[m-dev.] Re: proposal: user-defined equality predicates

Thomas Charles CONWAY conway at cs.mu.oz.au
Mon Jun 30 09:32:25 AEST 1997

Fergus Henderson, you write:
> Andrew Bromage, you wrote:
> > > My rationale for wanting this is that non-canonical types don't work in
> > > Mercury (or any other logic programming language I know of).  Fergus'
> > > set-as-unordered-list example illustrates it quite well.
> > 
> > I understand why implementing sets as unordered lists and defining
> > equality on them in a nice way is a good idea.  However I think that
> > it is incorrect to overload =/2 in this way.  What I think would be
> > better is to handle this in type classes...
> (Terminology nit: we're not really overloading =/2.  We're just defining
> its semantics when applied to different types.)

Terminology nit nit: we're not just defining its semantics applied to
different types. We're defining its semantics when applied to some modes
of unification for different types.

Thomas Conway               				      conway at cs.mu.oz.au
AD DEUM ET VINUM	  			      Every sword has two edges.

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