[m-dev.] for review: Aditi updates[4]
Simon Taylor
stayl at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Sat Jun 5 14:46:54 AEST 1999
Index: compiler/post_typecheck.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/post_typecheck.m,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -u -r1.6 post_typecheck.m
--- post_typecheck.m 1999/06/01 09:44:13 1.6
+++ post_typecheck.m 1999/06/02 01:21:12
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
:- module post_typecheck.
:- interface.
-:- import_module hlds_module, hlds_pred, io.
+:- import_module hlds_goal, hlds_module, hlds_pred, io.
:- import_module list, prog_data.
% Check that the all of the types which have been inferred
@@ -58,6 +58,13 @@
:- mode post_typecheck__resolve_pred_overloading(in, in, in, in, in,
out, out) is det.
+ % Resolve overloading.
+:- pred post_typecheck__finish_aditi_builtin(module_info, pred_info,
+ list(prog_var), aditi_builtin, aditi_builtin,
+ simple_call_id, simple_call_id, list(mode)).
+:- mode post_typecheck__finish_aditi_builtin(in, in, in,
+ in, out, in, out, out) is det.
% Do the stuff needed to initialize the proc_infos so that
% a pred is ready for mode checking (copy clauses from the
% clause_info to the proc_info, etc.)
@@ -79,11 +86,11 @@
:- implementation.
-:- import_module typecheck, clause_to_proc, mode_util, inst_match.
-:- import_module mercury_to_mercury, prog_out, hlds_out, type_util.
+:- import_module typecheck, clause_to_proc, mode_util, inst_match, hlds_data.
+:- import_module mercury_to_mercury, prog_out, hlds_out, type_util, (inst).
:- import_module globals, options.
-:- import_module map, set, assoc_list, bool, std_util, term.
+:- import_module map, set, assoc_list, bool, std_util, term, require, int.
% Check for unbound type variables
@@ -320,6 +327,151 @@
+post_typecheck__finish_aditi_builtin(_, _, _, aditi_call(_, _, _, _),
+ _, _, _, _) :-
+ error("post_typecheck__finish_aditi_builtin: aditi_call").
+post_typecheck__finish_aditi_builtin(ModuleInfo, CallerPredInfo, Args,
+ aditi_insert(PredId0), aditi_insert(PredId),
+ PredOrFunc - SymName0/Arity, PredOrFunc - SymName/Arity,
+ Modes) :-
+ get_state_args_det(Args, OtherArgs, _, _),
+ post_typecheck__resolve_pred_overloading(PredId0, OtherArgs,
+ CallerPredInfo, ModuleInfo, SymName0, SymName, PredId),
+ module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, CalledPredInfo),
+ pred_info_arg_types(CalledPredInfo, ArgTypes),
+ in_mode(InMode),
+ aditi_builtin_modes(InMode, (aditi_top_down),
+ ArgTypes, InsertArgModes),
+ list__append(InsertArgModes, [aditi_di_mode, aditi_uo_mode], Modes).
+post_typecheck__finish_aditi_builtin(ModuleInfo, CallerPredInfo, Args,
+ aditi_delete(PredId0, Syntax), aditi_delete(PredId, Syntax),
+ PredOrFunc - SymName0/Arity, PredOrFunc - SymName/Arity,
+ Modes) :-
+ AdjustArgTypes = lambda([X::in, X::out] is det, true),
+ resolve_aditi_builtin_overloading(ModuleInfo, CallerPredInfo, Args,
+ AdjustArgTypes, PredId0, PredId, SymName0, SymName),
+ module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, CalledPredInfo),
+ pred_info_arg_types(CalledPredInfo, ArgTypes),
+ in_mode(InMode),
+ aditi_builtin_modes(InMode, (aditi_top_down),
+ ArgTypes, DeleteArgModes),
+ Inst = ground(shared, yes(pred_inst_info(PredOrFunc,
+ DeleteArgModes, semidet))),
+ Modes = [(Inst -> Inst), aditi_di_mode, aditi_uo_mode].
+post_typecheck__finish_aditi_builtin(ModuleInfo, CallerPredInfo, Args,
+ aditi_bulk_operation(Op, PredId0),
+ aditi_bulk_operation(Op, PredId),
+ PredOrFunc - SymName0/Arity, PredOrFunc - SymName/Arity,
+ Modes) :-
+ AdjustArgTypes = lambda([X::in, X::out] is det, true),
+ resolve_aditi_builtin_overloading(ModuleInfo, CallerPredInfo, Args,
+ AdjustArgTypes, PredId0, PredId, SymName0, SymName),
+ module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, CalledPredInfo),
+ pred_info_arg_types(CalledPredInfo, ArgTypes),
+ out_mode(OutMode),
+ aditi_builtin_modes(OutMode, (aditi_bottom_up), ArgTypes, OpArgModes),
+ Inst = ground(shared, yes(pred_inst_info(PredOrFunc,
+ OpArgModes, nondet))),
+ Modes = [(Inst -> Inst), aditi_di_mode, aditi_uo_mode].
+post_typecheck__finish_aditi_builtin(ModuleInfo, CallerPredInfo, Args,
+ aditi_modify(PredId0, Syntax), aditi_modify(PredId, Syntax),
+ PredOrFunc - SymName0/Arity, PredOrFunc - SymName/Arity,
+ Modes) :-
+ % The argument types of the closure passed to `aditi_modify'
+ % contain two copies of the arguments of the base relation -
+ % one set input and one set output.
+ AdjustArgTypes =
+ lambda([Types0::in, Types::out] is det, (
+ list__length(Types0, Length),
+ HalfLength is Length // 2,
+ ( list__split_list(HalfLength, Types0, Types1, _) ->
+ Types = Types1
+ ;
+ error("post_typecheck__finish_aditi_builtin: modify")
+ )
+ )),
+ resolve_aditi_builtin_overloading(ModuleInfo, CallerPredInfo, Args,
+ AdjustArgTypes, PredId0, PredId, SymName0, SymName),
+ module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, CalledPredInfo),
+ pred_info_arg_types(CalledPredInfo, ArgTypes),
+ in_mode(InMode),
+ out_mode(OutMode),
+ aditi_builtin_modes(InMode, (aditi_top_down), ArgTypes, InputArgModes),
+ aditi_builtin_modes(OutMode, (aditi_top_down),
+ ArgTypes, OutputArgModes),
+ list__append(InputArgModes, OutputArgModes, ModifyArgModes),
+ Inst = ground(shared, yes(pred_inst_info(predicate,
+ ModifyArgModes, semidet))),
+ Modes = [(Inst -> Inst), aditi_di_mode, aditi_uo_mode].
+:- pred resolve_aditi_builtin_overloading(module_info, pred_info,
+ list(prog_var), pred(list(type), list(type)),
+ pred_id, pred_id, sym_name, sym_name).
+:- mode resolve_aditi_builtin_overloading(in, in, in, pred(in, out) is det,
+ in, out, in, out) is det.
+resolve_aditi_builtin_overloading(ModuleInfo, CallerPredInfo, Args,
+ AdjustArgTypes, PredId0, PredId, SymName0, SymName) :-
+ get_state_args_det(Args, OtherArgs, _, _),
+ ( invalid_pred_id(PredId0) ->
+ (
+ OtherArgs = [HOArg],
+ pred_info_typevarset(CallerPredInfo, TVarSet),
+ pred_info_clauses_info(CallerPredInfo, ClausesInfo),
+ ClausesInfo = clauses_info(_, _, VarTypes, _, _),
+ map__lookup(VarTypes, HOArg, HOArgType),
+ type_is_higher_order(HOArgType, predicate,
+ (aditi_top_down), ArgTypes0)
+ ->
+ call(AdjustArgTypes, ArgTypes0, ArgTypes),
+ FilterPredIds =
+ lambda([Module::in, PredIds0::in,
+ PredIds::out] is det, (
+ list__filter(
+ hlds_pred__is_base_relation(Module),
+ PredIds0, PredIds)
+ )),
+ typecheck__resolve_pred_overloading_2(ModuleInfo,
+ FilterPredIds, ArgTypes, TVarSet,
+ SymName0, SymName, PredId)
+ ;
+ error("post_typecheck__finish_aditi_builtin: delete")
+ )
+ ;
+ PredId = PredId0,
+ SymName = SymName0
+ ).
+:- pred aditi_builtin_modes((mode), lambda_eval_method,
+ list(type), list(mode)).
+:- mode aditi_builtin_modes(in, in, in, out) is det.
+aditi_builtin_modes(_, _, [], []).
+aditi_builtin_modes(Mode, EvalMethod, [ArgType | ArgTypes],
+ [ArgMode | ArgModes]) :-
+ ( type_is_aditi_state(ArgType) ->
+ ( EvalMethod = (aditi_top_down) ->
+ % The top-down Aditi closures are not allowed
+ % to call database predicates, so their aditi__state
+ % arguments must have mode `unused'
+ ArgMode = (free -> free)
+ ;
+ ArgMode = aditi_ui_mode
+ )
+ ;
+ ArgMode = Mode
+ ),
+ aditi_builtin_modes(Mode, EvalMethod, ArgTypes, ArgModes).
% Copy clauses to procs, then ensure that all
% constructors occurring in predicate mode
@@ -432,9 +584,8 @@
{ pred_info_arity(PredInfo, Arity) },
{ pred_info_get_is_pred_or_func(PredInfo, PredOrFunc) },
io__write_string("Error: `:- pragma aditi' declaration for "),
- hlds_out__write_pred_or_func(PredOrFunc),
- io__write_string(" "),
- hlds_out__write_pred_call_id(qualified(Module, Name)/Arity),
+ hlds_out__write_simple_call_id(PredOrFunc,
+ qualified(Module, Name), Arity),
io__write_string(" without an `aditi:state' argument.\n").
:- pred report_multiple_aditi_states(pred_info, io__state, io__state).
@@ -449,9 +600,8 @@
{ pred_info_arity(PredInfo, Arity) },
{ pred_info_get_is_pred_or_func(PredInfo, PredOrFunc) },
io__write_string("Error: `:- pragma aditi' declaration for "),
- hlds_out__write_pred_or_func(PredOrFunc),
- io__write_string(" "),
- hlds_out__write_pred_call_id(qualified(Module, Name)/Arity),
+ hlds_out__write_simple_call_id(PredOrFunc,
+ qualified(Module, Name), Arity),
io__write_string(" with multiple `aditi:state' arguments.\n").
Index: compiler/prog_data.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/prog_data.m,v
retrieving revision 1.45
diff -u -u -r1.45 prog_data.m
--- prog_data.m 1999/04/23 01:02:58 1.45
+++ prog_data.m 1999/05/12 06:30:17
@@ -143,8 +143,7 @@
; source_file(string)
% Source file name.
- ; unused_args(pred_or_func, sym_name, int,
- proc_id, list(int))
+ ; unused_args(pred_or_func, sym_name, arity, proc_id, list(int))
% PredName, Arity, Mode, Optimized pred name,
% Removed arguments.
% Used for inter-module unused argument
@@ -705,6 +704,8 @@
:- type sym_name
---> unqualified(string)
; qualified(module_specifier, string).
+:- type sym_name_and_arity
+ ---> sym_name / arity.
:- type module_specifier == sym_name.
:- type module_name == sym_name.
Index: compiler/prog_io_goal.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/prog_io_goal.m,v
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -u -u -r1.15 prog_io_goal.m
--- prog_io_goal.m 1999/03/24 13:30:21 1.15
+++ prog_io_goal.m 1999/05/24 05:43:29
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@
% `[Var1::Mode1, ..., VarN::ModeN] is Det'
% part.
-:- pred parse_lambda_expression(term, list(prog_term), list(mode),
- determinism).
+:- pred parse_lambda_expression(term, list(prog_term),
+ list(mode), determinism).
:- mode parse_lambda_expression(in, out, out, out) is semidet.
% parse_pred_expression/3 converts the first argument to a :-/2
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@
% a variant on parse_lambda_expression with a different syntax:
% `(pred(Var1::Mode1, ..., VarN::ModeN) is Det :- Goal)'.
-:- pred parse_pred_expression(term, list(prog_term), list(mode),
- determinism).
-:- mode parse_pred_expression(in, out, out, out) is semidet.
+:- pred parse_pred_expression(term, lambda_eval_method, list(prog_term),
+ list(mode), determinism).
+:- mode parse_pred_expression(in, out, out, out, out) is semidet.
% parse_dcg_pred_expression/3 converts the first argument to a -->/2
% higher-order dcg pred expression into a list of arguments, a list
@@ -60,9 +60,9 @@
% `(pred(Var1::Mode1, ..., VarN::ModeN, DCG0Mode, DCGMode)
% is Det --> Goal)'.
