for review: performance enhancement in store_alloc.m

Zoltan Somogyi zs at
Tue Mar 31 19:15:07 AEST 1998

Tom, please review this.

Estimated hours taken: 2

	When deciding where to put the known variables at the end of a branched
	control structure, and looking at a variable not in the follow-vars
	set, prefer putting the variable into its stack slot instead of a
	free register. The semantics of the follow-vars set says that this
	variable likely won't be used before the next call. Even if follow-vars
	is not turned on, prefer putting variables in their stack slots
	to putting them in non-real registers.

This change improves performance at -O2 by about 2%, from

53.367u 0.757s 0:56.68 95.4%	6+307k 82+102io 75pf+0w
53.279u 0.732s 0:54.74 98.6%	6+307k 2+102io 0pf+0w
53.272u 0.751s 0:54.78 98.6%	6+307k 2+102io 0pf+0w
53.622u 0.732s 0:55.24 98.3%	6+307k 2+103io 0pf+0w


52.634u 0.878s 0:59.96 89.2%	6+305k 563+97io 351pf+0w
52.222u 0.795s 0:54.16 97.8%	6+305k 88+97io 0pf+0w
52.263u 0.823s 0:54.20 97.9%	6+304k 2+97io 0pf+0w
52.251u 0.805s 0:53.87 98.4%	6+304k 2+98io 0pf+0w

when compiling make_hlds.m (the second set of numbers includes the extra cost
of the algorithm change itself).

It also reduces code size by about 4%, from

4317184 802816  90400   5210400 4f8120


4136960 802816  90688   5030464 4cc240

Full jump optimization and value numbering together can improve the code
in a similar way, but this is a much, much cheaper way of doing it.


The only real changes are in the top predicate and store_alloc_allocate_extras; 
all the other changes are just threading the necessary information from
the former to the latter.

