diff: typeclasses (final) [6/6]

David Glen JEFFERY dgj at cs.mu.oz.au
Fri Dec 19 14:02:41 AEDT 1997

+		Changed1 = no
+	),
+	apply_instance_rules(Cs, InstanceTable, Bindings, NewTVarSet1,
+		NewTVarSet, Proofs2, Proofs, TheRest, Changed2),
+	bool__or(Changed1, Changed2, Changed),
+	list__append(NewConstraints, TheRest, Constraints).
+	% We take the first matching instance rule that we can find; any
+	% overlapping instance declarations will have been caught earlier.
+	% This pred also catches tautological constraints since the
+	% NewConstraints will be [].
+	% XXX Surely we shouldn't need to re-name the variables and return
+	% XXX a new varset: this substitution should have been worked out
+	% XXX before, as these varsets would already have been merged.
+:- pred find_matching_instance_rule(list(hlds_instance_defn), sym_name,
+	list(type), tvarset, tvarset, map(class_constraint, constraint_proof), 
+	map(class_constraint, constraint_proof), list(class_constraint)).
+:- mode find_matching_instance_rule(in, in, in, in, out, in, out, out) 
+	is semidet.
+find_matching_instance_rule(Instances, ClassName, Types, TVarSet,
+		NewTVarSet, Proofs0, Proofs, NewConstraints) :-
+		% Start a counter so we remember which instance decl we have	
+		% used.
+	find_matching_instance_rule_2(Instances, 1, ClassName, Types,
+		TVarSet, NewTVarSet, Proofs0, Proofs, NewConstraints).
+:- pred find_matching_instance_rule_2(list(hlds_instance_defn), int,
+	sym_name, list(type), tvarset, tvarset,
+	map(class_constraint, constraint_proof), 
+	map(class_constraint, constraint_proof), list(class_constraint)).
+:- mode find_matching_instance_rule_2(in, in, in, in, in, out, in, out, out) 
+	is semidet.
+find_matching_instance_rule_2([I|Is], N0, ClassName, Types, TVarSet,
+		NewTVarSet, Proofs0, Proofs, NewConstraints) :-
+	I = hlds_instance_defn(ModuleName, NewConstraints0, InstanceTypes0,
+		Interface, PredProcIds, InstanceNames, SuperClassProofs),
+	(
+		varset__merge_subst(TVarSet, InstanceNames, NewTVarSet0,
+			RenameSubst),
+		term__apply_rec_substitution_to_list(InstanceTypes0,
+			RenameSubst, InstanceTypes),
+		type_list_subsumes(InstanceTypes, Types, Subst)
+	->
+		apply_rec_subst_to_constraints(RenameSubst, NewConstraints0,
+			NewConstraints1),
+		apply_rec_subst_to_constraints(Subst, NewConstraints1,
+			NewConstraints),
+		NewTVarSet = NewTVarSet0,
+		NewProof = apply_instance(hlds_instance_defn(ModuleName,
+			NewConstraints, InstanceTypes, Interface, PredProcIds,
+			InstanceNames, SuperClassProofs), N0),
+		Constraint = constraint(ClassName, Types),
+		map__set(Proofs0, Constraint, NewProof, Proofs)
+	;
+		N is N0 + 1,
+		find_matching_instance_rule_2(Is, N, ClassName,
+			Types, TVarSet, NewTVarSet, Proofs0,
+			Proofs, NewConstraints)
+	).
+	% To reduce the context using class declarations, we scan the 
+	% context one constraint at a time. For each class in the constraint,
+	% we check to see if any of its superclasses is also a constraint, and 
+	% if so, delete the superclass from the constraint list as it is
+	% redundant.
+:- pred apply_class_rules(list(class_constraint), class_table,
+	tsubst, tvarset, map(class_constraint, constraint_proof),
+	map(class_constraint, constraint_proof), list(class_constraint), bool).
+:- mode apply_class_rules(in, in, in, in, in, out, out, out) is det.
+apply_class_rules(Constraints0, ClassTable, Bindings, TVarSet, 
+		Proofs0, Proofs, Constraints, Changed) :-
+	apply_rec_subst_to_constraints(Bindings, Constraints0, Constraints1),
+	apply_class_rules_2(Constraints1, Constraints1, ClassTable,
+		TVarSet, Proofs0, Proofs, Constraints, Changed).
+:- pred apply_class_rules_2(list(class_constraint), list(class_constraint),
+	class_table, tvarset, map(class_constraint, constraint_proof),
+	map(class_constraint, constraint_proof), list(class_constraint), bool).
+:- mode apply_class_rules_2(in, in, in, in, in, out, out, out) is det.
+	% The first argument is the list of constraints left to be checked.
+	% The second argument is the list of constraints that have not been
+	% rejected. If a redundant constraint is found, it is deleted from
+	% both (if it is still in the first list).
+apply_class_rules_2([], Constraints, _, _, Proofs, Proofs, Constraints, no).
