complex numbers

Fergus Henderson fjh at
Fri Jul 4 22:20:02 AEST 1997

Thomas Charles CONWAY, you wrote:
> I have a complex number module you may wish to use:
> 	~conway/src/misc/complex.m

I had a look at that, and took a few things from it.
Since you've had a go at this before, perhaps you should
be the one to review my go at it.


	New modules to support complex numbers.

	New modules to support imaginary numbers.

	Tests cases for the above-mentioned new modules.

cvs diff: Diffing .
Index: complex.m
RCS file: complex.m
diff -N complex.m
--- /dev/null	Fri Jul  4 19:59:37 1997
+++ complex.m	Fri Jul  4 22:10:15 1997
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1997 University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: complex.m.
+% Main author: fjh.
+% Stability: medium.
+% Complex numbers.
+% Note that the overloaded versions of the binary operators that
+% provide mixed-type arithmetic are defined in other modules.
+% See also:
+%	complex_float.m, float_complex.m
+%	imag.m, complex_imag.m, imag_complex.m
+:- module complex.
+:- interface.
+:- type complex ---> cmplx(float, float).	% real part, imag part
+% The constructor cmplx/2 is made public, but
+% generally it is most convenient to use the syntax `X + Y*i' for
+% complex numbers, where `i' is declared in module `imag'.
+% Due to the wonders of logic programming, this works fine for
+% both constructing and pattern matching; with intermodule optimization
+% enabled, the compiler should generate equally good code for it.
+	% extract real part
+:- func real(complex) = float.
+	% extract imaginary part
+:- func imag(complex) = float.
+	% absolute value (a.k.a. modulus)
+:- func abs(complex) = float.
+	% argument (a.k.a. phase, or amplitude, or angle)
+	% This function returns the principle value:
+	% for all Z, -pi < arg(Z) and arg(Z) =< pi.
+:- func arg(complex) = float.
+	% norm (square of absolute value)
+	% XXX is `norm' the right terminology?
+:- func norm(complex) = float.
+	% addition
+:- func complex + complex = complex.
+:- mode in  + in  = uo  is det.
+:- mode uo  + in  = in  is det.
+:- mode in  + uo  = in  is det.
+	% subtraction
+:- func complex - complex = complex.
+:- mode in  - in  = uo  is det.
+:- mode uo  - in  = in  is det.
+:- mode in  - uo  = in  is det.
+	% multiplication
+:- func complex * complex = complex.
+:- mode in  * in  = uo  is det.
+	% division
+:- func complex / complex = complex.
+:- mode in  / in  = uo  is det.
+	% unary plus
+:- func + complex = complex.
+:- mode + in    = uo  is det.
+	% unary minus
+:- func - complex = complex.
+:- mode - in    = uo  is det.
+	% sqr(X) = X * X.
+:- func sqr(complex) = complex.
+:- mode sqr(in) = out is det.
+	% square root
+:- func sqrt(complex) = complex.
+:- mode sqrt(in) = out is det.
+	% polar_to_complex(R, Theta):
+	% conversion from polar coordinates
+:- func polar_to_complex(float, float) = complex.
+:- mode polar_to_complex(in, in) = out is det.
+	% polar_to_complex(Z, R, Theta):
+	% conversion to polar coordinates
+:- pred complex_to_polar(complex, float, float).
+:- mode complex_to_polar(in, out, out) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module float, math.
+real(cmplx(Real, _Imag)) = Real.
+imag(cmplx(_Real, Imag)) = Imag.
+cmplx(Xr, Xi) + cmplx(Yr, Yi) = cmplx(Xr + Yr, Xi + Yi).
+cmplx(Xr, Xi) - cmplx(Yr, Yi) = cmplx(Xr - Yr, Xi - Yi).
+cmplx(Xr, Xi) * cmplx(Yr, Yi) =
+		cmplx(Xr * Yr - Xi * Yi, Xr * Yi + Xi * Yr).
+cmplx(Xr, Xi) / cmplx(Yr, Yi) =
+		cmplx((Xr * Yr + Xi * Yi) / Div, (Xi * Yr - Xr * Yi) / Div) :-
+	Div = (Yr * Yr + Yi * Yi).
