trivial diff: fix buggy mdb help message

David Glen JEFFERY dgj at
Sun Feb 28 17:33:14 AEDT 1999

Here's a quick one:

Estimated hours taken: 0.05

	Fix the spelling of the Mmake variable that you are instructed
	to change in a help message.

Index: mercury_trace_base.c
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/runtime/mercury_trace_base.c,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -t -r1.11 mercury_trace_base.c
--- mercury_trace_base.c	1999/02/20 06:08:08	1.11
+++ mercury_trace_base.c	1999/02/28 05:15:42
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
                 "Rebuild the <main>_init.c file, "
                 "and give the `-t' flag to c2init when you do so.\n"
                 "If you are using mmake, you can do this by including "
-                "`-t' in C2INIT_FLAGS.\n"
+                "`-t' in C2INITFLAGS.\n"
                 "For further details, please see the \"Debugging\" chapter "
                 "of the\n"
                 "Mercury User's Guide.\n");

David Jeffery (dgj at |  Marge: Homer, is this how you pictured
PhD student,                    |         married life?
Dept. of Comp. Sci. & Soft. Eng.|  Homer: Yup, pretty much... except we
The University of Melbourne     |         drove around in a van solving
Australia                       |         mysteries.

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