diff: changes to term_to_type & type_to_term

Fergus Henderson fjh at cs.mu.oz.au
Mon Jun 30 03:22:26 AEST 1997


Tom, can you please review this one?

Incidentally, the code in this change shows the need for existential types.
There were several places where without existential types, the only way
to make the code do what I wanted it to do was to use unsafe_cast and


Various improvements to term_to_type, type_to_term, and io__write,
particularly with regard to the handling of data of type uniq_array(T).

	- Improve the error messages available from term_to_type: add
	  a new predicate `try_term_to_type' which is like term_to_type
	  but which returns much more detailed information rather than
	  failing.  (XXX not yet done: we should modify io__read to take
	  advantage of this.)
	- Extend term_to_type to handle uniq_array/1.
	- Extend type_to_term to handle uniq_array/1, univ/0, and type_info/0.
	- Rename term__term_to_type_2 as term__univ_to_type and export
	  it (it is needed by io.m).

	- Fix a bug in the output of uniq_arrays: call term__univ_to_type
	  rather than term__term_to_type.

cvs diff: Diffing .
Index: io.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/library/io.m,v
retrieving revision 1.125
diff -u -r1.125 io.m
--- io.m	1997/06/19 01:55:16	1.125
+++ io.m	1997/06/29 16:42:41
@@ -1378,7 +1378,7 @@
 		% we can't use io__write_uniq_array below... instead we
 		% use the following, which is a bit of a hack.
-		{ type_to_term(Univ, Term) },
+		{ term__univ_to_term(Univ, Term) },
 		{ varset__init(VarSet) },
 		term_io__write_term(VarSet, Term)
Index: term.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/library/term.m,v
retrieving revision 1.72
diff -u -r1.72 term.m
--- term.m	1997/06/16 12:34:10	1.72
+++ term.m	1997/06/29 17:14:19
@@ -34,17 +34,59 @@
-	% The following three predicates can convert values of (almost)
+	% The following predicates can convert values of (almost)
 	% any type to the type `term' and back again.
+:- type term_to_type_result(T)
+	--->	ok(T)
+	;	error(term_to_type_error).
+:- pred term__try_term_to_type(term, term_to_type_result(T)).
+:- mode term__try_term_to_type(in, out) is det.
+	% term__try_term_to_type(Term, Result):
+	% Try to convert the given term to a ground value of type T.
+	% If successful, return `ok(X)' where X is the converted value.
+	% If Term is not ground, return `mode_error(Var, Context)',
+	% where Var is a variable occurring in Term.
+	% If Term is not a valid term of the specified type, return
+	% `type_error(SubTerm, ExpectedType, Context, ArgContexts)',
+	% where SubTerm is a sub-term of Term and ExpectedType is
+	% the type expected for that part of Term. 
+	% Context specifies the file and line number where the
+	% offending part of the term was read in from, if available.
+	% ArgContexts specifies the path from the root of the term
+	% to the offending subterm.
+:- type term_to_type_error
+	--->	type_error(term, type_info, term__context,
+			term_to_type_context)
+	;	mode_error(var, term_to_type_context).
+:- type term_to_type_context == list(term_to_type_arg_context).
+:- type term_to_type_arg_context
+	--->	arg_context(
+			const,		% functor
+			int,		% argument number (starting from 1)
+			term__context	% filename & line number
+		).
 :- pred term__term_to_type(term, T).
 :- mode term__term_to_type(in, out) is semidet.
+	% term_to_type(Term, Type) :- try_term_to_type(Term, ok(Type)).
 :- pred term__det_term_to_type(term, T).
 :- mode term__det_term_to_type(in, out) is det.
+	% like term_to_type, but calls error/1 rather than failing.
 :- pred term__type_to_term(T, term).
 :- mode term__type_to_term(in, out) is det.
+	% converts a value to a term representation of that value
