diff: clean up handling of unbound type variables

Fergus Henderson fjh at cs.mu.oz.au
Thu Jan 1 19:12:56 AEDT 1998

Clean up the handling of unbound type variables.
Fix a bug with unbound type variables in lambda expressions.

	Move the code for checking for unbound type variables
	from typecheck.m to purity.m.  It needs to be done
	*after* type inference has been completed, so it
	can't be done in the ordinary type checking/inference
	passes.  Add code to purity.m to bind the
	unbound type variables to `void'.

	Comment out old code to bind unbound type variables
	to `void'; the old code was incomplete, and this
	is now done in purity.m.

	Document the above changes.

	Regression test.

cvs diff  compiler/notes/compiler_design.html compiler/polymorphism.m compiler/purity.m compiler/typecheck.m tests/valid/Mmakefile tests/valid/unbound_tvar_in_lambda.m
Index: compiler/notes/compiler_design.html
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/notes/compiler_design.html,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -r1.11 compiler_design.html
--- compiler_design.html	1997/12/22 06:59:04	1.11
+++ compiler_design.html	1998/01/01 06:57:35
@@ -223,7 +223,8 @@
 	purity.m is responsible for purity checking, as well as
 	defining the <CODE>purity</CODE> type and a few public
 	operations on it.  It also completes the handling of predicate
-	overloading for cases which typecheck.m is unable to handle.
+	overloading for cases which typecheck.m is unable to handle,
+	and checks for unbound type variables.
 <dt> mode analysis
Index: compiler/polymorphism.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/polymorphism.m,v
retrieving revision 1.118
diff -u -r1.118 polymorphism.m
--- polymorphism.m	1997/10/14 09:27:53	1.118
+++ polymorphism.m	1998/01/01 07:59:42
@@ -796,7 +796,7 @@
 		VarTypes = VarTypes0,
 		TypeInfoMap = TypeInfoMap0
-		Type = term__variable(TypeVar1)
+		Type = term__variable(_TypeVar1)
 		% This occurs for code where a predicate calls a polymorphic
 		% predicate with an unbound type variable, for example
@@ -804,7 +804,16 @@
 		%	:- pred p.
 		%	:- pred q(list(T)).
 		%	p :- q([]).
-		%
+		% this case is now treated as an error;
+		% it should be caught by purity.m.
+		error("polymorphism__make_var: unbound type variable")
+This is what we used to do... but this didn't handle the case of type
+variables used by lambda expressions properly.
+Binding unbound type variables to `void' is now done in purity.m,
+because it is easier to do it correctly there.
 		% In this case T is unbound, so there cannot be any objects
 		% of type T, and so q/1 cannot possibly use the unification
 		% predicate for type T.  We pass the type-info for the
@@ -832,6 +841,7 @@
 			no, ModuleInfo, TypeInfoMap0, VarSet0, VarTypes0,
 			Var, TypeInfoMap1, ExtraGoals, VarSet, VarTypes),
 		map__det_insert(TypeInfoMap1, TypeVar1, Var, TypeInfoMap)
 		error("polymorphism__make_var: unknown type")
Index: compiler/purity.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/purity.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 purity.m
--- purity.m	1997/12/11 10:31:08	1.2
+++ purity.m	1998/01/01 08:08:02
@@ -6,10 +6,28 @@
 % File      : purity.m
 % Authors   : pets (Peter Schachte)
-% Purpose   : handle `impure' and `promise_pure' declarations
+% Purpose   : handle `impure' and `promise_pure' declarations;
+%	      finish off type checking.
-%  The purpose of this module is to allow one to declare certain parts of
-%  one's program to be impure, thereby forbidding the compiler from making
+%  The main purpose of this module is check the consistency of the
+%  `impure' and `promise_pure' (etc.) declarations, and to thus report
+%  error messages if the program is not "purity-correct".
+%  This module also does two final parts of type analysis:
+%	- it resolves predicate overloading
+%	  (perhaps it ought to also resolve function overloading,
+%	  converting unifications that are function calls into
+%	  HLDS call instructions, but currently that is still done
+%	  in modecheck_unify.m)
