cvs diff: type inference & ambiguity checking

Fergus Henderson fjh at
Mon Apr 21 19:13:30 AEST 1997


Zoltan, can you please review this one?

	Fix a problem with type inference reported by Bart Demoen:
	it was checking for ambiguities at the end of each clause, but
	for type inference (rather than type checking), the ambiguity
	may be in the types of the head variables, and if that is the
	case, then it is better to wait until all the clauses have been
	analysed before checking for ambiguity, because it may be
	possible to resolve an ambiguity in the head variables by
	looking at later clauses.

Index: typecheck.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/typecheck.m,v
retrieving revision 1.194
diff -u -r1.194 typecheck.m
--- typecheck.m	1997/04/09 04:56:12	1.194
+++ typecheck.m	1997/04/21 08:53:03
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 %	2.  For accumulating typecheck_infos, which contain:
 %		- an io_state, which is modified if we need to
-%		  to write out an error message
+%		  write out an error message
 %		- various semi-global info which doesn't change often,
 %		  namely the pred_id and term__context of the clause
 %		  we are type-checking
@@ -378,13 +378,15 @@
 				PredId, ModuleInfo, IOState0, IOState1)
 		bool(Inferring), % dummy pred call to avoid type ambiguity
 		typecheck_info_init(IOState1, ModuleInfo, PredId,
 				TypeVarSet0, VarSet, VarTypes0, HeadTypeParams,
 				Status, TypeCheckInfo1),
 		typecheck_clause_list(Clauses0, HeadVars, ArgTypes0, Clauses,
 				TypeCheckInfo1, TypeCheckInfo2),
-		typecheck_info_get_final_info(TypeCheckInfo2, TypeVarSet, 
+		typecheck_check_for_ambiguity(whole_pred,
+				TypeCheckInfo2, TypeCheckInfo3),
+		typecheck_info_get_final_info(TypeCheckInfo3, TypeVarSet, 
 		map__optimize(VarTypes1, VarTypes),
 		ClausesInfo = clauses_info(VarSet, VarTypes0, VarTypes,
@@ -451,8 +453,7 @@
 	% It would be more natural to use non-determinism to write
 	% this code, and perhaps even more efficient.
-	% But doing it nondeterministically would make bootstrapping more
-	% difficult, and most importantly would make good error
+	% But doing it nondeterministically would make good error
 	% messages very difficult.
 	% we should perhaps do manual garbage collection here
@@ -471,27 +472,74 @@
 	typecheck_var_has_type_list(HeadVars, ArgTypes, 0),
 	typecheck_goal(Body0, Body),
 	{ Clause = clause(Modes, Body, Context) },
-		% check for type ambiguities
-	typecheck_finish_clause.
+	typecheck_check_for_ambiguity(clause_only(HeadVars)).
-	% If there are still multiple type assignments for the clause,
+	% typecheck_check_for_ambiguity/3:
+	% If there are multiple type assignments,
 	% then we issue an error message here.
-:- pred typecheck_finish_clause(typecheck_info, typecheck_info).
-:- mode typecheck_finish_clause(typecheck_info_di, typecheck_info_uo) is det.
+	%
+	% If stuff-to-check = whole_pred, report an error for any ambiguity.
+	% But if stuff-to-check = clause_only(HeadVars), then only report
+	% errors for type ambiguities that don't involve the head vars,
+	% because we may be able to resolve a type ambiguity for a head var
+	% in one clause by looking at later clauses.
+	% (Ambiguities in the head variables can only arise if we are
+	% inferring the type for this pred.)
+	% 
+:- type stuff_to_check
+	--->	clause_only(list(var))	
+	;	whole_pred.
+:- pred typecheck_check_for_ambiguity(stuff_to_check,
+				typecheck_info, typecheck_info).
+:- mode typecheck_check_for_ambiguity(in,
+				typecheck_info_di, typecheck_info_uo) is det.
-typecheck_finish_clause(TypeCheckInfo0, TypeCheckInfo) :-
+typecheck_check_for_ambiguity(StuffToCheck, TypeCheckInfo0, TypeCheckInfo) :-
 	typecheck_info_get_type_assign_set(TypeCheckInfo0, TypeAssignSet),
 	( TypeAssignSet = [_TypeAssign] ->
 		TypeCheckInfo = TypeCheckInfo0
 	; TypeAssignSet = [TypeAssign1, TypeAssign2 | _] ->
-			% we only report an ambiguity error if
-			% there weren't any other errors in the clause
+		%
+		% we only report an ambiguity error if
+		% (a) we haven't encountered any other errors
+		% and if StuffToCheck = clause_only(_),
+		% also (b) the ambiguity occurs only in the body,
+		% rather than in the head variables (and hence
+		% can't be resolved by looking at later clauses).
+		%
 		typecheck_info_get_found_error(TypeCheckInfo0, FoundError),
-		( FoundError = no ->
+		(
+			FoundError = no,
+			(
+			    StuffToCheck = whole_pred
+			;
+			    StuffToCheck = clause_only(HeadVars),
+			    %
+			    % only report an error if the headvar types
+			    % are identical (which means that the ambiguity
+			    % must have occurred in the body)
+			    %
+			    type_assign_get_var_types(TypeAssign1, VarTypes1),
+			    type_assign_get_var_types(TypeAssign2, VarTypes2),
+			    type_assign_get_type_bindings(TypeAssign1,
+					TypeBindings1),
+			    type_assign_get_type_bindings(TypeAssign2,
+					TypeBindings2),
+			    map__apply_to_list(HeadVars, VarTypes1, HeadTypes1),
+			    map__apply_to_list(HeadVars, VarTypes2, HeadTypes2),
+			    term__apply_rec_substitution_to_list(HeadTypes1,
+					TypeBindings1, FinalHeadTypes1),
+			    term__apply_rec_substitution_to_list(HeadTypes2,
+					TypeBindings2, FinalHeadTypes2),
+			    identical_up_to_renaming(
+					FinalHeadTypes1, FinalHeadTypes2)
+			)
+		->
 			typecheck_info_set_found_error(TypeCheckInfo0, yes, 
 			typecheck_info_get_io_state(TypeCheckInfo1, IOState0),

Fergus Henderson <fjh at>   |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW: <>   |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger fjh at         |     -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

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