[m-dev.] for review: accumulator introduction

Peter Ross petdr at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Fri Jun 4 14:14:18 AEST 1999


Simon could you please review this?



Estimated hours taken: 500

Add a new pass to the compiler, that attempts to introduce accumulators
into a procedure so as to make that procedure tail recursive.

    The transformation.

    Call the transformation.

    Add the option to turn the transformation on.

    Document the option.

    Demangle the accumulator version of the procedure labels.

    Add the new pass to the documentation.

Index: compiler/accumulator.m
RCS file: accumulator.m
diff -N accumulator.m
--- /dev/null	Fri Jun  4 14:07:44 1999
+++ accumulator.m	Fri Jun  4 13:57:40 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,1785 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1999 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% Module:	accumulator
+% Main authors: petdr
+% Attempts to transform a single proc to a tail recursive form by
+% introducing accumlators.
+% The transformation is described more fully in papers/tail_recursive.
+% Basically the transformation is to locate predicates in the following
+% form.
+% p(X,Ys) :-
+%         minimal(X),
+%         base(Ys).
+% p(X, Ys) :-
+%         decompose(X, Xhead, Xrest),
+%         process(Xhead, Hs),
+%         p(Xrest, Y0s),
+%         compose(Hs, Y0s, Ys).
+% and transform them into this form
+% p(X,Ys) :-
+%         minimal(X),
+%         base(Ys).
+% p(X, Ys) :-
+%         decompose(X, Xhead, Xrest),
+%         process(Xhead, Hs),
+%         p'(Xrest, Ys, Hs).
+% p'(X, Ys, As) :-
+%         minimal(X),
+%         base(Y0s),
+%         compose(As, Y0s, Ys).
+% p'(X, Ys, As) :-
+%         decompose(X, Xhead, Xrest),
+%         process(Xhead, Hs),
+%         compose(As, Hs, A1s),
+%         p'(Xrest, Ys, A1s).
+% Any variable that ends with an 's' represents a set of variables.
+% The constraint on the transformation is that the compose goal must
+% obey the following law
+%	compose(I, B, C, BC), compose(I, A, BC, ABC)
+%		<=> compose(I, A, B, AB), compose(I, AB, C, ABC)
+% Note that the transformation will leave construction unifications
+% after the recursive call if '--optimize-constructor-last-call' is
+% enabled.
+:- module accumulator.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module hlds_module, hlds_pred, io.
+:- pred accumulator__process_proc(pred_id::in, proc_id::in, proc_info::in,
+		proc_info::out, module_info::in, module_info::out,
+		io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module goal_util, globals, hlds_data, hlds_goal, hlds_out.
+:- import_module inst_match, instmap, mode_util, options, prog_data, prog_util.
+:- import_module assoc_list, bool, list, map, multi_map.
+:- import_module require, set, std_util, term, varset.
+:- type base_goal
+	--->	base(
+			hlds_goals
+		).
+:- type rec_goal
+	--->	recursive(
+			a_goals,	% Decompose, Process
+			a_goal,		% Recursive call
+			a_goals		% Compose calls
+		).
+:- type split_result
+	--->	recursive(
+			hlds_goals,	% Decompose, Process
+			hlds_goal,	% Recursive call
+			hlds_goals	% Compose calls
+		).
+:- type a_goal  == goal(hlds_goal).
+:- type a_goals == goal(hlds_goals).
+:- type goal(T)
+	--->	goal(
+			T,		% goal/s
+			instmap		% instmap at the start of the goal
+		).
+:- type top_level
+	--->	switch_base_rec
+	;	switch_rec_base
+	;	disj_base_rec
+	;	disj_rec_base
+	;	ite_base_rec
+	;	ite_rec_base.
+:- type subst == map(prog_var, prog_var).
+:- type assoc_info
+	--->	assoc_info(
+			set(prog_var),	% Static set
+					% A static variable is one whose
+					% value is set before the
+					% recursive call.
+			set(prog_var),	% Dynamic set
+					% If it isn't static, it's dynamic.
+			module_info,
+			prev_call_map,
+			orig_dynvar_map,
+			subst,		% Y0s -> As
+			subst,		% Hs -> As
+			set(prog_var)	% Ys
+		).
+	% is the pred commutative?
+:- type commutative == bool.
+:- type prev_call
+	--->	prev_call(
+			pred_id,
+			proc_id,
+			commutative
+		).
+	% If a variable is constructed from a chain of calls, what are
+	% the details of the previous call in the chain.
+:- type prev_call_map == map(prog_var, prev_call).
+	% Given a dynamic variable, from which dynamic variable was it
+	% descended (ie which variable in Y0s).
+:- type orig_dynvar_map == map(prog_var, prog_var).
+	%
+	% accumulator__process_proc
+	%
+	% Attempt to transform one procedure into a accumulator
+	% recursive form.
+	%
+accumulator__process_proc(PredId, ProcId, ProcInfo0, ProcInfo, 
+		ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) -->
+	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(optimize_constructor_last_call,
+		DoLCO),
+	(
+		{ module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo0, PredId, PredInfo) },
+		{ accumulator__attempt_transform(ProcId, ProcInfo0, PredId,
+				PredInfo, DoLCO, ModuleInfo0, ProcInfo1,
+				ModuleInfo1) }
+	->
+		globals__io_lookup_bool_option(very_verbose, VeryVerbose),
+		( 
+			{ VeryVerbose = yes }
+		->
+			io__write_string("% Accumulators introduced into "),
+			hlds_out__write_pred_id(ModuleInfo1, PredId),
+			io__write_string("\n")
+		;
+			[]
+		),
+		{ ProcInfo   = ProcInfo1 },
+		{ ModuleInfo = ModuleInfo1 }
+	;
+		{ ProcInfo   = ProcInfo0 },
+		{ ModuleInfo = ModuleInfo0 }
+	).
+	%
+	% accumulator__attempt_transform/8 is only true if the current
+	% proc has been transformed to call the newly created
+	% accumulator proc.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__attempt_transform(proc_id::in, proc_info::in,
+		pred_id::in, pred_info::in, bool::in, module_info::in,
+		proc_info::out, module_info::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__attempt_transform(ProcId, ProcInfo0, PredId, PredInfo0,
+				DoLCO, ModuleInfo0, ProcInfo, ModuleInfo) :-
+	proc_info_goal(ProcInfo0, Goal0),
+	proc_info_headvars(ProcInfo0, HeadVars),
+	proc_info_get_initial_instmap(ProcInfo0, ModuleInfo0, InitialInstMap),
+	accumulator__simplify(Goal0, Goal),
+	accumulator__rearrange_goal(PredId, ProcId, Goal, InitialInstMap,
+			ModuleInfo0, GoalType, Base, Rec),
+	accumulator__create_accumulator_pred(Rec, PredInfo0, ProcInfo0,
+			HstoAs_Subst, NewPredId, NewProcId, NewPredName,
+			ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo1),
+	accumulator__transform(GoalType, Base, Rec, Goal, DoLCO, ModuleInfo1,
+			HeadVars, HstoAs_Subst, NewPredId, NewProcId,
+			NewPredName, OrigGoal, AccGoal),
+	accumulator__update_accumulator_pred(NewPredId, NewProcId, AccGoal,
+			ModuleInfo1, ModuleInfo),
+	proc_info_set_goal(ProcInfo0, OrigGoal, ProcInfo).
+	%
+	% accumulator__simplify
+	%
+	% Simplify the goal to make it more amenable to introducing
+	% accumulators.
+	%
+	% At the moment all this does is remove any extra disj/conj
+	% wrappers around the top level goal.
+	%
+	% Future work is for this code to rearrange code with multiple
+	% base and recursive cases into a single base and recursive
+	% case.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__simplify(hlds_goal, hlds_goal).
+:- mode accumulator__simplify(in, out) is det.
+accumulator__simplify(Goal0, Goal) :-
+	(
+		(
+			Goal0 = conj([Goal1]) - _
+		;
+			Goal0 = disj([Goal1], _) - _
+		)
+	->
+		accumulator__simplify(Goal1, Goal)
+	;
+		Goal = Goal0
+	).
+	%
+	% This predicate is meant to take the original goal and
+	% rearrange it into a standard form that can be used in the rest
+	% of module.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__rearrange_goal(pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
+		hlds_goal::in, instmap::in, module_info::in,
+		top_level::out, base_goal::out, rec_goal::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__rearrange_goal(PredId, ProcId, Goal, InitialInstMap, ModuleInfo,
+		Type, Base, Rec) :-
+	(
+		Goal = switch(_Var, _CanFail, Cases, _StoreMap) - _GoalInfo,
+		Cases = [case(_IdA, GoalA), case(_IdB, GoalB)],
+		goal_to_conj_list(GoalA, GoalAList),
+		goal_to_conj_list(GoalB, GoalBList)
+	->
+		(
+			accumulator__split_recursive_case(PredId, ProcId,
+					InitialInstMap, ModuleInfo,
+					GoalAList, Rec0)
+		->
+			Type = switch_rec_base,
+			Base = base(GoalBList),
+			Rec = Rec0
+		;
+			accumulator__split_recursive_case(PredId, ProcId,
+					InitialInstMap, ModuleInfo,
+					GoalBList, Rec0)
+		->
+			Type = switch_base_rec,
+			Base = base(GoalAList),
+			Rec = Rec0
+		;
+			fail
+		)
+	;
+		fail
+	).
+	%
+	% accumulator__create_accumulator_pred
+	%
+	% Create a new predicate which is an accumulator version of the
+	% current proc being looked at.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__create_accumulator_pred(rec_goal::in, pred_info::in,
+		proc_info::in, subst::out, pred_id::out, proc_id::out,
+		sym_name::out, module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
+accumulator__create_accumulator_pred(RecGoal, PredInfo, ProcInfo, HstoAs_Subst,
+		NewPredId, NewProcId, NewPredName, ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) :-
+	proc_info_get_initial_instmap(ProcInfo, ModuleInfo0, InstMap0),
+	accumulator__acc_proc_info(RecGoal, InstMap0, ProcInfo, HstoAs_Subst,
+			NewTypes, NewProcInfo),
+	accumulator__acc_pred_info(NewTypes, NewProcInfo, PredInfo, NewProcId,
+			NewPredInfo),
+	pred_info_name(NewPredInfo, NewPredName0),
+	NewPredName = unqualified(NewPredName0),
+	module_info_get_predicate_table(ModuleInfo0, PredTable0),
+	predicate_table_insert(PredTable0, NewPredInfo, NewPredId, PredTable),
+	module_info_set_predicate_table(ModuleInfo0, PredTable, ModuleInfo).
