for review: add extras/exceptions
Fergus Henderson
fjh at
Wed Jul 22 05:00:27 AEST 1998
Anyone care to review this one?
Add support for exception handling, in extras/exceptions.
Describes the files in this directory.
Contains the exception handling interface and implementation.
Test cases.
The Mmakefile for building and running the test cases.
Index: extras/exceptions/Mmakefile
RCS file: Mmakefile
diff -N Mmakefile
--- /dev/null Wed Jul 22 04:55:53 1998
+++ Mmakefile Wed Jul 22 04:46:07 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# the following two lines are required for exception.m
+# (see the comment at the top of exception.m)
+C2INITFLAGS=$($(subst _init.c,,$@).cs)
+# These rules define the main targets: depend, all, check.
+MAIN_TARGET = check
+PROGS = test_exceptions.m test_uncaught_exception.m test_exceptions_func.m
+depend: $(PROGS:.m=.depend)
+all: $(PROGS:.m=)
+check: $(PROGS:.m=.res)
+# some rules for running test cases
+%.out: %
+ ./$< > $@
+%.res: %.out %.exp
+ diff -c $*.out $*.exp > $@
+ rm -f *.out
+ rm -f *.res
+# test_uncaught_exception is *supposed* to return an error exit status
+test_uncaught_exception.out: test_uncaught_exception
+ if ./$< > $@ 2>&1; then false; else true; fi
Index: extras/exceptions/README
diff -N README
--- /dev/null Wed Jul 22 04:55:53 1998
+++ README Wed Jul 22 04:50:36 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+This directory contains support for exception handling.
+The exception handling interface is still rather tentative
+and may be subject to change. Please try it out and let us
+know what you think.
+ Contains the exception handling interface and implementation.
+ Test cases.
+ The Mmakefile for building and running the test cases.
Index: extras/exceptions/exception.m
RCS file: exception.m
diff -N exception.m
--- /dev/null Wed Jul 22 04:55:53 1998
+++ exception.m Wed Jul 22 04:33:51 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,1108 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1997-1998 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: exception.m.
+% Main author: fjh.
+% Stability: low
+% This file contains experimental code for exception handling.
+% Note that throwing an exception across the C interface won't work --
+% if you try to do that, you will get undefined behaviour.
+% Since this module is implemented using C code with `BEGIN_MODULE()'
+% and `END_MODULE', and because it is not part of the standard library,
+% to use this module you need the following two lines in your Mmakefile:
+% RM_C=:
+% C2INITFLAGS=$($(subst _init.c,,$@).cs)
+% This ensures that the module initialization code will be run.
+% (Actually these two lines are needed only in certain grades, e.g.
+% for profiling.)
+:- module exception.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module std_util, list, io.
+% throw(Exception):
+% Throw the specified exception.
+:- pred throw(T).
+:- mode throw(in) is erroneous.
+:- func throw(T) = _.
+:- mode throw(in) = out is erroneous.
+% The following types are used by try/3 and try/5.
+:- type exception_result(T)
+ ---> succeeded(T)
+ ; failed
+ ; exception(univ).
+:- inst cannot_fail
+ ---> succeeded(ground)
+ ; exception(ground).
+% try(Goal, Result):
+% Operational semantics:
+% Call Goal(R).
+% If Goal(R) fails, succeed with Result = failed.
+% If Goal(R) succeeds, succeed with Result = succeeded(R).
+% If Goal(R) throws an exception E, succeed with Result = exception(E).
+% Declarative semantics:
+% try(Goal, Result) <=>
+% ( Goal(R), Result = succeeded(R)
+% ; not Goal(_), Result = failed
+% ; Result = exception(_)
+% ).
+:- pred try(pred(T), exception_result(T)).
+:- mode try(pred(out) is det, out(cannot_fail)) is cc_multi.
+:- mode try(pred(out) is semidet, out) is cc_multi.
+:- mode try(pred(out) is cc_multi, out(cannot_fail)) is cc_multi.
+:- mode try(pred(out) is cc_nondet, out) is cc_multi.
+% try_io(Goal, Result, IO_0, IO):
+% Operational semantics:
+% Call Goal(R, IO_0, IO_1).
+% If it succeeds, succeed with Result = succeeded(R) and IO = IO_1.
+% If it throws an exception E, succeed with Result = exception(E)
+% and with the final IO state being whatever state resulted
+% from the partial computation from IO_0.
+% Declarative semantics:
+% try_io(Goal, Result, IO_0, IO) <=>
+% ( Goal(R, IO_0, IO), Result = succeeded(R)
+% ; Result = exception(_)
+% ).
+:- pred try_io(pred(T, io__state, io__state), exception_result(T),
+ io__state, io__state).
+:- mode try_io(pred(out, di, uo) is det, out(cannot_fail),
+ di, uo) is cc_multi.
+:- mode try_io(pred(out, di, uo) is cc_multi, out(cannot_fail),
+ di, uo) is cc_multi.
+% try_all(Goal, ResultList):
+% Operational semantics:
+% Try to find all solutions to Goal(R), using backtracking.
+% Collect the solutions found in the ResultList, until
+% the goal either throws an exception or fails.
+% If it throws an exception, put that exception at the end of
+% the ResultList.
+% Declaratively:
+% try_all(Goal, ResultList) <=>
+% (if
+% list__reverse(ResultList, [Last | AllButLast]),
+% Last = exception(_)
+% then
+% all [M] (list__member(M, AllButLast) =>
+% (M = succeeded(R), Goal(R))),
+% else
+% all [M] (list__member(M, ResultList) =>
+% (M = succeeded(R), Goal(R))),
+% all [R] (Goal(R) =>
+% list__member(succeeded(R), ResultList)),
+% ).
+:- pred try_all(pred(T), list(exception_result(T))).
+:- mode try_all(pred(out) is det, out(try_all_det)) is cc_multi.
+:- mode try_all(pred(out) is semidet, out(try_all_semidet)) is cc_multi.
+:- mode try_all(pred(out) is multi, out(try_all_multi)) is cc_multi.
+:- mode try_all(pred(out) is nondet, out(try_all_nondet)) is cc_multi.
+:- inst [] ---> [].
+:- inst try_all_det ---> [cannot_fail].
+:- inst try_all_semidet ---> [] ; [cannot_fail].
+:- inst try_all_multi ---> [cannot_fail | try_all_nondet].
+:- inst try_all_nondet == list_skel(cannot_fail).
+% incremental_try_all(Goal, AccumulatorPred, Acc0, Acc):
+% Same as
+% try_all(Goal, Results),
+% std_util__unsorted_aggregate(Results, AccumulatorPred, Acc0, Acc)
+% except that operationally, the execution of try_all
+% and std_util__unsorted_aggregate is interleaved.
