[m-dev.] proposed command set for the internal trace based debugger

Peter Schachte pets at students.cs.mu.OZ.AU
Fri Jun 5 11:30:33 AEST 1998

> >> However, *replacing* part of the code of the running program is not something
> >> that I envisage the trace based debugger will *ever* do, because it requires
> >> working at the object code level, which is something we have avoided
> >> assidiously since the start of the project. 

If this refers to my request to be able to replace a goal with another goal,
I think I've just figured out why no one want the facility that seem so
clearly a good thing to me:  it's a misunderstanding.

What I was asking for is just the ability to execute a goal while stopped at
a debugger port, where the goal I execute can refer to, and bind, the
arguments of the goal being debugged.  I just want to replace an
individual invocation with another invocation, not to modify the running

-Peter Schachte               | ....I have not failed. I've just found
mailto:pets at cs.mu.OZ.AU       | 10,000 ways that won't work.
http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~pets/ |     -- Thomas Edison 
PGP: finger pets at | 

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