diff: split distribution.

Tyson Richard DOWD trd at cs.mu.oz.au
Wed Sep 17 18:27:52 AEST 1997


Could someone review this (untested) diff.


Estimated hours taken: 0.5

Split the distribution into
	mercury-$VERSION.tar.gz		(main distribution)
	mercury-$VERSION-extras.tar.gz 	(extras directory)

	Change rule for `tar' target to build
	mercury-$(VERSION)-extras.tar.gz as well, and not put
	extras in the main distribution.

	Deal with extras tar files when creating stable releases, and
	putting them on the ftp site.

Index: Mmakefile
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.6 Mmakefile
--- Mmakefile	1997/07/28 15:09:34	1.6
+++ Mmakefile	1997/09/17 07:10:56
@@ -178,6 +178,8 @@
 	# Package up the mercury directory and the tests directory, 
 	# but with some subdirectories excluded, into a gzipped tar
 	# archive that will unpack into mercury-$(VERSION).
+	# Put the extras directory into a gzipped tar archive that
+	# will unpack into mercury-$(VERSION)-extras.
 	cd .. && (							\
 		mv mercury mercury-$(VERSION);				\
 		mv tests mercury-$(VERSION)/tests;			\
@@ -185,10 +187,14 @@
 		mv mercury-$(VERSION)/trial	stuff-to-exclude;	\
 		mv mercury-$(VERSION)/bytecode	stuff-to-exclude;	\
 		mv mercury-$(VERSION)/lp_solve	stuff-to-exclude;	\
+		mv mercury-$(VERSION)/extras mercury-$(VERSION)-extras; \
 		tar -cf - mercury-$(VERSION) |				\
 			gzip -9 > mercury-$(VERSION).tar.gz;		\
 		mv stuff-to-exclude/* mercury-$(VERSION);		\
 		rmdir stuff-to-exclude;					\
+		tar -cf - mercury-$(VERSION)-extras |			\
+			gzip -9 > mercury-$(VERSION)-extras.tar.gz;	\
+		mv mercury-$(VERSION)-extras mercury-$(VERSION)/extras; \
 		mv mercury-$(VERSION)/tests tests;			\
 		mv mercury-$(VERSION) mercury				\
Index: tools/test_mercury
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/tools/test_mercury,v
retrieving revision 1.56
diff -u -r1.56 test_mercury
--- test_mercury	1997/09/11 01:40:50	1.56
+++ test_mercury	1997/09/17 07:17:56
@@ -311,7 +311,8 @@
 	mmake MMAKEFLAGS='EXTRA_MCFLAGS="-O5 --opt-space" -j6' tar &&
 	cd .. &&
 	rm -f mercury-latest-unstable/* &&
-	mv mercury-$version.tar.gz mercury-latest-unstable
+	mv mercury-$version.tar.gz mercury-latest-unstable &&
+	mv mercury-$version-extras.tar.gz mercury-latest-unstable
 	} || status=1
@@ -388,8 +389,12 @@
 	    rm -f mercury-latest-stable/* &&
 	    ln mercury-latest-unstable/mercury-$version.tar.gz \
 	        mercury-latest-stable/mercury-$version.tar.gz &&
+	    ln mercury-latest-unstable/mercury-$version-extras.tar.gz
+	        mercury-latest-stable/mercury-$version-extras.tar.gz &&
 	    rm -f /home/tsa/ftp/pub/mercury/beta-releases/mercury-rotd-*.tar.gz
 	    cp mercury-latest-stable/mercury-$version.tar.gz \
+	        /home/tsa/ftp/pub/mercury/beta-releases
+	    cp mercury-latest-stable/mercury-$version-extras.tar.gz \

       Tyson Dowd           #          Another great idea from the 
                            #            people who brought you
      trd at .cs.mu.oz.au      #               Beer Milkshakes!
http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~trd #	         Confidence --- Red Dwarf

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