+% Here's the derivation of the formula for complex division:
+% cmplx(Xr, Xi) / cmplx(Yr, Yi) =
+%	(cmplx(Xr, Xi) / cmplx(Yr, Yi)) * 1.0 =
+%	(cmplx(Xr, Xi) / cmplx(Yr, Yi)) * (cmplx(Yr, -Yi) / cmplx(Yr, -Yi)) =
+%	(cmplx(Xr, Xi) * (cmplx(Yr, -Yi)) / (cmplx(Yr, Yi) * cmplx(Yr, -Yi)) =
+%	(cmplx(Xr, Xi) * (cmplx(Yr, -Yi)) / (Yr * Yr + Yi * Yi) =
+%	cmplx(Xr * Yr + Xi * Yi, Xi * Yr - Xr * Yi) / (Yr * Yr + Yi * Yi) =
+%	cmplx((Xr * Yr + Xi * Yi) / Div, (Xi * Yr - Xr * Yi) / Div) :-
+%		Div = (Yr * Yr + Yi * Yi).
++ cmplx(R, I) = cmplx(+ R, + I).
+- cmplx(R, I) = cmplx(- R, - I).
+norm(cmplx(R, I)) = R*R + I*I.
+abs(Z) = sqrt(norm(Z)).
+arg(cmplx(R, I)) = atan2(I, R).
+sqr(cmplx(Re0, Im0)) = cmplx(Re, Im) :-
+	Re = Re0 * Re0 - Im0 * Im0,
+	Im = 2.0 * Re0 * Im0.
+sqrt(Z0) = Z :-
+	complex_to_polar(Z0, Magnitude0, Theta0),
+	Magnitude = sqrt(Magnitude0),
+	Theta = Theta0 / 2.0,
+	Z = polar_to_complex(Magnitude, Theta).
+complex_to_polar(Z, abs(Z), arg(Z)).
+polar_to_complex(Magnitude, Theta) = cmplx(Real, Imag) :-
+	Real = Magnitude * cos(Theta),
+	Imag = Magnitude * sin(Theta).
Index: complex_float.m
RCS file: complex_float.m
diff -N complex_float.m
--- /dev/null	Fri Jul  4 19:59:37 1997
+++ complex_float.m	Fri Jul  4 17:19:00 1997
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1997 University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: complex_float.m.
+% Main author: fjh.
+% Stability: medium.
+% This module provides binary operators on (complex, float).
+% See also:
+%	complex, float, complex_float.
+:- module complex_float.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module complex, float.
+	% addition
+:- func complex + float = complex.
+:- mode in   + in   = uo  is det.
+:- mode uo   + in   = in  is det.
+:- mode in   + uo   = in  is det.
+	% subtraction
+:- func complex - float = complex.
+:- mode in   - in   = uo  is det.
+:- mode uo   - in   = in  is det.
+:- mode in   - uo   = in  is det.
+	% multiplication
+:- func complex * float = complex.
+:- mode in   * in   = uo  is det.
+:- mode uo   * in   = in  is det.
+:- mode in   * uo   = in  is det.
+	% division
+:- func complex / float = complex.
+:- mode in   / in   = uo  is det.
+:- mode uo   / in   = in  is det.
+:- mode in   / uo   = in  is det.
+	% exponentiation
+:- func pow(complex, float) = complex.
+:- mode pow(in, in) = out is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module complex_float.
+cmplx(XR, XI) + YR = cmplx(XR + YR, XI).
+cmplx(XR, XI) - YR = cmplx(XR - YR, XI).
+cmplx(XR, XI) * YR = cmplx(XR * YR, XI * YR).
+cmplx(XR, XI) / YR = cmplx(XR / YR, XI / YR).
+pow(cmplx(Re0, Im0), P) = cmplx(Re, Im) :-
+	cartesian_to_polar(Re0, Im0, L0, Th0),
+	L = pow(L0, P),
+	Th = Th0 * P,
+	polar_to_cartesian(L, Th, Re, Im).
Index: complex_imag.m
RCS file: complex_imag.m
diff -N complex_imag.m
--- /dev/null	Fri Jul  4 19:59:37 1997
+++ complex_imag.m	Fri Jul  4 16:04:03 1997
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1997 University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: complex_imag.m.
+% Main author: fjh.
+% Stability: medium.
+% This module provides binary operators on (complex, imag).
+% See also:
+%	complex.m, imag.m, imag_complex.m.
+:- module complex_imag.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module complex, imag.
