diff: lpQ - new module for linear programming over Q
Vanessa Joy TEAGUE
vjteag at students.cs.mu.OZ.AU
Fri Mar 13 08:21:14 AEDT 1998
Hi Tom,
Could you review this please?
Estimated hours taken: 240
Add some functions to lp and change number representation to rationals.
Change the constraint solver so that it gives different
responses for inconsistent constraints and constraints for
which the objective function isn't bounded.
Add a predicate for Fourier-Motzkin elimination, which
projects a set of linear inequalities onto a subset of
the variables in the inequalities.
Add a predicate for calculating the convex hull of two
Add a test for whether a linear inequality is entailed
by a conjunction of other linear inequalities.
Add a widening predicate, which takes two polyhedra,
represented by sets of linear inequalities, and returns
the inequalities in the first polyhedron which are
entailed by the second.
Implement a rational number type, predicates for comparison
of rats, functions for arithmetic operations on rats and
simplification of rats using greatest common divisor.
% Copyright (C) 1997-1998 The University of Melbourne.
% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
% file: lpQ.m
% main author: conway, Oct 1997
% rewrite by vjteag, Feb 1998
% This module implements:
% A linear constraint solver that finds an optimal solution to a set of
% linear [in]equalities with respect to some objective function. It does
% this using the simplex method.
% The form of an [in]equation is
% a1.x1 + a2.x2 + ... + an.xn {=<,=,>=} b
% where all the numbers are rats, a variable xn may occur multiple
% times in an equation (or the objective function) - the solver simplifies
% all the inequations.
% By defaut, there is an additional constraint on each of the `xn's:
% xn >= 0
% If you want xn to take on any value, you can include it in the list
% of URS (UnRestricted in Sign) variables.
% The objective function is simply a weighted sum of the variables.
% The `x's are represented by `term__var's. The varset from which
% they are allocated is passed to the solver because it needs to
% introduce new variables as part of the solving algorithm.
% Fourier-Motzkin elimination, which takes a polyhedron represented by
% a list of inequations (represented in the same way as in the
% constraint solver) and projects it onto a subset of the variables
% contained in the inequations.
% A convex hull algorithm, which takes a list of polyhedrons (represented
% by lists of inequations), and computes the smallest convex set which is
% a superset of all of them.
% For details of the algorithm, see Benoy and King.
% A test for entailment of one constraint (a single inequality) by a
% conjunction of other inequalities (a polyhedron). This uses the constraint
% solver to find the point on the polyhedron closest to the boundary of the
% constraint, then checks whether it is on the correct side of the boundary.
% It assumes that all variables are non-negative.
% A widening algorithm, which takes two polyhedra and retains only the
% inequalities in the first polyhedron which are entailed by the second.
:- module lpQ.
:- interface.
:- import_module rat, list, map, std_util, term, varset.
:- type coeff == pair(var, rat).
:- type equation
---> eqn(list(coeff), operator, rat).
:- type operator
---> (=<) ; (=) ; (>=) .
:- type equations == list(equation).
:- type objective == list(coeff).
:- type direction
---> max ; min .
:- type lpQ__result
---> unbounded
; inconsistent
; satisfiable(rat, map(var, rat))
:- type vector ---> pair(map(var, rat), rat).
:- type matrix == list(vector).
% lp_solve(Inequations, MaxOrMin, Objective, Varset, URSVars,
% Result)
% maximize (or minimize - depending on `MaxOrMin') `Objective'
% subject to the constraints `Inequations'. The variables in
% the objective and inequations are from `Varset' which is passed
% so that the solver can allocate fresh variables as required.
% URSVars is the list of variable that are unrestricted in sign.
% lp_solve binds Result to `unbounded' if the the objective
% function is not bounded by the constraints, to 'inconsistent'
% if the given constraints are inconsistent, or to
% `satisfiable(ObjVal, MapFromObjVarsToVals)'.
:- pred lp_solve(equations, direction, objective, varset, list(var),
:- mode lp_solve(in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
:- pred project(equations, list(var), equations).
:- mode project(in, in, out) is det.
:- pred convex_hull(list(equations), equations, varset, varset).
:- mode convex_hull(in, out, in, out) is det.
:- pred widen(equations, equations, varset, equations).
:- mode widen(in, in, in, out) is det.
:- pred entailed(equation, equations, varset).
:- mode entailed(in, in, in) is semidet.
:- pred is_false(equation).
:- mode is_false(in) is semidet.
:- pred false_eqn(equation).
:- mode false_eqn(out) is det.
% Exported for testing purposes.
:- pred eqns_to_vectors(equations, list(vector)).
:- mode eqns_to_vectors(in, out) is det.
:- pred fm_standardize_equations(equations, equations).
:- mode fm_standardize_equations(in, out) is det.
:- implementation.
:- import_module bool, int, io, require, set, string, array.
:- type lp_info
---> lp(
map(var, pair(var)), % map from variables with URS to
% the corresponding pair of variables
% that represent that variable in
% the standard form (x = x' - x'',
% x', x'' >= 0).
list(var), % slack variables
list(var) % artificial variables
is_false(eqn([], (>=), Const)) :-
Const > zero.
is_false(eqn([], (=<), Const)) :-
Const < zero.
is_false(eqn([], (=), Const)) :-
not (Const = zero).
false_eqn(eqn([], (=<), rat(-1,1))).
lp_solve(Eqns, Dir, Obj, Varset, URSVars, Result) :-
lp_info_init(Varset, URSVars, Info0),
lp_solve2(Eqns, Dir, Obj, Result, Info0, _).
% lp_solve2(Eqns, Dir, Obj, Res, LPInfo0, LPInfo) takes a list
% of inequations `Eqns', a direction for optimization `Dir', an objective
% function `Obj', an I/O state `IO0' and an lp_info structure `LPInfo0'.
% See inline comments for details on the algorithm.
:- pred lp_solve2(equations, direction, objective, lpQ__result,
lp_info, lp_info).
:- mode lp_solve2(in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
lp_solve2(Eqns0, Dir, Obj0, Result, Info0, Info) :-
% simplify the inequations and convert them
% to standard form by introducing slack/excess/
% artificial variables. We also expand URS variables
% by replacing them with the difference of two
% fresh variables.
standardize_equations(Eqns0, Eqns, Info0, Info1),
% If we're maximizing the objective function then we need
% to negate all the coefficients in the objective.w
Dir = max,
negate_equation(eqn(Obj0, (=), zero), eqn(Obj1, _, _))
Dir = min,
Obj1 = Obj0
simplify_coeffs(Obj1, Obj2),
get_urs_vars(URS, Info1, _),
expand_urs_vars(Obj2, URS, Obj),
list__length(Eqns, Rows),
collect_vars(Eqns, Obj, Vars),
set__to_sorted_list(Vars, VarList),
list__length(VarList, Cols),
number_vars(VarList, 0, VarNums0, VarNums),
get_art_vars(ArtVars, Info1, Info),
init_tableau(Rows, Cols, VarNums, URS, Tableau0),
insert_equations(Eqns, 1, Cols, VarNums,
Tableau0, Tableau1),
ArtVars = [_|_],
% There are one or more artificial variables, so we use
% the two-phase method for solving the system.
two_phase(Obj0, Obj, ArtVars, VarNums, Tableau1, Result0)
ArtVars = [],
one_phase(Obj0, Obj, VarNums, Tableau1, Result0)
Dir = max,
Result = Result0
Dir = min,
Result0 = unbounded,
Result = Result0
Result0 = inconsistent,
Result = Result0
Result0 = satisfiable(NOptVal, OptCoffs),
OptVal is -NOptVal,
Result = satisfiable(OptVal, OptCoffs)
:- pred one_phase(list(coeff), list(coeff), map(var, int), tableau,lpQ__result).