+apply_class_rules_2([C|Cs], AllConstraints, ClassTable, TVarSet,
+		Proofs0, Proofs, Constraints, Changed) :-
+	C = constraint(ClassName, Types),
+	list__length(Types, Arity),
+	ClassId = class_id(ClassName, Arity),
+	map__lookup(ClassTable, ClassId, ClassDefn),
+	ClassDefn = hlds_class_defn(ParentClassConstraints0, ClassVars,
+		_ClassInterface, ClassVarset, _TermContext),
+	term__var_list_to_term_list(ClassVars, ClassTypes),
+	varset__merge_subst(TVarSet, ClassVarset, NewTVarSet, RenameSubst),
+	term__apply_rec_substitution_to_list(ClassTypes, RenameSubst,
+		NewClassTypes),
+	apply_rec_subst_to_constraints(RenameSubst, ParentClassConstraints0,
+		ParentClassConstraints),
+	IsRedundant = lambda(
+			[ThisConstraint::in, RenamedConstraint::out] is semidet,
+		(
+			type_list_subsumes(NewClassTypes, Types, Subst),
+			apply_rec_subst_to_constraint(Subst, ThisConstraint, 
+				RenamedConstraint),
+			list__member(RenamedConstraint, AllConstraints)
+		)),
+	list__filter_map(IsRedundant, ParentClassConstraints,
+		RedundantConstraints),
+		% Delete the redundant constraints
+	list__delete_elems(AllConstraints, RedundantConstraints,
+		NewConstraints),
+	list__delete_elems(Cs, RedundantConstraints, NewCs),
+		% Remember why the constraints were redundant
+	RecordRedundancy = lambda([ConstraintName::in, TheProofs0::in,
+					TheProofs::out] is det,
+		(
+			map__set(TheProofs0, ConstraintName, superclass(C), 
+				TheProofs)
+		)),
+	list__foldl(RecordRedundancy, RedundantConstraints, Proofs0, Proofs1),
+	(
+		RedundantConstraints = [],
+		Changed1 = no
+	;
+		RedundantConstraints = [_|_],
+		Changed1 = yes
+	),
+	apply_class_rules_2(NewCs, NewConstraints, ClassTable,
+		NewTVarSet, Proofs1, Proofs, Constraints, Changed2),
+	bool__or(Changed1, Changed2, Changed).
+:- pred record_class_constraint_proofs(pred_info, typecheck_info,
+	pred_info).
+:- mode record_class_constraint_proofs(in, typecheck_info_ui, out) is det.
+record_class_constraint_proofs(PredInfo0, TypeCheckInfo, PredInfo) :-
+	typecheck_info_get_type_assign_set(TypeCheckInfo, TypeAssignSet),
+	(
+		TypeAssignSet = [TypeAssign]
+	->
+		type_assign_get_constraint_proofs(TypeAssign, Proofs),
+		pred_info_set_constraint_proofs(PredInfo0, Proofs,
+			PredInfo)
+	;
+			% If there's not exactly one type_assign, don't
+			% bother recording the proofs since an error has
+			% occured, and will have been noted elsewhere
+		PredInfo = PredInfo0
+	).
 :- pred convert_cons_defn_list(typecheck_info, list(hlds_cons_defn),
 :- mode convert_cons_defn_list(typecheck_info_ui, in, out) is det.
@@ -2805,7 +3341,7 @@
 	hlds_data__get_type_defn_tvarset(TypeDefn, ConsTypeVarSet),
 	hlds_data__get_type_defn_tparams(TypeDefn, ConsTypeParams),
 	construct_type(TypeId, ConsTypeParams, Context, ConsType),
-	ConsTypeInfo = cons_type_info(ConsTypeVarSet, ConsType, ArgTypes).
+	ConsTypeInfo = cons_type_info(ConsTypeVarSet, ConsType, ArgTypes, []).
@@ -2814,11 +3350,16 @@
 :- type type_assign_set	==	list(type_assign).
-:- type type_assign	--->	type_assign(
-					map(var, type),		% var types
-					tvarset,		% type names
-					tsubst			% type bindings
-				).
+:- type type_assign	
+	--->	type_assign(
+			map(var, type),		% var types
+			tvarset,		% type names
+			tsubst,			% type bindings
+			list(class_constraint),	% typeclass constraints
+			map(class_constraint,	% for each constraint
+			    constraint_proof)	% constraint found to be 
+						% redundant, why is it so?
+		).
@@ -2828,45 +3369,79 @@
 :- pred type_assign_get_var_types(type_assign, map(var, type)).
 :- mode type_assign_get_var_types(in, out) is det.
-type_assign_get_var_types(type_assign(VarTypes, _, _), VarTypes).
+type_assign_get_var_types(type_assign(VarTypes, _, _, _, _), VarTypes).
 :- pred type_assign_get_typevarset(type_assign, tvarset).
 :- mode type_assign_get_typevarset(in, out) is det.
-type_assign_get_typevarset(type_assign(_, TypeVarSet, _), TypeVarSet).
+type_assign_get_typevarset(type_assign(_, TypeVarSet, _, _, _), TypeVarSet).
 :- pred type_assign_get_type_bindings(type_assign, tsubst).
 :- mode type_assign_get_type_bindings(in, out) is det.
