose(I, AB, C, ABC))
+% The above law denotes that the compose goal must be associative, or
+% maybe more intuitively the compose goal can construct an answer processing
+% in a right to left manner or a left to right manner.
+% Currently the knowledge of which goals are associative is hard-wired
+% into this module, at a later date we should add the ability to add
+% pragmas to supply this information.
+% Another subtlety is that making the code tail recursive doesn't
+% necessarily improve the efficiency of code. Note that the call
+% to compose in the accumulator version of the code has Hs located
+% in a different position. For append(in, in, out) it is the first
+% argument which controls the complexity of append. So if the compose
+% goal was append, the complexity of the predicate as a whole will
+% change. This problem is dealt with by ensuring that only a variable
+% that is a member of Hs ends up in the first position of append,
+% because in general the variables in Hs are smaller then those in As.
+% Note that the transformation will leave construction unifications
+% after the recursive call if '--optimize-constructor-last-call' is
+% enabled.
+:- module accumulator.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module hlds_module, hlds_pred, io.
+:- pred accumulator__process_proc(pred_id::in, proc_id::in, proc_info::in,
+ proc_info::out, module_info::in, module_info::out,
+ io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module goal_util, globals, hlds_data, hlds_goal, hlds_out, (inst).
+:- import_module inst_match, instmap, mode_util, options, prog_data, prog_util.
+:- import_module assoc_list, bool, list, map, multi_map.
+:- import_module require, set, std_util, term, varset.
+:- type base_goal
+ ---> base(
+ hlds_goals
+ ).
+:- type rec_goal
+ ---> recursive(
+ a_goals, % Decompose, Process
+ a_goal, % Recursive call
+ a_goals % Compose calls
+ ).
+:- type split_result
+ ---> recursive(
+ hlds_goals, % Decompose, Process
+ hlds_goal, % Recursive call
+ hlds_goals % Compose calls
+ ).
+:- type a_goal == goal(hlds_goal).
+:- type a_goals == goal(hlds_goals).
+:- type goal(T)
+ ---> goal(
+ T, % goal/s
+ instmap, % instmap at the start of the goal
+ inst_table % InstTable associated with the instmap
+ ).
+:- type top_level
+ ---> switch_base_rec
+ ; switch_rec_base
+ ; disj_base_rec
+ ; disj_rec_base
+ ; ite_base_rec
+ ; ite_rec_base.
+:- type subst == map(prog_var, prog_var).
+:- type assoc_info
+ ---> assoc_info(
+ set(prog_var), % Static set
+ % A static variable is one whose
+ % value is set before the
+ % recursive call.
+ set(prog_var), % Dynamic set
+ % The dynamic set is initialised
+ % to Y0s. At the end of the
+ % process it will contain all
+ % the variables that are
+ % constructed using another
+ % dynamic variable.
+ module_info,
+ prev_call_map,
+ orig_dynvar_map,
+ subst, % Y0s -> As
+ subst, % Hs -> As
+ set(prog_var) % Ys
+ ).
+ % is the pred commutative?
+:- type commutative == bool.
+:- type prev_call
+ ---> prev_call(
+ pred_id,
+ proc_id,
+ commutative
+ ).
+ % If a variable is constructed from a chain of calls, what are
+ % the details of the previous call in the chain.
+:- type prev_call_map == map(prog_var, prev_call).
+ % Given a dynamic variable, from which dynamic variable was it
+ % descended (ie which variable in Y0s).
+ %
+ % For the following call
+ %
+ % append(R0, ListH, R)
+ %
+ % The variable ListH is static and R0 is dynamic, therefore R is
+ % descended from R0.
+ %
+:- type orig_dynvar_map == map(prog_var, prog_var).
+ %
+ % accumulator__process_proc
+ %
+ % Attempt to transform one procedure into a accumulator
+ % recursive form.
+ %
+accumulator__process_proc(PredId, ProcId, ProcInfo0, ProcInfo,
+ ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) -->
+ globals__io_lookup_bool_option(optimize_constructor_last_call, DoLCO),
+ globals__io_lookup_bool_option(fully_strict, FullyStrict),
+ (
+ { module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo0, PredId, PredInfo) },
+ { accumulator__attempt_transform(ProcId, ProcInfo0, PredId,
+ PredInfo, DoLCO, FullyStrict, ModuleInfo0,
+ ProcInfo1, ModuleInfo1) }
+ ->
+ globals__io_lookup_bool_option(very_verbose, VeryVerbose),
+ (
+ { VeryVerbose = yes }
+ ->
+ io__write_string("% Accumulators introduced into "),
+ hlds_out__write_pred_id(ModuleInfo1, PredId),
+ io__write_string("\n")
+ ;
+ []
+ ),
+ { module_info_set_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo1, PredId,
+ ProcId, PredInfo, ProcInfo1, ModuleInfo) },
+ { module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId,
+ _PredInfo, ProcInfo) }
+ ;
+ { ProcInfo = ProcInfo0 },
+ { ModuleInfo = ModuleInfo0 }
+ ).
+ %
+ % accumulator__attempt_transform is only true if the current
+ % proc has been transformed to call the newly created
+ % accumulator proc.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__attempt_transform(proc_id::in, proc_info::in,
+ pred_id::in, pred_info::in, bool::in, bool::in, module_info::in,
+ proc_info::out, module_info::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__attempt_transform(ProcId, ProcInfo0, PredId, PredInfo0, DoLCO,
+ FullyStrict, ModuleInfo0, ProcInfo, ModuleInfo) :-
+ proc_info_goal(ProcInfo0, Goal0),
+ proc_info_headvars(ProcInfo0, HeadVars),
+ proc_info_get_initial_instmap(ProcInfo0, ModuleInfo0, InitialInstMap),
+ proc_info_inst_table(ProcInfo0, InstTable),
+ accumulator__simplify(Goal0, Goal),
+ accumulator__rearrange_goal(PredId, ProcId, Goal, InitialInstMap,
+ InstTable, ModuleInfo0, FullyStrict, GoalType,
+ Base, Rec),
+ accumulator__create_accumulator_pred(Rec, PredInfo0, ProcInfo0,
+ HstoAs_Subst, NewPredId, NewProcId, NewPredName,
+ ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo1),
+ accumulator__transform(GoalType, Base, Rec, Goal, DoLCO, FullyStrict,
+ ModuleInfo1, HeadVars, HstoAs_Subst, NewPredId,
+ NewProcId, NewPredName, OrigGoal, AccGoal),
+ accumulator__update_accumulator_pred(NewPredId, NewProcId, AccGoal,
+ ModuleInfo1, ModuleInfo),
+ proc_info_set_goal(ProcInfo0, OrigGoal, ProcInfo).
+ %
+ % accumulator__simplify
+ %
+ % Simplify the goal to make it more amenable to introducing
+ % accumulators.
+ %
+ % At the moment all this does is remove any extra disj/conj
+ % wrappers around the top level goal.
+ %
+ % Future work is for this code to rearrange code with multiple
+ % base and recursive cases into a single base and recursive
+ % case.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__simplify(hlds_goal, hlds_goal).
+:- mode accumulator__simplify(in, out) is det.
+accumulator__simplify(Goal0, Goal) :-
+ (
+ (
+ Goal0 = conj([Goal1]) - _
+ ;
+ Goal0 = disj([Goal1], _) - _
+ )
+ ->
+ accumulator__simplify(Goal1, Goal)
+ ;
+ Goal = Goal0
+ ).
+ %
+ % This predicate is meant to take the original goal and
+ % rearrange it into a standard form that can be used in the rest
+ % of module.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__rearrange_goal(pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
+ hlds_goal::in, instmap::in, inst_table::in,
+ module_info::in, bool::in,
+ top_level::out, base_goal::out, rec_goal::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__rearrange_goal(PredId, ProcId, Goal, InitialInstMap, InstTable,
+ ModuleInfo, FullyStrict, Type, Base, Rec) :-
+ (
+ Goal = switch(_Var, _CanFail, Cases, _StoreMap) - _GoalInfo,
+ Cases = [case(_IdA, _DeltaA, GoalA),
+ case(_IdB, _DeltaB, GoalB)],
+ goal_to_conj_list(GoalA, GoalAList),
+ goal_to_conj_list(GoalB, GoalBList)
+ ->
+ (
+ accumulator__split_recursive_case(PredId, ProcId,
+ InitialInstMap, InstTable,
+ ModuleInfo, FullyStrict,
+ GoalAList, Rec0),
+ % Make sure that the base case doesn't
+ % contain a recursive call.
