diff: update of diff/samples/*

Andrew Bromage bromage at cs.mu.oz.au
Mon Jul 28 16:03:03 AEST 1997

G'day all.

Here's the log and diff for those who care.  It's all committed.

Andrew Bromage

Estimated hours taken: 4

General cleanup and bug fix for diff.  Features of this diff:

	- Changed indenting so it more closely matches the
	  coding standard.

	- Bug fix which was causing it to bomb out if the two
	  files were identical.

	- Update to use unique arrays (array.m).

	Added something which resembles this log message.

	Turned C optimisation off to get around a gcc 2.7.2 bug.

	Changes detailed above.

Index: Mmakefile
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/samples/diff/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 Mmakefile
--- Mmakefile	1997/02/13 21:37:32	1.1
+++ Mmakefile	1997/07/28 04:28:21
@@ -8,3 +8,10 @@
 depend: diff.depend
 all: diff
+# Unfortunately, diff does not work quite properly when compiled under gcc
+# 2.7.2 under Digital Unix 3.2 due to a bug in the compiler.  The bug was
+# fixed in, so feel free to comment out this line if you're using
+# an unbuggy compiler.
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/samples/diff/README,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 README
--- README	1997/07/27 15:09:18	1.2
+++ README	1997/07/28 05:52:10
@@ -60,3 +60,26 @@
 Marnix Klooster
 marnix at worldonline.nl
+The version which appears here is a re-hacked version of Marnix Klooster's
+hacked version of my original.  Special thanks to him for making my code
+a lot more maintainable than it originally was.  :-)
+The changes from the previous version:
+	- Bug fix which was causing it to bomb out if the two
+	  files were identical.
+	- Changed indenting so it more closely matches the Mercury
+	  compiler coding standard.
+	- Update to use unique arrays (now called array.m).
+	- Various minor documentation tweaks.
+Oh, and it still runs in nowhere near the speed of GNU diff.
+Andrew Bromage  28 Jul 1997
Index: diff.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/samples/diff/diff.m,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -r1.7 diff.m
--- diff.m	1997/07/27 15:09:20	1.7
+++ diff.m	1997/07/28 05:44:15
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
-% Copyright (C) 1995 The University of Melbourne.
+% Copyright (C) 1995-1997 The University of Melbourne.
 % This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
 % Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
 % Main author: bromage
 % Simplified by Marnix Klooster <marnix at worldonline.nl>
-% Last changed 22 October 1996
 % Something very similar to the standard diff utility.  Sort of.  :-)
@@ -71,37 +70,37 @@
 	usage_error("missing operand").
 main_2(no, [Fname1 | Rest]) -->
 	( { Rest = [Fname2 | _] },
-	    ( { Fname1 = Fname2 } ->
+		( { Fname1 = Fname2 } ->
 		% There are no differences between identical files.
-	    	[]
-	    ;
-		% If either file is "-", simply use standard input.
-		% (Note: Both can't be "-" since that was dealt with
-		% in the previous case.)
-	        ( { Fname1 = "-" } ->
-	    	    file__read_input(Contents1),
-	    	    file__read_file(Fname2, Contents2)
-	    	; { Fname2 = "-" } ->
-	    	    file__read_file(Fname1, Contents1),
-	    	    file__read_input(Contents2)
-	    	;
-		% Otherwise read the files normally.