-type_assign_get_type_bindings(type_assign(_, _, TypeBindings), TypeBindings).
+type_assign_get_type_bindings(type_assign(_, _, TypeBindings, _, _),
+	TypeBindings).
+:- pred type_assign_get_typeclass_constraints(type_assign,
+	list(class_constraint)).
+:- mode type_assign_get_typeclass_constraints(in, out) is det.
+type_assign_get_typeclass_constraints(type_assign(_, _, _, Constraints, _),
+	Constraints).
+:- pred type_assign_get_constraint_proofs(type_assign,
+	map(class_constraint, constraint_proof)).
+:- mode type_assign_get_constraint_proofs(in, out) is det.
+type_assign_get_constraint_proofs(type_assign(_, _, _, _, Proofs), Proofs).  
 :- pred type_assign_set_var_types(type_assign, map(var, type), type_assign).
 :- mode type_assign_set_var_types(in, in, out) is det.
-type_assign_set_var_types(type_assign(_, B, C), VarTypes,
-			type_assign(VarTypes, B, C)).
+type_assign_set_var_types(type_assign(_, B, C, D, E), VarTypes,
+			type_assign(VarTypes, B, C, D, E)).
 :- pred type_assign_set_typevarset(type_assign, tvarset, type_assign).
 :- mode type_assign_set_typevarset(in, in, out) is det.
-type_assign_set_typevarset(type_assign(A, _, C), TypeVarSet,
-			type_assign(A, TypeVarSet, C)).
+type_assign_set_typevarset(type_assign(A, _, C, D, E), TypeVarSet,
+			type_assign(A, TypeVarSet, C, D, E)).
 :- pred type_assign_set_type_bindings(type_assign, tsubst, type_assign).
 :- mode type_assign_set_type_bindings(in, in, out) is det.
-type_assign_set_type_bindings(type_assign(A, B, _), TypeBindings,
-			type_assign(A, B, TypeBindings)).
+type_assign_set_type_bindings(type_assign(A, B, _, D, E), TypeBindings,
+			type_assign(A, B, TypeBindings, D, E)).
+:- pred type_assign_set_typeclass_constraints(type_assign,
+	list(class_constraint), type_assign).
+:- mode type_assign_set_typeclass_constraints(in, in, out) is det.
+type_assign_set_typeclass_constraints(type_assign(A, B, C, _, E), Constraints,
+			type_assign(A, B, C, Constraints, E)).
+:- pred type_assign_set_constraint_proofs(type_assign,
+	map(class_constraint, constraint_proof), type_assign).
+:- mode type_assign_set_constraint_proofs(in, in, out) is det.
+type_assign_set_constraint_proofs(type_assign(A, B, C, D, _),
+			Proofs, type_assign(A, B, C, D, Proofs)).
@@ -2911,17 +3486,18 @@
 	{ pred_info_arg_types(PredInfo, VarSet, Types0) },
 	{ strip_builtin_qualifiers_from_type_list(Types0, Types) },
 	{ pred_info_get_is_pred_or_func(PredInfo, PredOrFunc) },
+	{ pred_info_get_class_context(PredInfo, ClassContext) },
 	{ pred_info_get_purity(PredInfo, Purity) },
 	{ MaybeDet = no },
 	io__write_string("Inferred "),
 	(	{ PredOrFunc = predicate },
 		mercury_output_pred_type(VarSet, Name, Types, MaybeDet,
-			Purity, Context)
+			Purity, ClassContext, Context)
 	;	{ PredOrFunc = function },
 		{ pred_args_to_func_args(Types, ArgTypes, RetType) },
 		mercury_output_func_type(VarSet, Name, ArgTypes,
-			RetType, MaybeDet, Purity, Context)
+			RetType, MaybeDet, Purity, ClassContext, Context)
@@ -3156,7 +3732,7 @@
 	% arguments only for the arguments in which the two types differ.
 		{ ArgsTypeAssignSet = [SingleArgsTypeAssign] },
-		{ SingleArgsTypeAssign = TypeAssign - ConsArgTypes },
+		{ SingleArgsTypeAssign = args(TypeAssign, ConsArgTypes, _) },
 		{ assoc_list__from_corresponding_lists(Args, ConsArgTypes,
 			ArgExpTypes) },
 		{ find_mismatched_args(ArgExpTypes, [TypeAssign], 1,
@@ -3166,7 +3742,7 @@
 		report_mismatched_args(Mismatches, yes, VarSet, Context)
-		{ conv_args_type_assign_set(ArgsTypeAssignSet,
+		{ convert_args_type_assign_set(ArgsTypeAssignSet,
 			TypeAssignSet) },
@@ -3177,7 +3753,7 @@
 			% could the type of the functor be polymorphic?
 			{ list__member(ConsDefn, ConsDefnList) },
-			{ ConsDefn = cons_type_info(_, _, ConsArgTypes) },
+			{ ConsDefn = cons_type_info(_, _, ConsArgTypes, _) },
 			{ ConsArgTypes \= [] }
 			% if so, print out the type of `Var'
@@ -3366,7 +3942,9 @@
 			io__state, io__state).
