[m-dev.] for review: more function def's for single out det mode library predicates

Ralph Becket rwab1 at cam.sri.com
Fri Apr 30 23:20:18 AEST 1999

[Diffs are attached]
[Diffs are for library version rotd-1999-04-16]

Estimated hours taken: 5

	I've added functions for the remaining output det predicates in a number
	of modules in the standard library.  Basically, for each

	:- pred f(in, ..., in, out) is det.

	I have added the declaration

	:- func f(in, ..., in) = out.

	and definition

	f(X1, ..., Xn) = Y :-
		f(X1, ..., Xn, Y).

	The changes were made using a mostly automatic process and
	have been `checked' by compiling the whole library.

	No special comments.

	No special comments.

	No special comments.

	No special comments.

	No special comments.

	No special comments.

	No special comments.

	No special comments.

	No special comments.

	No special comments.

	No special comments.

	No special comments.

	No special comments.

	No special comments.

	No special comments.

	No special comments.

	No special comments.

	No special comments.

	No special comments.

	No special comments.

	No special comments.

	No special comments.

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> %---------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> % Ralph Becket <rwab1 at cl.cam.ac.uk> 29/04/99
> % 	Functional forms added.
> :- interface.
> :- func pqueue__init = pqueue(_K, _V).
> :- func pqueue__insert(pqueue(K, V), K, V) = pqueue(K, V).
> :- func pqueue__to_assoc_list(pqueue(K, V)) = assoc_list(K, V).
> :- func pqueue__assoc_list_to_pqueue(assoc_list(K, V)) = pqueue(K, V).
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> :- implementation.
> pqueue__init = PQ :-
> 	pqueue__init(PQ).
> pqueue__insert(PQ1, K, V) = PQ2 :-
> 	pqueue__insert(PQ1, K, V, PQ2).
> pqueue__to_assoc_list(PQ) = AL :-
> 	pqueue__to_assoc_list(PQ, AL).
> pqueue__assoc_list_to_pqueue(AL) = PQ2 :-
> 	pqueue__assoc_list_to_pqueue(AL, PQ2).
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> %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> % Ralph Becket <rwab1 at cl.cam.ac.uk> 29/04/99
> % 	Functional forms added.
> :- interface.
> :- func assoc_list__reverse_members(assoc_list(K, V)) = assoc_list(V, K).
> :- func assoc_list__from_corresponding_lists(list(K), list(V)) = assoc_list(K,V).
> :- func assoc_list__keys(assoc_list(K, V)) = list(K).
> :- func assoc_list__values(assoc_list(K, V)) = list(V).
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> :- implementation.
> assoc_list__reverse_members(AL1) = AL2 :-
> 	assoc_list__reverse_members(AL1, AL2).
> assoc_list__from_corresponding_lists(Ks, Vs) = AL :-
> 	assoc_list__from_corresponding_lists(Ks, Vs, AL).
> assoc_list__keys(AL) = Ks :-
> 	assoc_list__keys(AL, Ks).
> assoc_list__values(AL) = Vs :-
> 	assoc_list__values(AL, Vs).
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> %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> % Ralph Becket <rwab1 at cl.cam.ac.uk> 29/04/99
> % 	Functional forms added.
> :- interface.
> :- func getopt__lookup_bool_option(option_table(Option), Option) = bool.
> :- func getopt__lookup_int_option(option_table(Option), Option) = int.
> :- func getopt__lookup_string_option(option_table(Option), Option) = string.
> :- func getopt__lookup_maybe_int_option(option_table(Option), Option) =
> 		maybe(int).
> :- func getopt__lookup_maybe_string_option(option_table(Option), Option) =
> 		maybe(string).
> :- func getopt__lookup_accumulating_option(option_table(Option), Option) =
> 		list(string).
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> :- implementation.
> getopt__lookup_bool_option(OT, Opt) = B :-
> 	getopt__lookup_bool_option(OT, Opt, B).
> getopt__lookup_int_option(OT, Opt) = N :-
> 	getopt__lookup_int_option(OT, Opt, N).
> getopt__lookup_string_option(OT, Opt) = S :-
> 	getopt__lookup_string_option(OT, Opt, S).
> getopt__lookup_maybe_int_option(OT, Opt) = MN :-
> 	getopt__lookup_maybe_int_option(OT, Opt, MN).
> getopt__lookup_maybe_string_option(OT, Opt) =MS :-
> 	getopt__lookup_maybe_string_option(OT, Opt, MS).
> getopt__lookup_accumulating_option(OT, Opt) =Ss :-
> 	getopt__lookup_accumulating_option(OT, Opt, Ss).
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> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> % Ralph Becket <rwab1 at cl.cam.ac.uk> 29/04/99
> % 	Function forms added.
> :- interface.
> :- func bag__init = bag(T).
> :- func bag__insert(bag(T), T) = bag(T).
> :- func bag__insert_list(bag(T), list(T)) = bag(T).
> :- func bag__from_list(list(T)) = bag(T).
> :- func bag__to_list(bag(T)) = list(T).
> :- func bag__to_assoc_list(bag(T)) = assoc_list(T, int).
> :- func bag__to_list_without_duplicates(bag(T)) = list(T).
> :- func bag__det_remove(bag(T), T) = bag(T).
> :- func bag__det_remove_list(bag(T), list(T)) = bag(T).
> :- func bag__delete(bag(T), T) = bag(T).
> :- func bag__delete_all(bag(T), T) = bag(T).
> :- func bag__count_value(bag(T), T) = int.
> :- func bag__subtract(bag(T), bag(T)) = bag(T).
> :- func bag__union(bag(T), bag(T)) = bag(T).
> :- func bag__intersect(bag(T), bag(T)) = bag(T).
> :- func bag__least_upper_bound(bag(T), bag(T)) = bag(T).
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> :- implementation.
> bag__init = B :-
> 	bag__init(B).
> bag__insert(B1, X) = B2 :-
> 	bag__insert(B1, X, B2).
> bag__insert_list(B1, Xs) = B2 :-
> 	bag__insert_list(B1, Xs, B2).
> bag__from_list(Xs) = B :-
> 	bag__from_list(Xs, B).
> bag__to_list(B) = Xs :-
> 	bag__to_list(B, Xs).
