[m-dev.] diff: MLDS back-end: generate base_type_infos

Fergus Henderson fjh at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Thu Dec 2 16:10:25 AEDT 1999

Estimated hours taken: 4

Implement the generation of base_type_info structures
for the MLDS back-end.  (Generation of base_type_functors
and base_type_layouts is still not yet implemented, though.)

	New file.  This generates the base_type_info structures.
	It is similar to base_type_info.m, but for the MLDS back-end.

	Change ml_gen_types to call ml_base_type_info__generate_mlds.
	Export ml_gen_pred_label, for use by ml_base_type_info.m.

	Add a new MLDS type `mlds__base_type_info_type',
	for base_type_infos.

	Add code to handle `mlds__base_type_info_type'.
	Handle complex initializers.
	Output proper module qualifiers for data names.

	Delete an obsolete comment.
	Add a comment warning that any changes here may also require
	changes to ml_base_type_info.m.

	Mention the new module.

Workspace: /d-drive/home/hg/fjh/mercury
Index: compiler/base_type_info.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/base_type_info.m,v
retrieving revision 1.28
diff -u -d -r1.28 base_type_info.m
--- compiler/base_type_info.m	1999/10/28 06:21:54	1.28
+++ compiler/base_type_info.m	1999/12/02 03:29:14
@@ -4,20 +4,19 @@
 % Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: base_type_info.m.
+% Author: zs.
 % This module generates the LLDS code that defines global variables
 % to hold the type_ctor_info structures of the types defined by the
 % current module.
-% These global variables are needed only with when we are using the
-% shared-one-or-two-cell way of representing type information.
-% It is up to the caller to check this. (When using other representations,
-% defining these global variables is harmless except for adding to
-% compilation time and executable size.)
 % See polymorphism.m for a description of the various ways to represent
 % type information, including a description of the type_ctor_info structures.
-% Author: zs.
+% WARNING: if you change this module, you will probably need to also
+% change ml_base_type_info.m, which does the smae thing for the MLDS
+% back-end.
Index: compiler/ml_code_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_code_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -u -d -r1.19 ml_code_gen.m
--- compiler/ml_code_gen.m	1999/11/19 16:34:18	1.19
+++ compiler/ml_code_gen.m	1999/12/01 11:21:12
@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@
 :- interface.
-:- import_module hlds_module, mlds.
+:- import_module hlds_module, hlds_pred, mlds.
 :- import_module io.
@@ -593,16 +593,21 @@
 :- pred ml_code_gen(module_info, mlds, io__state, io__state).
 :- mode ml_code_gen(in, out, di, uo) is det.
+	% Generate the mlds__pred_label for a given procedure.
+	%
+:- func ml_gen_pred_label(module_info, pred_id, proc_id) = mlds__pred_label.
 :- implementation.
+:- import_module ml_base_type_info.
 :- import_module llds. % XXX needed for `code_model'.
 :- import_module code_util. % XXX needed for `code_util__compiler_generated'.
 			    % and `code_util__cons_id_to_tag'.
 :- import_module goal_util.
-:- import_module hlds_pred, hlds_goal, hlds_data, prog_data, special_pred.
+:- import_module hlds_goal, hlds_data, prog_data, special_pred.
 :- import_module hlds_out, builtin_ops, passes_aux, type_util, mode_util.
 :- import_module prog_util.
 :- import_module globals, options.
@@ -662,13 +667,8 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_types(module_info, mlds__defns, io__state, io__state).
 :- mode ml_gen_types(in, out, di, uo) is det.
-ml_gen_types(_ModuleInfo, MLDS_TypeDefns) -->
-	/****
-	{ module_info_types(Module, TypeTable) },
-	...
-	****/
-	% XXX not yet implemented
-	{ MLDS_TypeDefns = [] }.