 :- mode write_cons_type(in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
-write_cons_type(cons_type_info(TVarSet, ConsType0, ArgTypes0), Functor, _) -->
+	% XXX Should we mention the context here?
+write_cons_type(cons_type_info(TVarSet, ConsType0, ArgTypes0, _), 
+		Functor, _) -->
 	{ strip_builtin_qualifier_from_cons_id(Functor, Functor1) },
 	{ strip_builtin_qualifiers_from_type_list(ArgTypes0, ArgTypes) },
 	( { ArgTypes \= [] } ->
@@ -3457,7 +4035,8 @@
 :- mode write_args_type_assign_set(in, in, di, uo) is det.
 write_args_type_assign_set([], _) --> [].
-write_args_type_assign_set([TypeAssign - _ArgTypes| TypeAssigns], VarSet) -->
+write_args_type_assign_set([args(TypeAssign, _ArgTypes, _Cnstrs)| TypeAssigns], 
+		VarSet) -->
 	write_type_assign(TypeAssign, VarSet),
@@ -3929,7 +4508,7 @@
 					    cons(Constructor, N),
 				ActualArities) },
-			{ ActualArities = [_|_] }
+			{ ActualArities \= [] }
 			report_wrong_arity_constructor(Constructor, Arity,
 				ActualArities, Context)
Index: compiler/unify_gen.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/unify_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.84
diff -u -r1.84 unify_gen.m
--- unify_gen.m	1997/12/05 15:47:56	1.84
+++ unify_gen.m	1997/12/09 06:37:37
@@ -202,6 +202,9 @@
 unify_gen__generate_tag_rval_2(base_type_info_constant(_, _, _), _, _) :-
 	% This should never happen
 	error("Attempted base_type_info unification").
+unify_gen__generate_tag_rval_2(base_typeclass_info_constant(_, _, _), _, _) :-
+	% This should never happen
+	error("Attempted base_typeclass_info unification").
 unify_gen__generate_tag_rval_2(no_tag, _Rval, TestRval) :-
 	TestRval = const(true).
 unify_gen__generate_tag_rval_2(simple_tag(SimpleTag), Rval, TestRval) :-
@@ -296,11 +299,21 @@
 	( { Args = [] } ->
-		{ error("unify_gen: address constant has args") }
+		{ error("unify_gen: type-info constant has args") }
 	{ Code = empty },
 	code_info__cache_expression(Var, const(data_addr_const(data_addr(
 		ModuleName, base_type(info, TypeName, TypeArity))))).
+		ClassId, Instance), Var, Args, _Modes, Code) -->
+	( { Args = [] } ->
+		[]
+	;
+		{ error("unify_gen: typeclass-info constant has args") }
+	),
+	{ Code = empty },
+	code_info__cache_expression(Var, const(data_addr_const(data_addr(
+		ModuleName, base_typeclass_info(ClassId, Instance))))).
 unify_gen__generate_construction_2(code_addr_constant(PredId, ProcId),
 		Var, Args, _Modes, Code) -->
 	( { Args = [] } ->
@@ -552,6 +565,9 @@
 		{ Code = empty }
 		{ Tag = base_type_info_constant(_, _, _) },
+		{ Code = empty }
+	;
+		{ Tag = base_typeclass_info_constant(_, _, _) },
 		{ Code = empty }
 		{ Tag = no_tag },
Index: compiler/unique_modes.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/unique_modes.m,v
retrieving revision 1.41
diff -u -r1.41 unique_modes.m
--- unique_modes.m	1997/11/24 23:10:27	1.41
+++ unique_modes.m	1997/12/17 02:10:29
@@ -367,6 +367,26 @@
 	mode_checkpoint(exit, "higher-order call").
+unique_modes__check_goal_2(class_method_call(TCVar, Num, Args, Types, Modes,
+		Det), _GoalInfo0, Goal) -->
+	mode_checkpoint(enter, "class method call"),
+		% Setting the context to `higher_order_call(...)' is a little
+		% white lie.  However, since there can't really be a unique 
+		% mode error in a class_method_call, this lie will never be
+		% used. There can't be an error because the class_method_call 
+		% is introduced by the compiler as the body of a class method.
+	mode_info_set_call_context(higher_order_call(predicate)),
+	{ determinism_components(Det, _, at_most_zero) ->
+		NeverSucceeds = yes
+	;
+		NeverSucceeds = no
+	},
+	{ determinism_to_code_model(Det, CodeModel) },
+	unique_modes__check_call_modes(Args, Modes, CodeModel, NeverSucceeds),
+	{ Goal = class_method_call(TCVar, Num, Args, Types, Modes, Det) },
+	mode_info_unset_call_context,
+	mode_checkpoint(exit, "class method call").
 unique_modes__check_goal_2(call(PredId, ProcId, Args, Builtin, CallContext,
 		PredName), _GoalInfo0, Goal) -->
 	mode_checkpoint(enter, "call"),
Index: compiler/unused_args.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/unused_args.m,v
retrieving revision 1.37
diff -u -r1.37 unused_args.m
--- unused_args.m	1997/12/09 07:20:34	1.37
+++ unused_args.m	1997/12/19 01:15:59
@@ -291,7 +291,8 @@
 	% For example, if HeadVar1 has type list(T), then TypeInfo_for_T
 	% is used if HeadVar1 is used.
