revised lp.m
Thomas Charles CONWAY
conway at
Mon Oct 20 09:02:29 AEST 1997
Following is a revised version of the lp.m source. The interface hasn't
changed, so I haven't reposted the whole diff. Can do on demand.
Thomas Conway conway at
AD DEUM ET VINUM Every sword has two edges.
% Copyright (C) 1994-1995, 1997 The University of Melbourne.
% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
% file: lp.m
% main author: conway, Oct 1997
% This module implements a linear constraint solver that finds an
% optimal solution to a set of linear [in]equalities with respect
% to some objective function. It does this using the simplex method.
% The form of an [in]equation is
% a1.x1 + a2.x2 + ... + an.xn {=<,=,>=} b
% where all the numbers are floats, a variable xn may occur multiple
% times in an equation (or the objective function) - the solver simplifies
% all the inequations.
% By defaut, there is an additional constraint on each of the `xn's:
% xn >= 0
% If you want xn to take on any value, you can include it in the list
% of URS (UnRestricted in Sign) variables.
% The objective function is simply a weighted sum of the variables.
% The `x's are represented by `term__var's. The varset from which
% they are allocated is passed to the solver because it needs to
% introduce new variables as part of the solving algorithm.
:- module lp.
:- interface.
:- import_module float, io, list, map, std_util, term, varset.
:- type coeff == pair(var, float).
:- type equation
---> eqn(list(coeff), operator, float).
:- type operator
---> (=<) ; (=) ; (>=) .
:- type equations == list(equation).
:- type objective == list(coeff).
:- type direction
---> max ; min .
:- type lp__result
---> unsatisfiable
; satisfiable(float, map(var, float))
% lp_solve(Inequations, MaxOrMin, Objective, Varset, URSVars,
% Result, IO0, IO)
% maximize (or minimize - depending on `MaxOrMin') `Objective'
% subject to the constraints `Inequations'. The variables in
% the objective and inequations are from `Varset' which is passed
% so that the solver can allocate fresh variables as required.
% URSVars is the list of variable that are unrestricted in sign.
% lp_solve binds Result either to `unsatisfiable' if the there
% was no optimum value of the objective function (ie the
% constraints were inconsistent, or the objective function
% is unbounded by the constraints), or `satisfiable(ObjVal,
% MapFromObjVarsToVals)'.
:- pred lp_solve(equations, direction, objective, varset, list(var),
lp__result, io__state, io__state).
:- mode lp_solve(in, in, in, in, in, out, di, uo) is det.
:- implementation.
:- import_module bool, int, require, set.
:- type lp_info
---> lp(
map(var, pair(var)), % map from variables with URS to
% the corresponding pair of variables
% that represent that variable in
% the standard form (x = x' - x'',
% x', x'' >= 0).
list(var), % slack variables
list(var) % artificial variables
lp_solve(Eqns, Dir, Obj, Varset0, URSVars, Result, IO0, IO) :-
lp_info_init(Varset0, URSVars, Info0),
lp_solve2(Eqns, Dir, Obj, Result, IO0, IO, Info0, _).
% lp_solve2(Eqns, Dir, Obj, Res, IO0, IO, LPInfo0, LPInfo) takes a list
% of inequations `Eqns', a direction for optimization `Dir', an objective
% function `Obj', an I/O state `IO0' and an lp_info structure `LPInfo0'.
% See inline comments for details on the algorithm.
:- pred lp_solve2(equations, direction, objective, lp__result,
io__state, io__state, lp_info, lp_info).