+%	- it checks for unbound type variables and if there are any,
+%	  it reports an error (or a warning, binding them to the type `void').
+%  These actions cannot be done until after type inference is complete,
+%  so they need to be a separate "post-typecheck pass"; they are done
+%  here in combination with the purity-analysis pass for efficiency reasons.
+%  The aim of Mercury's purity system is to allow one to declare certain parts
+%  of one's program to be impure, thereby forbidding the compiler from making
 %  certain optimizations to that part of the code.  Since one can often
 %  implement a perfectly pure predicate or function in terms of impure
 %  predicates and functions, one is also allowed to promise to the compiler
@@ -217,27 +235,188 @@
 		NumErrors0, NumErrors) -->
 	{ module_info_preds(ModuleInfo0, Preds0) },
 	{ map__lookup(Preds0, PredId, PredInfo0) },
-	(   { pred_info_is_imported(PredInfo0)
-	    ; pred_info_is_pseudo_imported(PredInfo0)} ->
+	(	
+		{ pred_info_is_imported(PredInfo0)
+		; pred_info_is_pseudo_imported(PredInfo0) }
+	->
 		{ ModuleInfo1 = ModuleInfo0 },
 		{ NumErrors1 = NumErrors0 }
 		write_pred_progress_message("% Purity-checking ", PredId,
-		puritycheck_pred(PredId, PredInfo0, PredInfo1, ModuleInfo0,
-				 ErrsInThisPred),
-		{ map__det_update(Preds0, PredId, PredInfo1, Preds) },
+		check_type_bindings(PredId, PredInfo0, PredInfo1, ModuleInfo0,
+				UnboundTypeErrsInThisPred),
+		puritycheck_pred(PredId, PredInfo1, PredInfo2, ModuleInfo0,
+				PurityErrsInThisPred),
+		{ map__det_update(Preds0, PredId, PredInfo2, Preds) },
 		{ module_info_get_predicate_table(ModuleInfo0, PredTable0) },
 		{ predicate_table_set_preds(PredTable0, Preds, PredTable) },
 		{ module_info_set_predicate_table(ModuleInfo0, PredTable,
 						  ModuleInfo1) },
-		{ NumErrors1 is NumErrors0 + ErrsInThisPred }
+		{ NumErrors1 is NumErrors0 + UnboundTypeErrsInThisPred
+					   + PurityErrsInThisPred }
 	check_preds_purity_2(PredIds, ModuleInfo1, ModuleInfo,
 				  NumErrors1, NumErrors).
 	% Purity-check the code for single predicate, reporting any errors.
+%			Check for unbound type variables
+%  Check that the all of the types which have been inferred
+%  for the variables in the clause do not contain any unbound type
+%  variables other than those that occur in the types of head
+%  variables.
+:- pred check_type_bindings(pred_id, pred_info, pred_info,
+		module_info, int, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode check_type_bindings(in, in, out, in, out, di, uo) is det.
+check_type_bindings(PredId, PredInfo0, PredInfo, ModuleInfo, NumErrors,
+		IOState0, IOState) :-
+	pred_info_clauses_info(PredInfo0, ClausesInfo0),
+	ClausesInfo0 = clauses_info(VarSet, B, VarTypesMap0, HeadVars, E),
+	map__apply_to_list(HeadVars, VarTypesMap0, HeadVarTypes),
+	term__vars_list(HeadVarTypes, HeadVarTypeParams),
+	map__to_assoc_list(VarTypesMap0, VarTypesList),
+	set__init(Set0),
+	check_type_bindings_2(VarTypesList, HeadVarTypeParams,
+			[], Errs, Set0, Set),
+	( Errs = [] ->
+		PredInfo = PredInfo0,
+		IOState = IOState0,
+		NumErrors = 0
+	;
+		%
+		% report the warning
+		%
+		report_unresolved_type_warning(Errs, PredId, PredInfo0,
+				ModuleInfo, VarSet, IOState0, IOState),
+		NumErrors = 0,
+		%
+		% bind all the type variables in `Set' to `void' ...
+		%
+		pred_info_context(PredInfo0, Context),
+		bind_type_vars_to_void(Set, Context, VarTypesMap0, VarTypesMap),
+		ClausesInfo = clauses_info(VarSet, B, VarTypesMap, HeadVars, E),
+		pred_info_set_clauses_info(PredInfo0, ClausesInfo, PredInfo)
+	).
+:- pred check_type_bindings_2(assoc_list(var, (type)), list(var),
+			assoc_list(var, (type)), assoc_list(var, (type)),
+			set(tvar), set(tvar)).
+:- mode check_type_bindings_2(in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+check_type_bindings_2([], _, Errs, Errs, Set, Set).
+check_type_bindings_2([Var - Type | VarTypes], HeadTypeParams,
+			Errs0, Errs, Set0, Set) :-
+	term__vars(Type, TVars),
+	set__list_to_set(TVars, TVarsSet0),
+	set__delete_list(TVarsSet0, HeadTypeParams, TVarsSet1),
