for review: new tests/tabling directory

Zoltan Somogyi zs at
Fri Aug 14 08:25:03 AEST 1998

Tyson, please review this. DJ, this has the code of boyer.m, the test case
we discussed.

	Add the new tabling directory to the list of directories.

	The intrastructure of the new tests directory.

	A test of the memoing of a det procedure.

	A test of loop checking for a nondet procedure.

	A test of minimal model tabling for a nondet procedure.
	(Doesn't work yet).

	A benchmark program, translated to Mercury by Bart Demoen
	from an original in Prolog.
	(Doesn't work yet).


cvs diff: Diffing .
Index: Mmakefile
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -u -r1.2 Mmakefile
--- Mmakefile	1997/12/22 09:57:39	1.2
+++ Mmakefile	1998/08/13 02:23:29
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-SUBDIRS = benchmarks general hard_coded invalid misc_tests term valid warnings
+SUBDIRS = benchmarks general hard_coded invalid misc_tests tabling term valid warnings
 NUPROLOG_SUBDIRS = benchmarks general
 main_target: check
cvs diff: Diffing benchmarks
cvs diff: Diffing debugger
cvs diff: Diffing general
cvs diff: Diffing hard_coded
cvs diff: Diffing hard_coded/typeclasses
cvs diff: Diffing invalid
cvs diff: Diffing misc_tests
cvs diff: Diffing tabling
Index: tabling/Mmakefile
RCS file: Mmakefile
diff -N Mmakefile
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ Mmakefile	Thu Aug 13 15:43:13 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+main_target: check
+include ../Mmake.common
+	fib \
+	tc_loop
+# We don't yet pass the following tests:
+#	boyer \
+#	tc_minimal
+# at the moment tabling only works with conservative gc
+GRADEFLAGS		=	--gc conservative
+# tc_loop is expected to fail, so we need to ignore the exit status
+# (hence the leading `-')
+tc_loop.out: tc_loop
+	-./tc_loop > tc_loop.out 2>&1;
+DEPS=	$(PROGS:%=%.dep)
+OUTS=	$(PROGS:%=%.out)
+RESS=	$(PROGS:%=%.res)
+dep:	$(DEPS)
+depend:	$(DEPENDS)
+check:	$(OUTS) $(RESS)
+all:	$(PROGS)
Index: tabling/boyer.exp
RCS file: boyer.exp
diff -N boyer.exp
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ boyer.exp	Thu Aug 13 15:45:04 1998
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Index: tabling/boyer.m
RCS file: boyer.m
diff -N boyer.m
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ boyer.m	Thu Aug 13 16:47:01 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+% generated: 20 November 1989
+% option(s): 
+%   boyer
+%   Evan Tick (from Lisp version by R. P. Gabriel)
+%   November 1985
+%   prove arithmetic theorem
+%	in Mercury by Bart Demoen - started 17 Jan 1997
+:- module boyer .
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, list.
+main --> boyer.
+:- pred boyer(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det .
+boyer -->
+	{wff(Wff)} ,
+        io__write_string("rewriting...") ,
+	{ rewrite(Wff,NewWff) } ,
+        io__write_string("proving...") ,
+	({tautology(NewWff,[],[])} ->  io__write_string("done...\n") 
+	; io__write_string("not done ...")
+	) .
+:- type type_wff --->
+		(implies(type_wff,type_wff) ;
+		 and(type_wff,type_wff) ;
+		 f(type_wff) ;
+		 plus(type_wff,type_wff) ;
+		 equal(type_wff,type_wff) ;
+		 append(type_wff,type_wff) ;
+		 lessp(type_wff,type_wff) ;
+		 times(type_wff,type_wff) ;
+		 reverse(type_wff) ;
+		 difference(type_wff,type_wff) ;
+		 remainder(type_wff,type_wff) ;
+		 member(type_wff,type_wff) ;
+		 length(type_wff) ;
+		 if(type_wff,type_wff,type_wff) ;
+		 a1 ; b1 ; c1 ; d1 ; t1 ; f1 ; x1 ; y1 ; zero ; []
+		) .
+:- pred wff(type_wff) .
+:- mode wff(out) is det .
+                and(implies(Y,Z),