+:- pred incremental_try_all(pred(T), pred(exception_result(T), A, A), A, A).
+:- mode incremental_try_all(pred(out) is nondet,
+ pred(in, di, uo) is det, di, uo) is cc_multi.
+:- mode incremental_try_all(pred(out) is nondet,
+ pred(in, in, out) is det, in, out) is cc_multi.
+% rethrow(ExceptionResult):
+% Rethrows the specified exception result
+% (which should be of the form `exception(_)',
+% not `succeeded(_)' or `failed'.).
+:- pred rethrow(exception_result(T)).
+:- mode rethrow(in) is erroneous.
+:- func rethrow(exception_result(T)) = _.
+:- mode rethrow(in) = out is erroneous.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module require.
+:- pred try(determinism, pred(T), exception_result(T)).
+:- mode try(in(bound(det)), pred(out) is det, out(cannot_fail))
+ is cc_multi.
+:- mode try(in(bound(semidet)), pred(out) is semidet, out) is cc_multi.
+:- mode try(in(bound(cc_multi)), pred(out) is cc_multi, out(cannot_fail))
+ is cc_multi.
+:- mode try(in(bound(cc_nondet)), pred(out) is cc_nondet, out) is cc_multi.
+:- pred try_io(determinism, pred(T, io__state, io__state),
+ exception_result(T), io__state, io__state).
+:- mode try_io(in(bound(det)), pred(out, di, uo) is det,
+ out(cannot_fail), di, uo) is cc_multi.
+:- mode try_io(in(bound(cc_multi)), pred(out, di, uo) is cc_multi,
+ out(cannot_fail), di, uo) is cc_multi.
+:- pred try_all(determinism, pred(T), list(exception_result(T))).
+:- mode try_all(in(bound(det)), pred(out) is det,
+ out(try_all_det)) is cc_multi.
+:- mode try_all(in(bound(semidet)), pred(out) is semidet,
+ out(try_all_semidet)) is cc_multi.
+:- mode try_all(in(bound(multi)), pred(out) is multi,
+ out(try_all_multi)) is cc_multi.
+:- mode try_all(in(bound(nondet)), pred(out) is nondet,
+ out(try_all_nondet)) is cc_multi.
+% The functors in this type must be in the same order as the
+% enumeration constants in the C enum `ME_Determinism' defined below.
+:- type determinism
+ ---> det
+ ; semidet
+ ; cc_multi
+ ; cc_nondet
+ ; multi
+ ; nondet
+ ; erroneous
+ ; failure.
+:- pred get_determinism(pred(T), determinism).
+:- mode get_determinism(pred(out) is det, out(bound(det))) is cc_multi.
+:- mode get_determinism(pred(out) is semidet, out(bound(semidet))) is cc_multi.
+:- mode get_determinism(pred(out) is multi, out(bound(multi))) is cc_multi.
+:- mode get_determinism(pred(out) is nondet, out(bound(nondet))) is cc_multi.
+:- mode get_determinism(pred(out) is cc_multi, out(bound(cc_multi)))
+ is cc_multi.
+:- mode get_determinism(pred(out) is cc_nondet, out(bound(cc_nondet)))
+ is cc_multi.
+:- pred get_determinism_2(pred(T, io__state, io__state), determinism).
+:- mode get_determinism_2(pred(out, di, uo) is det, out(bound(det)))
+ is cc_multi.
+:- mode get_determinism_2(pred(out, di, uo) is cc_multi, out(bound(cc_multi)))
+ is cc_multi.
+% Unfortunately the only way to implement get_determinism/2 is to use
+% the C interface.
+% The enumeration constants in this enum must be in the same order as the
+% functors in the Mercury type `determinism' defined above.
+:- pragma c_header_code("
+ typedef enum {
+ } ME_Determinism;
+:- pragma c_code(
+ get_determinism(_Pred::pred(out) is det,
+ Det::out(bound(det))),
+ will_not_call_mercury,
+ "Det = ME_DET"
+:- pragma c_code(
+ get_determinism(_Pred::pred(out) is semidet,
+ Det::out(bound(semidet))),
+ will_not_call_mercury,
+ "Det = ME_SEMIDET"
+:- pragma c_code(
+ get_determinism(_Pred::pred(out) is cc_multi,
+ Det::out(bound(cc_multi))),
+ will_not_call_mercury,
+ "Det = ME_CC_MULTI"
+:- pragma c_code(
+ get_determinism(_Pred::pred(out) is cc_nondet,
+ Det::out(bound(cc_nondet))),
+ will_not_call_mercury,
+ "Det = ME_CC_NONDET"
+:- pragma c_code(
+ get_determinism(_Pred::pred(out) is multi,
+ Det::out(bound(multi))),
+ will_not_call_mercury,
+ "Det = ME_MULTI"
+:- pragma c_code(
+ get_determinism(_Pred::pred(out) is nondet,
+ Det::out(bound(nondet))),
+ will_not_call_mercury,
+ "Det = ME_NONDET"
+:- pragma c_code(
+ get_determinism_2(_Pred::pred(out, di, uo) is det,
+ Det::out(bound(det))),
+ will_not_call_mercury,
+ "Det = ME_DET"
+:- pragma c_code(
+ get_determinism_2(_Pred::pred(out, di, uo) is cc_multi,
+ Det::out(bound(cc_multi))),
+ will_not_call_mercury,
+ "Det = ME_CC_MULTI"
+throw(Exception) :-
+ type_to_univ(Exception, Univ),
+ builtin_throw(Univ).
+throw(Exception) = _ :-
+ throw(Exception).
+rethrow(exception(Univ)) :-
+ builtin_throw(Univ).
+rethrow(succeeded(_)) :-
+ error("rethrow/1: invalid argument").
+rethrow(failed) :-
+ error("rethrow/1: invalid argument").
+rethrow(ExceptionResult) = _ :-
+ rethrow(ExceptionResult).
+:- pred wrap_success(pred(T), exception_result(T)) is det.
+:- mode wrap_success(pred(out) is det, out) is det.
+:- mode wrap_success(pred(out) is semidet, out) is semidet.
+:- mode wrap_success(pred(out) is multi, out) is multi.
+:- mode wrap_success(pred(out) is nondet, out) is nondet.
+:- mode wrap_success(pred(out) is cc_multi, out) is cc_multi.
+:- mode wrap_success(pred(out) is cc_nondet, out) is cc_nondet.
