for review: bug fix for recompute_instmap_delta

Simon Taylor stayl at
Fri Feb 27 17:07:56 AEDT 1998

Hi Tom,

Could you please review this.


Estimated hours taken: 1

	Fix a bug: recompute_instmap_delta wasn't recomputing
	the instmap_deltas of lambda goals.

	Regression test.

Index: compiler/mode_util.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/mode_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.106
diff -u -r1.106 mode_util.m
--- mode_util.m	1998/02/14 14:39:01	1.106
+++ mode_util.m	1998/02/27 04:38:57
@@ -1072,7 +1072,13 @@
 		InstMap0, InstMapDelta) -->
 		{ RecomputeAtomic = no },
-		{ goal_is_atomic(Goal0) }
+		( 
+			{ goal_is_atomic(Goal0) }
+		;
+			% Lambda expressions always need to be processed.
+			{ Goal0 = unify(_, Rhs, _, _, _) },
+			{ Rhs \= lambda_goal(_, _, _, _, _, _) }
+		)
 		{ Goal = Goal0 },
 		{ GoalInfo = GoalInfo0 },
@@ -1149,10 +1155,28 @@
 	recompute_instmap_delta_call(PredId, ProcId,
 		Args, InstMap, InstMapDelta).
-recompute_instmap_delta_2(_, unify(A, B, UniMode0, Uni, E), GoalInfo, 
-		unify(A, B, UniMode, Uni, E), InstMap, InstMapDelta) -->
-	recompute_instmap_delta_unify(Uni, UniMode0, UniMode,
-		GoalInfo, InstMap, InstMapDelta).
+recompute_instmap_delta_2(Atomic, unify(A, Rhs0, UniMode0, Uni, E), GoalInfo, 
+		unify(A, Rhs, UniMode, Uni, E), InstMap0, InstMapDelta) -->
+	(
+		{ Rhs0 = lambda_goal(PorF, NonLocals,
+			LambdaVars, Modes, Det, Goal0) }
+	->
+		=(ModuleInfo0),
+		{ instmap__pre_lambda_update(ModuleInfo0, LambdaVars, Modes,
+			InstMap0, InstMap) },
+		recompute_instmap_delta(Atomic, Goal0, Goal, InstMap),
+		{ Rhs = lambda_goal(PorF, NonLocals, LambdaVars,
+			 Modes, Det, Goal) }
+	;
+		{ Rhs = Rhs0 }
+	),
+	( { Atomic = yes } ->
+		recompute_instmap_delta_unify(Uni, UniMode0, UniMode,
+			GoalInfo, InstMap0, InstMapDelta)
+	;
+		{ UniMode = UniMode0 },
+		{ goal_info_get_instmap_delta(GoalInfo, InstMapDelta) }
+	).
 recompute_instmap_delta_2(_, pragma_c_code(A, PredId, ProcId, Args, E, F,
 		G), _, pragma_c_code(A, PredId, ProcId, Args, E, F, G),

Index: tests/valid/Mmakefile
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/tests/valid/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -r1.11 Mmakefile
--- Mmakefile	1998/02/25 00:12:14	1.11
+++ Mmakefile	1998/02/27 05:02:29
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
 	lambda_instmap_bug.m \
 	lambda_quant.m \
 	lambda_quant_bug.m \
+	lambda_recompute.m \
 	lambda_struct_bug.m \
 	lambda_switch.m \
 	lambda_type.m \

% Regression test.
% Date: Feb 27: 1998.
% Symptom: Software error: variable XX not found.
% Cause: mode_util:recompute_instmap_delta was not recomputing the instmap
% delta of the inner lambda goal after some duplicate call elimination was
% performed.
:- module lambda_recompute.
:- interface.

:- import_module io.

:- pred compile_display_list(display_list, io__state, io__state).
:- mode compile_display_list(out, di, uo) is det.


:- implementation.

:- import_module bool, char, float, int, list, map, require, std_util, string.


compile_display_list([mon(PPos, 1)|DList]) -->
	{ PPos = 1 - 1 },
	{ map__init(MapIKnow) },
	{ for(0, 1, (pred(X::in, in, out) is det -->
		for(0, 1, (pred(Y::in, in, out) is det -->
			( { search(MapIKnow, pos(X, Y), Place) } ->
				{ Place = place(Kind, _Flags, Obj) },
				(   (
					{ Kind \= 1 }
				    	{ PPos = pos(X, Y) }
					element(place(pos(X, Y), Kind)),
					( { Obj = [_N - T|_] } ->
						element(thing(pos(X, Y), T))
	), [], DList) }.

:- pred element(element, display_list, display_list).
:- mode element(in, in, out) is det.

element(E, DL, [E|DL]).

:- type map	== map(pos, place).

:- type pos == pair(int).

:- type place
	--->	place(int, int, list(pair(int))).

:- func pos(int, int) = pos.
:- external(pos/2).

:- type map_i_know 
	--->	map(

:- type element
	--->	place(pos, int)
	;	thing(pos, int)
	;	mon(pos, int)

:- type display_list	==	list(element).


:- pred get_monst(int, int, io__state, io__state).
:- mode get_monst(in, out, di, uo) is det.

:- external(get_monst/4).

:- pred for(int, int, pred(int, T, T), T, T).
:- mode for(in, in, pred(in, in, out) is det, in, out) is det.
:- mode for(in, in, pred(in, in, out) is semidet, in, out) is semidet.
:- mode for(in, in, pred(in, di, uo) is det, di, uo) is det.

for(Min, Max, Pred, Acc0, Acc) :-
	( Min =< Max ->
		call(Pred, Min, Acc0, Acc1),
		for(Min+1, Max, Pred, Acc1, Acc)
		Acc = Acc0

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