+	%
+	% accumulator__acc_proc_info
+	%
+	% Construct a proc_info for the introduced predicate, it also
+	% creates the substitutions that maps between each variable that
+	% is a member of Hs and those in As.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__acc_proc_info(rec_goal::in, instmap::in, proc_info::in,
+		subst::out, list(type)::out, proc_info::out) is det.
+accumulator__acc_proc_info(recursive(DP, _R, C), InstMap0,
+		ProcInfo, HstoAs_Subst, NewTypes, NewProcInfo) :-
+		% ProcInfo Stuff that must change.
+	proc_info_varset(ProcInfo, VarSet0),
+	proc_info_vartypes(ProcInfo, VarTypes0),
+	proc_info_headvars(ProcInfo, HeadVars0),
+	proc_info_argmodes(ProcInfo, HeadModes0),
+	proc_info_inferred_determinism(ProcInfo, Detism),
+	proc_info_goal(ProcInfo, Goal),
+	proc_info_context(ProcInfo, Context),
+	proc_info_typeinfo_varmap(ProcInfo, TVarMap),
+	proc_info_typeclass_info_varmap(ProcInfo, TCVarsMap),
+	proc_info_args_method(ProcInfo, ArgsMethod),
+	accumulator__extra_vars_for_recursive_call(DP, C, Vars),
+	DP = goal(DPGoals, _DPInstMap),
+	goal_list_instmap_delta(DPGoals, InstMapDelta),
+	instmap__apply_instmap_delta(InstMap0, InstMapDelta, InstMap),
+	accumulator__new_acc_var(Vars, InstMap, VarSet0, VarTypes0,
+			HstoAs_Subst, NewHeadVars, VarSet,
+			VarTypes, NewHeadModes),
+	list__append(HeadVars0, NewHeadVars, HeadVars),
+	list__append(HeadModes0, NewHeadModes, HeadModes),
+	list__map(map__lookup(VarTypes), NewHeadVars, NewTypes),
+	proc_info_create(VarSet, VarTypes, HeadVars, HeadModes, Detism, Goal,
+	                Context, TVarMap, TCVarsMap, ArgsMethod, NewProcInfo).
+	%
+	% accumulator__new_acc_var(Hs, IM, VS0, VT0, HstoAs0, HstoAs,
+	% 		As, VS, VT, Ms)
+	%
+	% For each variable, Hs, that needs to be accumulated create a
+	% corresponding variable in As updating the varset, VS, var-type
+	% mapping, VT, and recording the mode in Ms.  Also record the
+	% mapping from each H to A in HstoAs.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__new_acc_var(prog_vars::in, instmap::in,
+		prog_varset::in, map(prog_var, type)::in,
+		map(prog_var, prog_var)::out, prog_vars::out, prog_varset::out,
+		map(prog_var, type)::out, list(mode)::out) is det.
+accumulator__new_acc_var([], _InstMap, VarSet, VarTypes,
+		Subst, [], VarSet, VarTypes, []) :-
+	map__init(Subst).
+accumulator__new_acc_var([Var | Vars], InstMap, VarSet0, VarTypes0,
+		Subst, HeadVars, VarSet, VarTypes, Modes) :-
+	accumulator__new_acc_var(Vars, InstMap, VarSet0, VarTypes0,
+			Subst0, HeadVars0, VarSet1, VarTypes1, Modes0),
+	varset__new_var(VarSet1, NewVar, VarSet),
+	map__det_insert(Subst0, Var, NewVar, Subst),
+	HeadVars = [NewVar | HeadVars0],
+	map__lookup(VarTypes0, Var, Type),
+	map__det_insert(VarTypes1, NewVar, Type, VarTypes),
+	instmap__lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst),
+	inst_lists_to_mode_list([Inst], [Inst], Mode),
+	list__append(Mode, Modes0, Modes).
+	%
+	% accumulator__acc_pred_info
+	%
+	% Construct the pred_info for the introduced predicate
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__acc_pred_info(list(type)::in, proc_info::in, pred_info::in,
+		proc_id::out, pred_info::out) is det.
+accumulator__acc_pred_info(NewTypes, NewProcInfo, PredInfo,
+		NewProcId, NewPredInfo) :-
+		% PredInfo stuff that must change.
+	pred_info_arg_types(PredInfo, TypeVarSet, ExistQVars, Types0),
+	pred_info_module(PredInfo, ModuleName),
+	pred_info_name(PredInfo, Name),
+	Cond = true,
+	pred_info_context(PredInfo, PredContext),
+	pred_info_get_markers(PredInfo, Markers),
+	pred_info_get_is_pred_or_func(PredInfo, PredOrFunc),
+	pred_info_get_class_context(PredInfo, ClassContext),
+	pred_info_get_aditi_owner(PredInfo, Owner),
+	proc_info_context(NewProcInfo, Context),
+	term__context_line(Context, Line),
+	Counter = 0,
+	list__append(Types0, NewTypes, Types),
+	make_pred_name_with_context(ModuleName, "AccFrom", PredOrFunc, Name,
+		Line, Counter, SymName),
+	pred_info_create(ModuleName, SymName, TypeVarSet, ExistQVars, Types,
+			Cond, PredContext, local, Markers, PredOrFunc,
+			ClassContext, Owner, NewProcInfo, NewProcId,
+			NewPredInfo).
+	%
+	% accumulator__transform
+	%
+	% Actually do the transformation.  This predicate may fail if
+	% for some reason the transformation cannot be completed.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__transform(top_level::in, base_goal::in, rec_goal::in,
+		hlds_goal::in, bool::in, module_info::in, prog_vars::in,
+		subst::in, pred_id::in, proc_id::in, sym_name::in,
+		hlds_goal::out, hlds_goal::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__transform(switch_rec_base, base(BaseGoalList), recursive(DP, R, C),
+		Goal, DoLCO, ModuleInfo, HeadVars, HstoAs_Subst,
+		NewPredId, NewProcId, NewPredName, OrigGoal, NewGoal) :-
+	accumulator__Ys_descended_from_Y0s(HeadVars, DP, ModuleInfo),
+	accumulator__orig_base_case(BaseGoalList, OrigBaseGoal),
+	accumulator__extra_vars_for_recursive_call(DP, C, Vars),
+	accumulator__orig_recursive_case(DP, R, HeadVars, NewPredId, NewProcId,
+			NewPredName, Vars, Y0stoYs_Subst, OrigRecGoal),
+	accumulator__new_base_case(BaseGoalList, C,
+			Y0stoYs_Subst, HstoAs_Subst, NewBaseGoal),
+	accumulator__new_recursive_case(DP, C, R, DoLCO, ModuleInfo, NewPredId,
+			NewProcId, NewPredName, Vars, HeadVars,
+			Y0stoYs_Subst, HstoAs_Subst, NewRecGoal),
+	(
+		Goal = switch(Var, CanFail, Cases0, StoreMap) - GoalInfo,
+		Cases0 = [case(IdA, _), case(IdB, _)]
+	->
+		OrigCases = [case(IdA, OrigRecGoal), case(IdB, OrigBaseGoal)],
+		OrigGoal = switch(Var, CanFail, OrigCases, StoreMap) - GoalInfo,
+		NewCases = [case(IdA, NewRecGoal), case(IdB, NewBaseGoal)],
+		NewGoal = switch(Var, CanFail, NewCases, StoreMap) - GoalInfo
+	;
+		fail
+	).
+	%
+	% accumulator__update_accumulator_pred
+	%
+	% Place the accumulator version of the predicate in the
+	% module_info structure.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__update_accumulator_pred(pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
+		hlds_goal::in, module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
+accumulator__update_accumulator_pred(NewPredId, NewProcId, AccGoal,
+		ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) :-
+	module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo0, NewPredId, NewProcId,
+			PredInfo, ProcInfo0),
+	proc_info_set_goal(ProcInfo0, AccGoal, ProcInfo),
+	module_info_set_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo0, NewPredId, NewProcId,
+			PredInfo, ProcInfo, ModuleInfo).
+	%
+	% accumulator__split_recursive_case(Gs, DP, P, C)
+	%
+	% Split the goals, Gs, which make up the recursive case into the
+	% decompose and process list of goals, DP, and the compose
+	% goals, C, and the recursive goal P.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__split_recursive_case(pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
+		instmap::in, module_info::in,
+		hlds_goals::in, rec_goal::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__split_recursive_case(PredId, ProcId,
+		InitialInstMap, ModuleInfo, Goals, RecGoal) :-
+	solutions(accumulator__split_goals(Goals, PredId, ProcId), Solns),
+	Solns = [recursive(DP0, R, C0)],
+	calculate_instmap(DP0, InitialInstMap, InitialInstMapBeforeR),
+	move_goals(R, InitialInstMapBeforeR, ModuleInfo, C0, PreC0, PostC0),
+	list__append(DP0, PreC0, DP),
+	C = PostC0,
+	calculate_instmap(DP, InitialInstMap, InstMapBeforeR),
+	calculate_instmap([R], InstMapBeforeR, InstMapBeforeC),
+	DecomposeProcess = goal(DP, InitialInstMap),
+	Recursive 	 = goal(R, InstMapBeforeR),
+	Compose 	 = goal(C, InstMapBeforeC),
+	RecGoal = recursive(DecomposeProcess, Recursive, Compose).
+:- pred accumulator__split_goals(hlds_goals::in, pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
+		split_result::out) is nondet.
+accumulator__split_goals(Goals, PredId, ProcId, RecGoal) :-
+	list__append(DecomposeProcess, [RecursiveCall | Compose], Goals),
+	RecursiveCall = call(PredId, ProcId, _, _, _, _) - _,
+		% An empty compose means the predicate is already tail
+		% recursive.
+	Compose \= [],
+	RecGoal = recursive(DecomposeProcess, RecursiveCall, Compose).