:- mode lp_solve2(in, in, in, out, di, uo, in, out) is det.
lp_solve2(Eqns0, Dir, Obj0, Result, IO0, IO, Info0, Info) :-
% simplify the inequations and convert them
% to standard form by introducing slack/excess/
% artificial variables. We also expand URS variables
% by replacing them with the difference of two
% fresh variables.
standardize_equations(Eqns0, Eqns, Info0, Info1),
% If we're maximizing the objective function then we need
% to negate all the coefficients in the objective.w
Dir = max,
negate_equation(eqn(Obj0, (=), 0.0), eqn(Obj1, _, _))
Dir = min,
Obj1 = Obj0
simplify_coeffs(Obj1, Obj2),
get_urs_vars(URS, Info1, _),
expand_urs_vars(Obj2, URS, Obj),
list__length(Eqns, Rows),
collect_vars(Eqns, Obj, Vars),
set__to_sorted_list(Vars, VarList),
list__length(VarList, Cols),
number_vars(VarList, 0, VarNums0, VarNums),
get_art_vars(ArtVars, Info1, Info),
init_tableau(Rows, Cols, VarNums, URS, Tableau0),
insert_equations(Eqns, 1, Cols, VarNums,
Tableau0, Tableau1),
ArtVars = [_|_],
% There are one or more artificial variables, so we use
% the two-phase method for solving the system.
two_phase(Obj0, Obj, ArtVars, VarNums, Tableau1, Result0,
IO0, IO)
ArtVars = [],
one_phase(Obj0, Obj, VarNums, Tableau1, Result0, IO0, IO)
Dir = max,
Result = Result0
Dir = min,
Result0 = unsatisfiable,
Result = Result0
Result0 = satisfiable(NOptVal, OptCoffs),
OptVal is -NOptVal,
Result = satisfiable(OptVal, OptCoffs)
:- pred one_phase(list(coeff), list(coeff), map(var, int), tableau,
lp__result, io__state, io__state).
:- mode one_phase(in, in, in, in, out, di, uo) is det.
one_phase(Obj0, Obj, VarNums, Tableau0, Result, IO0, IO) :-
insert_coeffs(Obj, 0, VarNums, Tableau0, Tableau1),
GetObjVar = lambda([V::out] is nondet, (
list__member(X, Obj0),
X = V - _Cof
solutions(GetObjVar, ObjVars),
optimize(ObjVars, Tableau1, _, Result, IO0, IO).
:- pred two_phase(list(coeff), list(coeff), list(var), map(var, int),
tableau, lp__result, io__state, io__state).
:- mode two_phase(in, in, in, in, in, out, di, uo) is det.
two_phase(Obj0, Obj, ArtVars, VarNums, Tableau0, Result, IO0, IO) :-
% Do phase 1:
% minimize the sum of the artificial variables
construct_art_objective(ArtVars, ArtObj),
insert_coeffs(ArtObj, 0, VarNums, Tableau0, Tableau1a),
ensure_zero_obj_coeffs(ArtVars, Tableau1a, Tableau1b),
optimize(ArtVars, Tableau1b, Tableau1c,
Res0, IO0, IO1),
Res0 = unsatisfiable,
Result = unsatisfiable,
IO = IO1
Res0 = satisfiable(Val, _ArtRes),
( Val \= 0.0 ->
Result = unsatisfiable,
IO = IO1
fix_basis_and_rem_cols(ArtVars, Tableau1c, Tableau2),
% Do phase 2:
% insert the real objective,
% zero the objective coefficients of the
% basis variables,
% optimize the objective.
insert_coeffs(Obj, 0, VarNums, Tableau2, Tableau3),
get_basis_vars(Tableau3, BasisVars),
Tableau3, Tableau4),
GetObjVar = lambda([V::out] is nondet, (
list__member(X, Obj0),
X = V - _Cof
solutions(GetObjVar, ObjVars),
optimize(ObjVars, Tableau4, _, Result, IO1, IO)
:- pred construct_art_objective(list(var), list(coeff)).
:- mode construct_art_objective(in, out) is det.
construct_art_objective([], []).
construct_art_objective([V|Vs], [V - (1.0)|Rest]) :-
construct_art_objective(Vs, Rest).
:- pred standardize_equations(equations, equations, lp_info, lp_info).