> bag__to_assoc_list(B) = AL :-
> 	bag__to_assoc_list(B, AL).
> bag__to_list_without_duplicates(B) = Xs :-
> 	bag__to_list_without_duplicates(B, Xs).
> bag__det_remove(B1, X) = B2 :-
> 	bag__det_remove(B1, X, B2).
> bag__det_remove_list(B1, Xs) = B2 :-
> 	bag__det_remove_list(B1, Xs, B2).
> bag__delete(B1, X) = B2 :-
> 	bag__delete(B1, X, B2).
> bag__delete_all(B1, X) = B2 :-
> 	bag__delete_all(B1, X, B2).
> bag__count_value(B, X) = N :-
> 	bag__count_value(B, X, N).
> bag__subtract(B1, B2) = B3 :-
> 	bag__subtract(B1, B2, B3).
> bag__union(B1, B2) = B3 :-
> 	bag__union(B1, B2, B3).
> bag__intersect(B1, B2) = B3 :-
> 	bag__intersect(B1, B2, B3).
> bag__least_upper_bound(B1, B2) = B3 :-
> 	bag__least_upper_bound(B1, B2, B3).
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> % Ralph Becket <rwab1 at cl.cam.ac.uk> 29/04/99
> % 	Functional forms added.
> :- interface.
> :- func bimap__init = bimap(_,_).
> :- func bimap__lookup(bimap(K,V), K) = V.
> :- func bimap__set(bimap(K,V), K, V) = bimap(K,V).
> :- func bimap__ordinates(bimap(K, _V)) = list(K).
> :- func bimap__coordinates(bimap(_K, V)) = list(V).
> :- func bimap__to_assoc_list(bimap(K,V)) = assoc_list(K,V).
> :- func bimap__from_assoc_list(assoc_list(K,V)) = bimap(K,V).
> %%% :- func bimap__from_corresponding_lists(list(K), list(V)) = bimap(K, V).
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> :- implementation.
> bimap__init = BM :-
> 	bimap__init(BM).
> bimap__lookup(BM, K) = V :-
> 	bimap__lookup(BM, K, V).
> bimap__set(BM1, K, V) = BM2 :-
> 	bimap__set(BM1, K, V, BM2).
> bimap__ordinates(BM) = Ks :-
> 	bimap__ordinates(BM, Ks).
> bimap__coordinates(BM) = Vs :-
> 	bimap__coordinates(BM, Vs).
> bimap__to_assoc_list(BM) = AL :-
> 	bimap__to_assoc_list(BM, AL).
> bimap__from_assoc_list(AL) = BM :-
> 	bimap__from_assoc_list(AL, BM).
> %%% bimap__from_corresponding_lists(Ks, Vs) = BM :-
> %%% 	bimap__from_corresponding_lists(Ks, Vs, BM).
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> %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> % Ralph Becket <rwab1 at cl.cam.ac.uk> 29/04/99
> % 	Function forms added.
> :- interface.
> :- func bintree__set(bintree(K,V), K, V) = bintree(K,V).
> :- func bintree__lookup(bintree(K,V), K) = V.
> :- func bintree__delete(bintree(K,V), K) = bintree(K,V).
> :- func bintree__keys(bintree(K,_V)) = list(K).
> :- func bintree__values(bintree(_K,V)) = list(V).
> :- func bintree__from_list(assoc_list(K,V)) = bintree(K,V).
> :- func bintree__from_sorted_list(assoc_list(K,V)) = bintree(K,V).
> :- func bintree__from_corresponding_lists(list(K), list(V)) = bintree(K,V).
> :- func bintree__to_list(bintree(K,V)) = assoc_list(K,V).
> :- func bintree__count(bintree(_K,_V)) = int.
> :- func bintree__depth(bintree(_K,_V)) = int.
> :- func bintree__balance(bintree(K, V)) = bintree(K, V).
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> :- implementation.
> bintree__set(BT1, K, V) = BT2 :-
> 	bintree__set(BT1, K, V, BT2).
> bintree__lookup(BT, K) = V :-
> 	bintree__lookup(BT, K, V).
> bintree__delete(BT1, K) = BT2 :-
> 	bintree__delete(BT1, K, BT2).
> bintree__keys(BT) = Ks :-
> 	bintree__keys(BT, Ks).
> bintree__values(BT) = Vs :-
> 	bintree__values(BT, Vs).
> bintree__from_list(AL) = BT :-
> 	bintree__from_list(AL, BT).
> bintree__from_sorted_list(AL) = BT :-
> 	bintree__from_sorted_list(AL, BT).
> bintree__from_corresponding_lists(Ks, Vs) = BT :-
> 	bintree__from_corresponding_lists(Ks, Vs, BT).
> bintree__to_list(BT) = AL :-
> 	bintree__to_list(BT, AL).
> bintree__count(BT) = N :-
> 	bintree__count(BT, N).
> bintree__depth(BT) = N :-
> 	bintree__depth(BT, N).
> bintree__balance(BT1) = BT2 :-
> 	bintree__balance(BT1, BT2).
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> %--------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> % Ralph Becket <rwab1 at cl.cam.ac.uk> 29/04/99
> % 	Function forms added.
> :- interface.
> :- func bintree_set__list_to_set(list(T)) = bintree_set(T).
> :- func bintree_set__sorted_list_to_set(list(T)) = bintree_set(T).
> :- func bintree_set__to_sorted_list(bintree_set(T)) = list(T).
> :- func bintree_set__insert(bintree_set(T), T) = bintree_set(T).
> :- func bintree_set__insert_list(bintree_set(T), list(T)) = bintree_set(T).
> :- func bintree_set__delete(bintree_set(T), T) = bintree_set(T).
> :- func bintree_set__delete_list(bintree_set(T), list(T)) = bintree_set(T).
> :- func bintree_set__union(bintree_set(T), bintree_set(T)) = bintree_set(T).
> :- func bintree_set__intersect(bintree_set(T), bintree_set(T)) = bintree_set(T).
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> :- implementation.
> bintree_set__list_to_set(Xs) = BT :-
> 	bintree_set__list_to_set(Xs, BT).
> bintree_set__sorted_list_to_set(Xs) = BT :-
> 	bintree_set__sorted_list_to_set(Xs, BT).
> bintree_set__to_sorted_list(BT) = Xs :-
> 	bintree_set__to_sorted_list(BT, Xs).
> bintree_set__insert(BT1, X) = BT2 :-
> 	bintree_set__insert(BT1, X, BT2).
> bintree_set__insert_list(BT1, Xs) = BT2 :-
> 	bintree_set__insert_list(BT1, Xs, BT2).
> bintree_set__delete(BT1, X) = BT2 :-
> 	bintree_set__delete(BT1, X, BT2).
> bintree_set__delete_list(BT1, Xs) = BT2 :-
> 	bintree_set__delete_list(BT1, Xs, BT2).
> bintree_set__union(BT1, BT2) = BT3 :-
> 	bintree_set__union(BT1, BT2, BT3).
> bintree_set__intersect(BT1, BT2) = BT3 :-
> 	bintree_set__intersect(BT1, BT2, BT3).
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> % Ralph Becket <rwab1 at cl.cam.ac.uk> 29/04/99
> % 	Function forms added.