+:- pred term__univ_to_term(univ, term).
+:- mode term__univ_to_term(in, out) is det.
+	% calls term__type_to_term on the value stored in the univ
+	% (as distinct from the univ itself).
@@ -175,8 +217,7 @@
 :- pred term__is_ground(term).
 :- mode term__is_ground(in) is semidet.
-%	term__is_ground(Term, Bindings) is true iff Term contains no
-%		variables.
+%	term__is_ground(Term) is true iff Term contains no variables.
 :- pred term__compare(comparison_result, term, term, substitution).
 :- mode term__compare(out, in, in, in) is semidet.
@@ -259,33 +300,164 @@
 term__term_to_type(Term, Val) :-
-	term__term_to_type_2(Term, type_of(Val), Univ),
-	univ_to_type(Univ, Val).
+	term__try_term_to_type(Term, ok(Val)).
+term__try_term_to_type(Term, Result) :-
+	term__try_term_to_univ(Term, type_of(ValTypedVar), UnivResult),
+	(
+		UnivResult = ok(Univ),
+		det_univ_to_type(Univ, Val),
+		same_type(Val, ValTypedVar),
+		Result = ok(Val)
+	;
+		UnivResult = error(Error),
+		Result = error(Error)
+	).
-:- pred term__term_to_type_2(term::in, type_info::in, univ::out) is semidet.
+:- pred term__try_term_to_univ(term::in, type_info::in,
+		term_to_type_result(univ)::out) is det.
-term__term_to_type_2(term__variable(_), _Val, _) :-
+term__try_term_to_univ(Term, Type, Result) :-
+	term__try_term_to_univ_2(Term, Type, [], Result).
+:- pred term__try_term_to_univ_2(term::in, type_info::in,
+		term_to_type_context::in,
+		term_to_type_result(univ)::out) is det.
+term__try_term_to_univ_2(term__variable(Var), _Type, Context,
+		error(mode_error(Var, Context))).
+term__try_term_to_univ_2(Term, Type, Context, Result) :-
+	Term = term__functor(Functor, ArgTerms, TermContext),
+	(
+		type_ctor_and_args(Type, TypeCtor, TypeArgs),
+		term__term_to_univ_special_case(
+			type_ctor_name(TypeCtor), TypeArgs,
+			Term, Type, Context, SpecialCaseResult)
+	->
+		Result = SpecialCaseResult
+	;
+		Functor = term__atom(FunctorName),
+		list__length(ArgTerms, Arity),
+		find_functor(Type, FunctorName, Arity, FunctorNumber, ArgTypes),
+		term__term_list_to_univ_list(ArgTerms, ArgTypes,
+			Functor, 1, Context, TermContext, ArgsResult)
+	->
+		(
+			ArgsResult = ok(ArgValues),
+			( Value = construct(Type, FunctorNumber, ArgValues) ->
+				Result = ok(Value)
+			;
+				error("term_to_type: construct/3 failed")
+			)
+		;
+			ArgsResult = error(Error),
+			Result = error(Error)
+		)
+	;
+		% the arg contexts are built up in reverse order,
+		% so we need to reverse them here
+		list__reverse(Context, RevContext),
+		Result = error(type_error(Term, Type, TermContext, RevContext))
+	).
+:- pred term__term_to_univ_special_case(string::in, list(type_info)::in,
+		term::in(bound(term__functor(ground, ground, ground))),
+		type_info::in, term_to_type_context::in,
+		term_to_type_result(univ)::out) is semidet.
+term__term_to_univ_special_case("character", [], Term, _, _, ok(Univ)) :-
+	Term = term__functor(term__atom(FunctorName), [], _),
+	string__first_char(FunctorName, Char, ""),
+	type_to_univ(Char, Univ).
+term__term_to_univ_special_case("int", [], Term, _, _, ok(Univ)) :-
+	Term = term__functor(term__integer(Int), [], _),
+	type_to_univ(Int, Univ).
+term__term_to_univ_special_case("string", [], Term, _, _, ok(Univ)) :-
+	Term = term__functor(term__string(String), [], _),
+	type_to_univ(String, Univ).
+term__term_to_univ_special_case("float", [], Term, _, _, ok(Univ)) :-
+	Term = term__functor(term__float(Float), [], _),
+	type_to_univ(Float, Univ).
+term__term_to_univ_special_case("uniq_array", [ElemType], Term, _Type,
+		PrevContext, Result) :-
+	%
+	% uniq_arrays are represented as terms of the form
+	%	uniq_array([elem1, elem2, ...])
+	%
