cgi interface
Fergus Henderson
fjh at
Fri Jul 4 22:43:04 AEST 1997
Peter, can you please review this change?
New library modules to provide support for writing CGI scripts.
An example program to test the above two modules.
cvs diff: Diffing .
Index: cgi.m
RCS file: cgi.m
diff -N cgi.m
--- /dev/null Fri Jul 4 22:21:37 1997
+++ cgi.m Fri Jul 4 22:27:20 1997
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1997 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: cgi.m.
+% Author: fjh.
+% This module provides a Mercury interface to HTML forms using CGI.
+% For documentation on HTML forms and the CGI interface, see
+% <
+% overview.html>.
+:- module cgi.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io, string, assoc_list, std_util.
+% cgi__get_form(MaybeFormEntries):
+% This procedure should be called form within a CGI program
+% that should be invoked with a METHOD of POST.
+% If all goes well, it will return the form entries.
+% If something goes wrong, it will print an appropriate HTML-formatted
+% error message to stdout, call io__set_exit_status(1),
+% and return `no'.
+:- pred cgi__get_form(maybe(assoc_list(string, string))::out,
+ io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module html, int, char, list.
+cgi__get_form(FormEntries) -->
+ io__get_environment_var("REQUEST_METHOD", REQUEST_METHOD),
+ io__get_environment_var("CONTENT_TYPE", CONTENT_TYPE),
+ io__get_environment_var("CONTENT_LENGTH", CONTENT_LENGTH),
+ ( { REQUEST_METHOD \= yes("POST") } ->
+ cgi__error([
+ "This script should be referenced with a ",
+ "<code>REQUEST_METHOD</code> of <code>POST</code>.\n\n",
+ "If you don't understand this, see this ",
+ "<A HREF=""",
+ "/fill-out-forms/overview.html"">forms overview</A>.\n"
+ ]),
+ { FormEntries = no }
+ ; { CONTENT_TYPE \= yes("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") } ->
+ cgi__error([
+ "This script can only be used to decode form results.\n",
+ "It should be referenced with a <code>CONTENT_TYPE</code> of ",
+ "<code>application/x-www-form-urlencoded</code>.\n\n",
+ "If you don't understand this, see this ",
+ "<A HREF=""",
+ "/fill-out-forms/overview.html"">forms overview</A>.\n"
+ ]),
+ { FormEntries = no }
+ ;
+ { CONTENT_LENGTH = yes(ContentLengthString) },
+ { string__to_int(ContentLengthString, ContentLength) },
+ { ContentLength >= 0 }
+ ->
+ cgi__get_form_contents(ContentLength, FormEntries)
+ ;
+ cgi__error([
+ "Invalid <code>CONTENT_LENGTH</code>.\n",
+ "This may be due to a bug in your WWW browser?\n"
+ ]),
+ { FormEntries = no }
+ ).
+:- pred cgi__get_form_contents(int::in, maybe(assoc_list(string, string))::out,
+ io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+cgi__get_form_contents(ContentLength, MaybeFormEntries) -->
+ cgi__read_n_characters(ContentLength, Chars, Result),
+ ( { Result = eof },
+ cgi__error([
+ "Unexpected end-of-file, or invalid ",
+ "<code>CONTENT_LENGTH</code>.\n\n",
+ "This may be due to a bug in your WWW browser?\n"
+ ]),
+ { MaybeFormEntries = no }
+ ; { Result = error(Error) },
+ { io__error_message(Error, ErrorMsg) },
+ cgi__error([
+ "I/O error reading standard input: ", ErrorMsg, "\n\n"
+ ]),
+ { MaybeFormEntries = no }
+ ; { Result = ok },
+ ( { cgi__parse_form_entries(FormEntries, Chars, []) } ->
+ { MaybeFormEntries = yes(FormEntries) }
+ ;
+ { MaybeFormEntries = no }
+ )
+ ).
+:- pred cgi__read_n_characters(int, list(char), io__result,
+ io__state, io__state).
+:- mode cgi__read_n_characters(in, out, out, di, uo) is det.
+cgi__read_n_characters(NumChars, Chars, Result) -->
+ cgi__read_n_characters_rev(NumChars, [], RevChars, Result),
+ { list__reverse(RevChars, Chars) }.
+:- pred cgi__read_n_characters_rev(int, list(char), list(char), io__result,
+ io__state, io__state).
+:- mode cgi__read_n_characters_rev(in, in, out, out, di, uo) is det.