:- mode one_phase(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
one_phase(Obj0, Obj, VarNums, Tableau0, Result) :-
insert_coeffs(Obj, 0, VarNums, Tableau0, Tableau1),
GetObjVar = lambda([V::out] is nondet, (
list__member(X, Obj0),
X = V - _Cof
solutions(GetObjVar, ObjVars),
optimize(ObjVars, Tableau1, _, Result).
:- pred two_phase(list(coeff), list(coeff), list(var), map(var, int),
tableau, lpQ__result).
:- mode two_phase(in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
two_phase(Obj0, Obj, ArtVars, VarNums, Tableau0, Result) :-
% Do phase 1:
% minimize the sum of the artificial variables
construct_art_objective(ArtVars, ArtObj),
insert_coeffs(ArtObj, 0, VarNums, Tableau0, Tableau1a),
ensure_zero_obj_coeffs(ArtVars, Tableau1a, Tableau1b),
optimize(ArtVars, Tableau1b, Tableau1c, Res0),
Res0 = unbounded,
Result = unbounded
Res0 = inconsistent,
Result = inconsistent
Res0 = satisfiable(Val, _ArtRes),
( Val \= zero ->
Result = inconsistent
fix_basis_and_rem_cols(ArtVars, Tableau1c, Tableau2),
% Do phase 2:
% insert the real objective,
% zero the objective coefficients of the
% basis variables,
% optimize the objective.
insert_coeffs(Obj, 0, VarNums, Tableau2, Tableau3),
get_basis_vars(Tableau3, BasisVars),
Tableau3, Tableau4),
GetObjVar = lambda([V::out] is nondet, (
list__member(X, Obj0),
X = V - _Cof
solutions(GetObjVar, ObjVars),
optimize(ObjVars, Tableau4, _, Result)
:- pred construct_art_objective(list(var), list(coeff)).
:- mode construct_art_objective(in, out) is det.
construct_art_objective([], []).
construct_art_objective([V|Vs], [V - (one)|Rest]) :-
construct_art_objective(Vs, Rest).
:- pred standardize_equations(equations, equations, lp_info, lp_info).
:- mode standardize_equations(in, out, in, out) is det.
standardize_equations(Eqns0, Eqns) -->
list__map_foldl(standardize_equation, Eqns0, Eqns).
% standardize_equation peforms the following operations on an
% equation:
% - ensures the constant is >= 0 (multiplying by -1 if
% necessary)
% - introduces slack, excess and artificial variables
% - replace the URS variables with their corresponding
% difference pair
:- pred standardize_equation(equation, equation, lp_info, lp_info).
:- mode standardize_equation(in, out, in, out) is det.
standardize_equation(Eqn0, Eqn) -->
{ Eqn0 = eqn(Coeffs0, (=<), Const0) },
( { Const0 < zero } ->
{ negate_equation(Eqn0, Eqn1) },
standardize_equation(Eqn1, Eqn)
{ Coeffs = [Var - one|Coeffs0] },
{ simplify(eqn(Coeffs, (=<), Const0), Eqn1) },
{ expand_urs_vars_e(Eqn1, URS, Eqn) }
standardize_equation(Eqn0, Eqn) -->
{ Eqn0 = eqn(Coeffs0, (=), Const0) },
( { Const0 < zero } ->
{ negate_equation(Eqn0, Eqn1) },
standardize_equation(Eqn1, Eqn)
{ Coeffs = [Var - one|Coeffs0] },
{ simplify(eqn(Coeffs, (=<), Const0), Eqn1) },
{ expand_urs_vars_e(Eqn1, URS, Eqn) }
standardize_equation(Eqn0, Eqn) -->
{ Eqn0 = eqn(Coeffs0, (>=), Const0) },
( { Const0 < zero } ->
{ negate_equation(Eqn0, Eqn1) },
standardize_equation(Eqn1, Eqn)
{ Coeffs = [SVar - (-one), AVar - (one)|Coeffs0] },
{ simplify(eqn(Coeffs, (>=), Const0), Eqn1) },
{ expand_urs_vars_e(Eqn1, URS, Eqn) }
:- pred negate_equation(equation, equation).
:- mode negate_equation(in, out) is det.
negate_equation(eqn(Coeffs0, Op0, Const0), eqn(Coeffs, Op, Const)) :-
Op0 = (=<), Op = (>=)
Op0 = (=), Op = (=)
Op0 = (>=), Op = (=<)
Neg = lambda([Pair0::in, Pair::out] is det, (
Pair0 = V - X0,
X is -X0,
Pair = V - X
list__map(Neg, Coeffs0, Coeffs),
Const is -Const0.
:- pred simplify(equation, equation).
:- mode simplify(in, out) is det.
simplify(eqn(Coeffs0, Op, Const), eqn(Coeffs, Op, Const)) :-
simplify_coeffs(Coeffs0, Coeffs).
:- pred simplify_coeffs(list(coeff), list(coeff)).
:- mode simplify_coeffs(in, out) is det.
simplify_coeffs(Coeffs0, Coeffs) :-
AddCoeff = lambda([Pair::in, Map0::in, Map::out] is det, (
Pair = Var - Coeff,
add_var(Map0, Var, Coeff, Map)
list__foldl(AddCoeff, Coeffs0, CoeffMap0, CoeffMap),
map__to_assoc_list(CoeffMap, Coeffs).
:- pred add_var(map(var, rat), var, rat, map(var, rat)).
:- mode add_var(in, in, in, out) is det.
add_var(Map0, Var, Coeff, Map) :-
( map__search(Map0, Var, Acc0) ->
Acc1 = Acc0
Acc1 = zero
Acc is Acc1 + Coeff,
map__set(Map0, Var, Acc, Map).
:- pred expand_urs_vars_e(equation, map(var, pair(var)), equation).
:- mode expand_urs_vars_e(in, in, out) is det.
expand_urs_vars_e(eqn(Coeffs0, Op, Const), Vars, eqn(Coeffs, Op, Const)) :-
expand_urs_vars(Coeffs0, Vars, Coeffs).
:- pred expand_urs_vars(list(coeff), map(var, pair(var)), list(coeff)).
:- mode expand_urs_vars(in, in, out) is det.
expand_urs_vars(Coeffs0, Vars, Coeffs) :-
expand_urs_vars(Coeffs0, Vars, [], Coeffs1),
list__reverse(Coeffs1, Coeffs).