-	    	    file__read_file(Fname1, Contents1),
-	    	    file__read_file(Fname2, Contents2)
-	    	),
-		% Now do the diff.
-		( { Contents1 = ok(File1), Contents2 = ok(File2) } ->
-		    diff__do_diff(File1, File2)
-		; { Contents1 = error(Msg) } ->
-		    usage_io_error(Msg)
-		; { Contents2 = error(Msg) } ->
-		    usage_io_error(Msg)
+			[]
-		    { error("main2") }
+			% If either file is "-", simply use standard input.
+			% (Note: Both can't be "-" since that was dealt with
+			% in the previous case.)
+			( { Fname1 = "-" } ->
+				file__read_input(Contents1),
+				file__read_file(Fname2, Contents2)
+			; { Fname2 = "-" } ->
+				file__read_file(Fname1, Contents1),
+				file__read_input(Contents2)
+			;
+			% Otherwise read the files normally.
+				file__read_file(Fname1, Contents1),
+				file__read_file(Fname2, Contents2)
+			),
+			% Now do the diff.
+			( { Contents1 = ok(File1), Contents2 = ok(File2) } ->
+				diff__do_diff(File1, File2)
+			; { Contents1 = error(Msg) } ->
+				usage_io_error(Msg)
+			; { Contents2 = error(Msg) } ->
+				usage_io_error(Msg)
+			;
+				{ error("main2") }
+			)
-	    )
 	; { Rest = [] },
-	    usage_error("missing operand")
+		usage_error("missing operand")
Index: diffs.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/samples/diff/diffs.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 diffs.m
--- diffs.m	1997/07/27 15:09:21	1.2
+++ diffs.m	1997/07/28 05:44:23
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
-% Copyright (C) 1995 The University of Melbourne.
+% Copyright (C) 1995-1997 The University of Melbourne.
 % This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
 % Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
 % Main author: bromage
 % Simplified by Marnix Klooster <marnix at worldonline.nl>
-% Last changed 22 October 1996
 % This module contains the predicates to convert an lcss to a diff,
 % and to display diffs.
@@ -41,7 +40,7 @@
 :- implementation.
-:- import_module require, std_util, int, list.
+:- import_module require, std_util, int, list, char.
 	% A segment is a pair of positions.  Numbering items from 0,
 	% segment P-Q stands for items P up to, but not including, Q.
@@ -79,17 +78,17 @@
 	 XNext is X2 + 1, YNext is Y2 + 1,
 	 diffs__to_diff2(XNext, YNext, Lcss, Diff1),
 	 ( X = X2 ->
-	     ( Y = Y2 ->
-	 	 Diff = Diff1
-	     ;
-		 Diff = [add(X,Y - Y2) | Diff1]
-	     )
+		 ( Y = Y2 ->
+	 	 	Diff = Diff1
+		 ;
+		 	Diff = [add(X,Y - Y2) | Diff1]
+		 )
-	     ( Y = Y2 ->
-		 Diff = [delete(X - X2,Y) | Diff1]
-	     ;
-		 Diff = [change(X - X2,Y - Y2) | Diff1]
-	     )
+		 ( Y = Y2 ->
+		 	Diff = [delete(X - X2,Y) | Diff1]
+		 ;
+		 	Diff = [change(X - X2,Y - Y2) | Diff1]
+		 )
@@ -100,16 +99,16 @@
 diffs__display_diff(_, _, []) --> { true }.
 diffs__display_diff(File1, File2, [SingDiff | Diff]) -->
 	( { SingDiff = add(X, Y1 - Y2) },
-	    diffs__write_command(X - X, 'a', Y1 - Y2),
-	    diffs__show_file(File2, "> ", Y1 - Y2)
+		diffs__write_command(X - X, 'a', Y1 - Y2),
+		diffs__show_file(File2, "> ", Y1 - Y2)
 	; { SingDiff = delete(X1 - X2, Y) },
-	    diffs__write_command(X1 - X2, 'd', Y - Y),
-	    diffs__show_file(File1, "< ", X1 - X2)
+		diffs__write_command(X1 - X2, 'd', Y - Y),
+		diffs__show_file(File1, "< ", X1 - X2)
 	; { SingDiff = change(X1 - X2, Y1 - Y2) },
-	    diffs__write_command(X1 - X2, 'c', Y1 - Y2),