+	% addition
+:- func complex + imag = complex.
+:- mode in   + in   = uo  is det.
+:- mode uo   + in   = in  is det.
+:- mode in   + uo   = in  is semidet.
+	% subtraction
+:- func complex - imag = complex.
+:- mode in   - in   = uo  is det.
+:- mode uo   - in   = in  is det.
+:- mode in   - uo   = in  is semidet.
+	% multiplication
+:- func complex * imag = complex.
+:- mode in   * in   = uo  is det.
+:- mode uo   * in   = in  is det.
+:- mode in   * out   = in  is semidet.
+	% division
+:- func complex / imag = complex.
+:- mode in   / in   = uo  is det.
+:- mode uo   / in   = in  is det.
+:- mode in   / out   = in  is semidet.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module float.
+cmplx(XR, XI) + im(YI) = cmplx(0.0 + XR, XI + YI).
+cmplx(XR, XI) - im(YI) = cmplx(0.0 + XR, XI - YI).
+cmplx(XR, XI) * im(YI) = cmplx(0.0 - XI * YI, 0.0 + XR * YI).
+cmplx(XR, XI) / im(YI) = cmplx(0.0 + XI / YI, 0.0 - XR / YI).
+% Division of complex / imag formula obtained by simplifying this one:
+% cmplx(Xr, Xi) / cmplx(Yr, Yi) =
+%		cmplx((Xr * Yr + Xi * Yi) / Div, (Xi * Yr - Xr * Yi) / Div) :-
+%	Div = (Yr * Yr + Yi * Yi).
Index: complex_test.exp
RCS file: complex_test.exp
diff -N complex_test.exp
--- /dev/null	Fri Jul  4 19:59:37 1997
+++ complex_test.exp	Fri Jul  4 16:43:21 1997
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+tests of (complex op complex)
+X = cmplx(3.00000000000000, 4.00000000000000)
+X + X = cmplx(6.00000000000000, 8.00000000000000)
+X - X = cmplx(0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000)
+X * X = cmplx(-7.00000000000000, 24.0000000000000)
+X / X = cmplx(1.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000)
+Y = cmplx(-5.00000000000000, 6.00000000000000)
+Y + Y = cmplx(-10.0000000000000, 12.0000000000000)
+Y - Y = cmplx(0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000)
+Y * Y = cmplx(-11.0000000000000, -60.0000000000000)
+Y / Y = cmplx(1.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000)
+X + Y = cmplx(-2.00000000000000, 10.0000000000000)
+X - Y = cmplx(8.00000000000000, -2.00000000000000)
+X * Y = cmplx(-39.0000000000000, -2.00000000000000)
+X / Y = cmplx(0.147540983606557, -0.622950819672131)
+tests of (imag op imag)
+Z = im(4.00000000000000)
+Z + Z = im(8.00000000000000)
+Z - Z = im(0.00000000000000)
+Z * Z = -16.0000000000000
+Z / Z = 1.00000000000000
+tests of (float op imag)
+5.0 + Z = cmplx(5.00000000000000, 4.00000000000000)
+5.0 - Z = cmplx(5.00000000000000, -4.00000000000000)
+5.0 * Z = im(20.0000000000000)
+5.0 / Z = im(-1.25000000000000)
+tests of (imag op float)
+Z + 5.0 = cmplx(5.00000000000000, 4.00000000000000)
+Z - 5.0 = cmplx(-5.00000000000000, 4.00000000000000)
+Z * 5.0 = im(20.0000000000000)
+Z / 5.0 = im(0.800000000000000)
+tests of (complex op imag)
+X + Z = cmplx(3.00000000000000, 8.00000000000000)
+X - Z = cmplx(3.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000)
+X * Z = cmplx(-16.0000000000000, 12.0000000000000)
+X / Z = cmplx(1.00000000000000, -0.750000000000000)
+Y + Z = cmplx(-5.00000000000000, 10.0000000000000)
+Y - Z = cmplx(-5.00000000000000, 2.00000000000000)
+Y * Z = cmplx(-24.0000000000000, -20.0000000000000)
+Y / Z = cmplx(1.50000000000000, 1.25000000000000)
+tests of (imag op complex)
+Z + X = cmplx(3.00000000000000, 8.00000000000000)
+Z - X = cmplx(-3.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000)
+Z * X = cmplx(-16.0000000000000, 12.0000000000000)
+Z / X = cmplx(0.640000000000000, 0.480000000000000)
+Z + Y = cmplx(-5.00000000000000, 10.0000000000000)
+Z - Y = cmplx(5.00000000000000, -2.00000000000000)
+Z * Y = cmplx(-24.0000000000000, -20.0000000000000)
+Z / Y = cmplx(0.393442622950820, -0.327868852459016)
Index: complex_test.m
RCS file: complex_test.m
diff -N complex_test.m
--- /dev/null	Fri Jul  4 19:59:37 1997
+++ complex_test.m	Fri Jul  4 16:36:28 1997
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+% A test case for arithmetic on complex, imag, and float.