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Index: compiler/store_alloc.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/store_alloc.m,v
retrieving revision 1.60
diff -u -u -r1.60 store_alloc.m
--- store_alloc.m	1998/03/24 00:06:59	1.60
+++ store_alloc.m	1998/03/31 09:08:10
@@ -41,6 +41,14 @@
 :- import_module list, map, set, std_util, assoc_list.
 :- import_module bool, int, require, term.
+:- type stack_slot_info
+	--->	stack_slot_info(
+			bool,		% was follow_vars run?
+			int,		% the number of real r regs
+			stack_slots	% maps each var to its stack slot
+					% (if it has one)
+		).
 store_alloc_in_proc(ProcInfo0, ModuleInfo, ProcInfo) :-
@@ -61,17 +69,22 @@
 	initial_liveness(ProcInfo0, ModuleInfo, Liveness0),
-	store_alloc_in_goal(Goal2, Liveness0, ResumeVars0, ModuleInfo, Goal, _),
+	globals__lookup_int_option(Globals, num_real_r_regs, NumRealRRegs),
+	proc_info_stack_slots(ProcInfo0, StackSlots),
+	StackSlotsInfo = stack_slot_info(ApplyFollowVars, NumRealRRegs,
+		StackSlots),
+	store_alloc_in_goal(Goal2, Liveness0, ResumeVars0, ModuleInfo,
+		StackSlotsInfo, Goal, _),
 	proc_info_set_goal(ProcInfo0, Goal, ProcInfo).
 :- pred store_alloc_in_goal(hlds_goal, liveness_info, set(var), module_info,
-	hlds_goal, liveness_info).
-:- mode store_alloc_in_goal(in, in, in, in, out, out) is det.
+	stack_slot_info, hlds_goal, liveness_info).
+:- mode store_alloc_in_goal(in, in, in, in, in, out, out) is det.
 store_alloc_in_goal(Goal0 - GoalInfo0, Liveness0, ResumeVars0, ModuleInfo,
-		Goal - GoalInfo0, Liveness) :-
+		StackSlotInfo, Goal - GoalInfo0, Liveness) :-
 	% note: we must be careful to apply deaths before births
 	goal_info_get_pre_deaths(GoalInfo0, PreDeaths),
 	goal_info_get_pre_births(GoalInfo0, PreBirths),
@@ -81,7 +94,7 @@
 	set__difference(Liveness0,  PreDeaths, Liveness1),
 	set__union(Liveness1, PreBirths, Liveness2),
 	store_alloc_in_goal_2(Goal0, Liveness2, ResumeVars0, ModuleInfo,
-		Goal1, Liveness3),
+		StackSlotInfo, Goal1, Liveness3),
 	set__difference(Liveness3, PostDeaths, Liveness4),
 	% If any variables magically become live in the PostBirths,
 	% then they have to mundanely become live in a parallel goal,
@@ -95,21 +108,24 @@
 		set__union(Liveness4, ResumeVars0, MappedSet),
 		set__to_sorted_list(MappedSet, MappedVars),
-		store_alloc_allocate_storage(MappedVars, FollowVars, StoreMap),
+		store_alloc_allocate_storage(MappedVars, FollowVars,
+			StackSlotInfo, StoreMap),
 		Goal = switch(Var, CanFail, Cases, StoreMap)
 		Goal1 = if_then_else(Vars, Cond, Then, Else, FollowVars)
 		set__union(Liveness4, ResumeVars0, MappedSet),
 		set__to_sorted_list(MappedSet, MappedVars),
-		store_alloc_allocate_storage(MappedVars, FollowVars, StoreMap),
+		store_alloc_allocate_storage(MappedVars, FollowVars,
+			StackSlotInfo, StoreMap),
 		Goal = if_then_else(Vars, Cond, Then, Else, StoreMap)
 		Goal1 = disj(Disjuncts, FollowVars)
 		set__union(Liveness4, ResumeVars0, MappedSet),
 		set__to_sorted_list(MappedSet, MappedVars),
-		store_alloc_allocate_storage(MappedVars, FollowVars, StoreMap),
+		store_alloc_allocate_storage(MappedVars, FollowVars,
+			StackSlotInfo, StoreMap),
 		Goal = disj(Disjuncts, StoreMap)
 		Goal = Goal1
@@ -120,74 +136,75 @@