> :- interface.
> :- func bt_array__make_empty_array(int) = bt_array(T).
> :- func bt_array__init(int, int, T) = bt_array(T).
> :- func bt_array__min(bt_array(_T)) = int.
> :- func bt_array__max(bt_array(_T)) = int.
> :- func bt_array__size(bt_array(_T)) = int.
> :- func bt_array__lookup(bt_array(T), int) = T.
> :- func bt_array__set(bt_array(T), int, T) = bt_array(T).
> :- func bt_array__resize(bt_array(T), int, int, T) = bt_array(T).
> :- func bt_array__shrink(bt_array(T), int, int) = bt_array(T).
> :- func bt_array__from_list(int, list(T)) = bt_array(T).
> :- func bt_array__to_list(bt_array(T)) = list(T).
> :- func bt_array__fetch_items(bt_array(T), int, int) = list(T).
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> :- implementation.
> bt_array__make_empty_array(N) = BTA :-
> 	bt_array__make_empty_array(N, BTA).
> bt_array__init(N1, N2, T) = BTA :-
> 	bt_array__init(N1, N2, T, BTA).
> bt_array__min(BTA) = N :-
> 	bt_array__min(BTA, N).
> bt_array__max(BTA) = N :-
> 	bt_array__max(BTA, N).
> bt_array__size(BTA) = N :-
> 	bt_array__size(BTA, N).
> bt_array__lookup(BTA, N) = T :-
> 	bt_array__lookup(BTA, N, T).
> bt_array__set(BT1A, N, T) = BTA2 :-
> 	bt_array__set(BT1A, N, T, BTA2).
> bt_array__resize(BT1A, N1, N2, T) = BTA2 :-
> 	bt_array__resize(BT1A, N1, N2, T, BTA2).
> bt_array__shrink(BT1A, N1, N2) = BTA2 :-
> 	bt_array__shrink(BT1A, N1, N2, BTA2).
> bt_array__from_list(N, Xs) = BTA :-
> 	bt_array__from_list(N, Xs, BTA).
> bt_array__to_list(BTA) = Xs :-
> 	bt_array__to_list(BTA, Xs).
> bt_array__fetch_items(BTA, N1, N2) = Xs :-
> 	bt_array__fetch_items(BTA, N1, N2, Xs).
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> % Ralph Becket <rwab1 at cl.cam.ac.uk> 29/04/99
> % 	Function forms added.
> :- interface.
> :- func eqvclass__init = eqvclass(T).
> :- func eqvclass__ensure_element(eqvclass(T), T) = eqvclass(T).
> :- func eqvclass__new_element(eqvclass(T), T) = eqvclass(T).
> :- func eqvclass__ensure_equivalence(eqvclass(T), T, T) = eqvclass(T).
> :- func eqvclass__new_equivalence(eqvclass(T), T, T) = eqvclass(T).
> :- func eqvclass__partition_set(eqvclass(T)) = set(set(T)).
> :- func eqvclass__partition_list(eqvclass(T)) = list(set(T)).
> :- func eqvclass__partition_set_to_eqvclass(set(set(T))) = eqvclass(T).
> :- func eqvclass__partition_list_to_eqvclass(list(set(T))) = eqvclass(T).
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> :- implementation.
> eqvclass__init = EC :-
> 	eqvclass__init(EC).
> eqvclass__ensure_element(EC1, X) = EC2 :-
> 	eqvclass__ensure_element(EC1, X, EC2).
> eqvclass__new_element(EC1, X) = EC2 :-
> 	eqvclass__new_element(EC1, X, EC2).
> eqvclass__ensure_equivalence(EC1, X, Y) = EC2 :-
> 	eqvclass__ensure_equivalence(EC1, X, Y, EC2).
> eqvclass__new_equivalence(EC1, X, Y) = EC2 :-
> 	eqvclass__new_equivalence(EC1, X, Y, EC2).
> eqvclass__partition_set(EC) = S :-
> 	eqvclass__partition_set(EC, S).
> eqvclass__partition_list(EC) = Xs :-
> 	eqvclass__partition_list(EC, Xs).
> eqvclass__partition_set_to_eqvclass(S) = EC :-
> 	eqvclass__partition_set_to_eqvclass(S, EC).
> eqvclass__partition_list_to_eqvclass(Xs) = EC :-
> 	eqvclass__partition_list_to_eqvclass(Xs, EC).
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> % Ralph Becket <rwab1 at cl.cam.ac.uk> 29/04/99
> %	Function forms added.
> :- interface.
> :- func graph__init = graph(N, A).
> :- func graph__find_matching_nodes(graph(N, A), N) = set(node(N)).
> :- func graph__node_contents(graph(N, A), node(N)) = N.
> :- func graph__successors(graph(N, A), node(N)) = set(node(N)).
> :- func graph__nodes(graph(N, A)) = set(node(N)).
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> :- implementation.
> graph__init = G :-
> 	graph__init(G).
> graph__find_matching_nodes(G, N) = S :-
> 	graph__find_matching_nodes(G, N, S).
> graph__node_contents(G, N) = NI :-
> 	graph__node_contents(G, N, NI).
> graph__successors(G, N) = S :-
> 	graph__successors(G, N, S).
> graph__nodes(G) = S :-
> 	graph__nodes(G,S).
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> %---------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> % Ralph Becket <rwab1 at cl.cam.ac.uk> 29/04/99
> % 	Function forms added.
> :- interface.
> :- func group__init = group(T).
> :- func group__insert(group(T), set(T)) = group(T).
> :- func group__group(group(T), T) = set(T).
> :- func group__to_set(group(T)) = set(set(T)).
> :- func group__sets_and_keys(group(T)) = assoc_list(set(T), group__key).
> :- func group__group_key(group(T), T) = group__key.
> :- func group__key_group(group(T), group__key) = set(T).
> :- func group__largest_group_key(group(T)) = group__key.
> :- func group__group_keys(group(T)) = list(group__key).
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> :- implementation.
> group__init = G :-
> 	group__init(G).
> group__insert(G1, S) = G2 :-
> 	group__insert(G1, S, G2).
> group__group(G, T) = S :-
> 	group__group(G, T, S).
> group__to_set(G) = SS :-
> 	group__to_set(G, SS).
> group__sets_and_keys(G) = AL :-
> 	group__sets_and_keys(G, AL).
> group__group_key(G, T) = K :-
> 	group__group_key(G, T, K).
> group__key_group(G, K) = S :-
> 	group__key_group(G, K, S).
> group__largest_group_key(G) = K :-
> 	group__largest_group_key(G, K).
> group__group_keys(G) = Ks :-
> 	group__group_keys(G, Ks).
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> %--------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> % Ralph Becket <rwab1 at cl.cam.ac.uk> 29/04/99
> % 	Function forms added.
> :- interface.
> :- func queue__init = queue(T).
