making cfloat__init/1 implicit

Fergus Henderson fjh at
Tue Jan 13 01:18:59 AEDT 1998

On 16-Sep-1997, I wrote:
> Currently you cannot pass a variable with inst `free' to a
> procedure that expects an argument of inst `any'; instead
> you must explicitly initialize it with a call to cfloat__init/1
> or the like.
> The patch below would fix this.  However, it turns out to
> cause more problems than it solves.  The reason is that
> mode analsis ends up picking the wrong modes -- it prefers
> the semidet ones above the det ones.  This causes determinism
> errors...
> We should fix mode analysis to use a more sane algorithm for
> picking which mode to call.  Then this change can be committed.
> For now I will leave it uncommitted.

Mode analysis has since been fixed, so here it is again
(modified slightly to resolve some conflicts with other changes).

> --------------------
> Extend the support for `any' insts.
> compiler/inst_match.m:
> compiler/modes.m:
> 	Allow `free' insts to be passed where `any' insts are expected.
> 	This is basically a special case of implied modes.
> 	We insert code to initialize the variable to inst `any' by
> 	calling `<mod>:<type>_init_any'/1, where `<mod>:<type>' is
> 	the type of the variable.

	Change the `extra_goals' type to allow goals to be inserted
	before the main goal, as well as appended after it.

> extras/clpr/cfloat.m:
> 	Add `cfloat__cfloat_init_any/1'.

cvs -n diff compiler/inst_match.m compiler/modecheck_unify.m compiler/modes.m extras/clpr/cfloat.m
Index: compiler/inst_match.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/inst_match.m,v
retrieving revision 1.38
diff -u -r1.38 inst_match.m
--- 1.38	1997/09/29 06:12:36
+++ inst_match.m	1997/10/15 18:28:18
@@ -12,13 +12,15 @@
 The handling of `any' insts is not complete.  (See also inst_util.m)
-It would be nice to allow `free' to match `any', but right now we don't.
+It would be nice to allow `free' to match `any', but right now we
+only allow a few special cases of that.
 The reason is that although the mode analysis would be pretty
 straight-forward, generating the correct code is quite a bit trickier.
 modes.m would have to be changed to handle the implicit
 conversions from `free'/`bound'/`ground' to `any' at
 	(1) procedure calls (this is just an extension of implied modes)
+		currently we support only the easy cases of this
 	(2) the end of branched goals
 	(3) the end of predicates.
@@ -291,21 +293,11 @@
 inst_matches_initial_3(any(UniqA), any(UniqB), _, _) :-
 	unique_matches_initial(UniqA, UniqB).
 inst_matches_initial_3(any(_), free, _, _).
-inst_matches_initial_3(free, any(Uniq), _, _) :-
-	/* we do not yet allow `free' to match `any',
-	   unless the `any' is `clobbered_any' or `mostly_clobbered_any' */
-	( Uniq = clobbered ; Uniq = mostly_clobbered ).
+inst_matches_initial_3(free, any(_), _, _).
 inst_matches_initial_3(free, free, _, _).
 inst_matches_initial_3(bound(UniqA, ListA), any(UniqB), ModuleInfo, _) :-
 	unique_matches_initial(UniqA, UniqB),
-	bound_inst_list_matches_uniq(ListA, UniqB, ModuleInfo),
-	/* we do not yet allow `free' to match `any',
-	   unless the `any' is `clobbered_any' or `mostly_clobbered_any' */
-	( ( UniqB = clobbered ; UniqB = mostly_clobbered ) ->
-		true
-	;
-		bound_inst_list_is_ground_or_any(ListA, ModuleInfo)
-	).