+ \+ accumulator__split_recursive_case(PredId, ProcId,
+ InitialInstMap, InstTable,
+ ModuleInfo, FullyStrict,
+ GoalBList, _)
+ ->
+ Type = switch_rec_base,
+ Base = base(GoalBList),
+ Rec = Rec0
+ ;
+ accumulator__split_recursive_case(PredId, ProcId,
+ InitialInstMap, InstTable,
+ ModuleInfo, FullyStrict,
+ GoalBList, Rec0),
+ % Make sure that the base case doesn't
+ % contain a recursive call.
+ \+ accumulator__split_recursive_case(PredId, ProcId,
+ InitialInstMap, InstTable,
+ ModuleInfo, FullyStrict,
+ GoalAList, _)
+ ->
+ Type = switch_base_rec,
+ Base = base(GoalAList),
+ Rec = Rec0
+ ;
+ fail
+ )
+ ;
+ fail
+ ).
+ %
+ % accumulator__create_accumulator_pred
+ %
+ % Create a new predicate which is an accumulator version of the
+ % current proc being looked at.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__create_accumulator_pred(rec_goal::in, pred_info::in,
+ proc_info::in, subst::out, pred_id::out, proc_id::out,
+ sym_name::out, module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
+accumulator__create_accumulator_pred(RecGoal, PredInfo, ProcInfo, HstoAs_Subst,
+ NewPredId, NewProcId, NewPredName, ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) :-
+ proc_info_get_initial_instmap(ProcInfo, ModuleInfo0, InstMap0),
+ accumulator__acc_proc_info(RecGoal, InstMap0, ProcInfo, HstoAs_Subst,
+ NewTypes, NewProcInfo),
+ accumulator__acc_pred_info(NewTypes, NewProcInfo, PredInfo, NewProcId,
+ NewPredInfo),
+ pred_info_name(NewPredInfo, NewPredName0),
+ NewPredName = unqualified(NewPredName0),
+ module_info_get_predicate_table(ModuleInfo0, PredTable0),
+ predicate_table_insert(PredTable0, NewPredInfo, NewPredId, PredTable),
+ module_info_set_predicate_table(ModuleInfo0, PredTable, ModuleInfo).
+ %
+ % accumulator__acc_proc_info
+ %
+ % Construct a proc_info for the introduced predicate, it also
+ % creates the substitutions that maps between each variable that
+ % is a member of Hs and those in As.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__acc_proc_info(rec_goal::in, instmap::in, proc_info::in,
+ subst::out, list(type)::out, proc_info::out) is det.
+accumulator__acc_proc_info(recursive(DP, _R, C), InstMap0,
+ ProcInfo, HstoAs_Subst, NewTypes, NewProcInfo) :-
+ % ProcInfo Stuff that must change.
+ proc_info_varset(ProcInfo, VarSet0),
+ proc_info_vartypes(ProcInfo, VarTypes0),
+ proc_info_headvars(ProcInfo, HeadVars0),
+ proc_info_argmodes(ProcInfo, ArgModes0),
+ ArgModes0 = argument_modes(ArgInstTable, HeadModes0),
+ proc_info_inferred_determinism(ProcInfo, Detism),
+ proc_info_goal(ProcInfo, Goal),
+ proc_info_context(ProcInfo, Context),
+ proc_info_typeinfo_varmap(ProcInfo, TVarMap),
+ proc_info_typeclass_info_varmap(ProcInfo, TCVarsMap),
+ proc_info_is_address_taken(ProcInfo, IsAddressTaken),
+ proc_info_inst_table(ProcInfo, InstTable),
+ accumulator__extra_vars_for_recursive_call(DP, C, Vars),
+ DP = goal(DPGoals, _DPInstMap, _DPInstTable),
+ goal_list_instmap_delta(DPGoals, InstMapDelta),
+ instmap__apply_instmap_delta(InstMap0, InstMapDelta, InstMap),
+ inst_table_get_inst_key_table(InstTable, InstKeyTable),
+ accumulator__new_acc_var(Vars, InstMap, InstKeyTable,
+ VarSet0, VarTypes0, HstoAs_Subst, NewHeadVars, VarSet,
+ VarTypes, NewHeadModes),
+ list__append(HeadVars0, NewHeadVars, HeadVars),
+ list__append(HeadModes0, NewHeadModes, HeadModes),
+ ArgModes = argument_modes(ArgInstTable, HeadModes),
+ list__map(map__lookup(VarTypes), NewHeadVars, NewTypes),
+ proc_info_create(VarSet, VarTypes, HeadVars, ArgModes, Detism, Goal,
+ Context, TVarMap, TCVarsMap, IsAddressTaken,
+ InstTable, NewProcInfo).
+ %
+ % accumulator__new_acc_var(Hs, IM, VS0, VT0, HstoAs0, HstoAs,
+ % As, VS, VT, Ms)
+ %
+ % For each variable, Hs, that needs to be accumulated create a
+ % corresponding variable in As updating the varset, VS, var-type
+ % mapping, VT, and recording the mode in Ms. Also record the
+ % mapping from each H to A in HstoAs.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__new_acc_var(prog_vars::in, instmap::in, inst_key_table::in,
+ prog_varset::in, map(prog_var, type)::in,
+ map(prog_var, prog_var)::out, prog_vars::out, prog_varset::out,
+ map(prog_var, type)::out, list(mode)::out) is det.
+accumulator__new_acc_var([], _InstMap, _InstKeyTable, VarSet, VarTypes,
+ Subst, [], VarSet, VarTypes, []) :-
+ map__init(Subst).
+accumulator__new_acc_var([Var | Vars], InstMap, InstKeyTable,
+ VarSet0, VarTypes0, Subst, HeadVars, VarSet, VarTypes, Modes) :-
+ accumulator__new_acc_var(Vars, InstMap, InstKeyTable, VarSet0,
+ VarTypes0, Subst0, HeadVars0, VarSet1,
+ VarTypes1, Modes0),
+ varset__new_var(VarSet1, NewVar, VarSet),
+ map__det_insert(Subst0, Var, NewVar, Subst),
+ HeadVars = [NewVar | HeadVars0],
+ map__lookup(VarTypes0, Var, Type),
+ map__det_insert(VarTypes1, NewVar, Type, VarTypes),
+ instmap__lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst0),
+ inst_expand_fully(InstKeyTable, InstMap, Inst0, Inst),
+ inst_lists_to_mode_list([Inst], [Inst], Mode),
+ list__append(Mode, Modes0, Modes).
+ %
+ % accumulator__acc_pred_info
+ %
+ % Construct the pred_info for the introduced predicate
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__acc_pred_info(list(type)::in, proc_info::in, pred_info::in,
+ proc_id::out, pred_info::out) is det.
+accumulator__acc_pred_info(NewTypes, NewProcInfo, PredInfo,
+ NewProcId, NewPredInfo) :-
+ % PredInfo stuff that must change.
+ pred_info_arg_types(PredInfo, TypeVarSet, ExistQVars, Types0),
+ pred_info_module(PredInfo, ModuleName),
+ pred_info_name(PredInfo, Name),
+ Cond = true,
+ pred_info_context(PredInfo, PredContext),
+ pred_info_get_markers(PredInfo, Markers),
+ pred_info_get_is_pred_or_func(PredInfo, PredOrFunc),
+ pred_info_get_class_context(PredInfo, ClassContext),
+ pred_info_get_aditi_owner(PredInfo, Owner),
+ proc_info_context(NewProcInfo, Context),
+ term__context_line(Context, Line),
+ Counter = 0,
+ list__append(Types0, NewTypes, Types),
+ make_pred_name_with_context(ModuleName, "AccFrom", PredOrFunc, Name,
+ Line, Counter, SymName),
+ pred_info_create(ModuleName, SymName, TypeVarSet, ExistQVars, Types,
+ Cond, PredContext, local, Markers, PredOrFunc,
+ ClassContext, Owner, NewProcInfo, NewProcId,
+ NewPredInfo).
+:- pred calculate_instmap(hlds_goals::in, instmap::in, instmap::out) is det.
+calculate_instmap(Goals, InstMap0, InstMap) :-
+ GetGoalInfos = (pred(Goal::in, GoalInfo::out) is det :-
+ Goal = _ - GoalInfo),
+ list__map(GetGoalInfos, Goals, GoalInfos),
+ list__map(goal_info_get_instmap_delta, GoalInfos, InstMapDeltas),
+ ApplyInstMapDelta = (pred(Delta::in, Map0::in, Map::out) is det :-
+ instmap__apply_instmap_delta(Map0, Delta, Map)),
+ list__foldl(ApplyInstMapDelta, InstMapDeltas, InstMap0, InstMap).