 :- pred setup_typeinfo_deps(list(var)::in, map(var, type)::in, pred_proc_id::in,
-			map(tvar, var)::in, var_dep::in, var_dep::out) is det.
+			map(tvar, type_info_locn)::in, 
+			var_dep::in, var_dep::out) is det.
 setup_typeinfo_deps([], _, _, _, VarDep, VarDep). 
 setup_typeinfo_deps([Var | Vars], VarTypeMap, PredProcId, TVarMap, VarDep0, 
@@ -299,7 +300,11 @@
 	map__lookup(VarTypeMap, Var, Type),
 	type_util__vars(Type, TVars),
 	list__map(lambda([TVar::in, TypeInfoVar::out] is det, 
-		map__lookup(TVarMap, TVar, TypeInfoVar)), TVars, TypeInfoVars),
+		(
+			map__lookup(TVarMap, TVar, Locn),
+			type_info_locn_var(Locn, TypeInfoVar)
+		)), 
+		TVars, TypeInfoVars),
 	AddArgDependency = 
 		lambda([TVar::in, VarDepA::in, VarDepB::out] is det, (
 			add_arg_dep(VarDepA, TVar, PredProcId, Var, VarDepB)
@@ -434,6 +439,10 @@
 traverse_goal(_, higher_order_call(PredVar,Args,_,_,_,_), UseInf0, UseInf) :-
 	set_list_vars_used(UseInf0, [PredVar|Args], UseInf).
+% we assume that class method calls use all variables involved
+traverse_goal(_, class_method_call(PredVar,_,Args,_,_,_), UseInf0, UseInf) :-
+	set_list_vars_used(UseInf0, [PredVar|Args], UseInf).
 % handle pragma(c_code, ...) - pragma_c_code uses all its args
 traverse_goal(_, pragma_c_code(_, _, _, _, Args, _, _, _), UseInf0, UseInf) :-
 	set_list_vars_used(UseInf0, Args, UseInf).
@@ -925,11 +934,13 @@
 	pred_info_clauses_info(PredInfo0, ClausesInfo),
 	pred_info_get_markers(PredInfo0, Markers),
 	pred_info_get_goal_type(PredInfo0, GoalType),
+	pred_info_get_class_context(PredInfo0, ClassContext),
+	map__init(EmptyProofs),
 		% *** This will need to be fixed when the condition
 		%	field of the pred_info becomes used.
 	pred_info_init(PredModule, qualified(PredModule, Name), Arity, Tvars,
 		ArgTypes, true, Context, ClausesInfo, Status, Markers,
-		GoalType, PredOrFunc, PredInfo1),
+		GoalType, PredOrFunc, ClassContext, EmptyProofs, PredInfo1),
 	pred_info_set_typevarset(PredInfo1, TypeVars, PredInfo).
@@ -1228,6 +1239,10 @@
 fixup_goal_expr(_ModuleInfo, _UnusedVars, _ProcCallInfo, no,
 			GoalExpr - GoalInfo, GoalExpr - GoalInfo) :-
 	GoalExpr = higher_order_call(_, _, _, _, _, _).
+fixup_goal_expr(_ModuleInfo, _UnusedVars, _ProcCallInfo, no,
+			GoalExpr - GoalInfo, GoalExpr - GoalInfo) :-
+	GoalExpr = class_method_call(_, _, _, _, _, _).
 fixup_goal_expr(_ModuleInfo, _UnusedVars, _ProcCallInfo, no,
 			GoalExpr - GoalInfo, GoalExpr - GoalInfo) :-
Index: compiler/notes/compiler_design.html
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/notes/compiler_design.html,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -r1.9 compiler_design.html
--- compiler_design.html	1997/12/09 04:02:08	1.9
+++ compiler_design.html	1997/12/09 06:38:07
@@ -97,9 +97,10 @@
 	definition is in prog_data.m, while the code to create it is in
 	prog_io.m and its submodules prog_io_dcg.m (which handles clauses
 	using Definite Clause Grammar notation), prog_io_goal.m (which handles
-	goals), prog_io_pragma.m (which handles pragma declarations) and
-	prog_io_util.m (which defines predicates and types needed by the other
-	prog_io*.m modules.  The data structure for insts is stored in
+	goals), prog_io_pragma.m (which handles pragma declarations),
+	prog_io_typeclass.m (which handles typeclass and instance declarations)
+	and prog_io_util.m (which defines predicates and types needed by the
+	other prog_io*.m modules.  The data structure for insts is stored in 
 	its own module, inst.m.
@@ -125,8 +126,9 @@
  	Notes on module qualification:
- 	<li> all types, insts and modes occuring in pred, func, type and
- 	  mode declarations are module qualified by module_qual.m.
+	<li> all types, typeclasses, insts and modes occuring in pred, func,
+	  type, typeclass and mode declarations are module qualified by
+	  module_qual.m.
