diff: changes for .profcalls grades

Fergus Henderson fjh at hydra.cs.mu.oz.au
Mon Nov 17 23:57:24 AEDT 1997

Fix some problems with the `.profcalls' grade (`--profile-calls' option).

	If the `Prof.Counts' file does not exist, print a warning message
	and then continue, rather than calling error/1.  This is needed
	so that the `.profcalls' grade (or `--profile-calls' option) will
	work.  (Thanks to Dominique de Waleffe <ddw at miscrit.be> for reporting
	this bug.)

	Use "number of calls" as a secondary key, after "percent time",
	when creating the flat profile.  This gives more useful results
	for cases where timing information is not available (e.g. in
	the `.profcalls' grade).

	Use `*', `+' etc. functions rather than builtin_float_times, etc.

cvs diff: Diffing .
Index: generate_output.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/profiler/generate_output.m,v
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -u -u -r1.16 generate_output.m
--- generate_output.m	1997/07/28 08:59:32	1.16
+++ generate_output.m	1997/11/17 11:17:43
@@ -45,10 +45,16 @@
 						    % output_prof structure.
 			rbtree(float, string),	    % associate call graph 
 						    % percentage with a name.
-			rbtree(float, string)	    % as above except for flat 
+			rbtree(flat_key, string)    % as above except for flat 
 						    % profile.
+:- type flat_key --->
+		flat_key(
+			float,	% per cent time in this predicate
+			int	% number of calls to this predicate
+		).
 generate_output__main(Prof, IndexMap, Output) -->
 	% Get intitial values of use.
@@ -149,14 +155,14 @@
 		HertzFloat = 0.0
-		Selftime = 0.0,
+		SelfTime = 0.0,
 		DescTime = 0.0
-		Selftime is InitialFloat / HertzFloat * ClockTicksFloat,
+		SelfTime is InitialFloat / HertzFloat * ClockTicksFloat,
 		DescTime is (InitialFloat+Prop) / HertzFloat * ClockTicksFloat
-	OutputProfNode = output_cycle_prof(	Name, CycleNum, Selftime, 
+	OutputProfNode = output_cycle_prof(	Name, CycleNum, SelfTime, 
 						DescTime, TotalCalls, SelfCalls,
 						[], []
@@ -221,15 +227,15 @@
 			HertzFloat = 0.0
-			Selftime = 0.0,
+			SelfTime = 0.0,
 			DescTime = 0.0
-			Selftime is InitialFloat / HertzFloat * ClockTicksFloat,
+			SelfTime is InitialFloat / HertzFloat * ClockTicksFloat,
 			DescTime is (InitialFloat+Prop) / HertzFloat 
 							* ClockTicksFloat
-		process_prof_node_parents(ParentList, Selftime, DescTime, 
+		process_prof_node_parents(ParentList, SelfTime, DescTime, 
 				TotalCalls, CycleNum, CycleMap, 
 				OutputParentList, OutputCycleParentList),
 		process_prof_node_children(ChildList, CycleNum, CycleMap, 
@@ -237,7 +243,7 @@
 		OutputProfNode = output_prof(	Name,		CycleNum,
-						FlatPercentage,	Selftime,
+						FlatPercentage,	SelfTime,
 						DescTime,	TotalCalls,
@@ -249,8 +255,9 @@
 		map__det_insert(InfoMap0, LabelName, OutputProfNode, InfoMap),
 		rbtree__insert_duplicate(CallTree0, DescPercentage, 
 						LabelName, CallTree),
-		rbtree__insert_duplicate(FlatTree0, FlatPercentage, 
-							LabelName, FlatTree),
+		rbtree__insert_duplicate(FlatTree0, flat_key(FlatPercentage,
+							TotalCalls), 
+						LabelName, FlatTree),
 		OutputProf = profiling(InfoMap, CallTree, FlatTree)
@@ -276,12 +283,12 @@
 					cycle_map, list(parent), list(parent)).
 :- mode process_prof_node_parents(in, in, in, in, in, in, out, out) is det.
-process_prof_node_parents(Parents0, Selftime, DescTime, TotalCalls0, CycleNum,
+process_prof_node_parents(Parents0, SelfTime, DescTime, TotalCalls0, CycleNum,
 			CycleMap, OutputParentList, OutputCycleParentList) :-
 	remove_cycle_members(Parents0, TotalCalls0, CycleNum, CycleMap, 
 				TotalCalls, Parents, OutputCycleParentList),
 	int__to_float(TotalCalls, FltTotalCalls),
-	process_prof_node_parents_2(Parents, Selftime, DescTime, FltTotalCalls,
+	process_prof_node_parents_2(Parents, SelfTime, DescTime, FltTotalCalls,
 						CycleMap, OutputParentList).
@@ -330,10 +337,10 @@
 :- mode process_prof_node_parents_2(in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
 process_prof_node_parents_2([], _, _, _, _, []).
-process_prof_node_parents_2([P | Ps], Selftime, DescTime, TotalCalls, 