-:- pred parse_dcg_pred_expression(term, list(prog_term),
+:- pred parse_dcg_pred_expression(term, lambda_eval_method, list(prog_term),
list(mode), determinism).
-:- mode parse_dcg_pred_expression(in, out, out, out) is semidet.
+:- mode parse_dcg_pred_expression(in, out, out, out, out) is semidet.
% parse_func_expression/3 converts the first argument to a :-/2
% higher-order func expression into a list of arguments, a list
@@ -71,9 +71,14 @@
% `(func(Var1::Mode1, ..., VarN::ModeN) = (VarN1::ModeN1) is Det
% :- Goal)'.
-:- pred parse_func_expression(term, list(prog_term), list(mode),
- determinism).
-:- mode parse_func_expression(in, out, out, out) is semidet.
+:- pred parse_func_expression(term, lambda_eval_method, list(prog_term),
+ list(mode), determinism).
+:- mode parse_func_expression(in, out, out, out, out) is semidet.
+ % parse_lambda_eval_method/3 extracts the `aditi' or `aditi_top_down'
+ % annotation from a pred expression and returns the rest of the term.
+:- pred parse_lambda_eval_method(term(T), lambda_eval_method, term(T)).
+:- mode parse_lambda_eval_method(in, out, out) is det.
@@ -289,38 +294,46 @@
-parse_pred_expression(PredTerm, Args, Modes, Det) :-
- PredTerm = term__functor(term__atom("is"), [PredArgsTerm, DetTerm], _),
+parse_pred_expression(PredTerm, EvalMethod, Args, Modes, Det) :-
+ PredTerm = term__functor(term__atom("is"),
+ [PredEvalArgsTerm, DetTerm], _),
DetTerm = term__functor(term__atom(DetString), [], _),
standard_det(DetString, Det),
+ parse_lambda_eval_method(PredEvalArgsTerm, EvalMethod, PredArgsTerm),
PredArgsTerm = term__functor(term__atom("pred"), PredArgsList, _),
parse_pred_expr_args(PredArgsList, Args, Modes).
-parse_dcg_pred_expression(PredTerm, Args, Modes, Det) :-
- PredTerm = term__functor(term__atom("is"), [PredArgsTerm, DetTerm], _),
+parse_dcg_pred_expression(PredTerm, EvalMethod, Args, Modes, Det) :-
+ PredTerm = term__functor(term__atom("is"),
+ [PredEvalArgsTerm, DetTerm], _),
DetTerm = term__functor(term__atom(DetString), [], _),
standard_det(DetString, Det),
+ parse_lambda_eval_method(PredEvalArgsTerm, EvalMethod, PredArgsTerm),
PredArgsTerm = term__functor(term__atom("pred"), PredArgsList, _),
parse_dcg_pred_expr_args(PredArgsList, Args, Modes).
-parse_func_expression(FuncTerm, Args, Modes, Det) :-
+parse_func_expression(FuncTerm, EvalMethod, Args, Modes, Det) :-
% parse a func expression with specified modes and determinism
FuncTerm = term__functor(term__atom("is"), [EqTerm, DetTerm], _),
- EqTerm = term__functor(term__atom("="), [FuncArgsTerm, RetTerm], _),
+ EqTerm = term__functor(term__atom("="),
+ [FuncEvalArgsTerm, RetTerm], _),
DetTerm = term__functor(term__atom(DetString), [], _),
standard_det(DetString, Det),
+ parse_lambda_eval_method(FuncEvalArgsTerm, EvalMethod, FuncArgsTerm),
FuncArgsTerm = term__functor(term__atom("func"), FuncArgsList, _),
parse_pred_expr_args(FuncArgsList, Args0, Modes0),
parse_lambda_arg(RetTerm, RetArg, RetMode),
list__append(Args0, [RetArg], Args),
list__append(Modes0, [RetMode], Modes).
-parse_func_expression(FuncTerm, Args, Modes, Det) :-
+parse_func_expression(FuncTerm, EvalMethod, Args, Modes, Det) :-
% parse a func expression with unspecified modes and determinism
- FuncTerm = term__functor(term__atom("="), [FuncArgsTerm, RetArg], _),
+ FuncTerm = term__functor(term__atom("="),
+ [FuncEvalArgsTerm, RetArg], _),
+ parse_lambda_eval_method(FuncEvalArgsTerm, EvalMethod, FuncArgsTerm),
FuncArgsTerm = term__functor(term__atom("func"), Args0, _),
% the argument modes default to `in',
@@ -336,6 +349,23 @@
list__append(Modes0, [RetMode], Modes),
list__append(Args0, [RetArg], Args1),
list__map(term__coerce, Args1, Args).
+parse_lambda_eval_method(Term0, EvalMethod, Term) :-
+ ( Term0 = term__functor(term__atom(MethodStr), [Term1], _) ->
+ ( MethodStr = "aditi_bottom_up" ->
+ EvalMethod = (aditi_bottom_up),
+ Term = Term1
+ ; MethodStr = "aditi_top_down" ->
+ EvalMethod = (aditi_top_down),
+ Term = Term1
+ ;
+ EvalMethod = normal,
+ Term = Term0
+ )
+ ;
+ EvalMethod = normal,
+ Term = Term0
+ ).
:- pred parse_pred_expr_args(list(term), list(prog_term), list(mode)).
:- mode parse_pred_expr_args(in, out, out) is semidet.
Index: compiler/prog_io_pragma.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/prog_io_pragma.m,v
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -u -u -r1.19 prog_io_pragma.m
--- prog_io_pragma.m 1999/04/23 01:02:59 1.19
+++ prog_io_pragma.m 1999/05/24 05:29:36
@@ -671,27 +671,16 @@
parse_pred_name_and_arity(ModuleName, PragmaType, PredAndArityTerm,
ErrorTerm, Result) :-
- (
- PredAndArityTerm = term__functor(term__atom("/"),
- [PredNameTerm, ArityTerm], _)
- ->
- parse_implicitly_qualified_term(ModuleName,
- PredNameTerm, ErrorTerm, "", ok(PredName, [])),
- ArityTerm = term__functor(term__integer(Arity), [], _)
+ parse_name_and_arity(ModuleName, PredAndArityTerm,
+ PredName, Arity)
- Result = ok(PredName, Arity)
+ Result = ok(PredName, Arity)
- string__append_list(
- ["expected predname/arity for `:- pragma ",
- PragmaType, "' declaration"], ErrorMsg),
- Result = error(ErrorMsg, PredAndArityTerm)
- )
- ;
- string__append_list(["expected predname/arity for `:- pragma ",
- PragmaType, "' declaration"], ErrorMsg),
- Result = error(ErrorMsg, PredAndArityTerm)
- ).
+ string__append_list(["expected predname/arity for `pragma ",
+ PragmaType, "' declaration"], ErrorMsg),
+ Result = error(ErrorMsg, ErrorTerm)
+ ).
@@ -946,7 +935,6 @@
:- type maybe_pred_or_func_modes ==
maybe2(pair(sym_name, pred_or_func), list(mode)).
-:- type maybe_pred_or_func(T) == maybe2(sym_name, pair(list(T), maybe(T))).
:- pred parse_pred_or_func_and_arg_modes(maybe(module_name), term, term,
string, maybe_pred_or_func_modes).
@@ -982,38 +970,6 @@
PredAndArgsResult = error(ErrorMsg, Term),
Result = error(ErrorMsg, Term)
- ).
-:- pred parse_pred_or_func_and_args(maybe(sym_name), term, term, string,
- maybe_pred_or_func(term)).
-:- mode parse_pred_or_func_and_args(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
-parse_pred_or_func_and_args(MaybeModuleName, PredAndArgsTerm, ErrorTerm,
- Msg, PredAndArgsResult) :-
- (
- PredAndArgsTerm = term__functor(term__atom("="),
- [FuncAndArgsTerm, FuncResultTerm], _)
- ->
- FunctorTerm = FuncAndArgsTerm,
- MaybeFuncResult = yes(FuncResultTerm)
- ;
- FunctorTerm = PredAndArgsTerm,
- MaybeFuncResult = no
- ),
- (
- MaybeModuleName = yes(ModuleName),
- parse_implicitly_qualified_term(ModuleName, FunctorTerm,
- ErrorTerm, Msg, Result)
- ;
- MaybeModuleName = no,
- parse_qualified_term(FunctorTerm, ErrorTerm, Msg, Result)
- ),
- (
- Result = ok(SymName, Args),
- PredAndArgsResult = ok(SymName, Args - MaybeFuncResult)
- ;
- Result = error(ErrorMsg, Term),
- PredAndArgsResult = error(ErrorMsg, Term)
:- pred convert_bool_list(term::in, list(bool)::out) is semidet.
Index: compiler/prog_io_util.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/prog_io_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -u -r1.13 prog_io_util.m
--- prog_io_util.m 1999/04/23 01:03:00 1.13
+++ prog_io_util.m 1999/05/24 06:15:45
@@ -25,9 +25,8 @@
:- interface.
-:- import_module prog_data, hlds_data, (inst).
-:- import_module term.
-:- import_module list, map, term, io.
+:- import_module prog_data, hlds_data, hlds_pred, (inst).
+:- import_module io, list, map, std_util, term.
:- type maybe2(T1, T2) ---> error(string, term)
; ok(T1, T2).
@@ -39,6 +38,9 @@
:- type maybe_functor == maybe_functor(generic).
:- type maybe_functor(T) == maybe2(sym_name, list(term(T))).
+ % ok(SymName, Args - MaybeFuncRetArg) ; error(Msg, Term).
+:- type maybe_pred_or_func(T) == maybe2(sym_name, pair(list(T), maybe(T))).
:- type maybe_item_and_context
== maybe2(item, prog_context).
@@ -57,6 +59,28 @@
:- pred parse_list_of_vars(term(T), list(var(T))).
:- mode parse_list_of_vars(in, out) is semidet.
+:- pred parse_name_and_arity(module_name, term(_T), sym_name, arity).
+:- mode parse_name_and_arity(in, in, out, out) is semidet.
+:- pred parse_name_and_arity(term(_T), sym_name, arity).
+:- mode parse_name_and_arity(in, out, out) is semidet.
+:- pred parse_pred_or_func_name_and_arity(module_name,
+ term(_T), pred_or_func, sym_name, arity).
+:- mode parse_pred_or_func_name_and_arity(in, in, out, out, out) is semidet.
+:- pred parse_pred_or_func_name_and_arity(term(_T), pred_or_func,
+ sym_name, arity).
+:- mode parse_pred_or_func_name_and_arity(in, out, out, out) is semidet.
+:- pred parse_pred_or_func_and_args(maybe(module_name), term(_T), term(_T),
+ string, maybe_pred_or_func(term(_T))).
+:- mode parse_pred_or_func_and_args(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+:- pred parse_pred_or_func_and_args(term(_T), pred_or_func, sym_name,
+ list(term(_T))).
+:- mode parse_pred_or_func_and_args(in, out, out, out) is semidet.
:- pred convert_mode_list(list(term), list(mode)).
:- mode convert_mode_list(in, out) is semidet.
@@ -113,6 +137,73 @@
add_context(error(M, T), _, error(M, T)).
add_context(ok(Item), Context, ok(Item, Context)).
+parse_name_and_arity(ModuleName, PredAndArityTerm, SymName, Arity) :-
+ PredAndArityTerm = term__functor(term__atom("/"),
+ [PredNameTerm, ArityTerm], _),
+ parse_implicitly_qualified_term(ModuleName,
+ PredNameTerm, PredNameTerm, "", ok(SymName, [])),
+ ArityTerm = term__functor(term__integer(Arity), [], _).
+parse_name_and_arity(PredAndArityTerm, SymName, Arity) :-
+ parse_name_and_arity(unqualified(""),
+ PredAndArityTerm, SymName, Arity).
+parse_pred_or_func_name_and_arity(ModuleName, PorFPredAndArityTerm,
+ PredOrFunc, SymName, Arity) :-
+ PorFPredAndArityTerm = term__functor(term__atom(PredOrFuncStr),
+ Args, _),
+ ( PredOrFuncStr = "pred", PredOrFunc = predicate
+ ; PredOrFuncStr = "func", PredOrFunc = function
+ ),
+ Args = [Arg],
+ parse_name_and_arity(ModuleName, Arg, SymName, Arity).
+ PredOrFunc, SymName, Arity) :-
+ parse_pred_or_func_name_and_arity(unqualified(""),
+ PorFPredAndArityTerm, PredOrFunc, SymName, Arity).
