for review: new method of handling failures, part 1 of 6
Thomas Charles CONWAY
conway at
Tue Jul 7 16:50:48 AEST 1998
Zoltan writes:
> compiler/options.m:
> Introduce a new option, allow_hijacks, which is set to "yes" by
> default. It is not used yet, but the idea is that when it is set to no,
> the code generator will not generate code that hijacks the nondet
> stack frame of another procedure invocation; instead, it will create
> a new temporary nondet stack frame. If the current procedure is
> model_non, it will have three fields: prevfr, redoip and redofr.
> If the current procedure is model_det or model_semi, it will have
> a fourth field that is set to the value of MR_sp. The idea is that
> the runtime system, which will be able to distinguish between
> ordinary frames (whose size is at least 5 words), 3-word and 4-word
> temporary frames, will now be able to use the redofr slots of
> all three kinds of frames and the fourth slot values of 4-word
> temporary frames as the addresses relative to which framevars
> and detstackvars respectively ought to be offset in stack layouts.
This doesn't appear to be documented anywhere (other than the log message).
Perhaps somewhere in the notes/ would be a good idea.
> runtime/mercury_imp.h:
> If MR_DISABLE_REDOFR is defined, undefine off MR_USE_REDOFR before
s/off/of/ ?
> % Create a code address which holds the address of the specified
> % procedure.
> % The fourth argument should be `no' if the the caller wants the
> % returned address to be valid from everywhere in the program.
> % If being valid from within the current procedure is enough,
> % this argument should be `yes' wrapped around the value of the
> % --procs-per-c-function option and the current procedure id.
> % Using an address that is only valid from within the current
> % procedure may make jumps more efficient.
> % XXX
The 4th argument isn't a maybe, so the comment doesn;t match the decl.
It might be a good idea to create a new type for this with more descriptive
Is discrepancy the reason for this XXX?
> :- pred code_info__make_entry_label(module_info, pred_id, proc_id, bool,
> code_addr, code_info, code_info).
> :- mode code_info__make_entry_label(in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
> % note: we must be careful to apply deaths before births
I know I probably wrote this comment, but it doesn't say why. I assume
that it is because a variable may have two lifetimes in adjacent
conjoined scopes or something. If you know the reason, could you
improve the comment?
> :- type position_info
> ---> position_info(
> code_info % The code_info at a given position
> % in the code of the procedure.
> ).
> :- type branch_end_info
> ---> branch_end_info(
> code_info % The code_info at the end of a branch.
> ).
> code_info__remember_position(position_info(C), C, C).
> code_info__reset_to_position(position_info(PosCI), CurCI, NextCI) :-
> % The static fields in PosCI and CurCI should be identical.
> PosCI = code_info(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
> LA, LB, LC, LD, LE, LF, _, _, _, _, _, _ ),
> CurCI = code_info(SA, SB, SC, SD, SE, SF, SG, SH,
> _, _, _, _, _, _, PA, PB, PC, PD, PE, PF),
> NextCI = code_info(SA, SB, SC, SD, SE, SF, SG, SH,
> LA, LB, LC, LD, LE, LF, PA, PB, PC, PD, PE, PF).
At one stage you talked about making the position info a structure just
containing the fields of the code info that get remembered to force
maintainers who add a field to code info to work out whether or not
it should be remembered. Did you change your mind, or is that an item
for further work.
> :- type disj_hijack_info
> ---> disj_no_hijack
> ; disj_quarter_hijack
> ; disj_half_hijack(
> lval % the stack slot in which we saved
> % the value of the hijacked redoip
> )
> ; disj_full_hijack(
> lval, % the stack slot in which we saved
> % the value of the hijacked redoip
> lval % the stack slot in which we saved
> % the value of the hijacked redofr
> ).
A couple of comments that describe the meaning of the constructors would
be helpful here.
> :- type ite_hijack_info
> ---> ite_no_hijack(
> resume_point_known
> )
> ; ite_quarter_hijack(
> resume_point_known
> )
> ; ite_half_hijack(
> resume_point_known,
> lval % the stack slot in which we saved
> % the value of the hijacked redoip
> )
> ; ite_full_hijack(
> resume_point_known,
> lval, % the stack slot in which we saved
> % the value of the hijacked redoip
> lval, % the stack slot in which we saved
> % the value of the hijacked redofr
> lval % the stack slot in which we saved
> % the value of maxfr
> ).
> :- type commit_hijack_info
> ---> commit_quarter_hijack
> ; commit_half_hijack(
> lval % the stack slot in which we saved
> % the value of the hijacked redoip
> )
> ; commit_full_hijack(
> lval, % the stack slot in which we saved
> % the value of the hijacked redoip
> lval, % the stack slot in which we saved
> % the value of the hijacked redofr
> lval % the stack slot in which we saved
> % the value of maxfr
> ).
Thomas Conway <conway at>
Nail here [] for new monitor. )O+
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