[m-dev.] Automatic generation of map, foldr, foldl
Peter Schachte
pets at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Mon Sep 21 15:59:17 AEST 1998
On Mon, Sep 21, 1998 at 02:25:28PM +1000, Fergus Henderson wrote:
> On 09-Sep-1998, Peter Schachte <pets at cs.mu.OZ.AU> wrote:
> > One thought, though. One way of abstracting part of what all of these
> > predicates do is with the concept of an "iterator" (I know, I know,
> > this word brings to mind horrible images of C++, but it's a pretty
> > good description). I guess it's best to think of iterator as a family
> > of type classes iterator_n(T,CT,IT) where T is a type (or a tuple of
> > types somehow?), CT is a collection of T, and IT is an iterator for
> > that collection. Instances of iterator1 provide these predicates and
> > functions:
> >
> > :- func iterator(CT::in) = IT::out is det.
> > :- pred next(IT::in, IT::out, T::out) is semidet.
> ...
> > Anyway, given just this, you can write a lot of the sorts of
> > higher-order predicates you're talking about generating once, and put
> > them in the library. Eg, member is
> >
> > :- pred member(T::out, CT::in) is nondet <= iterator1(T,CT,IT).
> That won't work; you're not allowed to put constraints on type
> variables such as `IT' which don't occur in the predicate's
> arguments.
Yup, I pushed it too far; I forgot to reply to my own message to
correct this. Instead of what I was suggesting earlier, I now suggest
a family of typeclasses iterator_n(T1,... Tn, IT) indicating that IT
is an iterator of types T1 to Tn. This promises only the operations
:- pred next(IT::in, IT::out, T1::out, ... Tn::out) is semidet.
:- pred finished(IT::in) is semidet.
Then a generalized member/2 could be defined as
:- predicate member(T, IT) <= iterator(IT, T).
member(E, It) :-
next(It, It1, E1),
( E1 = E
; member(E, It1)
and called as
member(E, iterator(L))
:- func iterator(list(T)) = list(T)
iterator(L) = L.
:- instance iterator1(list(T), T).
next([H|T], T, H).
:- type int_range ---> int - int.
:- instance iterator1(int_range, int).
next(Low-High, Low, Low+1..High) :- Low =< High.
finished(Low-High) :- High = Low-1.
:- type tree(T) ---> leaf ; tree(tree(T), T, tree(T)).
:- type tree_inorder(T) --->
( empty
; down(tree(T), tree_inorder(T))
; up(tree(T), tree_inorder(T))
:- func inorder(tree(T)) = tree_inorder(T)
inorder(T) = down(T, empty).
:- instance iterator1(tree_inorder(T), T).
next(down(leaf, Stack0), E, Stack) :-
next(Stack0, E, Stack).
next(down(tree(L,E,R), Stack0), E1, Stack) :-
next(down(L, up(tree(L,E,R), Stack0)), E1, Stack).
next(up(tree(_,E,R), Stack), E, down(R, Stack)).
and map/3 could be defined as:
:- pred map(pred(T1,T2), IT) <= iterator2(IT, T1, T2).
map(P, It) :-
( next(It, It1, X1, X2) ->
P(X1, X2),
map(P, It1)
; finished(It)
and invoked as
map(pred(X,X+1), iterator(List,Successors))
(assuming pred(X,X+1) is the right syntax), where
:- func iterator(list(T1), list(T2)) = pair(list(T1), list(T2)).
iterator(L1, L2) = L1-L2
:- instance iterator2(pair(list(T1), list(T2)), T1, T2).
next([H1|T1]-[H2|T2], T1-T2, H1, H2).
I wonder if deforestation is smart enough to remove the unnecessary
construction of iterator data structures?
The interesting bit comes in when you make an iterator that is a pair
of other iterators, so both length and iota (a la apl) can be defined
as a simple operation over a pair of a list and integer range
iterator. You need the concept of accumulators to handle folding, but
they can be defined, too. Also, a nicer syntax, perhaps some sort of
`forall' syntax, would make this a lot more pleasant.
I'll leave the discussion of these points to another message.
Peter Schachte | The question of whether a computer can think
mailto:pets at cs.mu.OZ.AU | is no more interesting than the question of
http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~pets/ | whether a submarine can swim.
PGP: finger pets at | -- E. W. Dijkstra
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