[m-dev.] proposed command set for the internal trace based debugger

Peter Schachte pets at students.cs.mu.OZ.AU
Wed Jun 3 10:41:05 AEST 1998

On Wed, 3 Jun 1998, Fergus Henderson wrote:

> Now, that reminds me: we should have a command similar to "next" in gdb
> or "skip" in Prolog debuggers, with the following functionality:
> 	- if the current port is a final port (EXIT or FAIL), then
> 	  it should do the same thing as "step"
> 	  (or possibly it should report an error message -- but
> 	  I think just stepping would be more useful)

I agree.  Creeping from an exit or fail port is much nicer than complaining.
That behavior has always annoyed me in the SICStus debugger.

-Peter Schachte               | The fantastic advances in the field of
mailto:pets at cs.mu.OZ.AU       | communication constitute a grave danger to
http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~pets/ | the privacy of the individual.
PGP: finger pets at |     -- Earl Warren 

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