+wrap_success(Goal, succeeded(R)) :- Goal(R).
+:- pred wrap_success_or_failure(pred(T), exception_result(T)) is det.
+:- mode wrap_success_or_failure(pred(out) is det, out) is det.
+:- mode wrap_success_or_failure(pred(out) is semidet, out) is det.
+:- mode wrap_success_or_failure(pred(out) is multi, out) is multi.
+:- mode wrap_success_or_failure(pred(out) is nondet, out) is multi.
+:- mode wrap_success_or_failure(pred(out) is cc_multi, out) is cc_multi.
+:- mode wrap_success_or_failure(pred(out) is cc_nondet, out) is cc_multi.
+wrap_success_or_failure(Goal, Result) :-
+ (if Goal(R) then Result = succeeded(R) else Result = failed).
+% This doesn't work, due to
+% bash$ mmc exception.m
+% Software error: sorry, not implemented: taking address of pred
+% `wrap_success_or_failure/2' with multiple modes.
+% Instead, we need to switch on the Detism argument.
+try(_Detism, Goal, Result) :-
+ builtin_catch(wrap_success_or_failure(Goal), wrap_exception, Result).
+try(Goal, Result) :-
+ get_determinism(Goal, Detism),
+ try(Detism, Goal, Result).
+try(det, Goal, Result) :-
+ builtin_catch((pred(R::out) is det :-
+ wrap_success_or_failure(Goal, R)),
+ wrap_exception, Result0),
+ cc_multi_equal(Result0, Result).
+try(semidet, Goal, Result) :-
+ builtin_catch((pred(R::out) is det :-
+ wrap_success_or_failure(Goal, R)),
+ wrap_exception, Result0),
+ cc_multi_equal(Result0, Result).
+try(cc_multi, Goal, Result) :-
+ builtin_catch((pred(R::out) is cc_multi :-
+ wrap_success_or_failure(Goal, R)),
+ wrap_exception, Result).
+try(cc_nondet, Goal, Result) :-
+ builtin_catch((pred(R::out) is cc_multi :-
+ wrap_success_or_failure(Goal, R)),
+ wrap_exception, Result).
+% This doesn't work, due to
+% bash$ mmc exception.m
+% Software error: sorry, not implemented: taking address of pred
+% `wrap_success_or_failure/2' with multiple modes.
+% Instead, we need to switch on the Detism argument.
+try_all(Goal, ResultList) :-
+ unsorted_solutions(builtin_catch(wrap_success(Goal), wrap_exception),
+ ResultList).
+try_all(Goal, ResultList) :-
+ get_determinism(Goal, Detism),
+ try_all(Detism, Goal, ResultList).
+try_all(det, Goal, [Result]) :-
+ try(det, Goal, Result).
+try_all(semidet, Goal, ResultList) :-
+ try(semidet, Goal, Result),
+ ( Result = failed, ResultList = []
+ ; Result = succeeded(_), ResultList = [Result]
+ ; Result = exception(_), ResultList = [Result]
+ ).
+try_all(multi, Goal, ResultList) :-
+ unsorted_solutions((pred(Result::out) is multi :-
+ builtin_catch((pred(R::out) is multi :-
+ wrap_success(Goal, R)),
+ wrap_exception, Result)),
+ ResultList).
+try_all(nondet, Goal, ResultList) :-
+ unsorted_solutions((pred(Result::out) is nondet :-
+ builtin_catch((pred(R::out) is nondet :-
+ wrap_success(Goal, R)),
+ wrap_exception, Result)),
+ ResultList).
+incremental_try_all(Goal, AccPred, Acc0, Acc) :-
+ unsorted_aggregate((pred(Result::out) is nondet :-
+ builtin_catch((pred(R::out) is nondet :-
+ wrap_success(Goal, R)),
+ wrap_exception, Result)),
+ AccPred, Acc0, Acc).
+try_io(IO_Goal, Result) -->
+ { get_determinism_2(IO_Goal, Detism) },
+ try_io(Detism, IO_Goal, Result).
+% We'd better not inline try_io/5, since it uses a horrible hack
+% with unsafe_perform_io (see below) that might confuse the compiler.
+:- pragma no_inline(try_io/5).
+try_io(det, IO_Goal, Result) -->
+ { Goal = (pred(R::out) is det :-
+ very_unsafe_perform_io(IO_Goal, R)) },
+ { try(det, Goal, Result) }.
+try_io(cc_multi, IO_Goal, Result) -->
+ { Goal = (pred(R::out) is cc_multi :-
+ very_unsafe_perform_io(IO_Goal, R)) },
+ { try(cc_multi, Goal, Result) }.
+:- pred very_unsafe_perform_io(pred(T, io__state, io__state), T).
+:- mode very_unsafe_perform_io(pred(out, di, uo) is det, out) is det.
+:- mode very_unsafe_perform_io(pred(out, di, uo) is cc_multi, out)
+ is det.
+% Mercury doesn't support impure higher-order pred terms, so if we want
+% to form a closure from unsafe_perform_io, as we need to do above,
+% then we must (falsely!) promise that it is pure.
+:- pragma promise_pure(very_unsafe_perform_io/2). % XXX this is a lie
+very_unsafe_perform_io(Goal, Result) :-
+ impure unsafe_perform_io(Goal, Result).
+:- pred wrap_exception(univ::in, exception_result(T)::out) is det.
+wrap_exception(Exception, exception(Exception)).
+:- pred builtin_throw(univ).
+:- mode builtin_throw(in) is erroneous.
+:- type handler(T) == pred(univ, T).
+:- inst handler == (pred(in, out) is det).
+% builtin_catch/3 is actually impure. But we don't declare it as impure,
+% because the code for try_all/3 takes its address (to pass to
+% unsorted_solutions/2), and Mercury does not (yet?) support
+% impure higher-order pred terms.
+:- /* impure */
+ pred builtin_catch(pred(T), handler(T), T).
+:- mode builtin_catch(pred(out) is det, in(handler), out) is det.
+:- mode builtin_catch(pred(out) is semidet, in(handler), out) is semidet.
+:- mode builtin_catch(pred(out) is cc_multi, in(handler), out) is cc_multi.
+:- mode builtin_catch(pred(out) is cc_nondet, in(handler), out) is cc_nondet.
+:- mode builtin_catch(pred(out) is multi, in(handler), out) is multi.
+:- mode builtin_catch(pred(out) is nondet, in(handler), out) is nondet.
+% builtin_throw and builtin_catch are implemented below using
+% hand-coded low-level C code.
+:- external(builtin_throw/1).
+:- external(builtin_catch/3).
