Software error: mode check fails when repeated

Andrew Bromage bromage at
Mon Aug 25 08:56:52 AEST 1997


Fergus Henderson <fjh at> writes:

>The bug below is due to the fact that the HLDS representation of
>`higher_order_call' does not contain an is_pred_or_func indicator.
>This means that when it tries to re-modecheck a higher-order function
>call, it thinks it is a higher-order predicate call, and thus complains.

>I seem to recall that someone (Andrew?) had a patch for this?
>If so, could they please post it?

I started on one, then I discovered that it actually wasn't the cause of
the problem that I was trying to fix at the time, so I abandoned it in
the /home/mercury0 disk crash.

Andrew Bromage

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