:- mode standardize_equations(in, out, in, out) is det.
standardize_equations(Eqns0, Eqns) -->
list__map_foldl(standardize_equation, Eqns0, Eqns).
% standardize_equation peforms the following operations on an
% equation:
% - ensures the constant is >= 0 (multiplying by -1 if
% necessary)
% - introduces slack, excess and artificial variables
% - replace the URS variables with their corresponding
% difference pair
:- pred standardize_equation(equation, equation, lp_info, lp_info).
:- mode standardize_equation(in, out, in, out) is det.
standardize_equation(Eqn0, Eqn) -->
{ Eqn0 = eqn(Coeffs0, (=<), Const0) },
( { Const0 < 0.0 } ->
{ negate_equation(Eqn0, Eqn1) },
standardize_equation(Eqn1, Eqn)
{ Coeffs = [Var - 1.0|Coeffs0] },
{ simplify(eqn(Coeffs, (=<), Const0), Eqn1) },
{ expand_urs_vars_e(Eqn1, URS, Eqn) }
standardize_equation(Eqn0, Eqn) -->
{ Eqn0 = eqn(Coeffs0, (=), Const0) },
( { Const0 < 0.0 } ->
{ negate_equation(Eqn0, Eqn1) },
standardize_equation(Eqn1, Eqn)
{ Coeffs = [Var - 1.0|Coeffs0] },
{ simplify(eqn(Coeffs, (=<), Const0), Eqn1) },
{ expand_urs_vars_e(Eqn1, URS, Eqn) }
standardize_equation(Eqn0, Eqn) -->
{ Eqn0 = eqn(Coeffs0, (>=), Const0) },
( { Const0 < 0.0 } ->
{ negate_equation(Eqn0, Eqn1) },
standardize_equation(Eqn1, Eqn)
{ Coeffs = [SVar - (-1.0), AVar - (1.0)|Coeffs0] },
{ simplify(eqn(Coeffs, (>=), Const0), Eqn1) },
{ expand_urs_vars_e(Eqn1, URS, Eqn) }
:- pred negate_equation(equation, equation).
:- mode negate_equation(in, out) is det.
negate_equation(eqn(Coeffs0, Op0, Const0), eqn(Coeffs, Op, Const)) :-
Op0 = (=<), Op = (>=)
Op0 = (=), Op = (=)
Op0 = (>=), Op = (=<)
Neg = lambda([Pair0::in, Pair::out] is det, (
Pair0 = V - X0,
X is -X0,
Pair = V - X
list__map(Neg, Coeffs0, Coeffs),
Const is -Const0.
:- pred simplify(equation, equation).
:- mode simplify(in, out) is det.
simplify(eqn(Coeffs0, Op, Const), eqn(Coeffs, Op, Const)) :-
simplify_coeffs(Coeffs0, Coeffs).
:- pred simplify_coeffs(list(coeff), list(coeff)).
:- mode simplify_coeffs(in, out) is det.
simplify_coeffs(Coeffs0, Coeffs) :-
AddCoeff = lambda([Pair::in, Map0::in, Map::out] is det, (
Pair = Var - Coeff,
add_var(Map0, Var, Coeff, Map)
list__foldl(AddCoeff, Coeffs0, CoeffMap0, CoeffMap),
map__to_assoc_list(CoeffMap, Coeffs).
:- pred add_var(map(var, float), var, float, map(var, float)).
:- mode add_var(in, in, in, out) is det.
add_var(Map0, Var, Coeff, Map) :-
( map__search(Map0, Var, Acc0) ->
Acc1 = Acc0
Acc1 = 0.0
Acc is Acc1 + Coeff,
map__set(Map0, Var, Acc, Map).
:- pred expand_urs_vars_e(equation, map(var, pair(var)), equation).
:- mode expand_urs_vars_e(in, in, out) is det.
expand_urs_vars_e(eqn(Coeffs0, Op, Const), Vars, eqn(Coeffs, Op, Const)) :-
expand_urs_vars(Coeffs0, Vars, Coeffs).