+ %
+ % accumulator__transform
+ %
+ % Actually do the transformation. This predicate may fail if
+ % for some reason the transformation cannot be completed.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__transform(top_level::in, base_goal::in, rec_goal::in,
+ hlds_goal::in, bool::in, bool::in, module_info::in,
+ prog_vars::in, subst::in, pred_id::in,
+ proc_id::in, sym_name::in,
+ hlds_goal::out, hlds_goal::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__transform(switch_rec_base, base(BaseGoalList), recursive(DP, R, C),
+ Goal, DoLCO, FullyStrict, ModuleInfo, HeadVars, HstoAs_Subst,
+ NewPredId, NewProcId, NewPredName, OrigGoal, NewGoal) :-
+ accumulator__Ys_descended_from_Y0s(HeadVars, DP, ModuleInfo),
+ accumulator__orig_base_case(BaseGoalList, OrigBaseGoal),
+ accumulator__extra_vars_for_recursive_call(DP, C, Vars),
+ accumulator__orig_recursive_case(DP, R, HeadVars, NewPredId, NewProcId,
+ NewPredName, Vars, Y0stoYs_Subst, OrigRecGoal),
+ accumulator__new_base_case(BaseGoalList, C,
+ Y0stoYs_Subst, HstoAs_Subst, NewBaseGoal),
+ accumulator__new_recursive_case(DP, C, R, DoLCO, FullyStrict,
+ ModuleInfo, NewPredId, NewProcId, NewPredName,
+ Vars, HeadVars,
+ Y0stoYs_Subst, HstoAs_Subst, NewRecGoal),
+ (
+ Goal = switch(Var, CanFail, Cases0, StoreMap) - GoalInfo,
+ Cases0 = [case(IdA, InstA, _), case(IdB, InstB, _)]
+ ->
+ OrigCases = [case(IdA, InstA, OrigRecGoal),
+ case(IdB, InstB, OrigBaseGoal)],
+ OrigGoal = switch(Var, CanFail, OrigCases, StoreMap) - GoalInfo,
+ NewCases = [case(IdA, InstA, NewRecGoal),
+ case(IdB, InstB, NewBaseGoal)],
+ NewGoal = switch(Var, CanFail, NewCases, StoreMap) - GoalInfo
+ ;
+ fail
+ ).
+ %
+ % accumulator__update_accumulator_pred
+ %
+ % Place the accumulator version of the predicate in the
+ % module_info structure.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__update_accumulator_pred(pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
+ hlds_goal::in, module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
+accumulator__update_accumulator_pred(NewPredId, NewProcId, AccGoal,
+ ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) :-
+ module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo0, NewPredId, NewProcId,
+ PredInfo, ProcInfo0),
+ proc_info_set_goal(ProcInfo0, AccGoal, ProcInfo),
+ module_info_set_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo0, NewPredId, NewProcId,
+ PredInfo, ProcInfo, ModuleInfo).
+ %
+ % accumulator__split_recursive_case(PredId, ProcId, IM0, MI, FS, Gs, R)
+ %
+ % Split the goals, Gs, which make up the recursive case into the
+ % decompose and process list of goals, the compose goals and the
+ % recursive goal and place the components in the rec_goal
+ % structure, R.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__split_recursive_case(pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
+ instmap::in, inst_table::in, module_info::in, bool::in,
+ hlds_goals::in, rec_goal::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__split_recursive_case(PredId, ProcId,
+ InitialInstMap, InstTable, ModuleInfo,
+ FullyStrict, Goals, RecGoal) :-
+ solutions(accumulator__split_goals(Goals, PredId, ProcId), Solns),
+ Solns = [recursive(DP0, R, C0)],
+ calculate_instmap(DP0, InitialInstMap, InitialInstMapBeforeR),
+ % Any goal which doesn't depend on the recursive call is
+ % moved before the recursive call, because this means
+ % that only goals which contain dynamic variables are
+ % left after the recursive call, simplifying the latter
+ % stages.
+ move_goals(R, InitialInstMapBeforeR, InstTable, ModuleInfo, FullyStrict,
+ C0, PreC0, PostC0),
+ list__append(DP0, PreC0, DP),
+ C = PostC0,
+ calculate_instmap(DP, InitialInstMap, InstMapBeforeR),
+ calculate_instmap([R], InstMapBeforeR, InstMapBeforeC),
+ DecomposeProcess = goal(DP, InitialInstMap, InstTable),
+ Recursive = goal(R, InstMapBeforeR, InstTable),
+ Compose = goal(C, InstMapBeforeC, InstTable),
+ RecGoal = recursive(DecomposeProcess, Recursive, Compose).
+:- pred accumulator__split_goals(hlds_goals::in, pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
+ split_result::out) is nondet.
+accumulator__split_goals(Goals, PredId, ProcId, RecGoal) :-
+ list__append(DecomposeProcess, [RecursiveCall | Compose], Goals),
+ RecursiveCall = call(PredId, ProcId, _, _, _, _) - _,
+ % An empty compose means the predicate is already tail
+ % recursive.
+ Compose \= [],
+ RecGoal = recursive(DecomposeProcess, RecursiveCall, Compose).
+ %
+ % move_goals(G, IM, MI, FS, Gs, BGs, AGs)
+ %
+ % Seperate the list of Goals, Gs, into the goals, BGs, that can be
+ % placed before the goal, G, and the goals, AGs, which must be
+ % placed after the goal, G. IM is the instmap before the goal
+ % G.
+ %
+ % XXX This should be able to be transformed to accumulator
+ % recursive form, much harder to do though. Look into this
+ % later. NB you need LCO for the else case.
+ %
+:- pred move_goals(hlds_goal::in, instmap::in, inst_table::in,
+ module_info::in, bool::in, hlds_goals::in,
+ hlds_goals::out, hlds_goals::out) is det.
+move_goals(_StartGoal, _IMBeforeStartGoal, _IT, _MI, _FullyStrict, [], [], []).
+move_goals(StartGoal, InstMapBeforeStartGoal, InstTable, ModuleInfo,
+ FullyStrict, [Goal|Goals], PreGoals, PostGoals) :-
+ StartGoal = _GoalExpr - GoalInfo,
+ goal_info_get_instmap_delta(GoalInfo, InstMapDelta),
+ instmap__apply_instmap_delta(InstMapBeforeStartGoal,
+ InstMapDelta, InstMapBeforeGoal),
+ (
+ goal_util__can_reorder_goals(ModuleInfo, FullyStrict,
+ InstTable, InstMapBeforeStartGoal, StartGoal,
+ InstMapBeforeGoal, Goal)
+ ->
+ move_goals(StartGoal, InstMapBeforeStartGoal,
+ InstTable, ModuleInfo, FullyStrict,
+ Goals, PreGoals0, PostGoals),
+ PreGoals = [Goal | PreGoals0]
+ ;
+ move_goals(Goal, InstMapBeforeGoal, InstTable,
+ ModuleInfo, FullyStrict, Goals,
+ PreGoalsForGoal, PostGoalsForGoal),
+ move_goals(StartGoal, InstMapBeforeStartGoal, InstTable,
+ ModuleInfo, FullyStrict, PreGoalsForGoal,
+ PreGoals, PostGoalsForStartGoal),
+ list__append(PostGoalsForStartGoal, [Goal | PostGoalsForGoal],
+ PostGoals)
+ ).
+ %
+ % accumulator__Ys_descended_from_Y0s(HV, DP)
+ %
+ % If any head variable is calculated in the decompose/process,
+ % DP, list of goals then it cannot be descended from the Y0s.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__Ys_descended_from_Y0s(prog_vars::in,
+ a_goals::in, module_info::in) is semidet.
+accumulator__Ys_descended_from_Y0s(HeadVars, DecomposeProcess, ModuleInfo) :-
+ accumulator__vars_to_accumulate(HeadVars, DecomposeProcess,
+ ModuleInfo, ChangedHeadVars),
+ ChangedHeadVars = [].
+ %
+ % accumulator__vars_to_accumulate(HV, C, VA)
+ %
+ % Given the list of goals, C, which represent the compose
+ % goal and the list of the head variables, HV, determine the
+ % head variables that will need to be accumulated, VA.
+ %
+ % The variables that will need to be accumulated are simply
+ % those whose instantiatedness change in the compose goals and
+ % that are headvars.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__vars_to_accumulate(prog_vars::in, a_goals::in,
+ module_info::in, prog_vars::out) is det.
