[m-dev.] volunteer

Tyson Dowd trd at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Wed Dec 2 11:26:33 AEDT 1998

On 02-Dec-1998, Zoltan Somogyi <zs at cs.mu.OZ.AU> wrote:
> Please think about whether you have any jobs suitable for such a person.
> Zoltan.

We could use someone to write the battleships main program in Mercury,
and run the competition.  They could also write a few clients

It would involve learning Mercury and about type classes in Mercury,
then writing a small/medium size Mercury program.  Then publicizing and
running the competition, collating entries, integrating them into
a nice package, documenting it all and releasing it.

The Haskell version for 257 has already been written, so a familiarity
with Miranda would make it possible to use the Haskell version to help.

Is this too large?  Too small?


Because I dislike being quoted I lie almost constantly when talking 
about my work.
		-- Terry Gilliam

Tyson Dowd   <tyson at tyse.net>   http://tyse.net/

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