+ml_gen_types(ModuleInfo, MLDS_BaseTypeInfoDefns) -->
+	{ ml_base_type_info__generate_mlds(ModuleInfo, MLDS_BaseTypeInfoDefns) }.
@@ -3993,7 +3993,6 @@
 	MLDS_PredLabel = ml_gen_pred_label(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId),
 	MLDS_Name = function(MLDS_PredLabel, ProcId, MaybeSeqNum, PredId).
-:- func ml_gen_pred_label(module_info, pred_id, proc_id) = mlds__pred_label.
 ml_gen_pred_label(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId) = MLDS_PredLabel :-
 	module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo),
 	pred_info_module(PredInfo, PredModule),
Index: compiler/mlds.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds.m,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -d -r1.13 mlds.m
--- compiler/mlds.m	1999/11/15 10:35:18	1.13
+++ compiler/mlds.m	1999/12/01 10:39:58
@@ -495,7 +495,9 @@
 		% if the target language doesn't supported
 		% nested functions, and also for handling
 		% closures for higher-order code.
-	;	mlds__generic_env_ptr_type.
+	;	mlds__generic_env_ptr_type
+	;	mlds__base_type_info_type.
 :- type mercury_type == prog_data__type.
Index: compiler/mlds_to_c.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds_to_c.m,v
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -u -d -r1.16 mlds_to_c.m
--- compiler/mlds_to_c.m	1999/11/18 18:05:24	1.16
+++ compiler/mlds_to_c.m	1999/12/01 12:03:06
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 % Main author: fjh.
 % TODO:
-%	- RTTI (base_type_info, base_type_layout, base_type_functors,
+%	- RTTI (base_type_layout, base_type_functors,
 %		module_layout, proc_layout)
 %	- type classes (base_typeclass_info)
 %	- trail ops
@@ -400,8 +400,9 @@
 		io__write_string(" = "),
-		% XXX we should eventually handle these...
-		{ error("sorry, complex initializers not yet implemented") }
+		io__write_string(" = {\n\t\t"),
+		io__write_list(Initializer, ",\n\t\t", mlds_output_rval),
+		io__write_string("}")
@@ -662,8 +663,13 @@
 mlds_output_data_name(common(Num)) -->
-mlds_output_data_name(type_ctor(_BaseData, _Name, _Arity)) -->
-	{ error("mlds_to_c.m: NYI: type_ctor") }.
+mlds_output_data_name(type_ctor(BaseData, Name, Arity)) -->
+	io__write_string("base_type_"),
+	io__write(BaseData),
+	io__write_string("_"),
+	io__write_string(Name),
+	io__write_string("_"),
+	io__write_int(Arity).
 mlds_output_data_name(base_typeclass_info(_ClassId, _InstanceId)) -->
 	{ error("mlds_to_c.m: NYI: basetypeclass_info") }.
 mlds_output_data_name(module_layout) -->
@@ -720,6 +726,8 @@
 mlds_output_type(mlds__generic_env_ptr_type) -->
 	io__write_string("void *").
+mlds_output_type(mlds__base_type_info_type) -->
+	io__write_string("MR_BaseTypeInfo").
 mlds_output_type(mlds__cont_type) -->
 	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(gcc_nested_functions, GCC_NestedFuncs),
 	( { GCC_NestedFuncs = yes } ->
@@ -1689,8 +1697,9 @@
 :- pred mlds_output_data_addr(mlds__data_addr, io__state, io__state).
 :- mode mlds_output_data_addr(in, di, uo) is det.
-mlds_output_data_addr(data_addr(_ModuleName, DataName)) -->
-	io__write_string("/* XXX ModuleName */"),
+mlds_output_data_addr(data_addr(ModuleName, DataName)) -->
+	mlds_output_module_name(mlds_module_name_to_sym_name(ModuleName)),
+	io__write_string("__"),
Index: compiler/ml_base_type_info.m
RCS file: ml_base_type_info.m
diff -N ml_base_type_info.m
--- /dev/null	Wed May  6 06:32:27 1998
+++ ml_base_type_info.m	Thu Dec  2 14:25:49 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1999 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% This module generates the MLDS code that defines the static constants
+% that hold the type_ctor_info structures of the types defined by the
+% current module.
+% See polymorphism.m for a description of the various ways to represent