+accumulator__vars_to_accumulate(HeadVars, C, ModuleInfo, VarsToAccumulate) :-
+ C = goal(ComposeGoals, InstMapBeforeCompose, InstTableCompose),
+ goal_list_instmap_delta(ComposeGoals, InstMapDelta),
+ instmap__apply_instmap_delta(InstMapBeforeCompose,
+ InstMapDelta,InstMapAfterCompose),
+ instmap_changed_vars(InstMapBeforeCompose, InstMapAfterCompose,
+ InstTableCompose, ModuleInfo, ChangedVars),
+ Member = (pred(M::in) is semidet :- set__member(M, ChangedVars)),
+ list__filter(Member, HeadVars, VarsToAccumulate).
+ %
+ % accumulator__extra_vars_for_recursive_call(DP, C, Hs)
+ %
+ % If the decompose/process list of goals, DP, produce a value
+ % that is needed in the compose list of goals, C, then that
+ % value will need to be passed via the introduced recursive
+ % call. This predicate identifies these variables, Hs.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__extra_vars_for_recursive_call(a_goals::in,
+ a_goals::in, prog_vars::out) is det.
+ goal(DecomposeProcess, _InstMapBeforeDP, _InstTableDP),
+ goal(Compose, _InstMapBeforeCompose, _InstTableC), Vars) :-
+ goal_list_nonlocals(DecomposeProcess, DPNonLocalsSet),
+ goal_list_nonlocals(Compose, CNonLocalsSet),
+ set__intersect(DPNonLocalsSet, CNonLocalsSet, VarsSet),
+ set__to_sorted_list(VarsSet, Vars).
+ %
+ % accumulator__static_vars_in_recursive_call
+ %
+ % Identify the variables which are static and only appear in the
+ % recursive call.
+ %
+ % This predicate is currently unused.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__static_vars_in_recursive_call(a_goal::in,
+ a_goals::in, module_info::in, prog_vars::out) is det.
+accumulator__static_vars_in_recursive_call(Recursive, Compose,
+ ModuleInfo, Vars) :-
+ Recursive = goal(_ - RecGoalInfo, InstMapBeforeRec, InstTable),
+ Compose = goal(ComposeGoals, _InstMapBeforeCompose, _),
+ goal_info_get_instmap_delta(RecGoalInfo, RecInstMapDelta),
+ goal_info_get_nonlocals(RecGoalInfo, RecNonLocals),
+ instmap__apply_instmap_delta(InstMapBeforeRec, RecInstMapDelta,
+ InstMapAfterRec),
+ instmap_changed_vars(InstMapBeforeRec, InstMapAfterRec, InstTable,
+ ModuleInfo, ChangedVars),
+ set__difference(RecNonLocals, ChangedVars, PossibleStaticVars),
+ goal_list_nonlocals(ComposeGoals, CNonLocalsSet),
+ set__intersect(CNonLocalsSet, PossibleStaticVars, VarsSet),
+ set__to_sorted_list(VarsSet, Vars).
+ %
+ % accumulator__orig_base_case
+ %
+ % Determine the base case of the original goal.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__orig_base_case(hlds_goals::in, hlds_goal::out) is det.
+accumulator__orig_base_case(BaseGoalList, BaseGoal) :-
+ % Note the the goal_info constructed should be identical
+ % to the original goal_info. It is just that it is no
+ % longer easily accessible.
+ calculate_goal_info(conj(BaseGoalList), BaseGoal).
+ %
+ % accumulator__orig_recursive_case
+ %
+ % Work out a new recursive case for the original predicate
+ % which replaces the recursive call with a call to the new
+ % accumulator predicate.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__orig_recursive_case(a_goals::in, a_goal::in,
+ prog_vars::in, pred_id::in, proc_id::in, sym_name::in,
+ prog_vars::in, subst::out, hlds_goal::out) is det.
+accumulator__orig_recursive_case(DP, R0, HeadVars, PredId, ProcId, Name,
+ ExtraVars, Y0stoYs_Subst, Goal) :-
+ DP = goal(DecomposeProcess, _InstMapBeforeDP, _InstTableDP),
+ R0 = goal(Recursive, _InstMapBeforeR, _InstTableR),
+ (
+ Recursive = GoalExpr0 - GoalInfo,
+ GoalExpr0 = call(_, _, Vars, Builtin, Context, _)
+ ->
+ % Calculate what vars the new call should use.
+ goal_list_nonlocals(DecomposeProcess, NonLocals),
+ assoc_list__from_corresponding_lists(HeadVars, Vars, Pairs),
+ list__map(accumulator__which_var(NonLocals), Pairs, CallVars0),
+ list__append(CallVars0, ExtraVars, CallVars),
+ GoalExpr = call(PredId, ProcId, CallVars,
+ Builtin, Context, Name),
+ % Rename the variables in the goal.
+ map__init(Subst0),
+ map__det_insert_from_corresponding_lists(Subst0, Vars,
+ CallVars0, Y0stoYs_Subst),
+ goal_util__rename_vars_in_goal(GoalExpr - GoalInfo,
+ Y0stoYs_Subst, R),
+ list__append(DecomposeProcess, [R], GoalList),
+ calculate_goal_info(conj(GoalList), Goal)
+ ;
+ error("accumulator__orig_recursive_case: Not a call.")
+ ).
+ %
+ % If a var is a member of the nonlocal set of variables then it
+ % must be that variable we are to use in the call, otherwise we
+ % use the corresponding head variable.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__which_var(set(prog_var)::in,
+ pair(prog_var, prog_var)::in, prog_var::out) is det.
+accumulator__which_var(NonLocals, HeadVar - CallVar, Var) :-
+ (
+ set__member(CallVar, NonLocals)
+ ->
+ Var = CallVar
+ ;
+ Var = HeadVar
+ ).
+ %
+ % accumulator__new_base_case
+ %
+ % Determine the base case of the introduced predicate.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__new_base_case(hlds_goals::in, a_goals::in,
+ subst::in, subst::in, hlds_goal::out) is det.
+accumulator__new_base_case(Base, C, Y0stoYs_Subst, HstoAs_Subst, Goal) :-
+ C = goal(Compose, _InstMapBeforeCompose, _InstTableCompose),
+ reverse_subst(Y0stoYs_Subst, YstoY0s_Subst),
+ goal_util__rename_vars_in_goals(Base, no, YstoY0s_Subst, NewBase),
+ goal_util__rename_vars_in_goals(Compose, no, HstoAs_Subst, NewCompose),
+ list__append(NewBase, NewCompose, GoalList),
+ calculate_goal_info(conj(GoalList), Goal).
+ %
+ % accumulator__new_recursive_case
+ %
+ % Determine the recursive case of the introduced predicate.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__new_recursive_case(a_goals::in, a_goals::in,
+ a_goal::in, bool::in, bool::in,
+ module_info::in, pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
+ sym_name::in, prog_vars::in, prog_vars::in, subst::in,
+ subst::in, hlds_goal::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__new_recursive_case(DP, C, R0, DoLCO, FullyStrict,
+ ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, Name, Hs, HeadVars,
+ Y0stoYs_Subst, HstoAs_Subst, Goal) :-
+ DP = goal(DecomposeProcess, _InstMapBeforeDP, _InstTableDP),
+ C = goal(Compose, InstMapBeforeCompose, InstTableCompose),
+ R0 = goal(Recursive0, _InstMapBeforeR, _InstTableR),
+ assoc_info_init(ModuleInfo, HeadVars, DP, C, R0,
+ Y0stoYs_Subst, HstoAs_Subst, AssocInfo0),
+ accumulator__check_assoc(Compose, InstMapBeforeCompose,
+ InstTableCompose, ModuleInfo, FullyStrict,
+ PreRecGoal0, PostRecGoal0,
+ AssocInfo0, AssocInfo),
+ (
+ DoLCO = yes,
+ % If there are no goals that can be moved before
+ % the recursive call, then there is nothing to
+ % accumulate so fail.
+ PreRecGoal0 \= [],
+ map__init(LCO_Subst0),
+ assoc_info_dynamic_set(DynamicSet, AssocInfo, _),
+ accumulator__check_post_rec_goals(PostRecGoal0, DynamicSet,
+ LCO_Subst0, LCO_Subst)
+ ;
+ DoLCO = no,
+ map__init(LCO_Subst),
+ PostRecGoal0 = []
+ ),
+ assoc_info_Y0stoAs(Y0stoAs_Subst, AssocInfo, _),
+ accumulator__rename_prerec_goals(PreRecGoal0, Y0stoAs_Subst,
+ Y0stoYs_Subst, LCO_Subst, HstoAs_Subst, PreRecGoal),
+ accumulator__rename_recursive_goal(Recursive0, Hs, PredId, ProcId,
+ Name, HstoAs_Subst, Y0stoAs_Subst,
+ Y0stoYs_Subst, LCO_Subst, Recursive),
+ accumulator__rename_postrec_goals(PostRecGoal0, HstoAs_Subst,
+ PostRecGoal),
+ list__append(PreRecGoal, [Recursive | PostRecGoal], GoalList0),
+ list__append(DecomposeProcess, GoalList0, GoalList),
+ calculate_goal_info(conj(GoalList), Goal).