+cgi__read_n_characters_rev(NumChars, Chars0, Chars, Result) -->
+ ( { NumChars = 0 } ->
+ { Result = ok },
+ { Chars = Chars0 }
+ ;
+ io__read_char(CharResult),
+ ( { CharResult = eof },
+ { Result = eof },
+ { Chars = Chars0 }
+ ; { CharResult = error(Error) },
+ { Result = error(Error) },
+ { Chars = Chars0 }
+ ; { CharResult = ok(Char) },
+ { NumChars1 is NumChars - 1 },
+ read_n_characters_rev(NumChars1, [Char | Chars0], Chars, Result)
+ )
+ ).
+:- pred cgi__parse_form_entries(assoc_list(string, string),
+ list(char), list(char)).
+:- mode cgi__parse_form_entries(out, in, out) is semidet.
+cgi__parse_form_entries(FormEntries) -->
+ cgi__parse_form_entry(Name, Value),
+ ( ['&'] ->
+ cgi__parse_form_entries(Rest),
+ { FormEntries = [Name - Value | Rest] }
+ ;
+ { FormEntries = [] }
+ ).
+:- pred cgi__parse_form_entry(string, string, list(char), list(char)).
+:- mode cgi__parse_form_entry(out, out, in, out) is semidet.
+cgi__parse_form_entry(Name, Value) -->
+ cgi__parse_word(Name),
+ ['='],
+ cgi__parse_word(Value).
+:- pred cgi__parse_word(string, list(char), list(char)).
+:- mode cgi__parse_word(out, in, out) is semidet.
+cgi__parse_word(Word) -->
+ cgi__parse_word_chars([], WordChars),
+ { string__from_rev_char_list(WordChars, Word) }.
+:- pred cgi__parse_word_chars(list(char), list(char), list(char), list(char)).
+:- mode cgi__parse_word_chars(in, out, in, out) is semidet.
+cgi__parse_word_chars(RevChars0, RevChars) -->
+ ( [Char], { Char \= ('&'), Char \= ('=') } ->
+ ( { Char = ('%') } ->
+ [Hex1, Hex2],
+ { hex_pair_to_char(Hex1, Hex2, RealChar) }
+ ; { Char = ('+') } ->
+ { RealChar = ' ' }
+ ;
+ { RealChar = Char }
+ ),
+ cgi__parse_word_chars([RealChar | RevChars0], RevChars)
+ ;
+ { RevChars = RevChars0 }
+ ).
+:- pred hex_pair_to_char(char::in, char::in, char::out) is semidet.
+hex_pair_to_char(Hex1, Hex2, Char) :-
+ char__is_hex_digit(Hex1),
+ char__is_hex_digit(Hex2),
+ char__digit_to_int(Hex1, Int1),
+ char__digit_to_int(Hex2, Int2),
+ Val is Int1 * 16 + Int2,
+ char__to_int(Char, Val).
+:- pred cgi__error(list(string)::in, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+cgi__error(MessageList) -->
+ { string__append_list(MessageList, Message) },
+ html__output_html(html([title(text("CGI Error Message"))],
+ (heading(1, text("CGI Error")),
+ markup(Message)))),
+ io__set_exit_status(1).
Index: form_test.m
RCS file: form_test.m
diff -N form_test.m
--- /dev/null Fri Jul 4 22:21:37 1997
+++ form_test.m Fri Jul 4 22:31:47 1997
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+% This is an example program to test the CGI library.
+:- module form_test.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module cgi, html, std_util, bool.
+:- func my_url = string.
+my_url = "".
+:- pred np(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+np -->
+ html__output_markup(np).
+main -->
+ cgi__get_form(MaybeFormEntries),
+ (
+ { MaybeFormEntries = yes(FormEntries) }
+ ->
+ html__output_content_type_html,
+ html__output_header([title(text("Form Test"))]),
+ html__output_markup(heading(1, text("Fields Entered:"))),
+ print("<code>"),
+ print(FormEntries),
+ print("</code>"), np,
+ print("<pre>"),
+ write_list(FormEntries, "\n", print),
+ print("</pre>"),
+ np,
+ html__output_form_start(my_url),
+ print("Name: "),
+ html__output_field("name", text(60, 90, "")), np,
+ print("Address: "),
+ html__output_field("address", textarea(3, 60, "")), np,
+ print("Bozo?"),
+ html__output_field("bozo", checkbox(no, "yes")), np,
+ html__output_field("submit", submit("OK")), np,
+ html__output_form_end
+ ;
+ []
+ ).