+	bound_inst_list_matches_uniq(ListA, UniqB, ModuleInfo).
 inst_matches_initial_3(bound(_Uniq, _List), free, _, _).
 inst_matches_initial_3(bound(UniqA, ListA), bound(UniqB, ListB), ModuleInfo,
 		Expansions) :-
Index: compiler/modecheck_unify.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/modecheck_unify.m,v
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -u -r1.24 modecheck_unify.m
--- 1.24	1997/10/13 10:24:18
+++ modecheck_unify.m	1997/10/15 18:03:59
@@ -759,8 +759,8 @@
 		% insert the new unification at
 		% the start of the extra goals
-		ExtraGoals0 = extra_goals(InstMapAfterMain,
-					[NewUnifyGoal - GoalInfo]),
+		ExtraGoals0 = extra_goals([], after_goals(InstMapAfterMain,
+					[NewUnifyGoal - GoalInfo])),
 		% recursive call to handle the remaining variables...
 		split_complicated_subunifies_2(Vars0, UniModes0,
Index: compiler/modes.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/modes.m,v
retrieving revision 1.213
diff -u -r1.213 modes.m
--- 1.213	1998/01/05 07:26:19
+++ modes.m	1998/01/09 04:38:59
@@ -265,6 +265,14 @@
 :- type extra_goals
 	--->	no_extra_goals
 	;	extra_goals(
+			list(hlds_goal),	% goals to insert before
+						% the main goal
+			after_goals		% goals to append after
+						% the main goal
+		).
+:- type after_goals
+	--->	no_after_goals
+	;	after_goals(
 			instmap,		% instmap at end of main goal
 			list(hlds_goal)		% goals to append after
 						% the main goal
@@ -1005,33 +1013,62 @@
 	set__to_sorted_list(NonLocals, Vars).
 append_extra_goals(no_extra_goals, ExtraGoals, ExtraGoals).
-append_extra_goals(extra_goals(InstMap, AfterGoals),
-		no_extra_goals, extra_goals(InstMap, AfterGoals)).
-append_extra_goals(extra_goals(InstMap0, AfterGoals0),
-			extra_goals(_InstMap1, AfterGoals1),
-			extra_goals(InstMap, AfterGoals)) :-
+append_extra_goals(extra_goals(BeforeGoals, AfterGoals),
+		no_extra_goals, extra_goals(BeforeGoals, AfterGoals)).
+append_extra_goals(extra_goals(BeforeGoals0, AfterGoals0),
+			extra_goals(BeforeGoals1, AfterGoals1),
+			extra_goals(BeforeGoals, AfterGoals)) :-
+	list__append(BeforeGoals0, BeforeGoals1, BeforeGoals),
+	append_after_goals(AfterGoals0, AfterGoals1, AfterGoals).
+:- pred append_after_goals(after_goals, after_goals, after_goals).
+:- mode append_after_goals(in, in, out) is det.
+append_after_goals(no_after_goals, AfterGoals, AfterGoals).
+append_after_goals(after_goals(InstMap, AfterGoals),
+		no_after_goals, after_goals(InstMap, AfterGoals)).
+append_after_goals(after_goals(InstMap0, AfterGoals0),
+			after_goals(_InstMap1, AfterGoals1),
+			after_goals(InstMap, AfterGoals)) :-
 	InstMap = InstMap0,
 	list__append(AfterGoals0, AfterGoals1, AfterGoals).
 handle_extra_goals(MainGoal, ExtraGoals, GoalInfo0, Args0, Args,
-		InstMapAtStart, _ModeInfo, Goal) :-
+		InstMapAtStart, ModeInfo, Goal) :-
 	% did we introduced any extra variables (and code)?
 		ExtraGoals = no_extra_goals,
 		Goal = MainGoal	% no
-		ExtraGoals = extra_goals(InstMapAfterMain, AfterGoals0),
+		ExtraGoals = extra_goals(BeforeGoals0, AfterGoalsInfo0),
+		% if there were any goals to be appended after the main goal,
+		% get them and the instmap after the main goal.
+		% If there are no goals to be append after the main goal, then
+		% the current instmap in the mode_info is the instmap
+		% after the main goal.