+:- pragma c_header_code("
+ #include <assert.h>
+ #include ""mercury_deep_copy.h""
+ MR_DECLARE_STRUCT(mercury_data_std_util__base_type_info_univ_0);
+:- pragma c_code("
+/* swap the heap with the solutions heap */
+#define swap_heaps() \\
+{ \\
+ /* save the current heap */ \\
+ Word *swap_heaps_temp_hp = hp; \\
+ MemoryZone *swap_heaps_temp_hp_zone = MR_heap_zone; \\
+ \\
+ /* set heap to solutions heap */ \\
+ MR_hp = MR_sol_hp; \\
+ MR_heap_zone = MR_solutions_heap_zone; \\
+ \\
+ /* set the solutions heap to be the old heap */ \\
+ MR_sol_hp = swap_heaps_temp_hp; \\
+ MR_solutions_heap_zone = swap_heaps_temp_hp_zone; \\
+** Define a struct for the framevars that we use in an exception handler
+** nondet stack frame. This struct gets allocated on the nondet stack
+** using mkpragmaframe().
+typedef struct Exception_Handler_Frame_struct {
+ Word code_model;
+ Word handler;
+ Word *stack_ptr;
+#ifdef MR_USE_TRAIL
+ Word trail_ptr;
+ Word ticket_counter;
+ Word heap_ptr;
+ Word solns_heap_ptr;
+ Word heap_zone;
+} Exception_Handler_Frame;
+#define FRAMEVARS \
+ (((Exception_Handler_Frame *) (curfr - NONDET_FIXED_SIZE)) - 1)
+Define_extern_entry(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_0); /* det */
+Define_extern_entry(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_1); /* semidet */
+Define_extern_entry(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_2); /* cc_multi */
+Define_extern_entry(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_3); /* cc_nondet */
+Define_extern_entry(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_4); /* multi */
+Define_extern_entry(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_5); /* nondet */
+/* the following are defined in runtime/mercury_ho_call.c */
+#ifdef MR_USE_TRAIL
+ Declare_label(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_5_i3);
+ Declare_label(mercury__exception__builtin_throw_1_0_i1);
+ Declare_label(mercury__exception__builtin_throw_1_0_i2);
+ Declare_label(mercury__exception__builtin_throw_1_0_i3);
+ init_entry(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_0);
+ init_entry(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_1);
+ init_entry(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_2);
+ init_entry(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_3);
+ init_entry(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_4);
+ init_entry(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_5);
+ init_label(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_2_i1);
+ init_label(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_2_i2);
+ init_label(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_3_i1);
+ init_label(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_3_i2);
+ init_label(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_5_i1);
+ init_label(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_5_i2);
+#ifdef MR_USE_TRAIL
+ init_label(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_5_i3);
+ init_entry(mercury__exception__builtin_throw_1_0);
+ init_label(mercury__exception__builtin_throw_1_0_i1);
+ init_label(mercury__exception__builtin_throw_1_0_i2);
+ init_label(mercury__exception__builtin_throw_1_0_i3);
+ init_entry(exception_handler_do_fail);
+** builtin_catch(Goal, Handler, Result)
+** call Goal(R).
+** if succeeds, set Result = R.
+** if throws an exception, call Handler(Result).
+** This is the model_det version.
+** On entry, we have a type_info (which we don't use) in r1,
+** the Goal to execute in r2 and the Handler in r3.
+** On exit, we should put Result in r1 (with COMPACT_ARGS) or r4.
+Define_entry(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_0); /* det */
+ tailcall(ENTRY(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_2),
+ ENTRY(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_0));
+Define_entry(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_2); /* cc_multi */
+ /*
+ ** Create a handler on the stack with the special redoip
+ ** of `exception_handler_do_fail' (we'll look for this redoip
+ ** when unwinding the nondet stack in builtin_throw/1),
+ ** and save the stuff we will need if an exception is thrown.
+ */
+ mkpragmaframe(""builtin_catch/3 [model_det]"", 0,
+ Exception_Handler_Frame_struct,
+ ENTRY(exception_handler_do_fail));
+ FRAMEVARS->code_model = MODEL_DET;
+ FRAMEVARS->handler = r3; /* save the Handler closure */
+ FRAMEVARS->stack_ptr = MR_sp; /* save the det stack pointer */
+ /* save the heap and solutions heap pointers */
+ FRAMEVARS->heap_ptr = MR_hp;
+ FRAMEVARS->solns_heap_ptr = MR_sol_hp;
+ FRAMEVARS->heap_zone = MR_heap_zone;
+#ifdef MR_USE_TRAIL
+ /* save the trail state */
+ MR_mark_ticket_stack(FRAMEVARS->ticket_counter);
+ MR_store_ticket(FRAMEVARS->trail_ptr);
+ /*
+ ** Now we need to create another frame.
+ ** This is so that we can be sure that no-one will hijack
+ ** the redoip of the special frame we created above.
+ ** (The compiler sometimes generates ``hijacking'' code that saves
+ ** the topmost redoip on the stack, and temporarily replaces it
+ ** with a new redoip that will do some processing on failure
+ ** before restoring the original redoip. This would cause
+ ** problems when doing stack unwinding in builtin_throw/1,
+ ** because we wouldn't be able to find the special redoip.
+ ** But code will only ever hijack the topmost frame, so we
+ ** can avoid this by creating a second frame above the special
+ ** frame.)
+ */
+ succip = LABEL(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_2_i1);
+ mkframe(""builtin_catch_2/1 [model_det]"", 0, ENTRY(do_fail));
+ /*
+ ** Now call `Goal(Result)'.
+ */
+ r1 = r2; /* The Goal to call */
+ r2 = 0; /* Zero additional input arguments */
+ r3 = 1; /* One output argument */
+ call(ENTRY(do_call_det_closure),
+ LABEL(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_2_i2),
+ ENTRY(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_2));
+ update_prof_current_proc(LABEL(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_2));
+ /*
+ ** On exit from do_call_det_closure, Result is in r1
+ */
+ r4 = r1;
+#ifdef MR_USE_TRAIL
+ MR_discard_ticket();
+ succeed_discard();
+ succeed_discard();
+** builtin_catch(Goal, Handler, Result)
+** call Goal(R).
+** if succeeds, set Result = R.
+** if fails, fail.
+** if throws an exception, call Handler(Result).
+** This is the model_semi version.
+** on entry, we have a type_info (which we don't use) in r1,
+** the Goal to execute in r2 and the Handler in r3,
+** and on exit, we should put Result in r2.