+	%
+	% Given a list of goals and an instmap before the list of goals,
+	% work out what the instmap at the end of the goals is.
+	%
+:- pred calculate_instmap(hlds_goals::in, instmap::in, instmap::out) is det.
+calculate_instmap(Goals, InstMap0, InstMap) :-
+	GetGoalInfos = (pred(Goal::in, GoalInfo::out) is det :-
+			Goal = _ - GoalInfo),
+	list__map(GetGoalInfos, Goals, GoalInfos),
+	list__map(goal_info_get_instmap_delta, GoalInfos, InstMapDeltas),
+	ApplyInstMapDelta = (pred(Delta::in, Map0::in, Map::out) is det :-
+			instmap__apply_instmap_delta(Map0, Delta, Map)),
+	list__foldl(ApplyInstMapDelta, InstMapDeltas, InstMap0, InstMap).
+	%
+	% move_goals(G, IM, Gs, BGs, AGs)
+	%
+	% Seperate the list of Goals, Gs, into the goals, BGs, that can be
+	% placed before the goal, G, and the goals, AGs, which must be
+	% placed after the goal, G.  IM is the instmap before the goal
+	% G.
+	%
+	% XXX This should be able to be transformed to accumulator
+	% recursive form, much harder to do though.  Look into this
+	% later. NB you need LCO for the else case.
+	%
+:- pred move_goals(hlds_goal::in, instmap::in, module_info::in, hlds_goals::in,
+		hlds_goals::out, hlds_goals::out) is det.
+move_goals(_StartGoal, _InstMapBeforeStartGoal, _ModuleInfo, [], [], []).
+move_goals(StartGoal, InstMapBeforeStartGoal, ModuleInfo,
+		[Goal|Goals], PreGoals, PostGoals) :-
+	(
+		checked_goal_depends_on_earlier_goal(Goal, StartGoal,
+				InstMapBeforeStartGoal, ModuleInfo)
+		% goal_depends_on_earlier_goal(Goal, StartGoal)
+	->
+		StartGoal = _GoalExpr - GoalInfo,
+		goal_info_get_instmap_delta(GoalInfo, InstMapDelta),
+		instmap__apply_instmap_delta(InstMapBeforeStartGoal,
+				InstMapDelta, InstMapBeforeGoal),
+		move_goals(Goal, InstMapBeforeGoal, ModuleInfo,
+				Goals, PreGoalsForGoal, PostGoalsForGoal),
+		move_goals(StartGoal, InstMapBeforeStartGoal,
+				ModuleInfo, PreGoalsForGoal,
+				PreGoals, PostGoalsForStartGoal),
+		list__append(PostGoalsForStartGoal, [Goal | PostGoalsForGoal],
+				PostGoals)
+	;
+		move_goals(StartGoal, InstMapBeforeStartGoal,
+				ModuleInfo, Goals, PreGoals0, PostGoals),
+		PreGoals = [Goal | PreGoals0]
+	).
+	%
+	% wrapper to test my code.
+	%
+:- pred checked_goal_depends_on_earlier_goal(hlds_goal::in,
+		hlds_goal::in, instmap::in, module_info::in) is semidet.
+checked_goal_depends_on_earlier_goal(LaterGoal, EarlierGoal,
+		InstMapBeforeEarlierGoal, ModuleInfo) :-
+	(
+		goal_depends_on_earlier_goal(LaterGoal, EarlierGoal)
+	->
+		X = yes
+	;
+		X = no
+	),
+	(
+		goal_depends_on_earlier_goal_2(LaterGoal, EarlierGoal,
+				InstMapBeforeEarlierGoal, ModuleInfo)
+	->
+		Y = yes
+	;
+		Y = no
+	),
+	(
+			% Just putting X = Y here gives a warning,
+			% I think it is because X = bound(yes) ; bound(no)
+			% and Y = bound(yes); bound(no) so it thinks
+			% that the test is useless.
+			% XXX fix this in the compiler.
+		(
+			X = yes,
+			Y = yes
+		;
+			X = no,
+			Y = no
+		)
+	->
+			% will fail if X = Y = false
+		X = yes
+	;
+		error("checked_goal_depends_on_earlier_goal: gives different results")
+	).
+	%
+	% If the earlier goal changes the instatiatedness of a variable
+	% that is used in the later goal, then the later goal depends on
+	% the earlier goal.
+	%
+	% This code doesn't work on the alias branch.
+	%
+:- pred goal_depends_on_earlier_goal(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::in) is semidet.
+goal_depends_on_earlier_goal(_ - LaterGoalInfo, _ - EarlierGoalInfo) :-
+	goal_info_get_instmap_delta(EarlierGoalInfo, EarlierInstMapDelta),
+	instmap_delta_changed_vars(EarlierInstMapDelta, EarlierChangedVars),
+	goal_info_get_nonlocals(LaterGoalInfo, LaterGoalNonLocals),
+	set__intersect(EarlierChangedVars, LaterGoalNonLocals, Intersection),
+	not set__empty(Intersection).
+	%
+	% If the earlier goal changes the instatiatedness of a variable
+	% that is used in the later goal, then the later goal depends on
+	% the earlier goal.
+	%
+	% This code does work on the alias branch.
+	%
+:- pred goal_depends_on_earlier_goal_2(hlds_goal::in,
+		hlds_goal::in, instmap::in, module_info::in) is semidet.
+goal_depends_on_earlier_goal_2(_ - LaterGoalInfo, _ - EarlierGoalInfo,
+		InstMapBeforeEarlierGoal, ModuleInfo) :-
+	goal_info_get_instmap_delta(EarlierGoalInfo, EarlierInstMapDelta),
+	instmap__apply_instmap_delta(InstMapBeforeEarlierGoal,
+			EarlierInstMapDelta, InstMapAfterEarlierGoal),
+	changed_vars(InstMapBeforeEarlierGoal, InstMapAfterEarlierGoal,
+			ModuleInfo, EarlierChangedVars),
+	goal_info_get_nonlocals(LaterGoalInfo, LaterGoalNonLocals),
+	set__intersect(EarlierChangedVars, LaterGoalNonLocals, Intersection),
+	not set__empty(Intersection).
+	%
+	% changed_vars(IMA, IMB, MI, CV)
+	%
+	% Given an earlier instmap, IMA, and a later instmap, IMB,
+	% determine what variables, CV, have had their instantiatedness
+	% information changed.
+	%
+	% This predicate is meant to be equivalent to
+	% instmap_delta_changed_vars, where the instmap_delta is simply
+	% the one to take IMA to IMB.  However this predicate should
+	% transform more easily to the alias branch.
+	%
+:- pred changed_vars(instmap::in, instmap::in, module_info::in,
+		set(prog_var)::out) is det.
+changed_vars(InstMapA, InstMapB, ModuleInfo, ChangedVars) :-
+	instmap__vars_list(InstMapB, VarsB),
+	changed_vars_2(VarsB, InstMapA, InstMapB, ModuleInfo, ChangedVars).
+:- pred changed_vars_2(prog_vars::in, instmap::in,
+		instmap::in, module_info::in, set(prog_var)::out) is det.
+changed_vars_2([], _InstMapA, _InstMapB, _ModuleInfo, ChangedVars) :-
+	set__init(ChangedVars).
+changed_vars_2([VarB|VarBs], InstMapA, InstMapB, ModuleInfo, ChangedVars) :-
+	changed_vars_2(VarBs, InstMapA, InstMapB, ModuleInfo, ChangedVars0),
+	instmap__lookup_var(InstMapA, VarB, InitialInst),
+	instmap__lookup_var(InstMapB, VarB, FinalInst),
+	(
+		inst_matches_final(InitialInst, FinalInst, ModuleInfo)
+	->
+		ChangedVars = ChangedVars0
+	;
+		set__insert(ChangedVars0, VarB, ChangedVars)
+	).
+	%
+	% accumulator__Ys_descended_from_Y0s(HV, DP)
+	%
+	% If any head variable is calculated in the decompose/process,
+	% DP, list of goals then it cannot be descended from the Y0s.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__Ys_descended_from_Y0s(prog_vars::in,
+		a_goals::in, module_info::in) is semidet.
+accumulator__Ys_descended_from_Y0s(HeadVars, DecomposeProcess, ModuleInfo) :-
+	accumulator__vars_to_accumulate(HeadVars, DecomposeProcess,
+			ModuleInfo, ChangedHeadVars),
+	ChangedHeadVars = [].
+	%
+	% accumulator__vars_to_accumulate(HV, C, VA)
+	%
+	% Given the list of goals, C, which represent the compose
+	% goal and the list of the head variables, HV, determine the
+	% head variables that will need to be accumulated, VA.
+	%
+	% The variables that will need to be accumulated are simply
+	% those which instantiatedness change in the compose goals and
+	% that are headvars.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__vars_to_accumulate(prog_vars::in, a_goals::in,
+		module_info::in, prog_vars::out) is det.
+accumulator__vars_to_accumulate(HeadVars, C, ModuleInfo, VarsToAccumulate) :-
+	C = goal(ComposeGoals, InstMapBeforeCompose),
+		% Determine the instmap-delta of the goal list.
+	GetGoalInfos = (pred(Goal::in, GoalInfo::out) is det :-
+				Goal = _ - GoalInfo),
+	list__map(GetGoalInfos, ComposeGoals, GoalInfos),
+	list__map(goal_info_get_instmap_delta, GoalInfos, InstMapDeltas),
+	instmap_delta_init_reachable(EmptyInstMapDelta),
+	list__foldl(instmap_delta_apply_instmap_delta,
+			InstMapDeltas, EmptyInstMapDelta, InstMapDelta),
+	instmap__apply_instmap_delta(InstMapBeforeCompose,
+			InstMapDelta,InstMapAfterCompose),
+	changed_vars(InstMapBeforeCompose,
+			InstMapAfterCompose, ModuleInfo, ChangedVars),
+	Member = (pred(M::in) is semidet :- set__member(M, ChangedVars)),
+	list__filter(Member, HeadVars, VarsToAccumulate).
+	%
+	% accumulator__extra_vars_for_recursive_call(DP, C, Hs)
+	%
+	% If the decompose/process list of goals, DP, produce a value
+	% that is needed in the compose list of goals, C, then that
+	% value will need to be passed via the introduced recursive
+	% call.  This predicate identifies these variables, Hs.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__extra_vars_for_recursive_call(a_goals::in,
+		a_goals::in, prog_vars::out) is det.