+ %
+ % accumulator__check_post_rec_goals
+ %
+ % Ensure that each goal which is to be placed after the
+ % recursive goal is a construction unification.
+ %
+ % Also create a substition which records from which dynamic var
+ % each headvar is descended.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__check_post_rec_goals(hlds_goals::in, set(prog_var)::in,
+ subst::in, subst::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__check_post_rec_goals([], _DynamicSet, Subst, Subst).
+accumulator__check_post_rec_goals([Goal | Goals], DynamicSet, Subst0, Subst) :-
+ Goal = unify(_TermL, _TermR, _Mode, Unify, _Context) - _GoalInfo,
+ Unify = construct(Var, _ConsId, Vars, _Modes),
+ set__list_to_set(Vars, VarsSet),
+ set__intersect(VarsSet, DynamicSet, DynamicVarsSet),
+ set__singleton_set(DynamicVarsSet, DynamicVar),
+ (
+ map__search(Subst0, DynamicVar, DescendedFrom)
+ ->
+ map__delete(Subst0, DynamicVar, Subst1),
+ map__insert(Subst1, Var, DescendedFrom, Subst2)
+ ;
+ map__insert(Subst0, Var, DynamicVar, Subst2)
+ ),
+ accumulator__check_post_rec_goals(Goals, DynamicSet, Subst2, Subst).
+:- pred accumulator__rename_prerec_goals(hlds_goals::in, subst::in,
+ subst::in, subst::in, subst::in, hlds_goals::out) is det.
+accumulator__rename_prerec_goals(Goal0, Y0stoAs_Subst, Y0stoYs_Subst,
+ LCO_Subst, HstoAs_Subst0, Goal) :-
+ reverse_subst(Y0stoYs_Subst, YstoY0s_Subst),
+ reverse_subst(LCO_Subst, LCOtoYs_Subst),
+ chain_subst(LCOtoYs_Subst, YstoY0s_Subst, LCOtoY0s_Subst),
+ delete_used_as(HstoAs_Subst0, Y0stoAs_Subst, HstoAs_Subst),
+ goal_util__rename_vars_in_goals(Goal0, no, Y0stoAs_Subst, Goal1),
+ goal_util__rename_vars_in_goals(Goal1, no, LCOtoY0s_Subst, Goal2),
+ goal_util__rename_vars_in_goals(Goal2, no, YstoY0s_Subst, Goal3),
+ goal_util__rename_vars_in_goals(Goal3, no, HstoAs_Subst, Goal).
+:- pred delete_used_as(subst::in, subst::in, subst::out) is det.
+delete_used_as(HstoAs_Subst0, Y0stoAs_Subst, HstoAs_Subst) :-
+ reverse_subst(HstoAs_Subst0, AstoHs_Subst0),
+ reverse_subst(Y0stoAs_Subst, AstoY0s_Subst),
+ map__keys(AstoY0s_Subst, AstoDelete),
+ map__delete_list(AstoHs_Subst0, AstoDelete, AstoHs_Subst),
+ reverse_subst(AstoHs_Subst, HstoAs_Subst).
+:- pred accumulator__rename_recursive_goal(hlds_goal::in, prog_vars::in,
+ pred_id::in, proc_id::in, sym_name::in, subst::in, subst::in,
+ subst::in, subst::in, hlds_goal::out) is det.
+accumulator__rename_recursive_goal(Goal0, Hs, PredId, ProcId, Name,
+ HstoAs_Subst, Y0stoAs_Subst, Y0stoYs_Subst, LCO_Subst, Goal) :-
+ Goal0 = GoalExpr0 - GoalInfo0,
+ (
+ GoalExpr0 = call(_, _, Args0, Builtin, Context, _)
+ ->
+ reverse_subst(Y0stoAs_Subst, AstoY0s_Subst),
+ reverse_subst(HstoAs_Subst, AstoHs_Subst),
+ list__append(Args0, Hs, Args),
+ GoalExpr1 = call(PredId, ProcId, Args, Builtin, Context, Name),
+ goal_info_get_nonlocals(GoalInfo0, NonLocals0),
+ set__list_to_set(Args, ArgsSet),
+ set__union(ArgsSet, NonLocals0, NonLocals),
+ goal_info_set_nonlocals(GoalInfo0, NonLocals, GoalInfo1),
+ Goal1 = GoalExpr1 - GoalInfo1,
+ goal_util__rename_vars_in_goal(Goal1, Y0stoYs_Subst, Goal2),
+ goal_util__rename_vars_in_goal(Goal2, HstoAs_Subst, Goal3),
+ goal_util__rename_vars_in_goal(Goal3, AstoY0s_Subst, Goal4),
+ goal_util__rename_vars_in_goal(Goal4, LCO_Subst, Goal5),
+ goal_util__rename_vars_in_goal(Goal5, AstoHs_Subst, Goal)
+ ;
+ error("accumulator__rename_recursive_goal: to make det.")
+ ).
+:- pred accumulator__rename_postrec_goals(hlds_goals::in, subst::in,
+ hlds_goals::out) is det.
+accumulator__rename_postrec_goals(Goals0, HstoAs_Subst, Goals) :-
+ goal_util__rename_vars_in_goals(Goals0, no, HstoAs_Subst, Goals).
+:- pred calculate_goal_info(hlds_goal_expr::in, hlds_goal::out) is det.
+calculate_goal_info(GoalExpr, GoalExpr - GoalInfo) :-
+ (
+ GoalExpr = conj(GoalList)
+ ->
+ goal_list_nonlocals(GoalList, NonLocals),
+ goal_list_instmap_delta(GoalList, InstMapDelta),
+ goal_list_determinism(GoalList, Determinism),
+ goal_info_init(NonLocals, InstMapDelta, Determinism, GoalInfo)
+ ;
+ error("calculate_goal_info: not a conj.")
+ ).
+ %
+ % accumulator__check_assoc(Gs, MGs, AGs)
+ %
+ % Given a list of goals, Gs, check to ensure that the list of
+ % goals Gs is associative rearranging a goal if necessary to
+ % ensure associativity. These goals are placed into MGs.
+ %
+ % It is not possible for construction unfications to be
+ % associative. However if only construction unfications remain
+ % after the recursive call, it is possible to do the lco (see
+ % lco.m) optimisation. So whenever the predicate encounters a
+ % construction unfication, it places it any goals that depend on
+ % that goal into AGs.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__check_assoc(hlds_goals::in, instmap::in, inst_table::in,
+ module_info::in, bool::in, hlds_goals::out,
+ hlds_goals::out, assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__check_assoc([], _InstMap, _IT, _MI, _FullyStrict, [], []) --> [].
+accumulator__check_assoc([Goal0 | Goal0s], InstMapBeforeGoal0, InstTable,
+ ModuleInfo, FullyStrict, MovedGoals, AfterGoals) -->
+ (
+ { goal_is_construction_unification(Goal0) }
+ ->
+ { move_goals(Goal0, InstMapBeforeGoal0, InstTable,
+ ModuleInfo, FullyStrict,
+ Goal0s, PreGoal0s, PostGoal0s) },
+ accumulator__check_assoc(PreGoal0s, InstMapBeforeGoal0,
+ InstTable, ModuleInfo, FullyStrict,
+ MovedGoals, AfterGoal0s),
+ { list__append(AfterGoal0s, [Goal0 | PostGoal0s], AfterGoals) }
+ ;
+ { Goal0 = _ - GoalInfo0 },
+ { goal_info_get_instmap_delta(GoalInfo0, InstMapDelta) },
+ { instmap__apply_instmap_delta(InstMapBeforeGoal0 ,
+ InstMapDelta, InstMapBeforeGoal0s) },
+ accumulator__check_goal(Goal0, Goal),
+ accumulator__check_assoc(Goal0s, InstMapBeforeGoal0s,
+ InstTable, ModuleInfo, FullyStrict,
+ MovedGoal0s, AfterGoals),
+ { MovedGoals = [Goal | MovedGoal0s] }
+ ).
+ %
+ % Is the goal a construction unification?
+ %
+:- pred goal_is_construction_unification(hlds_goal::in) is semidet.
+goal_is_construction_unification(Goal - _GoalInfo) :-
+ Goal = unify(_, _, _, Unification, _),
+ Unification = construct(_, _, _, _).
+ %
+ % Is the current goal associative?