Index: html.m
RCS file: html.m
diff -N html.m
--- /dev/null Fri Jul 4 22:21:37 1997
+++ html.m Fri Jul 4 22:38:58 1997
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1997 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: html.m.
+% Author: fjh.
+% This module provides a strongly-typed, quite declarative method
+% for representing and outputting arbitrary HTML text.
+% It is intended for use in CGI scripts.
+% Basically all the predicates here are wrappers around io__write_string.
+% However, the types defined here let you indicate the structure of your
+% HTML text in the structure of the Mercury terms used to represent it.
+:- module html.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module bool, io, string, assoc_list, std_util.
+:- type html
+ ---> html(
+ header,
+ body
+ ).
+:- type header == list(header_item).
+:- type header_item
+ ---> title(markup)
+ ; header_item(string) % String can contain any HTML markup.
+ % This is a general "catch-all" for
+ % anything not covered by the above
+ % cases.
+ .
+:- type body == markup.
+ % XXX add anchors
+:- type markup
+ ---> heading(int, markup)
+ ; style(style, markup) % a.k.a. logical style
+ ; font(font, markup) % a.k.a. physical style
+ ; text(string)
+ ; definition_list(list(pair(markup)))
+ ; list(list_type, list(markup))
+ ; form(string, markup) % actionURL, form contents
+ ; field(string, field) % name, field type
+ ; address(markup)
+ ; np % new paragraph
+ ; br % line break
+ ; hr % horizontal_rule
+ ; markup(string) % String can contain any HTML markup.
+ % This is a general "catch-all" for
+ % anything not covered by the above
+ % cases.
+ ; ','(markup, markup)
+ .
+:- type list_type
+ ---> ordered
+ ; unordered
+ ; menu
+ ; directory
+ .
+:- type style
+ ---> emph
+ ; strong
+ ; samp
+ ; code
+ ; keyboard
+ ; cite
+ ; var
+ .
+:- type font
+ ---> italics
+ ; bold
+ ; underline
+ ; typewriter % typewriter fixed-width font
+ .
+ % XXX add maps
+:- type field
+ ---> text(
+ int, % size (display width in characters)
+ int, % maxlength
+ string % initial (default) value
+ )
+ ; password(
+ int, % size
+ int, % maxlength
+ string % initial (default) value
+ )
+ ; textarea(
+ int, int, % rows, columns
+ string % initial (default) value
+ )
+ ; checkbox(
+ bool, % initial (default) value
+ string % value sent, if checkbox set
+ )
+ ; radio(
+ bool, % initial (default) value
+ string % value sent, if button set
+ )
+ ; select(
+ int, % size,
+ bool, % allow multiple selections?
+ list(pair(
+ string, % selection text
+ bool % selected?
+ ))
+ )
+ ; submit(
+ string % text on the pushbutton
+ )
+ ; reset(
+ string % text on the pushbutton
+ )
+ ; hidden(
+ string % value
+ )
+ .
+:- pred output_content_type_html(state, state).
+:- mode output_content_type_html(di, uo) is det.
+:- pred output_html(html, state, state).
+:- mode output_html(in, di, uo) is det.
+:- pred output_header(header, state, state).
+:- mode output_header(in, di, uo) is det.
+:- pred output_header_item(header_item, state, state).
+:- mode output_header_item(in, di, uo) is det.
+:- pred output_body(body, state, state).
+:- mode output_body(in, di, uo) is det.
+:- pred output_markup(markup, state, state).
+:- mode output_markup(in, di, uo) is det.
+:- pred output_field(string, field, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode output_field(in, in, di, uo) is det.
+:- pred output_form_start(string::in, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- pred output_form_end(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+% convert any special characters in a HTML markup string into
+% appropriate HTML escapes
+:- func escape_html_string(string) = string.
+:- pred escape_html_string(string::in, string::out) is det.
+% convert any special characters in a HTML attribute value string
+% into appropriate HTML escapes
+:- func escape_attr_string(string) = string.
+:- pred escape_attr_string(string::in, string::out) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, char, list.
+:- func list_type_name(list_type) = string.
+list_type_name(ordered) = "ol".
+list_type_name(unordered) = "ul".
+list_type_name(menu) = "menu".
+list_type_name(directory) = "dir".
+:- func style_name(style) = string.
+style_name(emph) = "em".
+style_name(strong) = "strong".
+style_name(samp) = "samp".
+style_name(code) = "code".
+style_name(keyboard) = "kbd".
+style_name(cite) = "cite".
+style_name(var) = "var".
+:- func font_name(font) = string.
+font_name(italics) = "it".