> :- func queue__put(queue(T), T) = queue(T).
> :- func queue__put_list(queue(T), list(T)) = queue(T).
> :- func queue__length(queue(T)) = int.
> :- func queue__list_to_queue(list(T)) = queue(T).
> :- func queue__delete_all(queue(T), T) = queue(T).
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> :- implementation.
> queue__init = Q :-
> 	queue__init(Q).
> queue__put(Q1, T) = Q2 :-
> 	queue__put(Q1, T, Q2).
> queue__put_list(Q1, Xs) = Q2 :-
> 	queue__put_list(Q1, Xs, Q2).
> queue__length(Q) = N :-
> 	queue__length(Q, N).
> queue__list_to_queue(Xs) = Q :-
> 	queue__list_to_queue(Xs, Q).
> queue__delete_all(Q1, T) = Q2 :-
> 	queue__delete_all(Q1, T, Q2).
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> %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> % Ralph Becket <rwab1 at cl.cam.ac.uk> 29/04/99
> % 	Function forms added.
> :- interface.
> :- func rbtree__init = rbtree(K, V).
> :- func rbtree__set(rbtree(K, V), K, V) = rbtree(K, V).
> :- func rbtree__insert_duplicate(rbtree(K, V), K, V) = rbtree(K, V).
> :- func rbtree__lookup(rbtree(K, V), K) = V.
> :- func rbtree__delete(rbtree(K, V), K) = rbtree(K, V).
> :- func rbtree__keys(rbtree(K, V)) = list(K).
> :- func rbtree__values(rbtree(K, V)) = list(V).
> :- func rbtree__count(rbtree(K, V)) = int.
> :- func rbtree__assoc_list_to_rbtree(assoc_list(K, V)) = rbtree(K, V).
> :- func rbtree__rbtree_to_assoc_list(rbtree(K, V)) = assoc_list(K, V).
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> :- implementation.
> rbtree__init = RBT :-
> 	rbtree__init(RBT).
> rbtree__set(RBT1, K, V) = RBT2 :-
> 	rbtree__set(RBT1, K, V, RBT2).
> rbtree__insert_duplicate(RBT1, K, V) = RBT2 :-
> 	rbtree__insert_duplicate(RBT1, K, V, RBT2).
> rbtree__lookup(RBT, K) = V :-
> 	rbtree__lookup(RBT, K, V).
> rbtree__delete(RBT1, K) = RBT2 :-
> 	rbtree__delete(RBT1, K, RBT2).
> rbtree__keys(RBT) = Ks :-
> 	rbtree__keys(RBT, Ks).
> rbtree__values(RBT) = Vs :-
> 	rbtree__values(RBT, Vs).
> rbtree__count(RBT) = N :-
> 	rbtree__count(RBT, N).
> rbtree__assoc_list_to_rbtree(AL) = RBT :-
> 	rbtree__assoc_list_to_rbtree(AL, RBT).
> rbtree__rbtree_to_assoc_list(RBT) = AL :-
> 	rbtree__rbtree_to_assoc_list(RBT, AL).
-------------- next part --------------
> %--------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> % Ralph Becket <rwab1 at cl.cam.ac.uk> 29/04/99
> % 	Function forms added.
> :- interface.
> :- func stack__init = stack(T).
> :- func stack__push(stack(T), T) = stack(T).
> :- func stack__push_list(stack(T), list(T)) = stack(T).
> :- func stack__top_det(stack(T)) = T.
> :- func stack__depth(stack(T)) = int.
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> :- implementation.
> stack__init = S :-
> 	stack__init(S).
> stack__push(S1, X) = S2 :-
> 	stack__push(S1, X, S2).
> stack__push_list(S1, Xs) = S2 :-
> 	stack__push_list(S1, Xs, S2).
> stack__top_det(S) = X :-
> 	stack__top_det(S, X).
> stack__depth(S) = N :-
> 	stack__depth(S, N).
-------------- next part --------------
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> % Ralph Becket <rwab1 at cl.cam.ac.uk> 30/04/99
> % 	Function forms added.
> :- interface.
> :- func term__context_init = term__context.
> :- func term__init_var_supply = var_supply(T).
> :- func term__try_term_to_type(term(U)) = term_to_type_result(T, U).
> :- func term__det_term_to_type(term(_)) = T.
> :- func term__type_to_term(T) = term(_).
> :- func term__univ_to_term(univ) = term(_).
> :- func term__vars(term(T)) = list(var(T)).
> :- func term__vars_2(term(T), list(var(T))) = list(var(T)).
> :- func term__vars_list(list(term(T))) = list(var(T)).
> :- func term__substitute(term(T), var(T), term(T)) = term(T).
> :- func term__substitute_list(list(term(T)), var(T), term(T)) = list(term(T)).
> :- func term__substitute_corresponding(list(var(T)), list(term(T)), term(T)) = term(T).
> :- func term__substitute_corresponding_list(list(var(T)), list(term(T)), list(term(T))) = list(term(T)).
> :- func term__apply_rec_substitution(term(T), substitution(T)) = term(T).
> :- func term__apply_rec_substitution_to_list(list(term(T)), substitution(T)) = list(term(T)).
> :- func term__apply_substitution(term(T), substitution(T)) = term(T).
> :- func term__apply_substitution_to_list(list(term(T)), substitution(T)) = list(term(T)).
> :- func term__relabel_variable(term(T), var(T), var(T)) = term(T).
> :- func term__relabel_variables(list(term(T)), var(T), var(T)) = list(term(T)).
> :- func term__apply_variable_renaming(term(T), map(var(T), var(T))) = term(T).
> :- func term__apply_variable_renaming_to_list(list(term(T)), map(var(T), var(T))) = list(term(T)).
> :- func term__var_to_int(var(T)) = int.
> :- func term__context_line(term__context) = int.
> :- func term__context_file(term__context) = string.
> :- func term__context_init(string, int) = term__context.
> :- func term__term_list_to_var_list(list(term(T))) = list(var(T)).
> :- func term__var_list_to_term_list(list(var(T))) = list(term(T)).
> :- func term__coerce(term(T)) = term(U).
> :- func term__coerce_var(var(T)) = var(U).
> :- func term__coerce_var_supply(var_supply(T)) = var_supply(U).
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> :- implementation.
> term__context_init = C :-
> 	term__context_init(C).
> term__init_var_supply = VS :-
> 	term__init_var_supply(VS).
> term__try_term_to_type(T) = TTTR :-
> 	term__try_term_to_type(T, TTTR).
> term__det_term_to_type(T1) = T2 :-
> 	term__det_term_to_type(T1, T2).
> term__type_to_term(T1) = T2 :-
> 	term__type_to_term(T1, T2).
