[m-dev.] bootstrap failed

Simon TAYLOR stayl at students.cs.mu.oz.au
Tue Feb 18 15:29:50 AEDT 1997

Hi Fergus,

> The nightly bootstrap check failed.  Lots of problems compiling the
> stage 2 library.  It looks like the problems are probably caused by
> your changes to quantification.

Estimated hours taken: 0.2

	Fix a stupid mistake that broke the compiler.

Index: make_hlds.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/make_hlds.m,v
retrieving revision 1.219
diff -u -r1.219 make_hlds.m
--- make_hlds.m	1997/02/17 01:26:41	1.219
+++ make_hlds.m	1997/02/17 22:26:26
@@ -921,13 +921,13 @@
 		{ ConsDefns2 = [ConsDefn | ConsDefns1] }	
-	{ map__set(Ctors0, ConsId, [ConsDefn | ConsDefns1], Ctors1) },
+	{ map__set(Ctors0, ConsId, ConsDefns2, Ctors1) },
 	{ ConsId = cons(qualified(_, ConsName), Arity) ->
 		% Add an unqualified version of the cons_id to the cons_table.
 		UnqualifiedConsId = cons(unqualified(ConsName), Arity),
-		( map__search(Ctors1, UnqualifiedConsId, ConsDefns2) ->
+		( map__search(Ctors1, UnqualifiedConsId, ConsDefns3) ->
 			map__set(Ctors1, UnqualifiedConsId,
-				[ConsDefn | ConsDefns2], Ctors2)
+				[ConsDefn | ConsDefns3], Ctors2)
 			map__set(Ctors1, UnqualifiedConsId, 
 				[ConsDefn], Ctors2)

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