:- pred expand_urs_vars(list(coeff), map(var, pair(var)),
list(coeff), list(coeff)).
:- mode expand_urs_vars(in, in, in, out) is det.
expand_urs_vars([], _Vars, Coeffs, Coeffs).
expand_urs_vars([Var - Coeff|Rest], Vars, Coeffs0, Coeffs) :-
( map__search(Vars, Var, PVar - NVar) ->
NCoeff is -Coeff,
Coeffs1 = [NVar - NCoeff, PVar - Coeff|Coeffs0]
Coeffs1 = [Var - Coeff|Coeffs0]
expand_urs_vars(Rest, Vars, Coeffs1, Coeffs).
:- pred collect_vars(equations, objective, set(var)).
:- mode collect_vars(in, in, out) is det.
collect_vars(Eqns, Obj, Vars) :-
GetVar = lambda([Var::out] is nondet, (
list__member(Eqn, Eqns),
Eqn = eqn(Coeffs, _, _),
list__member(Pair, Coeffs),
Pair = Var - _
list__member(Pair, Obj),
Pair = Var - _
solutions(GetVar, VarList),
set__list_to_set(VarList, Vars).
:- pred number_vars(list(var), int, map(var, int), map(var, int)).
:- mode number_vars(in, in, in, out) is det.
number_vars([], _, VarNums, VarNums).
number_vars([Var|Vars], N, VarNums0, VarNums) :-
map__det_insert(VarNums0, Var, N, VarNums1),
N1 is N + 1,
number_vars(Vars, N1, VarNums1, VarNums).
:- pred insert_equations(equations, int, int, map(var, int), tableau, tableau).
:- mode insert_equations(in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
insert_equations([], _, _, _, Tableau, Tableau).
insert_equations([Eqn|Eqns], Row, ConstCol, VarNums, Tableau0, Tableau) :-
Eqn = eqn(Coeffs, _Op, Const),
insert_coeffs(Coeffs, Row, VarNums, Tableau0, Tableau1),
set_index(Tableau1, Row, ConstCol, Const, Tableau2),
Row1 is Row + 1,
insert_equations(Eqns, Row1, ConstCol, VarNums, Tableau2, Tableau).
:- pred insert_coeffs(list(coeff), int, map(var, int), tableau, tableau).
:- mode insert_coeffs(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
insert_coeffs([], _Row, _VarNums, Tableau, Tableau).
insert_coeffs([Coeff|Coeffs], Row, VarNums, Tableau0, Tableau) :-
Coeff = Var - Const,
map__lookup(VarNums, Var, Col),
set_index(Tableau0, Row, Col, Const, Tableau1),
insert_coeffs(Coeffs, Row, VarNums, Tableau1, Tableau).
:- pred optimize(list(var), tableau, tableau, lpQ__result).
:- mode optimize(in, in, out, out) is det.
optimize(ObjVars, A0, A, Result) :-
simplex(A0, A, Res0),
Res0 = no ,
Result = unbounded
Res0 = yes,
rhs_col(A, M),
index(A, 0, M, ObjVal),
extract_objective(ObjVars, A, ObjMap),
Result = satisfiable(ObjVal, ObjMap)
:- pred extract_objective(list(var), tableau, map(var, rat)).
:- mode extract_objective(in, in, out) is det.
extract_objective(ObjVars, Tab, Res) :-
list__foldl(extract_obj_var(Tab), ObjVars, Res0, Res).
:- pred extract_obj_var(tableau, var, map(var, rat), map(var, rat)).
:- mode extract_obj_var(in, in, in, out) is det.
extract_obj_var(Tab, Var, Map0, Map) :-
urs_vars(Tab, Vars),
( map__search(Vars, Var, Pos - Neg) ->
extract_obj_var2(Tab, Pos, PosVal),
extract_obj_var2(Tab, Neg, NegVal),
Val is PosVal - NegVal
extract_obj_var2(Tab, Var, Val)
map__set(Map0, Var, Val, Map).
:- pred extract_obj_var2(tableau, var, rat).
:- mode extract_obj_var2(in, in, out) is det.
extract_obj_var2(Tab, Var, Val) :-
var_col(Tab, Var, Col),
GetCell = lambda([Val0::out] is nondet, (
all_rows(Tab, Row),
index(Tab, Row, Col, one),
rhs_col(Tab, RHS),
index(Tab, Row, RHS, Val0)
solutions(GetCell, Solns),
( Solns = [Val1] ->
Val = Val1
Val = zero
:- pred simplex(tableau, tableau, bool).
:- mode simplex(in, out, out) is det.
simplex(A0, A, Result) :-
AllColumns = all_cols(A0),
MinAgg = lambda([Col::in, Min0::in, Min::out] is det, (
Min0 = no,
index(A0, 0, Col, MinVal),
( MinVal < zero ->
Min = yes(Col - MinVal)
Min = no
Min0 = yes(_ - MinVal0),
index(A0, 0, Col, CellVal),
( CellVal < MinVal0 ->
Min = yes(Col - CellVal)
Min = Min0
aggregate(AllColumns, MinAgg, no, MinResult),
MinResult = no,
A = A0,
Result = yes
MinResult = yes(Q - _Val),
AllRows = all_rows(A0),
MaxAgg = lambda([Row::in, Max0::in, Max::out] is det, (
Max0 = no,
index(A0, Row, Q, MaxVal),
( MaxVal > zero ->
rhs_col(A0, RHSC),
index(A0, Row, RHSC, MVal),
require(nz(MaxVal), "simplex: zero
divisor MaxVal"),
CVal is MVal/MaxVal,
Max = yes(Row - CVal)
Max = no
Max0 = yes(_ - MaxVal0),
index(A0, Row, Q, CellVal),
rhs_col(A0, RHSC),
index(A0, Row, RHSC, MVal),
( CellVal =< zero ->
% CellVal = 0 indicates multiple optimal sol'ns
Max = Max0
require(nz(CellVal), "simplex: zero
divisor CellVal"),
MaxVal1 is MVal/CellVal,
( MaxVal1 =< MaxVal0 ->
Max = yes(Row - MaxVal1)
Max = Max0
aggregate(AllRows, MaxAgg, no, MaxResult),
MaxResult = no,
A = A0,
Result = no
MaxResult = yes(P - _),
pivot(P, Q, A0, A1),
simplex(A1, A, Result)
:- pred ensure_zero_obj_coeffs(list(var), tableau, tableau).
:- mode ensure_zero_obj_coeffs(in, in, out) is det.
ensure_zero_obj_coeffs([], Tableau, Tableau).
ensure_zero_obj_coeffs([V|Vs], Tableau0, Tableau) :-
var_col(Tableau0, V, Col),
index(Tableau0, 0, Col, Val),
( Val = zero ->
ensure_zero_obj_coeffs(Vs, Tableau0, Tableau)
FindOne = lambda([P::out] is nondet, (
all_rows(Tableau0, R),
index(Tableau0, R, Col, ValF0),
ValF0 \= zero,
P = R - ValF0
solutions(FindOne, Ones),
Ones = [Row - Fac0|_],
require(nz(Fac0), "ensure_zero_obj_coeffs:
zero divisor Fac0"),
Fac is -Val/Fac0,
row_op(Fac, Row, 0, Tableau0, Tableau1),
ensure_zero_obj_coeffs(Vs, Tableau1, Tableau)
Ones = [],
error("problem with artificial variable")
:- pred fix_basis_and_rem_cols(list(var), tableau, tableau).