  	<li> all types, insts and modes occuring in lambda expressions and
  	  explicit type qualifications are module qualified in
@@ -134,6 +136,8 @@
  	  are module qualified during type checking.
  	<li> predicate and function calls and constructors within goals 
  	  are module qualified during mode analysis.
+ 	<li> predicate and function names in typeclass instance declarations
+	  are qualified in check_typeclass.m (after mode analysis).
@@ -203,10 +207,12 @@
 	  pred_info.  However, typecheck.m doesn't figure out the pred_id
 	  for function calls or calls to overloaded predicates; that can't
 	  be done in a single pass of typechecking, and so it is done
-	  later on in modes.m.  When it has finished, typecheck.m calls
-	  clause_to_proc.m to make duplicate copies of the clauses for
-	  each different mode of a predicate; all later stages work on
-	  procedures, not predicates.
+	  later on in modes.m.  Typeclass constraints are checked here, and
+	  any redundant constraints that are eliminated are recorded (as
+	  constraint_proofs) in the pred_info for future reference. When it has
+	  finished, typecheck.m calls clause_to_proc.m to make duplicate copies
+	  of the clauses for each different mode of a predicate; all later
+	  stages work on procedures, not predicates.
 	<li> type_util.m contains utility predicates dealing with types
 	  that are used in a variety of different places within the compiler
@@ -301,6 +307,18 @@
 	what modes.m does, and unique_modes calls lots of predicates
 	defined in modes.m to do it.
+<dt> checking typeclass instances (check_typeclass.m)
+	<dd>
+	check_typeclass.m checks that, each instance declaration, that the
+	types, modes and determinism of each predicate/function that is a
+	method of the class is correct (ie. that it matches the typeclass
+	declaration). In this pass, pred_ids and proc_ids are assigned to
+	the methods for each instance. In addition, while checking that the
+	superclasses of a class are satisfied by the instance declaration, a
+	set of constraint_proofs are built up for the superclass constraints.
+	These are used by polymorphism.m when generating the 
+	base_typeclass_info for the instance.
 <dt> simplification (simplify.m)
@@ -326,8 +344,9 @@
 The first two passes of this stage are code simplifications.
-<li> introduction of type_info arguments for polymorphic predicates and
-  transformation of complicated unifications into predicate calls
+<li> introduction of type_info arguments for polymorphic predicates, 
+  introduction of typeclass_info arguments for typeclass-constrained predicates
+  and transformation of complicated unifications into predicate calls
 <li> removal of lambda expressions (lambda.m) <br>
@@ -623,6 +642,10 @@
   creates base_type_functors structures that give information on 
   the functors of a given type. The base_type_layout and base_type_functors
   structures of each declared type constructor are added to the LLDS.
+<li> base_typeclass_info.m generates the base_typeclass_info structures that 
+  list the methods of a class for each instance declaration. These are added to
+  the LLDS.
 <li> stack_layout.m generates the stack_layout structures for
   accurate garbage collection. Tables are created from the data
Index: compiler/notes/glossary.html
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/notes/glossary.html,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 glossary.html
--- glossary.html	1997/04/03 05:17:38	1.1
+++ glossary.html	1997/11/26 04:55:57
@@ -15,6 +15,10 @@
+<dt> class context 
+	<dd>
+	The typeclass constraints on a predicate or function.
 <dt> HLDS 
 	The "High Level Data Structure".  See hlds.m.
Index: library/mercury_builtin.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/library/mercury_builtin.m,v
retrieving revision 1.87
diff -u -r1.87 mercury_builtin.m
--- mercury_builtin.m	1997/12/18 15:55:35	1.87
+++ mercury_builtin.m	1997/12/19 02:33:58
@@ -229,10 +229,36 @@
 	% they depend on the number of type parameters of the type represented
 	% by the type_info, and how many predicates we associate with each
 	% type.
+	%
+	% Note that, since these types look to the compiler as though they
+	% are candidates to become no_tag types, special code is required in
+	% type_util:type_is_no_tag_type/3.
 :- type type_info(T) ---> type_info(base_type_info(T) /*, ... */).
 :- type base_type_info(T) ---> base_type_info(int /*, ... */).
+	% Note that, since these types look to the compiler as though they
+	% are candidates to become no_tag types, special code is required in
+	% type_util:type_is_no_tag_type/3.
+:- type typeclass_info ---> typeclass_info(base_typeclass_info /*, ... */). 
+:- type base_typeclass_info ---> typeclass_info(int /*, ... */). 
+	% type_info_from_typeclass_info(TypeClassInfo, Index, TypeInfo)  
+	% extracts TypeInfo from TypeClassInfo, where TypeInfo is the Indexth
+	% type_info in the typeclass_info
+	% 
+	% Note: Index must be equal to the number of the desired type_info 
+	% plus the number of superclasses for this class.
+:- pred type_info_from_typeclass_info(typeclass_info, int, type_info(T)).
+:- mode type_info_from_typeclass_info(in, in, out) is det.
+	% superclass_from_typeclass_info(TypeClassInfo, Index, SuperClass)  
+	% extracts SuperClass from TypeClassInfo where TypeInfo is the Indexth
+	% superclass of the class.
