diff: trailed_update examples/test cases
Fergus Henderson
fjh at kryten.cs.mu.OZ.AU
Tue Sep 30 01:23:55 AEST 1997
New file. An example of the use of tr_store.m.
Add pointer to extras/trailed_update/samples/interpreter.m.
New files. Some testing infrastructure.
cvs diff: Diffing .
Index: Mmakefile
RCS file: Mmakefile
diff -N Mmakefile
--- /dev/null Tue Sep 30 00:22:33 1997
+++ Mmakefile Mon Sep 29 22:35:13 1997
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# We need to use a grade with trailing
+GRADE = asm_fast.gc.tr
+# Link in the trailed_update library from ..
+MLFLAGS = -R`pwd`/.. -L.. $(EXTRA_MLFLAGS)
+MLLIBS = -ltrailed_update $(EXTRA_MLLIBS)
+C2INITFLAGS = ../trailed_update.init
+%_init.c: $(C2INITFLAGS)
+PROGS = interpreter vqueens
+DEPENDS = $(PROGS:%=%.depend)
+CS = $(PROGS:%=%.c)
+RESS = $(PROGS:%=%.res)
+%.out: %
+ ./$< > $@ 2>&1;
+%.res: %.out %.exp
+ diff -c $*.out $*.exp > $@
+interpreter.out: interpreter interpreter.inp
+ ./interpreter interpreter.m < interpreter.inp > interpreter.out
+.PHONY: depend
+depend: $(DEPENDS)
+.PHONY: all
+all: $(PROGS)
+.PHONY: check
+check: $(RESS)
+.PHONY: cs
+cs: $(CS)
+.PHONY: clean
+ rm -f *.out *.res
Index: interpreter.exp
RCS file: interpreter.exp
diff -N interpreter.exp
--- /dev/null Tue Sep 30 00:22:33 1997
+++ interpreter.exp Tue Sep 30 01:19:02 1997
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+Pure Prolog Interpreter.
+Consulting file `interpreter.m'...
+?- a = a.
+No (more) solutions.
+?- X = X.
+No (more) solutions.
+?- No (more) solutions.
+?- No (more) solutions.
+?- Y = Y.
+No (more) solutions.
+?- true ; true.
+true ; true.
+No (more) solutions.
+?- :- interface.
+:- module interpreter.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module store, tr_store, map, multi_map.
+:- import_module list, string, term, varset, term_io, require, std_util.
+:- import_module io.
+:- mode database_lookup_pred_clause(in, in, out) is nondet.
+:- mode database_lookup_clause(in, in, out) is nondet.
+:- mode database_lookup_clause(in, in, out, out, out) is nondet.
+:- mode database_assert_clause(in, in, in, out) is det.
+:- mode database_init(out) is det.
+:- mode deref_list(in, out, mdi, muo) is det.
+:- mode deref(in, out, mdi, muo) is det.
+:- mode not_occurs_list(in, in, mdi, muo) is semidet.
+:- mode not_occurs(in, in, mdi, muo) is semidet.
+:- mode unify_list(in, in, mdi, muo) is semidet.
+:- mode unify(in, in, mdi, muo) is semidet.
+:- mode solve(in, in, mdi, muo) is nondet.
+:- mode my_term_to_term_list(in, out, in, out, in, out, mdi, muo) is det.
+:- mode my_term_to_term(in, out, in, out, in, out, mdi, muo) is det.
+:- mode my_term_to_term_list(in, out, mdi, muo) is det.
+:- mode my_term_to_term(in, out, mdi, muo) is det.
+:- mode term_to_my_term_list(in, out, in, out, mdi, muo) is det.
+:- mode term_to_my_term(in, out, in, out, mdi, muo) is det.
+:- mode term_to_my_term_list(in, out, mdi, muo) is det.
+:- mode term_to_my_term(in, out, mdi, muo) is det.
+:- mode consult_until_eof_2(in, in, out, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode consult_until_eof(in, out, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode consult(in, in, out, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode consult_list(in, in, out, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode write_solution(in, in, in, mdi, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode main_loop_2(in, in, di, uo) is cc_multi.
+:- mode main_loop(in, di, uo) is cc_multi.
+:- mode main(di, uo) is cc_multi.
+:- pred database_lookup_pred_clause(db_pred, list(my_term(_0)), clause).
+:- pred database_lookup_clause(database, my_term(_0), clause).
+:- pred database_lookup_clause(database, my_term(_0), varset, term, term).
+:- pred database_assert_clause(database, varset, term, database).
+:- pred database_init(database).
+:- pred deref_list(list(my_term(_0)), list(my_term(_0)), store(_0), store(_0)).
+:- pred deref(my_term(_0), my_term(_0), store(_0), store(_0)).
+:- pred not_occurs_list(list(my_term(_0)), my_var(_0), store(_0), store(_0)).