+	Term = term__functor(term__atom("uniq_array"), [ArgList], TermContext),
+	% To convert such terms back to uniq_arrays, we first
+	% convert the term representing the list of elements back to a list,
+	% and then (if successful) we just call the uniq_array/1 function.
+	%
+	ListTypeCtor = type_ctor(type_of([0])),
+	ListType = det_make_type(ListTypeCtor, [ElemType]),
+	ArgContext = arg_context(term__atom("uniq_array"), 1, TermContext),
+	NewContext = [ArgContext | PrevContext],
+	term__try_term_to_univ_2(ArgList, ListType, NewContext, ArgResult),
+	(
+		ArgResult = ok(ListUniv),
+% XXX existential types not yet implemented...
+		% :- some [T] pred has_type(T::unused, type_info::in) is det.
+		has_type(List, ListType),
+		det_univ_to_type(ListUniv, List),
+		Array = uniq_array(List),
+		Result = ok(univ(Array))
+		% since we don't have existential types, we have to use
+		% some unsafe casts...
+		require_equal(univ_type(ListUniv), ListType),
+		list_of_any(List),   % explicit type qualification
+				     % to avoid unbound type variables
+		List = unsafe_cast(univ_value_as_type_any(ListUniv)),
+		Array = uniq_array(List),
+		ArrayTypeCtor = type_ctor(type_of(Array)),
+		ArrayType = det_make_type(ArrayTypeCtor, [ElemType]),
+		Result = ok(unsafe_any_to_univ(ArrayType, unsafe_cast(Array)))
+	;
+		ArgResult = error(Error),
+		Result = error(Error)
+	).
+term__term_to_univ_special_case("c_pointer", _, _, _, _, _) :-
+	fail.
+term__term_to_univ_special_case("univ", _, _, _, _, _) :-
+	% Implementing this properly would require keeping a
+	% global table mapping from type names to type_infos
+	% for all of the types in the program...
+	% so for the moment, we don't allow it.
+	fail.
+term__term_to_univ_special_case("type_info", _, _, _, _, _) :-
+	% ditto
-term__term_to_type_2(term__functor(term__integer(Int), _, _), _Type, Value) :-
-	type_to_univ(Int, Value).
-term__term_to_type_2(term__functor(term__float(Float), _, _), _Type, Value) :-
-	type_to_univ(Float, Value).
-term__term_to_type_2(term__functor(term__string(String), _, _), _Type, Value) :-
-	type_to_univ(String, Value).
-term__term_to_type_2(term__functor(term__atom(Functor), ArgTerms, _), Type,
-		Value) :-
-	list__length(ArgTerms, Arity),
-	find_functor(Type, Functor, Arity, FunctorNumber, ArgTypes),
-	term__term_list_to_type_list(ArgTerms, ArgTypes, Args),
-	Value = construct(Type, FunctorNumber, Args).
-:- pred term__term_list_to_type_list(list(term)::in, list(type_info)::in,
-				list(univ)::out) is semidet.
-term__term_list_to_type_list([], [], []).
-term__term_list_to_type_list([Term|Terms], [Type|Types], [Value|Values]) :-
-	term__term_to_type_2(Term, Type, Value),
-	term__term_list_to_type_list(Terms, Types, Values).
+:- pred same_type(T::unused, T::unused) is det.
+same_type(_, _).
+:- pred term__term_list_to_univ_list(list(term)::in, list(type_info)::in,
+		term__const::in, int::in, term_to_type_context::in,
+		term__context::in, term_to_type_result(list(univ))::out)
+		is semidet.
+term__term_list_to_univ_list([], [], _, _, _, _, ok([])).
+term__term_list_to_univ_list([ArgTerm|ArgTerms], [Type|Types],
+		Functor, ArgNum, PrevContext, TermContext, Result) :-
+	ArgContext = arg_context(Functor, ArgNum, TermContext),
+	NewContext = [ArgContext | PrevContext],
+	term__try_term_to_univ_2(ArgTerm, Type, NewContext, ArgResult),
+	(
+		ArgResult = ok(Arg),
+		term__term_list_to_univ_list(ArgTerms, Types, Functor,
+			ArgNum + 1, PrevContext, TermContext, RestResult),
+		(
+			RestResult = ok(Rest),
+			Result = ok([Arg | Rest])
+		;
+			RestResult = error(Error),
+			Result = error(Error)
+		)
+	;
+		ArgResult = error(Error),
+		Result = error(Error)
+	).