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__check_goal(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
+ assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__check_goal(conj(Goals0) - GoalInfo, conj(Goals) - GoalInfo) -->
+ accumulator__check_goallist(Goals0, Goals).
+accumulator__check_goal(par_conj(_, _) - _, _) -->
+ { fail }.
+ % Branched Goals
+ %
+ % XXX the previous version of accumulator ensured the condition
+ % that each arm of the disjunct only updated static variables.
+ % However this will not handle the vectorising case.
+accumulator__check_goal(disj(_, _) - _, _) --> { fail }.
+accumulator__check_goal(switch(_, _, _, _) - _, _) --> { fail }.
+accumulator__check_goal(if_then_else(_, _, _, _, _) - _, _) --> { fail }.
+accumulator__check_goal(not(_) - _, _) --> { fail }.
+accumulator__check_goal(some(Vars, Goal0) - GoalInfo,
+ some(Vars, Goal) - GoalInfo) -->
+ accumulator__check_goal(Goal0, Goal).
+ % All of these must fail because there is no way we can know
+ % whether or not these calls are associative.
+ % XXX this may not be true for class_method_call, it may be
+ % possible to make it a condition that this method is always
+ % associative.
+accumulator__check_goal(higher_order_call(_,_,_,_,_,_) - _, _) --> { fail }.
+accumulator__check_goal(pragma_c_code(_,_,_,_,_,_,_) - _, _) --> { fail }.
+accumulator__check_goal(class_method_call(_,_,_,_,_,_) - _, _) --> { fail }.
+accumulator__check_goal(unify(TermL, TermR, Mode, Unify, Context) - GoalInfo,
+ unify(TermL, TermR, Mode, Unify, Context) - GoalInfo) -->
+ { accumulator__check_assoc_unify_rhs(TermR) },
+ accumulator__check_assoc_unify(Unify).
+accumulator__check_goal(call(PredId, ProcId, Arg0s, Builtin, Context, Sym)
+ - GoalInfo,
+ call(PredId, ProcId, Args, Builtin, Context, Sym)
+ - GoalInfo) -->
+ assoc_info_module_info(ModuleInfo),
+ accumulator__call_dynamic_var(Arg0s, DynamicCallVar),
+ { accumulator__is_associative(PredId, ProcId, ModuleInfo, Arg0s, Args,
+ PossibleStaticVars, Commutative) },
+ (
+ % Make sure that after rearrangement of the
+ % arguments the new proc will be at least as
+ % efficient as the old pred.
+ { Commutative = no },
+ assoc_info_static_set(StaticSet),
+ { accumulator__obey_heuristic(PredId, ModuleInfo,
+ Args, StaticSet) }
+ ;
+ { Commutative = yes }
+ ),
+ accumulator__check_previous_calls(DynamicCallVar,
+ PredId, ProcId, Commutative),
+ accumulator__new_dynamic_var(Arg0s, DynamicCallVar, NewDynamicVar),
+ accumulator__update_orig_var_map(DynamicCallVar, NewDynamicVar),
+ accumulator__update_Y0stoAs_subst(DynamicCallVar, [PossibleStaticVars]).
+:- pred accumulator__check_goallist(hlds_goals::in, hlds_goals::out,
+ assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__check_goallist([], []) --> [].
+accumulator__check_goallist([Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals]) -->
+ accumulator__check_goal(Goal0, Goal),
+ accumulator__check_goallist(Goals0, Goals).
+ %
+ % This predicate is meant to fail if the rhs of the unification
+ % is a lambda goal, because I am not convinced that I know how
+ % to handle this correctly.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__check_assoc_unify_rhs(unify_rhs::in) is semidet.
+accumulator__check_assoc_unify_rhs(functor(_, _)).
+accumulator__check_assoc_unify_rhs(lambda_goal(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)) :-
+ %
+ % For the moment just fail, as I am not sure how to
+ % handle this.
+ %
+ fail.
+ %
+ % accumulator__check_assoc_unify_rhs
+ %
+ % The only safe unifications are assignment unifications.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__check_assoc_unify(unification::in,
+ assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__check_assoc_unify(construct(_Var, _ConsId, _Vars, _Modes)) -->
+ %
+ % We shouldn't fail if we have this case as all the
+ % construction unification does is put a wrapper
+ % around the dynamic variables. What we need to
+ % recognise is that the construction/deconstruction
+ % pair do nothing.
+ %
+ % f(X,Y) :-
+ % decompose(X,Xh,Xr),
+ % f(Xr,Y0),
+ % Y0 = c(A0, B0),
+ % composeA(Xh,A0,A),
+ % composeB(Xh,B0,B),
+ % Y = c(A, B).
+ %
+ % I think that the way to recognise these
+ % situations is when the type of Y is flat
+ % (non-recursive).
+ %
+ { fail }.
+ deconstruct(_Var, _ConsId, _Vars, _Modes, _Cat)) -->
+ % see comment in construct
+ { fail }.
+accumulator__check_assoc_unify(assign(L, _R)) -->
+ assoc_info_dynamic_set(DynamicSet0),
+ { set__insert(DynamicSet0, L, DynamicSet) },
+ assoc_info_set_dynamic_set(DynamicSet).
+accumulator__check_assoc_unify(simple_test(_L, _R)) -->
+ { fail }.
+accumulator__check_assoc_unify(complicated_unify(_Modes, _Cat)) -->
+ { fail }. % XXX not sure what this should be.
+ %
+ % accumulator__call_dynamic_var(As, DV)
+ %
+ % Given the list of arguments to a call try and determine which
+ % of the arguments is the current dynamic variable.
+ %
+ % Fails if there is more then one dynamic variable in a call.
+ % This is because in general more then one dynamic variable
+ % being used in a call prevents the goals from being
+ % associative.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__call_dynamic_var(prog_vars::in, prog_var::out,
+ assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__call_dynamic_var(Args, DynamicCallVar) -->
+ assoc_info_dynamic_set(DynamicSet),
+ { set__list_to_set(Args, ArgSet) },
+ { set__intersect(ArgSet, DynamicSet, DynamicCallArgs) },
+ { set__singleton_set(DynamicCallArgs, DynamicCallVar) }.
+ %
+ % accumulator__new_dynamic_var(As, DV, O)
+ %
+ % Given the original arguments to a call, As, and the dynamic
+ % var, DV, determine the new dynamic var, O, also update the
+ % dynamic set at the same time.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__new_dynamic_var(prog_vars::in, prog_var::in,
+ prog_var::out, assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__new_dynamic_var(Args0, DynamicCallVar, NewDynamicVar) -->
+ assoc_info_static_set(StaticSet0),
+ assoc_info_dynamic_set(DynamicSet0),
+ { set__list_to_set(Args0, ArgSet) },
+ { set__difference(ArgSet, StaticSet0, ArgDynamicSet) },
+ { set__union(ArgDynamicSet, DynamicSet0, DynamicSet) },
+ assoc_info_set_dynamic_set(DynamicSet),
+ { set__delete(ArgDynamicSet, DynamicCallVar, OutputDynamicCallArgs) },
+ { set__singleton_set(OutputDynamicCallArgs, NewDynamicVar) }.
+ %
+ % accumulator__check_previous_calls
+ %
+ % Ensure that the previous calls have been commutative and calling
+ % the same procedure, or if it is associative that there has
+ % been no previous calls.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__check_previous_calls(prog_var::in,
+ pred_id::in, proc_id::in, commutative::in,
+ assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is semidet.
+ PredId, ProcId, Commutative) -->
+ assoc_info_orig_dynvar_map(OrigDynMap),
+ assoc_info_prev_call_map(PrevCallMap0),
+ { map__lookup(OrigDynMap, DynamicCallVar, OrigVar) },
+ { accumulator__check_prevcalls(OrigVar, PredId, ProcId, Commutative,
+ PrevCallMap0, PrevCallMap) },
+ assoc_info_set_prev_call_map(PrevCallMap).
+ %
+ % accumulator__update_orig_var_map(DV, Ns)
+ %
+ % Record for each variable Ns which variable that variable
+ % is descended from.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__update_orig_var_map(prog_var::in, prog_var::in,
+ assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is det.
+accumulator__update_orig_var_map(DynamicCallVar, NewDynamicVar) -->
+ assoc_info_orig_dynvar_map(OrigDynMap0),
+ { map__lookup(OrigDynMap0, DynamicCallVar, OrigVar) },
+ { map__det_insert(OrigDynMap0, NewDynamicVar, OrigVar, OrigDynMap) },
+ assoc_info_set_orig_dynvar_map(OrigDynMap).