-	    diffs__show_file(File1, "< ", X1 - X2),
-	    io__write_string("---\n"),
-	    diffs__show_file(File2, "> ", Y1 - Y2)
+		diffs__write_command(X1 - X2, 'c', Y1 - Y2),
+		diffs__show_file(File1, "< ", X1 - X2),
+		io__write_string("---\n"),
+		diffs__show_file(File2, "> ", Y1 - Y2)
 	diffs__display_diff(File1, File2, Diff).
@@ -121,21 +120,21 @@
 :- mode diffs__write_command(in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
 diffs__write_command(X - X2, C, Y - Y2) -->
 	{ X1 is X + 1 },
-	( { X1 >= X2 } ->    % either empty or singleton segment
-	    io__write_int(X2)
+	( { X1 >= X2 } ->	% either empty or singleton segment
+		io__write_int(X2)
-	    io__write_int(X1),
-	    io__write_char(','),
-	    io__write_int(X2)
+		io__write_int(X1),
+		io__write_char(','),
+		io__write_int(X2)
 	{ Y1 is Y + 1 },
-	( { Y1 >= Y2 } ->    % either empty or singleton segment
-	    io__write_int(Y2)
+	( { Y1 >= Y2 } ->	% either empty or singleton segment
+		io__write_int(Y2)
-	    io__write_int(Y1),
-	    io__write_char(','),
-	    io__write_int(Y2)
+		io__write_int(Y1),
+		io__write_char(','),
+		io__write_int(Y2)
@@ -143,18 +142,18 @@
 diffs__display_diff_rcs(_File1, _File2, []) --> { true }.
 diffs__display_diff_rcs(File1, File2, [Cmd | Diff]) -->
 	( { Cmd = add(X, Y1 - Y2) },
-	    { Y is Y2 - Y1 },
-	    diffs__write_command_rcs('a', X, Y),
-	    diffs__show_file(File2, "", Y1 - Y2)
+		{ Y is Y2 - Y1 },
+		diffs__write_command_rcs('a', X, Y),
+		diffs__show_file(File2, "", Y1 - Y2)
 	; { Cmd = delete(X1 - X2, _Y) },
-	    { X is X2 - X1 },
-	    diffs__write_command_rcs('d', X1, X)
+		{ X is X2 - X1 },
+		diffs__write_command_rcs('d', X1, X)
 	; { Cmd = change(X1 - X2, Y1 - Y2) },
-	    { X is X2 - X1 },
-	    { Y is Y2 - Y1 },
-	    diffs__write_command_rcs('d', X1, X),
-	    diffs__write_command_rcs('a', X1, Y),
-	    diffs__show_file(File2, "", Y1 - Y2)
+		{ X is X2 - X1 },
+		{ Y is Y2 - Y1 },
+		diffs__write_command_rcs('d', X1, X),
+		diffs__write_command_rcs('a', X1, Y),
+		diffs__show_file(File2, "", Y1 - Y2)
 	diffs__display_diff_rcs(File1, File2, Diff).
@@ -181,15 +180,15 @@
 :- mode diffs__show_file(in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
 diffs__show_file(File, Prefix, Low - High) -->
 	( { Low < High } ->
-	    ( { file__get_line(File, Low, Line) } ->
-		{ Low1 is Low + 1 },
-		io__write_strings([Prefix, Line]),
-		diffs__show_file(File, Prefix, Low1 - High)
-	    ;
-		{ error("diffs_show_file: file ended prematurely") }
-	    )
+		( { file__get_line(File, Low, Line) } ->
+			{ Low1 is Low + 1 },
+			io__write_strings([Prefix, Line]),
+			diffs__show_file(File, Prefix, Low1 - High)
+		;
+			{ error("diffs_show_file: file ended prematurely") }
+		)
-	    { true }
+		{ true }
Index: file.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/samples/diff/file.m,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8 file.m
--- file.m	1997/07/27 15:09:22	1.8
+++ file.m	1997/07/28 04:54:21
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
-% Copyright (C) 1995 The University of Melbourne.
+% Copyright (C) 1995-1997 The University of Melbourne.
 % This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
 % Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
 % Main author: bromage
 % Simplified by Marnix Klooster <marnix at worldonline.nl>