+		goal(DecomposeProcess, _InstMapBeforeDecomposeProcess),
+		goal(Compose, _InstMapBeforeCompose), Vars) :-
+	GetGoalInfos = (pred(Goal::in, GoalInfo::out) is det :-
+				Goal = _ - GoalInfo),
+	list__map(GetGoalInfos, DecomposeProcess, DPGoalInfos),
+	list__map(goal_info_get_nonlocals, DPGoalInfos, DPNonLocals),
+	set__list_to_set(DPNonLocals, DPNonLocalsPowerSet),
+	set__power_union(DPNonLocalsPowerSet, DPNonLocalsSet),
+	list__map(GetGoalInfos, Compose, CGoalInfos),
+	list__map(goal_info_get_nonlocals, CGoalInfos, CNonLocals),
+	set__list_to_set(CNonLocals, CNonLocalsPowerSet),
+	set__power_union(CNonLocalsPowerSet, CNonLocalsSet),
+	set__intersect(DPNonLocalsSet, CNonLocalsSet, VarsSet),
+	set__to_sorted_list(VarsSet, Vars).
+	%
+	% accumulator__static_vars_in_recursive_call
+	%
+	% Identify the variables which are static only appear in the
+	% recursive call.
+	%
+	% This predicate is currently unused.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__static_vars_in_recursive_call(a_goal::in,
+		a_goals::in, module_info::in, prog_vars::out) is det.
+accumulator__static_vars_in_recursive_call(Recursive, Compose,
+		ModuleInfo, Vars) :-
+	Recursive = goal(_RecGoalExpr - RecGoalInfo, InstMapBeforeRec),
+	Compose = goal(ComposeGoals, _InstMapBeforeCompose),
+	goal_info_get_instmap_delta(RecGoalInfo, RecInstMapDelta),
+	goal_info_get_nonlocals(RecGoalInfo, RecNonLocals),
+	instmap__apply_instmap_delta(InstMapBeforeRec, RecInstMapDelta,
+			InstMapAfterRec),
+	changed_vars(InstMapBeforeRec, InstMapAfterRec,
+			ModuleInfo, ChangedVars),
+	set__difference(RecNonLocals, ChangedVars, PossibleStaticVars),
+	GetGoalInfos = (pred(Goal::in, GoalInfo::out) is det :-
+				Goal = _ - GoalInfo),
+	list__map(GetGoalInfos, ComposeGoals, CGoalInfos),
+	list__map(goal_info_get_nonlocals, CGoalInfos, CNonLocals),
+	set__list_to_set(CNonLocals, CNonLocalsPowerSet),
+	set__power_union(CNonLocalsPowerSet, CNonLocalsSet),
+	set__intersect(CNonLocalsSet, PossibleStaticVars, VarsSet),
+	set__to_sorted_list(VarsSet, Vars).
+	%
+	% accumulator__orig_base_case
+	%
+	% Determine the base case of the original goal.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__orig_base_case(hlds_goals::in, hlds_goal::out) is det.
+accumulator__orig_base_case(BaseGoalList, BaseGoal) :-
+	calculate_goal_info(conj(BaseGoalList), BaseGoal).
+	%
+	% accumulator__orig_recursive_case
+	%
+	% Determine the recursive case of the original goal.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__orig_recursive_case(a_goals::in, a_goal::in,
+		prog_vars::in, pred_id::in, proc_id::in, sym_name::in,
+		prog_vars::in, subst::out, hlds_goal::out) is det.
+accumulator__orig_recursive_case(DP, R0, HeadVars, PredId, ProcId, Name,
+		ExtraVars, Y0stoYs_Subst, Goal) :-
+	DP = goal(DecomposeProcess, _InstMapBeforeDecomposeProcess),
+	R0 = goal(Recursive, _InstMapBeforeRecursive),
+	(
+		Recursive = GoalExpr0 - GoalInfo,
+		GoalExpr0 = call(_, _, Vars, Builtin, Context, _)
+	->
+			% Calculate what vars the new call should use.
+		goal_list_nonlocals(DecomposeProcess, NonLocals),
+		assoc_list__from_corresponding_lists(HeadVars, Vars, Pairs),
+		list__map(accumulator__which_var(NonLocals), Pairs, CallVars0),
+		list__append(CallVars0, ExtraVars, CallVars),
+		GoalExpr = call(PredId, ProcId, CallVars,
+				Builtin, Context, Name),
+			% Rename the variables in the goal.
+		map__init(Subst0),
+		map__det_insert_from_corresponding_lists(Subst0, Vars,
+				CallVars0, Y0stoYs_Subst),
+		goal_util__rename_vars_in_goal(GoalExpr - GoalInfo,
+				Y0stoYs_Subst, R),
+		list__append(DecomposeProcess, [R], GoalList),
+		calculate_goal_info(conj(GoalList), Goal)
+	;
+		error("accumulator__orig_recursive_case: Not a call.")
+	).
+	%
+	% If a var is a member of the nonlocal set of variables then it
+	% must be that variable we are to use in the call, otherwise we
+	% use the corresponding head variable.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__which_var(set(prog_var)::in,
+		pair(prog_var, prog_var)::in, prog_var::out) is det.
+accumulator__which_var(NonLocals, HeadVar - CallVar, Var) :-
+	(
+		set__member(CallVar, NonLocals)
+	->
+		Var = CallVar
+	;
+		Var = HeadVar
+	).
+	%
+	% accumulator__new_base_case
+	%
+	% Determine the base case of the introduced predicate.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__new_base_case(hlds_goals::in, a_goals::in,
+		subst::in, subst::in, hlds_goal::out) is det.
+accumulator__new_base_case(Base, C, Y0stoYs_Subst, HstoAs_Subst, Goal) :-
+	C = goal(Compose, _InstMapBeforeCompose),
+	reverse_subst(Y0stoYs_Subst, YstoY0s_Subst),
+	goal_util__rename_vars_in_goals(Base, no, YstoY0s_Subst, NewBase),
+	goal_util__rename_vars_in_goals(Compose, no, HstoAs_Subst, NewCompose),
+	list__append(NewBase, NewCompose, GoalList),
+	calculate_goal_info(conj(GoalList), Goal).
+	%
+	% accumulator__new_recursive_case
+	%
+	% Determine the recursive case of the introduced predicate.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__new_recursive_case(a_goals::in, a_goals::in,
+		a_goal::in, bool::in, module_info::in, pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
+		sym_name::in, prog_vars::in, prog_vars::in, subst::in,
+		subst::in, hlds_goal::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__new_recursive_case(DP, C, R0, DoLCO,
+		ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, Name, Hs, HeadVars,
+		Y0stoYs_Subst, HstoAs_Subst, Goal) :-
+	DP = goal(DecomposeProcess, _InstMapBeforeDecomposeProcess),
+	C  = goal(Compose, InstMapBeforeCompose),
+	R0 = goal(Recursive0, _InstMapBeforeRecursive0),
+	assoc_info_init(ModuleInfo, HeadVars, DP, C, R0,
+		Y0stoYs_Subst, HstoAs_Subst, AssocInfo0),
+        accumulator__check_assoc(Compose, InstMapBeforeCompose, ModuleInfo,
+			PreRecGoal0, PostRecGoal0, AssocInfo0, AssocInfo),
+	(
+		DoLCO = yes,
+			% If there are no goals that can be moved before
+			% the recursive call, then there is nothing to
+			% accumulate so fail.
+		PreRecGoal0 \= [],
+		map__init(LCO_Subst0),
+		assoc_info_dynamic_set(DynamicSet, AssocInfo, _),
+		accumulator__check_post_rec_goals(PostRecGoal0, DynamicSet,
+				LCO_Subst0, LCO_Subst)
+	;
+		DoLCO = no,
+		map__init(LCO_Subst),
+		PostRecGoal0 = []
+	),
+	assoc_info_Y0stoAs(Y0stoAs_Subst, AssocInfo, _),
+	accumulator__rename_prerec_goals(PreRecGoal0, Y0stoAs_Subst,
+			Y0stoYs_Subst, LCO_Subst, HstoAs_Subst, PreRecGoal),
+	accumulator__rename_recursive_goal(Recursive0, Hs, PredId, ProcId,
+			Name, HstoAs_Subst, Y0stoAs_Subst,
+			Y0stoYs_Subst, LCO_Subst, Recursive),
+	accumulator__rename_postrec_goals(PostRecGoal0, HstoAs_Subst,
+			PostRecGoal),
+	list__append(PreRecGoal, [Recursive | PostRecGoal], GoalList0),
+	list__append(DecomposeProcess, GoalList0, GoalList),
+	calculate_goal_info(conj(GoalList), Goal).
+	%
+	% accumulator__check_post_rec_goals
+	%
+	% Ensure that each goal which is to be placed after the
+	% recursive goal is construction unification.
+	%
+	% Also create a substition which records from which dynamic var
+	% each headvar is descended.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__check_post_rec_goals(hlds_goals::in, set(prog_var)::in,
+		subst::in, subst::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__check_post_rec_goals([], _DynamicSet, Subst, Subst).
+accumulator__check_post_rec_goals([Goal | Goals], DynamicSet, Subst0, Subst) :-
+	Goal = unify(_TermL, _TermR, _Mode, Unify, _Context) - _GoalInfo,
+	Unify = construct(Var, _ConsId, Vars, _Modes),
+	set__list_to_set(Vars, VarsSet),
+	set__intersect(VarsSet, DynamicSet, DynamicVarsSet),
+	set__singleton_set(DynamicVarsSet, DynamicVar),
+	(
+		map__search(Subst0, DynamicVar, DescendedFrom)
+	->
+		map__delete(Subst0, DynamicVar, Subst1),
+		map__insert(Subst1, Var, DescendedFrom, Subst2)
+	;
+		map__insert(Subst0, Var, DynamicVar, Subst2)
+	),
+	accumulator__check_post_rec_goals(Goals, DynamicSet, Subst2, Subst).
+:- pred accumulator__rename_prerec_goals(hlds_goals::in, subst::in,
+		subst::in, subst::in, subst::in, hlds_goals::out) is det.