+:- pred not_occurs(my_term(_0), my_var(_0), store(_0), store(_0)).
+:- pred unify_list(list(my_term(_0)), list(my_term(_0)), store(_0), store(_0)).
+:- pred unify(my_term(_0), my_term(_0), store(_0), store(_0)).
+:- pred solve(database, my_term(_0), store(_0), store(_0)).
+:- pred my_term_to_term_list(list(my_term(_0)), list(term), varset, varset, map(my_var(_0), var), map(my_var(_0), var), store(_0), store(_0)).
+:- pred my_term_to_term(my_term(_0), term, varset, varset, map(my_var(_0), var), map(my_var(_0), var), store(_0), store(_0)).
+:- pred my_term_to_term_list(list(my_term(_0)), list(term), store(_0), store(_0)).
+:- pred my_term_to_term(my_term(_0), term, store(_0), store(_0)).
+:- pred term_to_my_term_list(list(term), list(my_term(_0)), map(var, my_var(_0)), map(var, my_var(_0)), store(_0), store(_0)).
+:- pred term_to_my_term(term, my_term(_0), map(var, my_var(_0)), map(var, my_var(_0)), store(_0), store(_0)).
+:- pred term_to_my_term_list(list(term), list(my_term(_0)), store(_0), store(_0)).
+:- pred term_to_my_term(term, my_term(_0), store(_0), store(_0)).
+:- pred consult_until_eof_2(read_term, database, database, io__state, io__state).
+:- pred consult_until_eof(database, database, io__state, io__state).
+:- pred consult(string, database, database, io__state, io__state).
+:- pred consult_list(list(string), database, database, io__state, io__state).
+:- pred write_solution(varset, map(var, my_var(_0)), my_term(_0), store(_0), io__state, io__state).
+:- pred main_loop_2(read_term, database, io__state, io__state).
+:- pred main_loop(database, io__state, io__state).
+:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
+:- type clause ---> clause(varset, term, term).
+:- type _0 / _1 ---> _0 / _1.
+:- type db_pred ---> db_pred(list(clause), multi_map(string / int, clause)).
+:- type database ---> database(list(clause), map(string / int, db_pred)).
+:- type my_term(_0) ---> var(my_var(_0)) ; free ; functor(const, list(my_term(_0))).
+:- type my_var(_0) == mutvar(my_term(_0), _0).
+No (more) solutions.
+?- No (more) solutions.
+?- my_term_to_term(_0, _1) --> { varset__init(_2) }, { map__init(_3) }, my_term_to_term(_0, _1, _2, _4, _3, _5).
+consult_until_eof_2(term(_0, _1), _2, _3) --> { database_assert_clause(_2, _0, _1, _4) }, consult_until_eof(_4, _3).
+consult_until_eof_2(error(_0, _1), _2, _3) --> io__write_string("Error reading term at line "), io__write_int(_1), io__write_string(" of standard input: "), io__write_string(_0), io__write_string("\n"), consult_until_eof(_2, _3).
+consult_until_eof_2(eof, _0, _0) --> [].
+consult_list([_0 | _1], _2, _3) --> consult(_0, _2, _4), consult_list(_1, _4, _3).
+consult_list([], _0, _0) --> [].
+consult(_0, _1, _2) --> io__write_string("Consulting file `"), io__write_string(_0), io__write_string("\'...\n"), io__see(_0, _3), ({ _3 = ok } -> consult_until_eof(_1, _2), io__seen ; io__write_string("Error opening file `"), io__write_string(_0), io__write_string("\' for input.\n"), { _2 = _1 }).
+consult_until_eof(_0, _1) --> term_io__read_term(_2), consult_until_eof_2(_2, _0, _1).
+deref_list([_0 | _1], [_2 | _3]) --> deref(_0, _2), deref_list(_1, _3).
+deref_list([], []) --> [].
+main_loop(_0) --> io__write_string("?- "), term_io__read_term(_1), main_loop_2(_1, _0).
+deref(functor(_0, _1), functor(_0, _2)) --> deref_list(_1, _2).
+deref(var(_0), _1) --> tr_store__get_mutvar(_0, _2), ({ _2 \= free } -> deref(_2, _1) ; { _1 = var(_0) }).
+deref(free, _0) --> { error("interpreter__deref: unexpected occurence of `free\'") }.
+main --> io__write_string("Pure Prolog Interpreter.\n\n"), io__command_line_arguments(_0), ({ _0 = [] } -> io__stderr_stream(_1), io__write_string(_1, "Usage: interpreter filename ...\n"), io__set_exit_status(1) ; { database_init(_2) }, consult_list(_0, _2, _3), main_loop(_3)).
+main_loop_2(term(_0, _1), _2) --> { store__init(_3) }, { map__init(_4) }, { term_to_my_term(_1, _5, _4, _6, _3, _7) }, unsorted_aggregate(solve(_2, _5, _7), write_solution(_0, _6, _5)), io__write_string("No (more) solutions.\n"), main_loop(_2).