 	% Here we process each of the different sorts of goals.
 :- pred store_alloc_in_goal_2(hlds_goal_expr, liveness_info,
-	set(var), module_info, hlds_goal_expr, liveness_info).
-:- mode store_alloc_in_goal_2(in, in, in, in, out, out) is det.
+	set(var), module_info, stack_slot_info, hlds_goal_expr, liveness_info).
+:- mode store_alloc_in_goal_2(in, in, in, in, in, out, out) is det.
 store_alloc_in_goal_2(conj(Goals0), Liveness0, ResumeVars0, ModuleInfo,
-		conj(Goals), Liveness) :-
+		StackSlotInfo, conj(Goals), Liveness) :-
 	store_alloc_in_conj(Goals0, Liveness0, ResumeVars0, ModuleInfo,
-		Goals, Liveness).
+		StackSlotInfo, Goals, Liveness).
 store_alloc_in_goal_2(disj(Goals0, FV), Liveness0, ResumeVars0, ModuleInfo,
-		disj(Goals, FV), Liveness) :-
+		StackSlotInfo, disj(Goals, FV), Liveness) :-
 	store_alloc_in_disj(Goals0, Liveness0, ResumeVars0, ModuleInfo,
-		Goals, Liveness).
+		StackSlotInfo, Goals, Liveness).
 store_alloc_in_goal_2(not(Goal0), Liveness0, _ResumeVars0, ModuleInfo,
-		not(Goal), Liveness) :-
+		StackSlotInfo, not(Goal), Liveness) :-
 	Goal0 = _ - GoalInfo0,
 	goal_info_get_resume_point(GoalInfo0, ResumeNot),
 	goal_info_resume_vars_and_loc(ResumeNot, ResumeNotVars, _),
 	store_alloc_in_goal(Goal0, Liveness0, ResumeNotVars, ModuleInfo,
-		Goal, Liveness).
+		StackSlotInfo, Goal, Liveness).
 store_alloc_in_goal_2(switch(Var, Det, Cases0, FV), Liveness0, ResumeVars0,
-		ModuleInfo, switch(Var, Det, Cases, FV), Liveness) :-
+		ModuleInfo, StackSlotInfo,
+		switch(Var, Det, Cases, FV), Liveness) :-
 	store_alloc_in_cases(Cases0, Liveness0, ResumeVars0, ModuleInfo,
-		Cases, Liveness).
+		StackSlotInfo, Cases, Liveness).
 store_alloc_in_goal_2(if_then_else(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0, FV),
-		Liveness0, ResumeVars0, ModuleInfo,
+		Liveness0, ResumeVars0, ModuleInfo, StackSlotInfo,
 		if_then_else(Vars, Cond, Then, Else, FV), Liveness) :-
 	Cond0 = _ - CondGoalInfo0,
 	goal_info_get_resume_point(CondGoalInfo0, ResumeCond),
 	goal_info_resume_vars_and_loc(ResumeCond, ResumeCondVars, _),
 	store_alloc_in_goal(Cond0, Liveness0, ResumeCondVars, ModuleInfo,
-		Cond, Liveness1),
+		StackSlotInfo, Cond, Liveness1),
 	store_alloc_in_goal(Then0, Liveness1, ResumeVars0, ModuleInfo,
-		Then, Liveness),
+		StackSlotInfo, Then, Liveness),
 	store_alloc_in_goal(Else0, Liveness0, ResumeVars0, ModuleInfo,
-		Else, _Liveness2).
+		StackSlotInfo, Else, _Liveness2).
 store_alloc_in_goal_2(some(Vars, Goal0), Liveness0, ResumeVars0, ModuleInfo,
-		some(Vars, Goal), Liveness) :-
+		StackSlotInfo, some(Vars, Goal), Liveness) :-
 	store_alloc_in_goal(Goal0, Liveness0, ResumeVars0, ModuleInfo,
-		Goal, Liveness).
+		StackSlotInfo, Goal, Liveness).
 store_alloc_in_goal_2(higher_order_call(A, B, C, D, E, F), Liveness, _, _,
-		higher_order_call(A, B, C, D, E, F), Liveness).
+		_, higher_order_call(A, B, C, D, E, F), Liveness).
 store_alloc_in_goal_2(class_method_call(A, B, C, D, E, F), Liveness, _, _,
-		class_method_call(A, B, C, D, E, F), Liveness).
+		_, class_method_call(A, B, C, D, E, F), Liveness).
 store_alloc_in_goal_2(call(A, B, C, D, E, F), Liveness, _, _,
-		call(A, B, C, D, E, F), Liveness).
+		_, call(A, B, C, D, E, F), Liveness).