:- mode fix_basis_and_rem_cols(in, in, out) is det.
fix_basis_and_rem_cols([], Tab, Tab).
fix_basis_and_rem_cols([V|Vs], Tab0, Tab) :-
var_col(Tab0, V, Col),
BasisAgg = lambda([R::in, Ones0::in, Ones::out] is det, (
index(Tab0, R, Col, Val),
( Val = zero ->
Ones = Ones0
Ones = [Val - R|Ones0]
aggregate(all_rows(Tab0), BasisAgg, [], Res),
Res = [one - Row]
PivGoal = lambda([Col1::out] is nondet, (
all_cols(Tab0, Col1),
Col \= Col1,
index(Tab0, Row, Col1, Zz),
Zz \= zero
solutions(PivGoal, PivSolns),
PivSolns = [],
remove_col(Col, Tab0, Tab0a),
remove_row(Row, Tab0a, Tab1)
PivSolns = [Col2|_],
pivot(Row, Col2, Tab0, Tab0a),
remove_col(Col, Tab0a, Tab1)
Tab1 = Tab0
remove_col(Col, Tab1, Tab2),
fix_basis_and_rem_cols(Vs, Tab2, Tab).
:- type cell ---> cell(int, int).
:- pred pivot(int, int, tableau, tableau).
:- mode pivot(in, in, in, out) is det.
pivot(P, Q, A0, A) :-
index(A0, P, Q, Apq),
MostCells = lambda([Cell::out] is nondet, (
all_rows0(A0, J),
J \= P,
all_cols0(A0, K),
K \= Q,
Cell = cell(J, K)
ScaleCell = lambda([Cell::in, T0::in, T::out] is det, (
Cell = cell(J, K),
index(T0, J, K, Ajk),
index(T0, J, Q, Ajq),
index(T0, P, K, Apk),
require(nz(Apq), "ScaleCell: zero divisor"),
NewAjk is Ajk - Apk * Ajq / Apq,
set_index(T0, J, K, NewAjk, T)
aggregate(MostCells, ScaleCell, A0, A1),
QColumn = lambda([Cell::out] is nondet, (
all_rows0(A1, J),
Cell = cell(J, Q)
Zero = lambda([Cell::in, T0::in, T::out] is det, (
Cell = cell(J, K),
set_index(T0, J, K, zero, T)
aggregate(QColumn, Zero, A1, A2),
PRow = all_cols0(A2),
ScaleRow = lambda([K::in, T0::in, T::out] is det, (
index(T0, P, K, Apk),
require(nz(Apq), "ScaleRow: zero divisor"),
NewApk is Apk / Apq,
set_index(T0, P, K, NewApk, T)
aggregate(PRow, ScaleRow, A2, A3),
set_index(A3, P, Q, one, A).
:- pred row_op(rat, int, int, tableau, tableau).
:- mode row_op(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
row_op(Scale, From, To, A0, A) :-
AllCols = all_cols0(A0),
AddRow = lambda([Col::in, T0::in, T::out] is det, (
index(T0, From, Col, X),
index(T0, To, Col, Y),
Z is Y + (Scale * X),
set_index(T0, To, Col, Z, T)
aggregate(AllCols, AddRow, A0, A).
:- type tableau
---> tableau(
map(var, int),
map(var, pair(var)),
list(int), % shunned rows
list(int), % shunned cols
map(pair(int), rat)
:- pred init_tableau(int::in, int::in, map(var, int)::in,
map(var, pair(var))::in, tableau::out) is det.
init_tableau(Rows, Cols, VarNums, URSVars, Tableau) :-
Tableau = tableau(Rows, Cols, VarNums, URSVars, [], [], Cells).
:- pred index(tableau, int, int, rat).
:- mode index(in, in, in, out) is det.
index(Tableau, J, K, R) :-
Tableau = tableau(_, _, _, _, SR, SC, Cells),
( list__member(J, SR)
; list__member(K, SC)
error("attempt to address shunned row/col")
map__search(Cells, J - K, R0)
R = R0
R = zero
:- pred set_index(tableau, int, int, rat, tableau).
:- mode set_index(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
set_index(Tableau0, J, K, R, Tableau) :-
Tableau0 = tableau(Rows, Cols, VarNums, URS, SR, SC, Cells0),
( list__member(J, SR)
; list__member(K, SC)
error("attempt to write shunned row/col")
( R = zero ->
map__delete(Cells0, J - K, Cells)
map__set(Cells0, J - K, R, Cells)
Tableau = tableau(Rows, Cols, VarNums, URS, SR, SC, Cells).
:- pred rhs_col(tableau, int).
:- mode rhs_col(in, out) is det.
rhs_col(tableau(_, RHS, _, _, _, _, _), RHS).
:- pred all_rows0(tableau, int).
:- mode all_rows0(in, out) is nondet.
all_rows0(Tableau, Row) :-
Tableau = tableau(Rows, _Cols, _, _, SR, _, _),
between(0, Rows, Row),
\+ list__member(Row, SR).
:- pred all_rows(tableau, int).
:- mode all_rows(in, out) is nondet.
all_rows(Tableau, Row) :-
Tableau = tableau(Rows, _Cols, _, _, SR, _, _),
between(1, Rows, Row),
\+ list__member(Row, SR).
:- pred all_cols0(tableau, int).
:- mode all_cols0(in, out) is nondet.
all_cols0(Tableau, Col) :-
Tableau = tableau(_Rows, Cols, _, _, _, SC, _),
between(0, Cols, Col),
\+ list__member(Col, SC).
:- pred all_cols(tableau, int).
:- mode all_cols(in, out) is nondet.
all_cols(Tableau, Col) :-
Tableau = tableau(_Rows, Cols, _, _, _, SC, _),
Cols1 is Cols - 1,
between(0, Cols1, Col),
\+ list__member(Col, SC).
:- pred var_col(tableau, var, int).
:- mode var_col(in, in, out) is det.
var_col(Tableau, Var, Col) :-
Tableau = tableau(_, _, VarCols, _, _, _, _),
map__lookup(VarCols, Var, Col).
:- pred urs_vars(tableau, map(var, pair(var))).
:- mode urs_vars(in, out) is det.
urs_vars(Tableau, URS) :-
Tableau = tableau(_, _, _, URS, _, _, _).
:- pred remove_row(int, tableau, tableau).
:- mode remove_row(in, in, out) is det.
remove_row(R, Tableau0, Tableau) :-
Tableau0 = tableau(Rows, Cols, VarNums, URS, SR, SC, Cells),
Tableau = tableau(Rows, Cols, VarNums, URS, [R|SR], SC, Cells).