+main_loop_2(error(_0, _1), _2) --> io__write_string("Error reading term at line "), io__write_int(_1), io__write_string(" of standard input: "), io__write_string(_0), io__write_string("\n"), main_loop(_2).
+main_loop_2(eof, _0) --> [].
+term_to_my_term(_0, _1) --> { map__init(_2) }, term_to_my_term(_0, _1, _2, _3).
+my_term_to_term_list(_0, _1) --> { varset__init(_2) }, { map__init(_3) }, my_term_to_term_list(_0, _1, _2, _4, _3, _5).
+not_occurs(functor(_0, _1), _2) --> not_occurs_list(_1, _2).
+not_occurs(var(_0), _1) --> { _0 \= _1 }, tr_store__get_mutvar(_0, _2), ({ _2 = free } -> [] ; not_occurs(_2, _1)).
+my_term_to_term(functor(_0, _1), functor(_0, _2, _3), _4, _5, _6, _7) --> { context_init(_3) }, my_term_to_term_list(_1, _2, _4, _5, _6, _7).
+my_term_to_term(free, variable(_0), _1, _2, _3, _3) --> { varset__new_var(_1, _0, _2) }, { error("my_term_to_term: unexpected free var") }.
+my_term_to_term(var(_0), variable(_1), _2, _3, _4, _5) --> ({ map__search(_4, _0, _6) } -> { _1 = _6 }, { _7 = _2 }, { _8 = _4 } ; { varset__new_var(_2, _1, _7) }, { map__det_insert(_4, _0, _1, _8) }), tr_store__get_mutvar(_0, _9), ({ _9 \= free } -> my_term_to_term(_9, _10, _7, _11, _8, _5), { varset__bind_var(_11, _1, _10, _3) } ; { _5 = _8 }, { _3 = _7 }).
+my_term_to_term_list([_0 | _1], [_2 | _3], _4, _5, _6, _7) --> my_term_to_term(_0, _2, _4, _8, _6, _9), my_term_to_term_list(_1, _3, _8, _5, _9, _7).
+my_term_to_term_list([], [], _0, _0, _1, _1) --> [].
+not_occurs_list([_0 | _1], _2) --> not_occurs(_0, _2), not_occurs_list(_1, _2).
+not_occurs_list([], _0) --> [].
+solve(_0, _1) --> { database_lookup_clause(_0, _1, _2, _3, _4) }, term_to_my_term_list([_3, _4], [_5, _6]), unify(_1, _5), solve(_0, _6).
+solve(_0, functor(atom("="), [_1, _2])) --> unify(_1, _2).
+solve(_0, functor(atom(";"), [_1, _2])) --> solve(_0, _1) ; solve(_0, _2).
+solve(_0, functor(atom(","), [_1, _2])) --> solve(_0, _1), solve(_0, _2).
+solve(_0, functor(atom("true"), [])) --> [].
+term_to_my_term_list(_0, _1) --> { map__init(_2) }, term_to_my_term_list(_0, _1, _2, _3).
+unify(functor(_0, _1), functor(_0, _2)) --> unify_list(_1, _2).
+unify(functor(_0, _1), var(_2)) --> tr_store__get_mutvar(_2, _3), ({ _3 \= free } -> unify(functor(_0, _1), _3) ; not_occurs_list(_1, _2), tr_store__set_mutvar(_2, functor(_0, _1))).
+unify(var(_0), functor(_1, _2)) --> tr_store__get_mutvar(_0, _3), ({ _3 \= free } -> unify(_3, functor(_1, _2)) ; not_occurs_list(_2, _0), tr_store__set_mutvar(_0, functor(_1, _2))).
+unify(var(_0), var(_1)) --> tr_store__get_mutvar(_0, _2), tr_store__get_mutvar(_1, _3), ({ _2 \= free } -> ({ _3 \= free } -> unify(_2, _3) ; deref(_2, _4), ({ _4 = var(_1) } -> [] ; not_occurs(_4, _1), tr_store__set_mutvar(_1, _4))) ; { _3 \= free } -> deref(_3, _5), ({ _5 = var(_0) } -> [] ; not_occurs(_5, _0), tr_store__set_mutvar(_0, _5)) ; { _0 = _1 } -> [] ; tr_store__set_mutvar(_0, var(_1))).
+term_to_my_term(functor(_0, _1, _2), functor(_0, _3), _4, _5) --> term_to_my_term_list(_1, _3, _4, _5).
+term_to_my_term(variable(_0), var(_1), _2, _3) --> { map__search(_2, _0, _4) } -> { _1 = _4 }, { _3 = _2 } ; tr_store__new_mutvar(free, _1), { map__det_insert(_2, _0, _1, _3) }.