+:- pred superclass_from_typeclass_info(typeclass_info, int, typeclass_info).
+:- mode superclass_from_typeclass_info(in, in, out) is det.
 	% the builtin < operator on ints, used in the code generated
 	% for compare/3 preds
 :- pred builtin_int_lt(int, int).
@@ -252,6 +278,19 @@
 % Many of the predicates defined in this module are builtin -
 % the compiler generates code for them inline.
+:- pragma c_code(type_info_from_typeclass_info(TypeClassInfo::in, Index::in,
+	TypeInfo::out), will_not_call_mercury,
+	TypeInfo = MR_typeclass_info_type_info(TypeClassInfo, Index);
+:- pragma c_code(superclass_from_typeclass_info(TypeClassInfo0::in, Index::in,
+	TypeClassInfo::out), will_not_call_mercury,
+	TypeClassInfo = 
+		MR_typeclass_info_superclass_info(TypeClassInfo0, Index);
Index: library/ops.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/library/ops.m,v
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -u -r1.19 ops.m
--- ops.m	1997/12/09 04:02:27	1.19
+++ ops.m	1997/12/09 06:38:35
@@ -188,6 +188,7 @@
 ops__op_table("import_type", before, fx, 1199).	% Mercury extension (NYI)
 ops__op_table("impure", before, fy, 800).	% Mercury extension
 ops__op_table("inst", before, fx, 1199).	% Mercury extension
+ops__op_table("instance", before, fx, 1199).	% Mercury extension
 ops__op_table("is", after, xfx, 701).		% ISO Prolog says prec 700
 ops__op_table("lambda", before, fxy, 950).	% Mercury extension
 ops__op_table("mod", after, xfx, 400).		% Standard ISO Prolog
@@ -203,6 +204,7 @@
 ops__op_table("some", before, fxy, 950).	% Mercury/NU-Prolog extension
 ops__op_table("then", after, xfx, 1150).	% Mercury/NU-Prolog extension
 ops__op_table("type", before, fx, 1180).	% Mercury extension
+ops__op_table("typeclass", before, fx, 1199).	% Mercury extension
 ops__op_table("use_adt", before, fx, 1199).	% Mercury extension (NYI)
 ops__op_table("use_cons", before, fx, 1199).	% Mercury extension (NYI)
 ops__op_table("use_module", before, fx, 1199).	% Mercury extension (NYI)
Index: library/string.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/library/string.m,v
retrieving revision 1.97
diff -u -r1.97 string.m
--- string.m	1997/12/03 07:05:13	1.97
+++ string.m	1997/12/09 06:38:38
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 :- import_module list, char.
 :- pred string__length(string, int).
-:- mode string__length(in, out) is det.
+:- mode string__length(in, uo) is det.
 	% Determine the length of a string.
 	% An empty string has length zero.
@@ -1647,7 +1647,7 @@
 :- pred string__length(string, int).
 :- mode string__length(in, out) is det.
-:- pragma(c_code, string__length(Str::in, Length::out), "
+:- pragma(c_code, string__length(Str::in, Length::uo), "
 	Length = strlen(Str);
Index: runtime/mercury_ho_call.c
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/runtime/mercury_ho_call.c,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 mercury_ho_call.c
--- mercury_ho_call.c	1997/12/03 07:26:16	1.3
+++ mercury_ho_call.c	1997/12/17 03:09:14
@@ -116,6 +116,10 @@
 	call((Code *) field(0, closure, 1), LABEL(det_closure_return),
+	/* 
+	** This is used as a return label both by do_call_det_closure and
+	** do_call_det_class_method 
+	*/
 	int	i, num_in_args, num_out_args;
@@ -188,6 +192,10 @@
 	call((Code *) field(0, closure, 1), LABEL(semidet_closure_return),
+	/* 
+	** This is used as a return label both by do_call_semidet_closure and
+	** do_call_semidet_class_method 
+	*/
 	int	i, num_in_args, num_out_args;
@@ -245,6 +253,10 @@
 	call((Code *) field(0, closure, 1), LABEL(nondet_closure_return),
+	/* 
+	** This is used as a return label both by do_call_nondet_closure and
+	** do_call_nondet_class_method 
+	*/
 	int	i, num_in_args, num_out_args;
@@ -264,6 +276,138 @@
+	/*
+	** r1: the typeclass_info
+	** r2: index of class method
+	** r3: number of immediate input arguments
+	** r4: number of output arguments
+	** r5+:input args
+	*/
+	Code 	*destination;
+	int	i, num_in_args, num_arg_typeclass_infos;
+	destination = MR_typeclass_info_class_method(r1, r2);
+	num_arg_typeclass_infos = (int) MR_typeclass_info_instance_arity(r1);
+	num_in_args = r3; /* number of input args */
+	push(r4); /* The number of output args to unpack */
+	push(num_in_args); /* The number of input args */
+	push(succip);
+	save_registers();
+	if (num_arg_typeclass_infos < 4) {
+			/* copy to the left, from the left */