+:- module complex_test.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(state::di, state::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module complex, float, imag.
+:- import_module complex_imag, imag_complex.
+:- import_module float_imag, imag_float.
+main -->
+	print("tests of (complex op complex)"), nl,
+	{ X = 3.0 + 4.0 * i},
+	print("X = "), print(X), nl,
+	print("X + X = "), print(X + X), nl,
+	print("X - X = "), print(X - X), nl,
+	print("X * X = "), print(X * X), nl,
+	print("X / X = "), print(X / X), nl,
+	{ Y = - 5.0 + 6.0 * i},
+	print("Y = "), print(Y), nl,
+	print("Y + Y = "), print(Y + Y), nl,
+	print("Y - Y = "), print(Y - Y), nl,
+	print("Y * Y = "), print(Y * Y), nl,
+	print("Y / Y = "), print(Y / Y), nl,
+	print("X + Y = "), print(X + Y), nl,
+	print("X - Y = "), print(X - Y), nl,
+	print("X * Y = "), print(X * Y), nl,
+	print("X / Y = "), print(X / Y), nl,
+	nl,
+	print("tests of (imag op imag)"), nl,
+	{ Z = 4.0 * i},
+	print("Z = "), print(Z), nl,
+	print("Z + Z = "), print(Z + Z), nl,
+	print("Z - Z = "), print(Z - Z), nl,
+	print("Z * Z = "), print(Z * Z), nl,
+	print("Z / Z = "), print(Z / Z), nl,
+	nl,
+	print("tests of (float op imag)"), nl,
+	print("5.0 + Z = "), print(5.0 + Z), nl,
+	print("5.0 - Z = "), print(5.0 - Z), nl,
+	print("5.0 * Z = "), print(5.0 * Z), nl,
+	print("5.0 / Z = "), print(5.0 / Z), nl,
+	nl,
+	print("tests of (imag op float)"), nl,
+	print("Z + 5.0 = "), print(Z + 5.0), nl,
+	print("Z - 5.0 = "), print(Z - 5.0), nl,
+	print("Z * 5.0 = "), print(Z * 5.0), nl,
+	print("Z / 5.0 = "), print(Z / 5.0), nl,
+	nl,
+	print("tests of (complex op imag)"), nl,
+	print("X + Z = "), print(X + Z), nl,
+	print("X - Z = "), print(X - Z), nl,
+	print("X * Z = "), print(X * Z), nl,
+	print("X / Z = "), print(X / Z), nl,
+	print("Y + Z = "), print(Y + Z), nl,
+	print("Y - Z = "), print(Y - Z), nl,
+	print("Y * Z = "), print(Y * Z), nl,
+	print("Y / Z = "), print(Y / Z), nl,
+	nl,
+	print("tests of (imag op complex)"), nl,
+	print("Z + X = "), print(Z + X), nl,
+	print("Z - X = "), print(Z - X), nl,
+	print("Z * X = "), print(Z * X), nl,
+	print("Z / X = "), print(Z / X), nl,
+	print("Z + Y = "), print(Z + Y), nl,
+	print("Z - Y = "), print(Z - Y), nl,
+	print("Z * Y = "), print(Z * Y), nl,
+	print("Z / Y = "), print(Z / Y), nl.
Index: float_complex.m
RCS file: float_complex.m
diff -N float_complex.m
--- /dev/null	Fri Jul  4 19:59:37 1997
+++ float_complex.m	Fri Jul  4 16:03:02 1997
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1997 University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: float_complex.m.
+% Main author: fjh.
+% Stability: medium.
+% This module provides binary operators on (float, complex).