:- pred expand_urs_vars(list(coeff), map(var, pair(var)), list(coeff)).
:- mode expand_urs_vars(in, in, out) is det.
expand_urs_vars(Coeffs0, Vars, Coeffs) :-
expand_urs_vars(Coeffs0, Vars, [], Coeffs1),
list__reverse(Coeffs1, Coeffs).
:- pred expand_urs_vars(list(coeff), map(var, pair(var)),
list(coeff), list(coeff)).
:- mode expand_urs_vars(in, in, in, out) is det.
expand_urs_vars([], _Vars, Coeffs, Coeffs).
expand_urs_vars([Var - Coeff|Rest], Vars, Coeffs0, Coeffs) :-
( map__search(Vars, Var, PVar - NVar) ->
NCoeff is -Coeff,
Coeffs1 = [NVar - NCoeff, PVar - Coeff|Coeffs0]
Coeffs1 = [Var - Coeff|Coeffs0]
expand_urs_vars(Rest, Vars, Coeffs1, Coeffs).
:- pred collect_vars(equations, objective, set(var)).
:- mode collect_vars(in, in, out) is det.
collect_vars(Eqns, Obj, Vars) :-
GetVar = lambda([Var::out] is nondet, (
list__member(Eqn, Eqns),
Eqn = eqn(Coeffs, _, _),
list__member(Pair, Coeffs),
Pair = Var - _
list__member(Pair, Obj),
Pair = Var - _
solutions(GetVar, VarList),
set__list_to_set(VarList, Vars).
:- pred number_vars(list(var), int, map(var, int), map(var, int)).
:- mode number_vars(in, in, in, out) is det.
number_vars([], _, VarNums, VarNums).
number_vars([Var|Vars], N, VarNums0, VarNums) :-
map__det_insert(VarNums0, Var, N, VarNums1),
N1 is N + 1,
number_vars(Vars, N1, VarNums1, VarNums).
:- pred insert_equations(equations, int, int, map(var, int), tableau, tableau).
:- mode insert_equations(in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
insert_equations([], _, _, _, Tableau, Tableau).
insert_equations([Eqn|Eqns], Row, ConstCol, VarNums, Tableau0, Tableau) :-
Eqn = eqn(Coeffs, _Op, Const),
insert_coeffs(Coeffs, Row, VarNums, Tableau0, Tableau1),
set_index(Tableau1, Row, ConstCol, Const, Tableau2),
Row1 is Row + 1,
insert_equations(Eqns, Row1, ConstCol, VarNums, Tableau2, Tableau).
:- pred insert_coeffs(list(coeff), int, map(var, int), tableau, tableau).
:- mode insert_coeffs(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
insert_coeffs([], _Row, _VarNums, Tableau, Tableau).
insert_coeffs([Coeff|Coeffs], Row, VarNums, Tableau0, Tableau) :-
Coeff = Var - Const,
map__lookup(VarNums, Var, Col),
set_index(Tableau0, Row, Col, Const, Tableau1),
insert_coeffs(Coeffs, Row, VarNums, Tableau1, Tableau).
:- pred optimize(list(var), tableau, tableau, lp__result,
io__state, io__state).
:- mode optimize(in, in, out, out, di, uo) is det.
optimize(ObjVars, A0, A, Result) -->
simplex(A0, A, Res0),
{ Res0 = no },
{ Result = unsatisfiable }
{ Res0 = yes },
{ rhs_col(A, M) },
{ index(A, 0, M, ObjVal) },
{ extract_objective(ObjVars, A, ObjMap) },
{ Result = satisfiable(ObjVal, ObjMap) }
:- pred extract_objective(list(var), tableau, map(var, float)).
:- mode extract_objective(in, in, out) is det.
extract_objective(ObjVars, Tab, Res) :-
list__foldl(extract_obj_var(Tab), ObjVars, Res0, Res).