+parse_pred_or_func_and_args(Term, PredOrFunc, SymName, ArgTerms) :-
+ parse_pred_or_func_and_args(no, Term, Term, "",
+ ok(SymName, ArgTerms0 - MaybeRetTerm)),
+ (
+ MaybeRetTerm = yes(RetTerm),
+ PredOrFunc = function,
+ list__append(ArgTerms0, [RetTerm], ArgTerms)
+ ;
+ MaybeRetTerm = no,
+ PredOrFunc = predicate,
+ ArgTerms = ArgTerms0
+ ).
+parse_pred_or_func_and_args(MaybeModuleName, PredAndArgsTerm, ErrorTerm,
+ Msg, PredAndArgsResult) :-
+ (
+ PredAndArgsTerm = term__functor(term__atom("="),
+ [FuncAndArgsTerm, FuncResultTerm], _)
+ ->
+ FunctorTerm = FuncAndArgsTerm,
+ MaybeFuncResult = yes(FuncResultTerm)
+ ;
+ FunctorTerm = PredAndArgsTerm,
+ MaybeFuncResult = no
+ ),
+ (
+ MaybeModuleName = yes(ModuleName),
+ parse_implicitly_qualified_term(ModuleName, FunctorTerm,
+ ErrorTerm, Msg, Result)
+ ;
+ MaybeModuleName = no,
+ parse_qualified_term(FunctorTerm, ErrorTerm, Msg, Result)
+ ),
+ (
+ Result = ok(SymName, Args),
+ PredAndArgsResult = ok(SymName, Args - MaybeFuncResult)
+ ;
+ Result = error(ErrorMsg, Term),
+ PredAndArgsResult = error(ErrorMsg, Term)
+ ).
parse_list_of_vars(term__functor(term__atom("[]"), [], _), []).
parse_list_of_vars(term__functor(term__atom("."), [Head, Tail], _), [V|Vs]) :-
Index: compiler/prog_out.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/prog_out.m,v
retrieving revision 1.42
diff -u -u -r1.42 prog_out.m
--- prog_out.m 1999/03/12 06:14:16 1.42
+++ prog_out.m 1999/05/12 07:16:07
@@ -44,6 +44,10 @@
:- pred prog_out__write_sym_name(sym_name, io__state, io__state).
:- mode prog_out__write_sym_name(in, di, uo) is det.
+:- pred prog_out__write_sym_name_and_arity(sym_name_and_arity,
+ io__state, io__state).
+:- mode prog_out__write_sym_name_and_arity(in, di, uo) is det.
% Write out a symbol name, enclosed in single forward quotes ('...')
% if necessary, and with any special characters escaped.
% The output should be a syntactically valid Mercury term.
@@ -199,6 +203,11 @@
prog_out__write_sym_name(unqualified(Name)) -->
+prog_out__write_sym_name_and_arity(Name / Arity) -->
+ prog_out__write_sym_name(Name),
+ io__write_string("/"),
+ io__write_int(Arity).
prog_out__write_quoted_sym_name(SymName) -->
Index: compiler/purity.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/purity.m,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -u -r1.13 purity.m
--- purity.m 1999/03/05 13:09:31 1.13
+++ purity.m 1999/05/27 23:47:31
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
:- implementation.
-:- import_module make_hlds, hlds_data, hlds_pred, prog_io_util.
+:- import_module make_hlds, hlds_data, hlds_pred, prog_io_util, (inst).
:- import_module type_util, mode_util, code_util, prog_data, unify_proc.
:- import_module globals, options, mercury_to_mercury, hlds_out.
:- import_module passes_aux, typecheck, module_qual, clause_to_proc.
@@ -424,10 +424,24 @@
{ NumErrors = NumErrors0 }
-compute_expr_purity(HOCall, HOCall, _, _, _, _, pure, NumErrors, NumErrors) -->
- { HOCall = higher_order_call(_,_,_,_,_,_) }.
-compute_expr_purity(CMCall, CMCall, _, _, _, _, pure, NumErrors, NumErrors) -->
- { CMCall = class_method_call(_,_,_,_,_,_) }.
+compute_expr_purity(generic_call(GenericCall0, Args, Modes0, Det),
+ generic_call(GenericCall, Args, Modes, Det),
+ _GoalInfo, PredInfo, ModuleInfo, _InClosure, pure,
+ NumErrors, NumErrors) -->
+ (
+ { GenericCall0 = higher_order(_, _, _) },
+ { GenericCall = GenericCall0 },
+ { Modes = Modes0 }
+ ;
+ { GenericCall0 = class_method(_, _, _, _) },
+ { GenericCall = GenericCall0 },
+ { Modes = Modes0 }
+ ;
+ { GenericCall0 = aditi_builtin(Builtin0, CallId0) },
+ { post_typecheck__finish_aditi_builtin(ModuleInfo, PredInfo,
+ Args, Builtin0, Builtin, CallId0, CallId, Modes) },
+ { GenericCall = aditi_builtin(Builtin, CallId) }
+ ).
switch(Var,Canfail,Cases,Storemap), _, PredInfo,
ModuleInfo, InClosure, Purity, NumErrors0, NumErrors) -->
@@ -437,12 +451,43 @@
pure, NumErrors0, NumErrors) -->
{ Unif0 = unify(A,RHS0,C,D,E) },
{ Unif = unify(A,RHS,C,D,E) },
- ( { RHS0 = lambda_goal(F, G, H, I, J, Goal0 - Info0) } ->
- { RHS = lambda_goal(F, G, H, I, J, Goal - Info0) },
+ (
+ { RHS0 = lambda_goal(F, EvalMethod, FixModes, H, Vars,
+ Modes0, K, Goal0 - Info0) }
+ ->
+ { RHS = lambda_goal(F, EvalMethod, modes_are_ok, H, Vars,
+ Modes, K, Goal - Info0) },
compute_expr_purity(Goal0, Goal, Info0, PredInfo, ModuleInfo,
yes, Purity, NumErrors0, NumErrors1),
error_if_closure_impure(GoalInfo, Purity,
- NumErrors1, NumErrors)
+ NumErrors1, NumErrors),
+ {
+ FixModes = modes_are_ok,
+ Modes = Modes0
+ ;
+ FixModes = modes_need_fixing,
+ (
+ EvalMethod = normal,
+ error(
+ "compute_expr_purity: modes need fixing for normal lambda_goal")
+ ;
+ EvalMethod = (aditi_top_down),
+ % `aditi_top_down' predicates can't call
+ % database predicates, so their `aditi__state'
+ % arguments must have mode `unused'.
+ StateMode = (free -> free)
+ ;
+ EvalMethod = (aditi_bottom_up),
+ % Make sure `aditi_bottom_up' expressions have
+ % a `ui' mode for their aditi_state.
+ StateMode = aditi_ui_mode
+ ),
+ pred_info_clauses_info(PredInfo, ClausesInfo),
+ ClausesInfo = clauses_info(_, _, VarTypes, _, _),
+ map__apply_to_list(Vars, VarTypes, LambdaVarTypes),
+ fix_aditi_state_modes(StateMode, LambdaVarTypes,
+ Modes0, Modes)
+ }
{ RHS = RHS0 },
{ NumErrors = NumErrors0 }
@@ -455,8 +500,9 @@
InClosure, Purity, NumErrors0, NumErrors) -->
compute_goal_purity(Goal0, Goal, PredInfo, ModuleInfo,
InClosure, Purity, NumErrors0, NumErrors).
-compute_expr_purity(some(Vars,Goal0), some(Vars,Goal), _, PredInfo,
- ModuleInfo, InClosure, Purity, NumErrors0, NumErrors) -->
+compute_expr_purity(some(Vars, CanRemove, Goal0), some(Vars, CanRemove, Goal),
+ _, PredInfo, ModuleInfo, InClosure, Purity,
+ NumErrors0, NumErrors) -->
compute_goal_purity(Goal0, Goal, PredInfo, ModuleInfo,
InClosure, Purity, NumErrors0, NumErrors).
@@ -476,8 +522,6 @@
{ module_info_preds(ModuleInfo, Preds) },
{ map__lookup(Preds, PredId, PredInfo) },
{ pred_info_get_purity(PredInfo, Purity) }.
:- pred compute_goal_purity(hlds_goal, hlds_goal, pred_info,
module_info, bool, purity, int, int, io__state, io__state).
@@ -527,7 +571,24 @@
compute_cases_purity(Goals0, Goals, PredInfo, ModuleInfo, InClosure,
Purity2, Purity, NumErrors1, NumErrors).
+ % Make sure lambda expressions introduced by the compiler
+ % have the correct mode for their `aditi__state' arguments.
+:- pred fix_aditi_state_modes((mode), list(type), list(mode), list(mode)).
+:- mode fix_aditi_state_modes(in, in, in, out) is det.
+fix_aditi_state_modes(_, [], [], []).
+fix_aditi_state_modes(_, [_|_], [], []) :-
+ error("purity:fix_aditi_state_modes").
+fix_aditi_state_modes(_, [], [_|_], []) :-
+ error("purity:fix_aditi_state_modes").
+fix_aditi_state_modes(Mode, [Type | Types],
+ [ArgMode0 | Modes0], [ArgMode | Modes]) :-
+ ( type_is_aditi_state(Type) ->
+ ArgMode = Mode
+ ;
+ ArgMode = ArgMode0
+ ),
+ fix_aditi_state_modes(Mode, Types, Modes0, Modes).
% Print error messages
Index: compiler/quantification.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/quantification.m,v
retrieving revision 1.64
diff -u -u -r1.64 quantification.m
--- quantification.m 1999/03/13 01:29:10 1.64
+++ quantification.m 1999/05/27 23:47:41
@@ -184,7 +184,8 @@
% so we don't.) Thus we replace `some(Vars, Goal0)' with
% an empty quantifier `some([], Goal)'.
-implicitly_quantify_goal_2(some(Vars0, Goal0), Context, some([], Goal)) -->
+implicitly_quantify_goal_2(some(Vars0, CanRemove, Goal0), Context,
+ some([], CanRemove, Goal)) -->
@@ -304,13 +305,11 @@
call(A, B, HeadVars, D, E, F)) -->
-implicitly_quantify_goal_2(higher_order_call(PredVar, ArgVars, C, D, E, F), _,
- higher_order_call(PredVar, ArgVars, C, D, E, F)) -->
- implicitly_quantify_atomic_goal([PredVar|ArgVars]).
-implicitly_quantify_goal_2(class_method_call(TCVar, B, ArgVars, D, E, F), _,
- class_method_call(TCVar, B, ArgVars, D, E, F)) -->
- implicitly_quantify_atomic_goal([TCVar|ArgVars]).
+implicitly_quantify_goal_2(generic_call(GenericCall, ArgVars1, C, D), _,
+ generic_call(GenericCall, ArgVars1, C, D)) -->
+ { goal_util__generic_call_vars(GenericCall, ArgVars0) },
+ { list__append(ArgVars0, ArgVars1, ArgVars) },
+ implicitly_quantify_atomic_goal(ArgVars).
unify(Var, UnifyRHS0, Mode, Unification0, UnifyContext),
@@ -321,7 +320,16 @@
implicitly_quantify_unify_rhs(UnifyRHS0, Unification0, Context,
UnifyRHS, Unification),
- { set__insert(VarsUnifyRHS, Var, GoalVars) },
+ { set__insert(VarsUnifyRHS, Var, GoalVars0) },
+ { Unification = construct(_, _, _, _, CellToReuse, _, _) ->
+ ( CellToReuse = yes(cell_to_reuse(ReuseVar, _, _)) ->
+ set__insert(GoalVars0, ReuseVar, GoalVars)
+ ;
+ GoalVars = GoalVars0
+ )
+ ;
+ GoalVars = GoalVars0
+ },
{ set__intersect(GoalVars, OutsideVars, NonLocalVars1) },
{ set__intersect(GoalVars, LambdaOutsideVars, NonLocalVars2) },
@@ -358,11 +366,11 @@
{ set__list_to_set(ArgVars, Vars) },
- lambda_goal(PredOrFunc, LambdaNonLocals0,
+ lambda_goal(PredOrFunc, EvalMethod, FixModes, LambdaNonLocals0,
LambdaVars0, Modes, Det, Goal0),
- lambda_goal(PredOrFunc, LambdaNonLocals,
+ lambda_goal(PredOrFunc, EvalMethod, FixModes, LambdaNonLocals,
LambdaVars, Modes, Det, Goal),
) -->
@@ -445,12 +453,14 @@
% so we can just use the old modes.