+                    and(implies(Z,U),
+                        implies(U,W)))),
+            implies(X,W))) :-
+        X = f(plus(plus(a1,b1),plus(c1,zero))),
+        Y = f(times(times(a1,b1),plus(c1,d1))),
+        Z = f(reverse(append(append(a1,b1),[]))),
+        U = equal(plus(a1,b1),difference(x1,y1)),
+        W = lessp(remainder(a1,b1),member(a1,length(b1))).
+:- pred tautology(type_wff,list(type_wff),list(type_wff)) .
+:- mode tautology(in,in,in) is semidet .
+tautology(Wff,Tlist,Flist) :-
+        (truep(Wff,Tlist) -> true
+        ;falsep(Wff,Flist) -> fail
+        ;Wff = if(If,Then,Else) ->
+		(truep(If,Tlist) -> tautology(Then,Tlist,Flist)
+		;falsep(If,Flist) -> tautology(Else,Tlist,Flist)
+		;tautology(Then,[If|Tlist],Flist), tautology(Else,Tlist,[If|Flist])
+                )
+	; fail
+        ).
+:- pragma memo(rewrite/2).
+:- pred rewrite(type_wff,type_wff) .
+:- mode rewrite(in,out) is det .
+rewrite(a1,a1) .
+rewrite(b1,b1) .
+rewrite(c1,c1) .
+rewrite(d1,d1) .
+rewrite(f1,f1) .
+rewrite(t1,t1) .
+rewrite(x1,x1) .
+rewrite(y1,y1) .
+rewrite(zero,zero) .
+rewrite([],[]) .
+rewrite(lessp(X1,X2),New) :-
+	rewrite(X1,Y1) , rewrite(X2,Y2) ,
+	Mid = lessp(Y1,Y2) ,
+	(equal(Mid,Next) -> rewrite(Next,New)
+	;
+	 New = Mid
+	) .
+rewrite(member(X1,X2),New) :-
+        rewrite(X1,Y1) , rewrite(X2,Y2) ,
+	Mid = member(Y1,Y2) ,
+	(equal(Mid,Next) -> rewrite(Next,New)
+	;
+	 New = Mid
+	) .
+rewrite(remainder(X1,X2),New) :-
+        rewrite(X1,Y1) , rewrite(X2,Y2) ,
+	Mid = remainder(Y1,Y2) ,
+	(equal(Mid,Next) -> rewrite(Next,New)
+	;
+	 New = Mid
+	) .
+rewrite(plus(X1,X2),New) :-
+        rewrite(X1,Y1) , rewrite(X2,Y2) ,
+	Mid = plus(Y1,Y2) ,
+	(equal(Mid,Next) -> rewrite(Next,New)
+	;
+	 New = Mid
+	) .
+rewrite(and(X1,X2),New) :-
+        rewrite(X1,Y1) , rewrite(X2,Y2) ,
+	Mid = and(Y1,Y2) ,
+	(equal(Mid,Next) -> rewrite(Next,New)
+	;
+	 New = Mid
+	) .
+rewrite(equal(X1,X2),New) :-
+        rewrite(X1,Y1) , rewrite(X2,Y2) ,
+	Mid = equal(Y1,Y2) ,
+	(equal(Mid,Next) -> rewrite(Next,New)
+	;
+	 New = Mid
+	) .
+rewrite(difference(X1,X2),New) :-
+        rewrite(X1,Y1) , rewrite(X2,Y2) ,
+	Mid = difference(Y1,Y2) ,
+	(equal(Mid,Next) -> rewrite(Next,New)
+	;
+	 New = Mid
+	) .
+rewrite(append(X1,X2),New) :-
+        rewrite(X1,Y1) , rewrite(X2,Y2) ,
+	Mid = append(Y1,Y2) ,
+	(equal(Mid,Next) -> rewrite(Next,New)
+	;
+	 New = Mid
+	) .
+rewrite(times(X1,X2),New) :-
+        rewrite(X1,Y1) , rewrite(X2,Y2) ,
+	Mid = times(Y1,Y2) ,
+	(equal(Mid,Next) -> rewrite(Next,New)
+	;
+	 New = Mid
+	) .
+rewrite(implies(X1,X2),New) :-
+        rewrite(X1,Y1) , rewrite(X2,Y2) ,
+	Mid = implies(Y1,Y2) ,
+	(equal(Mid,Next) -> rewrite(Next,New)
+	;
+	 New = Mid
+	) .
+rewrite(length(X1),New) :-
+        rewrite(X1,Y1) ,
+	Mid = length(Y1) ,
+	(equal(Mid,Next) -> rewrite(Next,New)
+	;
+	 New = Mid
+	) .
+rewrite(f(X1),New) :-
+        rewrite(X1,Y1) ,
+	Mid = f(Y1) ,
+	(equal(Mid,Next) -> rewrite(Next,New)
+	;
+	 New = Mid
+	) .
+rewrite(reverse(X1),New) :-
+        rewrite(X1,Y1) ,
+	Mid = reverse(Y1) ,
+	(equal(Mid,Next) -> rewrite(Next,New)
+	;
+	 New = Mid
+	) .
+rewrite(if(X1,X2,X3),New) :-
+        rewrite(X1,Y1) , rewrite(X2,Y2) , rewrite(X3,Y3) ,
+	Mid = if(Y1,Y2,Y3) ,
+	(equal(Mid,Next) -> rewrite(Next,New)
+	;
+	 New = Mid
+	) .
+:- pred rewrite_args(list(type_wff),list(type_wff)) .
+:- mode rewrite_args(in,out) is det .
+rewrite_args([],[]) .
+rewrite_args([A|RA],[B|RB]) :- 
+        rewrite(A,B),
+        rewrite_args(RA,RB).
+:- pred truep(type_wff,list(type_wff)) .
+:- mode truep(in,in) is semidet .
+truep(Wff,List) :- Wff = t1 -> true ; member_chk(Wff,List) .