+term_to_my_term_list([_0 | _1], [_2 | _3], _4, _5) --> term_to_my_term(_0, _2, _4, _6), term_to_my_term_list(_1, _3, _6, _5).
+term_to_my_term_list([], [], _0, _0) --> [].
+unify_list([_0 | _1], [_2 | _3]) --> unify(_0, _2), unify_list(_1, _3).
+unify_list([], []) --> [].
+write_solution(_0, _1, _2, _3) --> { map__keys(_1, _4) }, { map__values(_1, _5) }, { map__from_corresponding_lists(_5, _4, _6) }, { my_term_to_term(_2, _7, _0, _8, _6, _9, _3, _10) }, term_io__write_term_nl(_8, _7).
+No (more) solutions.
\ No newline at end of file
Index: interpreter.inp
RCS file: interpreter.inp
diff -N interpreter.inp
--- /dev/null Tue Sep 30 00:22:33 1997
+++ interpreter.inp Mon Sep 29 22:36:27 1997
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+% this file contains some test cases
+a = a.
+X = X.
+a = b.
+X = f(X).
+X = Y.
+true ; true.
+:- Declaration.
+Head :- Body.
+DCG_Head --> DCG_Body.
Index: interpreter.m
RCS file: interpreter.m
diff -N interpreter.m
--- /dev/null Tue Sep 30 00:22:33 1997
+++ interpreter.m Tue Sep 30 01:15:23 1997
@@ -0,0 +1,597 @@
+% File: interpreter.m.
+% Main author: fjh.
+% This is an interpreter for definite logic programs
+% (i.e. pure Prolog with no negation or if-then-else.)
+% This is just intended as a demonstration of the use of the
+% library module tr_store.m.
+% There are many extensions/improvements that could be made;
+% they're left as an exercise for the reader.
+:- module interpreter.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
+:- mode main(di, uo) is cc_multi.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module list, string, term, varset, term_io, require, std_util.
+:- import_module store, tr_store, map, multi_map.
+main -->
+ io__write_string("Pure Prolog Interpreter.\n\n"),
+ io__command_line_arguments(Args),
+ ( { Args = [] } ->
+ io__stderr_stream(StdErr),
+ io__write_string(StdErr, "Usage: interpreter filename ...\n"),
+ io__set_exit_status(1)
+ ;
+ { database_init(Database0) },
+ consult_list(Args, Database0, Database),
+ main_loop(Database)
+ ).
+:- pred main_loop(database, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode main_loop(in, di, uo) is cc_multi.
+main_loop(Database) -->
+ io__write_string("?- "),
+ term_io__read_term(ReadTerm),
+ main_loop_2(ReadTerm, Database).
+:- pred main_loop_2(read_term, database, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode main_loop_2(in, in, di, uo) is cc_multi.
+main_loop_2(eof, _Database) --> [].
+main_loop_2(error(ErrorMessage, LineNumber), Database) -->
+ io__write_string("Error reading term at line "),
+ io__write_int(LineNumber),
+ io__write_string(" of standard input: "),
+ io__write_string(ErrorMessage),
+ io__write_string("\n"),
+ main_loop(Database).
+main_loop_2(term(VarSet, Goal), Database) -->
+ %%% It would be a good idea to add some special commands
+ %%% with side-effects (such as `consult' and `listing');
+ %%% these could be identified and processed here.
+ { store__init(Store0) },
+ { map__init(VarMap0) },
+ { term_to_my_term(Goal, MyGoal, VarMap0, VarMap, Store0, Store1) },
+ unsorted_aggregate(solve(Database, MyGoal, Store1),
+ write_solution(VarSet, VarMap, MyGoal)),
+ io__write_string("No (more) solutions.\n"),
+ main_loop(Database).
+:- pred write_solution(varset, map(var, my_var(S)), my_term(S), store(S),
+ io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_solution(in, in, in, mdi, di, uo) is det.
+write_solution(VarSet0, VarToMyVarMap, MyGoal, Store0) -->
+ { map__keys(VarToMyVarMap, Vars) },
+ { map__values(VarToMyVarMap, MyVars) },
+ { map__from_corresponding_lists(MyVars, Vars, VarMap0) },
+ { my_term_to_term(MyGoal, Goal, VarSet0, VarSet, VarMap0, _VarMap,
+ Store0, _Store) },
+ term_io__write_term_nl(VarSet, Goal).
+:- pred consult_list(list(string), database, database, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode consult_list(in, in, out, di, uo) is det.
+consult_list([], Database, Database) --> [].
+consult_list([File | Files], Database0, Database) -->
+ consult(File, Database0, Database1),
+ consult_list(Files, Database1, Database).
+:- pred consult(string, database, database, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode consult(in, in, out, di, uo) is det.