-% Last changed 22 October 1996
 % This module provides file input.  One can read a file entirely,
 % select a single line from a read file, get the number of lines
@@ -60,11 +59,11 @@
 file__read_file(FileName, Contents) -->
 	io__open_input(FileName, Res),
 	( { Res = ok(InputStream) },
-	    file__read_stream(InputStream, Contents0),
-	    io__close_input(InputStream),
-	    { Contents = ok(Contents0) }
+		file__read_stream(InputStream, Contents0),
+		io__close_input(InputStream),
+		{ Contents = ok(Contents0) }
 	; { Res = error(Error) },
-	    { Contents = error(Error) }
+		{ Contents = error(Error) }
 	% Get the input stream, then read from it.
@@ -74,31 +73,28 @@
 	% file__read_stream is the "real" file reader.
 :- pred file__read_stream(io__input_stream, file, io__state, io__state).
-:- mode file__read_stream(in, out, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode file__read_stream(in, array_uo, di, uo) is det.
 file__read_stream(Stream, File) -->
-	file__read_stream2(Stream, 0, _, File).
+	file__read_stream2(Stream, 0, File).
 	% Given a Stream from which LinesIn lines have already been
 	% read, fill File[LinesIn] to File[LinesOut-1] with the rest
 	% of the lines.  LinesOut is the number of lines in the file.
 	% (Note that line numbering starts at zero.)
-:- pred file__read_stream2(io__input_stream, int, int, file,
-		io__state, io__state).
-:- mode file__read_stream2(in, in, out, out, di, uo) is det.
-file__read_stream2(Stream, LinesIn, LinesOut, File) -->
+:- pred file__read_stream2(io__input_stream, int, file, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode file__read_stream2(in, in, array_uo, di, uo) is det.
+file__read_stream2(Stream, LineNo, File) -->
 	io__read_line(Stream, Res),
 	( { Res = eof },
-            { LinesOut = LinesIn },
-	    { LinesOut1 is LinesOut - 1 },
-	    { array__init(0, LinesOut1, "", File) }
+		{ array__init(LineNo, "", File) }
 	; { Res = ok(Line) },
-	    { string__from_char_list(Line, Line1) },
-            { LinesIn1 is LinesIn + 1 },
-	    file__read_stream2(Stream, LinesIn1, LinesOut, File1),
-	    { array__set(File1, LinesIn, Line1, File) }
+		{ string__from_char_list(Line, Line1) },
+		{ LineNo1 is LineNo + 1 },
+		file__read_stream2(Stream, LineNo1, File1),
+		{ array__set(File1, LineNo, Line1, File) }
 	; { Res = error(Error) },
-	    { io__error_message(Error, Msg) },
-	    { error(Msg) }
+		{ io__error_message(Error, Msg) },
+		{ error(Msg) }
Index: lcss.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/samples/diff/lcss.m,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -r1.11 lcss.m
--- lcss.m	1997/07/27 15:09:23	1.11
+++ lcss.m	1997/07/28 05:44:43
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
-% Copyright (C) 1995 The University of Melbourne.
+% Copyright (C) 1995-1997 The University of Melbourne.
 % This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
 % Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
 % Main author: bromage
 % Simplified by Marnix Klooster <marnix at worldonline.nl>
-% Last changed 22 October 1996
 % The only predicate exported from this module is given two lists, and
 % it generates a 'longest common subsequence.'  A 'common subsequence'
@@ -40,7 +39,7 @@
 :- import_module lcsstype.
 :- pred lcss__find_lcss(list(A) :: in, list(A) :: in, int :: in, int :: in,
