[m-dev.] Re: Access to the repository for Mercury tutorial

Ralph Becket rwab1 at cam.sri.com
Thu Feb 18 21:45:33 AEDT 1999

Peter Ross wrote on 17 Feb:
> Set the following environment variable
> setenv  CVSROOT :pserver:rwab1 at hydra.cs.mu.oz.au:/home/mercury1/repository/
> if the above doesn't work then s/hydra/mercury/

Yep, have to make the substitution and today it lets me login.
However, it then complains that it doesn't know me:

$ cvs login
(Logging in to rwab1 at mercury.cs.mu.oz.au)
CVS password: 
$ cvs co tutorial
Fatal error, aborting.
rwab1: no such user


Ralph Becket  |  rwab1 at cam.sri.com  |  http://www.cam.sri.com/people/becket.html

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