+consult(File, Database0, Database) -->
+ io__write_string("Consulting file `"),
+ io__write_string(File),
+ io__write_string("'...\n"),
+ io__see(File, Result),
+ ( { Result = ok } ->
+ consult_until_eof(Database0, Database),
+ io__seen
+ ;
+ io__write_string("Error opening file `"),
+ io__write_string(File),
+ io__write_string("' for input.\n"),
+ { Database = Database0 }
+ ).
+:- pred consult_until_eof(database, database, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode consult_until_eof(in, out, di, uo) is det.
+consult_until_eof(Database0, Database) -->
+ term_io__read_term(ReadTerm),
+ consult_until_eof_2(ReadTerm, Database0, Database).
+:- pred consult_until_eof_2(read_term, database, database,
+ io__state, io__state).
+:- mode consult_until_eof_2(in, in, out, di, uo) is det.
+consult_until_eof_2(eof, Database, Database) --> [].
+consult_until_eof_2(error(ErrorMessage, LineNumber), Database0, Database) -->
+ io__write_string("Error reading term at line "),
+ io__write_int(LineNumber),
+ io__write_string(" of standard input: "),
+ io__write_string(ErrorMessage),
+ io__write_string("\n"),
+ consult_until_eof(Database0, Database).
+consult_until_eof_2(term(VarSet, Term), Database0, Database) -->
+ { database_assert_clause(Database0, VarSet, Term, Database1) },
+ consult_until_eof(Database1, Database).
+% Here's how we represent terms.
+% We don't use the Mercury standard library type `term', because
+% that isn't efficient enough; we want variables to be represented
+% as mutable variables using the store__mutvar type, so that we
+% can implement variable binding as backtrackable destructive update,
+% using the tr_store module.
+:- type my_var(S)
+ == mutvar(my_term(S), S).
+:- type my_term(S)
+ ---> var(my_var(S))
+ ; free
+ ; functor(const, list(my_term(S))).
+% Convert from the standard Mercury `term' representation to
+% our `my_term' representation.
+:- pred term_to_my_term(term, my_term(S), store(S), store(S)).
+:- mode term_to_my_term(in, out, mdi, muo) is det.
+term_to_my_term(Term, MyTerm) -->
+ { map__init(VarMap0) },
+ term_to_my_term(Term, MyTerm, VarMap0, _VarMap).
+:- pred term_to_my_term_list(list(term), list(my_term(S)), store(S), store(S)).
+:- mode term_to_my_term_list(in, out, mdi, muo) is det.
+term_to_my_term_list(Terms, MyTerm) -->
+ { map__init(VarMap0) },
+ term_to_my_term_list(Terms, MyTerm, VarMap0, _VarMap).
+:- pred term_to_my_term(term, my_term(S),
+ map(var, my_var(S)), map(var, my_var(S)),
+ store(S), store(S)).
+:- mode term_to_my_term(in, out, in, out, mdi, muo) is det.
+term_to_my_term(variable(Var), var(Ref), VarMap0, VarMap) -->
+ ( { map__search(VarMap0, Var, Ref1) } ->
+ { Ref = Ref1 },
+ { VarMap = VarMap0 }
+ ;
+ tr_store__new_mutvar(free, Ref),
+ { map__det_insert(VarMap0, Var, Ref, VarMap) }
+ ).
+term_to_my_term(functor(Functor, Args0, _Context), functor(Functor, Args),
+ VarMap0, VarMap) -->
+ term_to_my_term_list(Args0, Args, VarMap0, VarMap).
+:- pred term_to_my_term_list(list(term), list(my_term(S)),
+ map(var, my_var(S)), map(var, my_var(S)), store(S), store(S)).
+:- mode term_to_my_term_list(in, out, in, out, mdi, muo) is det.
+term_to_my_term_list([], [], VarMap, VarMap) --> [].
+term_to_my_term_list([Term0|Terms0], [Term|Terms], VarMap0, VarMap) -->
+ term_to_my_term(Term0, Term, VarMap0, VarMap1),
+ term_to_my_term_list(Terms0, Terms, VarMap1, VarMap).
+% Convert from our `my_term' representation to
+% the standard Mercury `term' representation.
+:- pred my_term_to_term(my_term(S), term, store(S), store(S)).
+:- mode my_term_to_term(in, out, mdi, muo) is det.
+my_term_to_term(MyTerm, Term) -->
+ { varset__init(VarSet0) },
+ { map__init(VarMap0) },
+ my_term_to_term(MyTerm, Term, VarSet0, _VarSet, VarMap0, _VarMap).
+:- pred my_term_to_term_list(list(my_term(S)), list(term), store(S), store(S)).
+:- mode my_term_to_term_list(in, out, mdi, muo) is det.
+my_term_to_term_list(MyTerms, Terms) -->
+ { varset__init(VarSet0) },
+ { map__init(VarMap0) },
+ my_term_to_term_list(MyTerms, Terms,
+ VarSet0, _VarSet, VarMap0, _VarMap).