:- pred extract_obj_var(tableau, var, map(var, float), map(var, float)).
:- mode extract_obj_var(in, in, in, out) is det.
extract_obj_var(Tab, Var, Map0, Map) :-
urs_vars(Tab, Vars),
( map__search(Vars, Var, Pos - Neg) ->
extract_obj_var2(Tab, Pos, PosVal),
extract_obj_var2(Tab, Neg, NegVal),
Val is PosVal - NegVal
extract_obj_var2(Tab, Var, Val)
map__set(Map0, Var, Val, Map).
:- pred extract_obj_var2(tableau, var, float).
:- mode extract_obj_var2(in, in, out) is det.
extract_obj_var2(Tab, Var, Val) :-
var_col(Tab, Var, Col),
GetCell = lambda([Val0::out] is nondet, (
all_rows(Tab, Row),
index(Tab, Row, Col, 1.0),
rhs_col(Tab, RHS),
index(Tab, Row, RHS, Val0)
solutions(GetCell, Solns),
( Solns = [Val1] ->
Val = Val1
Val = 0.0
:- pred simplex(tableau, tableau, bool, io__state, io__state).
:- mode simplex(in, out, out, di, uo) is det.
simplex(A0, A, Result, IO0, IO) :-
AllColumns = all_cols(A0),
MinAgg = lambda([Col::in, Min0::in, Min::out] is det, (
Min0 = no,
index(A0, 0, Col, MinVal),
( MinVal < 0.0 ->
Min = yes(Col - MinVal)
Min = no
Min0 = yes(_ - MinVal0),
index(A0, 0, Col, CellVal),
( CellVal < MinVal0 ->
Min = yes(Col - CellVal)
Min = Min0
aggregate(AllColumns, MinAgg, no, MinResult),
MinResult = no,
A = A0,
IO = IO0,
Result = yes
MinResult = yes(Q - _Val),
AllRows = all_rows(A0),
MaxAgg = lambda([Row::in, Max0::in, Max::out] is det, (
Max0 = no,
index(A0, Row, Q, MaxVal),
( MaxVal > 0.0 ->
rhs_col(A0, RHSC),
index(A0, Row, RHSC, MVal),
CVal is MVal/MaxVal,
Max = yes(Row - CVal)
Max = no
Max0 = yes(_ - MaxVal0),
index(A0, Row, Q, CellVal),
rhs_col(A0, RHSC),
index(A0, Row, RHSC, MVal),
MaxVal1 is MVal/CellVal,
( CellVal > 0.0, MaxVal1 =< MaxVal0 ->
Max = yes(Row - MaxVal1)
Max = Max0
aggregate(AllRows, MaxAgg, no, MaxResult),
MaxResult = no,
A = A0,
IO = IO0,
Result = no
MaxResult = yes(P - _),
pivot(P, Q, A0, A1),
simplex(A1, A, Result, IO0, IO)
:- pred ensure_zero_obj_coeffs(list(var), tableau, tableau).
:- mode ensure_zero_obj_coeffs(in, in, out) is det.
ensure_zero_obj_coeffs([], Tableau, Tableau).
ensure_zero_obj_coeffs([V|Vs], Tableau0, Tableau) :-
var_col(Tableau0, V, Col),
index(Tableau0, 0, Col, Val),
( Val = 0.0 ->
ensure_zero_obj_coeffs(Vs, Tableau0, Tableau)
FindOne = lambda([P::out] is nondet, (
all_rows(Tableau0, R),
index(Tableau0, R, Col, ValF0),
ValF0 \= 0.0,
P = R - ValF0
solutions(FindOne, Ones),
Ones = [Row - Fac0|_],
Fac is -Val/Fac0,
row_op(Fac, Row, 0, Tableau0, Tableau1),
ensure_zero_obj_coeffs(Vs, Tableau1, Tableau)
Ones = [],
error("problem with artificial variable")
:- pred fix_basis_and_rem_cols(list(var), tableau, tableau).
