[m-dev.] Re: trivial diff: scripts/parse_grade_options.sh-subr bug fix

Thomas Charles CONWAY conway at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Tue Sep 22 09:05:47 AEST 1998

Fergus Henderson, you write:
> The other issue is that I'm not sure what the right behaviour should be
> in the case of multiple grade options: if you do `mmc --grade tr --grade fast'
> should this give you grade `fast.tr' or just grade `fast'?
> The documentation is not entirely clear on this issue.
> I think the right answer is probably that the last `--grade' option
> should completely override any previous `--grade' options.
> Tom, could you please fix this one?

One question first:
If I give `--use-trail --grade fast' what should the result be? Should a
--grade option reset all the grade related options? Is this desirable?

Thomas Conway <conway at cs.mu.oz.au>
Nail here [] for new monitor.  )O+

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