Documentation of support for polymorphic pragma c code

Oliver Hutchison ohutch at
Wed Jan 14 14:10:55 AEDT 1998

On Wed, 14 Jan 1998, Fergus Henderson wrote:

> On 14-Jan-1998, Oliver Hutchison <ohutch at> wrote:
> > 
> > I notice that there does not seem to be any documentation about using
> > pragma c_code for polymorphic preds, but when I had a go at it I discovered
> > that the compiler does support this.  Perhaps there is some uncommitted
> > documentation floating around?
> What's to document?  It just works. 
> > Now we have type layouts etc. this is a
> > very useful feature and unless the interface for this feature is unstable
> > it sould be documented. 
> The interface is the same whether the predicate is monomorphic or polymorphic.

Not quite. If the pred is polymorphic c variables holding type infos for
each of the type variables will also be present. Is this the undocument
feature you mention below? 

> If you want to get access to the type_infos, then as the documentation
> in the "Calling Mercury code from C" section says:
> 	... `type_info' arguments can be obtained using the Mercury
> 	`type_of' function in the Mercury standard library module `std_util'.
> (Well, OK, I admit it --- there is an undocumented alternate way of obtaining
> them.  However, using `type_of' works fine, and is arguably more elegant,
> so I thought it better not to document the alternative.)

> I suppose we could add a similar statement to the above documentation
> in the "Calling C code from Mercury" section.  Perhaps something like
> 	Note that `pragma c_code' can be used for both polymorphic and
> 	ordinary (monomorphic) predicates.  When defining polymorphic
> 	predicates, you may sometimes need access to the `type_info'
> 	values which provides information about the particular types
> 	passed.  These can be obtained using the Mercury `type_of'
> 	function in the Mercury standard library module `std_util'.
> 	You can write a small wrapper predicate which calls `type_of'
> 	to obtain the type_info for its arguments and then passes the
> 	results to the predicate implemented using `pragma c_code'.

Well I guess that is ok but I don't really agree that it is a particularly
elegant way of doing it. IMHO adding the extra variables to the c_code is
the elegant/intuitive way. Using wrappers is simply forcing the programmer
to do what is already done! Given the following code (I think this is what
you have in mind?) : 

:- pred fug(T1, T2).
:- mode fug(in, out) is det.

fug(A, B) :-
	TypeInfo_for_T1 = type_of(A),
	TypeInfo_for_T2 = type_of(B),
	fug2(TypeInfo_for_T1, TypeInfo_for_T2, A, B).

:- pred fug2(type_info, type_info, T1, T2).
:- mode fug2(in, in, in, out).

:- pragma c_code(fug2(TypeInfo_for_T1::in, TypeInfo_for_T2::in, A::in,
		B::in), "
	do_some_stuff(TypeInfo_for_T1, TypeInfo_for_T2, A, B);

could be written 

:- pred fug(T1, T2).
:- mode fug(in, out) is det.

:- pragma c_code(fug(A::in, B::in) ,"
	do_some_stuff(TypeInfo_for_T1, TypeInfo_for_T2, A, B);

I know I like the second alternative. Also if you have a look at the
generated c code for each of the alternatives you will see that the second
way of doing it produces a lot less code. Oh and the first way produces a
bug in the generated c code too (The variable names TypeInfo_for_T? are


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