+% type information, including a description of the type_ctor_info structures.
+% WARNING: if you change this file, you will probably also need to
+% modify base_type_info.m, which does the same thing for the LLDS back-end.
+% Author: fjh.
+:- module ml_base_type_info.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module hlds_module, mlds.
+:- pred ml_base_type_info__generate_mlds(module_info, mlds__defns).
+:- mode ml_base_type_info__generate_mlds(in, out) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module base_type_info, ml_code_gen.
+:- import_module base_typeclass_info.
+:- import_module prog_data, prog_util, prog_out.
+:- import_module hlds_data, hlds_pred, hlds_out.
+:- import_module code_util, special_pred, type_util, globals, options.
+:- import_module list.
+:- import_module bool, string, map, std_util, require.
+	% The version of the RTTI data structures -- useful for bootstrapping.
+	% If you write runtime code that checks this version number and
+	% can at least handle the previous version of the data
+	% structure, it makes it easier to bootstrap changes to the data
+	% structures used for RTTI.
+	%
+	% This number should be kept in sync with MR_RTTI_VERSION in
+	% runtime/mercury_type_info.h.  This means you need to update
+	% the handwritten type_ctor_info structures and the code in the
+	% runtime that uses RTTI to conform to whatever changes the new
+	% version introduces.
+:- func type_ctor_info_rtti_version = int.
+type_ctor_info_rtti_version = 3.
+ml_base_type_info__generate_mlds(ModuleInfo, Defns) :-
+	module_info_base_gen_infos(ModuleInfo, BaseGenInfos),
+	ml_base_type_info__construct_type_ctor_infos(BaseGenInfos, ModuleInfo,
+		Defns).
+	/***
+	% XXX type classes are not yet implemented in the MLDS back-end
+	ml_base_typeclass_info__generate_mlds(ModuleInfo, Defns2),
+		% XXX make this use an accumulator
+	list__append(Defns1, Defns2, Defns).
+	***/
+:- pred ml_base_type_info__construct_type_ctor_infos(list(base_gen_info),
+	module_info, mlds__defns).
+:- mode ml_base_type_info__construct_type_ctor_infos(in, in, out) is det.
+ml_base_type_info__construct_type_ctor_infos([], _, []).
+ml_base_type_info__construct_type_ctor_infos([BaseGenInfo | BaseGenInfos],
+		ModuleInfo, [Defn | Defns]) :-
+	BaseGenInfo = base_gen_info(_TypeId, ModuleName, TypeName, TypeArity,
+		Status, Elim, Procs, HLDS_TypeDefn),
+	status_is_exported(Status, Exported),
+	Flags = ml_gen_base_type_info_decl_flags(Exported),
+	ml_base_type_info__construct_pred_addrs(Procs, Elim, ModuleInfo, 
+		PredAddrArgs),
+	ArityArg = const(int_const(TypeArity)),
+	module_info_globals(ModuleInfo, Globals),
+	globals__lookup_bool_option(Globals, type_layout, TypeLayoutOption),
+	(
+		TypeLayoutOption = yes
+	->
+		ml_base_type_info__construct_type_ctor_representation(HLDS_TypeDefn,
+			TypeCtorArg),
+		/*****
+		% XXX generation of the base_type_layout and base_type_functors
+		% is not yet implemented for the MLDS back-end
+		ml_base_type_info__construct_layout(ModuleInfo, TypeName,
+			TypeArity, LayoutArg),
+		ml_base_type_info__construct_functors(ModuleInfo, TypeName,
+			TypeArity, FunctorsArg),
+		******/
+		LayoutArg = const(int_const(0)),
+		FunctorsArg = const(int_const(0)),
+		prog_out__sym_name_to_string(ModuleName, ModuleNameString),
+		ModuleArg = const(string_const(ModuleNameString)),
+		NameArg = const(string_const(TypeName)),
+		VersionArg = const(int_const(type_ctor_info_rtti_version)),
+		list__append(PredAddrArgs, [TypeCtorArg, FunctorsArg, LayoutArg,
+			ModuleArg, NameArg, VersionArg], FinalArgs)
+	;
+		FinalArgs = PredAddrArgs
+	),
+	DataName = type_ctor(info, TypeName, TypeArity),
+	hlds_data__get_type_defn_context(HLDS_TypeDefn, Context),
+	MLDS_Context = mlds__make_context(Context),