+font_name(bold) = "b".
+font_name(underline) = "u".
+font_name(typewriter) = "tt".
+output_content_type_html -->
+ write_string("Content-type: text/html\n\n").
+output_html(html(Head, Body)) -->
+ output_header(Head),
+ nl,
+ output_body(Body).
+output_header(HeaderItems) -->
+ output_markup_scope("head",
+ output_list(output_header_item, HeaderItems)).
+output_header_item(title(Title)) -->
+ output_markup_scope("title",
+ output_markup(Title)).
+output_header_item(header_item(Markup)) -->
+ write_string(Markup).
+output_body(Body) -->
+ output_markup_scope("body",
+ output_markup(Body)).
+output_markup((Markup1, Markup2)) -->
+ output_markup(Markup1),
+ output_markup(Markup2).
+output_markup(address(Address)) -->
+ output_markup_scope("address",
+ output_markup(Address)).
+output_markup(heading(Level, Heading)) -->
+ format("<h%d>", [i(Level)]),
+ output_markup(Heading),
+ format("</h%d>\n", [i(Level)]).
+output_markup(definition_list(Definitions)) -->
+ output_markup_scope("dl",
+ output_list(output_definition, Definitions)).
+output_markup(list(ListType, Items)) -->
+ output_markup_scope(list_type_name(ListType),
+ output_list(output_list_item, Items)).
+output_markup(style(Style, Markup)) -->
+ output_markup_scope(style_name(Style),
+ output_markup(Markup)).
+output_markup(font(Font, Markup)) -->
+ output_markup_scope(font_name(Font),
+ output_markup(Markup)).
+output_markup(text(Text)) -->
+ write_string(escape_html_string(Text)).
+output_markup(form(ActionURL, Markup)) -->
+ output_form_start(ActionURL),
+ output_markup(Markup),
+ output_form_end.
+output_markup(field(Name, Field)) -->
+ output_field(Name, Field).
+output_markup(markup(String)) -->
+ write_string(String).
+output_markup(np) -->
+ write_string("<p>\n").
+output_markup(br) -->
+ write_string("<br>\n").
+output_markup(hr) -->
+ write_string("<hr>\n").
+:- pred output_definition(pair(markup), io__state, io__state).
+:- mode output_definition(in, di, uo) is det.
+output_definition(Item - Description) -->
+ write_string("<dt> "), output_markup(Item), nl,
+ write_string("<dd> "), output_markup(Description), nl.
+:- pred output_list_item(markup, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode output_list_item(in, di, uo) is det.
+output_list_item(Item) -->
+ write_string("<li> "), output_markup(Item), nl.
+output_form_start(ActionURL) -->
+ format("<FORM ACTION=""%s"" METHOD=POST>\n",
+ [s(escape_attr_string(ActionURL))]).
+output_form_end -->
+ write_string("</FORM>\n").
+output_field(Name, text(Size, MaxLength, Value)) -->
+ format("<INPUT NAME=%s TYPE=text SIZE=%d MAXLENGTH=%d VALUE=""%s"">",
+ [s(Name), i(Size), i(MaxLength), s(escape_attr_string(Value))]).
+output_field(Name, password(Size, MaxLength, Value)) -->
+ format(
+ "<INPUT NAME=%s TYPE=password SIZE=%d MAXLENGTH=%d VALUE=""%s"">",
+ [s(Name), i(Size), i(MaxLength), s(escape_attr_string(Value))]).
+output_field(Name, textarea(Rows, Columns, Value)) -->
+ format("<TEXTAREA NAME=%s ROWS=%d COLS=%d>",
+ [s(Name), i(Rows), i(Columns)]),
+ write_string(escape_html_string(Value)),
+ write_string("</TEXTAREA>").
+output_field(Name, checkbox(Checked, Value)) -->
+ format("<INPUT NAME=%s TYPE=checkbox VALUE=""%s""",
+ [s(Name), s(escape_attr_string(Value))]),
+ ( { Checked = yes } ->
+ write_string(" CHECKED")
+ ;
+ []
+ ),
+ write_string(">").
+output_field(Name, radio(Checked, Value)) -->
+ format("<INPUT NAME=%s TYPE=radio VALUE=""%s""",
+ [s(Name), s(escape_attr_string(Value))]),
+ ( { Checked = yes } ->
+ write_string(" CHECKED")
+ ;
+ []
+ ),
+ write_string(">").