+		(
+			AfterGoalsInfo0 = after_goals(InstMapAfterMain,
+				AfterGoals0)
+		;
+			AfterGoalsInfo0 = no_after_goals,
+			mode_info_get_instmap(ModeInfo, InstMapAtEnd),
+			InstMapAfterMain = InstMapAtEnd,
+			AfterGoals0 = []
+		),
 		% We need to be careful to update the delta-instmaps
 		% correctly, using the appropriate instmaps:
 		%		% InstMapAtStart is here
+		%	 BeforeGoals,
+		%		% we don't know the instmap here,
+		%		% but as it happens we don't need it
 		%	 main goal,
 		%		% InstMapAfterMain is here
 		%	 AfterGoals
-		%		% _InstMapAtEnd (= the instmap from _ModeInfo)
-		%		% is here, but as it happens we don't need it
+		%		% InstMapAtEnd (from the ModeInfo) is here
 		% recompute the new set of non-local variables for the main goal
@@ -1051,8 +1088,9 @@
 		% combine the main goal and the extra goals into a conjunction
 		Goal0 = MainGoal - GoalInfo,
 		goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo0, Context),
+		handle_extra_goals_contexts(BeforeGoals0, Context, BeforeGoals),
 		handle_extra_goals_contexts(AfterGoals0, Context, AfterGoals),
-		GoalList = [Goal0 | AfterGoals],
+		list__append(BeforeGoals, [Goal0 | AfterGoals], GoalList),
 		Goal = conj(GoalList)
@@ -1563,15 +1601,17 @@
 :- mode handle_implied_mode(in, in, in, in, in, in, out, in, out,
 				mode_info_di, mode_info_uo) is det.
-handle_implied_mode(Var0, VarInst0, VarInst, InitialInst, FinalInst, Det,
+handle_implied_mode(Var0, VarInst0, VarInst, InitialInst0, FinalInst, Det,
 		Var, ExtraGoals0, ExtraGoals, ModeInfo0, ModeInfo) :-
 	mode_info_get_module_info(ModeInfo0, ModuleInfo0),
+	inst_expand(ModuleInfo0, InitialInst0, InitialInst),
+	inst_expand(ModuleInfo0, VarInst0, VarInst1),
 		% If the initial inst of the variable matches_final
 		% the initial inst specified in the pred's mode declaration,
 		% then it's not a call to an implied mode, it's an exact
 		% match with a genuine mode.
-		inst_matches_final(VarInst0, InitialInst, ModuleInfo0)
+		inst_matches_final(VarInst1, InitialInst, ModuleInfo0)
 		Var = Var0,
 		ExtraGoals = ExtraGoals0,
@@ -1582,7 +1622,64 @@
 		% instantiated vars, since that would require
 		% doing a partially instantiated deep copy, and we
 		% don't know how to do that yet.
-		( inst_is_bound(ModuleInfo0, InitialInst) ->
+		(
+			InitialInst = any(_),
+			inst_is_free(ModuleInfo0, VarInst1)
+		->
+			% This is the simple case of implied `any' modes,
+			% where the declared mode was `any -> ...'
+			% and the argument passed was `free'
+			Var = Var0,
+			% Create code to initialize the variable to
+			% inst `any', by calling <mod>:<type>_init_any/1,
+			% where <mod>:<type> is the type of the variable.
+			mode_info_get_var_types(ModeInfo0, VarTypes0),
+			map__lookup(VarTypes0, Var, VarType),
+			mode_info_get_context(ModeInfo0, Context),
+			mode_info_get_mode_context(ModeInfo0, ModeContext),
+			mode_context_to_unify_context(ModeContext, ModeInfo0,
+				UnifyContext),
+			CallUnifyContext = yes(call_unify_context(
+						Var, var(Var), UnifyContext)),
+			( 
+				type_to_type_id(VarType, TypeId, _TypeArgs),
+				TypeId = qualified(TypeModule, TypeName) -
+						_TypeArity,
+				string__append(TypeName, "_init_any", PredName),
+				modes__build_call(TypeModule, PredName, [Var],
+					Context, CallUnifyContext, ModuleInfo0,
+					BeforeGoal - GoalInfo0)
+			->
+				InstmapDeltaAL = [Var - InitialInst],
+				instmap_delta_from_assoc_list(InstmapDeltaAL,
+					InstmapDelta),
+				goal_info_set_instmap_delta(GoalInfo0,
+					InstmapDelta, GoalInfo),
+				NewExtraGoal = extra_goals(
+					[BeforeGoal - GoalInfo],
+					no_after_goals),
+				append_extra_goals(ExtraGoals0, NewExtraGoal,
+					ExtraGoals),
+				ModeInfo0 = ModeInfo
+			;
+				% If the type is a type variable,
+				% or there isn't any <mod>:<type>_init_any/1
+				% predicate, then give up.