+:- pred falsep(type_wff,list(type_wff)) .
+:- mode falsep(in,in) is semidet .
+falsep(Wff,List) :- Wff = f1 -> true ; member_chk(Wff,List) .
+:- pred member_chk(type_wff,list(type_wff)) .
+:- mode member_chk(in,in) is semidet .
+member_chk(X,[Y|T]) :- X = Y -> true ; member_chk(X,T).
+:- pred equal(type_wff,type_wff) .
+:- mode equal(in,out) is semidet .
+equal(  and(P,Q),
+        if(P,if(Q,t1,f1),f1)
+        ).
+equal(  append(append(X,Y),Z),
+        append(X,append(Y,Z))
+        ).
+equal(  difference(A,B),
+        C
+        ) :- difference(A,B,C).
+equal(  equal(A,B),
+        C
+        ) :- eq(A,B,C).
+equal(  if(if(A,B,C),D,E),
+        if(A,if(B,D,E),if(C,D,E))
+        ).
+equal(  implies(P,Q),
+        if(P,if(Q,t1,f1),t1)
+        ).
+equal(  length(A),
+        B
+        ) :- mylength(A,B).
+equal(  lessp(A,B),
+        C
+        ) :- lessp(A,B,C).
+equal(  plus(A,B),
+        C
+        ) :- plus(A,B,C).
+equal(  remainder(A,B),
+        C
+        ) :- remainder(A,B,C).
+equal(  reverse(append(A,B)),
+        append(reverse(B),reverse(A))
+        ).
+:- pred difference(type_wff,type_wff,type_wff) .
+:- mode difference(in,in,out) is semidet .
+difference(X,Y,Z) :-
+		(X = Y -> Z = zero
+		;
+		 (X = plus(A,B), Y = plus(A,C) -> Z = difference(B,C)
+		 ;
+		  X = plus(B,plus(Y,C)) -> Z = plus(B,C) ; fail
+		 )
+		) .
+:- pred eq(type_wff,type_wff,type_wff) .
+:- mode eq(in,in,out) is semidet .
+eq(append(A,B), append(A,C), equal(B,C)) .
+eq(lessp(X,Y), Z, if(lessp(X,Y),
+                     equal(t1,Z),
+                     equal(f1,Z))).
+:- pred mylength(type_wff,type_wff) .
+:- mode mylength(in,out) is semidet .
+:- pred lessp(type_wff,type_wff,type_wff) .
+:- mode lessp(in,in,out) is semidet .
+lessp(plus(X,Y), plus(X,Z), lessp(Y,Z)) :- !.
+:- pred plus(type_wff,type_wff,type_wff) .
+:- mode plus(in,in,out) is semidet .
+     plus(X,plus(Y,Z))).
+:- pred remainder(type_wff,type_wff,type_wff) .
+:- mode remainder(in,in,out) is semidet .
+remainder(U,V,zero) :-
+		(U = V -> true ;
+		 U = times(A,B) , (B = V -> true ; A = V)
+		) .
+:- pred times(type_wff,type_wff,type_wff) .
+:- mode times(in,in,out) is semidet .
+times(A,B,C) :-
+		(B = plus(Y,Z) -> C = plus(times(A,Y),times(A,Z))
+		;
+		 A = times(X,Y) -> C = times(X,times(Y,B))
+		;
+		 B = difference(CC,W) , C = difference(times(CC,A),times(W,A))
+		) .
Index: tabling/fib.exp
RCS file: fib.exp
diff -N fib.exp
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ fib.exp	Thu Aug 13 16:44:02 1998
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+tabling works
Index: tabling/fib.m
RCS file: fib.m
diff -N fib.m
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ fib.m	Thu Aug 13 16:42:12 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+:- module fib.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is cc_multi.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module benchmarking, require, int.
+main -->
+	perform_trials(10).
+:- pred perform_trials(int::in, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is cc_multi.
+perform_trials(N) -->
+	{ trial(N, Time, MTime) },
+	% io__write_int(Time),
+	% io__write_string(" "),
+	% io__write_int(MTime),
+	% io__write_string(" \n"),
+	(
+		{
+			Time > 10 * MTime,
+			MTime > 0	% untabled takes ten times as long
+		;
+			Time > 100,	% untabled takes at least 100 ms
+			MTime < 1	% while untabled takes at most 1 ms
+		}
+	->
+		io__write_string("tabling works\n")
+	;
+		{ Time > 10000 }	% Untabled takes at least 10 seconds
+	->
+		io__write_string("tabling does not appear to work\n")