 :- pred term__find_functor(type_info::in, string::in, int::in, int::out,
 		list(type_info)::out) is semidet.
@@ -311,50 +483,183 @@
 term__det_term_to_type(Term, X) :-
 	( term__term_to_type(Term, X1) ->
 		X = X1
+	; \+ term__is_ground(Term) ->
+		error("term__det_term_to_type failed, because the term wasn't ground")
-		error("term__det_term_to_type failed as term doesn't represent a valid ground value of the appropriate type")
+		string__append_list([
+			"term__det_term_to_type failed, due to a type error:\n",
+			"the term wasn't a valid term for type `",
+			type_name(type_of(X)),
+			"'"], Message),
+		error(Message)
+:- pred det_univ_to_type(univ::in, T::out) is det.
+det_univ_to_type(Univ, Value) :-
+	( univ_to_type(Univ, Value1) ->
+		Value = Value1
+	;
+		error("det_univ_to_type: univ_to_type failed")
+	).
+XXX existential types not yet implemented
+:- some [T] pred has_type(T::unused, type_info::in) is det.
+:- pragma c_code(has_type(Arg::unused, TypeInfo::in), will_not_call_mercury,
+	"TypeInfo_for_T = TypeInfo;"
+:- func unsafe_cast(T1::in) = (T2::out) is det.
+:- pragma c_code(unsafe_cast(VarIn::in) = (VarOut::out), will_not_call_mercury,
+	"VarOut = VarIn;").
+:- type any == c_pointer.
+:- pred array_of_any(uniq_array(any)::unused) is det.
+:- pred list_of_any(list(any)::unused) is det.
+:- func univ_value_as_type_any(univ) = any.
+:- pragma c_code(univ_value_as_type_any(Univ::in) = (Val::out),
+		will_not_call_mercury,
+	Val = field(mktag(0), Univ, UNIV_OFFSET_FOR_DATA);
+:- func unsafe_any_to_univ(type_info, any) = univ.
+	% Forward mode - convert from type to univ.
+	% Allocate heap space, set the first field to contain the address
+	% of the type_info for this type, and then store the input argument
+	% in the second field.
+:- pragma c_code(unsafe_any_to_univ(TypeInfo::in, Value::in) = (Univ::out),
+		will_not_call_mercury,
+	incr_hp(Univ, 2);
+	field(mktag(0), Univ, UNIV_OFFSET_FOR_TYPEINFO) = (Word) TypeInfo;
+	field(mktag(0), Univ, UNIV_OFFSET_FOR_DATA) = (Word) Value;
 term__type_to_term(Val, Term) :-
 	type_to_univ(Val, Univ),
-	term__type_to_term_2(Univ, Term).
-:- pred type_to_term_2(univ::in, term::out) is det.
+	term__univ_to_term(Univ, Term).
-term__type_to_term_2(Univ, Term) :-
+term__univ_to_term(Univ, Term) :-
-	(
-		% NU-Prolog barfs on `num_functors(univ_type(Univ)) < 0'
-		num_functors(univ_type(Univ)) = N, N < 0
-	->
-		( univ_to_type(Univ, Int) ->
-			Term = term__functor(term__integer(Int), [], Context)
-		; univ_to_type(Univ, Float) ->
-			Term = term__functor(term__float(Float), [], Context)
-		; univ_to_type(Univ, String) ->
-			Term = term__functor(term__string(String), [], Context)
-		; univ_to_type(Univ, Character) ->
-			string__char_to_string(Character, String),
-			Term = term__functor(term__string(String), [], Context)
+	Type = univ_type(Univ),
+	% NU-Prolog barfs on `num_functors(Type) < 0'
+	( num_functors(Type) = N, N < 0 ->
+		(
+			type_ctor_and_args(Type, TypeCtor, TypeArgs),
+			TypeName = type_ctor_name(TypeCtor),
+			term__univ_to_term_special_case(TypeName, TypeArgs,
+				Univ, Context, SpecialCaseTerm)
+		->
+			Term = SpecialCaseTerm
-			string__append("term__type_to_term: unknown type ",
-				type_name(univ_type(Univ)), Message),
+			string__append_list(
+				["term__type_to_term: unknown type `",
+				type_name(univ_type(Univ)),
+				"'"],
+				Message),
 		deconstruct(Univ, FunctorString, _FunctorArity, FunctorArgs),
-		term__type_list_to_term_list(FunctorArgs, TermArgs),
+		term__univ_list_to_term_list(FunctorArgs, TermArgs),
 		Term = term__functor(term__atom(FunctorString), TermArgs,
-:- pred term__type_list_to_term_list(list(univ)::in, 
+:- pred term__univ_to_term_special_case(string::in, list(type_info)::in,