> term__univ_to_term(U) = T :-
> 	term__univ_to_term(U, T).
> term__vars(T) = Vs :-
> 	term__vars(T, Vs).
> term__vars_2(T, Vs1) = Vs2 :-
> 	term__vars_2(T, Vs1, Vs2).
> term__vars_list(Ts) = Vs :-
> 	term__vars_list(Ts, Vs).
> term__substitute(T1, V, T2) = T3 :-
> 	term__substitute(T1, V, T2, T3).
> term__substitute_list(Ts1, V, T) = Ts2 :-
> 	term__substitute_list(Ts1, V, T, Ts2).
> term__substitute_corresponding(Vs, T1s, T) = T2 :-
> 	term__substitute_corresponding(Vs, T1s, T, T2).
> term__substitute_corresponding_list(Vs, Ts1, Ts2) = Ts3 :-
> 	term__substitute_corresponding_list(Vs, Ts1, Ts2, Ts3).
> term__apply_rec_substitution(T1, S) = T2 :-
> 	term__apply_rec_substitution(T1, S, T2).
> term__apply_rec_substitution_to_list(Ts1, S) = Ts2 :-
> 	term__apply_rec_substitution_to_list(Ts1, S, Ts2).
> term__apply_substitution(T1, S) = T2 :-
> 	term__apply_substitution(T1, S, T2).
> term__apply_substitution_to_list(Ts1, S) = Ts2 :-
> 	term__apply_substitution_to_list(Ts1, S, Ts2).
> term__relabel_variable(T1, V1, V2) = T2 :-
> 	term__relabel_variable(T1, V1, V2, T2).
> term__relabel_variables(Ts1, V1, V2) = Ts2 :-
> 	term__relabel_variables(Ts1, V1, V2, Ts2).
> term__apply_variable_renaming(T1, M) = T2 :-
> 	term__apply_variable_renaming(T1, M, T2).
> term__apply_variable_renaming_to_list(Ts1, M) = Ts2 :-
> 	term__apply_variable_renaming_to_list(Ts1, M, Ts2).
> term__var_to_int(V) = N :-
> 	term__var_to_int(V, N).
> term__context_line(C) = N :-
> 	term__context_line(C, N).
> term__context_file(C) = S :-
> 	term__context_file(C, S).
> term__context_init(S, N) = C :-
> 	term__context_init(S, N, C).
> term__term_list_to_var_list(Ts) = Vs :-
> 	term__term_list_to_var_list(Ts, Vs).
> term__var_list_to_term_list(Vs) = Ts :-
> 	term__var_list_to_term_list(Vs, Ts).
> term__coerce(T1) = T2 :-
> 	term__coerce(T1, T2).
> term__coerce_var(V1) = V2 :-
> 	term__coerce_var(V1, V2).
> term__coerce_var_supply(VS1) = VS2 :-
> 	term__coerce_var_supply(VS1, VS2).
-------------- next part --------------
> % Ralph Becket <rwab1 at cl.cam.ac.uk> 30/04/99
> %	Function forms added.
> :- interface.
> :- func varset__init = varset(T).
> :- func varset__delete_var(varset(T), var(T)) = varset(T).
> :- func varset__delete_vars(varset(T), list(var(T))) = varset(T).
> :- func varset__vars(varset(T)) = list(var(T)).
> :- func varset__name_var(varset(T), var(T), string) = varset(T).
> :- func varset__lookup_name(varset(T), var(T)) = string.
> :- func varset__lookup_name(varset(T), var(T), string) = string.
> :- func varset__bind_var(varset(T), var(T), term(T)) = varset(T).
> :- func varset__bind_vars(varset(T), substitution(T)) = varset(T).
> :- func varset__lookup_vars(varset(T)) = substitution(T).
> :- func varset__get_bindings(varset(T)) = substitution(T).
> :- func varset__set_bindings(varset(T), substitution(T)) = varset(T).
> :- func varset__create_name_var_map(varset(T)) = map(string, var(T)).
> :- func varset__var_name_list(varset(T)) = assoc_list(var(T), string).
> :- func varset__ensure_unique_names(list(var(T)), string, varset(T)) = varset(T).
> :- func varset__select(varset(T), set(var(T))) = varset(T).
> :- func varset__coerce(varset(T)) = varset(U).
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> :- implementation.
> varset__init = VS :-
> 	varset__init(VS).
> varset__delete_var(VS1, V) = VS2 :-
> 	varset__delete_var(VS1, V, VS2).
> varset__delete_vars(VS1, Vs) = VS2 :-
> 	varset__delete_vars(VS1, Vs, VS2).
> varset__vars(VS) = Vs :-
> 	varset__vars(VS, Vs).
> varset__name_var(VS1, V, S) = VS2 :-
> 	varset__name_var(VS1, V, S, VS2).
> varset__lookup_name(VS, V) = S :-
> 	varset__lookup_name(VS, V, S).
> varset__lookup_name(VS1, V, S) = S2 :-
> 	varset__lookup_name(VS1, V, S, S2).
> varset__bind_var(VS1, V, T) = VS2 :-
> 	varset__bind_var(VS1, V, T, VS2).
> varset__bind_vars(VS1, S) = VS2 :-
> 	varset__bind_vars(VS1, S, VS2).
> varset__lookup_vars(VS) = S :-
> 	varset__lookup_vars(VS, S).
> varset__get_bindings(VS) = S :-
> 	varset__get_bindings(VS, S).
> varset__set_bindings(VS1, S) = VS2 :-
> 	varset__set_bindings(VS1, S, VS2).
> varset__create_name_var_map(VS) = M :-
> 	varset__create_name_var_map(VS, M).
> varset__var_name_list(VS) = AL :-
> 	varset__var_name_list(VS, AL).
> varset__ensure_unique_names(Vs, S1, VS1) = VS2 :-
> 	varset__ensure_unique_names(Vs, S1, VS1, VS2).
> varset__select(VS1, S) = VS2 :-
> 	varset__select(VS1, S, VS2).
> varset__coerce(VS1) = VS2 :-
> 	varset__coerce(VS1, VS2).
-------------- next part --------------
> % Ralph Becket <rwab1 at cl.cam.ac.uk> 30/04/99
> %       Function forms added.
> :- interface.
> :- func tree234__init = tree234(K, V).
> :- func tree234__lookup(tree234(K, V), K) = V.
> :- func tree234__set(tree234(K, V), K, V) = tree234(K, V).
> :- func tree234__delete(tree234(K, V), K) = tree234(K, V).
> :- func tree234__keys(tree234(K, V)) = list(K).
> :- func tree234__values(tree234(K, V)) = list(V).
> :- func tree234__count(tree234(K, V)) = int.
> :- func tree234__assoc_list_to_tree234(assoc_list(K, V)) = tree234(K, V).
> :- func tree234__tree234_to_assoc_list(tree234(K, V)) = assoc_list(K, V).
> :- func tree234__foldl(func(K, V, T) = T, tree234(K, V), T) = T.
> :- func tree234__map_values(func(K, V) = W, tree234(K, V)) = tree234(K, W).
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> :- implementation.
> tree234__init = T :-
> 	tree234__init(T).
> tree234__lookup(T, K) = V :-
> 	tree234__lookup(T, K, V).
> tree234__set(T1, K, V) = T2 :-
> 	tree234__set(T1, K, V, T2).
