cvs diff - library additions

Christopher Rodd SPEIRS crs at
Thu Feb 13 17:45:19 AEDT 1997

Hi fergus, 
	here are the new and improved library additions for your reviewing.
instead of including a diff of the changes to bag.m, ive included bag.m. (the
diff was the same size as bag.m)

	Thanks, Chris


	Made some extensive additions to bag.m to include the standard set
operations (union, intersection, subtraction).  Also added some other useful 
predicates to operate on bags. 

% Copyright (C) 1995 University of Melbourne.
% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
% file: bag.m
%	An implementation of multisets.
% main author: conway, crs.
% stability: medium

:- module bag.

:- interface.

:- type bag(T).

	% create an empty bag
:- pred bag__init(bag(T)).
:- mode bag__init(out) is det.

	% insert a particular value in a bag
:- pred bag__insert(bag(T), T, bag(T)).
:- mode bag__insert(in, in, out) is det.

	% insert a list of values into a bag
:- pred bag__insert_list(bag(T), list(T), bag(T)).
:- mode bag__insert_list(in, in, out) is det.

	% make a bag from a list
:- pred bag__from_list(list(T), bag(T)).
:- mode bag__from_list(in, out) is det.

	% given a bag, produce a sorted list with no duplicates 
	% containing all the values in the bag
:- pred bag__to_list_without_duplicates(bag(T), list(T)).
:- mode bag__to_list_without_duplicates(in, out) is det.

	% remove one occurrence of a particular value from a bag
	% fail if the item does not exist in the bag
:- pred bag__remove(bag(T), T, bag(T)).
:- mode bag__remove(in, in, out) is semidet.

	% remove one occurrence of a particular value from a bag
	% abort if the item does not exist in the bag
:- pred bag__det_remove(bag(T), T, bag(T)).
:- mode bag__det_remove(in, in, out) is det.

	% delete one occurrence of a particular value from a bag
	% if the key is not present, leave the map unchanged
:- pred bag__delete(bag(T), T, bag(T)).
:- mode bag__delete(in, in, out) is det.

	% remove all occurrences of a particular value from a bag
	% fail if the item does not exist in the bag
:- pred bag__remove_all(bag(T), T, bag(T)).
:- mode bag__remove_all(in, in, out) is semidet.

	% delete all occurrences of a particular value from a bag
:- pred bag__delete_all(bag(T), T, bag(T)).
:- mode bag__delete_all(in, in, out) is det.

	% check whether a bag contains a particular value
:- pred bag__contains(bag(T), T).
:- mode bag__contains(in, in) is semidet.

	% bag__subtract(Bag0, SubBag, Bag)
	% subtracts SubBag from Bag0 to produce Bag
	% each element in SubBag is removed from Bag0 to produce Bag
	% if an element exists in SubBag, but not in Bag, then that
	% element is not removed.
	% e.g. bag__subtract({1, 1, 2, 2, 3 }, {1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3}, {2}). 
:- pred bag__subtract(bag(T), bag(T), bag(T)).
:- mode bag__subtract(in, in, out) is det.

	% The third bag is the union of the first 2 bags.
	% e.g. {1, 1, 2, 2} U {2, 2, 3, 3} = {1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3}
:- pred bag__union(bag(T), bag(T), bag(T)).
:- mode bag__union(in, in, out) is det.

	% The third bag is the intersection of the first 2 bags
	% every element in the third bag exists in both of the first 2 bags
	% e.g. bag__intersect({1, 2, 2, 3, 3}, {2, 2, 3, 4}, {2, 2, 3}).
:- pred bag__intersect(bag(T), bag(T), bag(T)).
:- mode bag__intersect(in, in, out) is det.

	% fails if there is no intersection between the 2 bags
	% bag__intersect(A, B) :- bag__intersect(A, B, C), not bag__is_empty(C).
:- pred bag__intersect(bag(T), bag(T)).
:- mode bag__intersect(in, in) is semidet.

