for review: add mercury_tcltk library

Fergus Henderson fjh at
Wed Feb 18 11:54:12 AEDT 1998

On 17-Feb-1998, Tyson Dowd <trd at> wrote:
> On 17-Feb-1998, Thomas Charles CONWAY <conway at> wrote:
> > probably should add
> > % stability: very low
> > 
> > I've got most of typeclasses based version which is nicer.
> > It won't be ready for release until DJ has made a couple of
> > minor enhancements to typeclasses.
> Well, I'll add it but I don't think it's all that important. The
> libraries in extras are not supported by default. 

Where did you get that idea?
I don't recall seeing that in the documentation anywhere.
All extras/README says is

	This directory contains various additional libraries, tools,
	and so forth that are not part of the Mercury standard library.

It doesn't say anything about support.

Probably the default degree of stability, support, etc. for things in the
`extras' directory is lower than that for the standard library, but
I don't think that everything in there should be "unsupported".

Fergus Henderson <fjh at>   |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW: <>   |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger fjh at         |     -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

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