+				ExtraGoals = ExtraGoals0,
+				set__singleton_set(WaitingVars, Var0),
+				mode_info_error(WaitingVars,
+					mode_error_implied_mode(Var0, VarInst0,
+					InitialInst),
+					ModeInfo0, ModeInfo
+				)
+			)
+		;
+			inst_is_bound(ModuleInfo0, InitialInst)
+		->
 			% This is the case we can't handle
 			Var = Var0,
 			ExtraGoals = ExtraGoals0,
@@ -1647,12 +1744,33 @@
 			% append the goals together in the appropriate order:
 			% ExtraGoals0, then NewUnify
-			NewUnifyExtraGoal = extra_goals(InstMapAfterMain,
-						[NewUnifyGoal - GoalInfo]),
+			NewUnifyExtraGoal = extra_goals([], after_goals(
+						InstMapAfterMain,
+						[NewUnifyGoal - GoalInfo])),
 			append_extra_goals(ExtraGoals0, NewUnifyExtraGoal,
+:- pred modes__build_call(string, string, list(var),
+			term__context, maybe(call_unify_context), module_info,
+			hlds_goal).
+:- mode modes__build_call(in, in, in, in, in, in, out) is semidet.
+modes__build_call(Module, Name, ArgVars, Context, CallUnifyContext, ModuleInfo,
+		Goal) :-
+	module_info_get_predicate_table(ModuleInfo, PredicateTable),
+	list__length(ArgVars, Arity),
+	predicate_table_search_pred_m_n_a(PredicateTable, Module, Name, Arity,
+		[PredId]),
+	hlds_pred__proc_id_to_int(ModeId, 10000), % first mode, must be `det'
+	Call = call(PredId, ModeId, ArgVars, not_builtin, CallUnifyContext,
+		qualified(Module, Name)),
+	goal_info_init(GoalInfo0),
+	goal_info_set_context(GoalInfo0, Context, GoalInfo),
+	Goal = Call - GoalInfo.
 mode_context_to_unify_context(unify(UnifyContext, _), _, UnifyContext).
 mode_context_to_unify_context(call(PredId, Arg), ModeInfo,
Index: extras/clpr/cfloat.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/clpr/cfloat.m,v
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -u -r1.16 cfloat.m
--- 1.16	1997/10/12 13:32:47
+++ cfloat.m	1998/01/09 04:39:15
@@ -68,14 +68,12 @@
 :- mode '=='(ca, ca) is semidet.
 :- mode '=='(co, ca) is det.
 :- mode '=='(ca, co) is det.
-:- mode '=='(co, co) is det.
 	% disequality
 :- pred \==(cfloat, cfloat).
 :- mode \==(ca, ca) is semidet.
 :- mode \==(co, ca) is det.
 :- mode \==(ca, co) is det.
-:- mode \==(co, co) is det.
 	% addition
 :- func '+'(cfloat, cfloat) = cfloat.
@@ -83,10 +81,6 @@
 :- mode '+'(ca, co) = ca is det.
 :- mode '+'(co, ca) = ca is det.
 :- mode '+'(ca, ca) = co is det.
-:- mode '+'(co, co) = ca is det.
-:- mode '+'(ca, co) = co is det.
-:- mode '+'(co, ca) = co is det.
-:- mode '+'(co, co) = co is det.
 	% subtraction
 :- func '-'(cfloat, cfloat) = cfloat.
@@ -94,10 +88,6 @@
 :- mode '-'(ca, co) = ca is det.
 :- mode '-'(co, ca) = ca is det.
 :- mode '-'(ca, ca) = co is det.
-:- mode '-'(co, co) = ca is det.
-:- mode '-'(ca, co) = co is det.
-:- mode '-'(co, ca) = co is det.
-:- mode '-'(co, co) = co is det.
 	% multiplication
 :- func '*'(cfloat, cfloat) = cfloat.
@@ -237,14 +227,12 @@
 :- mode cfloat__eq(ca, ca) is semidet.