- Unification0 = construct(ConstructVar, ConsId, Args0, ArgModes0)
+ Unification0 = construct(ConstructVar, ConsId, Args0,
+ ArgModes0, Reuse, Uniq, AditiInfo)
map__from_corresponding_lists(Args0, ArgModes0, ArgModesMap),
set__to_sorted_list(NonLocals, Args),
map__apply_to_list(Args, ArgModesMap, ArgModes),
- Unification = construct(ConstructVar, ConsId, Args, ArgModes)
+ Unification = construct(ConstructVar, ConsId, Args,
+ ArgModes, Reuse, Uniq, AditiInfo)
% after mode analysis, unifications with lambda variables
% should always be construction unifications, but
@@ -619,18 +629,25 @@
set(prog_var), set(prog_var), set(prog_var)).
:- mode quantification__goal_vars_2(in, in, in, out, out) is det.
-quantification__goal_vars_2(unify(A, B, _, _, _), Set0, LambdaSet0,
+quantification__goal_vars_2(unify(A, B, _, D, _), Set0, LambdaSet0,
Set, LambdaSet) :-
set__insert(Set0, A, Set1),
- quantification__unify_rhs_vars(B, Set1, LambdaSet0, Set, LambdaSet).
-quantification__goal_vars_2(higher_order_call(PredVar, ArgVars, _, _, _, _),
- Set0, LambdaSet, Set, LambdaSet) :-
- set__insert_list(Set0, [PredVar | ArgVars], Set).
+ ( D = construct(_, _, _, _, Reuse, _, _) ->
+ ( Reuse = yes(cell_to_reuse(ReuseVar, _, _)) ->
+ set__insert(Set1, ReuseVar, Set2)
+ ;
+ Set2 = Set1
+ )
+ ;
+ Set2 = Set1
+ ),
+ quantification__unify_rhs_vars(B, Set2, LambdaSet0, Set, LambdaSet).
-quantification__goal_vars_2(class_method_call(TCVar, _, ArgVars, _, _, _),
+quantification__goal_vars_2(generic_call(GenericCall, ArgVars1, _, _),
Set0, LambdaSet, Set, LambdaSet) :-
- set__insert_list(Set0, [TCVar | ArgVars], Set).
+ goal_util__generic_call_vars(GenericCall, ArgVars0),
+ set__insert_list(Set0, ArgVars0, Set1),
+ set__insert_list(Set1, ArgVars1, Set).
quantification__goal_vars_2(call(_, _, ArgVars, _, _, _), Set0, LambdaSet,
Set, LambdaSet) :-
@@ -650,7 +667,7 @@
set__insert(Set0, Var, Set1),
case_list_vars_2(Cases, Set1, LambdaSet0, Set, LambdaSet).
-quantification__goal_vars_2(some(Vars, Goal), Set0, LambdaSet0,
+quantification__goal_vars_2(some(Vars, _, Goal), Set0, LambdaSet0,
Set, LambdaSet) :-
quantification__goal_vars(Goal, Set1, LambdaSet1),
set__delete_list(Set1, Vars, Set2),
@@ -693,7 +710,7 @@
Set, LambdaSet) :-
set__insert_list(Set0, ArgVars, Set).
- lambda_goal(_POrF, _NonLocals, LambdaVars, _M, _D, Goal),
+ lambda_goal(_POrF, _E, _F, _N, LambdaVars, _M, _D, Goal),
Set, LambdaSet0, Set, LambdaSet) :-
% Note that the NonLocals list is not counted, since all the
% variables in that list must occur in the goal.
Index: compiler/rl.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/rl.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -u -r1.2 rl.m
--- rl.m 1999/04/28 01:18:38 1.2
+++ rl.m 1999/04/30 00:15:04
@@ -418,6 +418,15 @@
:- type rl_var_bounds == map(prog_var, pair(key_term)).
+ % This is used for a closure executed top-down on the Aditi
+ % side of the connection.
+ % These expression numbers are stored in the proc_info - the owner
+ % and module name from the pred_info are also required to completely
+ % identify the expressions.
+:- type rl_exprn_id == int.
:- type label_id == int.
@@ -466,6 +475,23 @@
+ % Find out the name of the RL procedure corresponding
+ % to the given Mercury procedure.
+:- pred rl__get_entry_proc_name(module_info, pred_proc_id, rl_proc_name).
+:- mode rl__get_entry_proc_name(in, in, out) is det.
+ % Work out the name for a permanent relation.
+:- pred rl__permanent_relation_name(module_info::in,
+ pred_id::in, string::out) is det.
+ % rl__get_permanent_relation_info(ModuleInfo, PredId,
+ % Owner, Module, Name, Arity, RelationName, SchemaString).
+:- pred rl__get_permanent_relation_info(module_info::in, pred_id::in,
+ string::out, string::out, string::out, int::out,
+ string::out, string::out) is det.
:- pred rl__proc_name_to_string(rl_proc_name::in, string::out) is det.
:- pred rl__label_id_to_string(label_id::in, string::out) is det.
:- pred rl__relation_id_to_string(relation_id::in, string::out) is det.
@@ -500,7 +526,8 @@
:- implementation.
-:- import_module globals, options, prog_out, prog_util, type_util.
+:- import_module code_util, globals, llds_out, options, prog_out.
+:- import_module prog_util, type_util.
:- import_module bool, int, require, string.
rl__default_temporary_state(ModuleInfo, TmpState) :-
@@ -650,6 +677,36 @@
rl__goal_produces_tuple(RLGoal) :-
RLGoal = rl_goal(_, _, _, _, _, yes(_), _, _).
+rl__get_entry_proc_name(ModuleInfo, proc(PredId, ProcId), ProcName) :-
+ code_util__make_proc_label(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, Label),
+ llds_out__get_proc_label(Label, no, ProcLabel),
+ module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo),
+ pred_info_module(PredInfo, PredModule0),
+ pred_info_get_aditi_owner(PredInfo, Owner),
+ prog_out__sym_name_to_string(PredModule0, PredModule),
+ ProcName = rl_proc_name(Owner, PredModule, ProcLabel, 2).
+rl__permanent_relation_name(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcName) :-
+ rl__get_permanent_relation_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, Owner,
+ Module, _, _, Name, _),
+ string__format("%s/%s/%s", [s(Owner), s(Module), s(Name)],
+ ProcName).
+rl__get_permanent_relation_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, Owner, PredModule,
+ PredName, PredArity, RelName, SchemaString) :-
+ module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo),
+ pred_info_name(PredInfo, PredName),
+ pred_info_module(PredInfo, PredModule0),
+ prog_out__sym_name_to_string(PredModule0, PredModule),
+ pred_info_get_aditi_owner(PredInfo, Owner),
+ pred_info_arity(PredInfo, PredArity),
+ string__format("%s__%i", [s(PredName), i(PredArity)], RelName),
+ pred_info_arg_types(PredInfo, ArgTypes0),
+ type_util__remove_aditi_state(ArgTypes0, ArgTypes0, ArgTypes),
+ rl__schema_to_string(ModuleInfo, ArgTypes, SchemaString).
Index: compiler/rl_exprn.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/rl_exprn.m,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -u -r1.3 rl_exprn.m
--- rl_exprn.m 1999/04/28 01:18:39 1.3
+++ rl_exprn.m 1999/05/14 04:54:12
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@
Code = Code0
-rl_exprn__set_term_arg_cons_id_code(pred_const(_, _), _, _, _, _, _, _) -->
+rl_exprn__set_term_arg_cons_id_code(pred_const(_, _, _), _, _, _, _, _, _) -->
{ error("rl_exprn__set_term_arg_cons_id_code") }.
rl_exprn__set_term_arg_cons_id_code(code_addr_const(_, _),
_, _, _, _, _, _) -->
@@ -641,13 +641,11 @@
{ GotoEnd = node([rl_EXP_jmp(EndSwitch)]) },
rl_exprn__cases(Var, Cases, GotoEnd, Fail, SwitchCode),
{ Code = tree(SwitchCode, node([rl_PROC_label(EndSwitch)])) }.
-rl_exprn__goal(higher_order_call(_, _, _, _, _, _) - _, _, _) -->
- { error("rl_exprn__goal: higher-order call not yet implemented") }.
-rl_exprn__goal(class_method_call(_, _, _, _, _, _) - _, _, _) -->
- { error("rl_exprn__goal: class method calls not yet implemented") }.
+rl_exprn__goal(generic_call(_, _, _, _) - _, _, _) -->
+ { error("rl_exprn__goal: higher-order and class-method calls not yet implemented") }.
rl_exprn__goal(pragma_c_code(_, _, _, _, _, _, _) - _, _, _) -->
{ error("rl_exprn__goal: pragma_c_code not yet implemented") }.
-rl_exprn__goal(some(_, Goal) - _, Fail, Code) -->
+rl_exprn__goal(some(_, _, Goal) - _, Fail, Code) -->
rl_exprn__goal(Goal, Fail, Code).
:- pred rl_exprn__cases(prog_var::in, list(case)::in, byte_tree::in,
@@ -827,7 +825,7 @@
byte_tree::in, byte_tree::out,
rl_exprn_info::in, rl_exprn_info::out) is det.
-rl_exprn__unify(construct(Var, ConsId, Args, UniModes),
+rl_exprn__unify(construct(Var, ConsId, Args, UniModes, _, _, _),
GoalInfo, _Fail, Code) -->
rl_exprn_info_lookup_var_type(Var, Type),
rl_exprn_info_lookup_var(Var, VarReg),
@@ -873,7 +871,7 @@
{ ConsId = float_const(Float) },
rl_exprn__assign(reg(VarReg), const(float(Float)), Type, Code)
- { ConsId = pred_const(_, _) },
+ { ConsId = pred_const(_, _, _) },
{ error("rl_exprn__unify: unsupported cons_id - pred_const") }
{ ConsId = code_addr_const(_, _) },
Index: compiler/rl_gen.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/rl_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -u -r1.3 rl_gen.m
--- rl_gen.m 1999/04/28 01:18:42 1.3
+++ rl_gen.m 1999/05/27 02:14:57
@@ -16,22 +16,17 @@
:- interface.
-:- import_module hlds_module, hlds_pred, rl.
+:- import_module hlds_module, rl.
:- import_module io.
:- pred rl_gen__module(module_info, rl_code, io__state, io__state).
:- mode rl_gen__module(in, out, di, uo) is det.
- % Find out the name of the RL procedure corresponding
- % to the given Mercury procedure.
-:- pred rl_gen__get_entry_proc_name(module_info, pred_proc_id, rl_proc_name).
-:- mode rl_gen__get_entry_proc_name(in, in, out) is det.
:- implementation.
:- import_module code_aux, code_util, det_analysis, hlds_data, hlds_goal.
-:- import_module instmap, llds_out, mode_util, prog_data, prog_out.
+:- import_module hlds_pred, instmap, mode_util, prog_data, prog_out.
:- import_module rl_relops, rl_info.
:- import_module tree, type_util, dependency_graph.
:- import_module inst_match, (inst), goal_util, inlining, globals, options.
@@ -155,16 +150,7 @@
rl_gen__get_single_entry_proc_name(PredProcId, ProcName) -->
- { rl_gen__get_entry_proc_name(ModuleInfo, PredProcId, ProcName) }.
-rl_gen__get_entry_proc_name(ModuleInfo, proc(PredId, ProcId), ProcName) :-
- code_util__make_proc_label(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, Label),
- llds_out__get_proc_label(Label, no, ProcLabel),
- module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo),
- pred_info_module(PredInfo, PredModule0),
- pred_info_get_aditi_owner(PredInfo, Owner),
- prog_out__sym_name_to_string(PredModule0, PredModule),
- ProcName = rl_proc_name(Owner, PredModule, ProcLabel, 2).
+ { rl__get_entry_proc_name(ModuleInfo, PredProcId, ProcName) }.
@@ -216,8 +202,8 @@
( { mode_is_input(ModuleInfo, Mode) } ->
- { type_is_higher_order(Type,
- predicate, PredArgTypes) }
+ { type_is_higher_order(Type, predicate,
+ (aditi_bottom_up), PredArgTypes) }
@@ -936,7 +922,8 @@
MaybeNegGoals = no
% XXX check that the var is an input relation variable.