+% See also:
+%	complex.m, float.m, complex_float.m.
+:- module float_complex.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module float, complex.
+	% addition
+:- func float + complex = complex.
+:- mode in   + in   = uo  is det.
+:- mode uo   + in   = in  is det.
+:- mode in   + uo   = in  is det.
+	% subtraction
+:- func float - complex = complex.
+:- mode in   - in   = uo  is det.
+:- mode uo   - in   = in  is det.
+:- mode in   - uo   = in  is det.
+	% multiplication
+:- func float * complex = complex.
+:- mode in   * in   = uo  is det.
+:- mode uo   * in   = in  is det.
+:- mode in   * uo   = in  is det.
+	% division
+:- func float / complex = complex.
+:- mode in   / in   = uo  is det.
+:- mode uo   / in   = in  is det.
+:- mode in   / uo   = in  is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module complex_float.
+XR + cmplx(YR, YI) = cmplx(XR + YR, + XI).
+XR - cmplx(YR, YI) = cmplx(XR - YR, - YI).
+XR * cmplx(YR, YI) = cmplx(XR * YR, XR * YI).
+XR / cmplx(YR, YI) = cmplx(XR * YR / Div, - XR * YI / Div) :-
+	Div = YR * YR + YI * YI.
+% Division of float / complex formula obtained by simplifying this one:
+% cmplx(Xr, Xi) / cmplx(Yr, Yi) =
+%		cmplx((Xr * Yr + Xi * Yi) / Div, (Xi * Yr - Xr * Yi) / Div) :-
+%	Div = (Yr * Yr + Yi * Yi).
Index: float_imag.m
RCS file: float_imag.m
diff -N float_imag.m
--- /dev/null	Fri Jul  4 19:59:37 1997
+++ float_imag.m	Fri Jul  4 16:09:50 1997
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1997 University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: float_imag.m.
+% Main author: fjh.
+% Stability: medium.
+% This module provides binary operators on (float, imag).
+% See also:
+%	complex.m, imag.m, float.m, imag_float.m.
+:- module float_imag.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module float, imag, complex.
+	% addition
+:- func float + imag = complex.
+:- mode in    + in   = uo  is det.
+:- mode uo    + uo   = in  is det.
+	% subtraction
+:- func float - imag = complex.
+:- mode in    - in   = uo  is det.
+:- mode uo    - uo   = in  is det.
+	% multiplication
+:- func float * imag = imag.
+:- mode in    * in   = uo  is det.
+:- mode in    * uo   = in  is det.
+:- mode uo    * in   = in  is det.
+	% division
+:- func float / imag = imag.
+:- mode in    / in   = uo  is det.
+:- mode in    / uo   = in  is det.
+:- mode uo    / in   = in  is det.
+:- implementation.
+XR + im(YI) = cmplx(0.0 + XR, 0.0 + YI).
+XR - im(YI) = cmplx(0.0 + XR, 0.0 - YI).
+XR * im(YI) = im(XR * YI).
+XR / im(YI) = im(0.0 - XR / YI).
Index: imag.m
RCS file: imag.m
diff -N imag.m
--- /dev/null	Fri Jul  4 19:59:37 1997
+++ imag.m	Fri Jul  4 16:27:48 1997
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1997 University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: imag.m.
+% Main author: fjh.
+% Stability: medium.
+% Imaginary numbers.
+% There are several reasons for supporting a separate type for imaginary
+% numbers rather than just treating them as a special case of complex
+% numbers.  It is sometimes more convenient, and can be slightly more
+% efficient.   But perhaps the most important reason is to get correct
+% handling of infinity and not-a-number on platforms that support IEEE
+% floating point.
+% Note that the overloaded versions of the binary operators which
+% provide mixed type arithmetic are defined in different modules.
+% See also:
+%	float.m, imag_float.m, float_imag.m,
+%	complex.m, imag_complex.m, complex_imag.m.
+:- module imag.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module float.
+:- type imag ---> im(float).
+:- func i = imag.	% i = sqrt(-1)
+:- func j = imag.	% another name for `i'
+	% addition
+:- func imag + imag = imag.
+:- mode in   + in   = uo  is det.
+:- mode uo   + in   = in  is det.
+:- mode in   + uo   = in  is det.
+	% subtraction
+:- func imag - imag = imag.
+:- mode in   - in   = uo  is det.