+** Without COMPACT_ARGS,
+** on entry, we have a type_info (which we don't use) in r2,
+** the Goal to execute in r3 and the Handler in r4,
+** and on exit, we should put Result in r5.
+Define_entry(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_1); /* semidet */
+ tailcall(ENTRY(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_3),
+ ENTRY(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_1));
+Define_entry(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_3); /* cc_nondet */
+ /*
+ ** Create a handler on the stack with the special redoip
+ ** of `exception_handler_do_fail' (we'll look for this redoip
+ ** when unwinding the nondet stack in builtin_throw/1),
+ ** and save the stuff we will need if an exception is thrown.
+ */
+ mkpragmaframe(""builtin_catch/3 [model_semi]"", 0,
+ Exception_Handler_Frame_struct,
+ ENTRY(exception_handler_do_fail));
+ FRAMEVARS->code_model = MODEL_SEMI;
+ FRAMEVARS->handler = r3; /* save the Handler closure */
+ FRAMEVARS->handler = r4; /* save the Handler closure */
+ FRAMEVARS->stack_ptr = MR_sp; /* save the det stack pointer */
+ /* save the heap and solutions heap pointers */
+ FRAMEVARS->heap_ptr = MR_hp;
+ FRAMEVARS->solns_heap_ptr = MR_sol_hp;
+ FRAMEVARS->heap_zone = MR_heap_zone;
+#ifdef MR_USE_TRAIL
+ /* save the trail state */
+ MR_mark_ticket_stack(FRAMEVARS->ticket_counter);
+ MR_store_ticket(FRAMEVARS->trail_ptr);
+ /*
+ ** Now we need to create another frame.
+ ** This is so that we can be sure that no-one will hijack
+ ** the redoip of the special frame we created above.
+ ** (The compiler sometimes generates ``hijacking'' code that saves
+ ** the topmost redoip on the stack, and temporarily replaces it
+ ** with a new redoip that will do some processing on failure
+ ** before restoring the original redoip. This would cause
+ ** problems when doing stack unwinding in builtin_throw/1,
+ ** because we wouldn't be able to find the special redoip.
+ ** But code will only ever hijacks the topmost frame, so we
+ ** can avoid this by creating a second frame above the special
+ ** frame.)
+ */
+ succip = LABEL(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_3_i1);
+ mkframe(""builtin_catch_2/1 [model_semi]"", 0, ENTRY(do_fail));
+ /*
+ ** Now call `Goal(Result)'.
+ */
+ r1 = r2; /* The Goal to call */
+ r1 = r3; /* The Goal to call */
+ r2 = 0; /* Zero additional input arguments */
+ r3 = 1; /* One output argument */
+ call(ENTRY(do_call_semidet_closure),
+ LABEL(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_3_i2),
+ ENTRY(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_3));
+ update_prof_current_proc(LABEL(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_3));
+ /*
+ ** On exit from do_call_semidet_closure, the success/failure
+ ** indicator is in r1, and Result is in r2.
+ ** Note that we call succeed_discard() to exit regardless
+ ** of whether r1 is true or false. We just return the r1 value
+ ** back to our caller.
+ */
+ r5 = r2;
+#ifdef MR_USE_TRAIL
+ MR_discard_ticket();
+ succeed_discard();
+ succeed_discard();
+** builtin_catch(Goal, Handler, Result)
+** call Goal(R).
+** if succeeds, set Result = R.
+** if fails, fail.
+** if throws an exception, call Handler(Result).
+** This is the model_non version.
+** On entry, we have a type_info (which we don't use) in r1,
+** the Goal to execute in r2 and the Handler in r3.
+** On exit, we should put Result in r1 (with COMPACT_ARGS) or r3.
+Define_entry(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_4); /* multi */
+ tailcall(ENTRY(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_5),
+ ENTRY(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_4));
+Define_entry(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_5); /* nondet */
+ /*
+ ** Create a handler on the stack with the special redoip
+ ** of `exception_handler_do_fail' (we'll look for this redoip
+ ** when unwinding the nondet stack in builtin_throw/1),
+ ** and save the stuff we will need if an exception is thrown.
+ */
+ mkpragmaframe(""builtin_catch/3 [model_nondet]"", 0,
+ Exception_Handler_Frame_struct,
+ ENTRY(exception_handler_do_fail));
+ FRAMEVARS->code_model = MODEL_NON;
+ FRAMEVARS->handler = r3; /* save the Handler closure */
+ FRAMEVARS->stack_ptr = MR_sp; /* save the det stack pointer */
+ /* save the heap and solutions heap pointers */
+ FRAMEVARS->heap_ptr = MR_hp;
+ FRAMEVARS->solns_heap_ptr = MR_sol_hp;
+ FRAMEVARS->heap_zone = MR_heap_zone;
+#ifdef MR_USE_TRAIL
+ /* save the trail state */
+ MR_mark_ticket_stack(FRAMEVARS->ticket_counter);
+ MR_store_ticket(FRAMEVARS->trail_ptr);
+ /*
+ ** Now we need to create another frame.
+ ** This is so that we can be sure that no-one will hijack
+ ** the redoip of the special frame we created above.
+ ** (The compiler sometimes generates ``hijacking'' code that saves
+ ** the topmost redoip on the stack, and temporarily replaces it
+ ** with a new redoip that will do some processing on failure
+ ** before restoring the original redoip. This would cause
+ ** problems when doing stack unwinding in builtin_throw/1,
+ ** because we wouldn't be able to find the special redoip.
+ ** But code will only ever hijacks the topmost frame, so we
+ ** can avoid this by creating a second frame above the special
+ ** frame.)
+ */
+ succip = LABEL(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_5_i1);
+#ifdef MR_USE_TRAIL
+ mkframe(""builtin_catch_2/1 [nondet]"", 0,
+ LABEL(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_5_i3));
+ mkframe(""builtin_catch_2/1 [nondet]"", 0, ENTRY(do_fail));
+ /*
+ ** Now call `Goal(Result)'.
+ */
+ r1 = r2; /* the Goal to call */
+ r2 = 0; /* Zero additional input arguments */
+ r3 = 1; /* One output argument */
+ call(ENTRY(do_call_nondet_closure),
+ LABEL(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_5_i2),
+ ENTRY(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_5));
+ update_prof_current_proc(LABEL(mercury__exception__builtin_catch_3_5));
+ /*
+ ** On exit from do_call_nondet_closure, Result is in r1
+ */
+ r3 = r1;
+ /*
+ ** Note that we need to keep the trail ticket still,
+ ** in case it is needed again on backtracking.
+ ** We can only discard it when we fail() out, or
+ ** (if an exception is thrown) in the throw.