> tree234__delete(T1, K) = T2 :-
> 	tree234__delete(T1, K, T2).
> tree234__keys(T) = Ks :-
> 	tree234__keys(T, Ks).
> tree234__values(T) = Vs :-
> 	tree234__values(T, Vs).
> tree234__count(T) = N :-
> 	tree234__count(T, N).
> tree234__assoc_list_to_tree234(AL) = T :-
> 	tree234__assoc_list_to_tree234(AL, T).
> tree234__tree234_to_assoc_list(T) = AL :-
> 	tree234__tree234_to_assoc_list(T, AL).
> tree234__foldl(F, T, A) = B :-
> 	P = ( pred(W::in, X::in, Y::in, Z::out) is det :- Z = F(W, X, Y) ),
> 	tree234__foldl(P, T, A, B).
> tree234__map_values(F, T1) = T2 :-
> 	P = ( pred(X::in, Y::in, Z::out) is det :- Z = F(X, Y) ),
> 	tree234__map_values(P, T1, T2).
-------------- next part --------------
> % Ralph Becket <rwab1 at cl.cam.ac.uk> 30/04/99
> % 	Function forms added.
> :- interface.
> :- func relation__init = relation(T).
> :- func relation__lookup_element(relation(T), T) = relation_key.
> :- func relation__lookup_key(relation(T), relation_key) = T.
> :- func relation__add(relation(T), relation_key, relation_key) = relation(T).
> :- func relation__add_values(relation(T), T, T) = relation(T).
> :- func relation__add_assoc_list(relation(T), assoc_list(relation_key, relation_key)) = relation(T).
> :- func relation__remove(relation(T), relation_key, relation_key) = relation(T).
> :- func relation__remove_assoc_list(relation(T), assoc_list(relation_key, relation_key)) = relation(T).
> :- func relation__lookup_from(relation(T), relation_key) = set(relation_key).
> :- func relation__lookup_to(relation(T), relation_key) = set(relation_key).
> :- func relation__to_assoc_list(relation(T)) = assoc_list(T, T).
> :- func relation__to_key_assoc_list(relation(T)) = assoc_list(relation_key, relation_key).
> :- func relation__from_assoc_list(assoc_list(T, T)) = relation(T).
> :- func relation__domain(relation(T)) = set(T).
> :- func relation__inverse(relation(T)) = relation(T).
> :- func relation__compose(relation(T), relation(T)) = relation(T).
> :- func relation__dfs(relation(T), relation_key) = list(relation_key).
> :- func relation__dfsrev(relation(T), relation_key) = list(relation_key).
> :- func relation__dfs(relation(T)) = list(relation_key).
> :- func relation__dfsrev(relation(T)) = list(relation_key).
> :- func relation__components(relation(T)) = set(set(relation_key)).
> :- func relation__cliques(relation(T)) = set(set(relation_key)).
> :- func relation__reduced(relation(T)) = relation(set(T)).
> :- func relation__atsort(relation(T)) = list(set(T)).
> :- func relation__sc(relation(T)) = relation(T).
> :- func relation__tc(relation(T)) = relation(T).
> :- func relation__rtc(relation(T)) = relation(T).
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> :- implementation.
> relation__init = R :-
> 	relation__init(R).
> relation__lookup_element(R, X) = K :-
> 	relation__lookup_element(R, X, K).
> relation__lookup_key(R, K) = X :-
> 	relation__lookup_key(R, K, X).
> relation__add(R1, K1, K2) = R2 :-
> 	relation__add(R1, K1, K2, R2).
> relation__add_values(R1, X, Y) = R2 :-
> 	relation__add_values(R1, X, Y, R2).
> relation__add_assoc_list(R1, AL) = R2 :-
> 	relation__add_assoc_list(R1, AL, R2).
> relation__remove(R1, K1, K2) = R2 :-
> 	relation__remove(R1, K1, K2, R2).
> relation__remove_assoc_list(R1, AL) = R2 :-
> 	relation__remove_assoc_list(R1, AL, R2).
> relation__lookup_from(R, K) = S :-
> 	relation__lookup_from(R, K, S).
> relation__lookup_to(R, K) = S :-
> 	relation__lookup_to(R, K, S).
> relation__to_assoc_list(R) = AL :-
> 	relation__to_assoc_list(R, AL).
> relation__to_key_assoc_list(R) = AL :-
> 	relation__to_key_assoc_list(R, AL).
> relation__from_assoc_list(AL) = R :-
> 	relation__from_assoc_list(AL, R).
> relation__domain(R) = S :-
> 	relation__domain(R, S).
> relation__inverse(R1) = R2 :-
> 	relation__inverse(R1, R2).
> relation__compose(R1, R2) = R3 :-
> 	relation__compose(R1, R2, R3).
> relation__dfs(R, K) = Ks :-
> 	relation__dfs(R, K, Ks).
> relation__dfsrev(R, K) = Ks :-
> 	relation__dfsrev(R, K, Ks).
> relation__dfs(R) = Ks :-
> 	relation__dfs(R, Ks).
> relation__dfsrev(R) = Ks :-
> 	relation__dfsrev(R, Ks).
> relation__components(R) = KSS :-
> 	relation__components(R, KSS).
> relation__cliques(R) = KSS :-
> 	relation__cliques(R, KSS).
> relation__reduced(R1) = R2 :-
> 	relation__reduced(R1, R2).
> relation__atsort(R) = Ss :-
> 	relation__atsort(R, Ss).
> relation__sc(R1) = R2 :-
> 	relation__sc(R1, R2).
> relation__tc(R1) = R2 :-
> 	relation__tc(R1, R2).
> relation__rtc(R1) = R2 :-
> 	relation__rtc(R1, R2).
-------------- next part --------------
> % Ralph Becket <rwab1 at cam.sri.com> 24/04/99
> %	Function forms added.
> % Ralph Becket <rwab1 at cam.sri.com> 24/04/99
> %	Function forms added.
> :- interface.
> :- func set__list_to_set(list(T)) = set(T).
> :- func set__sorted_list_to_set(list(T)) = set(T).
> :- func set__to_sorted_list(set(T)) = list(T).
> :- func set__init = set(T).
> :- func set__make_singleton_set(T) = set(T).
> :- func set__insert(set(T), T) = set(T).
> :- func set__insert_list(set(T), list(T)) = set(T).
> :- func set__delete(set(T), T) = set(T).
> :- func set__delete_list(set(T), list(T)) = set(T).
> :- func set__union(set(T), set(T)) = set(T).
> :- func set__power_union(set(set(T))) = set(T).
> :- func set__intersect(set(T), set(T)) = set(T).
> :- func set__power_intersect(set(set(T))) = set(T).
> :- func set__difference(set(T), set(T)) = set(T).
> :- func set__count(set(T)) = int.
> :- func set__map(func(T1) = T2, set(T1)) = set(T2).