:- pred remove_col(int, tableau, tableau).
:- mode remove_col(in, in, out) is det.
remove_col(C, Tableau0, Tableau) :-
Tableau0 = tableau(Rows, Cols, VarNums, URS, SR, SC, Cells),
Tableau = tableau(Rows, Cols, VarNums, URS, SR, [C|SC], Cells).
:- pred get_basis_vars(tableau, list(var)).
:- mode get_basis_vars(in, out) is det.
get_basis_vars(Tab, Vars) :-
BasisCol = lambda([C::out] is nondet, (
all_cols(Tab, C),
NonZeroGoal = lambda([P::out] is nondet, (
all_rows(Tab, R),
index(Tab, R, C, Z),
Z \= zero,
P = R - Z
solutions(NonZeroGoal, Solns),
Solns = [_ - one]
solutions(BasisCol, Cols),
BasisVars = lambda([V::out] is nondet, (
list__member(Col, Cols),
Tab = tableau(_, _, VarCols, _, _, _, _),
map__member(VarCols, V, Col)
solutions(BasisVars, Vars).
% For debugging ....
:- pred show_tableau(tableau, io__state, io__state).
:- mode show_tableau(in, di, uo) is det.
show_tableau(Tableau) -->
{ Tableau = tableau(N, M, _, _, _, _, _) },
{ string__format("Tableau (%d, %d):\n", [i(N), i(M)], Str) },
aggregate(all_rows0(Tableau), show_row(Tableau)).
:- pred show_row(tableau, int, io__state, io__state).
:- mode show_row(in, in, di, uo) is det.
show_row(Tableau, Row) -->
aggregate(all_cols0(Tableau), show_cell(Tableau, Row)),
:- pred show_cell(tableau, int, int, io__state, io__state).
:- mode show_cell(in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
show_cell(Tableau, Row, Col) -->
{ index(Tableau, Row, Col, Val) },
{ string__format("%2.2f\t", [f(float(Val))], Str) },
:- pred lp_info_init(varset, list(var), lp_info).
:- mode lp_info_init(in, in, out) is det.
lp_info_init(Varset0, URSVars, LPInfo) :-
Introduce = lambda([Orig::in, VP0::in, VP::out] is det, (
VP0 = VS0 - VM0,
varset__new_var(VS0, V1, VS1),
varset__new_var(VS1, V2, VS),
map__set(VM0, Orig, V1 - V2, VM),
VP = VS - VM
list__foldl(Introduce, URSVars, Varset0 - URSMap0, Varset - URSMap),
LPInfo = lp(Varset, URSMap, [], []).
:- pred new_slack_var(var::out, lp_info::in, lp_info::out) is det.
new_slack_var(Var) -->
{ varset__new_var(Varset0, Var, Varset) },
:- pred new_art_var(var::out, lp_info::in, lp_info::out) is det.
new_art_var(Var) -->
{ varset__new_var(Varset0, Var, Varset) },
:- pred get_varset(varset::out, lp_info::in, lp_info::out) is det.
get_varset(Varset, Info, Info) :-
Info = lp(Varset, _URSVars, _Slack, _Art).
:- pred set_varset(varset::in, lp_info::in, lp_info::out) is det.
set_varset(Varset, Info0, Info) :-
Info0 = lp(_Varset, URSVars, Slack, Art),
Info = lp(Varset, URSVars, Slack, Art).
:- pred get_urs_vars(map(var, pair(var))::out, lp_info::in, lp_info::out) is det.
get_urs_vars(URSVars, Info, Info) :-
Info = lp(_Varset, URSVars, _Slack, _Art).
:- pred set_urs_vars(map(var, pair(var))::in, lp_info::in, lp_info::out) is det.
set_urs_vars(URSVars, Info0, Info) :-
Info0 = lp(Varset, _URSVars, Slack, Art),
Info = lp(Varset, URSVars, Slack, Art).
:- pred get_slack_vars(list(var)::out, lp_info::in, lp_info::out) is det.
get_slack_vars(Slack, Info, Info) :-
Info = lp(_Varset, _URSVars, Slack, _Art).
:- pred set_slack_vars(list(var)::in, lp_info::in, lp_info::out) is det.
set_slack_vars(Slack, Info0, Info) :-
Info0 = lp(Varset, URSVars, _Slack, Art),
Info = lp(Varset, URSVars, Slack, Art).
:- pred get_art_vars(list(var)::out, lp_info::in, lp_info::out) is det.
get_art_vars(Art, Info, Info) :-
Info = lp(_Varset, _URSVars, _Slack, Art).
:- pred set_art_vars(list(var)::in, lp_info::in, lp_info::out) is det.
set_art_vars(Art, Info0, Info) :-
Info0 = lp(Varset, URSVars, Slack, _Art),
Info = lp(Varset, URSVars, Slack, Art).
:- pred between(int, int, int).
:- mode between(in, in, out) is nondet.
between(Min, Max, I) :-
Min =< Max,
I = Min
Min1 is Min + 1,
between(Min1, Max, I)
% Fourier-Motzkin elimination.
% project(Equations0, Variables, Equations) takes a list of inequalities
% and eliminates the variables in the input list, i.e. it projects onto
% those variables not in the list.
project(Eqns, [], Eqns).
project(Eqns0, Vars, Eqns) :-
Vars = [_|_],
fm_standardize_equations(Eqns0, Eqns1),
eqns_to_vectors(Eqns1, Vecs),
eliminate_vars(Vars, Vecs, Matrix),
vectors_to_eqns(Matrix, Eqns).
% fm_standardize_equations ensures all inequations are of the form
% a1x1 + ... + anxn =< C. Inequalities containing >= are multiplied
% through by -1, and equations are converted into two inequations
% of the form a1x1 + ... + anxn =< C, -a1x1 - ... - anxn =< -C.
fm_standardize_equations(Eqns0, Eqns1) :-
fm_standardize_equations_acc(Eqns0, [], Eqns1).
:- pred fm_standardize_equations_acc(equations, equations, equations).
:- mode fm_standardize_equations_acc(in, in, out) is det.
fm_standardize_equations_acc([], Acc, Acc).
fm_standardize_equations_acc([Eqn0|Eqns], Acc0, Acc) :-
Eqn0 = eqn(_, (=<), _),
Acc1 = [Eqn0|Acc0]
Eqn0 = eqn(Coeffs, (=), Const),
Acc1 = [eqn(Coeffs, (=<), Const), Neg_eqn | Acc0],
negate_equation(eqn(Coeffs, (>=), Const), Neg_eqn)
Eqn0 = eqn(Coeffs, (>=), Const),
Acc1 = [Neg_eqn | Acc0],
negate_equation(eqn(Coeffs, (>=), Const), Neg_eqn)
fm_standardize_equations_acc(Eqns, Acc1, Acc).
eqns_to_vectors(Eqns, Vecs) :-
Eqn_to_vec = lambda([eqn(List, Op, Num)::in,
pair(Map, Num)::out] is det, (
( Op = (=<) ->
coeff_list_to_map(List, Map0, Map)
error("Equality or >= passed to eqns_to_vectors\n")
list__map(Eqn_to_vec, Eqns, Vecs).