 store_alloc_in_goal_2(unify(A,B,C,D,E), Liveness, _, _,
-		unify(A,B,C,D,E), Liveness).
+		_, unify(A,B,C,D,E), Liveness).
 store_alloc_in_goal_2(pragma_c_code(A, B, C, D, E, F, G), Liveness, _, _,
-		pragma_c_code(A, B, C, D, E, F, G), Liveness).
+		_, pragma_c_code(A, B, C, D, E, F, G), Liveness).
 :- pred store_alloc_in_conj(list(hlds_goal), liveness_info, set(var),
-		module_info, list(hlds_goal), liveness_info).
-:- mode store_alloc_in_conj(in, in, in, in, out, out) is det.
+	module_info, stack_slot_info, list(hlds_goal), liveness_info).
+:- mode store_alloc_in_conj(in, in, in, in, in, out, out) is det.
-store_alloc_in_conj([], Liveness, _R, _M, [], Liveness).
+store_alloc_in_conj([], Liveness, _, _, _, [], Liveness).
 store_alloc_in_conj([Goal0 | Goals0], Liveness0, ResumeVars0, ModuleInfo,
-		[Goal | Goals], Liveness) :-
+		StackSlotInfo, [Goal | Goals], Liveness) :-
 			% XXX should be threading the instmap
 		Goal0 = _ - GoalInfo,
@@ -195,24 +212,24 @@
 		store_alloc_in_goal(Goal0, Liveness0, ResumeVars0, ModuleInfo,
-			Goal, Liveness),
+			StackSlotInfo, Goal, Liveness),
 		Goals = Goals0
 		store_alloc_in_goal(Goal0, Liveness0, ResumeVars0, ModuleInfo,
-			Goal, Liveness1),
+			StackSlotInfo, Goal, Liveness1),
 		store_alloc_in_conj(Goals0, Liveness1, ResumeVars0, ModuleInfo,
-			Goals, Liveness)
+			StackSlotInfo, Goals, Liveness)
 :- pred store_alloc_in_disj(list(hlds_goal), liveness_info, set(var),
-	module_info, list(hlds_goal), liveness_info).
-:- mode store_alloc_in_disj(in, in, in, in, out, out) is det.
+	module_info, stack_slot_info, list(hlds_goal), liveness_info).
+:- mode store_alloc_in_disj(in, in, in, in, in, out, out) is det.
-store_alloc_in_disj([], Liveness, _ResumeVars0, _ModuleInfo, [], Liveness).
+store_alloc_in_disj([], Liveness, _, _, _, [], Liveness).
 store_alloc_in_disj([Goal0 | Goals0], Liveness0, ResumeVars0, ModuleInfo,
-		[Goal | Goals], Liveness) :-
+		StackSlotInfo, [Goal | Goals], Liveness) :-
 	Goal0 = _ - GoalInfo0,
 	goal_info_get_resume_point(GoalInfo0, ResumeGoal),
@@ -222,23 +239,24 @@
 		ResumeGoal = resume_point(ResumeGoalVars, _)
 	store_alloc_in_goal(Goal0, Liveness0, ResumeGoalVars, ModuleInfo,
-		Goal, Liveness),
+		StackSlotInfo, Goal, Liveness),
 	store_alloc_in_disj(Goals0, Liveness0, ResumeVars0, ModuleInfo,
-		Goals, _Liveness1).
+		StackSlotInfo, Goals, _Liveness1).
 :- pred store_alloc_in_cases(list(case), liveness_info, set(var),
-	module_info, list(case), liveness_info).
-:- mode store_alloc_in_cases(in, in, in, in, out, out) is det.
+	module_info, stack_slot_info, list(case), liveness_info).
+:- mode store_alloc_in_cases(in, in, in, in, in, out, out) is det.
-store_alloc_in_cases([], Liveness, _ResumeVars0, _ModuleInfo, [], Liveness).
+store_alloc_in_cases([], Liveness, _, _, _, [], Liveness).
 store_alloc_in_cases([case(Cons, Goal0) | Goals0], Liveness0, ResumeVars0,
-		ModuleInfo, [case(Cons, Goal) | Goals], Liveness) :-
+		ModuleInfo, StackSlotInfo,
+		[case(Cons, Goal) | Goals], Liveness) :-
 	store_alloc_in_goal(Goal0, Liveness0, ResumeVars0, ModuleInfo,
-		Goal, Liveness),
+		StackSlotInfo, Goal, Liveness),
 	store_alloc_in_cases(Goals0, Liveness0, ResumeVars0, ModuleInfo,
-		Goals, _Liveness1).