> :- func set__filter_map(func(T1) = T2, set(T1)) = set(T2).
> :- mode set__filter_map(func(in) = out is semidet, in) = out is det.
> :- func set__fold(func(T1, T2) = T2, set(T1), T2) = T2.
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> :- implementation.
> set__list_to_set(Xs) = S :-
> 	set__list_to_set(Xs, S).
> set__sorted_list_to_set(Xs) = S :-
> 	set__sorted_list_to_set(Xs, S).
> set__to_sorted_list(S) = Xs :-
> 	set__to_sorted_list(S, Xs).
> set__init = S :-
> 	set__init(S).
> set__make_singleton_set(T) = S :-
> 	set__singleton_set(S, T).
> set__insert(S1, T) = S2 :-
> 	set__insert(S1, T, S2).
> set__insert_list(S1, Xs) = S2 :-
> 	set__insert_list(S1, Xs, S2).
> set__delete(S1, T) = S2 :-
> 	set__delete(S1, T, S2).
> set__delete_list(S1, Xs) = S2 :-
> 	set__delete_list(S1, Xs, S2).
> set__union(S1, S2) = S3 :-
> 	set__union(S1, S2, S3).
> set__power_union(SS) = S :-
> 	set__power_union(SS, S).
> set__intersect(S1, S2) = S3 :-
> 	set__intersect(S1, S2, S3).
> set__power_intersect(SS) = S :-
> 	set__power_intersect(SS, S).
> set__difference(S1, S2) = S3 :-
> 	set__difference(S1, S2, S3).
> set__count(S) = N :-
> 	set__count(S, N).
> set__map(F, S1) = S2 :-
> 	S2 = set__list_to_set(list__map(F, set__to_sorted_list(S1))).
> set__filter_map(PF, S1) = S2 :-
> 	S2 = set__list_to_set(list__filter_map(PF, set__to_sorted_list(S1))).
> set__fold(F, S, A) = B :-
> 	B = list__foldl(F, set__to_sorted_list(S), A).
-------------- next part --------------
< %------------------------------------------------------------------------------%
< %------------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> %--------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> %--------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> % Ralph Becket <rwab1 at cam.sri.com> 24/04/99
> %	Function forms added.
> :- interface.
> :- func set_bbbtree__list_to_set(list(T)) = set_bbbtree(T).
> :- func set_bbbtree__sorted_list_to_set(list(T)) = set_bbbtree(T).
> :- func set_bbbtree__to_sorted_list(set_bbbtree(T)) = list(T).
> :- func set_bbbtree__init = set_bbbtree(T).
> :- func set_bbbtree__make_singleton_set(T) = set_bbbtree(T).
> :- func set_bbbtree__insert(set_bbbtree(T), T) = set_bbbtree(T).
> :- func set_bbbtree__insert_list(set_bbbtree(T), list(T)) = set_bbbtree(T).
> :- func set_bbbtree__delete(set_bbbtree(T), T) = set_bbbtree(T).
> :- func set_bbbtree__delete_list(set_bbbtree(T), list(T)) = set_bbbtree(T).
> :- func set_bbbtree__union(set_bbbtree(T), set_bbbtree(T)) = set_bbbtree(T).
> :- func set_bbbtree__power_union(set_bbbtree(set_bbbtree(T))) = set_bbbtree(T).
> :- func set_bbbtree__intersect(set_bbbtree(T), set_bbbtree(T)) = set_bbbtree(T).
> :- func set_bbbtree__power_intersect(set_bbbtree(set_bbbtree(T))) = set_bbbtree(T).
> :- func set_bbbtree__difference(set_bbbtree(T), set_bbbtree(T)) = set_bbbtree(T).
> :- func set_bbbtree__map(func(T1) = T2, set_bbbtree(T1)) = set_bbbtree(T2).
> :- func set_bbbtree__filter_map(func(T1) = T2, set_bbbtree(T1)) = set_bbbtree(T2).
> :- mode set_bbbtree__filter_map(func(in) = out is semidet, in) = out is det.
> :- func set_bbbtree__fold(func(T1, T2) = T2, set_bbbtree(T1), T2) = T2.
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> :- implementation.
> set_bbbtree__list_to_set(Xs) = S :-
> 	set_bbbtree__list_to_set(Xs, S).
> set_bbbtree__sorted_list_to_set(Xs) = S :-
> 	set_bbbtree__sorted_list_to_set(Xs, S).
> set_bbbtree__to_sorted_list(S) = Xs :-
> 	set_bbbtree__to_sorted_list(S, Xs).
> set_bbbtree__init = S :-
> 	set_bbbtree__init(S).
> set_bbbtree__make_singleton_set(T) = S :-
> 	set_bbbtree__singleton_set(S, T).
> set_bbbtree__insert(S1, T) = S2 :-
> 	set_bbbtree__insert(S1, T, S2).
> set_bbbtree__insert_list(S1, Xs) = S2 :-
> 	set_bbbtree__insert_list(S1, Xs, S2).
> set_bbbtree__delete(S1, T) = S2 :-
> 	set_bbbtree__delete(S1, T, S2).
> set_bbbtree__delete_list(S1, Xs) = S2 :-
> 	set_bbbtree__delete_list(S1, Xs, S2).
> set_bbbtree__union(S1, S2) = S3 :-
> 	set_bbbtree__union(S1, S2, S3).
> set_bbbtree__power_union(SS) = S :-
> 	set_bbbtree__power_union(SS, S).
> set_bbbtree__intersect(S1, S2) = S3 :-
> 	set_bbbtree__intersect(S1, S2, S3).
> set_bbbtree__power_intersect(SS) = S :-
> 	set_bbbtree__power_intersect(SS, S).
> set_bbbtree__difference(S1, S2) = S3 :-
> 	set_bbbtree__difference(S1, S2, S3).
> set_bbbtree__map(F, S1) = S2 :-
> 	S2 = set_bbbtree__list_to_set(list__map(F, set_bbbtree__to_sorted_list(S1))).
> set_bbbtree__filter_map(PF, S1) = S2 :-
> 	S2 = set_bbbtree__list_to_set(list__filter_map(PF, set_bbbtree__to_sorted_list(S1))).
> set_bbbtree__fold(F, S, A) = B :-
> 	B = list__foldl(F, set_bbbtree__to_sorted_list(S), A).
-------------- next part --------------
> %--------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> % Ralph Becket <rwab1 at cam.sri.com> 24/04/99
> %	Function forms added.
> :- interface.
> :- func set_ordlist__list_to_set(list(T)) = set_ordlist(T).
> :- func set_ordlist__sorted_list_to_set(list(T)) = set_ordlist(T).
> :- func set_ordlist__to_sorted_list(set_ordlist(T)) = list(T).
> :- func set_ordlist__init = set_ordlist(T).
> :- func set_ordlist__make_singleton_set(T) = set_ordlist(T).
> :- func set_ordlist__insert(set_ordlist(T), T) = set_ordlist(T).
> :- func set_ordlist__insert_list(set_ordlist(T), list(T)) = set_ordlist(T).
> :- func set_ordlist__delete(set_ordlist(T), T) = set_ordlist(T).
> :- func set_ordlist__delete_list(set_ordlist(T), list(T)) = set_ordlist(T).
> :- func set_ordlist__union(set_ordlist(T), set_ordlist(T)) = set_ordlist(T).