	% fails if the first bag is not a subbag of the second.
	% bag__is_subbag(A, B). implies that every element in the bag A
	% is also in the bag B.  If an element is in bag A multiple times, it
	% must be in bag B at least as many times.
	% e.g. bag__is_subbag({1, 1, 2}, {1, 1, 2, 2, 3}).
	% e.g. bag__is_subbag({1, 1, 2}, {1, 2, 3}) :- fail.
:- pred bag__is_subbag(bag(T), bag(T)).
:- mode bag__is_subbag(in, in) is semidet.

	% Check whether a bag is empty.
:- pred bag__is_empty(bag(T)).
:- mode bag__is_empty(in) is semidet.

	% fails if the bag is empty
:- pred bag__remove_smallest(bag(T), T, bag(T)).
:- mode bag__remove_smallest(in, out, out) is semidet.

	% compares the two bags, and returns whether the first bag is a 
	% subset (<), is equal (=), or is a superset (>) of the second
	% bag__subset_compare(<, {apple, orange}, {apple, apple, orange}).
	% bag__subset_compare(=, {apple, orange}, {apple, orange}).
	% bag__subset_compare(>, {apple, apple, orange}, {apple, orange}).
	% bag__subset_compare(_, {apple, apple}, {orange, orange}) :- fail.
:- pred bag__subset_compare(comparison_result, bag(T), bag(T)).
:- mode bag__subset_compare(out, in, in) is semidet.

:- implementation.

:- import_module map, int, require.

:- type bag(T)		==	map(T, int).


bag__init(Bag) :-


bag__insert(Bag0, Item, Bag) :-
		map__search(Bag0, Item, Count0)
		Count is Count0 + 1
		Count = 1
	map__set(Bag0, Item, Count, Bag).


:- bag__insert_list(_, List, _) when List.

bag__insert_list(Bag, [], Bag).
bag__insert_list(Bag0, [Item|Items], Bag) :-
	bag__insert(Bag0, Item, Bag1),
	bag__insert_list(Bag1, Items, Bag).

bag__from_list(List, Bag) :-
	bag__insert_list(Bag0, List, Bag).


bag__delete(Bag0, Item, Bag) :- 	% det
	( bag__remove(Bag0, Item, Bag1) ->
		Bag = Bag1
		Bag = Bag0

bag__remove(Bag0, Item, Bag) :- 	% semidet
	map__search(Bag0, Item, Count0),
		Count0 > 1
		Count is Count0 - 1,
		map__set(Bag0, Item, Count, Bag)
		map__delete(Bag0, Item, Bag)

bag__det_remove(Bag0, Item, Bag) :-	% det
	( bag__remove(Bag0, Item, Bag1) ->
		Bag = Bag1
		error("bag__det_remove: Missing item in bag."),
		Bag = Bag0

bag__remove_all(Bag0, Item, Bag) :- 	% semidet
	map__remove(Bag0, Item, _Val, Bag).

bag__delete_all(Bag0, Item, Bag) :-	% det
	map__delete(Bag0, Item, Bag).


bag__contains(Bag, Item) :-
	map__contains(Bag, Item).


bag__to_list_without_duplicates(Bag, List) :-
	map__keys(Bag, List).


bag__subtract(Bag0, SubBag, Bag) :-
	( map__remove_smallest(SubBag, SubKey, SubVal, SubBag0) ->
		( map__search(Bag0, SubKey, Val) ->
			NewVal = Val - SubVal,
			( NewVal > 0 ->
				map__det_update(Bag0, SubKey, NewVal, Bag1)
				map__det_remove(Bag0, SubKey, _Val, Bag1)
			Bag1 = Bag0
		bag__subtract(Bag1, SubBag0, Bag)
		Bag = Bag0

bag__union(A, B, Out) :-
	( map__remove_smallest(A, Key, AVal,A0) ->
		( map__search(B, Key, BVal) ->
			NewVal = AVal + BVal,
			map__det_update(B, Key, NewVal, B0)
			map__det_insert(B, Key, AVal, B0)
		bag__union(A0, B0, Out)
		Out = B

bag__intersect(A, B, Out) :-
	bag__intersect_2(A, B, Out0, Out).