+		StackSlotInfo, Goals, _Liveness1).
@@ -256,10 +274,11 @@
 	% generate a store map that maps every live variable to its own
 	% real location.
-:- pred store_alloc_allocate_storage(list(var), follow_vars, store_map).
-:- mode store_alloc_allocate_storage(in, in, out) is det.
+:- pred store_alloc_allocate_storage(list(var), follow_vars, stack_slot_info,
+	store_map).
+:- mode store_alloc_allocate_storage(in, in, in, out) is det.
-store_alloc_allocate_storage(LiveVars, FollowVars, StoreMap) :-
+store_alloc_allocate_storage(LiveVars, FollowVars, StackSlotInfo, StoreMap) :-
 	% This addresses point 1
 	map__keys(FollowVars, FollowKeys),
@@ -272,7 +291,7 @@
 		SeenLvals0, SeenLvals, StoreMap0, StoreMap1),
 	% This addresses point 2
-	store_alloc_allocate_extras(LiveVars, N, SeenLvals,
+	store_alloc_allocate_extras(LiveVars, N, SeenLvals, StackSlotInfo,
 		StoreMap1, StoreMap).
 :- pred store_alloc_remove_nonlive(list(var), list(var), store_map, store_map).
@@ -314,23 +333,54 @@
 	store_alloc_handle_conflicts_and_nonreal(Vars, N1, N,
 		SeenLvals1, SeenLvals, StoreMap1, StoreMap).
-:- pred store_alloc_allocate_extras(list(var), int, set(lval),
+:- pred store_alloc_allocate_extras(list(var), int, set(lval), stack_slot_info,
 	store_map, store_map).
-:- mode store_alloc_allocate_extras(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+:- mode store_alloc_allocate_extras(in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
-store_alloc_allocate_extras([], _N, _SeenLvals, StoreMap, StoreMap).
-store_alloc_allocate_extras([Var | Vars], N0, SeenLvals0,
+store_alloc_allocate_extras([], _, _, _, StoreMap, StoreMap).
+store_alloc_allocate_extras([Var | Vars], N0, SeenLvals0, StackSlotInfo,
 		StoreMap0, StoreMap) :-
-	( map__contains(StoreMap0, Var) ->
+	(
+		map__contains(StoreMap0, Var)
+	->
+		% We have already allocated a slot for this variable.
 		N1 = N0,
 		StoreMap1 = StoreMap0,
 		SeenLvals1 = SeenLvals0
-		next_free_reg(N0, SeenLvals0, N1),
-		map__det_insert(StoreMap0, Var, reg(r, N1), StoreMap1),
-		set__insert(SeenLvals0, reg(r, N1), SeenLvals1)
+		% We have not yet allocated a slot for this variable,
+		% which means it is not in the follow vars (if any).
+		StackSlotInfo = stack_slot_info(FollowVars, NumRealRRegs,
+			StackSlots),
+		(
+			map__search(StackSlots, Var, StackSlot),
+			\+ set__member(StackSlot, SeenLvals0),
+			(
+				FollowVars = yes
+				% If follow_vars was run, then the only
+				% reason why a var would not be in the
+				% follow_vars set is if it was supposed to
+				% be in its stack slot.
+			;
+				FollowVars = no,
+				% If follow_vars was not run, then we
+				% prefer to put the variable in a register,
+				% provided it is a real register.
+				next_free_reg(N0, SeenLvals0, TentativeReg),
+				TentativeReg =< NumRealRRegs
+			)
+		->
+			Locn = StackSlot,
+			N1 = N0
+		;
+			next_free_reg(N0, SeenLvals0, N1),
+			Locn = reg(r, N1)
+		),
+		map__det_insert(StoreMap0, Var, Locn, StoreMap1),
+		set__insert(SeenLvals0, Locn, SeenLvals1)
-	store_alloc_allocate_extras(Vars, N1, SeenLvals1, StoreMap1, StoreMap).
+	store_alloc_allocate_extras(Vars, N1, SeenLvals1, StackSlotInfo,
+		StoreMap1, StoreMap).
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