+	Initializer = [ArityArg | FinalArgs],
+	MLDS_Type = mlds__base_type_info_type,
+	DefnBody = mlds__data(MLDS_Type, yes(Initializer)),
+	Defn = mlds__defn(data(DataName), MLDS_Context, Flags, DefnBody),
+	ml_base_type_info__construct_type_ctor_infos(BaseGenInfos, ModuleInfo,
+		Defns).
+	% Return the declaration flags appropriate for a base_type_info.
+	%
+:- func ml_gen_base_type_info_decl_flags(bool) = mlds__decl_flags.
+ml_gen_base_type_info_decl_flags(Exported) = MLDS_DeclFlags :-
+	( Exported = yes ->
+		Access = public
+	;
+		Access = private
+	),
+	PerInstance = per_instance,
+	Virtuality = non_virtual,
+	Finality = overridable,
+	Constness = const,
+	Abstractness = concrete,
+	MLDS_DeclFlags = init_decl_flags(Access, PerInstance,
+		Virtuality, Finality, Constness, Abstractness).
+:- pred	ml_base_type_info__construct_layout(module_info, string, int,
+		mlds__rval).
+:- mode	ml_base_type_info__construct_layout(in, in, in, out) is det.
+ml_base_type_info__construct_layout(ModuleInfo, TypeName, TypeArity, Rval) :-
+	module_info_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName),
+	MLDS_ModuleName = mercury_module_name_to_mlds(ModuleName),
+	Rval = const(data_addr_const(data_addr(MLDS_ModuleName, 
+		type_ctor(layout, TypeName, TypeArity)))).
+:- pred ml_base_type_info__construct_functors(module_info, string, int, 
+	mlds__rval).
+:- mode ml_base_type_info__construct_functors(in, in, in, out) is det.
+ml_base_type_info__construct_functors(ModuleInfo, TypeName, TypeArity, Rval) :-
+	module_info_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName),
+	MLDS_ModuleName = mercury_module_name_to_mlds(ModuleName),
+	Rval = const(data_addr_const(data_addr(MLDS_ModuleName, 
+		type_ctor(functors, TypeName, TypeArity)))).
+:- pred ml_base_type_info__construct_pred_addrs(list(pred_proc_id), maybe(int), 
+	module_info, list(mlds__rval)).
+:- mode ml_base_type_info__construct_pred_addrs(in, in, in, out) is det.
+ml_base_type_info__construct_pred_addrs(Procs, Elim, ModuleInfo, PredAddrArgs) :-
+	( 
+		% dead_proc_elim has eliminated the procs, we
+		% should just put some padding in.
+		Elim = yes(ProcsLength)
+	->
+		/********
+		module_info_globals(ModuleInfo, Globals),
+			% If eliminated, make procs point to
+			% private_builtin__unused.  (Or, if static code
+			% addresses are not available, use NULL
+			% pointers).
+		(
+			globals__have_static_code_addresses(Globals, yes)
+		->
+			hlds_pred__initial_proc_id(ProcId),
+			mercury_private_builtin_module(MercuryBuiltin),
+			PredAddrArg = const(code_addr_const(
+				imported(proc(MercuryBuiltin, predicate,
+					MercuryBuiltin, "unused", 0,
+						ProcId))))
+		;
+			PredAddrArg = const(int_const(0))
+		),
+		*******/
+		PredAddrArg = const(int_const(0)),
+		list__duplicate(ProcsLength, PredAddrArg, PredAddrArgs)
+	;
+		ml_base_type_info__construct_pred_addrs_2(Procs, ModuleInfo, 
+			PredAddrArgs)
+	).
+:- pred ml_base_type_info__construct_pred_addrs_2(list(pred_proc_id),
+		module_info, list(mlds__rval)).
+:- mode ml_base_type_info__construct_pred_addrs_2(in, in, out) is det.
+ml_base_type_info__construct_pred_addrs_2([], _, []).
+ml_base_type_info__construct_pred_addrs_2([proc(PredId, ProcId) | Procs],
+		ModuleInfo, [ProcAddrArg | ProcAddrArgs]) :-
+	%
+	% construct an rval for the address of this procedure
+	% (this is similar to ml_gen_proc_addr_rval)
+	%
+        PredLabel = ml_gen_pred_label(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId),
+        module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo),
+        pred_info_module(PredInfo, PredModule),
+        MLDS_Module = mercury_module_name_to_mlds(PredModule),
+        QualifiedProcLabel = qual(MLDS_Module, PredLabel - ProcId),
+        ProcAddrArg = const(code_addr_const(proc(QualifiedProcLabel))),