+process_prof_node_parents_2([P | Ps], SelfTime, DescTime, TotalCalls, 
 						CycleMap, OutputParentList) :-
-	process_prof_node_parents_3([P | Ps], Selftime, DescTime, 
+	process_prof_node_parents_3([P | Ps], SelfTime, DescTime, 
 						TotalCalls, CycleMap,
 						Output0, Output),
 	rbtree__values(Output, OutputParentList).
@@ -344,7 +351,7 @@
 :- mode process_prof_node_parents_3(in, in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
 process_prof_node_parents_3([], _, _, _, _, Output, Output).
-process_prof_node_parents_3([PN | PNs], Selftime, DescTime, TotalCalls, 
+process_prof_node_parents_3([PN | PNs], SelfTime, DescTime, TotalCalls, 
 					CycleMap, Output0, Output) :-
 	pred_info_get_entire(PN, LabelName, Calls),
@@ -364,14 +371,14 @@
         % due to the parent.
         % and the amount of the current predicate's descendant-time spent
         % due to the parent.
-        builtin_float_times(Selftime, Proportion, PropSelftime),
-        builtin_float_times(DescTime, Proportion, PropDescTime),
+        PropSelfTime is SelfTime * Proportion,
+        PropDescTime is DescTime * Proportion,
-	Parent = parent(LabelName, ParentCycleNum, PropSelftime, 
+	Parent = parent(LabelName, ParentCycleNum, PropSelfTime, 
 							PropDescTime, Calls),
 	rbtree__insert_duplicate(Output0, Calls, Parent, Output1),
-	process_prof_node_parents_3(PNs, Selftime, DescTime, TotalCalls, 
+	process_prof_node_parents_3(PNs, SelfTime, DescTime, TotalCalls, 
 						CycleMap, Output1, Output).
@@ -450,7 +457,7 @@
 	prof_node_get_total_calls(ProfNode, TotalCalls),
 	int__to_float(Initial, InitialFloat),
-	builtin_float_plus(InitialFloat, Prop, CurrentCount),
+	CurrentCount is InitialFloat + Prop,
 	int__to_float(TotalCalls, FloatTotalCalls),
         int__to_float(Calls, FloatCalls),
@@ -459,22 +466,20 @@
 	% Calculate the self time spent in the current predicate.
 	int__to_float(Hertz, HertzFloat),
 	int__to_float(ClockTicks, ClockTicksFloat),
-	checked_float_divide(InitialFloat, HertzFloat, InterA),
-	builtin_float_times(InterA, ClockTicksFloat, Selftime),
+	SelfTime is (InitialFloat / HertzFloat) * ClockTicksFloat,
 	% Calculate the descendant time, which is the time spent in the 
 	% current predicate and its descendants
-	builtin_float_divide(CurrentCount, HertzFloat, InterB),
-	builtin_float_times(InterB, ClockTicksFloat, DescTime),
+	DescTime is (CurrentCount / HertzFloat) * ClockTicksFloat,
 	% Calculate the amount of the current predicate's self-time spent
         % due to the parent.
         % and the amount of the current predicate's descendant-time spent
         % due to the parent.
-        builtin_float_times(Selftime, Proportion, PropSelftime),
-        builtin_float_times(DescTime, Proportion, PropDescTime),
+        PropSelfTime is SelfTime * Proportion,
+        PropDescTime is DescTime * Proportion,
-	Child = child(LabelName, CycleNum, PropSelftime, PropDescTime, Calls, 
+	Child = child(LabelName, CycleNum, PropSelfTime, PropDescTime, Calls, 
 	rbtree__insert_duplicate(Output0, Calls, Child, Output1),
 	process_prof_node_children_2(PNs, Prof, Output1, Output).
@@ -511,15 +516,14 @@
 profiling_init(Profiling) :-
-	rbtree__init(EmptyTree),
-	CallTree = EmptyTree,
-	FlatTree = EmptyTree,
+	rbtree__init(CallTree),
+	rbtree__init(FlatTree),
 	Profiling = profiling(InfoMap, CallTree, FlatTree).
 checked_float_divide(A, B, C) :-
 	( B = 0.0 ->
 		C = 0.0
-		builtin_float_divide(A, B, C)
+		C is A / B
Index: output.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/profiler/output.m,v
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -u -u -r1.15 output.m
--- output.m	1997/07/27 15:07:49	1.15
+++ output.m	1997/11/17 06:04:25
@@ -371,13 +371,11 @@
 	FloatTotalCalls is FloatTotalCalls0 + FloatSelfCalls,
 	Calls is SelfCalls + TotalCalls,
-	builtin_float_plus(Self, CumTime0, CumTime),
-	checked_float_divide(Self, FloatTotalCalls, Self1),
-	checked_float_divide(Descendant, FloatTotalCalls, Desc1),
-	builtin_float_times(1000.0, Self1, SelfMs),
-	builtin_float_times(1000.0, Desc1, DescMs),
+	CumTime is CumTime0 + Self,
+	checked_float_divide(Self, FloatTotalCalls, SelfSeconds),
+	checked_float_divide(Descendant, FloatTotalCalls, DescSeconds),