+:- pred my_term_to_term(my_term(S), term, varset, varset,
+ map(my_var(S), var), map(my_var(S), var), store(S), store(S)).
+:- mode my_term_to_term(in, out, in, out, in, out, mdi, muo) is det.
+my_term_to_term(var(MyVar), variable(Var), VarSet0, VarSet, VarMap0, VarMap)
+ -->
+ %
+ % check whether MyVar is in the VarMap;
+ % if so, use its corresponding Var,
+ % otherwise, create a fresh Var and insert it into the VarMap
+ %
+ ( { map__search(VarMap0, MyVar, Var1) } ->
+ { Var = Var1 },
+ { VarSet1 = VarSet0 },
+ { VarMap1 = VarMap0 }
+ ;
+ { varset__new_var(VarSet0, Var, VarSet1) },
+ { map__det_insert(VarMap0, MyVar, Var, VarMap1) }
+ ),
+ %
+ % check whether MyVar is bound;
+ % if so, insert its binding into the VarSet
+ %
+ tr_store__get_mutvar(MyVar, MyValue),
+ ( { MyValue \= free } ->
+ my_term_to_term(MyValue, Value, VarSet1, VarSet2,
+ VarMap1, VarMap),
+ { varset__bind_var(VarSet2, Var, Value, VarSet) }
+ ;
+ { VarMap = VarMap1 },
+ { VarSet = VarSet1 }
+ ).
+my_term_to_term(free, variable(Var), VarSet0, VarSet, VarMap, VarMap) -->
+ { varset__new_var(VarSet0, Var, VarSet) },
+ { error("my_term_to_term: unexpected free var") }.
+my_term_to_term(functor(Functor, Args0), functor(Functor, Args, Context),
+ VarSet0, VarSet, VarMap0, VarMap) -->
+ { context_init(Context) },
+ my_term_to_term_list(Args0, Args, VarSet0, VarSet, VarMap0, VarMap).
+:- pred my_term_to_term_list(list(my_term(S)), list(term),
+ varset, varset, map(my_var(S), var), map(my_var(S), var),
+ store(S), store(S)).
+:- mode my_term_to_term_list(in, out, in, out, in, out, mdi, muo) is det.
+my_term_to_term_list([], [], VarSet, VarSet, VarMap, VarMap) --> [].
+my_term_to_term_list([Term0|Terms0], [Term|Terms], VarSet0, VarSet,
+ VarMap0, VarMap) -->
+ my_term_to_term(Term0, Term, VarSet0, VarSet1, VarMap0, VarMap1),
+ my_term_to_term_list(Terms0, Terms, VarSet1, VarSet, VarMap1, VarMap).
+% Solve takes a database of rules and facts, a goal to be solved,
+% and a varset (which includes a supply of fresh vars, a substitution,
+% and names for [some subset of] the variables). It updates
+% the varset, producing a new substitution and perhaps introducing
+% some new vars, and returns the result.
+% Goals are stored just as terms.
+% (It might be more efficient to parse them
+% before storing them in the database. Currently we do
+% this parsing work every time we interpret a clause.)
+:- pred solve(database, my_term(S), store(S), store(S)).
+:- mode solve(in, in, mdi, muo) is nondet.
+solve(_Database, functor(atom("true"), [])) --> [].
+solve(Database, functor(atom(","), [A, B])) -->
+ solve(Database, A),
+ solve(Database, B).
+solve(Database, functor(atom(";"), [A, B])) -->
+ solve(Database, A)
+ ;
+ solve(Database, B).
+solve(_Database, functor(atom("="), [A, B])) -->
+ unify(A, B).
+solve(Database, Goal) -->
+ { database_lookup_clause(Database, Goal, _VarSet, Head0, Body0) },
+ term_to_my_term_list([Head0, Body0], [Head, Body]),
+ unify(Goal, Head),
+ solve(Database, Body).
+solve(Database, var(Var)) -->
+ get_mutvar(Var, Value),
+ solve(Database, Value).
+:- pred unify(my_term(S), my_term(S), store(S), store(S)).
+:- mode unify(in, in, mdi, muo) is semidet.