+accumulator__rename_prerec_goals(Goal0, Y0stoAs_Subst, Y0stoYs_Subst,
+		LCO_Subst, HstoAs_Subst0, Goal) :-
+	reverse_subst(Y0stoYs_Subst, YstoY0s_Subst),
+	reverse_subst(LCO_Subst, LCOtoYs_Subst),
+	chain_subst(LCOtoYs_Subst, YstoY0s_Subst, LCOtoY0s_Subst),
+	delete_used_as(HstoAs_Subst0, Y0stoAs_Subst, HstoAs_Subst),
+	goal_util__rename_vars_in_goals(Goal0, no, Y0stoAs_Subst, Goal1),
+	goal_util__rename_vars_in_goals(Goal1, no, LCOtoY0s_Subst, Goal2),
+	goal_util__rename_vars_in_goals(Goal2, no, YstoY0s_Subst, Goal3),
+	goal_util__rename_vars_in_goals(Goal3, no, HstoAs_Subst, Goal).
+:- pred delete_used_as(subst::in, subst::in, subst::out) is det.
+delete_used_as(HstoAs_Subst0, Y0stoAs_Subst, HstoAs_Subst) :-
+	reverse_subst(HstoAs_Subst0, AstoHs_Subst0),
+	reverse_subst(Y0stoAs_Subst, AstoY0s_Subst),
+	map__keys(AstoY0s_Subst, AstoDelete),
+	map__delete_list(AstoHs_Subst0, AstoDelete, AstoHs_Subst),
+	reverse_subst(AstoHs_Subst, HstoAs_Subst).
+:- pred accumulator__rename_recursive_goal(hlds_goal::in, prog_vars::in,
+		pred_id::in, proc_id::in, sym_name::in, subst::in, subst::in,
+		subst::in, subst::in, hlds_goal::out) is det.
+accumulator__rename_recursive_goal(Goal0, Hs, PredId, ProcId, Name,
+		HstoAs_Subst, Y0stoAs_Subst, Y0stoYs_Subst, LCO_Subst, Goal) :-
+	Goal0 = GoalExpr0 - GoalInfo0,
+	(
+		GoalExpr0 = call(_, _, Args0, Builtin, Context, _)
+	->
+		reverse_subst(Y0stoAs_Subst, AstoY0s_Subst),
+		reverse_subst(HstoAs_Subst, AstoHs_Subst),
+		list__append(Args0, Hs, Args),
+		GoalExpr1 = call(PredId, ProcId, Args, Builtin, Context, Name),
+		goal_info_get_nonlocals(GoalInfo0, NonLocals0),
+		set__list_to_set(Args, ArgsSet),
+		set__union(ArgsSet, NonLocals0, NonLocals),
+		goal_info_set_nonlocals(GoalInfo0, NonLocals, GoalInfo1),
+		Goal1 = GoalExpr1 - GoalInfo1,
+		goal_util__rename_vars_in_goal(Goal1, Y0stoYs_Subst, Goal2),
+		goal_util__rename_vars_in_goal(Goal2, HstoAs_Subst, Goal3),
+		goal_util__rename_vars_in_goal(Goal3, AstoY0s_Subst, Goal4),
+		goal_util__rename_vars_in_goal(Goal4, LCO_Subst, Goal5),
+		goal_util__rename_vars_in_goal(Goal5, AstoHs_Subst, Goal)
+	;
+		error("accumulator__rename_recursive_goal: to make det.")
+	).
+:- pred accumulator__rename_postrec_goals(hlds_goals::in, subst::in,
+		hlds_goals::out) is det.
+accumulator__rename_postrec_goals(Goals0, HstoAs_Subst, Goals) :-
+	goal_util__rename_vars_in_goals(Goals0, no, HstoAs_Subst, Goals).
+:- pred calculate_goal_info(hlds_goal_expr::in, hlds_goal::out) is det.
+calculate_goal_info(GoalExpr, GoalExpr - GoalInfo) :-
+	(
+		GoalExpr = conj(GoalList)
+	->
+		goal_list_nonlocals(GoalList, NonLocals),
+		goal_list_instmap_delta(GoalList, InstMapDelta),
+		goal_list_determinism(GoalList, Determinism),
+		goal_info_init(NonLocals, InstMapDelta, Determinism, GoalInfo)
+	;
+		error("calculate_goal_info: not a conj.")
+	).
+	%
+	% accumulator__check_assoc(Gs, MGs, AGs)
+	%
+	% Given a list of goals, Gs, check to ensure that the list of
+	% goals Gs is associative rearranging a goal if necessary to
+	% ensure associativity.  These goals are placed into MGs.
+	%
+	% It is not possible for construction unfications to be
+	% associative.  However if only construction unfications remain
+	% after the recursive call, it is possible to do the lco (see
+	% lco.m) optimisation.  So whenever the predicate encounters a
+	% construction unfication, it places it any goals that depend on
+	% that goal into AGs.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__check_assoc(hlds_goals::in, instmap::in,
+		module_info::in, hlds_goals::out,
+		hlds_goals::out, assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__check_assoc([], _InstMap, _ModuleInfo, [], []) --> [].
+accumulator__check_assoc([Goal0 | Goal0s],
+		InstMapBeforeGoal0, ModuleInfo, MovedGoals, AfterGoals) -->
+	(
+		{ goal_is_construction_unification(Goal0) }
+	->
+		{ move_goals(Goal0, InstMapBeforeGoal0, ModuleInfo,
+				Goal0s, PreGoal0s, PostGoal0s) },
+		accumulator__check_assoc(PreGoal0s, InstMapBeforeGoal0,
+				ModuleInfo, MovedGoals, AfterGoal0s),
+		{ list__append(AfterGoal0s, [Goal0 | PostGoal0s], AfterGoals) }
+	;
+		{ Goal0 = _ - GoalInfo0 },
+		{ goal_info_get_instmap_delta(GoalInfo0, InstMapDelta) },
+		{ instmap__apply_instmap_delta(InstMapBeforeGoal0 ,
+				InstMapDelta, InstMapBeforeGoal0s) },
+		accumulator__check_goal(Goal0, Goal),
+		accumulator__check_assoc(Goal0s, InstMapBeforeGoal0s,
+				ModuleInfo, MovedGoal0s, AfterGoals),
+		{ MovedGoals = [Goal | MovedGoal0s] }
+	).
+	%
+	% Is the goal a construction unification?
+	%
+:- pred goal_is_construction_unification(hlds_goal::in) is semidet.
+goal_is_construction_unification(Goal - _GoalInfo) :-
+	Goal = unify(_, _, _, Unification, _),
+	Unification = construct(_, _, _, _).
+	%
+	% Is the current goal associative?
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__check_goal(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
+		assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__check_goal(conj(Goals0) - GoalInfo, conj(Goals) - GoalInfo) -->
+	accumulator__check_goallist(Goals0, Goals).
+accumulator__check_goal(par_conj(_, _) - _, _) -->
+	{ fail }.
+	% Branched Goals
+	%
+	% XXX the previous version of accumulator ensured the condition
+	% that each arm of the disjunct only updated static variables.
+	% However this will not handle the vectorising case.
+accumulator__check_goal(disj(_, _) - _, _) --> { fail }.
+accumulator__check_goal(switch(_, _, _, _) - _, _) --> { fail }.
+accumulator__check_goal(if_then_else(_, _, _, _, _) - _, _) --> { fail }.
+accumulator__check_goal(not(_) - _, _) --> { fail }.
+accumulator__check_goal(some(Vars, Goal0) - GoalInfo,
+		some(Vars, Goal) - GoalInfo) -->
+	accumulator__check_goal(Goal0, Goal).
+	% All of these must fail because there is no way we can know
+	% whether or not these calls are associative.
+	% XXX this may not be true for class_method_call, it may be
+	% possible to make it a condition that this method is always
+	% associative.
+accumulator__check_goal(higher_order_call(_,_,_,_,_,_) - _, _) --> { fail }.
+accumulator__check_goal(pragma_c_code(_,_,_,_,_,_,_) - _, _) --> { fail }.
+accumulator__check_goal(class_method_call(_,_,_,_,_,_) - _, _) --> { fail }.
+accumulator__check_goal(unify(TermL, TermR, Mode, Unify, Context) - GoalInfo, 
+		unify(TermL, TermR, Mode, Unify, Context) - GoalInfo) -->
+	{ accumulator__check_assoc_unify_rhs(TermR) },
+	accumulator__check_assoc_unify(Unify).
+accumulator__check_goal(call(PredId, ProcId, Arg0s, Builtin, Context, Sym)
+			- GoalInfo,
+		call(PredId, ProcId, Args, Builtin, Context, Sym)
+			- GoalInfo) -->
+	assoc_info_module_info(ModuleInfo),
+	accumulator__call_dynamic_var(Arg0s, DynamicCallVar),
+	{ accumulator__is_associative(PredId, ProcId, ModuleInfo, Arg0s, Args,
+		PossibleStaticVars, Commutative) },
+	(
+			% Make sure that after rearrangement of the
+			% arguments the new proc will be at least as
+			% efficient as the old pred.
+		{ Commutative = no },
+		assoc_info_static_set(StaticSet),
+		{ accumulator__obey_heuristic(PredId, ModuleInfo,
+				Args, StaticSet) }
+	;
+		{ Commutative = yes }
+	),
+	accumulator__check_previous_calls(DynamicCallVar,
+			PredId, ProcId, Commutative),
+	accumulator__new_dynamic_var(Arg0s, DynamicCallVar, NewDynamicVar),
+	accumulator__update_orig_var_map(DynamicCallVar, NewDynamicVar),
+	accumulator__update_Y0stoAs_subst(DynamicCallVar, [PossibleStaticVars]).
+:- pred accumulator__check_goallist(hlds_goals::in, hlds_goals::out,
+		assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__check_goallist([], []) --> [].
+accumulator__check_goallist([Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals]) -->
+	accumulator__check_goal(Goal0, Goal),
+	accumulator__check_goallist(Goals0, Goals).
+	%
+	% This predicate is meant to fail if the rhs of the unification
+	% is a lambda goal, because I am not convinced that I know how
+	% to handle this correctly.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__check_assoc_unify_rhs(unify_rhs::in) is semidet.