+ */
+ succeed();
+ succeed();
+#ifdef MR_USE_TRAIL
+ MR_discard_ticket();
+ fail();
+** builtin_throw(Exception):
+** Throw the specified exception.
+** That means unwinding the nondet stack until we find a handler, and then
+** calling Handler(Result).
+** On entry, we have Exception in r1.
+ Word exception = r1;
+ Word handler;
+ enum CodeModel catch_code_model;
+ /*
+ ** Search the nondet stack for an exception handler,
+ ** i.e. a frame whose redoip is `exception_handler_do_fail'
+ ** (one created by `builtin_catch').
+ ** N.B. We search down the `succfr' chain, not the `prevfr' chain;
+ ** this ensures that we only find handlers installed by our callers,
+ ** not handlers installed by procedures that we called but which
+ ** are still on the nondet stack because they choice points behind.
+ */
+ do {
+ MR_curfr = cursuccfr;
+ if (MR_curfr < MR_CONTEXT(nondetstack_zone)->min) {
+ fatal_error(""builtin_throw/1: uncaught exception"");
+ }
+ } while (curredoip != ENTRY(exception_handler_do_fail));
+ /*
+ ** Save the handler we found, and reset the det stack top.
+ */
+ MR_succip = cursuccip;
+ catch_code_model = FRAMEVARS->code_model;
+ handler = FRAMEVARS->handler;
+ MR_sp = FRAMEVARS->stack_ptr; /* reset the det stack pointer */
+#ifdef MR_USE_TRAIL
+ /*
+ ** Reset the trail.
+ */
+ MR_reset_ticket(FRAMEVARS->trail_ptr, MR_exception);
+ MR_discard_tickets_to(FRAMEVARS->ticket_counter);
+ /*
+ ** Reset the heap. But we need to be careful to preserve the
+ ** thrown exception object.
+ **
+ ** The following algorithm uses the `solutions heap', and will work
+ ** with non-conservative gc. We copy the exception object to the
+ ** solutions_heap, reset the heap pointer, and then copy it back.
+ **
+ ** An improvement to this would be to copy the exception object to the
+ ** solutions heap, but have deep_copy add an offset to the pointers
+ ** (at least, those that would otherwise point to the solutions heap),
+ ** so that, when finished, a block move of the solutions heap back to
+ ** the real heap will leave all the pointers in the correct place.
+ */
+ Word * saved_solns_heap_ptr;
+ /* switch to the solutions heap */
+ if (MR_heap_zone == FRAMEVARS->heap_zone) {
+ swap_heaps();
+ }
+ saved_solns_heap_ptr = MR_hp;
+ /*
+ ** deep_copy() the exception to the solutions heap.
+ ** Note that we need to save/restore the hp register, if it
+ ** is transient, before/after calling deep_copy().
+ */
+ assert(FRAMEVARS->heap_ptr <= FRAMEVARS->heap_zone->top);
+ save_transient_registers();
+ exception = deep_copy(exception,
+ (Word *) (Word) &mercury_data_std_util__base_type_info_univ_0,
+ FRAMEVARS->heap_ptr, FRAMEVARS->heap_zone->top);
+ restore_transient_registers();
+ /* switch back to the ordinary heap */
+ swap_heaps();
+ /* reset the heap */
+ assert(FRAMEVARS->heap_ptr <= MR_hp);
+ MR_hp = FRAMEVARS->heap_ptr;
+ /* deep_copy the exception back to the ordinary heap */
+ assert(FRAMEVARS->solns_heap_ptr <= MR_solutions_heap_zone->top);
+ save_transient_registers();
+ exception = deep_copy(exception,
+ (Word *) (Word) &mercury_data_std_util__base_type_info_univ_0,
+ saved_solns_heap_ptr, MR_solutions_heap_zone->top);
+ restore_transient_registers();
+ /* reset the solutions heap */
+ fflush(NULL);
+ assert(FRAMEVARS->solns_heap_ptr <= saved_solns_heap_ptr);
+ assert(saved_solns_heap_ptr <= MR_sol_hp);
+ if (catch_code_model == MODEL_NON) {
+ /*
+ ** If the code inside the try (catch) was nondet,
+ ** then its caller (which may be solutions/2) may
+ ** have put some more stuff on the solutions-heap
+ ** after the goal succeeded; the goal may have
+ ** only thrown after being re-entered on backtracking.
+ ** Thus we can only reset the solutions heap to
+ ** where it was before
+ */
+ MR_sol_hp = saved_solns_heap_ptr;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ ** If the code inside the try (catch) was det or semidet,
+ ** we can safely reset the solutions heap to where
+ ** it was when it try (catch) was entered.
+ */
+ MR_sol_hp = FRAMEVARS->solns_heap_ptr;
+ }
+#endif /* !defined(CONSERVATIVE_GC) */
+ /*
+ ** Pop the final exception handler frame off the nondet stack,
+ ** and reset the nondet stack top. (This must be done last,
+ ** since it invalidates all the framevars.)
+ */
+ MR_maxfr = curprevfr;
+ MR_curfr = MR_maxfr;
+ /*
+ ** Now invoke the handler that we found, as `Handler(Result)',
+ */
+ r1 = handler; /* get the Handler closure */
+ r2 = 1; /* One additional input argument */
+ r3 = 1; /* One output argument */
+ r4 = exception; /* This is our one input argument */
+ /*
+ ** If the catch was semidet, we need to set the success indicator
+ ** r1 to TRUE and return the result in r2; otherwise, we return
+ ** the result in r1, which is where do_call_det_closure puts it,
+ ** so we can to a tailcall.
+ */
+ if (catch_code_model != MODEL_SEMI) {
+ tailcall(ENTRY(do_call_det_closure),
+ ENTRY(mercury__exception__builtin_throw_1_0));
+ }
+ push(succip);
+ call(ENTRY(do_call_det_closure),
+ LABEL(mercury__exception__builtin_throw_1_0_i1),
+ ENTRY(mercury__exception__builtin_throw_1_0));
+ update_prof_current_proc(LABEL(mercury__exception__builtin_throw_1_0));
+ /* we've just returned from do_call_det_closure */
+ r2 = r1;
+ r1 = TRUE;
+ succip = (Code *) pop();
+ proceed();
+#else /* not COMPACT_ARGS */
+ push(succip);
+ push(catch_code_model);
+ call(ENTRY(do_call_det_closure),
+ LABEL(mercury__exception__builtin_throw_1_0_i1)),
+ ENTRY(mercury__exception__builtin_throw_1_0));
+ update_prof_current_proc(LABEL(mercury__exception__builtin_throw_1_0));
+ /* we've just returned from do_call_det_closure */
+ catch_code_model = pop();
+ if (catch_code_model == MODEL_SEMI) {
+ r5 = r1;
+ else {
+ r4 = r1;
+ }
+ succip = (Code *) pop();
+ proceed();
+#endif /* not COMPACT_ARGS */
+ /*
+ ** `exception_handler_do_fail' is the same as `do_fail':
+ ** it just invokes fail(). The reason we don't just use
+ ** `do_fail' for this is that when unwinding the stack we
+ ** check for a redoip of `exception_handler_do_fail' and
+ ** handle it specially.