:- pred vectors_to_eqns(list(vector), equations).
:- mode vectors_to_eqns(in, out) is det.
vectors_to_eqns(Vectors, Equations) :-
Vec_to_eqn = lambda([pair(Map,Rat)::in, Eqn::out] is det, (
map__to_assoc_list(Map, List),
Eqn = eqn(List, (=<), Rat)
list__map(Vec_to_eqn, Vectors, Equations).
% Ensures that there are no zeros in the resulting map.
:- pred coeff_list_to_map(list(coeff), map(var, rat), map(var, rat)).
:- mode coeff_list_to_map(in, in, out) is det.
coeff_list_to_map([], Map, Map).
coeff_list_to_map([Var-Num | Coeffs], Map0, Map) :-
( Num = zero ->
Map1 = Map0
( map__search(Map0, Var, Num1) ->
( Num1 + Num = zero ->
map__delete(Map0, Var, Map1)
map__det_update(Map0, Var, Num+Num1, Map1)
map__det_insert(Map0, Var, Num, Map1)
coeff_list_to_map(Coeffs, Map1, Map).
% normalize_vector(Vec0, Var, Vec1) divides all coefficients in
% Vec0 by the absolute value of the coefficient of Var.
% It is an error if the map contains a zero coefficient.
:- pred normalize_vector(vector, var, vector).
:- mode normalize_vector(in, in, out) is det.
normalize_vector(pair(Map0, Num0), Var0, pair(Map, Num)) :-
( map__search(Map0, Var0, Coeff) ->
Is_map_key = lambda([Var::out] is nondet, (
map__member(Map0, Var, _)
Divide_map_val = lambda([Var::in, Map1::in, Map2::out] is det, (
map__lookup(Map1, Var, Coeff0),
( Coeff0 = zero ->
error("Divide by zero in normalize_vector")
"normalize_vector: zero divisor"),
Coeff1 = Coeff0 / abs(Coeff),
map__det_update(Map1, Var, Coeff1, Map2)
aggregate(Is_map_key, Divide_map_val, Map0, Map),
require(nz(Coeff), "normalize_vector: zero divisor"),
Num = Num0 / abs(Coeff)
Map = Map0,
Num = Num0
% separate_vectors(List1, Variable, Posititves, Negatives, Zeroes):
% Breaks a list of vectors up into three lists of vectors according to
% whether the coefficient of Variable is positive, negative or zero.
% Applies normalize_vector to each vector.
:- pred separate_vectors(matrix, var, matrix, matrix, matrix).
:- mode separate_vectors(in, in, out, out, out) is det.
separate_vectors(Matrix, Var, Pos, Neg, Zero) :-
separate_vectors_acc(Matrix, Var, [], [], [], Pos, Neg, Zero).
:- pred separate_vectors_acc(matrix, var, matrix, matrix,
matrix, matrix, matrix, matrix).
:- mode separate_vectors_acc(in, in, in, in, in, out, out, out) is det.
separate_vectors_acc([], _, Pos, Neg, Zeros, Pos, Neg, Zeros).
separate_vectors_acc([Vec0|Vectors], Var, Pos0, Neg0, Zeros0, Pos, Neg, Zeros):-
( get_var_coeff(Vec0, Var, Coeff) ->
normalize_vector(Vec0, Var, Vec1),
( Coeff > zero ->
Pos1 = [Vec1 | Pos0],
Neg1 = Neg0,
Zeros1 = Zeros0
Pos1 = Pos0,
Neg1 = [Vec1 | Neg0],
Zeros1 = Zeros0
Pos1 = Pos0,
Neg1 = Neg0,
Zeros1 = [Vec0 | Zeros0]
separate_vectors_acc(Vectors, Var, Pos1, Neg1, Zeros1, Pos, Neg, Zeros).
% Fails if the variable searched for is not in the vector
% (i.e. if it has coefficient zero).
:- pred get_var_coeff(vector, var, rat).
:- mode get_var_coeff(in, in, out) is semidet.
get_var_coeff(pair(Varmap, _), Var, Num) :-
map__search(Varmap, Var, Num).
:- pred add_vectors(vector, vector, vector).
:- mode add_vectors(in, in, out) is det.
add_vectors(pair(Map0, Float0), pair(Map1, Float1), pair(Map2, Float2)) :-
Float2 = Float0 + Float1,
Is_map_key = lambda([Var::out] is nondet, (
map__member(Map0, Var, _)
Add_val = lambda([Var::in, Map_i::in, Map_o::out] is det, (
map__lookup(Map0, Var, Num0),
( map__search(Map_i, Var, Num1) ->
( Num0 + Num1 = zero ->
map__delete(Map_i, Var, Map_o)
map__det_update(Map_i, Var, Num0+Num1, Map_o)
map__det_insert(Map_i, Var, Num0, Map_o)
aggregate(Is_map_key, Add_val, Map1, Map2).
% Eliminates a variable V from three sets of linear inequalities,
% assuming that the inequations in the first list have a positive
% coefficient for V, and that the second and third lists contain negative
% and zero coefficients respectively.
:- pred eliminate_var(var, matrix, matrix, matrix, matrix).
:- mode eliminate_var(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
eliminate_var(_, [], _, Matrix, Matrix).
eliminate_var(Var, [Vec_P|Pos], Neg, Zeros, Result) :-
Add_vec = lambda([Vec0::in, Vec1::out] is semidet, (
add_vectors(Vec_P, Vec0, Vec1),
Vec1 = pair(Map1, Const),
not ( map__is_empty(Map1), Const >= zero )
list__filter_map(Add_vec, Neg, Zeros1),
list__append(Zeros1, Zeros, New_zeros),
eliminate_var(Var, Pos, Neg, New_zeros, Result).
:- pred eliminate_vars(list(var), matrix, matrix).
:- mode eliminate_vars(in, in, out) is det.
eliminate_vars([], Matrix, Matrix).
eliminate_vars([Var|Vars], Matrix, Result) :-
separate_vectors(Matrix, Var, Pos, Neg, Zeros),
eliminate_var(Var, Pos, Neg, Zeros, New_zeros1),
list__sort_and_remove_dups(New_zeros1, New_zeros2),
remove_some_redundancies(New_zeros2, [], New_zeros),
eliminate_vars(Vars, New_zeros, Result).
% Removes all constraints of the form a1x1 + ... + anxn <= A
% where there exists another constraint a1x1 + ... + anxn <= B
% and B <= A.
:- pred remove_some_redundancies(matrix, matrix, matrix).
:- mode remove_some_redundancies(in, in, out) is det.
remove_some_redundancies([], Constraints, Constraints).
remove_some_redundancies([Constr0|Equations0], Constrs, Equations) :-
find_strongest_remove_weaker(Constr0, Constr, Equations0, Equations1),
remove_some_redundancies(Equations1, [Constr|Constrs], Equations).