 :- mode cfloat__eq(co, ca) is det.
 :- mode cfloat__eq(ca, co) is det.
-:- mode cfloat__eq(co, co) is det.
 	% X \= Y
 :- pred cfloat__diseq(cfloat, cfloat).
 :- mode cfloat__diseq(ca, ca) is semidet.
 :- mode cfloat__diseq(co, ca) is det.
 :- mode cfloat__diseq(ca, co) is det.
-:- mode cfloat__diseq(co, co) is det.
 	% cfloat__plus(X, Y, Z) is true iff X+Y=Z
 :- pred cfloat__plus(cfloat, cfloat, cfloat).
@@ -252,10 +240,6 @@
 :- mode cfloat__plus(ca, co, ca) is det.
 :- mode cfloat__plus(co, ca, ca) is det.
 :- mode cfloat__plus(ca, ca, co) is det.
-:- mode cfloat__plus(co, co, ca) is det.
-:- mode cfloat__plus(ca, co, co) is det.
-:- mode cfloat__plus(co, ca, co) is det.
-:- mode cfloat__plus(co, co, co) is det.
 	% cfloat__minus(X, Y, Z) is true iff X-Y=Z
 :- pred cfloat__minus(cfloat, cfloat, cfloat).
@@ -263,10 +247,6 @@
 :- mode cfloat__minus(ca, co, ca) is det.
 :- mode cfloat__minus(co, ca, ca) is det.
 :- mode cfloat__minus(ca, ca, co) is det.
-:- mode cfloat__minus(co, co, ca) is det.
-:- mode cfloat__minus(ca, co, co) is det.
-:- mode cfloat__minus(co, ca, co) is det.
-:- mode cfloat__minus(co, co, co) is det.
 	% X*Y=Z
 :- pred cfloat__mult(cfloat, cfloat, cfloat).
@@ -299,14 +279,12 @@
 :- mode cfloat__plus_float(ca, in, ca) is semidet.
 :- mode cfloat__plus_float(co, in, ca) is det.
 :- mode cfloat__plus_float(ca, in, co) is det.
-:- mode cfloat__plus_float(co, in, co) is det.
 	% X-Y=Z
 :- pred cfloat__minus_float(cfloat, float, cfloat).
 :- mode cfloat__minus_float(ca, in, ca) is semidet.
 :- mode cfloat__minus_float(co, in, ca) is det.
 :- mode cfloat__minus_float(ca, in, co) is det.
-:- mode cfloat__minus_float(co, in, co) is det.
 	% X*Y=Z
 :- pred cfloat__mult_float(cfloat, float, cfloat).
@@ -959,36 +937,11 @@
 		(void) ML_cfloat_plus(Svar1, Svar2, Svar3);
-:- pragma c_code(cfloat__plus(Svar1::ca, Svar2::co, Svar3::co),
-	"
-		ML_cfloat_init_solver_var(Svar2);
-		ML_cfloat_init_solver_var(Svar3);
-		(void) ML_cfloat_plus(Svar1, Svar2, Svar3);
-	").
 :- pragma c_code(cfloat__plus(Svar1::co, Svar2::ca, Svar3::ca),
 		(void) ML_cfloat_plus(Svar1, Svar2, Svar3);
-:- pragma c_code(cfloat__plus(Svar1::co, Svar2::ca, Svar3::co),
-	"
-		ML_cfloat_init_solver_var(Svar1);
-		ML_cfloat_init_solver_var(Svar3);
-		(void) ML_cfloat_plus(Svar1, Svar2, Svar3);
-	").
-:- pragma c_code(cfloat__plus(Svar1::co, Svar2::co, Svar3::ca),
-	"
-		ML_cfloat_init_solver_var(Svar1);
-		ML_cfloat_init_solver_var(Svar2);
-		(void) ML_cfloat_plus(Svar1, Svar2, Svar3);
-	").
-:- pragma c_code(cfloat__plus(Svar1::co, Svar2::co, Svar3::co),
-	"
-		ML_cfloat_init_solver_var(Svar1);
-		ML_cfloat_init_solver_var(Svar2);
-		ML_cfloat_init_solver_var(Svar3);
-		(void) ML_cfloat_plus(Svar1, Svar2, Svar3);
-	").