- Goal = higher_order_call(_, _, _, _, _, predicate) - _,
+ Goal = generic_call(higher_order(_, predicate, _),
+ _, _, _) - _,
CallGoal = Goal,
MaybeNegGoals = no
@@ -976,8 +963,8 @@
{ DBCall = db_call(called_pred(PredProcId), MaybeNegGoals,
InputArgs, OutputArgs, GoalInfo) }
- { CallGoal = higher_order_call(Var, Args, _,
- ArgModes, _, predicate) - GoalInfo }
+ { CallGoal = generic_call(higher_order(Var, predicate, _),
+ Args, ArgModes, _) - GoalInfo }
{ CallId = ho_called_var(Var) },
@@ -1012,8 +999,8 @@
% Only closure constructions can come
% between two Aditi calls.
Goal = unify(_, _, _, Uni, _) - _,
- Uni = construct(_, ConsId, _, _),
- ConsId = pred_const(_, _)
+ Uni = construct(_, ConsId, _, _, _, _, _),
+ ConsId = pred_const(_, _, _)
rl_gen__find_aditi_call(ModuleInfo, Goals,
[Goal | RevBetweenGoals0], BetweenGoals,
@@ -1033,8 +1020,8 @@
rl_gen__setup_var_rels([BetweenGoal | BetweenGoals]) -->
{ BetweenGoal = unify(_, _, _, Uni, _) - _ },
- { Uni = construct(Var, ConsId, CurriedArgs, _) },
- { ConsId = pred_const(PredId, ProcId) }
+ { Uni = construct(Var, ConsId, CurriedArgs, _, _, _, _) },
+ { ConsId = pred_const(PredId, ProcId, _EvalMethod) }
{ Closure = closure_pred(CurriedArgs,
proc(PredId, ProcId)) },
@@ -1721,8 +1708,13 @@
OutputRelation, Code) -->
rl_info_get_var_type(ComputeInitial, ComputeInitialType),
+ % XXX The type declaration in extras/aditi/aditi.m
+ % should be changed to require that the eval_method
+ % for the UpdateAcc and ComputeInitial parameters
+ % is `aditi_top_down', and the InputRelationArg
+ % is `aditi_bottom_up'.
{ type_is_higher_order(ComputeInitialType,
- predicate, ComputeInitialArgTypes) },
+ predicate, _, ComputeInitialArgTypes) },
{ ComputeInitialArgTypes = [GrpByType, _NGrpByType, AccType] }
Index: compiler/rl_key.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/rl_key.m,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -u -r1.1 rl_key.m
--- rl_key.m 1998/12/06 23:45:23 1.1
+++ rl_key.m 1998/12/11 04:03:08
@@ -688,7 +688,7 @@
rl_key__unify_var_var(Var1, Var2).
rl_key__extract_key_range_unify(assign(Var1, Var2)) -->
rl_key__unify_var_var(Var1, Var2).
-rl_key__extract_key_range_unify(construct(Var, ConsId, Args, _)) -->
+rl_key__extract_key_range_unify(construct(Var, ConsId, Args, _, _, _, _)) -->
rl_key__unify_functor(Var, ConsId, Args).
deconstruct(Var, ConsId, Args, _, _)) -->
Index: compiler/rl_out.pp
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/rl_out.pp,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -u -r1.3 rl_out.pp
--- rl_out.pp 1999/05/11 05:03:59 1.3
+++ rl_out.pp 1999/05/21 04:35:07
@@ -98,35 +98,17 @@
{ Module = PredModule },
{ check_marker(Markers, base_relation) }
- { rl_out__get_perm_rel_info(ModuleInfo, PredId,
+ { rl__get_permanent_relation_info(ModuleInfo, PredId,
Owner, ModuleName, PredName, PredArity0,
RelName, RelSchema) },
{ string__int_to_string(PredArity0, PredArity) },
io__write_strings([ModuleName, ":", PredName, "/", PredArity,
"\t", Owner, "/", ModuleName, "/", RelName,
"\t", RelSchema, "\n"])
- ;
+ ;
-:- pred rl_out__get_perm_rel_info(module_info::in, pred_id::in,
- string::out, string::out, string::out, int::out,
- string::out, string::out) is det.
-rl_out__get_perm_rel_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, Owner, PredModule,
- PredName, PredArity, RelName, SchemaString) :-
- module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo),
- pred_info_name(PredInfo, PredName),
- pred_info_module(PredInfo, PredModule0),
- prog_out__sym_name_to_string(PredModule0, PredModule),
- pred_info_get_aditi_owner(PredInfo, Owner),
- pred_info_arity(PredInfo, PredArity),
- string__format("%s__%i", [s(PredName), i(PredArity)], RelName),
- pred_info_arg_types(PredInfo, ArgTypes0),
- magic_util__remove_aditi_state(ArgTypes0, ArgTypes0, ArgTypes),
- rl__schema_to_string(ModuleInfo, ArgTypes, SchemaString).
% If the RL procedure is callable from the query shell or Mercury,
@@ -370,7 +352,7 @@
% If one memoed relation is dropped, all must be
% dropped for correctness. We could possibly be a
% little smarter about this.
- rl_out__collect_memoed_rels(Owner, Name, MemoedList, 0,
+ rl_out__collect_memoed_relations(Owner, Name, MemoedList, 0,
CollectCode, NameCode),
rl_out__get_rel_var_list(MemoedList, RelVarCodes),
{ GroupCode = tree(node([rl_PROC_grouprels]), RelVarCodes) }
@@ -378,7 +360,7 @@
{ map__to_assoc_list(Addrs, AddrsAL) },
- rl_out__collect_permanent_rels(AddrsAL, [], PermRelCodes),
+ rl_out__collect_permanent_relations(AddrsAL, [], PermRelCodes),
{ list__length(Exprns, NumExprns) },
@@ -423,14 +405,13 @@
% to maintain correctness. Aditi should prefer to drop unnamed
% temporaries to named ones, since unnamed temporaries cannot
% possibly be used later.
- % XXX Reference counting is not yet implemented in Aditi.
-:- pred rl_out__collect_memoed_rels(string::in, rl_proc_name::in,
+:- pred rl_out__collect_memoed_relations(string::in, rl_proc_name::in,
list(relation_id)::in, int::in, list(bytecode)::out,
list(bytecode)::out, rl_out_info::in,
rl_out_info::out) is det.
-rl_out__collect_memoed_rels(_, _, [], _, [], []) --> [].
-rl_out__collect_memoed_rels(Owner, ProcName, [Rel | Rels], Counter0,
+rl_out__collect_memoed_relations(_, _, [], _, [], []) --> [].
+rl_out__collect_memoed_relations(Owner, ProcName, [Rel | Rels], Counter0,
[GetCode | GetCodes], [NameCode, DropCode | NameCodes]) -->
rl_out_info_get_relation_addr(Rel, Addr),
@@ -472,17 +453,18 @@
{ DropCode = rl_PROC_unsetrel(Addr) },
{ Counter is Counter0 + 1 },
- rl_out__collect_memoed_rels(Owner, ProcName, Rels, Counter,
+ rl_out__collect_memoed_relations(Owner, ProcName, Rels, Counter,
GetCodes, NameCodes).
% Put pointers to all the permanent relations
% used by the procedure into variables.
-:- pred rl_out__collect_permanent_rels(assoc_list(relation_id, int)::in,
+:- pred rl_out__collect_permanent_relations(assoc_list(relation_id, int)::in,
list(bytecode)::in, list(bytecode)::out,
rl_out_info::in, rl_out_info::out) is det.
-rl_out__collect_permanent_rels([], Codes, Codes) --> [].
-rl_out__collect_permanent_rels([RelationId - Addr | Rels], Codes0, Codes) -->
+rl_out__collect_permanent_relations([], Codes, Codes) --> [].
+rl_out__collect_permanent_relations([RelationId - Addr | Rels],
+ Codes0, Codes) -->
{ map__lookup(Relations, RelationId, RelInfo) },
{ RelInfo = relation_info(RelType, _Schema, _Index, _) },
@@ -491,7 +473,7 @@
- { rl_out__get_perm_rel_info(ModuleInfo, PredId,
+ { rl__get_permanent_relation_info(ModuleInfo, PredId,
Owner, PredModule, _, _, RelName, SchemaString) },
rl_out_info_assign_const(string(Owner), OwnerConst),
@@ -515,7 +497,7 @@
{ Codes1 = Codes0 }
- rl_out__collect_permanent_rels(Rels, Codes1, Codes).
+ rl_out__collect_permanent_relations(Rels, Codes1, Codes).
@@ -684,7 +666,7 @@
% If the produced tuple is independent of the input tuple,
% generate:
- % if (empty(Input) {
+ % if (empty(Input)) {
% init(Output);
% } else
% init(Output);
@@ -755,7 +737,7 @@
OtherOutputInitCodeList, empty, OtherOutputInitCode) },
{ list__map(rl__output_rel_relation,
- OtherOutputRels, OtherOutputRelations ) },
+ OtherOutputRels, OtherOutputRelations) },
rl_out__get_rel_var_list(OtherOutputRelations, VarListCode),
list__foldl2(rl_out__generate_project_exprn, OtherOutputs,
empty, ExprnListCode),
Index: compiler/saved_vars.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/saved_vars.m,v
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -u -u -r1.18 saved_vars.m
--- saved_vars.m 1999/03/12 06:14:17 1.18
+++ saved_vars.m 1999/05/14 04:54:27
@@ -109,15 +109,11 @@
saved_vars_in_goal(Else0, SlotInfo2, Else, SlotInfo),
Goal = if_then_else(Vars, Cond, Then, Else, SM) - GoalInfo0
- GoalExpr0 = some(Var, SubGoal0),
+ GoalExpr0 = some(Var, CanRemove, SubGoal0),
saved_vars_in_goal(SubGoal0, SlotInfo0, SubGoal, SlotInfo),
- Goal = some(Var, SubGoal) - GoalInfo0
+ Goal = some(Var, CanRemove, SubGoal) - GoalInfo0
- GoalExpr0 = higher_order_call(_, _, _, _, _, _),
- Goal = GoalExpr0 - GoalInfo0,
- SlotInfo = SlotInfo0
- ;
- GoalExpr0 = class_method_call(_, _, _, _, _, _),
+ GoalExpr0 = generic_call(_, _, _, _),
Goal = GoalExpr0 - GoalInfo0,
SlotInfo = SlotInfo0
@@ -156,7 +152,7 @@
Goals, SlotInfo) :-
Goal0 = unify(_, _, _, Unif, _) - _,
- Unif = construct(Var, _, [], _),
+ Unif = construct(Var, _, [], _, _, _, _),
skip_constant_constructs(Goals0, Constants, Others),
Others = [First | _Rest],
can_push(Var, First)
@@ -185,7 +181,7 @@
skip_constant_constructs([Goal0 | Goals0], Constants, Others) :-
Goal0 = unify(_, _, _, Unif, _) - _,
- Unif = construct(_, _, [], _)
+ Unif = construct(_, _, [], _, _, _, _)
skip_constant_constructs(Goals0, Constants1, Others),
Constants = [Goal0 | Constants1]
@@ -210,7 +206,7 @@
FirstExpr = conj(_)
- FirstExpr = some(_, _)
+ FirstExpr = some(_, _, _)
FirstExpr = not(_)
@@ -276,16 +272,7 @@
IsNonLocal, SlotInfo1, Goals1, SlotInfo),
Goals = [NewConstruct, Goal1 | Goals1]
- Goal0Expr = higher_order_call(_, _, _, _, _, _),
- rename_var(SlotInfo0, Var, _NewVar, Subst, SlotInfo1),
- goal_util__rename_vars_in_goal(Construct, Subst,
- NewConstruct),
- goal_util__rename_vars_in_goal(Goal0, Subst, Goal1),
- saved_vars_delay_goal(Goals0, Construct, Var,
- IsNonLocal, SlotInfo1, Goals1, SlotInfo),
- Goals = [NewConstruct, Goal1 | Goals1]
- ;
- Goal0Expr = class_method_call(_, _, _, _, _, _),
+ Goal0Expr = generic_call(_, _, _, _),
rename_var(SlotInfo0, Var, _NewVar, Subst, SlotInfo1),
goal_util__rename_vars_in_goal(Construct, Subst,
@@ -313,7 +300,7 @@
IsNonLocal, SlotInfo0, Goals1, SlotInfo),
Goals = [Goal0|Goals1]
- Goal0Expr = some(SomeVars, SomeGoal0),
+ Goal0Expr = some(SomeVars, CanRemove, SomeGoal0),
rename_var(SlotInfo0, Var, NewVar, Subst, SlotInfo1),
goal_util__rename_vars_in_goal(Construct, Subst,
@@ -321,7 +308,8 @@
push_into_goal(SomeGoal1, NewConstruct, NewVar,
SlotInfo1, SomeGoal, SlotInfo2),
- Goal1 = some(SomeVars, SomeGoal) - Goal0Info,
+ Goal1 = some(SomeVars, CanRemove, SomeGoal)
+ - Goal0Info,
saved_vars_delay_goal(Goals0, Construct, Var,
IsNonLocal, SlotInfo2, Goals1, SlotInfo),
Goals = [Goal1 | Goals1]
Index: compiler/simplify.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/simplify.m,v
retrieving revision 1.66
diff -u -u -r1.66 simplify.m
--- simplify.m 1998/12/06 23:45:50 1.66
+++ simplify.m 1999/05/27 06:11:30
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@
InnerDetism, InnerInfo),
InnerGoal = conj(Goals) - InnerInfo,
- Goal = some([], InnerGoal)
+ Goal = some([], can_remove, InnerGoal)
Goal = conj(Goals)
@@ -577,13 +577,21 @@
simplify__goal_2(Goal0, GoalInfo, Goal, GoalInfo, Info0, Info) :-
- Goal0 = higher_order_call(Closure, Args, _, Modes, Det, _PredOrFunc),
- ( simplify_do_calls(Info0) ->
+ Goal0 = generic_call(GenericCall, Args, Modes, Det),
+ (
+ simplify_do_calls(Info0),
+ % XXX We should do duplicate call elimination for
+ % class method calls here.