+	SelfMs is 1000.0 * SelfSeconds,
+	DescMs is 1000.0 * DescSeconds,
 	output__construct_name(Name, CycleNum, FullName),
 	string__int_to_string(Index, IndexStr0),
Index: process_file.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/profiler/process_file.m,v
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -u -u -r1.15 process_file.m
--- process_file.m	1997/07/27 15:07:50	1.15
+++ process_file.m	1997/11/17 05:59:14
@@ -47,23 +47,26 @@
 	% globals__io_lookup_string_option(libraryfile, LibFile),
 	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(dynamic_cg, Dynamic),
+	% process the decl file
         maybe_write_string(VVerbose, "\n\t% Processing "),
 	maybe_write_string(VVerbose, DeclFile),
 	maybe_write_string(VVerbose, "..."),
         process_addr_decl(AddrDeclMap, ProfNodeMap0),
+        maybe_write_string(VVerbose, " done.\n"),
-        maybe_write_string(VVerbose, " done.\n\t% Processing "),
+	% process the timing counts file
+        maybe_write_string(VVerbose, "\t% Processing "),
 	maybe_write_string(VVerbose, CountFile),
 	maybe_write_string(VVerbose, "..."),
-        process_addr(ProfNodeMap0, ProfNodeMap1, Hertz, ClockTicks,TotalCounts),
+        process_addr(ProfNodeMap0, ProfNodeMap1, Hertz, ClockTicks,
+		TotalCounts),
+        maybe_write_string(VVerbose, " done.\n"),
-        maybe_write_string(VVerbose, " done.\n\t% Processing "),
+	% process the call pair counts file
+        maybe_write_string(VVerbose, "\t% Processing "),
 	maybe_write_string(VVerbose, PairFile),
 	maybe_write_string(VVerbose, "..."),
         process_addr_pair(ProfNodeMap1, DynamicCallGraph, ProfNodeMap),
         maybe_write_string(VVerbose, " done.\n"),
 	{ map__init(CycleMap) },
@@ -73,12 +76,11 @@
 		{ Dynamic = no }
-		maybe_write_string(VVerbose, " done.\n"),
 		% maybe_write_string(VVerbose, "\t% Processing "),
 		% maybe_write_string(VVerbose, LibFile),
 		% maybe_write_string(VVerbose, "..."),
 		% process_library_callgraph(_, _),
+		% maybe_write_string(VVerbose, " done.\n"),
 		{ true }
@@ -90,7 +92,7 @@
 % process_addr_decl:
-%	Reads in the addrdecl.out file.
+%	Reads in the Prof.Decl file.
 %	Builds the addrdecl map which associates label names(key) with 
 %	label addresses.
 %	Also builds the prof_node_map which associates label addresses with
@@ -160,7 +162,7 @@
 % process_addr:
-% 	Reads in the addr.out file and stores all the counts in the 
+% 	Reads in the Prof.Counts file and stores all the counts in the 
 % 	prof_node structure.  Also sums the total counts at the same time.
 :- pred process_addr(prof_node_map, prof_node_map, int, int, int,
@@ -179,12 +181,20 @@
 		{ Result = error(Error) },
 		{ io__error_message(Error, ErrorMsg) },
-		{ string__append("error opening count file `", CountFile, 
-					Str0) },
-		{ string__append(Str0, "': ", Str1) },
-		{ string__append(Str1, ErrorMsg, Str2) },
-		{ string__append(Str2, "\n", ErrorStr) },
-		{ error(ErrorStr) }
+		io__write_string("\nWarning: error opening `"),
+		io__write_string(CountFile),
+		io__write_string("': "),
+		io__write_string(ErrorMsg),
+		io__write_string("\n"),
+		io__write_string("The generated profile will not include "),
+		io__write_string("timing information.\n\n"),
+		{ TotalCounts = 0 },
+		{ ProfNodeMap = ProfNodeMap0 },
+		% We can use any arbitrary values for Hertz and ClockTicks;
+		% the values here won't be used, since all the times will be
+		% zero.
+		{ Hertz = 1 },
+		{ ClockTicks = 1 }
 :- pred process_addr_2(int, prof_node_map, int, prof_node_map, 
@@ -229,7 +239,7 @@
 % process_addr_pair:
-%	Reads in the addrpair.out file and stores the data in the relevant
+%	Reads in the Prof.CallPair file and stores the data in the relevant
 %	lists of the prof_node structure.  Also calculates the number of times
 %	a predicate is called.
Fergus Henderson <fjh at cs.mu.oz.au>   |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW: <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~fjh>   |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger fjh at         |     -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

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