+output_field(Name, select(Size, Multiple, Options)) -->
+ format("<SELECT NAME=%s SIZE=%d ",
+ [s(Name), i(Size)]),
+ ( { Multiple = yes } ->
+ write_string("MULTIPLE")
+ ;
+ []
+ ),
+ write_string(">\n"),
+ output_list(output_selection_option, Options),
+ write_string("</SELECT>").
+output_field(Name, submit(Value)) -->
+ format("<INPUT NAME=%s TYPE=submit VALUE=""%s"">",
+ [s(Name), s(escape_attr_string(Value))]).
+output_field(Name, reset(Value)) -->
+ format("<INPUT NAME=%s TYPE=reset VALUE=""%s"">",
+ [s(Name), s(escape_attr_string(Value))]).
+output_field(Name, hidden(Value)) -->
+ format("<INPUT NAME=%s TYPE=hidden VALUE=""%s"">",
+ [s(Name), s(escape_attr_string(Value))]).
+:- pred output_selection_option(pair(string, bool), io__state, state).
+:- mode output_selection_option(in, di, uo) is det.
+output_selection_option(Text - Selected) -->
+ ( { Selected = yes } ->
+ write_string("<OPTION SELECTED>")
+ ;
+ write_string("<OPTION>")
+ ),
+ write_string(escape_html_string(Text)), nl.
+:- pred output_markup_scope(string, pred(state, state), state, state).
+:- mode output_markup_scope(in, pred(di, uo) is det, di, uo) is det.
+output_markup_scope(Name, OutputBody) -->
+ format("<%s>\n", [s(Name)]),
+ OutputBody,
+ format("</%s>\n", [s(Name)]).
+:- pred output_list(pred(T, state, state), list(T), io__state, io__state).
+:- mode output_list(pred(in, di, uo) is det, in, di, uo) is det.
+output_list(Pred, List) -->
+ foldl(Pred, List).
+escape_html_string(S) = ES :- escape_html_string(S, ES).
+escape_html_string(String, EscapedString) :-
+ string__to_char_list(String, Chars),
+ escape_html_chars(Chars, EscapedChars, []),
+ string__from_char_list(EscapedChars, EscapedString).
+:- pred escape_html_chars(list(char)::in, list(char)::out, list(char)::in)
+ is det.
+escape_html_chars([]) --> [].
+escape_html_chars([Char|Chars]) -->
+ escape_html_char(Char),
+ escape_html_chars(Chars).
+:- pred escape_html_char(char::in, list(char)::out, list(char)::in) is det.
+escape_html_char(Char) -->
+ ( { special_html_char(Char, String) } ->
+ { string__to_char_list(String, Chars) },
+ insert(Chars)
+ ;
+ [Char]
+ ).
+escape_attr_string(S) = ES :- escape_attr_string(S, ES).
+escape_attr_string(String, EscapedString) :-
+ string__to_char_list(String, Chars),
+ escape_attr_chars(Chars, EscapedChars, []),
+ string__from_char_list(EscapedChars, EscapedString).
+:- pred escape_attr_chars(list(char)::in, list(char)::out, list(char)::in)
+ is det.
+escape_attr_chars([]) --> [].
+escape_attr_chars([Char|Chars]) -->
+ escape_attr_char(Char),
+ escape_attr_chars(Chars).
+:- pred escape_attr_char(char::in, list(char)::out, list(char)::in) is det.
+escape_attr_char(Char) -->
+ ( { special_attr_char(Char, String) } ->
+ { string__to_char_list(String, Chars) },
+ insert(Chars)
+ ;
+ [Char]
+ ).
+:- pred special_html_char(char::in, string::out) is semidet.
+:- pred special_attr_char(char::in, string::out) is semidet.
+special_attr_char('>',">"). % needed only for broken browsers
+special_attr_char('\t'," ").
+special_attr_char(' '," ").
+:- pred insert(list(T), list(T), list(T)).
+:- mode insert(in, out, in) is det.
+insert(NewChars, Chars, Chars0) :-
+ list__append(NewChars, Chars0, Chars).
+This is junk
+ ( { char__is_alnum(Char) } ->
+ [Char]
+ ;
+ { char__to_int(Char, Val) },
+ { Hex1 is (Val /\ 0xf0) >> 4 },
+ { Hex2 is Val /\ 0x0f },
+ { char__det_int_to_digit(Hex1, HexChar1) },
+ { char__det_int_to_digit(Hex2, HexChar2) },
+ ['%', HexChar1, HexChar2]
+ ).
Fergus Henderson <fjh at> | "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW: <> | of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger fjh at | -- the last words of T. S. Garp.
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