:- pred bag__intersect_2(bag(T), bag(T), bag(T), bag(T)).
:- mode bag__intersect_2(in, in, in, out) is det.
bag__intersect_2(A, B, Out0, Out) :-
	( map__remove_smallest(A, Key, AVal,A0) ->
		( map__search(B, Key, BVal) ->
			int__max(AVal, BVal, Val),
			map__det_insert(Out0, Key, Val, Out1)
			map__det_insert(Out0, Key, AVal, Out1)
		bag__intersect_2(A0, B, Out1, Out)
		Out = Out0

bag__intersect(A, B) :-
	map__remove_smallest(A, Key, _AVal,A0),
	( map__contains(B, Key) ->
		bag__intersect(A0, B)


bag__is_subbag(SubBag, BigBag) :-
	bag__subtract(SubBag, BigBag, SubBag0),


bag__is_empty(Bag) :-


bag__remove_smallest(Bag0, Item, Bag) :-
	map__remove_smallest(Bag0, Item, Val, Bag1),
	( Val > 1 ->
		NewVal = Val - 1,
		map__det_insert(Bag1, Item, NewVal, Bag)
		Bag = Bag1

	% compares the two bags, and returns whether the first bag is a 
	% subset (<), is equal (=), or is a superset (>) of the second
	% bag__subset_compare(<, {apple, orange}, {apple, apple, orange}).
	% bag__subset_compare(=, {apple, orange}, {apple, orange}).
	% bag__subset_compare(>, {apple, apple, orange}, {apple, orange}).
	% bag__subset_compare(_, {apple, apple}, {orange, orange}) :- fail.
	% :- pred bag__subset_compare(comparison_result, bag(T), bag(T)).
	% :- mode bag__subset_compare(out, in, in) is semidet.
bag__subset_compare(Res, A, B) :-
	( map__remove_smallest(A, Key, AVal, A0) ->
		( map__remove(B, Key, BVal, B0) ->
			compare(ValRes, AVal, BVal),
				ValRes = (>),
				bag__is_subbag(B0, A0),
				Res = (>)
				ValRes = (=),
				bag__subset_compare(Res, A0, B0)
				ValRes = (<),
				bag__is_subbag(A0, B0),
				Res = (<)
			% B is empty, but A is not
			Res = (>)
		% A is empty
		( map__is_empty(B) ->
			Res = (=)
			Res = (<)


	Added predicates io__tmpnam and io__remove_file, as they were
required by termination.m

Index: io.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/library/io.m,v
retrieving revision 1.110
diff -u -r1.110 io.m
--- io.m	1997/02/08 16:35:55	1.110
+++ io.m	1997/02/13 05:56:58
@@ -673,6 +673,17 @@
+% returns a unique temporary filename.
+:- pred io__tmpnam(string, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode io__tmpnam(out, di, uo) is det.
+% deletes a file
+:- pred io__remove_file(string, io__res, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode io__remove_file(in, out, di, uo) is det.
 % Memory management predicates.
 	% Write some memory/time usage statistics to stdout.
@@ -2069,6 +2080,55 @@
 :- pragma(c_code, io__putenv(VarAndValue::in), "
 	SUCCESS_INDICATOR = (putenv(VarAndValue) == 0);
+%#include <stdio.h>
+:- pragma(c_code, io__tmpnam(FileName::out, IO0::di, IO::uo), "{
+	Word tmp;
+	char *retval;
+	incr_hp_atomic(tmp, (L_tmpnam + sizeof(Word)) / sizeof(Word));
+	if (tmpnam((char *)tmp) == NULL) {
+		fprintf(stderr,
+		  ""Mercury runtime: unable to create temporary filename\\n"");
+	}
+	FileName = (char *)tmp;
+	update_io(IO0, IO);
+io__remove_file(FileName, Result, IO, IO) :-
+	io__remove_file_2(FileName, Res, ResString),
+	( Res < 0 ->
+		Result = error(ResString)
+	;
+		Result = ok
+	).
+:- pred io__remove_file_2(string, int, string).
+:- mode io__remove_file_2(in, out, out) is det.
+%#include <string.h>
+%#include <errno.h>
+%#include "prof.h" % for strerror
+:- pragma(c_code, io__remove_file_2(FileName::in, RetVal::out, RetStr::out), "{
+	Word tmp;
+	char *buf;
+	RetVal = remove(FileName);
+	if (RetVal < 0) {
+		buf = strerror(errno);
+		incr_hp_atomic(tmp,(strlen(buf)+sizeof(Word)) / sizeof(Word));
+		RetStr = (char *)tmp;
+		strcpy(RetStr, (char *)tmp);
+	} else {
+		RetStr = NULL;
+	}