% Removes all equations in the given list which are
% weaker than the given constraint Vec0. Returns the strongest vector
% which is comparable to Vec0, and the list with the redundant
% constraints removed.
:- pred find_strongest_remove_weaker(vector, vector, matrix, matrix).
:- mode find_strongest_remove_weaker(in, out, in, out) is det.
find_strongest_remove_weaker(Vec0, Vec, Matrix0, Matrix) :-
Comp_constraints = lambda([Vec1::in, Str_vec0::in, Str_vec1::out,
List1::in, List2::out] is det, (
( compare_constraints(Str_vec0, Vec1, Str_vec) ->
( Str_vec = Str_vec0 ->
List2 = List1,
Str_vec1 = Str_vec0
List2 = List1,
Str_vec1 = Vec1
List2 = [Vec1|List1],
Str_vec1 = Str_vec0
list__foldl2(Comp_constraints, Matrix0, Vec0, Vec, [], Matrix).
% Fails if neither constraint implies the other.
% Otherwise, returns the stronger constraint.
:- pred compare_constraints(vector, vector, vector).
:- mode compare_constraints(in, in, out) is semidet.
compare_constraints(pair(Map0,Float0), pair(Map1,Float1), pair(Map3,Float)) :-
map__keys(Map0, Keylist),
Del_same_keys = lambda([Var0::in, Map4::in, Map5::out] is semidet, (
map__lookup(Map0, Var0, Num0),
map__remove(Map4, Var0, Num4, Map5),
Num4 = Num0
list__foldl(Del_same_keys, Keylist, Map1, Map2),
Map3 = Map0,
( Float0 < Float1 ->
Float = Float0
Float = Float1
% Convex Hull
:- type var_info
---> var_info(
list(map(var,var)), % Maps from original variables
% to new (temporary) ones.
% A variables which occurs in
% more than one polygon is
% mapped to a separate variable
% for each one.
% This list contains one map
% for each polygon.
list(var), % List of sigma variables.
:- type eqn_info
---> eqn_info(
map(var, var),
% convex_hull takes a list of polyhedra (represented as lists of constraints)
% and computes the smallest convex set which is a superset of all of them.
% For details of the algorithm, see Benoy and King.
convex_hull(Polys0, Poly, Vars1, Vars) :-
list__map(fm_standardize_equations, Polys0, Polys),
transform_polys(Polys, Eqns1, var_info([], [], Vars1),
var_info(Map_list, Sigmas, Vars)),
add_sigma_eqns(Eqns1, Sigmas, Eqns2),
add_last_eqns(Eqns2, Map_list, Eqns3),
Append_values = lambda([Map::in, Varlist0::in, Varlist::out] is det, (
map__values(Map, List),
append(List, Varlist0, Varlist)
list__foldl(Append_values, Map_list, [], Values),
append(Sigmas, Values, Variables),
project(Eqns3, Variables, Poly).
:- pred transform_polys(list(equations), equations, var_info, var_info).
:- mode transform_polys(in, out, in, out) is det.
transform_polys(Polys, Eqns, Var_info0, Var_info) :-
list__foldl2(transform_poly, Polys, [], Eqns, Var_info0, Var_info).
% transform_poly: takes a polygon (with original variables), a list
% of the polygons transformed so far and variable information.
% It substitutes new (temporary) variables for all of the variables
% in the polygon while constructing a map from old variables to new
% ones. The new polygon is then added to the list of transformed ones.
% It then updates the variable info by adding the new map and a new
% sigma variable.
:- pred transform_poly(equations, equations, equations, var_info, var_info).
:- mode transform_poly(in, in, out, in, out) is det.
transform_poly(Poly, Polys0, Polys, var_info(Maps0, Sigmas0, Vars0), Var_info):-
varset__new_var(Vars0, Sigma, Vars1),
Trans_eqn = lambda([Eqn0::in, Eqn::out, Eq_inf0::in,
Eq_inf1::out] is det, (
transform_eqn(Eqn0, Eqn, Sigma, Eq_inf0, Eq_inf1)
list__map_foldl(Trans_eqn, Poly, New_eqns, eqn_info(Newmap, Vars1),
eqn_info(Map, Vars)),
append(New_eqns, Polys0, Polys),
Var_info = var_info([Map|Maps0], [Sigma|Sigmas0], Vars).
:- pred transform_eqn(equation, equation, var, eqn_info, eqn_info).
:- mode transform_eqn(in, out, in, in, out) is det.
transform_eqn(eqn(Coeffs0, Op, Num0), eqn(Coeffs, Op, Num), Sigma,
eqn_info(Map0, Vars0), eqn_info(Map, Vars)) :-
list__map_foldl(change_var, Coeffs0, Coeffs1,
eqn_info(Map0, Vars0), eqn_info(Map, Vars)),
Coeffs = [Sigma - -Num0|Coeffs1],
Num = zero.
% change_var: takes a Var-Num pair with an old variable and returns one with
% a new variable which the old variable maps to. Updates the map of old to
% new variables if necessary.
:- pred change_var(coeff, coeff, eqn_info, eqn_info).
:- mode change_var(in, out, in, out) is det.
change_var(Var0-Num, Var-Num, eqn_info(Map0, Varset0), eqn_info(Map, Varset)) :-
% Have we already mapped this original variable to a new one?
( map__search(Map0, Var0, Var2) ->
Var = Var2,
Map = Map0,
Varset = Varset0
varset__new_var(Varset0, Nvar, Varset),
map__det_insert(Map0, Var0, Nvar, Map),
Var = Nvar
% add_sigma_eqns: Takes the list of equations so far and appends
% the non-negativity equation for each sigma variable,
% and an equation stating that the sum of the sigmas is one.
:- pred add_sigma_eqns(equations, list(var), equations).
:- mode add_sigma_eqns(in, in, out) is det.
add_sigma_eqns(Eqns0, Sigmas, Eqns) :-
Non_neg = lambda([Var::in, Eqn::out] is det, (
Eqn = eqn([Var - -one], (=<), zero)
list__map(Non_neg, Sigmas, Eqns1),
append(Eqns1, Eqns0, Eqns2),
Var_to_coeff = lambda([Var::in, Coeff::out] is det, (
Coeff = Var-one
list__map(Var_to_coeff, Sigmas, Coefflist),
fm_standardize_equations([eqn(Coefflist, (=), one)], Eqns3),
append(Eqns3, Eqns2, Eqns).
% add_last_eqns: Adds the equations stating that each original
% variable is the sum of the temporary variables to which it has
% been mapped.
:- pred add_last_eqns(equations, list(map(var,var)), equations).
:- mode add_last_eqns(in, in, out) is det.
add_last_eqns(Eqns0, Old_to_new_var_maps, Eqns) :-
get_map_keys(Old_to_new_var_maps, [], Keys1),
VarComp = lambda([Var1::in, Var2::in, Res::out] is det, (
compare(Res, Var1, Var2)
list__sort_and_remove_dups(VarComp, Keys1, Keys),
Original_var_to_eqn = lambda([Orig_var::in, Eqn::out] is semidet, (
original_var_to_eqn(Orig_var, Old_to_new_var_maps, Eqn)
list__filter_map(Original_var_to_eqn, Keys, Eqns1),
fm_standardize_equations(Eqns1, Eqns2),
append(Eqns2, Eqns0, Eqns).