+unify(var(X), var(Y)) -->
+ tr_store__get_mutvar(X, BindingOfX),
+ tr_store__get_mutvar(Y, BindingOfY),
+ (
+ { BindingOfX \= free }
+ ->
+ (
+ { BindingOfY \= free }
+ ->
+ % both X and Y already have bindings - just
+ % unify the terms they are bound to
+ unify(BindingOfX, BindingOfY)
+ ;
+ % Y is a variable which hasn't been bound yet
+ deref(BindingOfX, SubstBindingOfX),
+ ( { SubstBindingOfX = var(Y) } ->
+ []
+ ;
+ not_occurs(SubstBindingOfX, Y),
+ tr_store__set_mutvar(Y, SubstBindingOfX)
+ )
+ )
+ ;
+ (
+ { BindingOfY \= free }
+ ->
+ % X is a variable which hasn't been bound yet
+ deref(BindingOfY, SubstBindingOfY),
+ ( { SubstBindingOfY = var(X) } ->
+ []
+ ;
+ not_occurs(SubstBindingOfY, X),
+ tr_store__set_mutvar(X, SubstBindingOfY)
+ )
+ ;
+ % both X and Y are unbound variables -
+ % bind one to the other
+ ( { X = Y } ->
+ []
+ ;
+ tr_store__set_mutvar(X, var(Y))
+ )
+ )
+ ).
+unify(var(X), functor(F, As)) -->
+ tr_store__get_mutvar(X, BindingOfX),
+ (
+ { BindingOfX \= free }
+ ->
+ unify(BindingOfX, functor(F, As))
+ ;
+ not_occurs_list(As, X),
+ tr_store__set_mutvar(X, functor(F, As))
+ ).
+unify(functor(F, As), var(X)) -->
+ tr_store__get_mutvar(X, BindingOfX),
+ (
+ { BindingOfX \= free }
+ ->
+ unify(functor(F, As), BindingOfX)
+ ;
+ not_occurs_list(As, X),
+ tr_store__set_mutvar(X, functor(F, As))
+ ).
+unify(functor(F, AsX), functor(F, AsY)) -->
+ unify_list(AsX, AsY).
+:- pred unify_list(list(my_term(S)), list(my_term(S)), store(S), store(S)).
+:- mode unify_list(in, in, mdi, muo) is semidet.
+unify_list([], []) --> [].
+unify_list([X | Xs], [Y | Ys]) -->
+ unify(X, Y),
+ unify_list(Xs, Ys).
+ % not_occurs(Term, Var, Store0, Store) fails if Term contains Var,
+ % perhaps indirectly via the substitution in Store0.
+ % (The variable must not be mapped by the substitution.)
+:- pred not_occurs(my_term(S), my_var(S), store(S), store(S)).
+:- mode not_occurs(in, in, mdi, muo) is semidet.
+not_occurs(var(X), Y) -->
+ { X \= Y },
+ tr_store__get_mutvar(X, BindingOfX),
+ ( { BindingOfX = free } ->
+ []
+ ;
+ not_occurs(BindingOfX, Y)
+ ).
+not_occurs(functor(_F, As), Y) -->
+ not_occurs_list(As, Y).
+:- pred not_occurs_list(list(my_term(S)), my_var(S), store(S), store(S)).
+:- mode not_occurs_list(in, in, mdi, muo) is semidet.
+not_occurs_list([], _) --> [].
+not_occurs_list([Term | Terms], Y) -->
+ not_occurs(Term, Y),
+ not_occurs_list(Terms, Y).
+% deref(Term0, Term, Store0, Store) :
+% recursively apply substitution to Term0 until
+% no more substitions can be applied, and then
+% return the result in Term.
+:- pred deref(my_term(S), my_term(S), store(S), store(S)).
+:- mode deref(in, out, mdi, muo) is det.
+deref(free, _) -->
+ { error("interpreter__deref: unexpected occurence of `free'") }.
+deref(var(Var), Term) -->
+ tr_store__get_mutvar(Var, Replacement),
+ (
+ { Replacement \= free }
+ ->
+ % recursively apply the substition to the replacement
+ deref(Replacement, Term)
+ ;
+ { Term = var(Var) }
+ ).
+deref(functor(Name, Args0), functor(Name, Args)) -->
+ deref_list(Args0, Args).
+:- pred deref_list(list(my_term(S)), list(my_term(S)), store(S), store(S)).
+:- mode deref_list(in, out, mdi, muo) is det.
+deref_list([], []) --> [].
+deref_list([Term0 | Terms0], [Term | Terms]) -->
+ deref(Term0, Term),
+ deref_list(Terms0, Terms).
+% The database of clauses is indexed by predicate name/arity,
+% and for each predicate the clauses are indexed according to the
+% name/arity of their first argument.
+:- type database ---> database(
+ list(clause), % clauses with variable as head
+ map(string/int, db_pred) % preds, indexed on name/arity
+ ).
+:- type db_pred ---> db_pred(
+ list(clause), % unindexed clauses
+ % (ones with var as first arg,
+ % or with no args)
+ multi_map(string/int, clause) % clauses, indexed on the
+ % name/arity of first arg
+ ).
+:- type Name/Arity ---> Name/Arity.
+:- type clause ---> clause(varset, term, term). % varset, head, body
+:- pred database_init(database).
+:- mode database_init(out) is det.
+database_init(database([], Preds)) :-
+ map__init(Preds).
+:- pred database_assert_clause(database, varset, term, database).
+:- mode database_assert_clause(in, in, in, out) is det.