+ GenericCall = higher_order(Closure, _, _)
+ ->
common__optimise_higher_order_call(Closure, Args, Modes, Det,
Goal0, GoalInfo, Goal, Info0, Info)
- ; simplify_do_warn_calls(Info0) ->
- % we need to do the pass, for the warnings, but we ignore
- % the optimized goal and instead use the original one
+ ;
+ simplify_do_warn_calls(Info0),
+ GenericCall = higher_order(Closure, _, _)
+ ->
+ % We need to do the pass, for the warnings, but we ignore
+ % the optimized goal and instead use the original one.
common__optimise_higher_order_call(Closure, Args, Modes, Det,
Goal0, GoalInfo, _Goal1, Info0, Info),
Goal = Goal0
@@ -592,11 +600,6 @@
Info = Info0
- % XXX We ought to do duplicate call elimination for class
- % XXX method calls here.
-simplify__goal_2(Goal, GoalInfo, Goal, GoalInfo, Info, Info) :-
- Goal = class_method_call(_, _, _, _, _, _).
simplify__goal_2(Goal0, GoalInfo0, Goal, GoalInfo, Info0, Info) :-
Goal0 = call(PredId, ProcId, Args, IsBuiltin, _, _),
simplify_info_get_module_info(Info0, ModuleInfo),
@@ -749,8 +752,8 @@
true_goal(Context, Goal - GoalInfo),
Info = Info0
- RT0 = lambda_goal(PredOrFunc, NonLocals, Vars,
- Modes, LambdaDeclaredDet, LambdaGoal0)
+ RT0 = lambda_goal(PredOrFunc, EvalMethod, FixModes,
+ NonLocals, Vars, Modes, LambdaDeclaredDet, LambdaGoal0)
simplify_info_enter_lambda(Info0, Info1),
simplify_info_get_common_info(Info1, Common1),
@@ -770,8 +773,8 @@
simplify__goal(LambdaGoal0, LambdaGoal, Info3, Info4),
simplify_info_set_common_info(Info4, Common1, Info5),
simplify_info_set_instmap(Info5, InstMap1, Info6),
- RT = lambda_goal(PredOrFunc, NonLocals, Vars, Modes,
- LambdaDeclaredDet, LambdaGoal),
+ RT = lambda_goal(PredOrFunc, EvalMethod, FixModes, NonLocals,
+ Vars, Modes, LambdaDeclaredDet, LambdaGoal),
simplify_info_leave_lambda(Info6, Info),
Goal = unify(LT0, RT, M, U0, C),
GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
@@ -917,7 +920,7 @@
goal_info_set_determinism(GoalInfo1, InnerDetism,
- Goal = some([], IfThenElse - InnerInfo)
+ Goal = some([], can_remove, IfThenElse - InnerInfo)
Goal = IfThenElse
@@ -967,20 +970,23 @@
Info = Info3
-simplify__goal_2(some(Vars1, Goal1), SomeInfo, Goal, GoalInfo, Info0, Info) :-
+simplify__goal_2(some(Vars1, CanRemove0, Goal1), SomeInfo,
+ Goal, GoalInfo, Info0, Info) :-
simplify__goal(Goal1, Goal2, Info0, Info),
- simplify__nested_somes(Vars1, Goal2, Vars, Goal3),
+ simplify__nested_somes(CanRemove0, Vars1, Goal2,
+ CanRemove, Vars, Goal3),
Goal3 = GoalExpr3 - GoalInfo3,
goal_info_get_determinism(GoalInfo3, Detism),
- goal_info_get_determinism(SomeInfo, Detism)
+ goal_info_get_determinism(SomeInfo, Detism),
+ CanRemove = can_remove
% If the inner and outer detisms match the `some'
% is unnecessary.
Goal = GoalExpr3,
GoalInfo = GoalInfo3
- Goal = some(Vars, Goal3),
+ Goal = some(Vars, CanRemove, Goal3),
GoalInfo = SomeInfo
@@ -1025,14 +1031,26 @@
% replace nested `some's with a single `some',
-:- pred simplify__nested_somes(list(prog_var)::in, hlds_goal::in,
- list(prog_var)::out, hlds_goal::out) is det.
+:- pred simplify__nested_somes(can_remove::in, list(prog_var)::in,
+ hlds_goal::in, can_remove::out, list(prog_var)::out,
+ hlds_goal::out) is det.
-simplify__nested_somes(Vars0, Goal0, Vars, Goal) :-
- ( Goal0 = some(Vars1, Goal1) - _ ->
+simplify__nested_somes(CanRemove0, Vars0, Goal0, CanRemove, Vars, Goal) :-
+ ( Goal0 = some(Vars1, CanRemove1, Goal1) - _ ->
+ (
+ ( CanRemove0 = cannot_remove
+ ; CanRemove1 = cannot_remove
+ )
+ ->
+ CanRemove2 = cannot_remove
+ ;
+ CanRemove2 = can_remove
+ ),
list__append(Vars0, Vars1, Vars2),
- simplify__nested_somes(Vars2, Goal1, Vars, Goal)
+ simplify__nested_somes(CanRemove2, Vars2, Goal1,
+ CanRemove, Vars, Goal)
+ CanRemove = CanRemove0,
Vars = Vars0,
Goal = Goal0
@@ -1061,7 +1079,7 @@
GoalInfo = InnerGoalInfo,
Info = Info0
- Goal = some([], Goal1 - InnerGoalInfo),
+ Goal = some([], can_remove, Goal1 - InnerGoalInfo),
GoalInfo = OuterGoalInfo,
simplify_info_set_rerun_det(Info0, Info)
@@ -1769,8 +1787,7 @@
BeforeAfter = before,
Goal = GoalExpr - _,
GoalExpr \= call(_, _, _, _, _, _),
- GoalExpr \= higher_order_call(_, _, _, _, _, _),
- GoalExpr \= class_method_call(_, _, _, _, _, _),
+ GoalExpr \= generic_call(_, _, _, _),
GoalExpr \= pragma_c_code(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)
Index: compiler/store_alloc.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/store_alloc.m,v
retrieving revision 1.68
diff -u -u -r1.68 store_alloc.m
--- store_alloc.m 1998/11/20 04:09:10 1.68
+++ store_alloc.m 1999/05/14 07:28:54
@@ -58,7 +58,8 @@
proc_info_goal(ProcInfo0, Goal0),
find_final_follow_vars(ProcInfo0, FollowVars0),
- find_follow_vars_in_goal(Goal0, ModuleInfo,
+ proc_info_vartypes(ProcInfo0, VarTypes),
+ find_follow_vars_in_goal(Goal0, VarTypes, ModuleInfo,
FollowVars0, Goal1, FollowVars),
Goal1 = GoalExpr1 - GoalInfo1,
goal_info_set_follow_vars(GoalInfo1, yes(FollowVars),
@@ -187,16 +188,14 @@
store_alloc_in_goal(Else0, Liveness0, ResumeVars0, ModuleInfo,
StackSlotInfo, Else, _Liveness2).
-store_alloc_in_goal_2(some(Vars, Goal0), Liveness0, ResumeVars0, ModuleInfo,
- StackSlotInfo, some(Vars, Goal), Liveness) :-
+store_alloc_in_goal_2(some(Vars, CanRemove, Goal0), Liveness0, ResumeVars0,
+ ModuleInfo,
+ StackSlotInfo, some(Vars, CanRemove, Goal), Liveness) :-
store_alloc_in_goal(Goal0, Liveness0, ResumeVars0, ModuleInfo,
StackSlotInfo, Goal, Liveness).
-store_alloc_in_goal_2(higher_order_call(A, B, C, D, E, F), Liveness, _, _,
- _, higher_order_call(A, B, C, D, E, F), Liveness).
-store_alloc_in_goal_2(class_method_call(A, B, C, D, E, F), Liveness, _, _,
- _, class_method_call(A, B, C, D, E, F), Liveness).
+store_alloc_in_goal_2(generic_call(A, B, C, D), Liveness, _, _,
+ _, generic_call(A, B, C, D), Liveness).
store_alloc_in_goal_2(call(A, B, C, D, E, F), Liveness, _, _,
_, call(A, B, C, D, E, F), Liveness).
Index: compiler/stratify.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/stratify.m,v
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -u -u -r1.19 stratify.m
--- stratify.m 1998/11/20 04:09:14 1.19
+++ stratify.m 1999/05/27 06:12:25
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
:- import_module prog_out, globals, options.
:- import_module assoc_list, map, list, set, bool, std_util, relation, require.
+:- import_module string.
stratify__check_stratification(Module0, Module) -->
{ module_info_ensure_dependency_info(Module0, Module1) },
@@ -169,7 +170,7 @@
Error, Module1, Module2),
first_order_check_goal(Else, EInfo, Negated, WholeScc, ThisPredProcId,
Error, Module2, Module).
-first_order_check_goal(some(_Vars, Goal - GoalInfo), _GoalInfo,
+first_order_check_goal(some(_Vars, _, Goal - GoalInfo), _GoalInfo,
Negated, WholeScc, ThisPredProcId, Error, Module0, Module) -->
first_order_check_goal(Goal, GoalInfo, Negated, WholeScc,
ThisPredProcId, Error, Module0, Module).
@@ -208,12 +209,9 @@
{ Module = Module0 }
-first_order_check_goal(higher_order_call(_Var, _Vars, _Types, _Modes,
- _Det, _PredOrFunc), _GInfo, _Negated, _WholeScc, _ThisPredProcId,
+first_order_check_goal(generic_call(_Var, _Vars, _Modes, _Det),
+ _GInfo, _Negated, _WholeScc, _ThisPredProcId,
_Error, Module, Module) --> [].
-first_order_check_goal(class_method_call(_Var, _Num, _Vars, _Types, _Modes,
- _Det), _GInfo, _Negated, _WholeScc, _ThisPredProcId, _Error,
- Module, Module) --> [].
:- pred first_order_check_goal_list(list(hlds_goal), bool,
list(pred_proc_id), pred_proc_id, bool, module_info,
@@ -324,7 +322,7 @@
HighOrderLoops, Error, Module1, Module2),
higher_order_check_goal(Else, EInfo, Negated, WholeScc, ThisPredProcId,
HighOrderLoops, Error, Module2, Module).
-higher_order_check_goal(some(_Vars, Goal - GoalInfo), _GoalInfo, Negated,
+higher_order_check_goal(some(_Vars, _, Goal - GoalInfo), _GoalInfo, Negated,
WholeScc, ThisPredProcId, HighOrderLoops,
Error, Module0, Module) -->
higher_order_check_goal(Goal, GoalInfo, Negated, WholeScc,
@@ -360,37 +358,26 @@
{ Module = Module0 }
-higher_order_check_goal(higher_order_call(_Var, _Vars, _Types, _Modes, _Det,
- _PredOrFunc),
+higher_order_check_goal(generic_call(GenericCall, _Vars, _Modes, _Det),
GoalInfo, Negated, _WholeScc, ThisPredProcId, HighOrderLoops,
Error, Module0, Module) -->
{ Negated = yes },
- { HighOrderLoops = yes }
+ { HighOrderLoops = yes },
+ { GenericCall = higher_order(_, _, _), Msg = "higher order"
+ ; GenericCall = class_method(_, _, _, _), Msg = "class method"
+ }
{ goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo, Context) },
- emit_message(ThisPredProcId, Context,
- "higher order call may introduce a non-stratified loop",
+ { string__append(Msg,
+ " call may introduce a non-stratified loop",
+ ErrorMsg) },
+ emit_message(ThisPredProcId, Context, ErrorMsg,
Error, Module0, Module)
{ Module = Module0 }
-higher_order_check_goal(class_method_call(_Var, _Num, _Vars, _Types, _Modes,
- _Det), GoalInfo, Negated, _WholeScc, ThisPredProcId,
- HighOrderLoops, Error, Module0, Module) -->
- (
- { Negated = yes },
- { HighOrderLoops = yes }
- ->
- { goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo, Context) },
- emit_message(ThisPredProcId, Context,
- "class method call may introduce a non-stratified loop",
- Error, Module0, Module)
- ;
- { Module = Module0 }
- ).