+		for (i = 1; i <= num_in_args; i++) {
+			virtual_reg(i+num_arg_typeclass_infos) =
+				virtual_reg(i+4);
+		}
+	} else if (num_arg_typeclass_infos > 4) {
+			/* copy to the right, from the right */
+		for (i = num_in_args; i > 0; i--) {
+			virtual_reg(i+num_arg_typeclass_infos) =
+				virtual_reg(i+4);
+		}
+	} /* else do nothing because num_arg_typeclass_infos == 4 */
+	for (i = num_arg_typeclass_infos; i > 0; i--) {
+		virtual_reg(i) = 
+			MR_typeclass_info_arg_typeclass_info(virtual_reg(1),i);
+	}
+	restore_registers();
+	call(destination, LABEL(det_closure_return),
+		LABEL(do_call_det_class_method));
+	Code 	*destination;
+	int	i, num_in_args, num_arg_typeclass_infos;
+	destination = MR_typeclass_info_class_method(r1, r2);
+	num_arg_typeclass_infos = (int) MR_typeclass_info_instance_arity(r1);
+	num_in_args = r3; /* number of input args */
+	push(r4); /* The number of output args to unpack */
+	push(num_in_args); /* The number of input args */
+	push(succip);
+	save_registers();
+	if (num_arg_typeclass_infos < 4) {
+			/* copy to the left, from the left */
+		for (i = 1; i <= num_in_args; i++) {
+			virtual_reg(i) = virtual_reg(i+4);
+		}
+	} else if (num_arg_typeclass_infos > 4) {
+			/* copy to the right, from the right */
+		for (i = num_in_args; i > 0; i--) {
+			virtual_reg(i+num_arg_typeclass_infos) =
+				virtual_reg(i+4);
+		}
+	} /* else do nothing because num_arg_typeclass_infos == 4 */
+	for (i = num_arg_typeclass_infos; i > 0; i--) {
+		virtual_reg(i) = 
+			MR_typeclass_info_arg_typeclass_info(virtual_reg(1),i);
+	}
+	restore_registers();
+	call(destination, LABEL(semidet_closure_return),
+		LABEL(do_call_semidet_class_method));
+	Code 	*destination;
+	int	i, num_in_args, num_arg_typeclass_infos;
+	destination = MR_typeclass_info_class_method(r1, r2);
+	num_arg_typeclass_infos = (int) MR_typeclass_info_instance_arity(r1);
+	num_in_args = r3; /* number of input args */
+	mkframe("do_call_nondet_class_method", 2, ENTRY(do_fail));
+	framevar(0) = r4;	   /* The number of output args to unpack */
+	framevar(1) = num_in_args; /* The number of input args */
+	save_registers();
+	if (num_arg_typeclass_infos < 4) {
+			/* copy to the left, from the left */
+		for (i = 1; i <= num_in_args; i++) {
+			virtual_reg(i) = virtual_reg(i+4);
+		}
+	} else if (num_arg_typeclass_infos > 4) {
+			/* copy to the right, from the right */
+		for (i = num_in_args; i > 0; i--) {
+			virtual_reg(i+num_arg_typeclass_infos) =
+				virtual_reg(i+4);
+		}
+	} /* else do nothing because num_arg_typeclass_infos == 4 */
+	for (i = num_arg_typeclass_infos; i > 0; i--) {
+		virtual_reg(i) = 
+			MR_typeclass_info_arg_typeclass_info(virtual_reg(1),i);
+	}
+	restore_registers();
+	call(destination, LABEL(nondet_closure_return),
+		LABEL(do_call_nondet_class_method));
Index: runtime/mercury_type_info.h
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/runtime/mercury_type_info.h,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 mercury_type_info.h
--- mercury_type_info.h	1997/11/23 07:21:42	1.2
+++ mercury_type_info.h	1997/12/17 03:10:36
@@ -774,6 +774,30 @@
 ** definitions for accessing the representation of the
+** Mercury typeclass_info
+#define	MR_typeclass_info_instance_arity(tci) \
+	((Integer)(*(Word **)(tci))[0])
+#define	MR_typeclass_info_class_method(tci, n) \
+	((Code *)(*(Word **)tci)[(n)])
+#define	MR_typeclass_info_arg_typeclass_info(tci, n) \
+	(((Word *)(tci))[(n)])
+	/*
+	** The following have the same definitions. This is because 
+	** the call to MR_typeclass_info_type_info must already have the
+	** number of superclass_infos for the class added to it
+	*/
+#define	MR_typeclass_info_superclass_info(tci, n) \
+	(((Word *)(tci))[MR_typeclass_info_instance_arity(tci) + (n)])
+#define	MR_typeclass_info_type_info(tci, n) \
+	(((Word *)(tci))[MR_typeclass_info_instance_arity(tci) + (n)])
+** definitions for accessing the representation of the
 ** Mercury `array' type

love and cuddles,
David Jeffery (dgj at cs.mu.oz.au) |  Marge: Did you just call everyone "chicken"?
MEngSc student,                 |  Homer: Noooo.  I swear on this Bible!
Department of Computer Science  |  Marge: That's not a Bible; that's a book of
University of Melbourne         |         carpet samples!
Australia                       |  Homer: Ooooh... Fuzzy.

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