+database_assert_clause(Database0, VarSet, Term, Database) :-
+ %
+ % add `:- true' if clause not already in the form `H :- B'
+ %
+ ( Term = functor(atom(":-"), [H, B], _) ->
+ Head = H,
+ Body = B
+ ;
+ Head = Term,
+ context_init(Context),
+ Body = functor(atom("true"), [], Context)
+ ),
+ Clause = clause(VarSet, Head, Body),
+ %
+ % insert clause into database
+ %
+ Database0 = database(UnindexedClauses, Preds0),
+ ( Head = functor(atom(PredName), PredArgs, _) ->
+ %
+ % we can do predicate name/arity indexing
+ %
+ list__length(PredArgs, PredArity),
+ PredId = PredName / PredArity,
+ (
+ PredArgs = [FirstArg | _],
+ FirstArg = functor(atom(FirstArgName), FirstArgArgs, _)
+ ->
+ %
+ % we can do first-argument name/arity indexing
+ %
+ list__length(FirstArgArgs, FirstArgArity),
+ FirstArgId = FirstArgName / FirstArgArity,
+ ( map__search(Preds0, PredId, Pred0) ->
+ Pred0 = db_pred(PredUnindexedClauses,
+ PredIndexedClauses0),
+ multi_map__set(PredIndexedClauses0, FirstArgId,
+ Clause, PredIndexedClauses),
+ Pred = db_pred(PredUnindexedClauses,
+ PredIndexedClauses),
+ map__det_update(Preds0, PredId, Pred, Preds)
+ ;
+ multi_map__init(PredIndexedClauses0),
+ multi_map__set(PredIndexedClauses0, FirstArgId,
+ Clause, PredIndexedClauses),
+ Pred = db_pred([], PredIndexedClauses),
+ map__det_insert(Preds0, PredId, Pred, Preds)
+ )
+ ;
+ %
+ % we can't do first-argument indexing -- just
+ % insert into the unindex clauses
+ %
+ ( map__search(Preds0, PredId, Pred0) ->
+ Pred0 = db_pred(PredUnindexedClauses,
+ PredIndexedClauses),
+ Pred = db_pred([Clause | PredUnindexedClauses],
+ PredIndexedClauses),
+ map__det_update(Preds0, PredId, Pred, Preds)
+ ;
+ multi_map__init(PredIndexedClauses),
+ Pred = db_pred([Clause], PredIndexedClauses),
+ map__det_insert(Preds0, PredId, Pred, Preds)
+ )
+ ),
+ Database = database(UnindexedClauses, Preds)
+ ;
+ Database = database([Clause|UnindexedClauses], Preds0)
+ ).
+:- pred database_lookup_clause(database, my_term(_), varset, term, term).
+:- mode database_lookup_clause(in, in, out, out, out) is nondet.
+database_lookup_clause(Database, Goal, VarSet, Head, Body) :-
+ database_lookup_clause(Database, Goal, Clause),
+ Clause = clause(VarSet, Head, Body).
+:- pred database_lookup_clause(database, my_term(_), clause).
+:- mode database_lookup_clause(in, in, out) is nondet.
+database_lookup_clause(database(Clauses, _Preds), _Goal, Clause) :-
+ list__member(Clause, Clauses).
+database_lookup_clause(database(_Clauses, Preds), Goal, Clause) :-
+ Goal = functor(atom(PredName), PredArgs),
+ list__length(PredArgs, PredArity),
+ map__search(Preds, PredName/PredArity, PredClauses),
+ database_lookup_pred_clause(PredClauses, PredArgs, Clause).
+:- pred database_lookup_pred_clause(db_pred, list(my_term(_)), clause).
+:- mode database_lookup_pred_clause(in, in, out) is nondet.
+database_lookup_pred_clause(db_pred(Clauses, _IndexedClauses), _, Clause) :-
+ list__member(Clause, Clauses).
+database_lookup_pred_clause(db_pred(_, IndexedClauses), PredArgs, Clause) :-
+ PredArgs = [FirstArg | _],
+ (
+ FirstArg = var(_),
+ multi_map__member(IndexedClauses, _, Clause)
+ ;
+ FirstArg = functor(atom(FirstArgName), FirstArgArgs),
+ list__length(FirstArgArgs, FirstArgArity),
+ multi_map__nondet_lookup(IndexedClauses,
+ FirstArgName/FirstArgArity, Clause)
+ ).
Index: vqueens.exp
RCS file: vqueens.exp
diff -N vqueens.exp
--- /dev/null Tue Sep 30 00:22:33 1997
+++ vqueens.exp Mon Sep 29 23:09:08 1997
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+[1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 5, 9, 2, 4, 7]
Fergus Henderson <fjh at cs.mu.oz.au> | "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW: <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~fjh> | of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger fjh at | -- the last words of T. S. Garp.
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