> :- func set_ordlist__power_union(set_ordlist(set_ordlist(T))) = set_ordlist(T).
> :- func set_ordlist__intersect(set_ordlist(T), set_ordlist(T)) = set_ordlist(T).
> :- func set_ordlist__power_intersect(set_ordlist(set_ordlist(T))) = set_ordlist(T).
> :- func set_ordlist__difference(set_ordlist(T), set_ordlist(T)) = set_ordlist(T).
> :- func set_ordlist__count(set_ordlist(T)) = int.
> :- func set_ordlist__map(func(T1) = T2, set_ordlist(T1)) = set_ordlist(T2).
> :- func set_ordlist__filter_map(func(T1) = T2, set_ordlist(T1)) = set_ordlist(T2).
> :- mode set_ordlist__filter_map(func(in) = out is semidet, in) = out is det.
> :- func set_ordlist__fold(func(T1, T2) = T2, set_ordlist(T1), T2) = T2.
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> :- implementation.
> set_ordlist__list_to_set(Xs) = S :-
> 	set_ordlist__list_to_set(Xs, S).
> set_ordlist__sorted_list_to_set(Xs) = S :-
> 	set_ordlist__sorted_list_to_set(Xs, S).
> set_ordlist__to_sorted_list(S) = Xs :-
> 	set_ordlist__to_sorted_list(S, Xs).
> set_ordlist__init = S :-
> 	set_ordlist__init(S).
> set_ordlist__make_singleton_set(T) = S :-
> 	set_ordlist__singleton_set(S, T).
> set_ordlist__insert(S1, T) = S2 :-
> 	set_ordlist__insert(S1, T, S2).
> set_ordlist__insert_list(S1, Xs) = S2 :-
> 	set_ordlist__insert_list(S1, Xs, S2).
> set_ordlist__delete(S1, T) = S2 :-
> 	set_ordlist__delete(S1, T, S2).
> set_ordlist__delete_list(S1, Xs) = S2 :-
> 	set_ordlist__delete_list(S1, Xs, S2).
> set_ordlist__union(S1, S2) = S3 :-
> 	set_ordlist__union(S1, S2, S3).
> set_ordlist__power_union(SS) = S :-
> 	set_ordlist__power_union(SS, S).
> set_ordlist__intersect(S1, S2) = S3 :-
> 	set_ordlist__intersect(S1, S2, S3).
> set_ordlist__power_intersect(SS) = S :-
> 	set_ordlist__power_intersect(SS, S).
> set_ordlist__difference(S1, S2) = S3 :-
> 	set_ordlist__difference(S1, S2, S3).
> set_ordlist__count(S) = N :-
> 	set_ordlist__count(S, N).
> set_ordlist__map(F, S1) = S2 :-
> 	S2 = set_ordlist__list_to_set(list__map(F, set_ordlist__to_sorted_list(S1))).
> set_ordlist__filter_map(PF, S1) = S2 :-
> 	S2 = set_ordlist__list_to_set(list__filter_map(PF, set_ordlist__to_sorted_list(S1))).
> set_ordlist__fold(F, S, A) = B :-
> 	B = list__foldl(F, set_ordlist__to_sorted_list(S), A).
-------------- next part --------------
> %--------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> % Ralph Becket <rwab1 at cam.sri.com> 24/04/99
> %	Function forms added.
> :- interface.
> :- func set_unordlist__list_to_set(list(T)) = set_unordlist(T).
> :- func set_unordlist__sorted_list_to_set(list(T)) = set_unordlist(T).
> :- func set_unordlist__to_sorted_list(set_unordlist(T)) = list(T).
> :- func set_unordlist__init = set_unordlist(T).
> :- func set_unordlist__make_singleton_set(T) = set_unordlist(T).
> :- func set_unordlist__insert(set_unordlist(T), T) = set_unordlist(T).
> :- func set_unordlist__insert_list(set_unordlist(T), list(T)) = set_unordlist(T).
> :- func set_unordlist__delete(set_unordlist(T), T) = set_unordlist(T).
> :- func set_unordlist__delete_list(set_unordlist(T), list(T)) = set_unordlist(T).
> :- func set_unordlist__union(set_unordlist(T), set_unordlist(T)) = set_unordlist(T).
> :- func set_unordlist__power_union(set_unordlist(set_unordlist(T))) = set_unordlist(T).
> :- func set_unordlist__intersect(set_unordlist(T), set_unordlist(T)) = set_unordlist(T).
> :- func set_unordlist__power_intersect(set_unordlist(set_unordlist(T))) = set_unordlist(T).
> :- func set_unordlist__difference(set_unordlist(T), set_unordlist(T)) = set_unordlist(T).
> :- func set_unordlist__map(func(T1) = T2, set_unordlist(T1)) = set_unordlist(T2).
> :- func set_unordlist__filter_map(func(T1) = T2, set_unordlist(T1)) = set_unordlist(T2).
> :- mode set_unordlist__filter_map(func(in) = out is semidet, in) = out is det.
> :- func set_unordlist__fold(func(T1, T2) = T2, set_unordlist(T1), T2) = T2.
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
> :- implementation.
> set_unordlist__list_to_set(Xs) = S :-
> 	set_unordlist__list_to_set(Xs, S).
> set_unordlist__sorted_list_to_set(Xs) = S :-
> 	set_unordlist__sorted_list_to_set(Xs, S).
> set_unordlist__to_sorted_list(S) = Xs :-
> 	set_unordlist__to_sorted_list(S, Xs).
> set_unordlist__init = S :-
> 	set_unordlist__init(S).
> set_unordlist__make_singleton_set(T) = S :-
> 	set_unordlist__singleton_set(S, T).
> set_unordlist__insert(S1, T) = S2 :-
> 	set_unordlist__insert(S1, T, S2).
> set_unordlist__insert_list(S1, Xs) = S2 :-
> 	set_unordlist__insert_list(S1, Xs, S2).
> set_unordlist__delete(S1, T) = S2 :-
> 	set_unordlist__delete(S1, T, S2).
> set_unordlist__delete_list(S1, Xs) = S2 :-
> 	set_unordlist__delete_list(S1, Xs, S2).
> set_unordlist__union(S1, S2) = S3 :-
> 	set_unordlist__union(S1, S2, S3).
> set_unordlist__power_union(SS) = S :-
> 	set_unordlist__power_union(SS, S).
> set_unordlist__intersect(S1, S2) = S3 :-
> 	set_unordlist__intersect(S1, S2, S3).
> set_unordlist__power_intersect(SS) = S :-
> 	set_unordlist__power_intersect(SS, S).
> set_unordlist__difference(S1, S2) = S3 :-
> 	set_unordlist__difference(S1, S2, S3).
> set_unordlist__map(F, S1) = S2 :-
> 	S2 = set_unordlist__list_to_set(list__map(F, set_unordlist__to_sorted_list(S1))).
> set_unordlist__filter_map(PF, S1) = S2 :-
> 	S2 = set_unordlist__list_to_set(list__filter_map(PF, set_unordlist__to_sorted_list(S1))).
> set_unordlist__fold(F, S, A) = B :-
> 	B = list__foldl(F, set_unordlist__to_sorted_list(S), A).

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