:- mode fix_basis_and_rem_cols(in, in, out) is det.
fix_basis_and_rem_cols([], Tab, Tab).
fix_basis_and_rem_cols([V|Vs], Tab0, Tab) :-
var_col(Tab0, V, Col),
BasisAgg = lambda([R::in, Ones0::in, Ones::out] is det, (
index(Tab0, R, Col, Val),
( Val = 0.0 ->
Ones = Ones0
Ones = [Val - R|Ones0]
aggregate(all_rows(Tab0), BasisAgg, [], Res),
Res = [1.0 - Row]
PivGoal = lambda([Col1::out] is nondet, (
all_cols(Tab0, Col1),
Col \= Col1,
index(Tab0, Row, Col1, Zz),
Zz \= 0.0
solutions(PivGoal, PivSolns),
PivSolns = [],
remove_col(Col, Tab0, Tab0a),
remove_row(Row, Tab0a, Tab1)
PivSolns = [Col2|_],
pivot(Row, Col2, Tab0, Tab0a),
remove_col(Col, Tab0a, Tab1)
Tab1 = Tab0
remove_col(Col, Tab1, Tab2),
fix_basis_and_rem_cols(Vs, Tab2, Tab).
:- type cell ---> cell(int, int).
:- pred pivot(int, int, tableau, tableau).
:- mode pivot(in, in, in, out) is det.
pivot(P, Q, A0, A) :-
index(A0, P, Q, Apq),
MostCells = lambda([Cell::out] is nondet, (
all_rows0(A0, J),
J \= P,
all_cols0(A0, K),
K \= Q,
Cell = cell(J, K)
ScaleCell = lambda([Cell::in, T0::in, T::out] is det, (
Cell = cell(J, K),
index(T0, J, K, Ajk),
index(T0, J, Q, Ajq),
index(T0, P, K, Apk),
NewAjk is Ajk - Apk * Ajq / Apq,
set_index(T0, J, K, NewAjk, T)
aggregate(MostCells, ScaleCell, A0, A1),
QColumn = lambda([Cell::out] is nondet, (
all_rows0(A1, J),
Cell = cell(J, Q)
Zero = lambda([Cell::in, T0::in, T::out] is det, (
Cell = cell(J, K),
set_index(T0, J, K, 0.0, T)
aggregate(QColumn, Zero, A1, A2),
PRow = all_cols0(A2),
ScaleRow = lambda([K::in, T0::in, T::out] is det, (
index(T0, P, K, Apk),
NewApk is Apk / Apq,
set_index(T0, P, K, NewApk, T)
aggregate(PRow, ScaleRow, A2, A3),
set_index(A3, P, Q, 1.0, A).
:- pred row_op(float, int, int, tableau, tableau).
:- mode row_op(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
row_op(Scale, From, To, A0, A) :-
AllCols = all_cols0(A0),
AddRow = lambda([Col::in, T0::in, T::out] is det, (
index(T0, From, Col, X),
index(T0, To, Col, Y),
Z is Y + (Scale * X),
set_index(T0, To, Col, Z, T)
aggregate(AllCols, AddRow, A0, A).
:- type tableau
---> tableau(
map(var, int),
map(var, pair(var)),
list(int), % shunned rows
list(int), % shunned cols
map(pair(int), float)
:- pred init_tableau(int::in, int::in, map(var, int)::in,
map(var, pair(var))::in, tableau::out) is det.
init_tableau(Rows, Cols, VarNums, URSVars, Tableau) :-
Tableau = tableau(Rows, Cols, VarNums, URSVars, [], [], Cells).
:- pred index(tableau, int, int, float).
:- mode index(in, in, in, out) is det.
index(Tableau, J, K, R) :-
Tableau = tableau(_, _, _, _, SR, SC, Cells),
( list__member(J, SR)
; list__member(K, SC)
error("attempt to address shunned row/col")
map__search(Cells, J - K, R0)
R = R0
R = 0.0
:- pred set_index(tableau, int, int, float, tableau).
