[m-dev.] mmake realclean in the runtime directory

Mark Anthony BROWN dougl at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Mon Aug 23 14:37:22 AEST 1999

Warwick Harvey writes:
> Mark Brown wrote:
> > I think that this could be fixed by changing the line
> > 
> > 	clean: clean_o clean_check
> > 
> > in runtime/Mmakefile to
> > 
> > 	clean_local: clean_o clean_check
> > 
> > .
> Yes, this fixes this particular example, but I didn't think the user was 
> supposed to know about/tamper with the local targets...  (Of course in the 
> runtime directory it hardly matters since there are no Mercury source files.)

I agree that requiring the user to know about the local targets is
a drawback of the current design.  But, I couldn't figure out how to
avoid this and still achieve the other aims, which included being
able to have `clean' and `realclean' both invoke mmake recursively.

An alternative is to use `clean' and `realclean' as the local targets
(ie. they do not recursively clean subdirectories), and add targets
`clean_rec' and `realclean_rec' (or similar) which depend on the local
targets and which have rules added to do the recursive invocations.

Maybe there is a much simpler solution, but I can't see it.  And
thinking about recursive makes makes my brain hurt.  ;-)

Mark Brown, PhD student            )O+  |  "Another of Fortran's breakthroughs
(m.brown at cs.mu.oz.au)                   |  was the GOTO statement, which was...
Dept. of Computer Science and Software  |  uniquely simple and understandable"
Engineering, University of Melbourne    |              -- IEEE, 1994
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