for review: add nested modules [2/5]

Simon Taylor stayl at
Mon Mar 2 11:44:46 AEDT 1998

In mercury_compile.m 
>@@ -128,25 +128,42 @@
>-		process_module_2(Module)
>+		% Currently we don't allow directory names in the
>+		% command-line arguments, because it would confuse
>+		% the mapping between module names and file names.
>+		io__progname("mercury_compile", ProgName),
>+		io__write_string(ProgName),
>+		io__write_string(": Error in command-line argument `"),
>+		io__write_string(PathName),
>+		io__write_string("':\n"),
>+		io__write_string("arguments may not contain directory names.\n")
> 	).

You should set the exit status here.

>@@ -367,16 +387,22 @@
> 		;
> 			{ Imports = Imports1 },
> 			{ Error2 = no },
>-			{ Imports = module_imports(ModuleName, _, _, _, _) },
>+			{ module_imports_get_module_name(Imports,
>+				ModuleName) },
> 			globals__io_lookup_bool_option(
> 				warn_missing_trans_opt_deps,
> 				WarnNoTransOptDeps),
> 			( { WarnNoTransOptDeps = yes } ->
>+				{ prog_out__sym_name_to_string(ModuleName,
>+					ModuleString) },
>+				{ module_name_to_file_name(ModuleName,
>+					BaseFileName) },
> 				io__write_strings([
>-				    "Warning: Cannot read dependencies for `",
>-				    ModuleName, ".trans_opt'.\n",
>-				    "  run `mmake main_module.depend' ",
>-				    "to remake the dependencies\n"])
>+				    "Warning: cannot read trans-opt ",
>+				    "dependencies for module `",
>+				    ModuleString, "'.\n",
>+				    "  Run `mmake ", BaseFileName, ".depend' ",
>+				    "to remake the dependencies.\n"])
> 			;
> 				[]
> 			)

You should check for --halt-at-warn here.

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