+		univ::in, term__context::in, term::out) is semidet.
+term__univ_to_term_special_case("int", [], Univ, Context,
+		term__functor(term__integer(Int), [], Context)) :-
+	det_univ_to_type(Univ, Int).
+term__univ_to_term_special_case("float", [], Univ, Context,
+		term__functor(term__float(Float), [], Context)) :-
+	det_univ_to_type(Univ, Float).
+term__univ_to_term_special_case("character", [], Univ, Context,
+		term__functor(term__atom(CharName), [], Context)) :-
+	det_univ_to_type(Univ, Character),
+	string__char_to_string(Character, CharName).
+term__univ_to_term_special_case("string", [], Univ, Context,
+		term__functor(term__string(String), [], Context)) :-
+	det_univ_to_type(Univ, String).
+term__univ_to_term_special_case("type_info", [], Univ, Context,
+		term__functor(term__atom("type_info"), [Term], Context)) :-
+	det_univ_to_type(Univ, TypeInfo),
+	type_info_to_term(Context, TypeInfo, Term).
+term__univ_to_term_special_case("univ", [], Univ, Context, Term) :-
+	Term = term__functor(term__atom("univ"),
+			% XXX what operator should we use for type
+			% qualification?
+			[term__functor(term__atom(":"),	 % TYPE_QUAL_OP
+				[ValueTerm, TypeTerm],
+				Context)], Context),
+XXX existential types not implemented
+	det_univ_to_type(univ_value(Univ), UnivValue),
+	% instead, we use some unsafe casts...
+	require_equal(univ_type(Univ), type_of(UnivValue)),
+	UnivValue = unsafe_cast(univ_value_as_type_any(Univ)),
+	type_info_to_term(Context, univ_type(UnivValue), TypeTerm),
+	term__univ_to_term(UnivValue, ValueTerm).
+term__univ_to_term_special_case("uniq_array", [ElemType], Univ, Context,
+		Term) :-
+	Term = term__functor(term__atom("uniq_array"), [ArgsTerm], Context),
+	ListTypeCtor = type_ctor(type_of([0])),
+	ListType = det_make_type(ListTypeCtor, [ElemType]),
+XXX existential types not yet implemented
+	has_type(List, ListType),
+	det__univ_to_type(Univ, Array),	
+	uniq_array__to_list(Array, List),
+	term__type_to_term(List, ArgsTerm).
+	% instead, we need to use some unsafe casts...
+	array_of_any(Array), % explicit type qualification
+			     % to avoid unbound type variables
+	Array = unsafe_cast(univ_value_as_type_any(Univ)),	
+	uniq_array__to_list(Array, List),
+	ListUniv = unsafe_any_to_univ(ListType, unsafe_cast(List)),
+	term__univ_to_term(ListUniv, ArgsTerm).
+:- pred term__univ_list_to_term_list(list(univ)::in,
 				list(term)::out) is det.
-term__type_list_to_term_list([], []).
-term__type_list_to_term_list([Value|Values], [Term|Terms]) :-
-	term__type_to_term_2(Value, Term),
-	term__type_list_to_term_list(Values, Terms).
+term__univ_list_to_term_list([], []).
+term__univ_list_to_term_list([Value|Values], [Term|Terms]) :-
+	term__univ_to_term(Value, Term),
+	term__univ_list_to_term_list(Values, Terms).
+% given a type_info, return a term that represents the name of that type.
+:- pred type_info_to_term(term__context::in, type_info::in, term::out) is det.
+type_info_to_term(Context, TypeInfo, Term) :-
+	type_ctor_and_args(TypeInfo, TypeCtor, ArgTypes),
+	TypeName = type_ctor_name(TypeCtor),
+	list__map(type_info_to_term(Context), ArgTypes, ArgTerms),
+	Term = term__functor(term__atom(TypeName), ArgTerms, Context).
+:- pred require_equal(T::in, T::in) is det.
+require_equal(X, Y) :-
+	( X = Y ->
+		true
+	;
+		error("require_equal failed")
+	).

Fergus Henderson <fjh at cs.mu.oz.au>   |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW: <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~fjh>   |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger fjh at         |     -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

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