diff: fix remote CVS documentation.

Tyson Dowd trd at cs.mu.oz.au
Wed Jan 7 19:12:13 AEDT 1998


We just got Philip's and then Erwan's remote CVS to work, so I thought I
should document how it's done.


Estimated hours taken: 0.5

Update the documentation - it seems you need to have an account
on the CVS server machine after all.

	Add instructions to create an account on hydra and mercury.
	Add some more documentation on how to "allow" domains to
	access the machines.

Index: developer/remote_cvs.html
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/www/developer/remote_cvs.html,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 remote_cvs.html
--- remote_cvs.html	1997/10/07 03:56:08	1.1
+++ remote_cvs.html	1998/01/07 08:06:44
@@ -55,11 +55,19 @@
 	  Mercury team, who will install it for you. If you have access to
 	  the CVS repository at the University of Melbourne, you can just
 	  add it to the file /home/mercury1/repository/CVSROOT/passwd.
+	  You also need an account on the machines where the cvs server
+	  is running which is in group mercury (the account doesn't need
+	  to be able to rlogin). If you can't create one yourself,
+	  you'll need to ask someone in the Mercury team to create one
+	  for you. (Mercury team - add a line to the CVS passwd file,
+	  and an account with * in the password field, /dev/null as
+	  its shell, and in group mercury, on hydra and mercury).
 	<li> Also, tell us what domain you're going to be accessing the
 	  repository from, so we can adjust our security setup to allow
 	  you access. If you don't say, we'll assume it is the same as your
-	  email address.
+	  email address. (Mercury team - modify /etc/hosts.allow to
+	  allow that domain).
 	<li> Access via Windows or other non-UNIX platforms is untested,
 	  but theoretically possible.

       Tyson Dowd           # If I'm unusually agressive in this email, it's
                            # probably because USENET has been down here for
     trd at cs.mu.oz.au        # over a week, and I'm missing my usual dosage
http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~trd # of flamewars. My apologies in advance.

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