+accumulator__check_assoc_unify_rhs(functor(_, _)).
+accumulator__check_assoc_unify_rhs(lambda_goal(_, _, _, _, _, _)) :-
+		%
+		% For the moment just fail, as I am not sure how to
+		% handle this.
+		%
+	fail.
+	%
+	% accumulator__check_assoc_unify_rhs
+	%
+	% The only safe unifications are assignment unifications.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__check_assoc_unify(unification::in,
+		assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__check_assoc_unify(construct(_Var, _ConsId, _Vars, _Modes)) -->
+		%
+		% We shouldn't fail if we have this case as all the
+		% construction unification does is put a wrapper 
+		% around the dynamic variables.  What we need to
+		% recognise is that the construction/deconstruction
+		% pair do nothing.
+		%
+		% f(X,Y) :-
+		% 	decompose(X,Xh,Xr),
+		% 	f(Xr,Y0),
+		% 	Y0 = c(A0, B0),
+		%	composeA(Xh,A0,A),
+		%	composeB(Xh,B0,B),
+		%	Y = c(A, B).
+		%
+		% I think that the way to recognise these
+		% situations is when the type of Y is flat
+		% (non-recursive).
+		%
+	{ fail }.
+		deconstruct(_Var, _ConsId, _Vars, _Modes, _Cat)) -->
+		% see comment in construct
+	{ fail }.
+accumulator__check_assoc_unify(assign(L, _R)) -->
+	assoc_info_dynamic_set(DynamicSet0),
+	{ set__insert(DynamicSet0, L, DynamicSet) },
+	assoc_info_set_dynamic_set(DynamicSet).
+accumulator__check_assoc_unify(simple_test(_L, _R)) --> 
+	{ fail }.
+accumulator__check_assoc_unify(complicated_unify(_Modes, _Cat)) -->
+	{ fail }.	% XXX not sure what this should be.
+	%
+	% accumulator__call_dynamic_var(As, DV)
+	%
+	% Given the list of arguments to a call try and determine which
+	% of the arguments is the current dynamic variable.
+	%
+	% Fails if there is more then one dynamic variable in a call.
+	% This is because in general more then one dynamic variable
+	% being used in a call prevents the goals from being
+	% associative.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__call_dynamic_var(prog_vars::in, prog_var::out,
+		assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__call_dynamic_var(Args, DynamicCallVar) -->
+	assoc_info_dynamic_set(DynamicSet),
+	{ set__list_to_set(Args, ArgSet) },
+	{ set__intersect(ArgSet, DynamicSet, DynamicCallArgs) },
+	{ set__singleton_set(DynamicCallArgs, DynamicCallVar) }.
+	%
+	% accumulator__new_dynamic_var(As, DV, O)
+	%
+	% Given the original arguments to a call, As, and the dynamic
+	% var, DV, determine the new dynamic var, O, also update the
+	% dynamic set at the same time.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__new_dynamic_var(prog_vars::in, prog_var::in,
+		prog_var::out, assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__new_dynamic_var(Args0, DynamicCallVar, NewDynamicVar) -->
+	assoc_info_static_set(StaticSet0),
+	assoc_info_dynamic_set(DynamicSet0),
+	{ set__list_to_set(Args0, ArgSet) },
+	{ set__difference(ArgSet, StaticSet0, ArgDynamicSet) },
+	{ set__union(ArgDynamicSet, DynamicSet0, DynamicSet) },
+	assoc_info_set_dynamic_set(DynamicSet),
+	{ set__delete(ArgDynamicSet, DynamicCallVar, OutputDynamicCallArgs) },
+	{ set__singleton_set(OutputDynamicCallArgs, NewDynamicVar) }.
+	%
+	% accumulator__check_previous_calls
+	%
+	% Ensure that the previous calls have been commutative and calling
+	% the same procedure, or if it is associative that there has
+	% been no previous calls.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__check_previous_calls(prog_var::in,
+		pred_id::in, proc_id::in, commutative::in,
+		assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is semidet.
+		PredId, ProcId, Commutative) -->
+	assoc_info_orig_dynvar_map(OrigDynMap),
+	assoc_info_prev_call_map(PrevCallMap0),
+	{ map__lookup(OrigDynMap, DynamicCallVar, OrigVar) },
+	{ accumulator__check_prevcalls(OrigVar, PredId, ProcId, Commutative,
+		PrevCallMap0, PrevCallMap) },
+	assoc_info_set_prev_call_map(PrevCallMap).
+	%
+	% accumulator__update_orig_var_map(DV, Ns)
+	%
+	% Record for each variable Ns which variable that variable
+	% is descended from.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__update_orig_var_map(prog_var::in, prog_var::in,
+		assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is det.
+accumulator__update_orig_var_map(DynamicCallVar, NewDynamicVar) -->
+	assoc_info_orig_dynvar_map(OrigDynMap0),
+	{ map__lookup(OrigDynMap0, DynamicCallVar, OrigVar) },
+	{ map__det_insert(OrigDynMap0, NewDynamicVar, OrigVar, OrigDynMap) },
+	assoc_info_set_orig_dynvar_map(OrigDynMap).
+	%
+	% accumulator__update_Y0stoAs_subst
+	%
+	% Update the Y0s -> As Substitution.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__update_Y0stoAs_subst(prog_var::in, list(set(prog_var))::in,
+		assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__update_Y0stoAs_subst(DynamicCallVar, PossibleStaticVarsList) -->
+	assoc_info_orig_dynvar_map(OrigDynVarMap),
+	assoc_info_static_set(StaticSet),
+	assoc_info_HstoAs(HstoAs_Subst),
+	{ map__lookup(OrigDynVarMap, DynamicCallVar, OrigDynVar) },
+	assoc_info_Y0stoAs(Y0stoAs_Subst0),
+	{ accumulator__update_Y0stoAs_subst_2(PossibleStaticVarsList,
+			OrigDynVar, StaticSet, HstoAs_Subst,
+			Y0stoAs_Subst0, Y0stoAs_Subst) },
+	assoc_info_set_Y0stoAs(Y0stoAs_Subst).
+:- pred accumulator__update_Y0stoAs_subst_2(list(set(prog_var))::in,
+		prog_var::in, set(prog_var)::in,
+		subst::in, subst::in, subst::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__update_Y0stoAs_subst_2([], _, _, _, Y0stoAs_Subst, Y0stoAs_Subst).
+accumulator__update_Y0stoAs_subst_2([PossibleStaticVars | T], OrigDynVar,
+		StaticSet, HstoAs_Subst, Y0stoAs_Subst0, Y0stoAs_Subst) :-
+	set__intersect(PossibleStaticVars, StaticSet, StaticVarSet),
+	set__to_sorted_list(StaticVarSet, StaticVar),
+	list__map(map__lookup(HstoAs_Subst), StaticVar, As),
+		% There should only be one variable that is being
+		% accumulated.
+	As = [AccVar],
+		%
+		% If you have a chain of commutative calls,
+		% only the first one will need to have the
+		% accumulator placed in the call.
+		%
+	(
+		map__insert(Y0stoAs_Subst0, OrigDynVar, AccVar,
+				Y0stoAs_Subst1)
+	->
+		Y0stoAs_Subst2 = Y0stoAs_Subst1
+	;
+		Y0stoAs_Subst2 = Y0stoAs_Subst0
+	),
+	accumulator__update_Y0stoAs_subst_2(T, OrigDynVar, StaticSet,
+			HstoAs_Subst, Y0stoAs_Subst2, Y0stoAs_Subst).
+	%
+	% accumulator__check_prevcalls
+	%
+	% We must ensure that if the dynamic variables which the current
+	% variable is descended from have been used in any other
+	% calls previously that all these calls have been commutative
+	% including the current call.
+	%
+	% If this is true update the prev call map.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__check_prevcalls(prog_var::in,
+		pred_id::in, proc_id::in, commutative::in,
+		prev_call_map::in, prev_call_map::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__check_prevcalls(OrigVar, PredId, ProcId, Commutative,
+		PrevCallMap0, PrevCallMap) :-
+	(
+		map__search(PrevCallMap0, OrigVar, PrevCall)
+	->
+			%
+			% Only succeed if the current call is
+			% commutative and all the previous calls are
+			% commutative and to the same procedure.
+			%
+		PrevCall = prev_call(PredId, ProcId, yes),
+		PrevCallMap = PrevCallMap0
+	;
+			%
+			% There are no previous calls so set whether or
+			% not the current call is commutative for all
+			% the original variables.
+			%
+		map__det_insert(PrevCallMap0, OrigVar,
+				prev_call(PredId, ProcId, Commutative),
+				PrevCallMap)
+	).
+	%
+	% If accumulator_is_associative is true, it returns a reordering
+	% of the args to make it associative when executed left to right
+	% and an indicator of whether or not the predicate is
+	% commutative.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__is_associative(pred_id::in, proc_id::in, module_info::in,
+		prog_vars::in, prog_vars::out, set(prog_var)::out,
+		commutative::out) is semidet.
+accumulator__is_associative(PredId, ProcId, ModuleInfo,
+		Args0, Args, PossibleStaticVars, Commutative):-
+	module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, 
+			PredInfo, ProcInfo),
+	pred_info_module(PredInfo, ModuleName),
+	pred_info_name(PredInfo, PredName),
+	pred_info_arity(PredInfo, Arity),
+	proc_info_argmodes(ProcInfo, Modes),
+	assoc_fact(ModuleName, PredName, Arity, Modes, ModuleInfo, Args0, Args,
+		PossibleStaticVars, Reordered),
+	bool__not(Reordered, Commutative).
+	%
+	% XXX this fact table is only a temporary solution to whether or
+	% not a particular procedure is associative.  In the long term
+	% the user should be able to annotate their code to indicate
+	% which predicates are associative.
+	%
+	% The set is simply the set of vars that must be static.  It is
+	% a simple heuristic to ensure that the O() behaviour only
+	% improves.  ie for append after swapping the arguments the
+	% static variable must be in the first location.
+	%
+:- pred assoc_fact(module_name::in, string::in, arity::in,
+		list(mode)::in, module_info::in, prog_vars::in,
+		prog_vars::out, set(prog_var)::out, bool::out) is semidet.