+ %
+ % accumulator__update_Y0stoAs_subst
+ %
+ % Update the Y0s -> As Substitution.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__update_Y0stoAs_subst(prog_var::in, list(set(prog_var))::in,
+ assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__update_Y0stoAs_subst(DynamicCallVar, PossibleStaticVarsList) -->
+ assoc_info_orig_dynvar_map(OrigDynVarMap),
+ assoc_info_static_set(StaticSet),
+ assoc_info_HstoAs(HstoAs_Subst),
+ { map__lookup(OrigDynVarMap, DynamicCallVar, OrigDynVar) },
+ assoc_info_Y0stoAs(Y0stoAs_Subst0),
+ { accumulator__update_Y0stoAs_subst_2(PossibleStaticVarsList,
+ OrigDynVar, StaticSet, HstoAs_Subst,
+ Y0stoAs_Subst0, Y0stoAs_Subst) },
+ assoc_info_set_Y0stoAs(Y0stoAs_Subst).
+:- pred accumulator__update_Y0stoAs_subst_2(list(set(prog_var))::in,
+ prog_var::in, set(prog_var)::in,
+ subst::in, subst::in, subst::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__update_Y0stoAs_subst_2([], _, _, _, Y0stoAs_Subst, Y0stoAs_Subst).
+accumulator__update_Y0stoAs_subst_2([PossibleStaticVars | T], OrigDynVar,
+ StaticSet, HstoAs_Subst, Y0stoAs_Subst0, Y0stoAs_Subst) :-
+ set__intersect(PossibleStaticVars, StaticSet, StaticVarSet),
+ set__to_sorted_list(StaticVarSet, StaticVar),
+ list__map(map__lookup(HstoAs_Subst), StaticVar, As),
+ % There should only be one variable that is being
+ % accumulated.
+ As = [AccVar],
+ %
+ % If you have a chain of commutative calls,
+ % only the first one will need to have the
+ % accumulator placed in the call.
+ %
+ (
+ map__insert(Y0stoAs_Subst0, OrigDynVar, AccVar,
+ Y0stoAs_Subst1)
+ ->
+ Y0stoAs_Subst2 = Y0stoAs_Subst1
+ ;
+ Y0stoAs_Subst2 = Y0stoAs_Subst0
+ ),
+ accumulator__update_Y0stoAs_subst_2(T, OrigDynVar, StaticSet,
+ HstoAs_Subst, Y0stoAs_Subst2, Y0stoAs_Subst).
+ %
+ % accumulator__check_prevcalls
+ %
+ % We must ensure that if the dynamic variables which the current
+ % variable is descended from have been used in any other
+ % calls previously that all these calls have been commutative
+ % including the current call.
+ %
+ % If this is true update the prev call map.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__check_prevcalls(prog_var::in,
+ pred_id::in, proc_id::in, commutative::in,
+ prev_call_map::in, prev_call_map::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__check_prevcalls(OrigVar, PredId, ProcId, Commutative,
+ PrevCallMap0, PrevCallMap) :-
+ (
+ map__search(PrevCallMap0, OrigVar, PrevCall)
+ ->
+ %
+ % Only succeed if the current call is
+ % commutative and all the previous calls are
+ % commutative and to the same procedure.
+ %
+ PrevCall = prev_call(PredId, ProcId, yes),
+ PrevCallMap = PrevCallMap0
+ ;
+ %
+ % There are no previous calls so set whether or
+ % not the current call is commutative for all
+ % the original variables.
+ %
+ map__det_insert(PrevCallMap0, OrigVar,
+ prev_call(PredId, ProcId, Commutative),
+ PrevCallMap)
+ ).
+ %
+ % If accumulator_is_associative is true, it returns a reordering
+ % of the args to make it associative when executed left to right
+ % and an indicator of whether or not the predicate is
+ % commutative.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__is_associative(pred_id::in, proc_id::in, module_info::in,
+ prog_vars::in, prog_vars::out, set(prog_var)::out,
+ commutative::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__is_associative(PredId, ProcId, ModuleInfo,
+ Args0, Args, PossibleStaticVars, Commutative):-
+ module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId,
+ PredInfo, ProcInfo),
+ pred_info_module(PredInfo, ModuleName),
+ pred_info_name(PredInfo, PredName),
+ pred_info_arity(PredInfo, Arity),
+ proc_info_argmodes(ProcInfo, Modes),
+ proc_info_get_initial_instmap(ProcInfo, ModuleInfo, InitialInstMap),
+ assoc_fact(ModuleName, PredName, Arity, InitialInstMap, Modes,
+ ModuleInfo, Args0, Args, PossibleStaticVars, Reordered),
+ bool__not(Reordered, Commutative).
+ %
+ % XXX this fact table is only a temporary solution to whether or
+ % not a particular procedure is associative. In the long term
+ % the user should be able to annotate their code to indicate
+ % which predicates are associative.
+ %
+ % The set is simply the set of vars that must be static. It is
+ % a simple heuristic to ensure that the O() behaviour only
+ % improves. ie for append after swapping the arguments the
+ % static variable must be in the first location.
+ %
+:- pred assoc_fact(module_name::in, string::in, arity::in, instmap::in,
+ argument_modes::in, module_info::in, prog_vars::in,
+ prog_vars::out, set(prog_var)::out, bool::out) is semidet.
+assoc_fact(unqualified("int"), "+", 3, InstMap,
+ argument_modes(InstTable, [In, In, Out]), ModuleInfo,
+ [A, B, C], [A, B, C], PossibleStaticVars, no) :-
+ set__list_to_set([A, B], PossibleStaticVars),
+ mode_is_input(InstMap, InstTable, ModuleInfo, In),
+ mode_is_output(InstMap, InstTable, ModuleInfo, Out).
+assoc_fact(unqualified("int"), "*", 3, InstMap,
+ argument_modes(InstTable, [In, In, Out]),
+ ModuleInfo, [A, B, C], [A, B, C], PossibleStaticVars, no) :-
+ set__list_to_set([A, B], PossibleStaticVars),
+ mode_is_input(InstMap, InstTable, ModuleInfo, In),
+ mode_is_output(InstMap, InstTable, ModuleInfo, Out).
+/* XXX introducing accumulators for floating point numbers can be bad.
+assoc_fact(unqualified("float"), "+", 3, InstMap,
+ argument_modes(InstTable, [In, In, Out]), ModuleInfo,
+ [A, B, C], [A, B, C], PossibleStaticVars, no) :-
+ set__list_to_set([A, B], PossibleStaticVars),
+ mode_is_input(InstMap, InstTable, ModuleInfo, In),
+ mode_is_output(InstMap, InstTable, ModuleInfo, Out).
+assoc_fact(unqualified("float"), "*", 3, InstMap,
+ argument_modes(InstTable, [In, In, Out]), ModuleInfo,
+ [A, B, C], [A, B, C], PossibleStaticVars, no) :-
+ set__list_to_set([A, B], PossibleStaticVars),
+ mode_is_input(InstMap, InstTable, ModuleInfo, In),
+ mode_is_output(InstMap, InstTable, ModuleInfo, Out).
+assoc_fact(unqualified("list"), "append", 3, InstMap,
+ argument_modes(InstTable, [TypeInfoIn, In, In, Out]),
+ ModuleInfo, [TypeInfo, A, B, C],
+ [TypeInfo, B, A, C], PossibleStaticVars, yes) :-
+ set__list_to_set([A, B], PossibleStaticVars),
+ mode_is_input(InstMap, InstTable, ModuleInfo, TypeInfoIn),
+ mode_is_input(InstMap, InstTable, ModuleInfo, In),
+ mode_is_output(InstMap, InstTable, ModuleInfo, Out).
+ XXX this no longer works, because set__insert isn't associative.
+ However set__insert obeys the following axiom, providing that you
+ use user-defined equality (set__equals), not structural equality
+ for S.
+ p(A, S0, SA), p(B, SA, S) <=>
+ p(B, S0, SB), p(A, SB, S)
+ My previous attempt at this transformation handled this case
+ and I thought the current one did as well. I was wrong. I need
+ to reintegrate my old code.
+assoc_fact(unqualified("set"), "insert", 3, InstMap,
+ argument_modes(InstTable, [TypeInfoIn, In, In, Out]),
+ Moduleinfo, [TypeInfo, A, B, C],
+ [TypeInfo, A, B, C], PossibleStaticVars, no) :-
+ set__list_to_set([A, B], PossibleStaticVars),
+ mode_is_input(InstMap, InstTable, Moduleinfo, TypeInfoIn),
+ mode_is_input(InstMap, InstTable, Moduleinfo, In),
+ mode_is_output(InstMap, InstTable, Moduleinfo, Out).
