Termination Analysis 3

Christopher Rodd SPEIRS crs at students.cs.mu.oz.au
Wed Oct 8 23:44:19 AEST 1997

Hi all,
	Here is a change that I have made to the papers.html file.  The
reason for this addition is twofold.  Firstly, it is nice to have some
introductory material on termination analysis on our web-page.  More
importantly, it would be nice to be able to refer to the thesis in the
Mercury reference manual, and for that to happen, the thesis needs to be
left in a stable position on the web.  I tried to follow the general
format of the other entries in papers.html, but I wasnt sure about what
I should put in some of the fields.  If anyone wants to look at the
result of this change, or look at my thesis, its all in


Added a copy of my (Chris Speirs) 433-463 thesis on termination
analysis to the mercury web page.

	Added a section describing what is in my thesis, and added a
	link to it.

	New File.  A copy of my thesis.

Index: papers.html
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/www/papers.html,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8 papers.html
--- 1.8	1997/09/23 23:30:19
+++ papers.html	1997/10/06 05:36:58
@@ -240,6 +240,31 @@
 <h2><a name="related">Related Papers</a></h2>
+This paper gives an introduction to automatic termination analysis.
+It surveys termination analysis of logic programs and provides an
+overview of the important concepts involved in automatic termination
+Termination Analysis for Logic Programs
+Chris Speirs.
+433-463 Thesis.
+Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne, August 1997.
+<a href = "papers/crs_thesis.ps.gz">
+Available here (63K).
 This paper outlines the features that we believe to be important
 in a modern logic programming language:

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