:- pred higher_order_check_goal_list(list(hlds_goal), bool, set(pred_proc_id),
pred_proc_id, bool, bool, module_info, module_info,
io__state, io__state).
@@ -722,7 +709,7 @@
% XXX : will have to use a more general check for higher
% order constants in parameters user could hide higher
% order consts in a data structure etc..
- type_is_higher_order(Type, _, _)
+ type_is_higher_order(Type, _, _, _)
mode_is_input(Module, Mode)
@@ -767,8 +754,8 @@
% lambda goal have addresses taken. this is not
% always to case, but should be a suitable approximation for
% the stratification analysis
- RHS = lambda_goal(_PredOrFunc, _NonLocals, _Vars,
- _Modes, _Determinism, Goal - _GoalInfo)
+ RHS = lambda_goal(_PredOrFunc, _EvalMethod, _Fix, _NonLocals,
+ _Vars, _Modes, _Determinism, Goal - _GoalInfo)
get_called_procs(Goal, [], CalledProcs),
set__insert_list(HasAT0, CalledProcs, HasAT)
@@ -777,11 +764,11 @@
% currently when this pass is run the construct/4
% case will not happen as higher order constants have
% been transformed to lambda goals. see above
- Unification = construct(_Var2, ConsId, _VarList, _ModeList)
+ Unification = construct(_Var2, ConsId, _, _, _, _, _)
- ConsId = pred_const(PredId, ProcId)
+ ConsId = pred_const(PredId, ProcId, _)
ConsId = code_addr_const(PredId, ProcId)
@@ -800,14 +787,9 @@
set__insert(Calls0, proc(CPred, CProc), Calls).
% record that the higher order call was made
-check_goal1(higher_order_call(_Var, _Vars, _Types, _Modes, _Det, _PredOrFUnc),
+check_goal1(generic_call(_Var, _Vars, _Modes, _Det),
Calls, Calls, HasAT, HasAT, _, yes).
- % record that the higher order call was made. Well... a class method
- % call is pretty similar to a higher order call...
-check_goal1(class_method_call(_Var, _Num, _Vars, _Types, _Modes, _Det), Calls,
- Calls, HasAT, HasAT, _, yes).
check_goal1(conj(Goals), Calls0, Calls, HasAT0, HasAT, CallsHO0, CallsHO) :-
check_goal_list(Goals, Calls0, Calls, HasAT0, HasAT, CallsHO0, CallsHO).
check_goal1(par_conj(Goals, _), Calls0, Calls, HasAT0, HasAT,
@@ -825,7 +807,7 @@
check_goal1(Then, Calls1, Calls2, HasAT1, HasAT2, CallsHO1, CallsHO2),
check_goal1(Else, Calls2, Calls, HasAT2, HasAT, CallsHO2, CallsHO).
-check_goal1(some(_Vars, Goal - _GoalInfo), Calls0, Calls, HasAT0, HasAT,
+check_goal1(some(_Vars, _, Goal - _GoalInfo), Calls0, Calls, HasAT0, HasAT,
CallsHO0, CallsHO) :-
check_goal1(Goal, Calls0, Calls, HasAT0, HasAT, CallsHO0, CallsHO).
@@ -871,19 +853,19 @@
% lambda goal have addresses taken. this is not
% always to case, but should be a suitable approximation for
% the stratification analysis
- RHS = lambda_goal(_PredOrFunc, _NonLocals, _Vars,
- _Modes, _Determinism, Goal - _GoalInfo)
+ RHS = lambda_goal(_PredOrFunc, _EvalMethod, _Fix, _NonLocals,
+ _Vars, _Modes, _Determinism, Goal - _GoalInfo)
get_called_procs(Goal, Calls0, Calls)
% currently when this pass is run the construct/4
% case will not happen as higher order constants have
% been transformed to lambda goals see above
- Unification = construct(_Var2, ConsId, _VarList, _ModeList)
+ Unification = construct(_Var2, ConsId, _, _, _, _, _)
- ConsId = pred_const(PredId, ProcId)
+ ConsId = pred_const(PredId, ProcId, _)
ConsId = code_addr_const(PredId, ProcId)
@@ -901,11 +883,7 @@
Calls) :-
Calls = [proc(CPred, CProc) | Calls0].
-get_called_procs(higher_order_call(_Var, _Vars, _Types, _Modes, _Det,
- _PredOrFunc), Calls, Calls).
-get_called_procs(class_method_call(_Var, _Num,_Vars, _Types, _Modes, _Det),
- Calls, Calls).
+get_called_procs(generic_call(_Var, _Vars, _Modes, _Det), Calls, Calls).
get_called_procs(conj(Goals), Calls0, Calls) :-
check_goal_list(Goals, Calls0, Calls).
@@ -920,7 +898,7 @@
get_called_procs(Cond, Calls0, Calls1),
get_called_procs(Then, Calls1, Calls2),
get_called_procs(Else, Calls2, Calls).
-get_called_procs(some(_Vars, Goal - _GoalInfo), Calls0, Calls) :-
+get_called_procs(some(_Vars, _, Goal - _GoalInfo), Calls0, Calls) :-
get_called_procs(Goal, Calls0, Calls).
get_called_procs(not(Goal - _GoalInfo), Calls0, Calls) :-
get_called_procs(Goal, Calls0, Calls).
Index: compiler/switch_detection.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/switch_detection.m,v
retrieving revision 1.85
diff -u -u -r1.85 switch_detection.m
--- switch_detection.m 1998/11/20 04:09:16 1.85
+++ switch_detection.m 1999/05/27 06:12:02
@@ -184,30 +184,30 @@
detect_switches_in_goal(Then0, InstMap1, VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Then),
detect_switches_in_goal(Else0, InstMap0, VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Else).
-detect_switches_in_goal_2(some(Vars, Goal0), _GoalInfo, InstMap0,
- VarTypes, ModuleInfo, some(Vars, Goal)) :-
+detect_switches_in_goal_2(some(Vars, CanRemove, Goal0), _GoalInfo, InstMap0,
+ VarTypes, ModuleInfo, some(Vars, CanRemove, Goal)) :-
detect_switches_in_goal(Goal0, InstMap0, VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Goal).
-detect_switches_in_goal_2(higher_order_call(A,B,C,D,E,F), _, _, _, _,
- higher_order_call(A,B,C,D,E,F)).
-detect_switches_in_goal_2(class_method_call(A,B,C,D,E,F), _, _, _, _,
- class_method_call(A,B,C,D,E,F)).
+detect_switches_in_goal_2(generic_call(A,B,C,D), _, _, _, _,
+ generic_call(A,B,C,D)).
detect_switches_in_goal_2(call(A,B,C,D,E,F), _, _, _, _,
detect_switches_in_goal_2(unify(A,RHS0,C,D,E), __GoalInfo, InstMap0,
VarTypes, ModuleInfo, unify(A,RHS,C,D,E)) :-
- ( RHS0 = lambda_goal(PredOrFunc, NonLocals, Vars, Modes, Det, Goal0) ->
+ (
+ RHS0 = lambda_goal(PredOrFunc, EvalMethod, FixModes,
+ NonLocals, Vars, Modes, Det, Goal0)
+ ->
% we need to insert the initial insts for the lambda
% variables in the instmap before processing the lambda goal
Vars, Modes, InstMap0, InstMap1),
detect_switches_in_goal(Goal0, InstMap1, VarTypes, ModuleInfo,
- RHS = lambda_goal(PredOrFunc, NonLocals,
- Vars, Modes, Det, Goal)
+ RHS = lambda_goal(PredOrFunc, EvalMethod, FixModes,
+ NonLocals, Vars, Modes, Det, Goal)
@@ -462,11 +462,11 @@
find_bind_var(Var, ProcessUnify, Goal0 - GoalInfo, Goal, Substitution0,
Substitution, Result0, Result, Info0, Info, Continue) :-
- ( Goal0 = some(Vars, SubGoal0) ->
+ ( Goal0 = some(Vars, CanRemove, SubGoal0) ->
find_bind_var(Var, ProcessUnify, SubGoal0, SubGoal,
Substitution0, Substitution, Result0, Result,
Info0, Info, Continue),
- Goal = some(Vars, SubGoal) - GoalInfo
+ Goal = some(Vars, CanRemove, SubGoal) - GoalInfo
; Goal0 = conj(SubGoals0) ->
conj_find_bind_var(Var, ProcessUnify, SubGoals0, SubGoals,
Substitution0, Substitution, Result0, Result,
Index: compiler/switch_gen.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/switch_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.70
diff -u -u -r1.70 switch_gen.m
--- switch_gen.m 1999/04/22 01:04:13 1.70
+++ switch_gen.m 1999/04/23 00:12:57
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
switch_gen__priority(float_constant(_), 3).
switch_gen__priority(shared_remote_tag(_, _), 4).
switch_gen__priority(string_constant(_), 5).
-switch_gen__priority(pred_closure_tag(_, _), 6). % should never occur
+switch_gen__priority(pred_closure_tag(_, _, _), 6). % should never occur
switch_gen__priority(code_addr_constant(_, _), 6). % should never occur
switch_gen__priority(type_ctor_info_constant(_, _, _), 6).% should never occur
switch_gen__priority(base_typeclass_info_constant(_, _, _), 6).% shouldn't occur
Index: compiler/table_gen.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/table_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -u -r1.7 table_gen.m
--- table_gen.m 1999/04/20 11:47:50 1.7
+++ table_gen.m 1999/04/23 00:40:20
@@ -636,7 +636,8 @@
UnifyMode = (free -> VarInst) - (VarInst -> VarInst),
UnifyContext = unify_context(explicit, []),
GoalExpr = unify(PredTableVar, functor(ConsId, []), UnifyMode,
- construct(PredTableVar, ConsId, [], []), UnifyContext),
+ construct(PredTableVar, ConsId, [], [], no, cell_is_unique, no),
+ UnifyContext),
set__singleton_set(NonLocals, PredTableVar),
instmap_delta_from_assoc_list([PredTableVar - VarInst],
@@ -1173,7 +1174,8 @@
Inst = bound(unique, [functor(int_const(VarValue), [])]),
VarUnify = unify(Var, functor(int_const(VarValue), []),
(free -> Inst) - (Inst -> Inst),
- construct(Var, int_const(VarValue), [], []),
+ construct(Var, int_const(VarValue), [], [],
+ no, cell_is_unique, no),
unify_context(explicit, [])),
set__singleton_set(VarNonLocals, Var),
instmap_delta_from_assoc_list([Var - Inst],
@@ -1198,7 +1200,8 @@
Inst = bound(unique, [functor(string_const(VarValue), [])]),
VarUnify = unify(Var, functor(string_const(VarValue), []),
(free -> Inst) - (Inst -> Inst),
- construct(Var, string_const(VarValue), [], []),
+ construct(Var, string_const(VarValue), [], [],
+ no, cell_is_unique, no),
unify_context(explicit, [])),
set__singleton_set(VarNonLocals, Var),
instmap_delta_from_assoc_list([Var - Inst],
Index: compiler/term_traversal.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/term_traversal.m,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -u -r1.8 term_traversal.m
--- term_traversal.m 1998/11/20 04:09:26 1.8
+++ term_traversal.m 1999/05/14 04:55:36
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
traverse_goal_2(unify(_Var, _RHS, _UniMode, Unification, _Context),
_GoalInfo, Params, Info0, Info) :-
- Unification = construct(OutVar, ConsId, Args, Modes),
+ Unification = construct(OutVar, ConsId, Args, Modes, _, _, _),
unify_change(OutVar, ConsId, Args, Modes, Params,
Gamma, InVars, OutVars0)
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
% but it shouldn't hurt either.
traverse_goal(Goal, Params, Info0, Info).