+ */
+ fail();
+/* Ensure that the initialization code for the above module gets run. */
+INIT mercury_sys_init_exceptions
+/* suppress gcc -Wmissing-decls warning */
+void mercury_sys_init_exceptions(void);
+void mercury_sys_init_exceptions(void) {
+ exceptions_module();
+** unsafe_perform_io/2 is the same as unsafe_perform_io/1
+** (see extras/trailed_update/unsafe.m)
+** except that it also allows the predicate to return an output argument.
+:- impure pred unsafe_perform_io(pred(T, io__state, io__state), T).
+:- mode unsafe_perform_io(pred(out, di, uo) is det, out) is det.
+:- mode unsafe_perform_io(pred(out, di, uo) is cc_multi, out) is det.
+:- pragma c_code(
+unsafe_perform_io(P::(pred(out, di, uo) is det), X::out),
+ may_call_mercury,
+ ME_exception_call_io_pred_det(TypeInfo_for_T, P, &X);
+:- pragma c_code(
+unsafe_perform_io(P::(pred(out, di, uo) is cc_multi), X::out),
+ may_call_mercury,
+ ME_exception_call_io_pred_cc_multi(TypeInfo_for_T, P, &X);
+:- pred call_io_pred(pred(T, io__state, io__state), T, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode call_io_pred(pred(out, di, uo) is det, out, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode call_io_pred(pred(out, di, uo) is cc_multi, out, di, uo) is cc_multi.
+:- pragma export(call_io_pred(pred(out, di, uo) is det, out, di, uo),
+ "ME_exception_call_io_pred_det").
+:- pragma export(call_io_pred(pred(out, di, uo) is cc_multi, out, di, uo),
+ "ME_exception_call_io_pred_cc_multi").
+call_io_pred(P, X) --> P(X).
Index: extras/exceptions/test_exceptions.exp
RCS file: test_exceptions.exp
diff -N test_exceptions.exp
--- /dev/null Wed Jul 22 04:55:53 1998
+++ test_exceptions.exp Wed Jul 22 00:13:21 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+det_throw: exception(univ("det_throw" : string))
+det_succeed: succeeded("det_succeed")
+semidet_throw: exception(univ("semidet_throw" : string))
+semidet_succeed: succeeded("semidet_succeed")
+semidet_fail: failed
+cc_multi_throw: exception(univ("cc_multi_throw" : string))
+cc_multi_succeed: succeeded("cc_multi_succeed")
+cc_nondet_throw: exception(univ("cc_nondet_throw" : string))
+cc_nondet_succeed: succeeded("cc_nondet_succeed")
+cc_nondet_fail: failed
+multi_throw: exception(univ("multi_throw" : string))
+multi_succeed: succeeded(["multi_succeed 1", "multi_succeed 2"])
+multi_succeed_then_throw: exception(univ("multi_succeed_then_throw 3" : string))
+nondet_throw: exception(univ("nondet_throw" : string))
+nondet_succeed: succeeded(["nondet_succeed 1", "nondet_succeed 2"])
+nondet_fail: succeeded([])
+nondet_succeed_then_throw: exception(univ("nondet_succeed_then_throw 3" : string))
Index: extras/exceptions/test_exceptions.m
RCS file: test_exceptions.m
diff -N test_exceptions.m
--- /dev/null Wed Jul 22 04:55:53 1998
+++ test_exceptions.m Wed Jul 22 00:13:18 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1997-1998 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: test_exceptions.m.
+% Main author: fjh.
+% Test cases for exception handling.
+% XXX we should test nested exception handlers.
+:- module test_exceptions.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is cc_multi.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module std_util.
+:- import_module exception.
+main -->
+ { try(det_throw, DetThrowResult) },
+ print("det_throw: "), print(DetThrowResult), nl,
+ { try(det_succeed, DetSucceedResult) },
+ print("det_succeed: "), print(DetSucceedResult), nl,
+ (if { try(semidet_throw, SemidetThrowResult) } then
+ print("semidet_throw: "), print(SemidetThrowResult), nl
+ else
+ print("semidet_throw failed"), nl
+ ),
+ (if { try(semidet_succeed, SemidetSucceedResult) } then
+ print("semidet_succeed: "), print(SemidetSucceedResult), nl
+ else
+ print("semidet_succeed failed"), nl
+ ),
+ (if { try(semidet_fail, SemidetFailResult) } then
+ print("semidet_fail: "), print(SemidetFailResult), nl
+ else
+ print("semidet_fail failed"), nl
+ ),
+ { try(cc_multi_throw, CCMultiThrowResult) },
+ print("cc_multi_throw: "), print(CCMultiThrowResult), nl,
+ { try(cc_multi_succeed, CCMultiSucceedResult) },
+ print("cc_multi_succeed: "), print(CCMultiSucceedResult), nl,
+ (if { try(cc_nondet_throw, CCNondetThrowResult) } then
+ print("cc_nondet_throw: "), print(CCNondetThrowResult), nl
+ else
+ print("cc_nondet_throw failed"), nl
+ ),
+ (if { try(cc_nondet_succeed, CCNondetSucceedResult) } then
+ print("cc_nondet_succeed: "), print(CCNondetSucceedResult), nl
+ else
+ print("cc_nondet_succeed failed"), nl
+ ),
+ (if { try(cc_nondet_fail, CCNondetFailResult) } then
+ print("cc_nondet_fail: "), print(CCNondetFailResult), nl
+ else
+ print("cc_nondet_fail failed"), nl
+ ),
+ { try((pred(R::out) is det :- solutions(multi_throw, R)),
+ MultiThrowResult) },
+ print("multi_throw: "), print(MultiThrowResult), nl,
+ { try((pred(R::out) is det :- solutions(multi_succeed, R)),
+ MultiSucceedResult) },
+ print("multi_succeed: "), print(MultiSucceedResult), nl,
+ { try((pred(R::out) is det :-
+ solutions(multi_succeed_then_throw, R)),
+ MultiSucceedThenThrowResult) },
+ print("multi_succeed_then_throw: "),
+ print(MultiSucceedThenThrowResult), nl,
+ { try((pred(R::out) is det :- solutions(nondet_throw, R)),
+ NondetThrowResult) },
+ print("nondet_throw: "), print(NondetThrowResult), nl,
+ { try((pred(R::out) is det :- solutions(nondet_succeed, R)),
+ NondetSucceedResult) },
+ print("nondet_succeed: "), print(NondetSucceedResult), nl,
+ { try((pred(R::out) is det :- solutions(nondet_fail, R)),
+ NondetFailResult) },
+ print("nondet_fail: "), print(NondetFailResult), nl,
+ { try((pred(R::out) is det :-
+ solutions(nondet_succeed_then_throw, R)),
+ NondetSucceedThenThrowResult) },
+ print("nondet_succeed_then_throw: "),
+ print(NondetSucceedThenThrowResult), nl.