-                        lcss :: out) is det.
+			lcss :: out) is det.
@@ -68,9 +67,9 @@
 	% Find a longest common subsequence.  The algorithm
 	% used is very similar to that in:
-	%     Hunt & Szymanski, "A fast algorithm for computing
-	%     longest common subsequences", CACM 20:5, pp 350--353,
-	%     1977.
+	%	Hunt & Szymanski, "A fast algorithm for computing
+	%	longest common subsequences", CACM 20:5, pp 350--353,
+	%	1977.
 	% The essence of the algorithm is simple.  A 'match' is pair
 	% I-J so that List1[I]=List2[J].  For every length (>=0) it
@@ -102,9 +101,12 @@
 	% The consequence is that build_thresh and build_lcss need a
 	% value representing 'infinity'; previously we could use the
 	% length of the first list for this.  Now we use length of
-	% the longest list.
+	% the longest list plus one.  The reason for the plus one is
+	% that it should be greater than any other threshold, and
+	% on identical files, thresholds may get as large as L1=L2.
-	int__max(L1, L2, Inf),
+	int__max(L1, L2, Inf0),
+	Inf is Inf0 + 1,
 	% The original version uses arrays of the same length as the
 	% longest list.  But it is sufficient to use the length of the
@@ -138,11 +140,13 @@
 	% First, invert List2.  The inverted list is a
 	% mapping from strings to lists of integers where
 	% a given string maps to the list of strings in List2
-	% which match that string.
+	% which match that string, in reverse order.  (The
+	% reversal is for efficiency reasons.)
 	lcss__build_match_map(0, List2, Map),
-	% Now match each line in List1 with those in List2.
+	% Now match each line in List1 with those in List2,
+	% reversing the matches as we go.
 	lcss__match_map_to_matchlist(List1, Map, MatchList).
@@ -154,9 +158,9 @@
 	N1 is N + 1,
 	lcss__build_match_map(N1, Ss, MapIn),
 	( map__search(MapIn, S, Ns0) ->
-	    list__append(Ns0, [N], Ns1)
+		Ns1 = [N | Ns0]
-	    Ns1 = [ N ]
+		Ns1 = [ N ]
 	map__set(MapIn, S, Ns1, MapOut).
@@ -167,9 +171,9 @@
 lcss__match_map_to_matchlist([S | Ss], Map, [M | Ms]) :-
 	lcss__match_map_to_matchlist(Ss, Map, Ms),
 	( map__search(Map, S, Ns0) ->
-	    M = Ns0
+		list__reverse(Ns0, M)
-	    M = []
+		M = []
@@ -184,13 +188,19 @@
 :- pred lcss__build_thresh(int, list(list(int)), int,
 		array(int), array(lcss)).
-:- mode lcss__build_thresh(in, in, in, out, out) is det.
+:- mode lcss__build_thresh(in, in, in, array_uo, array_uo) is det.
 lcss__build_thresh(N, MatchList, Inf, Thresh, Link) :-
 	% Initialize Thresh and Link.
-	array__init(0, N, Inf, Thresh0),      % Thresh[0..N] := Inf
-	array__set(Thresh0, 0, -1, Thresh1),  % Thresh[0] := -1
-	array__init(0, N, [], Link1),         % Link[0..N] := []
+	N1 is N + 1,	% Why this size?  Suppose we have two identical
+			% files of length N.  Then the links will be
+			% [], [0-0], [0-0,1-1], ... [0-0..N-N], which
+			% makes N+1 links in total.
+	array__init(N1, Inf, Thresh0),		% Thresh[0..N] := Inf
+	array__set(Thresh0, 0, -1, Thresh1),	% Thresh[0] := -1
+	array__init(N1, [], Link1),		% Link[0..N] := []
 	% Process all matches in Matchlist in lexicographical order.
 	lcss__build_thresh2(N, 0, MatchList, Thresh1, Link1, Thresh, Link).
@@ -199,7 +209,8 @@
 :- pred lcss__build_thresh2(int, int, list(list(int)),
 		array(int), array(lcss),
 		array(int), array(lcss)).
-:- mode lcss__build_thresh2(in, in, in, in, in, out, out) is det.