+	;
+		% We couldn't get a measurable result with N,
+		% and it looks like we can afford a bigger trial
+		perform_trials(N+3)
+	).
+:- pred trial(int::in, int::out, int::out) is cc_multi.
+trial(N, Time, MTime) :-
+	benchmark_det(fib, N, Res, 1, Time),
+	benchmark_det(mfib, N, MRes, 1, MTime),
+	require(unify(Res, MRes), "tabling produces wrong answer").
+:- pred fib(int::in, int::out) is det.
+fib(N, F) :-
+	( N < 2 ->
+		F = 1
+	;
+		fib(N - 1, F1),
+		fib(N - 2, F2),
+		F is F1 + F2
+	).
+:- pred mfib(int::in, int::out) is det.
+:- pragma memo(mfib/2).
+mfib(N, F) :-
+	( N < 2 ->
+		F = 1
+	;
+		mfib(N - 1, F1),
+		mfib(N - 2, F2),
+		F is F1 + F2
+	).
Index: tabling/runtests
RCS file: runtests
diff -N runtests
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ runtests	Thu Aug 13 15:04:41 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Test whether the code generated by the Mercury compiler
+# is producing the expected output.
+# Return a status of 0 (true) if everything is all right, and 1 otherwise.
+. ../handle_options
+. ../startup
+mmake $jfactor depend || exit 1
+eval mmake -k $jfactor $gradeopt $flagsopt $cflagsopt check
+cat *.res > .allres
+if test ! -s .allres -a "$checkstatus" = 0
+	echo "the tests in the hard_coded directory succeeded"
+	echo "gradeopt=$gradeopt, flagsopt=$flagsopt, cflagsopt=$cflagsopt"
+	rm -f .allres
+	. ../shutdown
+	exit 0
+	echo "the tests in the hard_coded directory failed"
+	echo "gradeopt=$gradeopt, flagsopt=$flagsopt, cflagsopt=$cflagsopt"
+	echo "the differences are:"
+	cat .allres
+	exit 1
Index: tabling/tc_loop.exp
RCS file: tc_loop.exp
diff -N tc_loop.exp
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ tc_loop.exp	Fri Aug 14 10:21:19 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Software error: detected infinite recursion in pred tc_loop:tc/2
+Stack dump not available in this grade.
Index: tabling/tc_loop.m
RCS file: tc_loop.m
diff -N tc_loop.m
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ tc_loop.m	Thu Aug 13 15:18:24 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+:- module tc_loop.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module std_util, list.
+main -->
+	{ solutions(tc(1), Solns) },
+	( { Solns = [] } ->
+		io__write_string("loopcheck failed, tc has no solutions\n")
+	;
+		io__write_string("loopcheck failed, tc has solutions\n")
+	).
+:- pred tc(int::in, int::out) is nondet.
+:- pragma loop_check(tc/2).
+tc(A, B) :-
+	(
+		edge(A, B)
+	;
+		edge(A, C),
+		tc(C, B)
+	).
+:- pred edge(int::in, int::out) is nondet.
+edge(1, 2).
+edge(1, 3).
+edge(2, 1).
+edge(3, 4).
Index: tabling/tc_minimal.exp
RCS file: tc_minimal.exp
diff -N tc_minimal.exp
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ tc_minimal.exp	Thu Aug 13 15:43:33 1998
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+[1, 2, 3, 4]
Index: tabling/tc_minimal.m
RCS file: tc_minimal.m
diff -N tc_minimal.m
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ tc_minimal.m	Thu Aug 13 15:38:38 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+:- module tc_minimal.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module std_util, list.
+main -->
+	{ solutions(tc(1), Solns) },
+	io__write(Solns),
+	io__write_string("\n").
+:- pred tc(int::in, int::out) is nondet.
+:- pragma minimal_model(tc/2).
+tc(A, B) :-
+	edge(A, C),
+	(
+		B = C
+	;
+		tc(C, B)
+	).
+:- pred edge(int::in, int::out) is nondet.
+edge(1, 2).
+edge(1, 3).
+edge(2, 1).
+edge(3, 4).
cvs diff: Diffing term
cvs diff: Diffing valid
cvs diff: Diffing warnings

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