	added predicates list__sort_and_remove_dups/4 and
list__merge_and_remove_dups/4.  These additions made the set of list__sort
and list__merge operations more complete.  Before these additions, there was
list__sort/3, list__sort/4, and list__sort_and_remove_dups/3.  It was the
same for list__merge.

Index: list.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/library/list.m,v
retrieving revision 1.64
diff -u -r1.64 list.m
--- list.m	1996/10/24 05:57:42	1.64
+++ list.m	1997/02/13 06:17:01
@@ -384,6 +384,14 @@
 :- pred list__sort(pred(X, X, comparison_result), list(X), list(X)).
 :- mode list__sort(pred(in, in, out) is det, in, out) is det.
+	% list__sort_and_remove_dups(Compare, Unsorted, Sorted) is true iff 
+	% Sorted is a list containing the same elements as Unsorted, but with
+	% any duplicates removed. Where Sorted is a sorted list, wrt the 
+	% ordering defined by the predicate term Compare.
+:- pred list__sort_and_remove_dups(pred(X, X, comparison_result), list(X), 
+	list(X)).
+:- mode list__sort_and_remove_dups(pred(in, in, out) is det, in, out) is det.
 	% list__merge(Compare, As, Bs, Sorted) is true iff Sorted is a
 	% list containing the elements of As and Bs in the order implied
 	% by their sorted merge. The ordering of elements is defined by
@@ -392,6 +400,12 @@
 :- pred list__merge(pred(X, X, comparison_result), list(X), list(X), list(X)).
 :- mode list__merge(pred(in, in, out) is det, in, in, out) is det.
+:- pred list__merge_and_remove_dups(pred(X, X, comparison_result),
+	list(X), list(X), list(X)).
+:- mode list__merge_and_remove_dups(pred(in, in, out) is det,
+	in, in, out) is det.
@@ -878,6 +892,10 @@
 	list__filter_map(P, T0, L1).
+list__sort_and_remove_dups(P, L0, L) :-
+	list__sort(P, L0, L1),
+	list__remove_adjacent_dups(L1, L).
 list__sort(P, L0, L) :-
         list__length(L0, N),
@@ -950,6 +968,26 @@
 		L = [H2|T],   
 		list__merge(P, [H1|T1], T2, T)
+list__merge_and_remove_dups(_P, [], [], []).
+list__merge_and_remove_dups(_P, [], [Y|Ys], [Y|Ys]).
+list__merge_and_remove_dups(_P, [X|Xs], [], [X|Xs]).
+list__merge_and_remove_dups(P, [H1|T1], [H2|T2], L) :-
+	call(P, H1, H2, C),
+	(
+		C = (<),
+		L = [H1|T],   
+		list__merge(P, T1, [H2|T2], T)
+	;
+		C = (=),
+		L = [H1 | T],
+		list__merge(P, T1, T2, T)
+	;
+		C = (>),
+		L = [H2|T],   
+		list__merge(P, [H1|T1], T2, T)
+	).

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