+:- mode uo   - in   = in  is det.
+:- mode in   - uo   = in  is det.
+	% multiplication
+:- func imag * imag = float.
+:- mode in   * in   = uo  is det.
+:- mode uo   * in   = in  is det.
+:- mode in   * uo   = in  is det.
+	% division
+:- func imag / imag = float.
+:- mode in   / in   = uo  is det.
+:- mode uo   / in   = in  is det.
+:- mode in   / uo   = in  is det.
+	% unary plus
+:- func + imag = imag.
+:- mode + in   = uo  is det.
+	% unary minus
+:- func - imag = imag.
+:- mode - in   = uo  is det.
+:- implementation.
+i = im(1.0).
+j = i.
++im(X) = im(X + 0.0).
+-im(X) = im(-X).
+im(X) + im(Y) = im(X + Y).
+im(X) - im(Y) = im(X - Y).
+im(X) * im(Y) = 0.0 - X * Y.
+im(X) / im(Y) = X / Y.
Index: imag_complex.m
RCS file: imag_complex.m
diff -N imag_complex.m
--- /dev/null	Fri Jul  4 19:59:37 1997
+++ imag_complex.m	Fri Jul  4 16:11:56 1997
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1997 University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: imag_complex.m.
+% Main author: fjh.
+% Stability: medium.
+% This module provides binary operators on (imag, complex).
+% See also:
+%	complex.m, imag.m, complex_imag.m.
+:- module imag_complex.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module imag, complex.
+	% addition
+:- func imag + complex = complex.
+:- mode in   + in   = uo  is det.
+:- mode uo   + in   = in  is semidet.
+:- mode in   + uo   = in  is det.
+	% subtraction
+:- func imag - complex = complex.
+:- mode in   - in   = uo  is det.
+:- mode uo   - in   = in  is semidet.
+:- mode in   - uo   = in  is det.
+	% multiplication
+:- func imag * complex = complex.
+:- mode in   * in   = uo  is det.
+	% division
+:- func imag / complex = complex.
+:- mode in   / in   = uo  is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module float.
+im(XI) + cmplx(YR, YI) = cmplx(0.0 + YR, XI + YI).
+im(XI) - cmplx(YR, YI) = cmplx(0.0 - YR, XI - YI).
+im(XI) * cmplx(YR, YI) = cmplx(-XI * YI, XI * YR).
+im(XI) / cmplx(YR, YI) = cmplx((XI * YI) / Div, (XI * YR) / Div) :-
+	Div = (YR * YR + YI * YI).
+% Division of imag / complex formula obtained by simplifying this one:
+% cmplx(Xr, Xi) / cmplx(Yr, Yi) =
+%		cmplx((Xr * Yr + Xi * Yi) / Div, (Xi * Yr - Xr * Yi) / Div) :-
+%	Div = (Yr * Yr + Yi * Yi).
Index: imag_float.m
RCS file: imag_float.m
diff -N imag_float.m
--- /dev/null	Fri Jul  4 19:59:37 1997
+++ imag_float.m	Fri Jul  4 16:12:12 1997
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1997 University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: imag_float.m.
+% Main author: fjh.
+% Stability: medium.
+% This module provides binary operators on (imag, float).
+% See also:
+%	complex.m, imag.m, float_imag.m.
+:- module imag_float.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module imag, float, complex.
+	% addition
+:- func imag + float = complex.
+:- mode in   + in   = uo  is det.
+:- mode uo   + uo   = in  is det.
+	% subtraction
+:- func imag - float = complex.
+:- mode in   - in   = uo  is det.
+:- mode uo   - uo   = in  is det.
+	% multiplication
+:- func imag * float = imag.
+:- mode in   * in   = uo  is det.
+:- mode in   * uo   = in  is det.
+:- mode uo   * in   = in  is det.
+	% division
+:- func imag / float = imag.
+:- mode in   / in   = uo  is det.
+:- mode in   / uo   = in  is det.
+:- mode uo   / in   = in  is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module float.
+im(XI) + YR = cmplx(0.0 + YR, 0.0 + XI).
+im(XI) - YR = cmplx(0.0 - YR, 0.0 + XI).
+im(XI) * YR = im(XI * YR).
+im(XI) / YR = im(XI / YR).

Fergus Henderson <fjh at>   |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW: <>   |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger fjh at         |     -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

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