:- mode set_index(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
set_index(Tableau0, J, K, R, Tableau) :-
Tableau0 = tableau(Rows, Cols, VarNums, URS, SR, SC, Cells0),
( list__member(J, SR)
; list__member(K, SC)
error("attempt to write shunned row/col")
( R = 0.0 ->
map__delete(Cells0, J - K, Cells)
map__set(Cells0, J - K, R, Cells)
Tableau = tableau(Rows, Cols, VarNums, URS, SR, SC, Cells).
:- pred rhs_col(tableau, int).
:- mode rhs_col(in, out) is det.
rhs_col(tableau(_, RHS, _, _, _, _, _), RHS).
:- pred all_rows0(tableau, int).
:- mode all_rows0(in, out) is nondet.
all_rows0(Tableau, Row) :-
Tableau = tableau(Rows, _Cols, _, _, SR, _, _),
between(0, Rows, Row),
\+ list__member(Row, SR).
:- pred all_rows(tableau, int).
:- mode all_rows(in, out) is nondet.
all_rows(Tableau, Row) :-
Tableau = tableau(Rows, _Cols, _, _, SR, _, _),
between(1, Rows, Row),
\+ list__member(Row, SR).
:- pred all_cols0(tableau, int).
:- mode all_cols0(in, out) is nondet.
all_cols0(Tableau, Col) :-
Tableau = tableau(_Rows, Cols, _, _, _, SC, _),
between(0, Cols, Col),
\+ list__member(Col, SC).
:- pred all_cols(tableau, int).
:- mode all_cols(in, out) is nondet.
all_cols(Tableau, Col) :-
Tableau = tableau(_Rows, Cols, _, _, _, SC, _),
Cols1 is Cols - 1,
between(0, Cols1, Col),
\+ list__member(Col, SC).
:- pred var_col(tableau, var, int).
:- mode var_col(in, in, out) is det.
var_col(Tableau, Var, Col) :-
Tableau = tableau(_, _, VarCols, _, _, _, _),
map__lookup(VarCols, Var, Col).
:- pred urs_vars(tableau, map(var, pair(var))).
:- mode urs_vars(in, out) is det.
urs_vars(Tableau, URS) :-
Tableau = tableau(_, _, _, URS, _, _, _).
:- pred remove_row(int, tableau, tableau).
:- mode remove_row(in, in, out) is det.
remove_row(R, Tableau0, Tableau) :-
Tableau0 = tableau(Rows, Cols, VarNums, URS, SR, SC, Cells),
Tableau = tableau(Rows, Cols, VarNums, URS, [R|SR], SC, Cells).
:- pred remove_col(int, tableau, tableau).
:- mode remove_col(in, in, out) is det.
remove_col(C, Tableau0, Tableau) :-
Tableau0 = tableau(Rows, Cols, VarNums, URS, SR, SC, Cells),
Tableau = tableau(Rows, Cols, VarNums, URS, SR, [C|SC], Cells).
:- pred get_basis_vars(tableau, list(var)).
:- mode get_basis_vars(in, out) is det.
get_basis_vars(Tab, Vars) :-
BasisCol = lambda([C::out] is nondet, (
all_cols(Tab, C),
NonZeroGoal = lambda([P::out] is nondet, (
all_rows(Tab, R),
index(Tab, R, C, Z),
Z \= 0.0,
P = R - Z
solutions(NonZeroGoal, Solns),
Solns = [_ - 1.0]
solutions(BasisCol, Cols),
BasisVars = lambda([V::out] is nondet, (
list__member(Col, Cols),
Tab = tableau(_, _, VarCols, _, _, _, _),
map__member(VarCols, V, Col)
solutions(BasisVars, Vars).
:- import_module string.
:- pred show_tableau(tableau, io__state, io__state).