+	( \+ set__empty(TVarsSet1) ->
+		Errs1 = [Var - Type | Errs0],
+		set__union(Set0, TVarsSet1, Set1)
+	;
+		Errs1 = Errs0,
+		Set0 = Set1
+	),
+	check_type_bindings_2(VarTypes, HeadTypeParams,
+		Errs1, Errs, Set1, Set).
+% bind all the type variables in `UnboundTypeVarsSet' to the type `void' ...
+:- pred bind_type_vars_to_void(set(var), term__context,
+				map(var, type), map(var, type)).
+:- mode bind_type_vars_to_void(in, in, in, out) is det.
+bind_type_vars_to_void(UnboundTypeVarsSet, Context,
+		VarTypesMap0, VarTypesMap) :-
+	%
+	% first create a pair of corresponding lists (UnboundTypeVars, Voids)
+	% that map the unbound type variables to void
+	%
+	set__to_sorted_list(UnboundTypeVarsSet, UnboundTypeVars),
+	list__length(UnboundTypeVars, Length),
+	Void = term__functor(term__atom("void"), [], Context),
+	list__duplicate(Length, Void, Voids),
+	%
+	% then apply the substitution we just created to the variable types
+	%
+	map__keys(VarTypesMap0, Vars),
+	map__values(VarTypesMap0, Types0),
+	term__substitute_corresponding_list(UnboundTypeVars, Voids,
+		Types0, Types),
+	map__from_corresponding_lists(Vars, Types, VarTypesMap).
+% report an error: uninstantiated type parameter
+:- pred report_unresolved_type_warning(assoc_list(var, (type)), pred_id,
+			pred_info, module_info, varset, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode report_unresolved_type_warning(in, in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+report_unresolved_type_warning(Errs, PredId, PredInfo, ModuleInfo, VarSet) -->
+	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(halt_at_warn, HaltAtWarn),
+	( { HaltAtWarn = yes } ->
+		 io__set_exit_status(1)
+	;
+		[]
+	),
+	{ pred_info_typevarset(PredInfo, TypeVarSet) },
+	{ pred_info_context(PredInfo, Context) },
+        prog_out__write_context(Context),
+	io__write_string("In "),
+	hlds_out__write_pred_id(ModuleInfo, PredId),
+	io__write_string(":\n"),
+        prog_out__write_context(Context),
+	io__write_string("  warning: unresolved polymorphism.\n"),
+	prog_out__write_context(Context),
+	( { Errs = [_] } ->
+		io__write_string("  The variable with an unbound type was:\n")
+	;
+		io__write_string("  The variables with unbound types were:\n")
+	),
+	write_type_var_list(Errs, Context, VarSet, TypeVarSet),
+	prog_out__write_context(Context),
+	io__write_string("  The unbound type variable(s) will be implicitly\n"),
+	prog_out__write_context(Context),
+	io__write_string("  bound to the builtin type `void'.\n"),
+	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(verbose_errors, VerboseErrors),
+	( { VerboseErrors = yes } ->
+		io__write_strings([
+"\tThe body of the clause contains a call to a polymorphic predicate,\n",
+"\tbut I can't determine which version should be called,\n",
+"\tbecause the type variables listed above didn't get bound.\n",
+% "\tYou may need to use an explicit type qualifier.\n",
+% XXX improve error message
+"\t(I ought to tell you which call caused the problem, but I'm afraid\n",
+"\tyou'll have to work it out yourself.  My apologies.)\n"
+			])
+	;
+		[]
+	).
+:- pred write_type_var_list(assoc_list(var, (type)), term__context,
+			varset, tvarset, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_type_var_list(in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+write_type_var_list([], _, _, _) --> [].
+write_type_var_list([Var - Type | Rest], Context, VarSet, TVarSet) -->
+	prog_out__write_context(Context),
+	io__write_string("      "),
+	mercury_output_var(Var, VarSet, no),
+	io__write_string(" :: "),
+	mercury_output_term(Type, TVarSet, no),
+	io__write_string("\n"),
+	write_type_var_list(Rest, Context, VarSet, TVarSet).
 %			Check purity of a single predicate
Index: compiler/typecheck.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/typecheck.m,v
retrieving revision 1.222
diff -u -r1.222 typecheck.m
--- typecheck.m	1997/12/09 04:01:42	1.222
+++ typecheck.m	1997/12/22 10:54:12
@@ -594,17 +594,8 @@
 typecheck_check_for_ambiguity(StuffToCheck, HeadVars,
 		TypeCheckInfo0, TypeCheckInfo) :-