+ %
+ % accumulator__obey_heuristic
+ %
+ % for calls which rearrange the order of variables ensure that
+ % the call obeys the heuristic that the static variables are in
+ % certain positions.
+ %
+ % For example, a call to append in the forward mode will have
+ % the following types of variables: (static, dynamic, dynamic).
+ % After rearrangment that order will be (dynamic, static, dynamic).
+ % Having a dynamic variable in the first position will probably
+ % take O(N) time to process while having a static variable will
+ % probably take O(1) time. Therefore the complexity of the
+ % predicate as a whole will change, we must ensure that it
+ % changes for the better.
+ %
+:- pred accumulator__obey_heuristic(pred_id::in, module_info::in,
+ prog_vars::in, set(prog_var)::in) is semidet.
+accumulator__obey_heuristic(Predid, ModuleInfo, Args, StaticSet) :-
+ module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, Predid, PredInfo),
+ pred_info_module(PredInfo, ModuleName),
+ pred_info_name(PredInfo, PredName),
+ pred_info_arity(PredInfo, Arity),
+ heuristic(ModuleName, PredName, Arity, Args, MustBeStaticVars),
+ set__intersect(StaticSet, MustBeStaticVars, Intersection),
+ set__equal(MustBeStaticVars, Intersection).
+:- pred heuristic(module_name::in, string::in, arity::in, prog_vars::in,
+ set(prog_var)::out) is semidet.
+heuristic(unqualified("list"), "append", 3, [_Typeinfo, A, _B, _C], Set) :-
+ set__list_to_set([A], Set).
+:- pred assoc_info_init(module_info::in, prog_vars::in, a_goals::in,
+ a_goals::in, a_goal::in,
+ subst::in, subst::in, assoc_info::out) is det.
+assoc_info_init(ModuleInfo, HeadVars, DP, Compose, R, Y0stoYs_Subst,
+ HstoAs_Subst, AssocInfo) :-
+ DP = goal(Decompose, _InstMapBeforeDP, _InstTableDP),
+ R = goal(_RecGoalExpr - RecGoalInfo, _InstMapBeforeR, _InstTableR),
+ map__init(PrevCallMap),
+ %
+ % Set up the OrigDynVarMap
+ %
+ reverse_subst(Y0stoYs_Subst, YstoY0s_Subst),
+ accumulator__vars_to_accumulate(HeadVars, Compose, ModuleInfo, Ys),
+ list__map(map__lookup(YstoY0s_Subst), Ys, Y0s),
+ assoc_list__from_corresponding_lists(Y0s, Y0s, AssocDynamicList),
+ map__from_assoc_list(AssocDynamicList, OrigDynVarMap),
+ %
+ % Dynamic Set
+ %
+ set__list_to_set(Y0s, DynamicSet),
+ %
+ % Static Set
+ %
+ GetGoalInfos = (pred(Goal::in, GoalInfo::out) is det :-
+ Goal = _ - GoalInfo),
+ list__map(GetGoalInfos, Decompose, DPGoalInfos),
+ list__map(goal_info_get_nonlocals, DPGoalInfos, DPNonLocals),
+ set__list_to_set(DPNonLocals, DPNonLocalsPowerSet),
+ set__power_union(DPNonLocalsPowerSet, StaticSet0),
+ goal_info_get_nonlocals(RecGoalInfo, RecNonLocals),
+ set__delete_list(RecNonLocals, Y0s, StaticSet1),
+ set__union(StaticSet0, StaticSet1, StaticSet),
+ %
+ % Y0stoAs
+ %
+ map__init(Y0stoAs_Subst),
+ %
+ % Ys
+ %
+ set__list_to_set(Ys, YsSet),
+ AssocInfo = assoc_info(StaticSet, DynamicSet,
+ ModuleInfo, PrevCallMap, OrigDynVarMap,
+ Y0stoAs_Subst, HstoAs_Subst, YsSet).
+:- pred assoc_info_static_set(set(prog_var)::out,
+ assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is det.
+assoc_info_static_set(StaticSet, AssocInfo, AssocInfo) :-
+ AssocInfo = assoc_info(StaticSet, _, _, _, _, _, _, _).
+:- pred assoc_info_dynamic_set(set(prog_var)::out,
+ assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is det.
+assoc_info_dynamic_set(DynamicSet, AssocInfo, AssocInfo) :-
+ AssocInfo = assoc_info(_, DynamicSet, _, _, _, _, _, _).
+:- pred assoc_info_module_info(module_info::out,
+ assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is det.
+assoc_info_module_info(ModuleInfo, AssocInfo, AssocInfo) :-
+ AssocInfo = assoc_info(_, _, ModuleInfo, _, _, _, _, _).
+:- pred assoc_info_prev_call_map(prev_call_map::out,
+ assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is det.
+assoc_info_prev_call_map(PrevCallMap, AssocInfo, AssocInfo) :-
+ AssocInfo = assoc_info(_, _, _, PrevCallMap, _, _, _, _).
+:- pred assoc_info_orig_dynvar_map(orig_dynvar_map::out,
+ assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is det.
+assoc_info_orig_dynvar_map(OrigDynVarMap, AssocInfo, AssocInfo) :-
+ AssocInfo = assoc_info(_, _, _, _, OrigDynVarMap, _, _, _).
+:- pred assoc_info_Y0stoAs(subst::out,
+ assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is det.
+assoc_info_Y0stoAs(Y0stoAs_Subst, AssocInfo, AssocInfo) :-
+ AssocInfo = assoc_info(_, _, _, _, _, Y0stoAs_Subst, _, _).
+:- pred assoc_info_HstoAs(subst::out,
+ assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is det.
+assoc_info_HstoAs(HstoAs_Subst, AssocInfo, AssocInfo) :-
+ AssocInfo = assoc_info(_, _, _, _, _, _, HstoAs_Subst, _).
+:- pred assoc_info_Ys(set(prog_var)::out,
+ assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is det.
+assoc_info_Ys(Ys, AssocInfo, AssocInfo) :-
+ AssocInfo = assoc_info(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, Ys).
+:- pred assoc_info_set_static_set(set(prog_var)::in, assoc_info::in,
+ assoc_info::out) is det.
+assoc_info_set_static_set(StaticSet, assoc_info(_, B, C, D, E, F, G, H),
+ assoc_info(StaticSet, B, C, D, E, F, G, H)).
+:- pred assoc_info_set_dynamic_set(set(prog_var)::in, assoc_info::in,
+ assoc_info::out) is det.
+assoc_info_set_dynamic_set(DynamicSet, assoc_info(A, _, C, D, E, F, G, H),
+ assoc_info(A, DynamicSet, C, D, E, F, G, H)).
+:- pred assoc_info_set_prev_call_map(prev_call_map::in, assoc_info::in,
+ assoc_info::out) is det.
+assoc_info_set_prev_call_map(PrevCallMap, assoc_info(A, B, C, _, E, F, G, H),
+ assoc_info(A, B, C, PrevCallMap, E, F, G, H)).
+:- pred assoc_info_set_orig_dynvar_map(orig_dynvar_map::in, assoc_info::in,
+ assoc_info::out) is det.
+assoc_info_set_orig_dynvar_map(OrigDynMap, assoc_info(A, B, C, D, _, F, G, H),
+ assoc_info(A, B, C, D, OrigDynMap, F, G, H)).
+:- pred assoc_info_set_Y0stoAs(subst::in, assoc_info::in,
+ assoc_info::out) is det.
+assoc_info_set_Y0stoAs(Y0stoAs_Subst, assoc_info(A, B, C, D, E, _, G, H),
+ assoc_info(A, B, C, D, E, Y0stoAs_Subst, G, H)).
+:- pred reverse_subst(subst::in, subst::out) is det.
+reverse_subst(Subst0, Subst) :-
+ map__to_assoc_list(Subst0, List0),
+ assoc_list__reverse_members(List0, List),
+ map__from_assoc_list(List, Subst).
+:- pred chain_subst(subst::in, subst::in, subst::out) is det.
+chain_subst(AtoB, BtoC, AtoC) :-
+ map__keys(AtoB, Keys),
+ chain_subst_2(Keys, AtoB, BtoC, AtoC).
+:- pred chain_subst_2(list(A)::in, map(A, B)::in, map(B, C)::in,
+ map(A, C)::out) is det.
+chain_subst_2([], _, _, AtoC) :-
+ map__init(AtoC).
+chain_subst_2([A|As], AtoB, BtoC, AtoC) :-
+ chain_subst_2(As, AtoB, BtoC, AtoC0),
+ map__lookup(AtoB, A, B),
+ map__lookup(BtoC, B, C),
+ map__det_insert(AtoC0, A, C, AtoC).
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