:- mode show_tableau(in, di, uo) is det.
show_tableau(_N, _M, _Tableau) --> [].
show_tableau(Tableau) -->
{ Tableau = tableau(N, M, _, _, _, _, _) },
{ string__format("Tableau (%d, %d):\n", [i(N), i(M)], Str) },
aggregate(all_rows0(Tableau), show_row(Tableau)).
:- pred show_row(tableau, int, io__state, io__state).
:- mode show_row(in, in, di, uo) is det.
show_row(Tableau, Row) -->
aggregate(all_cols0(Tableau), show_cell(Tableau, Row)),
:- pred show_cell(tableau, int, int, io__state, io__state).
:- mode show_cell(in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
show_cell(Tableau, Row, Col) -->
{ index(Tableau, Row, Col, Val) },
{ string__format("%2.2f\t", [f(Val)], Str) },
:- pred lp_info_init(varset, list(var), lp_info).
:- mode lp_info_init(in, in, out) is det.
lp_info_init(Varset0, URSVars, LPInfo) :-
Introduce = lambda([Orig::in, VP0::in, VP::out] is det, (
VP0 = VS0 - VM0,
varset__new_var(VS0, V1, VS1),
varset__new_var(VS1, V2, VS),
map__set(VM0, Orig, V1 - V2, VM),
VP = VS - VM
list__foldl(Introduce, URSVars, Varset0 - URSMap0, Varset - URSMap),
LPInfo = lp(Varset, URSMap, [], []).
:- pred new_slack_var(var::out, lp_info::in, lp_info::out) is det.
new_slack_var(Var) -->
{ varset__new_var(Varset0, Var, Varset) },
:- pred new_art_var(var::out, lp_info::in, lp_info::out) is det.
new_art_var(Var) -->
{ varset__new_var(Varset0, Var, Varset) },
:- pred get_varset(varset::out, lp_info::in, lp_info::out) is det.
get_varset(Varset, Info, Info) :-
Info = lp(Varset, _URSVars, _Slack, _Art).
:- pred set_varset(varset::in, lp_info::in, lp_info::out) is det.
set_varset(Varset, Info0, Info) :-
Info0 = lp(_Varset, URSVars, Slack, Art),
Info = lp(Varset, URSVars, Slack, Art).
:- pred get_urs_vars(map(var, pair(var))::out, lp_info::in, lp_info::out) is det.
get_urs_vars(URSVars, Info, Info) :-
Info = lp(_Varset, URSVars, _Slack, _Art).
:- pred set_urs_vars(map(var, pair(var))::in, lp_info::in, lp_info::out) is det.
set_urs_vars(URSVars, Info0, Info) :-
Info0 = lp(Varset, _URSVars, Slack, Art),
Info = lp(Varset, URSVars, Slack, Art).
:- pred get_slack_vars(list(var)::out, lp_info::in, lp_info::out) is det.
get_slack_vars(Slack, Info, Info) :-
Info = lp(_Varset, _URSVars, Slack, _Art).
:- pred set_slack_vars(list(var)::in, lp_info::in, lp_info::out) is det.
set_slack_vars(Slack, Info0, Info) :-
Info0 = lp(Varset, URSVars, _Slack, Art),
Info = lp(Varset, URSVars, Slack, Art).
:- pred get_art_vars(list(var)::out, lp_info::in, lp_info::out) is det.
get_art_vars(Art, Info, Info) :-
Info = lp(_Varset, _URSVars, _Slack, Art).
:- pred set_art_vars(list(var)::in, lp_info::in, lp_info::out) is det.
set_art_vars(Art, Info0, Info) :-
Info0 = lp(Varset, URSVars, Slack, _Art),
Info = lp(Varset, URSVars, Slack, Art).
:- pred between(int, int, int).
:- mode between(in, in, out) is nondet.
between(Min, Max, I) :-
Min =< Max,
I = Min
Min1 is Min + 1,
between(Min1, Max, I)
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