 :- pragma c_code(cfloat__plus_float(Svar1::ca, Val::in, Svar2::ca),
@@ -1004,12 +957,6 @@
 		(void) ML_cfloat_plus_float(Svar1, Val, Svar2);
-:- pragma c_code(cfloat__plus_float(Svar1::co, Val::in, Svar2::co),
-	"
-		ML_cfloat_init_solver_var(Svar1);
-		ML_cfloat_init_solver_var(Svar2);
-		(void) ML_cfloat_plus_float(Svar1, Val, Svar2);
-	").
 :- pragma c_code(cfloat__minus(Svar1::ca, Svar2::ca, Svar3::ca),
@@ -1026,36 +973,11 @@
 		(void) ML_cfloat_minus(Svar1, Svar2, Svar3);
-:- pragma c_code(cfloat__minus(Svar1::ca, Svar2::co, Svar3::co),
-	"
-		ML_cfloat_init_solver_var(Svar2);
-		ML_cfloat_init_solver_var(Svar3);
-		(void) ML_cfloat_minus(Svar1, Svar2, Svar3);
-	").
 :- pragma c_code(cfloat__minus(Svar1::co, Svar2::ca, Svar3::ca),
 		(void) ML_cfloat_minus(Svar1, Svar2, Svar3);
-:- pragma c_code(cfloat__minus(Svar1::co, Svar2::ca, Svar3::co),
-	"
-		ML_cfloat_init_solver_var(Svar1);
-		ML_cfloat_init_solver_var(Svar3);
-		(void) ML_cfloat_minus(Svar1, Svar2, Svar3);
-	").
-:- pragma c_code(cfloat__minus(Svar1::co, Svar2::co, Svar3::ca),
-	"
-		ML_cfloat_init_solver_var(Svar1);
-		ML_cfloat_init_solver_var(Svar2);
-		(void) ML_cfloat_minus(Svar1, Svar2, Svar3);
-	").
-:- pragma c_code(cfloat__minus(Svar1::co, Svar2::co, Svar3::co),
-	"
-		ML_cfloat_init_solver_var(Svar1);
-		ML_cfloat_init_solver_var(Svar2);
-		ML_cfloat_init_solver_var(Svar3);
-		(void) ML_cfloat_minus(Svar1, Svar2, Svar3);
-	").
 :- pragma c_code(cfloat__minus_float(Svar1::ca, Val::in, Svar2::ca),
@@ -1071,12 +993,6 @@
 		(void) ML_cfloat_minus_float(Svar1, Val, Svar2);
-:- pragma c_code(cfloat__minus_float(Svar1::co, Val::in, Svar2::co),
-	"
-		ML_cfloat_init_solver_var(Svar1);
-		ML_cfloat_init_solver_var(Svar2);
-		(void) ML_cfloat_minus_float(Svar1, Val, Svar2);
-	").
 :- pragma c_code(cfloat__mult(Svar1::ca, Svar2::ca, Svar3::ca),
@@ -1181,11 +1097,6 @@
 		Svar2 = Svar1;
-:- pragma c_code(cfloat__eq(Svar1::co, Svar2::co),
-	"
-		ML_cfloat_init_solver_var(Svar1);
-		Svar2 = Svar1;
-	").
 :- pragma c_code(cfloat__eq_float(Svar::ca, Val::in),
@@ -1212,14 +1123,6 @@
 :- pragma c_code(cfloat__diseq(Svar1::ca, Svar2::co),
 		bool result;
-		ML_cfloat_init_solver_var(Svar2);
-		ML_cfloat_diseq(Svar1, Svar2, result);
-		(void) result; /* result not used */
-	}").
-:- pragma c_code(cfloat__diseq(Svar1::co, Svar2::co),
-	"{
-		bool result;
-		ML_cfloat_init_solver_var(Svar1);
 		ML_cfloat_diseq(Svar1, Svar2, result);
 		(void) result; /* result not used */

Fergus Henderson <fjh at>   |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW: <>   |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger fjh at         |     -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

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