 	typecheck_info_get_type_assign_set(TypeCheckInfo0, TypeAssignSet),
-	( TypeAssignSet = [TypeAssign] ->
-		typecheck_info_get_found_error(TypeCheckInfo0, FoundError),
-		(
-			StuffToCheck = whole_pred,
-			FoundError = no
-		->
-			check_type_bindings(TypeAssign, HeadVars,
-				TypeCheckInfo0, TypeCheckInfo)
-		;
-			TypeCheckInfo = TypeCheckInfo0
-		)
+	( TypeAssignSet = [_SingleTypeAssign] ->
+		TypeCheckInfo = TypeCheckInfo0
 	; TypeAssignSet = [TypeAssign1, TypeAssign2 | _] ->
 		% we only report an ambiguity error if
@@ -662,139 +653,6 @@
 		error("internal error in typechecker: no type-assignment"),
 		TypeCheckInfo = TypeCheckInfo0
-	% Check that the all of the types which have been inferred
-	% for the variables in the clause do not contain any unbound type
-	% variables other than those that occur in the types of head
-	% variables.
-:- pred check_type_bindings(type_assign, list(var),
-			typecheck_info, typecheck_info).
-:- mode check_type_bindings(in, in,
-			typecheck_info_di, typecheck_info_uo) is det.
-check_type_bindings(TypeAssign, HeadVars, TypeCheckInfo0, TypeCheckInfo) :-
-	type_assign_get_type_bindings(TypeAssign, TypeBindings),
-	type_assign_get_var_types(TypeAssign, VarTypesMap),
-	map__apply_to_list(HeadVars, VarTypesMap, HeadVarTypes0),
-	term__apply_rec_substitution_to_list(HeadVarTypes0, TypeBindings,
-		HeadVarTypes),
-	term__vars_list(HeadVarTypes, HeadVarTypeParams),
-	map__to_assoc_list(VarTypesMap, VarTypesList),
-	set__init(Set0),
-	check_type_bindings_2(VarTypesList, TypeBindings, HeadVarTypeParams,
-		[], Errs, Set0, _Set),
-	% ... we could at this point bind all the type variables in `Set'
-	% to `void' ...
-	( Errs = [] ->
-		TypeCheckInfo = TypeCheckInfo0
-	;
-		type_assign_get_typevarset(TypeAssign, TVarSet),
-		report_unresolved_type_error(Errs, TVarSet, TypeCheckInfo0,
-				TypeCheckInfo)
-	).
-:- pred check_type_bindings_2(assoc_list(var, (type)), tsubst, headtypes,
-			assoc_list(var, (type)), assoc_list(var, (type)),
-			set(tvar), set(tvar)).
-:- mode check_type_bindings_2(in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
-check_type_bindings_2([], _, _, Errs, Errs, Set, Set).
-check_type_bindings_2([Var - Type0 | VarTypes], TypeBindings, HeadTypeParams,
-			Errs0, Errs, Set0, Set) :-
-	term__apply_rec_substitution(Type0, TypeBindings, Type),
-	term__vars(Type, TVars),
-	set__list_to_set(TVars, TVarsSet0),
-	set__delete_list(TVarsSet0, HeadTypeParams, TVarsSet1),
-	( \+ set__empty(TVarsSet1) ->
-		Errs1 = [Var - Type | Errs0],
-		set__union(Set0, TVarsSet1, Set1)
-	;
-		Errs1 = Errs0,
-		Set0 = Set1
-	),
-	check_type_bindings_2(VarTypes, TypeBindings, HeadTypeParams,
-		Errs1, Errs, Set1, Set).
-	% report a warning: uninstantiated type parameter
-:- pred report_unresolved_type_error(assoc_list(var, (type)), tvarset,
-				typecheck_info, typecheck_info).
-:- mode report_unresolved_type_error(in, in, typecheck_info_di, 
-				typecheck_info_uo) is det.
-report_unresolved_type_error(Errs, TVarSet, TypeCheckInfo0, TypeCheckInfo) :-
-	typecheck_info_get_io_state(TypeCheckInfo0, IOState0),
-	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(infer_types, Inferring,
-		IOState0, IOState1),
-	( Inferring = yes ->
-		%
-		% If type inferences is enabled, it can result in spurious
-		% unresolved type warnings in the early passes; the warnings
-		% may be spurious because the types may get resolved in later
-		% passes.  Unfortunately there's no way to tell which
-		% is the last pass until after it is finished... 
-		% probably these warnings ought to be issued in a different
-		% pass than type checking.
-		%
-		% For the moment, if type inference is enabled, you just don't
-		% get these warnings.
-		%
-		IOState = IOState1
-	;
-		report_unresolved_type_error_2(TypeCheckInfo0, Errs, TVarSet,
-			IOState1, IOState)
-	),
-	typecheck_info_set_io_state(TypeCheckInfo0, IOState, TypeCheckInfo).
-	% Currently it is just a warning, not an error.
-	% typecheck_info_set_found_error(TypeCheckInfo1, yes, TypeCheckInfo).
