trivial diff: Mmakefile: handle info_to_mdb

Fergus Henderson fjh at
Thu Dec 17 05:14:47 AEDT 1998

Estimated hours taken: 0.25

	Change the pre- and post-install hacks for Windows to
	handle `info_to_mdb'.
	Also, make the `doc' directory depend on the `util' directory,
	since it uses `util/info_to_mdb' to create the mdb documentation.

Index: Mmakefile
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision 1.30
diff -u -r1.30 Mmakefile
--- Mmakefile	1998/12/06 23:42:42	1.30
+++ Mmakefile	1998/12/16 18:11:14
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
 	cd compiler && $(SUBDIR_MMAKE)
 .PHONY: doc
-doc: scripts
+doc: scripts util
 	cd doc && $(SUBDIR_MMAKE)
 .PHONY: profiler
@@ -428,6 +428,7 @@
 	cd profiler && mv mercury_profile.exe xyzzy && mv xyzzy mercury_profile
 	cd util && mv mkinit.exe xyzzy && mv xyzzy mkinit
 	cd util && mv mdemangle.exe xyzzy && mv xyzzy mdemangle
+	cd util && mv info_to_mdb.exe xyzzy && mv xyzzy info_to_mdb
 .PHONY: postinstall_hack_for_windows
@@ -435,6 +436,7 @@
 	cd $(INSTALL_MERC_BIN_DIR) && mv mercury_profile mercury_profile.exe
 	cd $(INSTALL_BINDIR) && mv mkinit mkinit.exe
 	cd $(INSTALL_BINDIR) && mv mdemangle mdemangle.exe
+	cd $(INSTALL_BINDIR) && mv info_to_mdb info_to_mdb.exe

Fergus Henderson <fjh at>  |  "Binaries may die
WWW: <>  |   but source code lives forever"
PGP: finger fjh at        |     -- leaked Microsoft memo.

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