+:- mode lcss__build_thresh2(in, in, in,
+		array_di, array_di, array_uo, array_uo) is det.
 lcss__build_thresh2(_N, _I, [], Thresh0, Link0, Thresh0, Link0).
 lcss__build_thresh2(N, I, [Matches | MatchRest], Thresh0, Link0,
 						Thresh1, Link1) :-
@@ -212,7 +223,8 @@
 :- pred lcss__build_thresh3(int, int, list(int),
 		array(int), array(lcss),
 	 	array(int), array(lcss)).
-:- mode lcss__build_thresh3(in, in, in, in, in, out, out) is det.
+:- mode lcss__build_thresh3(in, in, in,
+		array_di, array_di, array_uo, array_uo) is det.
 lcss__build_thresh3(_, _, [], Thresh, Link, Thresh, Link).
 lcss__build_thresh3(N, I, [ J | Js ], Thresh0, Link0, Thresh1, Link1) :-
@@ -228,16 +240,16 @@
 	array__lookup(Thresh0, K, ThreshK),
 	( J < ThreshK ->
+		% Yes, so make this match part of a new entry, by
+		% doing Link[K] := [I-J | Link[K-1]]
-	    % Yes, so make this match part of a new entry, by
-	    % doing Link[K] := [I-J | Link[K-1]]
-	    K1 is K - 1,
-	    array__set(Thresh0, K, J, Thresh2),
-	    array__lookup(Link0, K1, LinkK1),
-	    array__set(Link0, K, [I - J | LinkK1], Link2)
+		K1 is K - 1,
+		array__set(Thresh0, K, J, Thresh2),
+		array__lookup(Link0, K1, LinkK1),
+		array__set(Link0, K, [I - J | LinkK1], Link2)
-	    % Otherwise forget it.
-	    Link0 = Link2, Thresh0 = Thresh2
+		% Otherwise forget it.
+		Link0 = Link2, Thresh0 = Thresh2
 	% Process the remaining matches that have I as their first
@@ -253,18 +265,18 @@
 lcss__build_thresh4(Lo, Hi, J, K, Thresh) :-
 	Width is Hi - Lo,
 	( Width < 1 ->
-	    error("lcss__build_thresh4")
+		error("lcss__build_thresh4")
 	; Width = 1 ->
-	    K = Hi
+		K = Hi
-	    % Use the middle element of the range.
-	    Mid is (Lo + Hi) // 2,
-	    array__lookup(Thresh, Mid, ThreshMid),
-	    ( ThreshMid < J ->
-		lcss__build_thresh4(Mid, Hi, J, K, Thresh)
-	    ;
-		lcss__build_thresh4(Lo, Mid, J, K, Thresh)
-	    )
+		% Use the middle element of the range.
+		Mid is (Lo + Hi) // 2,
+		array__lookup(Thresh, Mid, ThreshMid),
+		( ThreshMid < J ->
+			lcss__build_thresh4(Mid, Hi, J, K, Thresh)
+		;
+			lcss__build_thresh4(Lo, Mid, J, K, Thresh)
+		)
@@ -298,10 +310,10 @@
 :- mode lcss__build_lcss2(in, in, in, out) is det.
 lcss__build_lcss2(N, Inf, Thresh, K) :-
 	( array__lookup(Thresh, N, Inf) ->
-	    N1 is N - 1,
-	    lcss__build_lcss2(N1, Inf, Thresh, K)
+		N1 is N - 1,
+		lcss__build_lcss2(N1, Inf, Thresh, K)
-	    K = N
+		K = N
Index: lcsstype.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/samples/diff/lcsstype.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 lcsstype.m
--- lcsstype.m	1997/07/27 15:09:24	1.2
+++ lcsstype.m	1997/07/28 05:44:35
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
-% Copyright (C) 1995 The University of Melbourne.
+% Copyright (C) 1995-1997 The University of Melbourne.
 % This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
 % Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
 % Main author: bromage
 % Simplified by Marnix Klooster <marnix at worldonline.nl>
-% Last changed 22 October 1996
 % This module contains types common to the modules lcss and diffs.
@@ -15,7 +14,7 @@
 :- module lcsstype.
 :- interface.
-:- import_module std_util.
+:- import_module std_util, list.
 	% A pos is a non-negative number representing a position in a

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