-:- pred report_unresolved_type_error_2(typecheck_info, assoc_list(var, (type)),
-					tvarset, io__state, io__state).
-:- mode report_unresolved_type_error_2(typecheck_info_no_io, in, in, di, uo) 
-					is det.
-report_unresolved_type_error_2(TypeCheckInfo, Errs, TVarSet) -->
-	write_typecheck_info_context(TypeCheckInfo),
-	{ typecheck_info_get_varset(TypeCheckInfo, VarSet) },
-	{ typecheck_info_get_context(TypeCheckInfo, Context) },
-	io__write_string("  warning: unresolved polymorphism.\n"),
-	prog_out__write_context(Context),
-	( { Errs = [_] } ->
-		io__write_string("  The variable with an unbound type was:\n")
-	;
-		io__write_string("  The variables with unbound types were:\n")
-	),
-	write_type_var_list(Errs, Context, VarSet, TVarSet),
-	prog_out__write_context(Context),
-	io__write_string("  The unbound type variable(s) will be implicitly\n"),
-	prog_out__write_context(Context),
-	io__write_string("  bound to the builtin type `void'.\n"),
-	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(verbose_errors, VerboseErrors),
-	( { VerboseErrors = yes } ->
-		io__write_string("\tThe body of the clause contains a call to a polymorphic predicate,\n"),
-		io__write_string("\tbut I can't determine which version should be called,\n"),
-		io__write_string("\tbecause the type variables listed above didn't get bound.\n"),
-			% XXX improve error message
-		io__write_string("\t(I ought to tell you which call caused the problem, but I'm afraid\n"),
-		io__write_string("\tyou'll have to work it out yourself.  My apologies.)\n")
-	;
-		[]
-	).
-:- pred write_type_var_list(assoc_list(var, (type)), term__context,
-			varset, tvarset, io__state, io__state).
-:- mode write_type_var_list(in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
-write_type_var_list([], _, _, _) --> [].
-write_type_var_list([Var - Type | Rest], Context, VarSet, TVarSet) -->
-	prog_out__write_context(Context),
-	io__write_string("      "),
-	mercury_output_var(Var, VarSet, no),
-	io__write_string(" :: "),
-	mercury_output_term(Type, TVarSet, no),
-	io__write_string("\n"),
-	write_type_var_list(Rest, Context, VarSet, TVarSet).
Index: tests/valid/Mmakefile
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/valid/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 Mmakefile
--- Mmakefile	1997/11/24 23:10:37	1.4
+++ Mmakefile	1998/01/01 08:09:43
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
 	type_inf_ambig_test.m \
 	undead_proc.m \
 	uniq_unify.m \
+	unbound_tvar_in_lambda.m \
 	unreachable_code.m \
 	unused_args_test2.m \
Index: tests/valid/unbound_tvar_in_lambda.m
RCS file: unbound_tvar_in_lambda.m
diff -N unbound_tvar_in_lambda.m
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan  1 19:12:00 1998
+++ unbound_tvar_in_lambda.m	Thu Jan  1 19:06:53 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+:- module unbound_tvar_in_lambda.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module list, int, std_util, require.
+:- type node(S, T)
+        --->    append(list(S), list(S), list(S)).
+:- type proof(N)
+        --->    node(N, proof(N))
+        ;       assumed.
+:- type proof(S, T) == proof(node(S, T)).
+% Simple polymorphic examples
+:- pred append_w(list(S), list(S), list(S), proof(S, T)).
+:- mode append_w(in, in, out, out) is det.
+:- mode append_w(out, out, in, out) is multi.
+append_w([], Bs, Bs, node(append([], Bs, Bs), assumed)).
+append_w([A|As], Bs, [A|Cs], node(append([A|As], Bs, [A|Cs]), Proof)) :-
+        append_w(As, Bs, Cs, Proof).
+main -->
+        write_string("--- Start Proofs ---\n\n"),
+        { Pred = (pred(P1::out) is nondet :-
+                        append_w([1,2,3,4], [5,6,7], _, P1)) },
+	io__write(Pred),
+        write_string("--- End Proofs ---\n\n").

Fergus Henderson <fjh at cs.mu.oz.au>   |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW: <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~fjh>   |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger fjh at         |     -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

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