+assoc_fact(unqualified("int"), "+", 3, [In, In, Out], ModuleInfo, 
+		[A, B, C], [A, B, C], PossibleStaticVars, no) :-
+	set__list_to_set([A, B], PossibleStaticVars),
+	mode_is_input(ModuleInfo, In),
+	mode_is_output(ModuleInfo, Out).
+assoc_fact(unqualified("int"), "*", 3, [In, In, Out], ModuleInfo, 
+		[A, B, C], [A, B, C], PossibleStaticVars, no) :-
+	set__list_to_set([A, B], PossibleStaticVars),
+	mode_is_input(ModuleInfo, In),
+	mode_is_output(ModuleInfo, Out).
+/* XXX introducing accumulators for floating point numbers can be bad.
+assoc_fact(unqualified("float"), "+", 3, [In, In, Out], ModuleInfo, 
+		[A, B, C], [A, B, C], PossibleStaticVars, no) :-
+	set__list_to_set([A, B], PossibleStaticVars),
+	mode_is_input(ModuleInfo, In),
+	mode_is_output(ModuleInfo, Out).
+assoc_fact(unqualified("float"), "*", 3, [In, In, Out], ModuleInfo, 
+		[A, B, C], [A, B, C], PossibleStaticVars, no) :-
+	set__list_to_set([A, B], PossibleStaticVars),
+	mode_is_input(ModuleInfo, In),
+	mode_is_output(ModuleInfo, Out).
+assoc_fact(unqualified("list"), "append", 3, [TypeInfoIn, In, In, Out], 
+		ModuleInfo, [TypeInfo, A, B, C], 
+		[TypeInfo, B, A, C], PossibleStaticVars, yes) :-
+	set__list_to_set([A, B], PossibleStaticVars),
+	mode_is_input(ModuleInfo, TypeInfoIn),
+	mode_is_input(ModuleInfo, In),
+	mode_is_output(ModuleInfo, Out).
+	XXX this no longer works.  We need to go back to my original code for
+	this to work.
+assoc_fact(unqualified("set"), "insert", 3, [TypeInfoIn, In, In, Out], 
+		Moduleinfo, [TypeInfo, A, B, C], 
+		[TypeInfo, A, B, C], PossibleStaticVars, no) :-
+	set__list_to_set([A, B], PossibleStaticVars),
+	mode_is_input(Moduleinfo, TypeInfoIn),
+	mode_is_input(Moduleinfo, In),
+	mode_is_output(Moduleinfo, Out).
+	% 
+	% accumulator__obey_heuristic
+	%
+	% for calls which rearrange the order of variables ensure that
+	% the call obeys the heuristic that the static variables are in 
+	% certain positions.
+	%
+:- pred accumulator__obey_heuristic(pred_id::in, module_info::in,
+		prog_vars::in, set(prog_var)::in) is semidet.
+accumulator__obey_heuristic(Predid, ModuleInfo, Args, StaticSet) :-
+	module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, Predid, PredInfo),
+	pred_info_module(PredInfo, ModuleName),
+	pred_info_name(PredInfo, PredName),
+	pred_info_arity(PredInfo, Arity),
+	heuristic(ModuleName, PredName, Arity, Args, MustBeStaticVars),
+	set__intersect(StaticSet, MustBeStaticVars, Intersection),
+	set__equal(MustBeStaticVars, Intersection).
+:- pred heuristic(module_name::in, string::in, arity::in, prog_vars::in,
+		set(prog_var)::out) is semidet.
+heuristic(unqualified("list"), "append", 3, [_typeinfo, A, _b, _c], Set) :-
+	set__list_to_set([A], Set).
+:- pred assoc_info_init(module_info::in, prog_vars::in, a_goals::in,
+		a_goals::in, a_goal::in,
+		subst::in, subst::in, assoc_info::out) is det.
+assoc_info_init(ModuleInfo, HeadVars, DP, Compose, R, Y0stoYs_Subst,
+		HstoAs_Subst, AssocInfo) :-
+	DP = goal(Decompose, _InstMapBeforeDecomposeProcess),
+	R = goal(_RecGoalExpr - RecGoalInfo, _InstMapBeforeRecursive),
+	map__init(PrevCallMap),
+		%
+		% Set up the OrigDynVarMap
+		%
+	reverse_subst(Y0stoYs_Subst, YstoY0s_Subst),
+	accumulator__vars_to_accumulate(HeadVars, Compose, ModuleInfo, Ys),
+	list__map(map__lookup(YstoY0s_Subst), Ys, Y0s),
+	assoc_list__from_corresponding_lists(Y0s, Y0s, AssocDynamicList),
+	map__from_assoc_list(AssocDynamicList, OrigDynVarMap),
+		%
+		% Dynamic Set
+		%
+	set__list_to_set(Y0s, DynamicSet),
+		%
+		% Static Set
+		%
+	GetGoalInfos = (pred(Goal::in, GoalInfo::out) is det :-
+				Goal = _ - GoalInfo),
+	list__map(GetGoalInfos, Decompose, DPGoalInfos),
+	list__map(goal_info_get_nonlocals, DPGoalInfos, DPNonLocals),
+	set__list_to_set(DPNonLocals, DPNonLocalsPowerSet),
+	set__power_union(DPNonLocalsPowerSet, StaticSet0),
+	goal_info_get_nonlocals(RecGoalInfo, RecNonLocals),
+	set__delete_list(RecNonLocals, Y0s, StaticSet1),
+	set__union(StaticSet0, StaticSet1, StaticSet),
+		%
+		% Y0stoAs
+		%
+	map__init(Y0stoAs_Subst),
+		%
+		% Ys
+		%
+	set__list_to_set(Ys, YsSet),
+	AssocInfo = assoc_info(StaticSet, DynamicSet,
+			ModuleInfo, PrevCallMap, OrigDynVarMap,
+			Y0stoAs_Subst, HstoAs_Subst, YsSet).
+:- pred assoc_info_static_set(set(prog_var)::out,
+		assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is det.
+assoc_info_static_set(StaticSet, AssocInfo, AssocInfo) :-
+	AssocInfo = assoc_info(StaticSet, _, _, _, _, _, _, _).
+:- pred assoc_info_dynamic_set(set(prog_var)::out,
+		assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is det.
+assoc_info_dynamic_set(DynamicSet, AssocInfo, AssocInfo) :-
+	AssocInfo = assoc_info(_, DynamicSet, _, _, _, _, _, _).
+:- pred assoc_info_module_info(module_info::out,
+		assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is det.
+assoc_info_module_info(ModuleInfo, AssocInfo, AssocInfo) :-
+	AssocInfo = assoc_info(_, _, ModuleInfo, _, _, _, _, _).
+:- pred assoc_info_prev_call_map(prev_call_map::out,
+		assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is det.
+assoc_info_prev_call_map(PrevCallMap, AssocInfo, AssocInfo) :-
+	AssocInfo = assoc_info(_, _, _, PrevCallMap, _, _, _, _).
+:- pred assoc_info_orig_dynvar_map(orig_dynvar_map::out,
+		assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is det.
+assoc_info_orig_dynvar_map(OrigDynVarMap, AssocInfo, AssocInfo) :-
+	AssocInfo = assoc_info(_, _, _, _, OrigDynVarMap, _, _, _).
+:- pred assoc_info_Y0stoAs(subst::out,
+		assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is det.
+assoc_info_Y0stoAs(Y0stoAs_Subst, AssocInfo, AssocInfo) :-
+	AssocInfo = assoc_info(_, _, _, _, _, Y0stoAs_Subst, _, _).
+:- pred assoc_info_HstoAs(subst::out,
+		assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is det.
+assoc_info_HstoAs(HstoAs_Subst, AssocInfo, AssocInfo) :-
+	AssocInfo = assoc_info(_, _, _, _, _, _, HstoAs_Subst, _).
+:- pred assoc_info_Ys(set(prog_var)::out,
+		assoc_info::in, assoc_info::out) is det.
+assoc_info_Ys(Ys, AssocInfo, AssocInfo) :-
+	AssocInfo = assoc_info(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, Ys).
+:- pred assoc_info_set_static_set(set(prog_var)::in, assoc_info::in,
+		assoc_info::out) is det.
+assoc_info_set_static_set(StaticSet, assoc_info(_, B, C, D, E, F, G, H),
+		assoc_info(StaticSet, B, C, D, E, F, G, H)).
+:- pred assoc_info_set_dynamic_set(set(prog_var)::in, assoc_info::in,
+		assoc_info::out) is det.
+assoc_info_set_dynamic_set(DynamicSet, assoc_info(A, _, C, D, E, F, G, H),
+		assoc_info(A, DynamicSet, C, D, E, F, G, H)).
+:- pred assoc_info_set_prev_call_map(prev_call_map::in, assoc_info::in,
+		assoc_info::out) is det.
+assoc_info_set_prev_call_map(PrevCallMap, assoc_info(A, B, C, _, E, F, G, H),
+		assoc_info(A, B, C, PrevCallMap, E, F, G, H)).
+:- pred assoc_info_set_orig_dynvar_map(orig_dynvar_map::in, assoc_info::in,
+		assoc_info::out) is det.
+assoc_info_set_orig_dynvar_map(OrigDynMap, assoc_info(A, B, C, D, _, F, G, H),
+		assoc_info(A, B, C, D, OrigDynMap, F, G, H)).
+:- pred assoc_info_set_Y0stoAs(subst::in, assoc_info::in,
+		assoc_info::out) is det.
+assoc_info_set_Y0stoAs(Y0stoAs_Subst, assoc_info(A, B, C, D, E, _, G, H),
+		assoc_info(A, B, C, D, E, Y0stoAs_Subst, G, H)).
+:- pred reverse_subst(subst::in, subst::out) is det.
+reverse_subst(Subst0, Subst) :-
+	map__to_assoc_list(Subst0, List0),
+	assoc_list__reverse_members(List0, List),
+	map__from_assoc_list(List, Subst).
+:- pred chain_subst(subst::in, subst::in, subst::out) is det.
+chain_subst(AtoB, BtoC, AtoC) :-
+	map__keys(AtoB, Keys),
+	chain_subst_2(Keys, AtoB, BtoC, AtoC).