+:- pred det_throw(string::out) is det.
+det_throw(_) :- throw("det_throw").
+:- pred semidet_throw(string::out) is semidet.
+semidet_throw(_) :- throw("semidet_throw").
+:- pred nondet_throw(string::out) is nondet.
+nondet_throw(_) :- throw("nondet_throw").
+:- pred multi_throw(string::out) is multi.
+multi_throw(_) :- throw("multi_throw").
+:- pred cc_nondet_throw(string::out) is cc_nondet.
+cc_nondet_throw(_) :- throw("cc_nondet_throw").
+:- pred cc_multi_throw(string::out) is cc_multi.
+cc_multi_throw(_) :- throw("cc_multi_throw").
+:- pred det_succeed(string::out) is det.
+:- pred semidet_succeed(string::out) is semidet.
+:- pred nondet_succeed(string::out) is nondet.
+nondet_succeed("nondet_succeed 1").
+nondet_succeed("nondet_succeed 2").
+:- pred multi_succeed(string::out) is multi.
+multi_succeed("multi_succeed 1").
+multi_succeed("multi_succeed 2").
+:- pred cc_nondet_succeed(string::out) is cc_nondet.
+cc_nondet_succeed("cc_nondet_succeed 2").
+:- pred cc_multi_succeed(string::out) is cc_multi.
+cc_multi_succeed("cc_multi_succeed 2").
+:- pred semidet_fail(string::out) is semidet.
+semidet_fail("semidet_fail") :- fail.
+:- pred nondet_fail(string::out) is nondet.
+nondet_fail("nondet_fail 1") :- fail.
+nondet_fail("nondet_fail 2") :- fail.
+:- pred cc_nondet_fail(string::out) is cc_nondet.
+cc_nondet_fail("cc_nondet_fail") :- fail.
+cc_nondet_fail("cc_nondet_succeed 2") :- fail.
+:- pred nondet_succeed_then_throw(string::out) is nondet.
+nondet_succeed_then_throw("nondet_succeed_then_throw 1").
+nondet_succeed_then_throw("nondet_succeed_then_throw 2").
+nondet_succeed_then_throw(_) :- throw("nondet_succeed_then_throw 3").
+nondet_succeed_then_throw("nondet_succeed_then_throw 4").
+:- pred multi_succeed_then_throw(string::out) is multi.
+multi_succeed_then_throw("multi_succeed_then_throw 1").
+multi_succeed_then_throw("multi_succeed_then_throw 2").
+multi_succeed_then_throw(_) :- throw("multi_succeed_then_throw 3").
+multi_succeed_then_throw("multi_succeed_then_throw 4").
Index: extras/exceptions/test_exceptions_func.exp
RCS file: test_exceptions_func.exp
diff -N test_exceptions_func.exp
--- /dev/null Wed Jul 22 04:55:53 1998
+++ test_exceptions_func.exp Wed Jul 22 00:13:22 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+det_throw: exception(univ("det_throw" : string))
+det_succeed: succeeded("det_succeed")
+semidet_throw: exception(univ("semidet_throw" : string))
+semidet_succeed: succeeded("semidet_succeed")
+semidet_fail: failed
Index: extras/exceptions/test_exceptions_func.m
RCS file: test_exceptions_func.m
diff -N test_exceptions_func.m
--- /dev/null Wed Jul 22 04:55:53 1998
+++ test_exceptions_func.m Wed Jul 22 04:14:25 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1997-1998 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: test_exceptions_func.m.
+% Main author: fjh.
+% Test cases for exception handling functions.
+% XXX we should test nested exception handlers.
+:- module test_exceptions_func.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is cc_multi.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module std_util.
+:- import_module exception.
+main -->
+ { try(det_throw, R1) },
+ print("det_throw: "), print_r(R1), nl,
+ { try(det_succeed, R2) },
+ print("det_succeed: "), print_r(R2), nl,
+ { try(semidet_throw, SemidetThrowResult) },
+ print("semidet_throw: "), print_r(SemidetThrowResult), nl,
+ { try(semidet_succeed, SemidetSucceedResult) },
+ print("semidet_succeed: "), print_r(SemidetSucceedResult), nl,
+ { try(semidet_fail, SemidetFailResult) },
+ print("semidet_fail: "), print_r(SemidetFailResult), nl.
+:- pred print_r(exception_result(T)::in, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+print_r(E) --> print(E).
+:- pred det_throw(string::out) is det.
+:- pred semidet_throw(string::out) is semidet.
+:- pred det_succeed(string::out) is det.
+:- pred semidet_succeed(string::out) is semidet.
+:- pred semidet_fail(string::out) is semidet.
+semidet_fail("semidet_fail") :- fail.
Index: extras/exceptions/test_uncaught_exception.exp
RCS file: test_uncaught_exception.exp
diff -N test_uncaught_exception.exp
--- /dev/null Wed Jul 22 04:55:53 1998
+++ test_uncaught_exception.exp Wed Jul 22 00:13:22 1998
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Mercury runtime: builtin_throw/1: uncaught exception
Index: extras/exceptions/test_uncaught_exception.m
RCS file: test_uncaught_exception.m
diff -N test_uncaught_exception.m
--- /dev/null Wed Jul 22 04:55:53 1998
+++ test_uncaught_exception.m Wed Jul 22 04:54:09 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1997-1998 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: test_uncaught_exception.m.
+% Main author: fjh.
+% A test case for exception handling.
+:- module test_uncaught_exception.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is cc_multi.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module std_util.
+:- import_module exception.
+main -->
+ { throw("<exception thrown from main>") }.
Fergus Henderson <fjh at> | "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW: <> | of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger fjh at | -- the last words of T. S. Garp.
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