-traverse_goal_2(some(_Vars, Goal), _GoalInfo, Params, Info0, Info) :-
+traverse_goal_2(some(_Vars, _, Goal), _GoalInfo, Params, Info0, Info) :-
traverse_goal(Goal, Params, Info0, Info).
traverse_goal_2(if_then_else(_, Cond, Then, Else, _), _, Params, Info0, Info) :-
@@ -193,17 +193,12 @@
goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo, Context),
error_if_intersect(OutVars, Context, pragma_c_code, Info0, Info).
-traverse_goal_2(higher_order_call(_, _, _, _, _, _),
- GoalInfo, Params, Info0, Info) :-
- goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo, Context),
- add_error(Context, horder_call, Params, Info0, Info).
% For now, we'll pretend that the class method call is a higher order
% call. In reality, we could probably analyse further than this, since
% we know that the method being called must come from one of the
% instance declarations, and we could potentially (globally) analyse
% these.
-traverse_goal_2(class_method_call(_, _, _, _, _, _),
+traverse_goal_2(generic_call(_, _, _, _),
GoalInfo, Params, Info0, Info) :-
goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo, Context),
add_error(Context, horder_call, Params, Info0, Info).
@@ -433,7 +428,7 @@
params_get_functor_info(Params, FunctorInfo),
params_get_var_types(Params, VarTypes),
map__lookup(VarTypes, OutVar, Type),
- \+ type_is_higher_order(Type, _, _),
+ \+ type_is_higher_order(Type, _, _, _),
( type_to_type_id(Type, TypeId, _) ->
params_get_module_info(Params, Module),
functor_norm(FunctorInfo, TypeId, ConsId, Module,
Index: compiler/term_util.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/term_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -u -r1.11 term_util.m
--- term_util.m 1998/11/20 04:09:27 1.11
+++ term_util.m 1998/12/08 01:15:20
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@
horder_vars([Arg | Args], VarType) :-
map__lookup(VarType, Arg, Type),
- type_is_higher_order(Type, _, _)
+ type_is_higher_order(Type, _, _, _)
horder_vars(Args, VarType)
Index: compiler/type_util.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/type_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.66
diff -u -u -r1.66 type_util.m
--- type_util.m 1999/05/31 09:22:50 1.66
+++ type_util.m 1999/06/01 00:15:24
@@ -35,18 +35,23 @@
% argument types (for functions, the return type is appended to the
% end of the argument types).
-:- pred type_is_higher_order(type, pred_or_func, list(type)).
-:- mode type_is_higher_order(in, out, out) is semidet.
+:- pred type_is_higher_order(type, pred_or_func,
+ lambda_eval_method, list(type)).
+:- mode type_is_higher_order(in, out, out, out) is semidet.
% type_id_is_higher_order(TypeId, PredOrFunc) succeeds iff
% TypeId is a higher-order predicate or function type.
-:- pred type_id_is_higher_order(type_id, pred_or_func).
-:- mode type_id_is_higher_order(in, out) is semidet.
+:- pred type_id_is_higher_order(type_id, pred_or_func, lambda_eval_method).
+:- mode type_id_is_higher_order(in, out, out) is semidet.
:- pred type_is_aditi_state(type).
:- mode type_is_aditi_state(in) is semidet.
+ % Remove an `aditi:state' from the given list if one is present.
+:- pred type_util__remove_aditi_state(list(type), list(T), list(T)).
+:- mode type_util__remove_aditi_state(in, in, out) is det.
% A test for types that are defined by hand (not including
% the builtin types). Don't generate type_ctor_*
% for these types.
@@ -88,6 +93,18 @@
:- pred construct_type(type_id, list(type), prog_context, (type)).
:- mode construct_type(in, in, in, out) is det.
+:- pred construct_higher_order_type(pred_or_func, lambda_eval_method,
+ list(type), (type)).
+:- mode construct_higher_order_type(in, in, in, out) is det.
+:- pred construct_higher_order_pred_type(lambda_eval_method,
+ list(type), (type)).
+:- mode construct_higher_order_pred_type(in, in, out) is det.
+:- pred construct_higher_order_func_type(lambda_eval_method,
+ list(type), (type), (type)).
+:- mode construct_higher_order_func_type(in, in, in, out) is det.
% Construct builtin types.
:- func int_type = (type).
:- func string_type = (type).
@@ -251,7 +268,7 @@
:- implementation.
-:- import_module bool, require, std_util.
+:- import_module bool, int, require, std_util.
:- import_module prog_io, prog_io_goal, prog_util.
type_util__type_id_module(_ModuleInfo, TypeName - _Arity, ModuleName) :-
@@ -295,7 +312,7 @@
Type = float_type
; TypeId = unqualified("string") - 0 ->
Type = str_type
- ; type_id_is_higher_order(TypeId, _) ->
+ ; type_id_is_higher_order(TypeId, _, _) ->
Type = pred_type
; type_id_is_enumeration(TypeId, ModuleInfo) ->
Type = enum_type
@@ -306,28 +323,65 @@
Type = polymorphic_type
-type_is_higher_order(Type, PredOrFunc, PredArgTypes) :-
+type_is_higher_order(Type, PredOrFunc, EvalMethod, PredArgTypes) :-
- Type = term__functor(term__atom("pred"),
- PredArgTypes, _),
- PredOrFunc = predicate
- ;
Type = term__functor(term__atom("="),
- [term__functor(term__atom("func"),
- FuncArgTypes, _),
- FuncRetType], _),
+ [FuncEvalAndArgs, FuncRetType], _)
+ ->
+ get_lambda_eval_method(FuncEvalAndArgs, EvalMethod,
+ FuncAndArgs),
+ FuncAndArgs = term__functor(term__atom("func"),
+ FuncArgTypes, _),
list__append(FuncArgTypes, [FuncRetType], PredArgTypes),
PredOrFunc = function
+ ;
+ get_lambda_eval_method(Type, EvalMethod, PredAndArgs),
+ PredAndArgs = term__functor(term__atom("pred"),
+ PredArgTypes, _),
+ PredOrFunc = predicate
+ ).
+ % From the type of a lambda expression, work out how it should
+ % be evaluated.
+:- pred get_lambda_eval_method((type), lambda_eval_method, (type)) is det.
+:- mode get_lambda_eval_method(in, out, out) is det.
+get_lambda_eval_method(Type0, EvalMethod, Type) :-
+ ( Type0 = term__functor(term__atom(MethodStr), [Type1], _) ->
+ ( MethodStr = "aditi_bottom_up" ->
+ EvalMethod = (aditi_bottom_up),
+ Type = Type1
+ ; MethodStr = "aditi_top_down" ->
+ EvalMethod = (aditi_top_down),
+ Type = Type1
+ ;
+ EvalMethod = normal,
+ Type = Type0
+ )
+ ;
+ EvalMethod = normal,
+ Type = Type0
-type_id_is_higher_order(SymName - Arity, PredOrFunc) :-
- unqualify_name(SymName, TypeName),
- (
- TypeName = "pred",
+type_id_is_higher_order(SymName - _Arity, PredOrFunc, EvalMethod) :-
+ (
+ SymName = qualified(unqualified(EvalMethodStr), PorFStr),
+ (
+ EvalMethodStr = "aditi_bottom_up",
+ EvalMethod = (aditi_bottom_up)
+ ;
+ EvalMethodStr = "aditi_top_down",
+ EvalMethod = (aditi_top_down)
+ )
+ ;
+ SymName = unqualified(PorFStr),
+ EvalMethod = normal
+ ),
+ (
+ PorFStr = "pred",
PredOrFunc = predicate
- ;
- TypeName = "=",
- Arity = 2,
+ ;
+ PorFStr = "func",
PredOrFunc = function
@@ -335,6 +389,19 @@
qualified(unqualified("aditi"), "state") - 0, []).
+type_util__remove_aditi_state([], [], []).
+type_util__remove_aditi_state([], [_|_], _) :-
+ error("type_util__remove_aditi_state").
+type_util__remove_aditi_state([_|_], [], _) :-
+ error("type_util__remove_aditi_state").
+type_util__remove_aditi_state([Type | Types], [Arg | Args0], Args) :-
+ ( type_is_aditi_state(Type) ->
+ type_util__remove_aditi_state(Types, Args0, Args)
+ ;
+ type_util__remove_aditi_state(Types, Args0, Args1),
+ Args = [Arg | Args1]
+ ).
:- pred type_id_is_enumeration(type_id, module_info).
:- mode type_id_is_enumeration(in, in) is semidet.
@@ -346,7 +413,7 @@
IsEnum = yes.
type_to_type_id(Type, SymName - Arity, Args) :-
- sym_name_and_args(Type, SymName, Args1),
+ sym_name_and_args(Type, SymName0, Args1),
% `private_builtin:constraint' is introduced by polymorphism, and
% should only appear as the argument of a `typeclass:info/1' type.
@@ -360,12 +427,35 @@
% their arguments don't directly correspond to the
% arguments of the term.
- type_is_higher_order(Type, _, PredArgTypes)
+ type_is_higher_order(Type, PredOrFunc,
+ EvalMethod, PredArgTypes)
Args = PredArgTypes,
- list__length(Args1, Arity) % functions have arity 2,
- % (they are =/2)
+ list__length(Args, Arity0),
+ (
+ PredOrFunc = predicate,
+ PorFStr = "pred",
+ Arity = Arity0
+ ;
+ PredOrFunc = function,
+ PorFStr = "func",
+ Arity is Arity0 - 1
+ ),
+ (
+ EvalMethod = (aditi_bottom_up),
+ SymName = qualified(unqualified("aditi_bottom_up"),
+ PorFStr)
+ ;
+ EvalMethod = (aditi_top_down),
+ SymName = qualified(unqualified("aditi_top_down"),
+ PorFStr)
+ ;
+ EvalMethod = normal,
+ SymName = unqualified(PorFStr)
+ )
+ SymName = SymName0,
Args = Args1,
list__length(Args, Arity)
@@ -375,24 +465,47 @@
construct_type(TypeId, Args, Context, Type).
construct_type(TypeId, Args, Context, Type) :-
+ ( type_id_is_higher_order(TypeId, PredOrFunc, EvalMethod) ->
+ construct_higher_order_type(PredOrFunc, EvalMethod, Args, Type)
+ ;
+ TypeId = SymName - _,
+ construct_qualified_term(SymName, Args, Context, Type)
+ ).
+construct_higher_order_type(PredOrFunc, EvalMethod, ArgTypes, Type) :-
- type_id_is_higher_order(TypeId, PredOrFunc)
- ->
- (
- PredOrFunc = predicate,
- NewArgs = Args
- ;
- PredOrFunc = function,
- pred_args_to_func_args(Args, FuncArgTypes, FuncRetType),
- NewArgs = [term__functor(term__atom("func"),
- FuncArgTypes, Context),
- FuncRetType]
- )
+ PredOrFunc = predicate,
+ construct_higher_order_pred_type(EvalMethod, ArgTypes, Type)
- NewArgs = Args
- ),
- TypeId = SymName - _,
- construct_qualified_term(SymName, NewArgs, Context, Type).
+ PredOrFunc = function,
+ pred_args_to_func_args(ArgTypes, FuncArgTypes, FuncRetType),
+ construct_higher_order_func_type(EvalMethod, FuncArgTypes,
+ FuncRetType, Type)
+ ).
+construct_higher_order_pred_type(EvalMethod, ArgTypes, Type) :-
+ term__context_init(Context),
+ construct_qualified_term(unqualified("pred"),
+ ArgTypes, Context, Type0),
+ qualify_higher_order_type(EvalMethod, Type0, Type).
+construct_higher_order_func_type(EvalMethod, ArgTypes, RetType, Type) :-
+ term__context_init(Context),
+ construct_qualified_term(unqualified("func"),
+ ArgTypes, Context, Type0),
+ qualify_higher_order_type(EvalMethod, Type0, Type1),
+ Type = term__functor(term__atom("="), [Type1, RetType], Context).
+:- pred qualify_higher_order_type(lambda_eval_method, (type), (type)).
+:- mode qualify_higher_order_type(in, in, out) is det.
+qualify_higher_order_type(normal, Type, Type).
+qualify_higher_order_type((aditi_top_down), Type0,
+ term__functor(term__atom("aditi_top_down"), [Type0], Context)) :-
+ term__context_init(Context).
+qualify_higher_order_type((aditi_bottom_up), Type0,
+ term__functor(term__atom("aditi_bottom_up"), [Type0], Context)) :-
+ term__context_init(Context).
int_type = Type :- construct_type(unqualified("int") - 0, [], Type).
string_type = Type :- construct_type(unqualified("string") - 0, [], Type).
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