:- pred original_var_to_eqn(var, list(map(var,var)), equation).
:- mode original_var_to_eqn(in, in, out) is semidet.
original_var_to_eqn(Original_var, Maplist, Eqn) :-
Corresp_vars = lambda([Map::in, Coeffs0::in, Coeffs::out] is semidet, (
map__search(Map, Original_var, Newvar),
Coeffs = [Newvar - -one|Coeffs0]
list__foldl(Corresp_vars, Maplist, [], Coefflist),
Eqn = eqn([Original_var-one|Coefflist], (=), zero).
:- pred get_map_keys(list(map(var,var)), list(var), list(var)).
:- mode get_map_keys(in, in, out) is det.
get_map_keys([], Keys, Keys).
get_map_keys([Map|Maps], Keys0, Keys) :-
map__keys(Map, Keys1),
append(Keys1, Keys0, NewKeys),
get_map_keys(Maps, NewKeys, Keys).
% Widening
% widen(Cs1, Cs2, Cs, Vars): Relaxes the constraints Cs1 by selecting
% those constraints from Cs1 which are implied by Cs2.
widen(Poly1, Poly2, Vars, Wide_poly) :-
Entailed_by_Poly2 = lambda([Constraint::in] is semidet, (
entailed(Constraint, Poly2, Vars)
list__filter(Entailed_by_Poly2, Poly1, Wide_poly).
% entailed(C, Cs, Vars): Determines whether the constraint C is
% implied by the set of constraints Cs.
% Uses the simplex method to find the point P satisfying Cs
% which maximises (or minimises if C contains >= ) a function parallel
% to C. Then tests whether P satisfies C.
% This assumes that all the variables are non-negative.
entailed(eqn(Coeff_list, (=<), Const), Poly, Vars) :-
Objective = Coeff_list,
lp_solve(Poly, max, Objective, Vars, [], Result),
Result = satisfiable(Max_val, _),
Max_val =< Const
Result = inconsistent,
error("inconsistent polygon passed to entailed")
entailed(eqn(Coeff_list, (>=), Const), Poly, Vars) :-
Objective = Coeff_list,
lp_solve(Poly, min, Objective, Vars, [], Result),
Result = satisfiable(Min_val, _),
Min_val >= Const
Result = inconsistent,
error("inconsistent polygon passed to entails")
entailed(eqn(Coeff_list, (=), Const), Poly, Vars) :-
entailed(eqn(Coeff_list, (=<), Const), Poly, Vars),
entailed(eqn(Coeff_list, (>=), Const), Poly, Vars).
:- pred nz(rat::in) is semidet.
nz(X) :- X \= zero.
% Copyright (C) 1997-1998 The University of Melbourne.
% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
% file: rat.m
% authors: conway, vjteag Jan 1998.
% Implements a rational number type and a set of basic operations on
% rational numbers.
:- module rat.
:- interface.
:- import_module float, int.
:- type rat.
:- pred rat:'<'(rat, rat).
:- mode rat:'<'(in, in) is semidet.
:- pred rat:'>'(rat, rat).
:- mode rat:'>'(in, in) is semidet.
:- pred rat:'=<'(rat, rat).
:- mode rat:'=<'(in, in) is semidet.
:- pred rat:'>='(rat, rat).
:- mode rat:'>='(in, in) is semidet.
:- pred rat:'='(rat, rat).
:- mode rat:'='(in, in) is semidet.
:- func rat(int, int) = rat.
:- func float(rat) = float.
:- func rat:'+'(rat) = rat.
:- func rat:'-'(rat) = rat.
:- func rat:'+'(rat, rat) = rat.
:- func rat:'-'(rat, rat) = rat.
:- func rat:'*'(rat, rat) = rat.
:- func rat:'/'(rat, rat) = rat.
:- func rat:numer(rat) = int.
:- func rat:denom(rat) = int.
:- func rat:abs(rat) = rat.
:- func one = rat.
:- func zero = rat.
:- implementation.
:- import_module require.
:- type rat ---> r(int, int).
rat:'<'(r(An, Ad), r(Bn, Bd)) :-
An*Bd < Bn*Ad.
rat:'>'(r(An, Ad), r(Bn, Bd)) :-
An*Bd > Bn*Ad.
rat:'=<'(r(An, Ad), r(Bn, Bd)) :-
An*Bd =< Bn*Ad.
rat:'>='(r(An, Ad), r(Bn, Bd)) :-
An*Bd >= Bn*Ad.
:- func ratnorm(rat) = rat.
rat(Num, Den) = ratnorm(r(Num, Den)).
rat:'='(r(An, Ad), r(Bn, Bd)) :-
ratnorm(r(An, Ad)) = ratnorm(r(Bn, Bd)).
rat:float(r(Num, Den)) = float:'/'(float:float(Num), float:float(Den)).
one = r(1, 1).
zero = r(0, 1).
rat:'+'(Rat) = Rat.
rat:'-'(r(Num, Den)) = r(-Num, Den).
rat:'+'(r(An, Ad), r(Bn, Bd)) = ratnorm(r(int:'+'(An*Bd, Bn*Ad), Ad*Bd)).
rat:'-'(r(An, Ad), r(Bn, Bd)) = ratnorm(r(int:'-'(An*Bd, Bn*Ad), Ad*Bd)).
rat:'*'(r(An, Ad), r(Bn, Bd)) = ratnorm(r(An*Bn, Ad*Bd)).
rat:'/'(r(An, Ad), r(Bn, Bd)) = Rat :-
( Bn \= 0 ->
Rat = ratnorm(r(An*Bd, Ad*Bn))
error("divide by zero")
rat:numer(r(Num, _)) = Num.
rat:denom(r(_, Den)) = Den.
rat:abs(Rat) = ( Rat < zero -> rat:'-'(Rat) ; Rat ).
ratnorm(r(Num, Den)) = r(Sgn*iabs(Num)//Gcd, iabs(Den)//Gcd) :-
Num > 0,
Den > 0
Sgn = 1
Num > 0
Sgn = -1
Den > 0
Sgn = -1
Sgn = 1
( Den = 0 -> error("zero denominator!") ; true),
Gcd0 = gcd(iabs(Num), iabs(Den)),
( Gcd0 = 0 -> error("zero gcd!") ; Gcd = Gcd0 ).
:- func iabs(int) = int.
iabs(X) = ( X < 0 -> -X ; X ).
:- func gcd(int, int) = int.
gcd(A, B) = Res :-
( A = 0 ->
Res = B
; A < 0 ->
error("A < 0")
; B =< 0 ->
error("B =< 0")
Res = gcd0(A, B)
:- func gcd0(int, int) = int.
gcd0(A, B) = (
A = 1 -> 1
; B = 1 -> 1
; A = B -> A
; A > B -> gcd0(A - B, B)
; gcd0(B - A, A)
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