+:- pred chain_subst_2(list(A)::in, map(A, B)::in, map(B, C)::in,
+		map(A, C)::out) is det.
+chain_subst_2([], _, _, AtoC) :-
+	map__init(AtoC).
+chain_subst_2([A|As], AtoB, BtoC, AtoC) :-
+	chain_subst_2(As, AtoB, BtoC, AtoC0),
+	map__lookup(AtoB, A, B),
+	map__lookup(BtoC, B, C),
+	map__det_insert(AtoC0, A, C, AtoC).
Index: compiler/mercury_compile.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/mercury_compile.m,v
retrieving revision 1.127
diff -u -b -r1.127 mercury_compile.m
--- mercury_compile.m	1999/05/28 05:26:26	1.127
+++ mercury_compile.m	1999/06/01 03:04:36
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 :- import_module bytecode_gen, bytecode.
 :- import_module (lambda), polymorphism, termination, higher_order, inlining.
 :- import_module deforest, dnf, unused_args, magic, dead_proc_elim.
-:- import_module lco, saved_vars, liveness.
+:- import_module accumulator, lco, saved_vars, liveness.
 :- import_module follow_code, live_vars, arg_info, store_alloc, goal_path.
 :- import_module code_gen, optimize, export, base_type_info, base_type_layout.
 :- import_module rl_gen, rl_opt, rl_out.
@@ -1004,7 +1004,11 @@
 	mercury_compile__maybe_unused_args(HLDS36, Verbose, Stats, HLDS38), !,
 	mercury_compile__maybe_dump_hlds(HLDS38, "38", "unused_args"), !,
-	mercury_compile__maybe_lco(HLDS38, Verbose, Stats, HLDS40), !,
+	mercury_compile__maybe_introduce_accumulators(HLDS38,
+			Verbose, Stats, HLDS39), !,
+	mercury_compile__maybe_dump_hlds(HLDS39, "39", "accum"), !,
+	mercury_compile__maybe_lco(HLDS39, Verbose, Stats, HLDS40), !,
 	mercury_compile__maybe_dump_hlds(HLDS40, "40", "lco"), !,
 	% DNF transformations should be after inlining.
@@ -1781,6 +1785,28 @@
 		{ HLDS0 = HLDS }
+:- pred mercury_compile__maybe_introduce_accumulators(module_info, bool, bool,
+	module_info, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mercury_compile__maybe_introduce_accumulators(in, in, in, out, di, uo)
+	is det.
+mercury_compile__maybe_introduce_accumulators(HLDS0, Verbose, Stats, HLDS) -->
+	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(introduce_accumulators, Optimize),
+	( { Optimize = yes } ->
+		maybe_write_string(Verbose,
+				"% Attempting to introduce accumulators...\n"),
+		maybe_flush_output(Verbose),
+		process_all_nonimported_procs(
+			update_module_io(accumulator__process_proc),
+			HLDS0, HLDS),
+		maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% done.\n"),
+		maybe_report_stats(Stats)
+	;
+		{ HLDS0 = HLDS }
+	).
 :- pred mercury_compile__maybe_lco(module_info, bool, bool,
 	module_info, io__state, io__state).
Index: compiler/options.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/options.m,v
retrieving revision 1.264
diff -u -b -r1.264 options.m
--- options.m	1999/05/27 05:14:33	1.264
+++ options.m	1999/06/03 08:36:16
@@ -256,6 +256,7 @@
 		;	type_specialization
 		;	user_guided_type_specialization
 		;	higher_order_size_limit
+		;	introduce_accumulators
 		;	optimize_constructor_last_call
 		;	optimize_duplicate_calls
 		;	constant_propagation
@@ -604,6 +605,7 @@
 	type_specialization	-	bool(no),
 	user_guided_type_specialization	-	bool(no),
 	higher_order_size_limit	-	int(20),
+	introduce_accumulators -	bool(no),
 	optimize_constructor_last_call -	bool(no),
 	optimize_dead_procs	-	bool(no),
 	deforestation		-	bool(no),
@@ -942,6 +944,7 @@
 long_option("higher-order-size-limit",	higher_order_size_limit).
+long_option("introduce-accumulators",	introduce_accumulators).
 long_option("optimise-constructor-last-call",	optimize_constructor_last_call).
 long_option("optimize-constructor-last-call",	optimize_constructor_last_call).
 long_option("optimize-dead-procs",	optimize_dead_procs).
@@ -2009,6 +2012,9 @@
 		"\t`--optimize-higher-order' and `--type-specialization'.",
 		"\tGoal size is measured as the number of calls, unifications",
 		"\tand branched goals.",
+		"--introduce-accumulators",
+		"\tAttempt to introduce accumulating variables into",
+		"\tprocedures, so as to make the procedure tail recursive.",
 		"\tEnable the optimization of ""last"" calls that are followed by",
 		"\tconstructor application.",
Index: compiler/notes/compiler_design.html
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/notes/compiler_design.html,v
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -u -b -r1.24 compiler_design.html
--- compiler_design.html	1999/03/30 05:38:14	1.24
+++ compiler_design.html	1999/06/04 04:10:59
@@ -460,6 +460,14 @@
   specialized versions without them (unused_args.m); type_infos are
   often unused.
+<li> attempt to introduce accumulators (accumulator.m).  This optimizes
+  procedures whose tail consists of independent associative computations
+  or independant chains of commutative computations into a tail
+  recursive form by the introduction of accumulators.  If lco is turned
+  on it can also transform some procedures so that only construction
+  unifications are after the recursive call.  This pass must come before
+  lco.
 <li> elimination of dead procedures (dead_proc_elim.m). Inlining, higher-order
   specialization and the elimination of unused args can make procedures dead
   even the user doesn't, and automatically constructed unification and
Index: doc/user_guide.texi
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/doc/user_guide.texi,v
retrieving revision 1.175
diff -u -b -r1.175 user_guide.texi
--- user_guide.texi	1999/05/31 01:46:17	1.175
+++ user_guide.texi	1999/06/03 08:37:05
@@ -3370,6 +3370,11 @@
 Evaluate constant expressions at compile time.
 @sp 1
+ at item --introduce-accumulators
+Attempt to introduce accumulating variables into
+procedures, so as to make the procedure tail recursive.
+ at sp 1
 @item --optimize-constructor-last-call
 Enable the optimization of ``last'' calls that are followed by
 constructor application.
Index: profiler/demangle.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/profiler/demangle.m,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -b -r1.8 demangle.m
--- demangle.m	1999/03/22 08:08:52	1.8
+++ demangle.m	1999/06/03 08:21:57
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
 :- type introduced_pred_type
 	--->	(lambda)
 	;	deforestation
+	;	accumulator
 :- type data_category
@@ -209,11 +210,11 @@
 	( { Category0 \= ordinary } ->
-			["IntroducedFrom__", "DeforestationIn__"]),
+			["IntroducedFrom__", "DeforestationIn__", "AccFrom__"]),
 		{ MaybeModule \= yes("") }
-			["IntroducedFrom__", "DeforestationIn__"])
+			["IntroducedFrom__", "DeforestationIn__", "AccFrom__"])
@@ -224,11 +225,17 @@
-		( remove_prefix("IntroducedFrom__") ->
+		( 
+			remove_prefix("IntroducedFrom__") 
+		->
 			{ IntroducedPredType = (lambda) }
-			remove_prefix("DeforestationIn__"),
+			remove_prefix("DeforestationIn__")
+		->
 			{ IntroducedPredType = deforestation }
+		;
+			remove_prefix("AccFrom__"),
+			{ IntroducedPredType = accumulator }
 		( remove_prefix("pred__") ->
@@ -299,6 +306,11 @@
 				"deforestation procedure (#%d) from %s line %d",
 				[i(Seq), s(QualifiedName), i(Line)], MainPart)
+		;
+			Type = accumulator,
+			string__format(
+				"accumulator procedure from %s line %d",
+				[s(QualifiedName), i(Line)], MainPart)
Index: util/mdemangle.c
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/util/mdemangle.c,v
retrieving revision 1.34
diff -u -b -r1.34 mdemangle.c
--- mdemangle.c	1999/03/22 08:09:52	1.34
+++ mdemangle.c	1999/06/03 08:11:32
@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@
 	static const char introduced[]  = "IntroducedFrom__";
 	static const char deforestation[]  = "DeforestationIn__";
+	static const char accumulator[]  = "AccFrom__";
 	static const char pred[]  = "pred__";
 	static const char func[]  = "func__";
@@ -130,6 +131,7 @@
 	static const char * trailing_context_1[] = {
+		accumulator,
@@ -162,7 +164,8 @@
 	int lambda_seq_number = 0;
 	char *lambda_pred_name = NULL;
 	const char *lambda_kind = NULL;
 	enum { COMMON, INFO, LAYOUT, FUNCTORS } data_category;
 	const char * class_name;
@@ -339,17 +342,20 @@
 	module = strip_module_name(&start, end, trailing_context_1);
-	** look for "IntroducedFrom" or "DeforestationIn"
+	** look for "IntroducedFrom" or "DeforestationIn" or "AccFrom"
 	if (category == ORDINARY) {
 		if (strip_prefix(&start, introduced)) {
 			category = LAMBDA;
 		} else if (strip_prefix(&start, deforestation)) {
 			category = DEFORESTATION;
+		} else if (strip_prefix(&start, accumulator)) {
+			category = ACCUMULATOR;
-	if (category == LAMBDA || category == DEFORESTATION) {
+	if (category == LAMBDA || category == DEFORESTATION || 
+			category == ACCUMULATOR) {
 		if (strip_prefix(&start, pred)) {
 			lambda_kind = "pred";
 		} else if (strip_prefix(&start, func)) {
@@ -397,6 +403,10 @@
 	case LAMBDA:
 		printf("%s goal (#%d) from '%s' in module '%s' line %d",
 			lambda_kind, lambda_seq_number,
+			lambda_pred_name, module, lambda_line);
+		break;
+		printf("accumulator procedure from '%s' in module '%s' line %d",
 			lambda_pred_name, module, lambda_line);

 | Peter Ross      M Sci/Eng Melbourne Uni                              |
 | petdr at cs.mu.oz.au  WWW: www.cs.mu.oz.au/~petdr/ ph: +61 3 9344 9158  |
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