[m-dev.] alternative syntax for pred declarations.

Andrew Bromage bromage at cs.mu.oz.au
Mon Dec 1 11:09:54 AEDT 1997


Thomas Charles CONWAY wrote:

> It would be nice to be able to write:
> :- type parser(T)	== pred(maybe(T), parse_state, parse_state).
> :- mode parser		:: (pred(out, in, out) is det).
> :- pred this_parser	= parser(xxx).
> :- mode this_parser	= parser.

I agree with Fergus that this is not quite the right syntax.

Since the current plan is to use ':' for type qualifiers and '::' for
mode qualifiers, so I guess it would make sense to use these here too:

:- pred this_parser : parser(xxx).
:- mode this_parser :: parser.

If we want to do currying:

:- pred match_token(token) : parser(unit).
:- mode match_token(in) :: parser is det.

The first declaration should be read, `the pred match_token(token) has
type parser(unit)'.

Alternatively, if you want to be more compact (and less legible):

:- pred match(token :: in) : (parser(unit) :: parser) is det.

Andrew Bromage

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