+	%
+	% recursively handle the remaining procedures
+	%
+	ml_base_type_info__construct_pred_addrs_2(Procs, ModuleInfo,
+		ProcAddrArgs).
+:- type type_ctor_representation 
+	--->	enum
+	;	enum_usereq
+	;	du
+	;	du_usereq
+	;	notag
+	;	notag_usereq
+	;	equiv
+	;	equiv_var
+	;	int
+	;	char
+	;	float
+	;	string
+	;	(pred)
+	;	univ
+	;	void
+	;	c_pointer
+	;	typeinfo
+	;	typeclassinfo
+	;	array
+	;	unknown.
+:- pred ml_base_type_info__type_ctor_rep_to_int(type_ctor_representation::in,
+	int::out) is det.
+ml_base_type_info__type_ctor_rep_to_int(enum, 		0).
+ml_base_type_info__type_ctor_rep_to_int(enum_usereq,	1).
+ml_base_type_info__type_ctor_rep_to_int(du,		2).
+ml_base_type_info__type_ctor_rep_to_int(du_usereq,	3).
+ml_base_type_info__type_ctor_rep_to_int(notag,		4).
+ml_base_type_info__type_ctor_rep_to_int(notag_usereq,	5).
+ml_base_type_info__type_ctor_rep_to_int(equiv,		6).
+ml_base_type_info__type_ctor_rep_to_int(equiv_var,	7).
+ml_base_type_info__type_ctor_rep_to_int(int,		8).
+ml_base_type_info__type_ctor_rep_to_int(char,		9).
+ml_base_type_info__type_ctor_rep_to_int(float,	 	10).
+ml_base_type_info__type_ctor_rep_to_int(string,		11).
+ml_base_type_info__type_ctor_rep_to_int(pred,		12).
+ml_base_type_info__type_ctor_rep_to_int(univ,		13).
+ml_base_type_info__type_ctor_rep_to_int(void,		14).
+ml_base_type_info__type_ctor_rep_to_int(c_pointer,	15).
+ml_base_type_info__type_ctor_rep_to_int(typeinfo,	16).
+ml_base_type_info__type_ctor_rep_to_int(typeclassinfo,	17).
+ml_base_type_info__type_ctor_rep_to_int(array,		18).
+ml_base_type_info__type_ctor_rep_to_int(unknown,	19).
+:- pred ml_base_type_info__construct_type_ctor_representation(hlds_type_defn,
+		mlds__rval).
+:- mode ml_base_type_info__construct_type_ctor_representation(in, out) is det.
+ml_base_type_info__construct_type_ctor_representation(HldsType, Rvals) :-
+	hlds_data__get_type_defn_body(HldsType, TypeBody),
+	(
+		TypeBody = uu_type(_Alts),
+		error("ml_base_type_info__construct_type_ctor_representation: sorry, undiscriminated union unimplemented\n")
+	;
+		TypeBody = eqv_type(_Type),
+		TypeCtorRep = equiv
+	;
+		TypeBody = abstract_type,
+		TypeCtorRep = unknown
+	;
+		TypeBody = du_type(Ctors, _ConsTagMap, Enum, EqualityPred),
+		(
+			Enum = yes,
+			(
+				EqualityPred = yes(_),
+				TypeCtorRep = enum_usereq
+			;
+				EqualityPred = no,
+				TypeCtorRep = enum
+			)
+		;
+			Enum = no,
+			( 
+				type_is_no_tag_type(Ctors, _Name, _TypeArg)
+			->
+				(
+					EqualityPred = yes(_),
+					TypeCtorRep = notag_usereq
+				;
+					EqualityPred = no,
+					TypeCtorRep = notag
+				)
+			;
+				(
+					EqualityPred = yes(_),
+					TypeCtorRep = du_usereq
+				;
+					EqualityPred = no,
+					TypeCtorRep = du
+				)
+			)
+		)
+	),
+	ml_base_type_info__type_ctor_rep_to_int(TypeCtorRep, TypeCtorRepInt),
+	Rvals = const(int_const(TypeCtorRepInt)).
Index: compiler/notes/compiler_design.html
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/notes/compiler_design.html,v
retrieving revision 1.41
diff -u -d -u -r1.41 compiler_design.html
--- compiler/notes/compiler_design.html	1999/11/08 22:27:59	1.41
+++ compiler/notes/compiler_design.html	1999/12/02 05:07:30
@@ -875,6 +875,8 @@
 <h4> 4b. MLDS code generation </h4>
 <li> ml_code_gen.m converts HLDS code to MLDS.
+<li> ml_base_type_info.m generates MLDS declarations for the
+     base_type_info structures used for polymorphism.
 <h4> 5b. MLDS transformations </h4>

Fergus Henderson <fjh at cs.mu.oz.au>  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW: <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~fjh>  |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger fjh at        |     -- the last words of T. S. Garp.
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